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The History of one Rawlins White, burned at Cardiff. The Words spoken by Queen Mary to certain of her Councilors, touching the Restitution of the Abbey-Lands. A Letter from the Bishop of Winchester to Bonner, of the celebrating the Pope’s Funeral: also Prayers to be used in the Masses; and the Story of a Woman imprisoned for not praying for the Pope. A Spectacle to behold, and a Warning of the Pope’s blasphemous Doctrine; John Awcock, Martyr. A Declaration of the Life, Examination, mid Burning of George Marsh. Communication between George Marsh and the Earl of Derby; with his Address to the Reader. How Dr. Cotes, Bishop of Chester, came to Lancaster, and of his Doings there, in setting up Idolatry. The Troubles and Examinations of George Marsh before Dr. Cotes. A Letter of George Marsh to the Reader touching his Examination. A Letter to the faithful Professors of Laughton. Another Letter to some dearly beloved Friends at Manchester. A Letter to Jenken Crampton and others. Another, to certain faithful Brethren in the Congregation. Another, to Robert Langley and others. A Letter of George Marsh to a certain godly Friend; also a Letter of a godly Brother, one James Bradshaw, to George Marsh in Prison. The Life and Story of William Flower, who, for striking a Priest, was apprehended; first, having his Hand cut off, and, after, martyred, etc. A Debate between Robert Smith, Prisoner in Newgate, and William Flower, concerning striking the Priest. Articles objected by Bonner against William Flower; with his Answers to them. His last Appearance before Bonner; with the Depositions produced upon his Answers. The Burning and Martyrdom of John Cardmaker, and John Warne, Upholsterer. Articles objected against Cardmaker; with his Answers. Articles ministered against John Warne; with his Answers. The Confession of his Faith, written the day before he was burned. A Letter of John Cardmaker to a Friend of his. The Story of John Ardeley and John Simson, Martyrs. A Letter of the King and Queen to Bonner Articles objected against John Simson and John Ardeley; with their Answers. The ridiculous Handling and Proceeding of Bishop Bonner and his Mates against John Tooley; digged out of his Grave and burned for a Heretic. A Letter from the Council to Bonner; also the Writ or Mandate of Bonner to inquire into the Case of John Tooley. The Depositions or Attestations, concerning the Words of John Tooley, at the time of his Death at Charing Cross. The Examination of Robert Bromley, etc. The History and Martyrdom of the worthy Servant of Christ, Thomas Haukes, Gentleman. A Letter of the Earl of Oxford to Bonner; followed by a private Talk between Haukes and Bonner. Talk between Harpsfield and Haukes. Talk between Fecknam and Haukes. The Public Examination of Thomas Haukes, at the Bishop’s Consistory. An Epistle to the Congregation, by Thomas Haukes. A Letter of his to his Wife. A Letter of his to Master Throgmorton. The History of Thomas Wats, examined, tried, and burnt. A Letter sent by certain Justices in Essex to Bonner. The First Appearance of Wats in the Consistory; his Articles and Answers. Concerning the Childbed of Queen Mary, as it was rumcured among the People. The Pater-noster to God’s Glory, etc.; also the Te Deum, containing Prayers for Queen Mary. A Proclamation of the King and Queen, for the Restraining of all Books and Writings tending against the Doctrine of the Pope and his Church. Parts of the Primer after the Use of Salisbury, called “Our Lady’s Matins”. The Lady’s Psalter. Notes: the Church of Rome examined. The Story of Thomas Osmond, William Bamford, Thomas Osborne, and Others, Martyrs: a Letter to the Earl of Oxford to Bonner; also the articles objected against Osmond, Bamford, and Chamberlain. Their Answers to the Articles The History of the worthy Martyr and Servant of God, Master John Bradford. The Communication between Bradford, the Lord Chancellor, and other Commissioners. The Last Examination of Bradford in St. Mary Overy’s. Private Conferences with such as the Prelates sent unto him, after the Time of his Condemnation; by his own Hand. Talk between Dr. Harpsfield and Bradford. Talk of Dr. Heath, Archbishop of York, and Day, Bishop of Chichester, with Bradford. Talk between Master Bradford and the Spanish Friars. Talk between Bradford, Weston, and Others. Disputation with Dr. Pendleton. Certain Reasons against Transubstantiation, by Bradford. Another Talk between Bradford and Dr. Weston. A Colloquy between Bradford and a Gentlewoman’s Servant, sent to visit him in Prison. John Leaf, burnt with Bradford The Behaviour of Master Bradford, and the Young Man that suffered with him in Smithfield; with Verses to their Memory. A comfortable Letter of John Bradford to his Mother, a godly Matron dwelling at Manchester, and Others there. A fruitful Letter to the City of London. A Letter to the University and Town of Cambridge. A Letter to Lancashire and Cheshire, and specially to Manchester. To the Town of Maidon. To my loving Brethren, B.C. etc., their Wives, and whole Families. To his dearly beloved in Christ, a godly Couple, Erkinalde Rawlins and his Wife. To Mistress A. Warcup. Two Letters to Laurence Saunders, Prisoner in the Marshalsea. To Drs. Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer. To the Right Honourable Lord Russel, now Earl of Bedford. To Master Warcup and his Wife, Mrs. Wilkinson, and others. To Sir James Hales, Knight, Prisoner in the Compter in Bread-street. To his Friend in the Lord, Dr. Hill, Physician. To Mistress M. H. a godly Gentlewoman; also another to the same. To his well-beloved in the Lord, W. P.; also a Letter to a faithful Woman in her Heaviness and Trouble, etc. To Lady Vane. Another Letter to Lady Vane; also to his dear Friends, Royden and Esing, etc. To Mrs. Wilkinson. A Letter to certain godly Persons, encouraging them, etc. An Admonition to certain Professors of the Gospel, against the Romish Religion, etc. To John Careless, Prisoner in the King’s Bench To Master John Hall and his Wife, Prisoners in Newgate. To Mistress Hall, etc.; also a Letter to a Woman that desired to know his Mind, whether she, refraining from the Mass, might be present at Matins or Evensong. To the Worshipful Lady Vane. To Master Richard Hopkins, Sheriff of Coventry, and Prisoner in the Fleet. To Mistress Elizabeth Brown. To a Friend of his, instructing Mm, etc. To certain godly Men. A Letter to Master George Eaton. Another to Mistress Ann Warcup. To a certain godly Gentlewoman, troubled by her Friends, etc. To one by whom he had received much Comfort and Relief in his Trouble and Imprisonment. To a faithful Friend of his, and his Wife, touching Auricular Confession. To a dear Friend N. and his Wife. To Augustine Bernher; also a Letter on the Old Man and the New. A Letter to his Mother as a Farewell, when he thought he should have suffered shortly. Another Letter to the same; also a Letter sent with a Supplication to the Queen, her Council, and the Parliament. To certain Friends of his, N. S. and R. C. Notes upon the same Epistle, and to the Matter of Election appertaining. John Bradford to Father Traves. To Sir Thomas Hall. Eight Letters to Father Traves. A Declaration made at Paul’s Cross by Master Chedsey, at the Commandment of Bonner. William Minge; James Trevisham buried in the Fields, and summoned after his Death. The History of Master John Bland, Preacher and Martyr; with the Process of his Doings, written by Himself. The Behaviour of John Bland, of Adisham, on Dec. 3d, 1553. Another Matter of Trouble wrought against him. Examination of Master John Bland. The Copy of a Popish Letter to the Bishop of Dover, by Thomas Gold well, a Priest. The Answer of Master Bland before the Commissary and others. A Confutation of Master Bland against false and manifest Absurdities granted by Mills, of Christ’s Church in Canterbury Other Appearances of John Bland, with the Articles ministered unto him, followed by his Answers, and his Prayer before his Death. The History of Nicholas Sheterden, John Frankish, and Humphry Middleton: also Sheterden’s Examination. Sheterden’s Answering; also his Notes against the false Worship and Oblation of the Sacrament. The Last Examination and Condemnation of the four godly Martyrs, Bland, Frankish, Sheterden, and Middleton A Letter of Nicholas Sheterden to his Mother. Two Letters to his Brother Walter. A Letter to his Mother, written the day before his death.. A Letter written to his Wife. Nicholas Hale and Christopher Wade, Martyrs; with their Articles and Answers. The Examination and Martyrdom of Margery Poliey, Widow and Martyr. The Execution and Martyrdom of Christopher Wade. The Apprehension, Examination, Condemnation, and Burning of Dirick Carver and John Launder; followed by their Confessions before Bishop Bonner. Articles objected against them. Thomas Iveson, or Everson, who suffered at Chichester; with his Answers to Bonner. John Aleworth; also James Abbes, a Martyr of blessed Memory. The Apprehension, Examination, and Condemnation of John Denley, John Newman, and Patrick Packingham. Edmund Tyrrel’s Letter to one of the Queen’s Commissioners Notes collected and gathered out of the Scriptures by John Denley, on the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. A Letter sent by Denley, Simson, Ardeley, and others, from Prison. Articles objected against Denley, Newman, and Packingham, by Bishop Bonner; with their Answers. The Story of John Newman, Martyr; with his Examination, Answers, Arguments, and Faith. Richard Hook; also the Examinations, Answers, and Con demnation of Six Martyrs in Kent, namely, Coker, Hopper, Laurence, Colliar, R. Wright, and Stere. The Persecution of Ten Martyrs, sent by certain of the Council to Bonner to be examined; with the Letter of the Commissioners. The History of Elizabeth Warne, Widow; burnt at Stratford. George Tankerfield, a faithful Martyr. Certain Notes of his after he came to suffer at St. Alban’s. The History and Examination of Robert Smith; followed by his several Examinations. His last Examination and Condemnation. His Letters in Metre. A Letter to all which love God unfeignedly, etc. A Letter to his Wife; followed by three others to the same. A Letter to a Friend, and another to all faithful Servants of Christ. The Martyrdom of Stephen Harwood and Thomas Fust; also of William Hale, at Barnet. George King, Thomas Leyes, John Wade, and William Andrew, who sickened in Prison and were buried in the Fields. A Letter to Bishop Bonner, from Sir Richard Southwell; also the Martyrdom of Robert Samuel, Preacher. A Letter of Exhortation of Robert Samuel, for patient suffering for Christ’s Cause. A Letter to the Christian Congregation, from the same. The Martyrdoms of William Allen and of Roger Coo. Thomas Cob, Butcher, of Haverhill, Martyr. The Martyrdom of George Catmer, Robert Streater, Anthony Burward, George Brodbridge, and James Tutty. Thomas Hayward and John Goreway, Martyrs. The Persecution and Trouble of Master Robert Glover, Gentleman, and of John Glover, his Brother. A Letter of Master Robert Glover to his Wife, containing the Description of his Troubles, etc. A Letter from the same to the Mayor of Coventry. Cornelius Bungay, Fellow-Martyr with Robert Glover; with his Articles and Answers. The Story how John and William Glover were excommunicated, and cast out after their Death, and buried in the Fields Bishop Bonner’s Letter to the Parish of Wem. The Martyrdom of William Wolsey and Robert Pygot. Another Account of them. The Story of Nicholas Ridley and Master Hugh Latimer. A Conference had betwixt them in Prison. A Letter from Bishop Ridley to his Prison-fellows. A Letter to his Cousin; also Three Letters to Master Bradford. To the Brethren remaining in Captivity of the Flesh, and dispersed abroad in sundry Prisons, etc. A Letter of Bishop Ridley to confirm the Brethren, etc. A Letter of his, to Master West, sometime his Chaplain. The Answer of Bishop Ridley to Master Grindal’s Letter. To Augustine Bernher. The Life, Acts, and Doings of Master Latimer, the famous Preacher and Martyr, etc. The Tenor and Effect of certain Sermons of his at Cambridge, A.D. 1529. The Epistle of Master Redman to Master Latimer, with Latimer’s Answer. A Citation to Master Latimer by the Chancellor of Sarum, at the Intercession of the Bishop of London. The Epistle of Latimer to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Articles devised by the Bishops for Latimer to subscribe unto. An Inhibition made to Latimer not to preach in the Diocese of London. Words spoken to the People in giving them Holy Bread and Water. Articles untruly, unjustly, falsely, and uncharitably imputed to Hugh Latimer. A Letter of Master Latimer to Master Morice, concerning the Articles falsely laid against him. A brief Digression touching the railing of Hubberdin against Latimer. An Expostulatory Epistle of William Sherwood against Latimer; with Latimer’s Answers. A Letter of Latimer to Sir Edward Baynton, Knight. The Answer of Sir Edward Baynton. Master Latimer’s Answer. A Writing of the Bishops against English Books; namely, out of “The Book of Beggars,” “ The Primer,” also against “An Exposition upon the Seventh Chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians; “with a “ Bill or Declaration,” in English, to be published by the Preacher. A Letter of Latimer to Henry the Eighth, for restoring the Reading of the Scriptures. A fruitful Letter to a certain Gentleman. A Letter to Mrs. Wilkinson, out of Bocardo. The Order and Manner of the Examination of Ridley and Latimer, the 30th of September, 1555. Articles jointly and severally ministered to them by the Pope’s Deputy; also Ridley’s Examination upon them. Master Latimer before the Commissioners. The Second Day’s Session. The last Appearance of Latimer before the Commissioners. A Communication between Dr. Brooks and Dr. Ridley, in the House of Master Irish; also his Degradation. A Supplication of Ridley to Queen Mary in behalf of certain Poor Men’s Leases The Behaviour of Dr. Ridley at his Supper, the Night before his Suffering; also the Behaviour of Master Latimer and Dr. Ridley at the Time of their Death. A Treatise of Dr. Ridley, instead of his last Farewell to his faithful Friends in God; with a sharp Admonition to the Papists. Another Farewell to the Prisoners in Christ’s Gospel’s Cause. A Treatise containing a Lamentation for the State of England. A Description of the Profession of the Christian Faith, agreed upon at Petemot or Petricow, in the Kingdom of Poland; May, A.D. 1555. The Death and End of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, the Enemy of God’s Word. The Pope’s Supremacy impugned by Stephen Gardiner, in his Books and Sermons. Certain Matters wherein Stephen Gardiner varied from other Papists, touching the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Matters wherein Bishop Gardiner varied from himself; with certain Things that he grailted unto. Twelve New-found Articles, from “The Examination of the Hunter” The Burning of John Webbe, George Roper, and Gregory Parke. The Death of William Wiseman, in Lollards Tower; and of James Gore, in Colchester Prison. The Process and History of John Philpot, examined, condemned, and martyred in Defence of the Gospel. The First Examination of Master John Philpot. The Second Examination. The Manner of his Calling before the Bishop of London. The Fourth Examination. The Fifth Examination. The Sixth Examination. The Seventh Examination. Two Private Conferences with Bishop Bonner, etc. Another Private Conference in the Coal-house. The Eighth Examination of John Philpot. The Ninth Examination. The Tenth Examination. The Eleventh Examination. The Twelfth Examination; with another Talk the same Day. The Thirteenth Examination; with another Talk the same Day. The Examinations of Master Philpot in open Judgment, by Bishop Bonner, in the Consistory at Paul’s, on the 13th and 14th of December. Bishop Bonner’s Exhortation to John Philpot. Philpot’s Letter concerning the Handling of Master Green in Bishop Bonner’s House; also another Letter to Lady Vane, followed by Philpot’s Supplication, etc. The Condemnation of the worthy Martyr of God, John Philpot. A Prayer to be said at the Stake, etc. A Letter of Master Philpot to the Christian Congregation. The Letter to John Careless in the King’s Bench; also another. Another Letter to certain godly Women, who forsook their Country for the Gospel. An Exhortation to Philpot’s own Sister. A Letter to certain godly Brethren. A Letter to Master Robert Harrington. Extract of a Letter to the Lady Vane; followed by four other Letters to the same Lady. A Letter to a Friend, Prisoner in Newgate. A godly Letter of Reproof of a certain Gospeller, to Bonner. The Story of Seven Martyrs suffering together in London; with their Articles and Answers. The Story of all these Martyrs; and first, of Thomas Whittle. The Bill of Submission offered to him. The Letter of John Harpsfield to Bonner, declaring how Thomas Whittle rent his Subscription out of the Register. A Letter of Robert Johnson the Registrar to Bonner A Letter of Thomas Whittle to John Careless A Letter to John Went, and other Prisoners, in the Lollards’ Tower. To all true Professors in the City of London. To John Careless in the King’s Bench. A Letter to the Brethren Filles and Cutbert A Letter to a godly Woman The Story of Master Bartlet Green, Gentleman and Lawyer. His Writing in Master Bartram Calthorp’s Book. A Letter to Bonner by the Queen’s Council. A Letter of Bartlet Green to John Philpot. The last Examination and Condemnation of Master Green; with his Confession. A Letter of Bartlet Green to certain loving Friends and others, Masters of the Temple. A Letter to Mistress Clark. Another Writing of Bartlet Green. Thomas Brown, Martyr. John Tudson, Martyr. John Went; also Isabel Foster, Martyrs. Joan Lashford, alias Joan Warne, Martyr. Five other Martyrs in Canterbury, John Lomas, Agnes Snoth, Anne Albright, Joan Sole, and Joan Catruer Appendix GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - LIFE OF FOXE INDEX & SEARCH
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