-In reasoning with his creatures
.Sets forth his reasons for sending the flood
GE 6:11-13
-Enters into covenant with Abraham
GE 15:1-21; 18:1-22
-Indulges Abraham's intercession for Sodom
GE 18:23-33
-Warns Abimelech in a dream
GE 20:3-7
-Reasons with Moses
EX 4:2-17
-Sends flesh to the Israelites in consequence of their
EX 16:12
-Indulges Moses' prayer to behold his glory
EX 33:18-23
-Indulges Gideon's tests
JUD 6:36-40
-Reasons with Job
Job 38; 39; 40; 41
-Invites sinners, saying, "Come now, and let us reason
ISA 1:18-20
-Expostulates with backsliding Israel
ISA 41:21-24; 43:1-19; 65:1-16; JER 3:1-15; 4:1-31; 7:1-34;
EZE 18:25-32; 33:10-20; HO 2; MIC 6:1-9; MAL 3:7-15
PS 8:4-6; 113:5,6; 144:3; ISA 45:11; JOH 3:16; RO 5:8; HEB
11 2:11; 6:17,18; 1JO 4:10,19
- Flavius Book 2 Chapter 4
- Flavius Book 1 Chapter 21
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 1
- Edersheim The Temple 6b
- Sketches of Jewish Life 11
- Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 2
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 15
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 1
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 2
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 11
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 18
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 12
- Clarke's Commentary Philippians 2
- Clarke's Commentary Jeremiah 32
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 35
- Clarke's Commentary Colossians 1
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Corinthians 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 15
- Clarke's Commentary Revelation 1
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 95
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 89
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 32
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 23
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 135
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 122
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 113
- Clarke's Commentary Proverbs 6
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 6
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 23
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 21
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 14
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 15
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 3
- Clarke's Commentary Judges 6
- Clarke's Commentary Joshua 10
- Clarke's Commentary Jonah 4
- Clarke's Commentary John 20
- Clarke's Commentary John 13
- Clarke's Commentary John 1
- Clarke's Commentary Job 9
- Clarke's Commentary Job 34
- Clarke's Commentary Job 33
- Clarke's Commentary Job 1
- Clarke's Commentary James 1
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 3
- Clarke's Commentary Haggai 2
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 48
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 2
- Clarke's Commentary Ezekiel 48
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 33
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 21
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 2
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 9
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 17
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 14
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 11
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Kings 16
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Corinthians 11
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Corinthians 1
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 22
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 20
- Clarke's Commentary 1 John 1
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 1
- Wesley's Notes Luke 12
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 16
- Wesley's Notes Judges 6
- Wesley's Notes Job 1
- Wesley's Notes Jeremiah 5
- Wesley's Notes Genesis 32
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 6
- Wesley's Notes Acts 23
- Wesley's Notes 1 Samuel 9
- Wesley's Notes 1 Kings 12
- Wesley's Notes 1 Chronicles 17
- Wesley's Sermons 88
- Wesley's Sermons 80
- Wesley's Sermons 65
- Wesley's Sermons 53
- Wesley's Sermons 32
- Wesley's Sermons 25
- Wesley's Sermons 125
- Wesley's Sermons 114
- Wesley's Sermons 102
- Finney's Sermons 16
- Lectures on Theology 20
- Lectures on Theology 14c
- Systematic Theology 15c
- Systematic Theology 15d
- Systematic Theology 25b
- Torreys Topical Textbook 77
- TSK Romans 12
- TSK Numbers 5
- TSK Matthew 12
- TSK Daniel 2
- NT Word Pictures Romans 12
- NT Word Pictures Acts 19