XXXV The great affair of setting up God's worship is now upon its former channel again.
I. Moses gives Israel those instructions he had received, which required a present observance, (1.) Concerning the sabbath, ver. 1-3. (2.) Concerning the contribution that was to be made for erecting the tabernacle, ver. 4-9. (3.) Concerning the framing of the tabernacle, and the utensils of it, ver. 10-19.
II. The people bring in their contributions, ver. 20-29.
III. The head workmen are nominated, ver. 30-35.
Verse 2. Six days shall work be done - Work for the tabernacle, but on the seventh day - You must not strike a stroke, no not at the tabernacle-work; the honour of the sabbath was above that of the sanctuary.
Verse 3. Ye shall kindle no fire - For any servile work, as that of smiths or plumbers. We do not find that ever this prohibition extended farther.
Verse 21. Every one whom his spirit made willing - What they did they did chearfully. They were willing; and it was not any external inducement that made them so, but their spirits. It was from a principle of love to God, and his service; a desire of his presence with them by his ordinances; gratitude for the great things he had done for them; and faith in his promises of what he would do further.
Verse 22. Tablets or Lockets.