II A vision signifying the prosperous state of Jerusalem, ver. 1-5. An exhortation to the Jews, to hasten into their own land, ver. 6-9. Encouragement to them that were returned, and advice to wait patiently for God, ver. 10-13.
Verse 1. With a line - Ready and prepared to lay out the platform of Jerusalem.
Verse 2. To measure - To take the exact dimensions of it, that it may answer God's promise, and be capable to receive its inhabitants. Jerusalem - The city which was to be built hereafter.
Verse 3. The angel - Christ, who had so long talked with Zechariah. Went forth - From the midst of the myrtle-trees.
Verse 4. And he said - Christ to that angel who came to meet him. Run - Hasten and tell Zechariah. As towns - The suburbs of it shall be as towns unwalled, for extent and for safety.
Verse 5. The glory - My presence and favour shall make her glorious.
Verse 6. Ho, ho - Ye sleepy Jews. Come forth - Come out from your prisons. Flee - Make all the haste you can. From the land - Babylon, which lay north of Canaan. For I have spread you abroad - As I executed my threats in scattering you, so I will perform my promise, and gather you.
Verse 7. Deliver thyself - Accept of thy deliverance.
Verse 8. After the glory - After that he is become your glory, I am to avenge you of your enemies.
Verse 9. Upon them - Against the nation that doth violence to my people. Unto their servants - Unto the Jews, who were first spoiled by, and then made servants to them. Hath sent me - To inform them of my father's will.
Verse 10. I come - To execute judgments on thine adversaries, and to compleat thy deliverance and salvation. I will dwell - This was fulfilled in part to the Jews, but more fully to the gospel church.
Verse 11. Shall be joined - Shall worship the God of Israel. In that day - When Christ shall come in the flesh, and take down the partition wall. Sent me - The Messiah.
Verse 12. Shall inherit - Claim, recover, possess, and delight in, as a man doth in his paternal inheritance.