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PARALLEL BIBLE - 1 Peter 3:6

CHAPTERS: 1 Peter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22




King James Bible - 1 Peter 3:6

Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

World English Bible

as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose children you now are, if you do well, and are not put in fear by any terror.

Douay-Rheims - 1 Peter 3:6

As Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters you are, doing well, and not fearing any disturbance.

Webster's Bible Translation

Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

Greek Textus Receptus

5613 σαρρα 4564 υπηκουσεν 5219 5656 τω 3588 αβρααμ 11 κυριον 2962 αυτον 846 καλουσα 2564 5723 ης 3739 εγενηθητε 1096 5675 τεκνα 5043 αγαθοποιουσαι 15 5723 και 2532 μη 3361 φοβουμεναι 5399 5740 μηδεμιαν 3367 πτοησιν 4423

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

VERSE (6) -
Ge 18:12

SEV Biblia, Chapter 3:6

como Sara obedecía a Abraham, llamndole seor; de la cual vosotras sois hechas hijas, haciendo bien, y no sois espantadas de ningn pavor.

Clarke's Bible Commentary - 1 Peter 3:6

Verse 6. Even as Sara obeyed] Almost the same words are in Rab.

Tanchum, fol. 9, 3: "The wife of Abraham reverenced him, and called him lord, as it is written, Gen. xviii. 12: And my lord is old." The words of the apostle imply that she acknowledged his superiority, and her own subjection to him, in the order of God.

Whose daughters ye are] As Abraham is represented the father of all his male believing descendants, so Sara is represented as the mother of all her believing female posterity. A son of Abraham is a true believer; a daughter of Sarah is the same.

As long as ye do well] For you cannot maintain your relationship to her longer than ye believe; and ye cannot believe longer than ye continue to obey.

And are not afraid with any amazement.] It is difficult to extract any sense out of this clause. The original is not very easy; mh foboumenai mhdemian ptohsiv may be rendered, And not fearing with any terror. If ye do well, and act conscientiously your part as faithful wives, ye will at no time live under the distressing apprehension of being found out, or terrified at every appearance of the discovery of infidelities, or improper conduct. Being not guilty of these, you will not have occasion to fear detection. On this subject a learned man has quoted these words, which I have produced elsewhere, Eph. vi. xiv. -- hic murus aheneus esto, Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa.

"Let this be my brazen wall, to be self-convicted of no private delinquency, nor to change colour at being charged with a fault." Happy is the wife, and happy is the husband, who can conscientiously adopt the saying.

John Gill's Bible Commentary

Ver. 6. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham , etc.] Going along with him wherever he went, as from Chaldea to Canaan, and into Egypt, and the land of the Philistines, saying the words he put into her mouth, ( Genesis 12:5,11,13) and doing the things he bid her do, ( Genesis 18:6) calling him lord; or my lord, as the Syriac and Ethiopic versions render it, and as it appears she did from ( Genesis 18:12). The Jews use this instance to the same purpose the apostle does, saying f67 , the wife ought to take care of the family, to educate her children, to serve and minister to her husband in all things, calling him her own lord; which is what we learn from the example of Sarah, who called Abraham her lord, saying, my lord is old. Whose daughters ye are ; meaning not by natural descent, though they were, these being Jews the apostle writes to, but by grace, and in a spiritual sense; just as those are the children of Abraham, who walk in the steps of his faith, whether they be Jews or Gentiles; so such are the daughters of Sarah, the children of the free woman, who imitate her in faith and obedience; that is, they appear, and are declared to be so: as long as ye do well : do acts of beneficence and hospitality to strangers, and proper objects, as Sarah did, and all and every good work, according to the will of God, from love, and in faith, and with a view to his glory; and particularly obey and live in subjection to their husbands, as she did: and are not afraid with any amazement; are not deterred from doing well, nor scared by the terrors and menaces of wicked men, either their own husbands, or others; or who with fortitude and intrepidity of mind continue in the discharge of their duty to God and men, and particularly to their husbands, following them, and obeying their lawful commands, as Sarah did in Egypt, and in Gerar, though she exposed herself to great danger: this is said, because women are timorous, and apt to be frightened at everything, from the performance of their duty.

Matthew Henry Commentary

Verses 1-7 - The
wife must discharge her duty to her own husband, though he obey no the word. We daily see how narrowly evil men watch the ways and live of professors of religion. Putting on of apparel is not forbidden, but vanity and costliness in ornament. Religious people should take car that all their behaviour answers to their profession. But how few know the right measure and bounds of those two necessaries of life, food an raiment! Unless poverty is our carver, and cuts us short, there is scarcely any one who does not desire something beyond what is good for us. Far more are beholden to the lowliness of their state, than the lowliness of their mind; and many will not be so bounded, but lavis their time and money upon trifles. The apostle directs Christia females to put on something not corruptible, that beautifies the soul even the graces of God's Holy Spirit. A true Christian's chief car lies in right ordering his own spirit. This will do more to fix the affections, and excite the esteem of a husband, than studied ornament or fashionable apparel, attended by a froward and quarrelsome temper Christians ought to do their duty to one another, from a willing mind and in obedience to the command of God. Wives should be subject to their husbands, not from dread and amazement, but from desire to d well, and please God. The husband's duty to the wife implies giving du respect unto her, and maintaining her authority, protecting her, an placing trust in her. They are heirs together of all the blessings of this life and that which is to come, and should live peaceably one with another. Prayer sweetens their converse. And it is not enough that the pray with the family, but husband and wife together by themselves, an with their children. Those who are acquainted with prayer, find suc unspeakable sweetness in it, that they will not be hindered therein That you may pray much, live holily; and that you may live holily, by much in prayer.

Greek Textus Receptus

5613 σαρρα 4564 υπηκουσεν 5219 5656 τω 3588 αβρααμ 11 κυριον 2962 αυτον 846 καλουσα 2564 5723 ης 3739 εγενηθητε 1096 5675 τεκνα 5043 αγαθοποιουσαι 15 5723 και 2532 μη 3361 φοβουμεναι 5399 5740 μηδεμιαν 3367 πτοησιν 4423

Vincent's NT Word Studies

6. Amazement (ptohsin). Rev.,
terror. Compare the kindred verb ptohqhte, be terrified, Luke xxi. 9; xxiv. 37; on which, see note. The word means a scare, or nervous excitement.

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22


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