SEV Biblia, Chapter 13:24
y sus hijos la mitad hablaban Asdod, y conforme a la lengua de cada pueblo; porque no sabían hablar judaico.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Nehemiah 13:24
Verse 24. Half in the speech of Ashdod] There were children in the same family by Jewish and Philistine mothers. As the Jewish mother would always speak to her children in Hebrew or Chaldee, so they learnt to speak these languages; and as the Ashdod mother would always speak to her children in the Ashdod language, so they learnt that tongue. Thus there were, in the same family, children who could not understand each other; half, or one part, speaking one language, and the other part another. Children of different wives did not ordinarily mingle together; and the wives had separate apartments. This is a better explanation than that which intimates that the same child spoke a jargon, half Ashdod and half Hebrew.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 24. And their children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod , etc.] Which they learned of their mothers, so that it was a mixed language they spoke, partly Jewish and partly Philistine; but some refer this not to their speech, but to the number of their children; that half of them, which Jarchi interprets many of them, spoke in the language of Ashdod, even as many as were most with their mothers, and chiefly brought up by them: and could not speak in the Jews’ language ; not at all, or so much as to be understood well, which inclines to the last sense: but according to the language of each people ; their mothers were of, whether of Ashdod, or of Ammon, or of Moab.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 23-31 - If either parent be ungodly, corrupt nature will incline the children to take after that one; which is a strong reason why Christians shoul not be unequally yoked. In the education of children, great care shoul be taken about the government of their tongues; that they learn not the language of Ashdod, no impious or impure talk, no corrup communication. Nehemiah showed the evil of these marriages. Some, mor obstinate than the rest, he smote, that is, ordered them to be beate by the officers according to the law, De 25:2, 3. Here are Nehemiah' prayers on this occasion He prays, "Remember them, O my God." Lord convince and convert them; put them in mind of what they should be an do. The best services to the public have been forgotten by those for whom they were done, therefore Nehemiah refers himself to God, to recompense him. This may well be the summary of our petitions; we nee no more to make us happy than this; Remember me, O my God, for good. We may humbly hope that the Lord will remember us and our services although, after lives of unwearied activity and usefulness, we shal still see cause to abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes, and to cry out with Nehemiah, Spare me, O my God, according to the greatnes of they mercy __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ובניהם 1121 חצי 2677 מדבר 1696 אשׁדודית 797 ואינם 369 מכירים 5234 לדבר 1696 יהודית 3066 וכלשׁון 3956 עם 5971 ועם׃ 5971