Bible Topic Study Is Polygamy a Sinful Lifestyle?
Is Polygamy a Sinful Lifestyle?
In this article, my goal is not to make you a believer for or against polygamy. So, why am I making this article? Well, over the years, I have spoken with various Christian friends about polygamy and decided out of curiousity to study the topic, to see what the Bible really said on it. I decided to be open minded and give it a fair shake, as I am a person who desires the truth, not what is popular or considered to be correct.
And, what did I discover? Well, the argument for polygamy seems to be pretty solid. From my studies, I noticed that there are a great deal of Bible passages people seem to ignore, which are pro-polgamy throughout the Old and New Testament.
One very simple logic progression you should consider: Many revered Old Testament characters were polygamists. If you assume it is a sin, it would follow, God would require blood to be shed for their sin of polygamy and we would have read several examples of God punishing people for the sin of polygamy. After all, if you committed adultery in the Old Testament, you were stoned to death. How is it we never see God punishing all the polygamists in the Bible?
The simple logical progression I just mentioned above is just the icing on the cake. The reason I say this is because there are many Bible passages where God directly and indirectly justifies polygamy. It would be disingenuous for me to ignore all of these passages:
For Example:
The idea is, we can not just assume God is against polygamy, if there is no legitimate reason for such a belief. If God permits polygamy throughout the Old Testament and never does away with it in the New Testament, we must assume, it is still permissible even today. Using a couple vaguely referenced scriptures (i.e. ~ two becomes one flesh) to further a viewpoint is not good, and is just self-serving.
I believe a great deal of the doctrinal contentions in the church could easily be solved by making a few requirements while studying the Bible on any doctrine:
With regards to the early church fathers, we find a mindset that says polygamy was "trimmed away" in the New Testament, so as to say God's more perfect design is one man and one woman. Further, they do not say there is any biblical commandment saying you can not be a polygamist, but rather, they believe it was something authorized in the Old Testament, but not authorized (or condemned) in the New Testament:
The problem with the above argument to me is the fact that the Bible never says anything about a "spiritual circumcision" eluding to polygamy. Matter of fact, Jesus actually has a parable where he cites himself as a bridegroom of 10 potential virgin wives, of which only 5 make it to the wedding. On the contrary, I believe we are seeing Roman culture speaking above. As Pagan Rome had strict laws in place against polygamy. However, I would have to say, that Jesus does elude to the beginning in the Garden of Eden, and its perfection and one could say, God's design originally was for one man and one woman. However, if one uses this argument against polygamy, he would also have to use it against celibacy. This is just my opinion of what he wrote. I do not see where he says it is a sin, but more along the lines of being out of the bounds of God's ideal or in the realm of gray area.
To me, it seems like they are just looking for a reason to axe polygamy. We see here in the "i.e" note that trigamy being permitted. I would have to assume that if three spouses are permitted, two are as well. We also see him say the Fathers are silent. I believe he is infering that they never conclude it is a sin. With this "brutish and inhuman" comment, I am not sure if he means that the earliest fathers thought polygamy was "brutish and inhuman" or if he meant that the fathers themselves were brutish. I guess it comes down to the fact, they are not condemning it, by God's Words, but more along the lines of finding a way to rid the world of it. We can see an echo of this mentality in society today . Ministers trying to find Bible verses showing that polygamy is a sin and then heaping up condemnation about its vile nature. James Dobson illuded to it being worse than gay marriage, yet we do not find anything in the Bible to substantiate such a claim.
The problem I have with all of these arguments is they seem to be taking obscure Bible verses and making elaborate arguments. Ceremonial washing was God's protest against polygamy? Really? Why then did he make laws that conveniently allowed and even dealt with polygamy? (i.e. ~ see ALL my citations at top of page) The problem here is one of logic and basic doctrine. The fact is, God does not allow sin. He may deal with sin, but he does not allow it. So, in the case of adultery, we see he forbids. Yet, he deals with it when it occurs, by having one stoned to death. In the case of polygamy, we see no laws against, so knowing God's utter hatred of sin, we know it is not a sin. For God would not make laws bending around a sin to accomidate it. So, we know from this that polygamy may not have been God's ideal, but it is indeed not a sin. We need to be careful and open minded with scripture. To make sure we fit the pieces of the puzzle together correctly. As everyone is fooled by their own blinders at one point or another. We paint onto scripture what we want to see. You start noticing such things when you allow yourself to be open on controversial topics (which tend to have more sharp opinion than scriptural backing). Here are just a few topics off the top of my head: Sabbath, Polygamy, Divorce, etc. How often do people have thorough scripture backing on any one of these topics? Generally, it is our opinion with a couple handy verses that seem to back our opinion. Regarding God's ideal, I believe that the original design was likely monogamy, however, this was before the fall of man (Genesis 2 & 3). Many people do not consider the fact that celibacy maybe not God's ideal either prior to the fall, along with Polygamy. As it clearly states in Genesis 2:24 that (a/every) man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife. However, we can see that the Apsotle Paul teaches that within certain contexts, ceblibacy or singleness could be the best choice. So, marriage was created prior to the fall of man, and after the fall of man, other types of structures were permitted due to the problem of sin. Such as celibacy, divorce(if uncleanness) and polygamy. So, the point being, in various scenerios one maybe more ideal than another. However, likely, God's overall general design would likely be the same as the original, monogamy. Yet we should not look down on or judge those who take other paths. Consider for example these families here, who are polygamous in structure, normal and happy: click here When you open your mind up to the possibility that polygamy may not be a sin, you start testing the viewpoint to find some part of scripture that contradicts it. What you discover is, actually, there are no verses that contradict the idea of polygamy not being a sin. For instance, consider sexual relations in a polygamous marriage. It should be easy to prove polygamy is a sin in scripture using commandments on sexual intercourse, assuming God was against polygamy. Very interestingly, though, you find, God seems to make all the sexual restrictions work with polygamy. See below:
Now, just read through the above, assuming polygamy was not a sin. Does it open your eyes a little bit? Notice, Leviticus 18:17 says not to have "sexual relations with a woman and her daughter". Why? Because that is a form of incest. QUESTION: Why is it even relevant to mention this, if polygamy is already a sin? Same also with the rest of verse 17 and even 18. There would be absolutely no reason for God to elaborate on all of this, if polygamy was a sin. He could simply just say, "Thou shalt not have two wives" or "Thou shalt not have sex with two women", but he never does this. Further, notice, it says for men not to have sexual relations with men. And then mentions for both women and also men not to have sexual relations with animals. Notice something missing? Where does it say "Woman can not have sexual relations with another woman"? It appears to be missing. Now, if polygamy is not a sin, do you see any reason why it would relevant to leave this out? Consider the situation where a man is with his two wives in bed and they are both having sex with him. Could not a command such as "woman can not lie with woman" be construed as an argument against polygamy in such a situation? So, I believe God left out such a command for this very reason. Now, I believe lesbianism goes against God's design for marriage, but the point is, God is not against polygamy, so such a command of woman with woman is left out as a result. However, I do believe it is made abundantly clear that God created female and male to be together. So, the lifestyle of lesbianism is not God's ideal. Further, marriage is only between a man and a woman (or a man and multiple women). So, lesbian marriage or the idea of women committing in marriage to each other is sinful, like the gay lifestyle (all forms of men with men is sinful - except non-sexual relationship). For it works against God's creation and that is where "loving God" comes into play. It is an act of rebellion against God to work against his design in nature. God's design is one man with one woman or as a secondary lifestyle with polygamy, one man with more than one women. I am quite sure I am not the first to realize this or consider this viewpoint in their mind. It seems to fall into place too well, and it is so unpopular, no one would dare say it (except me). No one said the truth would be popular. My goal here is basically to look at the Bible without prejudice, so as to avoid my own biases, etc. Why would God allow polygamy? I believe it comes down to this.. God's desire is for man to marry only one woman. However, in certain societies, such as many countries in Asia and Africa, woman are not able to easily get jobs, or support themselves. And sometimes, there are more women than men.. If you have more women than men and women are not able to provide for themselves in male dominated societies, it would make more sense to allow polygamy for those type of societies.. Sort of as a secondary lifestyle, to avoid prostitution becoming rampant (as that is one occupation that thrives in such enviroments). In other words, it is for the woman's benefit in such a society to be allowed to still be married, rather than trying to support herself in a male dominated society. In such western socieites as the USA, women have equal rights to men(which I believe is God's ideal), so polygamy seems a bit irrelevant, and that is why there are laws that prohibit such activity. So, it is not all about the man's desire that polygamy was permitted in the Old Testament, but rather more so for women who were in these certain societies and to protect the society from falling into wickedness (which is better polygamy or rapant prostitution?). So, to say it is a sin to be a polygamist is not something you can back with scripture (although, I would say discouraging it is good, as God's ideal is one man and one woman). However, there are many societies in Africa and Asia, where polygamy makes a lot of sense for women, who are not able to easily provide for themselves. Why would one assume that advanced capitalist societies would be have all the truth on the topic of sex and marriage anyways? Isn't that a little presumptious? Isn't it presumptious for us to look at people in certain parts of Africa and Arabia who are polygamists and also Christian and tell them, they need to divorce one of their wives? Yet, that is what many westernized Christians do. They tell them they have to divorce one of their wives. No wonder westernized Christianity has problems with evangelism in certain sectors of the world. Wouldn't it work better to take the gospel to regions in Arabia and Africa without westernized biases? Take the truth as God laid out in scripture. Why not teach them about Christ, about salvation, without imposing our ingrained dogmas, however good they may be.
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