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    20:1 [] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Ihsoun legwn,

    20:2 Eipe proV touV uiouV Israhl legwn, Diorisate eiV eautouV taV poleiV thV katafughV, peri twn opoiwn eipa proV esaV dia tou MwusewV×

    20:3 dia na feugh ekei o foneuV, ostiV foneush anqrwpon akousiwV ex agnoiaV× kai autai qelousin eisqai eiV esaV dia katafugion apo tou ekdikhtou tou aimatoV.

    20:4 Kai otan o feugwn eiV mian ek twn polewn toutwn staqh eiV thn eisodon thV pulhV thV polewV, kai lalhsh thn upoqesin autou eiV ephkoon twn presbuterwn thV polewV ekeinhV, outoi qelousi decqh auton eiV thn polin proV eautouV kai dwsei topon eiV auton, kai qelei katoikei met' autwn.

    20:5 Kai ean o ekdikhthV tou aimatoV katadiwxh auton, den qelousi paradwsei ton fonea eiV taV ceiraV autou× dioti ex agnoiaV epataxe ton plhsion autou kai den emisei auton proteron.

    20:6 Kai qelei katoikei en ekeinh th polei, ewsou parastaqh enwpion thV sunagwghV eiV krisin, ewV tou qanatou tou ierewV tou megalou, tou ontoV en taiV hmeraiV ekeinaiV× tote o foneuV qelei epistreyei kai upagei eiV thn polin autou kai eiV thn oikian autou, eiV thn polin oqen efuge.

    20:7 [] Kai diwrisan thn KedeV en th Galilaia en tw orei Nefqali, kai thn Sucem en tw orei Efraim, kai thn Kiriaq-arba, htiV einai h Cebrwn, en th oreinh tou Iouda.

    20:8 EiV de to peran tou Iordanou, plhsion thV Iericw, proV anatolaV, diwrisan thn Bosor en th erhmw epi thV pediadoV ek thV fulhV Roubhn, kai thn Ramwq en th Galaad ek thV fulhV Gad, kai thn Gwlan en Basan ek thV fulhV Manassh.

    20:9 Autai hsan ai poleiV ai diorisqeisai dia pantaV touV uiouV Israhl kai dia touV xenouV touV paroikountaV metaxu autwn, wste paV o foneusaV tina ex agnoiaV na feugh ekei, kai na mh qanatwqh ek thV ceiroV tou ekdikhtou tou aimatoV, ewsou parastaqh enwpion thV sunagwghV.


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