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      1  By the necessary change of times, vanity is added to human
    11  There is an excellency in God's works.
    16  But as for man, God shall judge his works hereafter, though
        here he be like a beast.
    VERSE 1
    - every thing.
       * :17; 7:14; 8:5,6 2Ki 5:26 2Ch 33:12 Pr 15:23 Mt 16:3
    - under.
       * Ec 1:13; 2:3,17
    VERSE 2 
     - time to be born.  Heb. time to bear.
       * Ge 17:21; 21:1,2 1Sa 2:5 1Ki 13:2 2Ki 4:16 Ps 113:9 Isa 54:1
       * Lu 1:13,20,36 Joh 16:21 Ac 7:17,20 Ga 4:4
    - and a time.
       * Ge 47:29 Nu 20:24-28; 27:12-14 De 3:23-26; 34:5 Job 7:1; 14:5,14
       * Isa 38:1,5 Joh 7:30 Heb 9:27
    - a time to plant.
       * Ps 52:5 Isa 5:2-5 Jer 1:10; 18:7-10; 45:4 Mt 13:28,29,41; 15:13
    VERSE 3 
     - time to kill.
       * De 32:39 1Sa 2:6,25 Ho 6:1,2
    - a time to heal.
       * Nu 26:6-9 Isa 38:5-20 Jer 33:6 Lu 9:54-56 Ac 5:15,16
    - a time to break.
       * Isa 5:5,6; 44:26 Jer 31:28; 45:4 Eze 13:14 Da 9:25-27 Zec 1:12
    VERSE 4 
     - time to weep.
       * Ne 8:9-12; 9:1-38 Ps 30:5; 126:1,2,5,6 Isa 22:12,13 Mt 9:15
       * Mt 11:17 Joh 16:20-22 Ro 12:15 2Co 7:10 Jas 9 4:9
    - a time to laugh.
       * Ge 21:6 Lu 1:13,14,58; 6:21-25
    - to dance.
       * Ex 15:20 2Sa 6:16
    VERSE 5 
     - to cast.
       * Jos 4:3-9; 10:27 2Sa 18:17,18 2Ki 3:25
    - a time to embrace.
       * Ex 19:15 1Sa 21:4,5 So 2:6,7 Joe 2:16 1Co 7:5
    - refrain from.  Heb. be far from.
    VERSE 6 
     - time to get.  or, time to seek.
       * Ge 30:30-43; 31:18 Ex 12:35,36 De 8:17,18 2Ki 5:26; 8:9
    - an a time to lose.
       * Mt 16:25,26; 19:29 Mr 8:35-37; 10:28-30 Lu 9:24,25
    - and a time to cast.
       * Ec 11:1 2Ki 7:15 Ps 112:9 Isa 2:20 Jon 1:5 Ac 27:19,38 Php 3:7,8
       * Heb 10:34,35
    VERSE 7 
     - time to rend.
       * Ge 37:29,34 2Sa 1:11; 3:31 1Ki 21:27 2Ki 5:7; 6:30 Jer 36:24
       * Joe 2:13 Ac 9:39
    - time to keep.
       * Job 2:13 Ps 39:2 Isa 36:21 Jer 8:14 La 3:28 Am 5:13; 8:3
       * Mic 7:5
    - and a time to speak.
       * Ge 44:18,34 1Sa 19:4,5; 25:24-44 Es 4:13,14; 7:4 Job 32:4-24 37:24
       * Pr 24:11,12; 31:8,9 Lu 19:37-40 Ac 4:20
    VERSE 8 
     - time to love.
       * Eze 16:8 Ps 139:21 Eph 3:19; 5:25,28,29 Tit 2:4
    - a time to hate.
       * 2Ch 19:2 Lu 14:26 Re 2:2
    - a time of war.
       * Ge 14:14-17 Jos 8:1-29; 11:23 2Sa 10:6-19 1Ki 5:4
       * 2Ch 20:1-29,30
    VERSE 9
        * Ec 1:3; 2:11,22,23; 5:16 Pr 14:23 Mt 16:26
    VERSE 10
        * Ec 1:13,14; 2:26 Ge 3:19 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8
    VERSE 11 
     - hath made.
       * Ec 7:29 Ge 1:31 De 32:4 Mr 7:37
    - also.
       * Mt 13:22 Ro 1:19,20,28
    - so.
       * Ec 8:17 Job 11:7; 37:23 Ps 104:24 Mt 11:27 Ro 11:33
    VERSE 12 
     - but.
       * :22; 9:7-9 De 28:63 Ps 37:3 Isa 64:5 Lu 11:41 Ac 20:35
       * Php 4:4-9 1Th 5:15,16 1Ti 6:18
    VERSE 13
        * Ec 2:24; 5:18-20; 6:2; 9:7 De 28:30,31,47,48 Jud 6:3-6 Ps 128:2
       * Isa 65:21-23
    VERSE 14 
     - whatever.
       * Ps 33:11; 119:90,91 Isa 46:10 Da 4:34,35 Ac 2:23; 4:28 Ro 11:36
       * Eph 3:11 Tit 1:2 Jas 17 1:17
    - nothing.
       * Ps 76:10 Pr 19:21; 21:30; 30:6 Isa 10:12-15 Da 8:8; 11:2-4
       * Joh 19:10,11,28-37 Ac 5:39
    - God doeth it.
       * Ps 64:9 Isa 59:18,19 Re 15:4
    VERSE 15 
     - which hath.
       * Ec 1:9,10
    - past.  Heb. driven away.
    VERSE 16
        * Ec 4:1; 5:8 1Ki 21:9-21 Ps 58:1,2; 82:2-5; 94:21,22 Isa 59:14
       * Mic 2:2; 7:3 Zep 3:3 Mt 26:59 Ac 23:3 Jas 2:6
    VERSE 17 
     - said.
       * Ec 1:16; 2:1
    - God.
       * Ec 12:14 Ge 18:25 Ps 98:9 Mt 16:27; 25:31-46 Joh 5:22,26-29
       * Ac 17:31 Ro 2:5-9 1Co 4:5 2Co 5:10 2Th 1:6-10 Re 20:11-15
    - for.
       * :1 Jer 29:10,11 Da 11:40; 12:4,9,11-13 Ac 1:7 1Th 5:1 2Pe 3:7,8
       * Re 11:2,3,18; 17:12-17; 20:2,7-9
    VERSE 18 
     - concerning.
       * Ge 3:17-19 Job 14:1-4; 15:16 Ps 49:14,19,20; 73:18,19; 90:5-12
       * Heb 9:27 1Pe 1:24
    - that God, etc.  or, that they might clear God, and see, etc.
       * Job 40:8 Ps 51:4 Ro 3:4; 9:23
    - and that.
       * Ps 73:22 2Pe 2:12
    VERSE 19 
     - that which.
       * Ec 2:16 Ps 49:12,20; 92:6,7
    - as the.
       * 2Sa 14:14 Job 14:10-12 Ps 104:29
    - for.
       * Ec 2:20-23 Ps 39:5,6; 89:47,48
    VERSE 20 
     - go.
       * :21; 6:6; 9:10 Ge 25:8,17 Nu 27:13 Job 7:9; 17:13; 30:24 Ps 49:14
    - all are.
       * Ge 3:19 Job 10:9,10; 34:15 Ps 104:29 Da 12:2
    VERSE 21 
     - knoweth.
       * Ec 12:7 Lu 16:22,23 Joh 14:3 Ac 1:25 2Co 5:1,8 Php 1:23
    - of man that goeth upwards.  Heb. of the sons of man that is
    VERSE 22 
     - nothing.
       * :11,12; 2:10,11,24; 5:18-20; 8:15; 9:7-9; 11:9 De 12:7,18; 26:10,11
       * De 28:47 Ro 12:11,12 Php 4:4,5
    - who.
       * Ec 6:12; 8:7; 9:12; 10:14 Job 14:21 Da 12:9,10,13 Mt 6:34

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