Verse 19. "Suffer according to the will of God" - A man suffers according to the will of God who suffers for righteousness' sake; and who, being reviled, reviles not again.
Commit the keeping of their souls] Place their lives confidently in his hand, who, being their Creator, will also be their preserver, and keep that safely which is committed to his trust. God is here represented as faithful, because he will always fulfill his promises, and withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly.
But they had no reason to hope that he would care for their lives and souls unless they continued in well-doing. He who is employed in God's work will have God's protection. The path of duty ever was, and ever will be, the only way of safety.
1. THE apostle recommends fervent charity - unfeigned love both to God and man. It is well said of this grace that it is a universal virtue which ought to precede, accompany, and follow, all others. A charity which has God for its principle, and Jesus Christ for its pattern, never faileth. If our charity be extensive enough to cover all the defects of our neighbour in bearing with them; that of God is sufficient to cover all the sins of a sincere penitent by blotting them out. If we ought to be charitable to all, it is after the example of our heavenly Father, who is loving to every man, and hateth nothing that he has made.
The difficulty of escaping the corruption that is in the world is great; and, consequently, the danger of losing our souls. In this great work, watchfulness, prayer; faith, and obedience, are indispensably necessary.
He who does not walk with God here cannot see nor enjoy him hereafter.