Verse 19. "Israel rebelled" - A few soft words, and the removal of a part of the oppressive taxes, (for they said, Ease thou SOMEWHAT the grievous servitude,) would have secured this people to the state, and prevented the shedding of a sea of human blood, which was the consequence of the separation of this kingdom. Rehoboam was a fool; and through his folly he lost his kingdom. He is not the only example on record: the Stuarts lost the realm of England much in the same way; and, by a different mode of treatment, the House of Brunswick continues to fill the British throne.
May the thread of its fortune, woven by the hand of God, never be undone! and may the current of its power glide on to the latest posterity! Talia secla, suis dixerunt, currite, fusis Concordes stabili fatorum numine Parcae. VIRG. Ecl. iv., ver. 46.
"God's firm decree, by which this web was spun, Shall ever bless the clue, and bid it smoothly run." Labitur, et labetur in omne volubilis Aevum. HORAT. Epist., l. i., c. 2, v. 43.
"Still glides the river, and shall ever glide." Amen! Amen!