Verse 69. "Threescore and one thousand drams of gold" - µynwmkrd darkemonim, drakmons or darics; a Persian coin, always of gold, and worth about 1ú. 5s., not less than ú76, 250 sterling in gold.
"Five thousand pounds of silver" - µynm manim, manehs or minas. As a weight, the maneh was 100 shekels; as a coin, 60 shekels in value, or about 9ú.; 5000 of these manehs therefore will amount to ú45, 000, making in the whole a sum of about ú120, 000; and in this are not included the 100 garments for priests.
Thus we find that God, in the midst of judgment, remembered mercy, and gave them favour in the land of their captivity.
Verse 70. "Dwelt in their cities" - They all went to those cities which belonged originally to their respective families.