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| Sundry Features of the Prophetic Style: Principles of Its Interpretation. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
V.—Sundry Features of the Prophetic Style: Principles of Its
These preliminary remarks I have ventured to
make3143 at this first step of the discussion and
while the conflict is, as it were, from a distance. But inasmuch as I
shall now from this point have to grapple with my opponent on a
distinct issue and in close combat, I perceive that I must advance even
here some lines, at which the battle will have to be delivered; they
are the Scriptures of the Creator. For as I shall have to prove that
Christ was from the Creator, according to these (Scriptures), which
were afterwards accomplished in the Creator’s Christ, I find it
necessary to set forth the form and, so to speak, the nature of the
Scriptures themselves, that they may not distract the reader’s
attention by being called into controversy at the moment of their
application to subjects of discussion, and by their proof being
confounded with the proof of the subjects themselves. Now there are two
conditions of prophetic announcement which I adduce, as requiring the
assent of our adversaries in the future stages of the discussion. One,
that future events are sometimes announced as if they were already
passed. For it is3144
3144 [An important
principle, see Kaye, p. 325.] | consistent with
Deity to regard as accomplished facts whatever It has determined on,
because there is no difference of time with that Being in whom eternity
itself directs a uniform condition of seasons. It is indeed more
natural3145 to the prophetic
divination to represent as seen and already brought to pass,3146 even while forseeing it, that which it
foresees; in other words, that which is by all means future. As for
instance, in Isaiah: “I gave my back to the smiters, and my
cheeks (I exposed) to their hands. I hid not my face from shame
and spitting.”3147 For whether it was
Christ even then, as we hold, or the prophet, as the Jews say, who
pronounced these words concerning himself, in either case, that which
as yet had not happened sounded as if it had been already accomplished.
Another characteristic will be, that very many events are figuratively
predicted by means of enigmas and allegories and parables, and that
they must be understood in a sense different from the literal
description. For we both read of “the mountains dropping down new
wine,”3148 but not as if one
might expect “must” from the stones, or its
decoction from the rocks; and also hear of “a land flowing with
milk and honey,”3149
3149 Ex. iii. 8, 17; Deut. xxvi. 9,
15. | but not as if you
were to suppose that you would ever gather Samian cakes from the
ground; nor does God, forsooth, offer His services as a water-bailiff
or a farmer when He says, “I will open rivers in a land; I will
plant in the wilderness the cedar and the box-tree.”3150 In like manner, when, foretelling the
conversion of the Gentiles, He says, “The beasts of the field
shall honour me, the dragons and the owls,” He surely never meant
to derive3151 His fortunate omens
from the young of birds and foxes, and from the songsters of marvel and
fable. But why enlarge on such a subject? When the very apostle whom
our heretics adopt,3152
3152 Hæreticorum
apostolus. We have already referred to Marcion’s acceptance
of St. Paul’s epistles. It has been suggested that Tertullian in
the text uses hæreticorum apostolus as synonymous
with ethnicorum apostolus="apostle of the
Gentiles,” in which case allusion to St. Paul would of course be
equally clear. But this interpretation is unnecessary. | interprets the law
which allows an unmuzzled mouth to the oxen that tread out the corn,
not of cattle, but of ourselves;3153 and also
alleges that the rock which followed (the Israelites) and supplied them
with drink was Christ;3154 teaching the
Galatians, moreover, that the two narratives of the sons of Abraham had
an allegorical meaning in their course;3155
and to the Ephesians giving an intimation that, when it was declared in
the beginning that a man should leave his father and mother and become
one flesh with his wife, he applied this to Christ and the