Canon V.
But upon those who have used dissimulation like
David, who feigned himself to be mad2292
avoid death, being not
mad in
reality; and those who have not nakedly written down their denial of
faith, but being in much
tribulation, as
boys endowed with sagacity
prudence amongst foolish
children, have mocked the
snares of their
enemies, either passing by the
altars, or giving a writing, or sending
heathen to do
sacrifice instead of themselves, even though some of them
who have confessed have, as I have heard, pardoned individuals of them,
since with the greatest caution they have
avoided to touch the
with their own
hands, and to offer
incense to the impure
demons; yet
inasmuch as they
escaped the notice of their persecutors by doing this,
let a penalty of six months’ penance be imposed upon them.
For thus will they be the rather
profited, meditating upon the
prophet’s words, and saying, “Unto us a
child is
born, unto
us a Son is given; and the
government shall be upon His shoulder:
and His name shall be called the Messenger of My mighty
as ye know, when another
infant in the sixth month
of his conception had
preached before
His coming repentance for the
remission of
sins, was himself also
conceived to
preach repentance. Moreover, we hear both also
preaching, in the first place, not only repentance, but the
kingdom of
heaven, which, as we have
learned, is within us;
for the word which we believe is near us,
in our mouth, and in our
heart; which they, being put in remembrance
of, will
learn to confess with their mouths that
Jesus is the
believing in their
heart that
God hath
raised him from the dead, and
being as those who hear, that “with the
heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto
Balsamon. But if any have
pretended to approach the altars, or to write their denial of the
faith, and have not done this nakedly and openly, but by feigned arts
have illuded those who offered them violence, as David did, who, when
he was flying from Saul, and was amongst strangers, feigned himself to
be mad, and thus escaped death. So they mocked the snares of
their enemies, as children endowed with wisdom and prudence mock
foolish children; for they deceived the impious heathen, in that they
seemed to sacrifice, although they did not sacrifice, or perhaps they
suborned heathens and infidels to take their place, and by these means
they thought that they offered sacrifice; for them, he says, a period
of six months will suffice for penance. For although they did not
sacrifice, yet because they promised to sacrifice, or sent others to do
so in their place, they are thought to stand in need of repentance,
even though some of those who have given their testimony for the faith
have pardoned individuals of them. He compares them to children,
as not having manfully withstood the idolaters, but to prudent
children, because by artifice they avoided doing sacrifice.
Zonaras. But if any have
pretended to approach the altars, or to write their denial of the
faith, but have not nakedly written down their abnegation, that is, not
manifestly, not openly; but by a sort of trick have cheated those who
offered them violence; as David, who while he was flying from Saul, and
had come amongst strange people, feigned himself to be mad, and in this
way avoided death. They mocked indeed, he says, the insidious
devices of their enemies; as prudent children, endowed with wisdom and
sagacity, and those who skilfully take counsel, deceive foolish
children. Now he compares those to prudent children by whom the
impious heathen were deceived, and those who though they did not
sacrifice, yet seemed to sacrifice, prudent indeed, as having thus far
avoided sacrificing; but children, in that they did not show forth a
mature and manly spirit, and did not nobly resist the worshippers of
idols, but covenanted to sacrifice, even though they suborned some in
their places, heathens, forsooth, and infidels, and when these
sacrificed, they were considered to have sacrificed. For men of
this sort, he says, a period of six months will suffice for
penance. For although they did not sacrifice, yet because they
covenanted to sacrifice, or suborned others to do so, and thus
themselves appeared to have sacrificed, they were judged to stand in
need of repentance; even though some confessors might have pardoned
individuals of them; for some of those who witnessed to the faith and
suffered for it, pardoned those who by an artifice, as has been said,
escaped offering sacrifice, and admitted them to communion with the
faithful, because they studiously avoided offering sacrifice to
demons. And on account of the fixing of this term of six months,
he calls to remembrance the annunciation made by Gabriel, in the sixth
month of the conception of the Forerunner, in which the Lord was
conceived. Then he subjoins the words of the apostle.