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| The Woman with the Male Child in the Wilderness the Church; The Wilderness Belongs to Virgins and Saints; The Perfection of Numbers and Mysteries; The Equality and Perfection of the Number Six; The Number Six Related to Christ; From This Number, Too, the Creation and Harmony of the World Completed. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XI.—The
Woman with the Male Child in the Wilderness the Church; The Wilderness
Belongs to Virgins and Saints; The Perfection of Numbers and Mysteries;
The Equality and Perfection of the Number Six; The Number Six Related
to Christ; From This Number, Too, the Creation and Harmony of the World
Now she who brings forth, and has brought forth,
the masculine Word in the hearts of the faithful, and who passed,
undefiled and uninjured by the wrath of the beast, into the wilderness,
is, as we have explained, our mother the Church. And the
wilderness into which she comes, and is nourished for a thousand two
hundred and sixty days, which is truly waste and unfruitful of evils,
and barren of corruption, and difficult of access and of transit to the
multitude; but fruitful and abounding in pasture, and blooming and easy
of access to the holy, and full of wisdom, and productive of life, is
this most lovely, and beautifully wooded and well-watered abode of
Arete.2736 Here
the south wind awakes, and the north wind blows, and the spices flow
out,2737 and all
things are filled with refreshing dews, and crowned with the unfading
plants of immortal life; in which we now gather flowers, and
weave with sacred fingers the purple and glorious crown of virginity
for the queen. For the Bride of the Word is adorned with the
fruits of virtue. And the thousand two hundred and sixty days
that we are staying here, O virgins, is the accurate and perfect
understanding concerning the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit, in
which our mother increases, and rejoices, and exults throughout this
time, until the restitution of the new dispensation, when, coming into
the assembly in the heavens, she will no longer contemplate the I AM
through the means of human knowledge, but will clearly behold
entering in together with Christ. For a thousand,2738
Methodius is not the first or the last who has sought to explore
the mystery of numbers. An interesting and profound examination
of the subject will be found in Bähr’s Symbolik; also
in Delitzsch’s Bib. Psychology.—Tr. [On the Six Days’ Work, p. 71,
translation, Edinburgh, 1875.] | consisting
of a hundred multiplied by ten, embraces a full and perfect number, and
is a symbol of the Father Himself, who made the universe by Himself,
and rules all things for Himself. Two hundred embraces two
perfect numbers united together, and is the symbol of the Holy Spirit,
since He is the Author of our knowledge of the Son and the
Father. But sixty has the number six multiplied by ten, and is a
symbol of Christ, because the number six proceeding2739
i.e., in a regular arithmetical progression. | from unity is composed of its proper
parts, so that nothing in it is wanting or redundant, and is complete
when resolved into its parts. Thus it is necessary that the
number six, when it is divided into even parts by even parts, should
again make up the same quantity from its separated segments.2740
2740 i.e.,
its divisors or dividends. | For,
first, if divided equally, it makes three; then, if divided into three
parts, it makes two; and again, if divided by six, it makes one, and is
again collected into itself. For when divided into twice three,
and three times two, and six times one, when the three and the two and
the one are put together, they complete the six again. But
everything is of necessity perfect which neither needs anything else in
order to its completion, nor has anything over. Of the other
numbers, some are more than perfect, as twelve. For the half of
it is six, and the third four, and the fourth three, and the sixth two,
and the twelfth one. The numbers into which it can be divided,
when put together, exceed twelve, this number not having preserved
itself equal to its parts, like the number six. And those which
are imperfect, are numbers like eight. For the half of it is
four, and the fourth two, and the eighth one. Now the numbers
into which it is divided, when put together, make seven, and one is
wanting to its completion, not being in all points harmonious with
itself, like six, which has reference to the Son of God, who came from
the fulness of the Godhead into a human life. For having emptied
Himself,2741 and taken upon
Him the form of a slave, He was restored again to His former perfection
and dignity. For He being humbled, and apparently degraded, was
restored again from His humiliation and degradation to His former
completeness and greatness, having never been diminished from His
essential perfection.
Moreover, it is evident that the creation of the world
was accomplished in harmony with this number, God having made heaven
and earth, and the things which are in them, in six days; the word of
creative power containing the number six, in accordance with which the
Trinity is the maker of bodies. For length, and breadth, and
depth make up a body. And the number six is composed of
triangles. On these subjects, however, there is not sufficient
time at present to enlarge with accuracy, for fear of letting the main
subject slip, in considering that which is secondary. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH