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| The Teaching of Addæus the Apostle. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Ancient Syriac Documents.
The Teaching of Addæus the
2960 This fragment,
extending to the lacuna on p. 658, is contained in the ms. No. 14,654, at fol. 33. It consists of one leaf
only, and is part of a volume of fragments, of which the age is
certainly not later than the beginning of the fifth century. |
2961 See note 1 on
p. 653.—Tr. | said to him: Because
thou hast thus believed, I lay my hand upon thee in the name of Him in
whom thou hast thus believed. And at the very moment that he laid
his hand upon him he was healed of the plague of the disease which he
had for a long time.2962
2962 Moses Chor says
that he had been suffering seven years from a disease caught in
Persia. | And Abgar
was astonished and marvelled, because, like as he had heard about
Jesus, how He wrought and healed, so Addæus also, without any
medicine whatever, was healing in the name of Jesus. And Abdu
also, son of Abdu, had the gout in his feet; and he also presented his
feet to him, and he laid his hand upon them, and healed him, and he had
the gout no more. And in all the city also he wrought great
cures, and showed forth wonderful mighty-works in it.
Abgar said to him: Now that every man knoweth that
by the power of Jesus Christ thou doest these miracles, and lo! we are
astonished at thy deeds, I therefore entreat of thee to relate to us
the story about the coming of Christ, in what manner it was, and about
His glorious power, and about the miracles which we have heard that He
did, which thou hast thyself seen, together with thy
Addæus said: I will not hold my peace
from declaring this; since for this very purpose was I sent hither,
that I might speak to and teach every one who is willing to believe,
even as thou. Assemble me tomorrow all the city, and I will sow
in it the word of life by the preaching which I will address to
you—about the coming of Christ, in what manner it was; and about
Him that sent Him, why and how He sent Him; and about His power and His
wonderful works; and about the glorious mysteries of His coming, which
He spake of in the world; and about the unerring truth2963
2963 “The
certitude.”—C. [See p. 653, supra, note
6.] | of His preaching; and how and for what
cause He abused Himself, and humbled His exalted Godhead by the manhood
which He took, and was crucified, and descended to the place of the
dead, and broke through the enclosure2964 which had never been broken through
before, and gave life to the dead by being slain Himself, and
descended alone, and ascended with many to His glorious Father, with
whom He had been from eternity in one exalted Godhead.
And Abgar commanded them to give to Addæus silver
and gold. Addæus said to him: How can we receive that
which is not ours. For, lo! that which was ours have we forsaken,
as we were commanded by our Lord; because without purses and without
scrips, bearing the cross upon our shoulders, were we commanded to
preach His Gospel in the whole creation, of whose crucifixion, which
was for our sakes, for the redemption of all men, the whole creation
was sensible and suffered pain.
And he related before Abgar the king, and before
his princes and his nobles, and before Augustin, Abgar’s mother,
and before Shalmath,2965
2965 The vowels supplied
in this word are conjectural, as is the case with most of the proper
names in these Documents. Perhaps the name of this person is to
be read Shalamtho, as there is a Σαλαμψιώ,
the wife of Phasaëlus, mentioned in Jos., Antiq., b. xviii.
c. v. | the daughter of
2966 Who this
was, does not appear. He may have been some connection of
Meherdates king of the Parthians, of whom Tacitus, Ann., xii.
12, speaks as having been entertained at Edessa by Abgar. | Abgar’s
2967 According to
Moses Chor. b. ii. ch. xxxv., the first, or chief, wife of Abgar was
Helena. | the signs of our Lord, and His wonders,
and the glorious mighty-works which He did, and His divine exploits,
and His ascension to His Father; and how they had received power and
authority at the same time that He was received up—by which same
power it was that he had healed Abgar, and Abdu son of Abdu, the second
2968 Probably
one of the second rank. Tacitus, Ann., vi. 31, 32,
mentions a man named Abdus, perhaps the same as this one, as possessing
great authority in the Parthian kingdom. [Note 2, p. 653,
supra] | of his
kingdom; and how He informed them that He would reveal Himself at the
end of the ages2969 and at the
consummation of all created things; also of the resuscitation
and resurrection which is to come for all men, and the separation which will be made between the
sheep and the goats, and between the faithful and those who believe
And he said to them: Because the gate of
life is strait and the way of truth narrow, therefore are the believers
of the truth few, and through unbelief is Satan’s
gratification. Therefore are the liars many who lead astray those
that see. For, were it not that there is a good end awaiting
believing men, our Lord would not have descended from heaven, and come
to be born, and to endure the suffering of death. Yet He
did come, and us did He send2970
2970 The remainder
of “The Teaching of Addæus” is taken from
another ms. of the Nitrian collection in the
Brit. Mus., Cod. Add. 14,644. It is one of those which were
procured in the year of the Greeks 1243 (a.d.
931) by the abbot Moses during his visit to Bagdad. It appears to
be of the sixth century. | …of the
faith which we preach, that God was crucified for2971
2971 Both
“for” and “willing” are conjectural, the
ms. being damaged.—Wright. | all men.
And, if there be those who are not
2972 Both
“for” and “willing” are conjectural, the
ms. being damaged.—Wright. | to agree with
these our words, let them draw near to us and disclose to us what is in
their mind, that, like as in the case of a disease, we may apply to
their thoughts healing medicine for the cure of their ailments.
For, though ye were not present at the time of Christ’s
suffering, yet from the sun which was darkened, and which ye saw, learn
ye and understand concerning the great convulsion2973
2973 Possibly
“earthquake,” for which sense see Mich., p. 161; and so on
p. 659, infra.—Tr. | which took place at that time, when He
was crucified whose Gospel has winged its way through all the earth by
the signs which His disciples my fellows do in all the earth:
yea, those who were Hebrews, and knew only the language of the Hebrews,
in which they were born, lo! at this day are speaking in all languages,
in order that those who are afar off may hear and believe, even as
those who are near. For He it is that confounded the tongues of
the presumptuous in this region who were before us; and He it is that
teaches at this day the faith of truth and verity by us, humble and
despicable2974 men from
Galilee of Palestine. For I also whom ye see am from
2975 Otherwise
Cæsarea Paneas, or C. Philippi: now
Banias.—Tr. | from the place
where the river Jordan issues forth, and I was chosen, together with my
fellows, to be a preacher.
For, according as my Lord commanded me, lo! I
preach and publish the Gospel, and lo! His money do I cast upon the
table before you, and the seed of His word do I sow in the ears of all
men; and such as are willing to receive it, theirs is the good
recompense of the confession of Christ; but those who are not
persuaded, the dust of my feet do I shake off against them, as He
commanded me.
Repent therefore, my beloved, of evil ways and of
abominable deeds, and turn yourselves towards Him with a good and
honest will, as He hath turned Himself towards you with the favour of
His rich mercies; and be ye not as the generations of former times that
have passed away, which, because they hardened their heart against the
fear of God, received punishment openly, that they themselves might be
chastised, and that those who come after them may tremble and be
afraid. For the purpose of our Lord’s coming into the world
assuredly was,2976
Cureton: “the whole object of our Lord’s coming
into the world was.” But *** is =
omnino.—Tr. | that He might
teach us and show us that at the consummation of the creation there
will be a resuscitation of all men, and that at that time their course
of conduct will be portrayed in their persons, and their bodies will be
volumes for the writings of justice; nor will any one be there who is
unacquainted with books, because every one will read that which is
written in His own book.2977
2977 A few
lines are wanting here in the ms. |
Ye that have eyes, forasmuch as ye do not
perceive, are yourselves also become like those who see not and hear
not; and in vain do your ineffectual voices strain themselves to
deaf2978 ears. Whilst they are
not to be blamed for not hearing, because they are by2979
“By” (***) is not in the printed
text.—Tr. | nature deaf and dumb, yet the blame
which is justly incurred falls upon you,2980
2980 Lit.
“the blame in which justice is involved (prop., buried) is
yours.”—Tr. | because ye are not willing to
perceive—not even that which ye see. For the dark cloud of
error which overspreads your minds suffers you not to obtain the
heavenly light, which is the understanding of knowledge.2981
Flee, then, from things made and created, as I
said to you, which are only called gods in name, whilst they are not
gods in their nature; and draw near to this Being, who in His
nature is God from everlasting and from eternity, and is not something
made, like your idols, nor is He a creature and a work of art, like
those images in which ye glory. Because, although this2982
“This” is doubtful.—Wright. | Being put on a body, yet
is He God with His Father. For the works of creation, which
trembled when He was slain and were dismayed at His suffering of
death,—these bear witness that He is Himself God the
Creator. For it was not on account of a man that the earth
2983 I have
very little doubt that we should substitute ***—the earth
trembled—for ***—who is from the
earth.—Wright. [Words in
italics are by the translator.] | but on
account of Him who
established the earth upon the waters; nor was it on account of a man
that the sun grew dark in the heavens, but on account of Him who made
the great lights; nor was it for a man that the just and righteous were
restored to life again, but for Him who had granted power over death
from the beginning; nor was it for a man that the veil of the temple of
the Jews was rent from the top to the bottom, but for Him who said to
them, “Lo, your house is left desolate.” For, lo!
unless those who crucified Him had known that He was the Son of God,
they would not have had to proclaim2984
2984 Lit.
“have proclaimed.”—Tr. | the
2985 Cureton
renders: “They would not have proclaimed the
desolation of their city, nor would they have divulged the
affliction of their soul in crying Woe!” Dr. Wright
pronounces the two words whose equivalents are given in italics to be
very doubtful. Dr. Payne Smith, instead of the latter of the two
(***), conjectures ***. This conjecture has been adopted.
“Brought down” is lit “cause to
drop.”—Tr. | of their city,
nor would they have brought down Woe! upon themselves.2986
2986 The ancient
Syriac Gospel, Luke xxiii.
48, gives: “And
all those who were assembled there, and saw that which was done, were
smiting on their breast, and saying, Woe to us! what is this? Woe
to us for our sins!” | For, even if they had wished to
make light of this confession,2987
2987 i.e.,
Christianity.—Tr. | the fearful
convulsions which took place at that time would not have suffered them
to do so. For lo! some even of the children of the crucifiers are
become at this day preachers and evangelists, along with my
fellow-apostles, in all the land of Palestine, and among the
Samaritans, and in all the country of the Philistines. The idols
also of paganism are despised, and the cross of Christ is honoured, and
all nations and creatures confess God who became man.
If, therefore, while Jesus our Lord was on earth
ye would have believed in Him that He is the Son of God, and before ye
had heard the word of His preaching would have confessed Him that He is
God; now that He is ascended to His Father, and ye have seen the signs
and the wonders which are done in His name, and have heard with your
own ears the word of His Gospel, let no one of you doubt in his
mind—so that the promise of His blessing which He sent to you may
be fulfilled2988 towards
you: Blessed are ye that have believed in me, not having seen me;
and, because ye have so believed in me, the town2989
2989 Perhaps
“town” will not seem too insignificant a word if it be
taken in its original sense of a fortified place, which the Syriac term
also denotes. It seemed desirable to distinguish, if possible,
the two words which have been rendered respectively “city”
and “town” in these pages. The only exception made is
in a single passage were Rome is spoken of.—Tr. | in which ye dwell shall be blessed,
and the enemy shall not prevail against it for ever.2990
2990 These words
are not in the letter of Christ to Abgar. They must therefore be,
either a message brought by Addæus himself, or, much more
probably, a later interpolation: earlier, however, than Ephraem
Syrus, who alludes to them in his Testament. This notion
of the immunity of the city of Edessa is referred to by several Syriac
writers. Nor was it confined to the East: it obtained in
very early times in our own country, where the letter of our Lord to
Abgar was regarded as a charm. In a very ancient service-book of
the Saxon times, preserved in the British Museum, the letter followed
the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed; and an appended
description of the virtues of the epistle closes with these words,
according to the Latin version of Rufinus: “Si quis hanc
epistolam secum habuerit, securus ambulet in pace.”
Jeremiah Jones, writing of the last century, says: “The
common people in England have had it in their houses in many places in
a frame with a picture before it: and they generally, with much
honesty and devotion, regard it as the word of God and the genuine
epistle of Christ.” Even now a similar practice is believed
to linger in some districts. The story of Abgar is told in an
Anglo-Saxon poem, published in Abgarus-Legenden paa Old-Engelsk
by G. Stephens, Copenhagen, 1853.
It consists of 204 lines, is a
tolerable close rendering of Eusebius, and is ascribed by Stephens to
Aelfric, archbishop of York from 1023 to 1052. Note that
ambulet (above) is for ambulabit,
apparently.—Tr. | Turn not away, therefore, from his
faith: for, lo! ye have heard and seen what things bear witness
to His faith—showing that He is the adorable Son, and is
the glorious God, and is the victorious King, and is the mighty Power;
and through faith in Him a man is able to acquire the eyes of a true
mind,2991 and to understand that, whosoever
worshippeth creatures, the wrath of justice will overtake
For in everything which we speak before
you, according as we have received of the gift of our Lord, so
speak we and teach and declare it, that ye may secure2992 your salvation and not destroy2993 your spirits through the error of
paganism: because the heavenly light has arisen on the creation,
and He it is who chose the fathers of former times, and the righteous
men, and the prophets, and spoke with them in the revelation of the
Holy Spirit.2994 For He is
Himself the God of the Jews who crucified Him; and to Him it is that
the erring pagans offer worship, even while they know it not:
because there is no other God in heaven and on earth; and lo!
confession ascendeth up to Him from the four quarters of the
creation. Lo! therefore, your ears have heard that which was not
heard by you; and lo! further, your eyes have seen that which was never
seen by you.2995
Be not, therefore, gainsayers of that which ye
have seen and heard. Put away from you the rebellious mind of
your fathers, and free yourselves from the yoke of sin, which hath
dominion over you in libations and in sacrifices offered before
carved images; and be ye concerned for your endangered2996
2996 Prop.
“lost,” or “being lost,”
“perishing.”—Tr. | salvation, and for the unavailing
support on which ye lean;2997
2997 Lit.
“support of your head.”—Tr. The word rendered “support” is not in
the dictionaries, but its derivation and form are known. Mar
Jacob, infra, has a similar expression: “A
resting-place for the head, etc.”
Where, however, his word is derived from
a root meaning to “prop up” (***), whereas the root of our
word denotes to “bend itself,” “bow down”
(***), and is often used of the declining day (as Luke xxiv. 29). It is used of the bending of the
head in John xix.
30. The actual
leaning of the head of support is not expressed in the verb, but
would naturally be inferred from it.—Tr. | and get you a
new mind, that worships the Maker and not the things which are made—a mind
in which is portrayed the image of verity and of truth, of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; believing and being baptized in
the triple and glorious names. For this is our teaching and our
preaching. For the belief of the truth of Christ does not consist
of many things.2998
2998 Lit.
“the truth of Christ is not believed in many
things.”—Tr. | And
those of you as are willing to be obedient to Christ are aware that I
have many times repeated my words before you, in order that ye might
learn and understand what ye hear.
And we ourselves shall rejoice in this, like the
husbandman who rejoices in the field which is blessed; God also will be
glorified by your repentance towards Him. While ye are saved
hereby, we also, who give you this counsel, shall not be despoiled of
the blessed reward of this work. And, because I am assured that
ye are a land blessed according to the will of the Lord Christ,
therefore, instead of the dust of our feet which we were commanded to
shake off against the town that would not receive our words, I have
shaken off to-day at the door of your ears the sayings of my lips, in
which are portrayed the coming of Christ which has already been,
and also that which is yet to be; and the resurrection, and the
resuscitation of all men, and the separation which is to be made
between the faithful and the unbelieving; and the sore punishment which
is reserved for those who know not God, and the blessed promise of
future joy which they shall receive who have believed in Christ and
worshipped Him and His exalted Father, and have confessed Him and His
divine Spirit.2999
And now it is meet for us that I conclude my present
discourse; and let those who have accepted the word of Christ remain
with us, and those also who are willing to join with us in prayer; and
afterwards let them go to their homes.
And Addæus the apostle was rejoiced to see
that a great number of the population of the city stayed with him; and
they were but few who did not remain at that time, while even
those few not many days after accepted his words and believed in the
Gospel set forth in3000
3000 Lat. “The
Gospel of.”—Tr. | the preaching of
And when Addæus the apostle had spoken these
things before all the town of Edessa, and King Abgar saw that all the
city rejoiced in his teaching, men and women alike, and heard
them saying to him, “True and faithful is Christ who sent
thee to us”—he himself also rejoiced greatly at this,
giving praise to God; because, like as he had heard from
3001 See p. 652, note
3, supra. | his Tabularius,
about Christ, so had he seen the wonderful mighty-works which
Addæus the apostle did in the name of Christ.
And Abgar the king also said to him:
According as I sent to Christ in my letter to Him, and according as He
also sent to me, so have I also received from thine own self
this day; so will I believe all the days of my life, and in the
selfsame things will I continue and make my boast, because I know also
that there is no other power in whose name these signs and wonders are
done but the power of Christ whom thou preachest in verity and in
truth. And henceforth Him will I worship—I and my son
3002 Abgar had two sons of
this name. This is probably the elder, who succeeded his father
at Edessa, and reigned seven years. Bayer makes him the fifteenth
king of Edessa. | and
3003 Abgar’s
mother: see p. 657. | and Shalmath the
queen. And now, wherever thou desirest, build a church, a place
of meeting for those who have believed and shall believe in thy words;
and, according to the command given thee by thy Lord, minister thou at
the seasons with confidence; to those also who shall be with thee as
teachers of this Gospel I am prepared to give large donations, in order
that they may not have any other work beside the ministry; and
whatsoever is required by thee for the expenses of the building I
myself will give thee without any restriction,3004
3004 Lit.
“reckoning.”—Tr. |
whilst thy word shall be authoritative and sovereign in this town;
moreover, without the intervention of any other person do thou
come into my presence as one in authority, into the palace of my royal
And when Abgar was gone down to his royal palace
he rejoiced, he and his princes with him, Abdu son of Abdu, and Garmai,
and Shemashgram,3005
3005 The vowels in this
name are supplied from the treatise of Bardesan. Whiston, from
the Armenian form, writes the name Samsagram. He was sent,
together with Hanan and Maryhab, as envoy to Marinus. See Mos.
Chor. B. ii. c. 30. | and Abubai, and
3006 See Tac.,
Ann., xii. 12. | together with the
others their companions, at all that their eyes had seen and their ears
also had heard; and in the gladness of their heart they too began to
praise God for having turned their mind towards Him, renouncing the
paganism in which they had lived,3007 and
confessing the Gospel of Christ. And when Addæus had built a
church they proceeded to offer in it vows and oblations, they and the
people of the city; and there they continued to present their praises
all the days of their life.
And Avida and Barcalba,3008
3008 The son of
Zati (see p. 663, note 7, supra). |
who were chief men and rulers, and wore the royal headband,3009
3009 Or “the
headbands of the kings.” Nothing appears to be known of the
derivation of the word ***, which does not occur in the ordinary
lexicons. Dr. Payne Smith has favoured the translator with the
following note: “*** is evidently some kind of
ornament. In Ephs. ii. 379 (in the form ***) it is an ornament
worn by young people. B.A. (Bar Alii Lex. Syro-Arab.) and
K. (Georgii Karmsedinoyo Lex.) render it (in the form ***) ***,
which may mean ‘a circlet of jewels.’” Cureton
says: “These headbands of the king, or diadems, seem to
have been made of silk or muslin scarves, like the turbans of orientals
at the present day, interwoven with gold, and with figures and devices
upon them, as was the case with that worn by Sharbil. See Acts
of Sharbil, sub init.” The art. Diadema in Dr.
W. Smith’s Antiqq. seems to furnish a good idea of what is
intended. The ornament was probably white; and this has
caused our expression to be sometimes confounded with the similar
***. See Teaching of Simon Cephas,
init.—Tr. | drew near to Addæus, and asked him about
the matter of Christ, requesting that he would tell them how He,
though He was God, appeared to them as a man: And how, said they,
were ye able to look upon Him? And he proceeded to satisfy them
all about this, about all that their eyes had seen and about whatsoever
their ears had heard from him. Moreover, everything that the
prophets had spoken concerning Him he repeated before them, and they
received his words gladly and with faith, and there was not a man that
withstood him; for the glorious deeds which he did suffered not any man
to withstand him.
Shavida, moreover, and Ebednebu, chiefs of the
priests of this town, together with Piroz3010
3010 The same name as
Berosus, who is so called in the modern Persian. |
and Dilsu their companions, when they had seen the signs which he did,
ran and threw down the altars on which they were accustomed to
sacrifice before Nebu and Bel,3011
3011 These were the chief
gods of Edessa, the former representing the sun, and the latter the
moon. | their gods, except
the great altar which was in the middle of the town; and they cried out
and said: Verily this is the disciple of that eminent and
glorious Master, concerning whom we have heard all that He did in the
country of Palestine. And all those who believed in Christ did
Addæus receive, and baptized them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And those who used to worship
stones and stocks sat at his feet, recovered from the madness3012 of paganism wherewith they had been
afflicted. Jews also, traders in fine raiment,3013
3013 The
“soft clothing” of Matt. xi. 8, where the Peshito and the
“Ancient Recension” have the same word as appears
here. Cureton renders it “silk,” but remarks:
“It would appear to be cotton or muslin, lana xylina, not
bombycina.” [The word clothing, with the
Peshito and, should be credited to the translator.] | who were familiar with the law and the
prophets—they too were persuaded, and became disciples, and
confessed Christ that He is the Son of the living God.
But neither did King Abgar nor yet the Apostle
Addæus compel any man by force to believe in Christ, because
without the force of man the force of the signs compelled many to
believe in Him. And with affection did they receive His
doctrine—all this country of Mesopotamia, and all the regions
round about it.
Aggæus, moreover, who3014
3014 The text has
not ***, but it is best to supply it.—Tr. |
made the silks3015
3015 Cureton gives
“chains,” which in his notes he changes to
“silks,” or “muslins,” adopting, with C., the
reading *** instead of the *** of the printed text. Mos. Chor.
calls Aggæus “un fabricant de coiffures de
soie,” according to the translation of Florival; or
“quendam serici opificem,” according to
Whiston. It may be added that the word *** is doubtless the same
as our “silk,” which is only a form of Sericum, an
adjective from Seres, the people whose country was the native
home of the silk-worm.—Tr. | and headbands of
the king, and Palut, and Barshelama, and Barsamya, together with the
others their companions, clave to Addæus the apostle; and he
received them, and associated them with him in the ministry, their
business being to read in the Old Testament and the New,3016
3016 These terms could
only have been used here in the sense of the Law of Moses and the
Gospel. If by the Acts of the Apostles is meant the work of Luke,
this passage seems to show that the compiler of this account of
Addæus wrote some years subsequently to the events which he
relates, or that it has been added by a later interpolator. For
at the earlier period of Addæus’ ministry no other part of
the New Testament was written than the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, which
is probably the Gospel here meant. | and in the prophets, and in the Acts of
the Apostles, and to meditate upon them daily; strictly charging
them to let their bodies be pure and their persons holy, as is becoming
in men who stand before the altar of God. “And be
ye,” said he, “far removed from false swearing and from
wicked homicide, and from dishonest testimony, which is connected with
adultery; and from magic arts, for which there is no mercy, and from
sooth-saying, and divination, and fortune-tellers; and from fate and
nativities, of which the deluded Chaldeans make their boast; and from
the stars, and the signs of the Zodiac, in which the foolish put their
trust. And put far from you unjust partiality, and bribes, and
presents, through which the innocent are pronounced guilty. And
along with this ministry, to which ye have been called, see that ye
have no other work besides: for the Lord is the work of your
ministry all the days of your life. And be ye diligent to give
the seal of baptism. And be not fond of the gains of this
world. And hear ye a cause with justice and with truth. And
be ye not a stumbling-block to the blind, lest through you should be
blasphemed the name of Him who opened the eyes of the blind,
according as we have seen. Let all, therefore, who see you
perceive that ye yourselves are in harmony with whatsoever ye preach
and teach.”
And they ministered with him in the church which
Addæus had built at the word and command of Abgar the king, being
furnished with supplies by the king and his nobles, partly for the
house of God, and partly for the supply of the poor. Moreover,
much people day by day assembled and came to the prayers of the
service, and to the reading of the Old Testament,
and the New of the
3017 Or
“Ditornon.” The reading of the ms. is not clear. It seems that it ought to be
Diatessaron, which Tatian has the Syrian compiled from the four
Gospels about the middle of the second century. This was in
general use at Edessa up to the fourth century, and Ephraem Syrus wrote
a commentary on it. If this be so, we have here a later
interpolation. [The translator says (of Ditornon and
Diatess.): “The two words would differ but slightly
in the mode of writing.” He also corrects Cureton, who
calls Tatian “the Syrian:” it should be “the
Assyrian.”] | They also
believed in the restoration of the dead, and buried their departed in
the hope of resuscitation. The festivals of the Church they also
observed in their seasons, and were assiduous every day in the vigils
of the Church. And they made visits of almsgiving, to the sick
and to those that were whole, according to the instruction of
Addæus to them. In the environs, too, of the city churches
were built, and many received from him ordination to the
priesthood.3018 So that
even people of the East, in the guise of merchants, passed over into
the territory of the Romans, that they might see the signs which
Addæus did. And such as became disciples received from him
ordination to the priesthood, and in their own country of the Assyrians
they instructed the people of their nation, and erected houses of
prayer there in secret, by reason of the danger from those who
worshipped fire and paid reverence to water.3019
Moreover, Narses, the king of the Assyrians, when
he heard of those same things which Addæus the apostle had done,
sent a message to Abgar the king: Either despatch to me
the man who doeth these signs before thee, that I may see him and hear
his word, or send me an account of all that thou hast seen him
do in thy own town. And Abgar wrote to Narses,3020
3020 See his letter
in Mos. Chor., infra. | and related to him the whole story of the
deeds of Addæus from the beginning to the end; and he left nothing
which he did not write to him. And, when Narses heard those
things which were written to him, he was astonished and
Abgar the king, moreover, because he was not able
to pass over into the territory of the Romans,3021
and go to Palestine and slay the Jews for having crucified Christ,
wrote a letter and sent it to Tiberius Cæsar,3022
3022 See it also,
with some variations, in Mos. Chor., infra. | writing in it thus:—
King Abgar to our Lord Tiberius Cæsar:
Although I know that nothing is hidden from thy Majesty, I write to
inform thy dread and mighty Sovereignty that the Jews who are under thy
dominion and dwell in the country of Palestine have assembled
themselves together and crucified Christ, without any fault
worthy of death, after He had done before them signs and
wonders, and had shown them powerful mighty-works, so that He even
raised the dead to life for them; and at the time that they crucified
Him the sun became darkened and the earth also quaked, and all created
things trembled and quaked, and, as if of themselves, at this deed the
whole creation and the inhabitants of the creation shrank away.
And now thy Majesty knoweth what it is meet for thee to command
concerning the people of the Jews who have done these
And Tiberius Cæsar wrote and sent to King Abgar;
and thus did he write to him:—
The letter of thy Fidelity towards me I have
received, and it hath been read before me. Concerning what the
Jews have dared to do in the matter of the cross, Pilate3023
3023 It was
Pilate’s duty, as governor of Judea, to send an account to the
Roman Government of what had occurred in respect to Jesus; and his
having done so is mentioned by Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and several
other writers. | the governor also has written and
informed Aulbinus3024 my proconsul
concerning these selfsame things of which thou hast written to
me. But, because a war with the people of Spain,3025
3025 No mention is made
by historians of any war with Spain. But about this time
Vitellius, mentioned in the preceding note, was mixed up with the wars
of the Parthians and Hiberians; and, as Hiberi is a name common to
Spaniards, as well as Hiberians, the apparent error may have arisen in
translating the letter out of Latin into Syriac. | who have rebelled against me, is on foot
at this time, on this account I have not been able to avenge this
matter; but I am prepared, when I shall have leisure, to issue a
command according to law against the Jews, who act not according to
law. And on this account, as regards Pilate also, who was
appointed by me governor there—I have sent another in his stead,
and dismissed him in disgrace, because he departed from the
3026 Baronius says
Pilate violated the law by crucifying our Lord so soon after sentence
had been passed, whereas a delay of ten days was required by a law
passed in the reign of Tiberius. | and did the will of the Jews, and for the
gratification of the Jews crucified Christ, who, according to what I
hear concerning Him, instead of suffering the cross of death,
deserved to be honoured and worshipped3027
3027 Tiberius is
said by Tertullian (Apol., 5) to have referred to the senate the
question of admitting Christ among the gods. This has been
interpolated into the epistle of Tiberius to Abgar as given in Moses
Chor., B. ii. c. 33. He also adds another letter from Abgar in
reply to this. | by them: and more especially
because with their own eyes they saw everything that He did. Yet
thou, in accordance with thy fidelity towards me, and the faithful
covenant entered into by thyself and by thy fathers, hast done
well in writing to me thus.
And Abgar the king received Aristides, who had
been sent by Tiberius Cæsar to him; and in reply he sent him
back with presents of honour suitable for him who had sent him
to him. And from
Edessa he went to Thicuntha,3028
3028 This word
has been so much distorted and disfigured by the transcribers, that I
am unable to recognise what is the place intended.—Cureton. | where
Claudius, the second from the emperor, was; and from thence, again, he
went to Artica,3029
3029 This word may
be read Ortyka, and may be intended for Ortygia near
Syracuse, which was not far from the island of Capreæ, where
Tiberius then resided, seldom leaving it to go farther than to the
neighbouring coast of Campania. | where Tiberius
Cæsar was: Caius, moreover, was guarding the regions round
about Cæsar. And Aristides himself also related before
Tiberius concerning the mighty-works which Addæus had done before
Abgar the king. And when he had leisure from the war he sent and
put to death some of the chief men of the Jews who were in
Palestine. And, when Abgar the king heard of this, he rejoiced
greatly that the Jews had received punishment, as it was
And some years after Addæus the apostle had
built the church in Edessa, and had furnished it with everything that
was suitable for it, and had made disciples of a great number of the
population of the city, he further built churches in the
3030 Lit.
“the other villages.” So, in several passages
of these Documents, “the rest of the other—.”
The habit of including two or more distinguished nations under a class
to which only one of them belongs was not unknown among classical
writers also: as when, e.g., Thucydides speaks of the
Peloponnesian war as the most remarkable of all the wars that
preceded it. Milton’s imitation, “The fairest
of her daughters, Eve” [Paradise Lost, iv. 324], is well
known.—Tr. |
also—both those which were at a distance and those which
were near, and finished and adorned them, and appointed in them deacons
and elders, and instructed in them those who should read the
Scriptures, and taught the ordinances and3031
3031 The *** (and)
seems to have been altered into *** (of).—Wright. Perhaps “of” is the better
reading.—Tr. |
the ministry without and within.
After all these things he fell ill of the sickness
of which he departed from this world. And he called for
Aggæus before the whole assembly of the church, and bade him draw
near, and made him Guide and Ruler3032
3032 It is plain from
the context here, as well as wherever it occurs in these early Syriac
Documents, that this title (or that of Guide alone) is precisely the
same as that of Bishop, although the Greek word ἐπίσκοπος
had not yet obtained in the East. The first mention we find
of the title Bishop (in these pages) is in the Acts of
Sharbil about a.d. 105–112, where
Barsamya is called “the Bishop of the Christians,” although
he is more generally designated as here. It is also found in the
Teaching Simon Cephas, sub fin., which seems to have been
written early in the second century or at the end of the first.
The passage in the Teaching of Addæus, p. 665,
infra, where it occurs, was interpolated at a much later
period. [The parenthetic words of this note are supplied by the
translator.] | in his
stead. And Palut,3033 who was a
deacon, he made elder; and Abshelama, who was a scribe, he made
deacon. And, the nobles and chief men being assembled, and
standing near him—Barcalba son of Zati,3034
3034 Perhaps the
same as Izates: see Jos., Antiq., xx. ii. 1, 4; Tac.,
Ann., xii. 14. | and Maryhab3035
3035 This seems to be
the person spoken of by Moses Chor., B. ii. c. 30, under the name
“Mar-Ihap, prince d’Aghtznik,” as one of the envoys
sent by Abgar to Marinus. |
son of Barshemash, and Senac3036
3036 Tacitus
writes this name Sinnaces: see Ann., vi. 31,
32. | son of Avida,
and Piroz son of Patric,3037 together with
the rest of their companions—Addæus the apostle said to
“Ye know and are witness, all of you who
hear me, that, according to all that I have preached to you and
taught you and ye have heard from me, even so have I behaved myself in
the midst of you, and ye have seen it in deeds also:
because our Lord thus charged us, that, whatsoever we preach in words
before the people, we should practise it in deeds before all men.
And, according to the ordinances and laws which were appointed by the
disciples in Jerusalem,3038
3038 These are
given at pp. 673 sqq., infra. | and by which
my fellow-apostles also guided their conduct, so also do
ye—turn not aside from them, nor diminish aught from them: even
as I also am guided by them amongst you, and have not turned aside from
them to the right hand or to the left, lest I should become estranged
from the promised salvation which is reserved for such as are guided by
3039 Quoted in
the Epistle of Addæus, infra. | heed,
therefore, to this ministry which ye hold, and with fear and trembling
continue in it, and minister every day. Minister not in it with
neglectful habits, but with the discreetness of faith; and let not the
praises of Christ cease out of your mouth, nor let weariness of prayer
at the stated times come upon you. Give heed to the verity
which ye hold, and to the teaching of the truth which ye have received,
and to the inheritance of salvation which I commit to you:
because before the tribunal of Christ will ye have to give an account
of it, when He maketh reckoning with the shepherds and overseers, and
when He taketh His money from the traders with the addition of the
gains. For He is the Son of a King, and goeth to receive a
kingdom and return; and He will come and make a resuscitation to
life for all men, and then will He sit upon the throne of His
righteousness, and judge the dead and the living, as He said to
“Let not the secret eye of your minds be
closed by pride, lest your stumbling-blocks be many in the way in which
there are no stumbling-blocks, but a hateful3040
3040 Probably
“wicked,” the meaning being that all such wandering is
wilful. Cureton makes “hateful” the
predicate: “error is abominable in its
paths.”—Tr. |
wandering in its paths. Seek ye those that are lost, and direct
those that go astray, and rejoice in those that are found; bind up the
bruised, and watch over the fatlings: because at your hands will
the sheep of Christ be required. Look ye not for the honour that
passeth away: for the shepherd that looketh to receive honour
from his flock—sadly, sadly stands his flock with respect to
him. Let your concern be great for the young lambs, whose angels
behold the face of the Father who is unseen. And be ye not stones
of stumbling before the blind, but clearers of the way and the
paths in a rugged country,
among the Jews the crucifiers, and the deluded pagans: for with
these two parties have ye to fight, in order that ye may show the truth
of the faith which ye hold; and, though ye be silent, your modest and
decorous appearance will fight for you against those who hate truth and
love falsehood.
“Buffet not the poor in the presence of the
rich: for scourge grievous enough for them is their poverty.
“Be not beguiled by the hateful devices of
Satan, lest ye be stripped naked of the faith which ye have put
3041 One leaf
apparently is lost from the ms. in this
place. What follows appears to be part of the reply of those
addressed—their “testimony concerning the teaching set
forth in their preaching.”—Tr. | …“And
with the Jews, the crucifiers, we will have no fellowship. And
this inheritance which we have received from thee we will not let go,
but in that will we depart out of this world; and on the day of our
Lord, before the judgment-seat of His righteousness, there will He
restore to us this inheritance, even as thou hast told
And, when these things had been spoken, Abgar the
king rose up, he and his chief men and his nobles, and he went to his
palace, all of them being distressed for him because he was
dying. And he sent to him noble and excellent apparel, that he
might be buried in it. And, when Addæus saw it, he sent to
him, saying: In my lifetime I have not taken anything from
thee, nor will I now at my death take anything from thee, nor will I
frustrate the word of Christ which He spake to us: Accept not
anything from any man, and possess not anything in this world.3042
And three days more after these things had been
spoken by Addæus the apostle, and he had heard and received the
testimony concerning the teaching set forth in their preaching from
those engaged with him in the ministry, in the presence of all the
nobles he departed out of this world. And that day was the fifth
of the week, and the fourteenth of the month Iyar,3043
3043 May.
The death of Addæus occurred before that of Abgar, which took
place a.d. 45. It would appear,
therefore, that his ministry at Edessa lasted about ten or eleven
years. | nearly answering to May.
And the whole city was in great mourning and bitter anguish for
him. Nor was it the Christians only that were distressed for him,
but the Jews also, and the pagans, who were in this same town.
But Abgar the king was distressed for him more than any one, he and the
princes of his kingdom. And in the sadness of his soul he
despised and laid aside the magnificence of his kingly state on that
day, and with tears mingled with moans he bewailed him with all
men. And all the people of the city that saw him were amazed
to see how greatly he suffered on his account. And with
great and surpassing pomp he bore him, and buried him like one
of the princes when he dies; and he laid him in a grand sepulchre
adorned with sculpture wrought by the fingers—that in which were
laid those of the house of Ariu, the ancestors of Abgar the king:
there he laid him sorrowfully, with sadness and great
distress. And all the people of the church went there from time
to time and prayed fervently; and they kept up the remembrance of his
departure from year to year, according to the command and direction
which had been received by them from Addæus the apostle,3044
3044 Compare the
Teaching of the Apostles, Ord. xviii. p. 669,
infra. | and according to the word of Aggæus,
who himself became Guide and Ruler, and the successor of his seat after
him, by the ordination to the priesthood which he had received from him
in the presence of all men.
He too, with the same ordination which he had
received from him, made Priests and Guides in the whole of this country
of Mesopotamia. For they also, in like manner as Addæus the
apostle, held fast his word, and listened to and received it, as
good and faithful successors of the apostle of the adorable
Christ. But silver and gold he took not from any man, nor did the
gifts of the princes come near him: for, instead of
receiving gold and silver, he himself enriched the Church
of Christ with the souls of believers.
Moreover, as regards the entire
state3045 of the men and the women, they were chaste
and circumspect, and holy and pure: for they lived like
3046 The reference
is only to their purity of life. It is not implied that they
lived in seclusion.—Tr. | and chastely,
without spot—in circumspect watchfulness touching the ministry,
in their sympathy3047
3047 Lit.
“their burden-bearing.”—Tr. | toward the
poor, in their visitations to the sick: for their footsteps were
fraught with praise from those who saw them, and their conduct
was arrayed in commendation from strangers—so that even the
priests of the house of3048
3048 Or
“belonging to.”—Tr. | Nebu and Bel
divided the honour with them at all times, by reason of their dignified
aspect, their truthful words, their frankness of speech arising from
their noble nature, which was neither subservient through covetousness
nor in bondage under the fear of blame. For there was no
one who saw them that did not run to meet them, that he might salute
them respectfully, because the very sight of them shed peace upon the
beholden: for just like a net3049
3049 An allusion to
Matt. iv. 19: “I will make you fishers of
men.” | were their
words of gentleness spread over the contumacious, and they entered
within the fold of truth and verity. For there was no man who saw
them that was ashamed of
them, because they did nothing that was not accordant with rectitude
and propriety. And in consequence of these things their bearing
was fearless as they published their teaching to all men. For,
whatsoever they said to others and enjoined on them, they themselves
exhibited in practice in their own persons; and the hearers, who saw
that their actions went along with their words, without much persuasion
became their disciples, and confessed the King Christ, praising God for
having turned them towards Him.
And some years after the death of Abgar the king,
there arose one of his contumacious3050
3050 i.e., refusing
to accept Christianity: as a few lines before.—Tr. The person referred to would seem to be the
second of the two sons of Abgar called Maanu, who succeeded his brother
Maanu, and reigned fourteen years—from a.d. 52 to a.d. 65, according to
Dionysius as cited by Assemani. | sons, who was
not favourable to peace; and he sent word to Aggæus, as he
was sitting in the church: Make me a headband of gold, such as
thou usedst to make for my fathers in former times. Aggæus
sent to him: I will not give up the ministry of Christ, which was
committed to me by the disciple of Christ, and make a headband of
wickedness. And, when he saw that he did not comply, he sent and
brake his legs3051
3051 This ignominious mode
of execution, which was employed in the case of the two thieves at
Calvary, seems to have been of Roman origin. The object of the
king in putting Aggæus to this kind of death was, probably, to
degrade and disgrace him. | as he was sitting
in the church expounding. And as he was dying he adjured Palut
and Abshelama: In this house, for whose truth’s sake, lo! I
am dying, lay me and bury me. And, even as he had adjured
them, so did they lay him—inside the middle door of the
church, between the men and the women. And there was great and
bitter mourning in all the church, and in all the city—over and
above the anguish and the mourning which there had been within the
church, such as had been the mourning when Addæus the apostle
himself died.
3052 This paragraph
is a barefaced interpolation made by some ignorant person much later,
who is also responsible for the additions to the Martyrdom of
Sharbil, and to that of Barsamya. For this Palut was made
Elder by Addæus himself, at the time that Aggæus was
appointed Bishop, or Guide and Ruler. This took
place even before the death of Abgar, who died a.d. 45; whereas Serapion did not become bishop of Antioch
till the beginning of the third century, if, as is here stated, he was
consecrated by Zephyrinus, who did not become Bishop of Rome till
a.d. 201. | in consequence of
his dying suddenly and quickly at the breaking of his legs, he was not
able to lay his hand upon Palut. Palut went to Antioch,
and received ordination to the priesthood from Serapion bishop of
Antioch; by which Serapion himself also ordination had been received
from Zephyrinus bishop of the city of Rome, in the succession of the
ordination to the priesthood from Simon Cephas, who had received
it from our Lord, and was bishop there in Rome twenty-five years
in the days of the Cæsar who reigned there thirteen
And, according to the custom which exists in the
kingdom of Abgar the king, and in all kingdoms, that whatsoever the
king commands and whatsoever is spoken in his presence is committed to
writing and deposited among the records, so also did Labubna,3053
3053 Moses Chor.,
ii. 36, calls him, in the translation of Le Vaillant de Florival,
“Ghéroupna, fils de l’ecrivain Apchatar;” in
that of Whiston, “Lerubnas, Apsadari scribæ
filius.” Apchatar of the first, and Apsadar of the second,
translator are evidently corruptions in the Armenian from the
Adbshaddai (= Ebedshaddai) of the Syriac. Dr. Alishan, in a
letter to Dr. Cureton from the Armenian Convent of St. Lazarus, Venice,
says he has found an Armenianms., of probably
the twelfth century, which he believes to be a translation of the
present Syriac original. It is a history of Abgad and
Thaddæus, written by Ghérubnia with the assistance of Ananias
(= Hanan), confidant (= sharir) of King Abgar. | son of Senac, son of Ebedshaddai, the
king’s scribe, write these things also relating to Addæus
the apostle from the beginning to the end, whilst Hanan also the
Tabularius, a sharir of the kings, set-to his hand in witness, and
deposited the writing among the records of the kings, where the
ordinances and laws are deposited, and where the contracts of
the buyers and sellers are kept with care, without any negligence
Here endeth the teaching of Addæus the
apostle, which he proclaimed in Edessa, the faithful city of Abgar, the
faithful king.