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Revelation of
Account and life of Adam and
Eve, the first-created, revealed by God to His servant Moses, when he
received from the hand of the Lord the tables of the law of the
covenant, instructed by the archangel Michael.
This is the account of Adam and Eve. After
they went forth out of paradise, Adam took Eve his wife, and went up
into the east. And he remained there eighteen years and two
months; and Eve conceived and brought forth two sons, Diaphotus called
Cain, and Amilabes2455
2455 There is great
variety as to these names in the mss. The
true reading was probably διαφύτωρ or
a planter, and μηλατάς or
a keeper of sheep. | called
And after this, Adam and Eve were with one another; and
when they lay down, Eve said to Adam her lord: My lord, I have
seen in a dream this night the blood of my son Amilabes, who is called
Abel, thrown into the mouth of Cain his brother, and he drank it
without pity. And he entreated him to grant him a little of it,
but he did not listen to him, but drank it all up; and it did not
remain in his belly, but came forth out of his mouth. And Adam
said to Eve: Let us arise, and go and see what has happened to
them, lest perchance the enemy should be in any way warring against
And having both gone, they found Abel killed by the hand
of Cain his brother. And God says to the archangel Michael:
Say to Adam, Do not relate the mystery which thou knowest to thy son
Cain, for he is a son of wrath. But grieve thyself not; for I
will give thee instead of him another son, who shall show thee all
things, as many as thou shalt do to him; but do thou tell him
nothing. This God said to His angel; and Adam kept the word in
his heart, and with him Eve also, having grief about Abel their
And after this, Adam knew his wife Eve, and she
conceived and brought forth Seth. And Adam says to Eve:
Behold, we have brought forth a son instead of Abel whom Cain slew; let
us give glory and sacrifice to God.
And Adam had2456 thirty sons
and thirty daughters.2457
2457 One
ms. adds: And Adam lived 930 years; and
when he came to his end he cried, etc. | And he
fell into disease, and cried with a loud voice, and said: Let all
my sons come to me, that I may see them before I die. And they
were all brought together, for the earth was inhabited in three parts;
and they all came to the door of the house into which he had entered to
pray to God. And his son Seth said: Father Adam, what is
thy disease? And he says: My children, great trouble has
hold of me. And they say: What is the trouble and
disease? And Seth answered and said to him: Is it that thou
rememberest the fruits of paradise of which thou didst eat, and
grievest thyself because of the desire of them? If it is so, tell
me, and I will go and bring thee fruit from paradise. For I will
put dung upon my head, and weep and pray, and the Lord will hearken to
me, and send his angel; and I shall bring it to thee,2458
2458 One
ms. has: and he will bring to me of the
tree in which compassion flows, and thy trouble shall cease from
thee. | that thy trouble may cease from
thee. Adam says to him: No, my son Seth; but I have disease
and trouble. Seth says to him: And how have they come upon
thee? Adam said to him: When God made us, me and your
mother, for whose sake also I die, He gave us every plant in paradise;
but about one he commanded us not to eat of it, because on account of
it we should die. And the hour was at hand for the angels who
guarded your mother to go up and worship the Lord; and the enemy gave
to her, and she ate of the tree, knowing that I was not near her, nor
the holy angels; then she gave me also to eat. And when we had
both eaten, God was angry with us. And the Lord, coming into
paradise, set His throne, and called with a dreadful voice, saying,
Adam, where art thou? and why art thou hidden from my face? shall the
house be hidden from him that built it? And He says, Since thou
hast forsaken my covenant, I have brought upon thy body seventy
strokes.2459 The
trouble of the first stroke is the injury of the eyes; the trouble of
the second stroke, of the hearing; and so in succession, all the
strokes shall overtake thee.
And Adam thus speaking to his sons, groaned out loud,
and said: What shall I do? I am in great grief. And
Eve also wept, saying: My lord Adam, arise, give me the half of
thy disease, and let me bear it,
because through me this has happened to thee; through me thou art in
distresses and troubles. And Adam said to Eve: Arise, and
go with our son Seth near paradise, and put earth upon your heads, and
weep, beseeching the Lord that He may have compassion upon me, and send
His angel to paradise, and give me of the tree in which flows the oil
out of it, and that thou mayest bring it to me; and I shall anoint
myself, and have rest, and show thee the manner in which we were
deceived at first.
And Seth and Eve went into the regions of
paradise. And as they were going along, Eve saw her son, and a
wild beast fighting with him. And Eye wept, saying:
Woe’s me, woe’s me; for if I come to the day of the
resurrection, all who have sinned will curse me, saying, Eve did not
keep the commandment of God. And Eve cried out to the wild beast,
saying: O thou evil wild beast, wilt thou not be afraid to fight
with the image of God? How has thy mouth been opened? how have
thy teeth been strengthened? how hast thou not been mindful of thy
subjection, that thou wast formerly subject to the image of God?
Then the wild beast cried out, saying: O Eve, not against us thy
upbraiding nor thy weeping, but against thyself, since the beginning of
the wild beasts was from thee. How was thy mouth opened to eat of
the tree about which God had commanded thee not to eat of it? For
this reason also our nature has been changed. Now, therefore,
thou shalt not be able to bear up, if I begin to reproach thee.
And Seth says to the wild beast: Shut thy mouth and be silent,
and stand off from the image of God till the day of judgment.
Then the wild beast says to Seth: Behold, I stand off, Seth, from
the image of God. Then the wild beast fled, and left him wounded,
and went to his covert.
And Seth went with his mother Eve near
paradise: and they wept there, beseeching God to send His angel,
to give2460
2460 Lit., and he will
give. | them the oil of
compassion. And God sent to them the archangel Michael, and he
said to them these words: Seth, man of God, do not weary thyself
praying in this supplication about the tree in which flows the oil to
anoint thy father Adam; for it will not happen to thee now, but at the
last times. Then shall arise all flesh from Adam even to that
great day, as many as shall be a holy people; then shall be given to
them all the delight of paradise, and God shall be in the midst of
them; and there shall not any more be sinners before Him, because the
wicked heart shall be taken from them, and there shall be given to them
a heart made to understand what is good, and to worship God only.
Do thou again go to thy father, since the measure of his life has been
fulfilled, equal to2461
2461 Perhaps for
ἴσον we should read εἴσω, within. Another reading
is: for the days of his life have been fulfilled, and he will
live from today three days, and he will die. | three
days. And when his soul goes out, thou wilt behold its dreadful
And the angel, having said this, went away from
them. And Seth and Eve came to the tent where Adam was
lying. And Adam says to Eve: Why didst thou work mischief
against us, and bring upon us great wrath, which is death, holding sway
over all our race? And he says to her: Call all our
children, and our children’s children, and relate to them the
manner of our transgression.
Then Eve says to them: Listen, all my
children, and my children’s children, and I shall relate to you
how our enemy deceived us. It came to pass, while we were keeping
paradise, that we kept each the portion allotted to him by God.
And I was keeping in my lot the south and west. And the devil
went into the lot of Adam where were the male wild beasts; since God
parted to us the wild beasts, and had given all the males to your
father, and all the females He gave to me, and each of us watched his
own. And the devil spoke to the serpent, saying, Arise, come to
me, and I shall tell you a thing in which thou mayst be of
service. Then the serpent came to him, and the devil says to him,
I hear that thou art more sagacious than all the wild beasts, and I
have come to make thy acquaintance;2462
2462 C has:
I take counsel with thee. [C is a Vienna manuscript of the
twelfth century; see p. 358, and Tischendorf, Apocalypses
Apocryphæ, pp. xi., xii.—R.] | and I have
found thee greater than all the wild beasts, and they associate with
thee; notwithstanding, thou doest reverence to one far inferior.
Why eatest thou of the tares2463
2463 It seems to
be settled that the zizania of the Greeks, the zawân
of the Arabs, was darnel; but, from the associations connected with the
word, it is better to keep the common translation. | of Adam and
his wife, and not of the fruit of paradise? Arise and come
hither, and we shall make him be cast out of paradise through his wife,
as we also were cast out through him. The serpent says to him, I
am afraid lest the Lord be angry with me. The devil says to him,
Be not afraid; only become my instrument, and I will speak through thy
mouth a word by which thou shalt be able to deceive him. Then
straightway he hung by the walls of paradise about the hour when the
angels of God went up to worship. Then Satan came in the form of
an angel, and praised God as did the angels; and looking out from the
wall, I saw him like an angel. And says he to me, Art thou
Eve? And I said to him, I am. And says he to me, What doest
thou in paradise? And I said to him, God has set us to keep it,
and to eat of it. The devil answered me through the mouth of the
serpent, Ye do well, but you do not eat of every plant. And
I say to him, Yes, of
every plant we eat, but one only which is in the midst of paradise,
about which God has commanded us not to eat of it, since you will die
the death. Then says the serpent to me, As God liveth, I am
grieved for you, because you are like cattle. For I do not wish
you to be ignorant of this; but rise, come hither, listen to me, and
eat, and perceive the value of the tree, as He told us. But I
said to him, I am afraid lest God be angry with me. And he says
to me, Be not afraid; for as soon as thou eatest, thine eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods in knowing what is good and what is
evil. And God, knowing this, that ye shall be like Him, has had a
grudge against you, and said, Ye shall not eat of it. But do thou
observe the plant, and thou shalt see great glory about it. And I
observed the plant, and saw great glory about it. And I said to
him, It is beautiful to the eyes to perceive; and I was afraid to take
of the fruit. And he says to me, Come, I will give to thee:
follow me. And I opened to him, and he came inside into paradise,
and went through it before me. And having walked a little, he
turned, and says to me, I have changed my mind, and will not give thee
to eat. And this he said, wishing at last to entice and destroy
me. And he says to me, Swear to me that thou wilt give also to
thy husband. And I said to him, I know not by what oath I shall
swear to thee; but what I know I say to thee, By the throne of the
Lord, and the cherubim, and the tree of life, I will give also to my
husband to eat. And when he had taken the oath from me, then he
went and ascended upon it. And he put upon the fruit which he
gave me to eat the poison of his wickedness, that is, of his desire;
for desire is the head2464
2464 C has, root and
origin. | of all
sin. And I bent down the branch to the ground, and took of the
fruit, and ate. And in that very hour mine eyes were opened. and
I knew that I was stripped2465 of the
righteousness with which I had been clothed; and I wept, saying, What
is this thou hast done to me, because I have been deprived of the glory
with which I was clothed? And I wept too about the oath.
And he came down out of the tree, and went out of sight. And I
sought leaves in my portion,2466 that I might
cover my shame; and I did not find them from the plants of paradise,
since, at the time that I ate, the leaves of all the plants in my
portion fell, except of the fig alone. And having taken leaves
off it, I made myself a girdle, and it is from those plants of which I
ate. And I cried out with a loud voice, saying, Adam, Adam, where
art thou? Arise, come to me, and I shall show thee a great
mystery. And when your father came, I said to him words of
wickedness, which brought us down from great glory. For as soon
as he came I opened my mouth, and the devil spoke; and I began to
advise him, saying, Come hither, my lord Adam, listen to me, and eat of
the fruit of the tree of which God said to us not to eat of it, and
thou shalt be as God. And your father answered and said, I am
afraid lest God be angry with me. And I said to him, Be not
afraid, for as soon as thou shalt eat thou shalt know good and
evil. And then I quickly persuaded him, and he ate; and his eyes
were opened, and he was aware, he also, of his nakedness. And he
says to me, O wicked woman, why hast thou wrought mischief in us?
Thou hast alienated me from the glory of God. And that same hour
we heard the archangel Michael sounding his trumpet, calling the
angels, saying, Thus saith the Lord, Come with me to paradise, and hear
the word in which I judge Adam. And when we heard the archangel
sounding, we said, Behold, God is coming into paradise to judge
us. And we were afraid, and hid ourselves. And God came up
into paradise, riding upon a chariot of cherubim, and the angels
praising Him. When God came into paradise, the plants both of
Adam’s lot and of my lot bloomed, and all lifted themselves up;
and the throne of God was made ready where the tree of life was.
And God called Adam, saying, Adam, where art thou hidden, thinking that
I shall not find thee? Shall the house be hidden from him that
built it? Then your father answered and said, Not, Lord, did we
hide ourselves as thinking that we should not be found by Thee; but I
am afraid, because I am naked, and stand in awe of Thy power, O
Lord. God says to him, Who hath shown thee that thou art naked,
unless it be that thou hast forsaken my commandment which I gave thee
to keep it? Then Adam remembered the word which I spake to him
when I wished to deceive him, I will put thee out of danger from
God. And he turned and said to me, Why hast thou done this?
And I also remembered the word of the serpent, and said, The serpent
deceived me. God says to Adam, Since thou hast disobeyed my
commandment, and obeyed thy wife, cursed is the ground in thy
labours. For whenever thou labourest it, and it will not give its
strength, thorns and thistles shall it raise for thee; and in the sweat
of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread. And thou shalt be in
distresses of many kinds. Thou shalt weary thyself, and rest not;
thou shalt be afflicted by bitterness, and shall not taste of
sweetness; thou shalt be afflicted by heat, and oppressed by cold; and
thou shalt toil much, and not grow rich; and thou shalt make
2467 I have read
for παχυνθήσει,
thou shalt grow fat. | and not
attain thine end; and
the wild beasts, of which thou wast lord, shall rise up against thee in
rebellion, because thou hast not kept my commandment. And having
turned to me, the Lord says to me, Since thou hast obeyed the serpent,
and disobeyed my commandment, thou shalt be in distresses2468
2468 The text has
ματαίοις, vain;
the true reading is probably καμάτοις or
μόχθοις. | and unbearable pains; thou shalt bring
forth children with great tremblings; and in one hour shalt thou come
to bring them forth,2469 and lose thy
life in consequence of thy great straits and pangs. And thou
shalt confess, and say, Lord, Lord, save me; and I shall not return to
the sin of the flesh. And on this account in thine own words I
shall judge thee, on account of the enmity which the enemy hath put in
thee; and thou shalt turn again to thy husband, and he shall be thy
2470 ms. B. inserts: And Eve was twelve years old
when the demon deceived her, and gave her evil desires. For night
and day he ceased not to bear hatred against them, because he himself
was formerly in paradise; and therefore he supplanted them, because he
could not bear to see them in paradise. [B is a
Viennams. of the thirteenth or fourteenth
century; see Tischendorf, Apocal. Apocr., p.
xi.—R.] | And after speaking thus to me, He
spoke to the serpent in great wrath, saying to him, Since thou hast
done this, and hast become an ungracious instrument until thou shouldst
deceive those that were remiss in heart, cursed art thou of all the
beasts. Thou shalt be deprived of the food which thou eatest; and
dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life; upon thy breast and belly
shalt thou go, and thou shalt be deprived both of thy hands and feet;
there shall not be granted thee ear, nor wing, nor one limb of all
which those have whom thou hast enticed by thy wickedness, and hast
caused them to be cast out of paradise. And I shall put enmity
between thee and between his seed. He shall lie in wait
2471 This is after the
version of the LXX., and it is also the interpretation of Gesenius of
the Hebrew shûph, Gen. iii. 15. | thy head, and thou for his heel, until
the day of judgment. And having thus said, He commands His angels
that we be cast out of paradise. And as we were being driven
along, and were lamenting, your father Adam entreated the angels,
saying, Allow me a little, that I may entreat God, and that He may have
compassion upon me, and pity me, for I only have sinned. And they
stopped driving him. And Adam cried out with weeping, saying,
Pardon me, Lord, what I have done. Then says the Lord to His
angels, Why have you stopped driving Adam out of paradise? It is
not that the sin is mine, or that I have judged ill? Then the
angels, falling to the ground, worshipped the Lord, saying, Just art
Thou, Lord, and judgest what is right. And turning to Adam, the
Lord said, I will not permit thee henceforth to be in paradise.
And Adam answered and said, Lord, give me of the tree of life, that I
may eat before I am cast out. Then the Lord said to Adam, Thou
shalt not now take of it, for it has been assigned to the cherubim and
the flaming sword, which turneth to guard it on account of thee, that
thou mayst not taste of it and be free from death for ever, but that
thou mayst have the war which the enemy has set in thee. But when
thou art gone out of paradise, if thou shalt keep thyself from all
evil, as being destined to die, I will again raise thee up when the
resurrection comes, and then there shall be given thee of the tree of
life, and thou shalt be free from death for ever. And having thus
said, the Lord commanded us to be cast out of paradise. And your
father wept before the angels over against paradise. And the
angels say to him, What dost thou wish that we should do for thee,
Adam? And your father answered and said to the angels, Behold,
you cast me out. I beseech you, allow me to take sweet odours out
of paradise, in order that, after I go out, I may offer sacrifice to
God, that God may listen to me. And the angels, advancing, said
to God, Jael, eternal King, order to be given to Adam
sacrifices2472 of sweet odour
out of paradise. And God ordered Adam to go, that he might take
perfumes of sweet odour out of paradise for his food. And the
angels let him go, and he gathered both kinds—saffron and
spikenard, and calamus2473
2473 This is the
“sweet cane” of Isa. xliii. 24; Jer. vi. 20. See also Song of Sol. 4.14; Ezek. 27.19" id="vii.xxxviii-p32.2" parsed="|Exod|30|23|0|0;|Song|4|14|0|0;|Ezek|27|19|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Exod.30.23 Bible:Song.4.14 Bible:Ezek.27.19">Ex. xxx. 23; Cant. iv. 14; Ezek. xxvii.
19. | and cinnamon,
and other seeds for his food; and having taken them, he went forth out
of paradise. And we came to the earth.2474
2474 Or, and we were
upon the earth. |
Now, then, my children, I have shown you the manner in
which we were deceived. But do ye watch over yourselves, so as
not to forsake what is good.
And when she had thus spoken in the midst of her
sons, and Adam was lying in his disease, and he had one other day
before going out of the body, Eve says to Adam: Why is it that
thou diest, and I live? or how long time have I to spend after thou
diest? tell me. Then says Adam to Eve: Do not trouble
thyself about matters; for thou wilt not be long after me, but we shall
both die alike, and thou wilt be laid into my place.2475
2475 Perhaps
tomb, would be better than τόπον. | And when I am dead you will
leave2476 me, and let no one touch me, until the
angel of the Lord shall say something about me; for God will not forget
me, but will seek His own vessel which He fashioned. Arise,
rather, pray to God until I restore my spirit into the hands of Him who
has given it; because we know not how we shall meet Him who made us,
whether He shall be angry with us, or turn and have mercy upon
us. Then arose Eve, and went outside; and falling to the ground, she
said: I have sinned, O God; I have sinned, O Father of all; I
have sinned to Thee, I have sinned against Thy chosen angels, I have
sinned against the cherubim, I have sinned against Thine unshaken
throne; I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned much, I have sinned before
Thee, and every sin2477 through me
has come upon the creation. And while Eve was still praying,
being on her knees, behold, there came to her the angel of humanity,
and raised her up, saying: Arise, Eve, from thy repentance; for,
behold, Adam thy husband has gone forth from his body; arise and see
his spirit carried up to Him that made2478
2478 The text has
a misprint for ποιήσαντα
. | it, to meet Him.
And Eve arose, and covered her face with her hand;
and the angel says to her: Raise thyself from the things of
earth. And Eve gazed up into heaven, and she saw a chariot of
light going along under four shining eagles—and it was not
possible for any one born of woman2479 to tell
the glory of them, or to see the face of them—and angels going
before the chariot. And when they came to the place where your
father Adam was lying, the chariot stood still, and the seraphim
between your father and the chariot. And I saw golden censers,
and three vials; and, behold, all the angels with incense, and the
censers, and the vials, came to the altar, and blew them up, and the
smoke of the incense covered the firmaments. And the angels fell
down and worshipped God, crying out and saying: Holy Jael,
forgive; for he is Thine image, and the work of Thine holy
And again, I Eve saw two great and awful mysteries
standing before God. And I wept for fear, and cried out to my son
Seth, saying: Arise, Seth, from the body of thy father Adam, and
come to me, that thou mayst see what the eye of no one hath ever seen;
and they are praying for thy father Adam.2480
2480 The last clause is
not in C. |
Then Seth arose and went to his mother, and said
to her: What has befallen thee? and why weepest thou? She
says to him: Look up with thine eyes, and see the seven
firmaments opened, and see with thine eyes how the body of thy father
lies upon its face, and all the holy angels with him, praying for him,
and saying: Pardon him, O Father of the universe; for he is Thine
image. What then, my child Seth, will this be? and when will he
be delivered into the hands of our invisible Father and God? And
who are the two dark-faced ones who stand by at the prayer of thy
father? And Seth says to his mother: These are the sun and
the moon, and they are falling down and praying for my father
Adam. Eve says to him: And where is their light, and why
have they become black-looking? And Seth says to her: They
cannot shine in the presence of the Light of the universe,2481
2481 ms. A here ends thus: the Father, and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Amen. [A is the Venice ms. “of
about the thirteenth century;” Tischendorf, Apocal.
Apocr., p. xi.—R.] | and for this reason the light from them
has been hidden.
And while Seth was speaking to his mother, the
angels lying upon their faces sounded their trumpets, and cried out
with an awful voice, saying, Blessed be the glory of the Lord upon what
He has made, for He has had compassion upon Adam, the work of His
hands. When the angels had sounded this forth, there came one of
the six-winged seraphim, and hurried Adam to the Acherusian lake, and
washed him in presence of God. And he spent three hours2482
2482 The
mss. originally had days, and
hours is substituted in another hand. | lying, and thus the Lord of the
universe, sitting upon His holy throne, stretched forth His hands, and
raised Adam, and delivered him to the archangel Michael, saying to
him: Raise him into paradise, even to the third heaven, and let
him be there until that great and dreadful day which I am to bring upon
the world. And the archangel Michael, having taken Adam, led him
away, and anointed him, as God said to him at the pardoning of
After all these things, therefore, the archangel
asked about the funeral rites of the remains; and God commanded that
all the angels should come together into His presence, each according
to his rank. And all the angels were assembled, some with
censers, some with trumpets. And the Lord of Hosts went
up,2483 and the winds drew Him, and cherubim
riding upon the winds, and the angels of heaven went before Him; and
they came to where the body of Adam was, and took it. And they
came to paradise, and all the trees of paradise were moved so that all
begotten from Adam hung their heads in sleep at the sweet smell, except
Seth, because he had been begotten according to the appointment of
The body of Adam, then, was lying on the ground in
paradise, and Seth was grieved exceedingly about him. And the
Lord God says: Adam, why hast thou done this? If thou hadst
kept my commandment, those that brought thee down to this place would
not have rejoiced. Nevertheless I say unto thee, that I will turn
their joy into grief, but I will turn thy grief into joy; and having
turned, I will set thee in thy kingdom, on the throne of him that
deceived thee; and he shall be cast into this place, that thou mayst
sit upon him. Then shall be condemned, he and those who hear him;
and they shall be much grieved, and shall weep, seeing thee sitting
upon his glorious throne.
And then He
said to the archangel Michael: Go into paradise, into the third
heaven, and bring me three cloths of fine linen and silk. And God
said to Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael:2484 Cover Adam’s body with the
cloths, and bring olive oil of sweet odour, and pour upon him.
And having thus done, they prepared his body for burial. And the
Lord said: Let also the body of Abel be brought. And having
brought other cloths, they prepared it also for burial, since it had
not been prepared for burial since the day on which his brother Cain
slew him. For the wicked Cain, having taken great pains to hide
it, had not been able; for the earth did not receive it, saying:
I will not receive a body into companionship2485
2485 Probably the
reading should be ἕτερον, another, and not
ἑταῖρον. Or it may
mean: I will not receive a friendly body, i.e., one upon which I
have no claims. | until that dust which was taken up and
fashioned upon me come to me. And then the angels took it up, and
laid it on the rock until his father died. And both were buried,
according to the commandment of God, in the regions of paradise, in the
place in which God found the dust.2486
2486 i.e., of which
Adam was made. |
And God sent seven angels into paradise, and they brought many
sweet-smelling herbs, and laid them in the earth; and thus they took
the two bodies, and buried them in the place which they had dug and
And God called Adam, and said: Adam,
Adam. And the body answered out of the ground, and said:
Here am I, Lord. And the Lord says to him: I said to thee,
Dust2487 thou art, and unto dust thou shalt
return. Again I promise thee the resurrection. I will raise
thee up in the last day in the resurrection, with every man who is of
thy seed.
And after these words God made a three-cornered seal,
and sealed the tomb, that no one should do anything to him in the six
days, until his rib should return to him. And the beneficent God
and the holy angels having laid him in his place, after the six days
Eve also died. And while she lived she wept about her falling
asleep, because she knew not where her body was to be laid. For
when the Lord was present in paradise when they buried Adam, both she
and her children fell asleep, except Seth, as I said. And Eve, in
the hour of her death, besought that she might be buried where Adam her
husband was, saying thus: My Lord, Lord and God of all virtue, do
not separate me, Thy servant, from the body of Adam, for of his members
Thou madest me; but grant to me, even me, the unworthy and the sinner,
to be buried by his body. And as I was along with him in
paradise, and not separated from him after the transgression, so also
let no one separate us. After having prayed, therefore, she
looked up into heaven, and stood up, and said, beating her
breast: God of all, receive my spirit. And straightway she
gave up her spirit to God.
And when she was dead, the archangel Michael stood
beside her; and there came three angels, and took her body, and buried
it where the body of Abel was. And the archangel Michael said to
Seth: Thus bury every man that dies, until the day of the
resurrection. And after having given this law, he said to
him: Do not mourn beyond six days. And on the seventh day,
rest, and rejoice in it, because in it God and we the angels rejoice in
the righteous soul that has departed from earth. Having thus
spoken, the archangel Michael went up into heaven, glorifying, and
saying the Alleluia:2488
2488 ms. D ends here with: To whom be glory and
strength to ages of ages. Amen. [D is the Milan manuscript
which Tischendorf assigns to “About the eleventh century,”
Apocalypses Apocryphæ, p. xi.—R.] | Holy,
holy, holy Lord, to the glory of God the Father, because to Him is due
glory, honour, and adoration, with His unbeginning and life-giving
Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages.