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| That to Obtain the Blessed Life, Which Consists in Partaking of the Supreme Good, Man Needs Such Mediation as is Furnished Not by a Demon, But by Christ Alone. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 17.—That to Obtain the
Blessed Life, Which Consists in Partaking of the Supreme Good, Man
Needs Such Mediation as is Furnished Not by a Demon, But by Christ
I am considerably surprised that
such learned men, men who pronounce all material and sensible
things to be altogether inferior to those that are spiritual and
intelligible, should mention bodily contact in connection with the
blessed life. Is that sentiment of Plotinus forgotten?—“We
must fly to our beloved fatherland. There is the Father, there
our all. What fleet or flight shall convey us thither? Our way
is, to become like God.”354
354 Augustin apparently quotes from
memory from two passages of the Enneades, l. vi. 8, and ii.
3. | If, then, one is nearer to God
the liker he is to Him, there is no other distance from God than
unlikeness to Him. And the
soul of man is unlike that
incorporeal and unchangeable and eternal essence, in proportion as
it craves things temporal and mutable. And as the things beneath,
which are mortal and impure, cannot hold intercourse with the
immortal purity which is above, a mediator is indeed needed to
remove this difficulty; but not a mediator who resembles the
highest order of being by possessing an immortal body, and the
lowest by having a diseased soul, which makes him rather grudge
that we be healed than help our cure. We need a Mediator who,
being united to us here below by the mortality of His body, should
at the same time be able to afford us truly divine help in
cleansing and liberating us by means of the immortal righteousness
of His spirit, whereby He remained heavenly even while here upon
earth. Far be it from the incontaminable God to fear pollution
from the man355 He assumed,
or from the men among whom He lived in the form of a man. For,
though His incarnation showed us nothing else, these two wholesome
facts were enough, that true divinity cannot be polluted by flesh,
and that demons are not to be considered better than ourselves
because they have not flesh.356
356 Comp. De Trin. 13.
22. | This, then, as Scripture says, is
the “Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus,”357 of whose
divinity, whereby He is equal to the Father, and humanity, whereby
He has become like us, this is not the place to speak as fully as I