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| Of Constancy in the Faith of the Resurrection. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 25.—Of Constancy in
the Faith of the Resurrection.
46. “Therefore, brother, confirm
yourself in the name and help of Him in whom you believe, so as to
withstand the tongues of those who mock at our faith, in whose case
the devil speaks seductive words, bent above all on making a
mockery of the faith in a resurrection. But, judging from your own
1486 Sed ex te ipso
crede. It may also = but, on your side,
do you believe. | believe
that, seeing you have been, you will also be hereafter, even as you
perceive yourself now to be, although previously you were not. For
where was this great structure of your body, and where this
formation and compacted connection of members a few years ago,
before you were born, or even before you were conceived in your
mother’s womb? Where, I repeat, was then this structure and this
stature of your body? Did it not come forth to light from the
hidden secrets of this creation, under the invisible formative
operations of the Lord God, and did it not rise to its present
magnitude and fashion by those fixed measures of increase which
come with the successive periods of life?1487
1487 Certisque ætatum
incrementis, etc. | Is it then in any way a difficult
thing for God, who also in a moment brings together out of secrecy
the masses of the clouds and veils the heavens in an instant of
time, to make this quantity of your body again what it was, seeing
that He was able to make it what formerly it was not?1488
1488 Reading sicut non erat;
for which, however, cum non erat also occurs = seeing He was
able to make it when it was not. |
Consequently, believe with a manful and unshaken spirit that all
those things which seem to be withdrawn from the eyes of men as if
to perish, are safe and exempt from loss in relation to the
omnipotence of God, who will restore them, without any delay or
difficulty, when He is so minded,—those of them at least, I
should say, that are judged by His justice to merit restoration; in
order that men may give account of their deeds in their very bodies
in which they have done them; and that in these they may be deemed
worthy to receive either the exchange of heavenly incorruption in
accordance with the deserts of their piety, or the corruptible
condition of body1489
1489 Corruptibilem corporis
conditionem. But corruptibilis
also occurs = the condition of a corruptible body. | in accordance with the deserts of
their wickedness,—and that, too, not a condition such as may be
done away with by death, but such as shall furnish material for
everlasting pains.
47. “Flee, therefore, by
steadfast faith and good manners,—flee, brother, those torments
in which neither the torturers fail, nor do the tortured die; to
whom it is death without end, to be unable to die in their pains.
And be kindled with love and longing for the everlasting life of
the saints, in which neither will action be toilsome nor will rest
be indolent; in which the praise of God will be without irksomeness
and without defect; wherein there will be no weariness in the mind,
no exhaustion in the body; wherein, too, there shall be no want,
whether on your own part, so that you should crave for relief, or
on your neighbor’s part, so that you should be in haste to carry
relief to him. God will be the whole enjoyment and satisfaction1490
1490 Satietas. Some editions, however, give societas = the
society. | of that
holy city, which lives in Him and of Him, in wisdom and beatitude.
For as we hope and look for what has been promised by Him, we shall
be made equal to the angels of God,1491 and together with them we shall
enjoy that Trinity now by sight, wherein at present we walk by
faith.1492 For we
believe that which we see not, in order that through these very
deserts of faith we may be counted worthy also to see that which we
believe, and to abide in it; to the intent that these mysteries of
the equality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the
unity of this same Trinity, and the manner in which these three
subsistences are one God, need no more be uttered by us in words of
faith and sounding syllables, but may be drunk in in purest and
most burning contemplation in that silence.
48. “These things hold fixed in
your heart, and call upon the God in whom you believe, to defend
you against the temptations of the devil; and be careful, lest that
adversary come stealthily upon you from a strange quarter, who, as
a most malevolent solace for his own damnation, seeks others whose
companionship he may obtain in that damnation. For he is bold
enough not only to tempt Christian people through the
instrumentality of those who hate the Christian name, or are pained
to see the world taken possession of by that name, and still fondly
desire to do service to idols and to the curious rites of evil
spirits, but at times he also attempts the same through the agency
of such men as we have mentioned a little ago, to wit, persons
severed from the unity of the Church, like the twigs which are
lopped off when the vine is pruned, who are called heretics
or schismatics. Howbeit sometimes also he makes the same
effort by means of the Jews, seeking to tempt and seduce believers
by their instrumentality. Nevertheless, what ought above all things
to be guarded against is, that no individual may suffer himself to
be tempted and deceived by men who are within the Catholic Church
itself, and who are borne by it like the chaff that is sustained
against the time of its winnowing. For in being patient toward such
persons, God has this end in view, namely, to exercise and confirm
the faith and prudence of His elect by means of the perverseness of
these others while at the same time He also takes account of the
fact that many of their number make an advance, and are converted
to the doing of the good pleasure of God with a great impetus, when
led to take pity upon their own souls.1493
1493 Ad placendum Deo miserati
animas suas, etc. Instead of
miserati the reading miseranti also occurs = "to" the
doing of the good pleasure of the God who takes pity on their
souls. The Benedictine editors suggest that the whole clause is in
reference to Ecclesiasticus xxx. 24,
(23), which in the Latin runs thus: miserere animæ tuæ
placens Deo. | For not all treasure up for
themselves, through the patience of God, wrath in the day of the
wrath of His just judgment;1494 but many are brought by the same
patience of the Almighty to the most wholesome pain of
repentance.1495 And until
that is effected, they are made the means of exercising not only
the forbearance, but also the compassion of those who are already
holding by the right way. Accordingly, you will have to witness
many drunkards, covetous men, deceivers gamesters, adulterers,
fornicators, men who bind upon their persons sacrilegious charms
and others given up to sorcerers and astrologers,1496 and
diviners practised in all kinds of impious arts. You will also have
to observe how those very crowds which fill the theatres on the
festal days of the pagans also fill the churches on the festal days
of the Christians. And when you see these things you will be
tempted to imitate them. Nay, why should I use the expression,
you will see, in reference to what you assuredly are acquainted
with even already? For you are not ignorant of the fact that many
who are called Christians engage in all these evil things which I
have briefly mentioned. Neither are you ignorant that at times,
perchance, men whom you know to bear the name of Christians are
guilty of even more grievous offenses than these. But if you have
come with the notion that you may do such things as in a secured
position, you are greatly in error; neither will the name of Christ
be of any avail to you when He begins to judge in utmost
strictness, who also of old condescended in utmost mercy to come to
man’s relief. For He Himself has foretold these things, and
speaks to this effect in the Gospel: ‘Not every one that saith
unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that doeth the will of my Father. Many shall say unto me in that
day, Lord, Lord, in thy name we have eaten and drunken.’1497 For all,
therefore, who persevere in such works the end is damnation.
Consequently, when you see many not only doing these things but
also defending and recommending them, keep yourself firmly by the
law of God, and follow not its willful transgressors. For it is not
according to their mind, but according to His1498 truth that you will be
49. “Associate with the good,
whom you perceive to be at one with you in loving your King. For
there are many such for you to discover, if you also begin to
cultivate that character yourself. For if in the public spectacles
you wished to be in congenial company, and to attach yourself
1499 Adopting nam si in spectaculis
cum illis esse cupiebas et eis inhærere. Another, but less
weightily supported reading, is, nam si in spectaculis et
vanitatibus insanorum certaminum illis cupiebas inhærere = for
if in the public spectacles and vanities of mad struggles you wish
to attach yourself closely to men, etc. | to men who
are united with you in a liking for some charioteer, or some
hunter, or some player or other, how much more ought you to find
pleasure in associating with those who are at one with you in
loving that God, with regard to whom no one that loves Him shall
ever have cause for the blush of shame, inasmuch as not only is He
Himself incapable of being overcome, but He will also render those
unconquerable who are affectionately disposed toward Him. At the
same time, not even on those same good men, who either anticipate
you or accompany you on the way to God, ought you to set your hope,
seeing that no more ought you to place it on yourself, however
great may be the progress you have made, but on Him who justifies
both them and you, and thus makes you what you are. For you are
secure in God, because He changes not; but in man no one prudently
counts himself secure. But if we ought to love those who are not
righteous as yet, with the view that they may be so, how much more
warmly ought those to be loved who already are righteous? At the
same time, it is one thing to love man, and another thing to set
one’s hope in man; and the difference is so great, that God
enjoins the one and forbids the other. Moreover, if you have
to sustain either any insults or any sufferings in the
cause of the name of Christ, and neither fall away from the faith
nor decline from the good way,1500
1500 Bona via. Another and well authenticated rendering is, bona
vita = the good life. | you are certain to receive the
greater reward; whereas those who give way to the devil in such
circumstances, lose even the less reward. But be humble toward God,
in order that He may not permit you to be tempted beyond your
strength.”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH