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| The Doctrine of Christ soon spread throughout All the World. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter III.—The Doctrine
of Christ soon spread throughout All the World.
1. Thus, under the influence of heavenly power, and with the
divine co-operation, the doctrine of the Saviour, like the rays of the
sun, quickly illumined the whole world;283
283 Compare Col. i. 6. That Christianity had
already spread over the whole world at this time is, of course, an
exaggeration; but the statement is not a mere rhetorical flourish; it
was believed as a historical fact. This conception arose originally out
of the idea that the second coming of Christ was near, and the whole
world must know of him before his coming. The tradition that the
apostles preached in all parts of the world is to be traced back to the
same cause. |
and straightway, in accordance with the divine Scriptures,284 the voice of the inspired evangelists
and apostles went forth through all the earth, and their words to the
end of the world.
2. In every city and village,
churches were quickly established, filled with multitudes of people
like a replenished threshing-floor. And those whose minds, in
consequence of errors which had descended to them from their
forefathers, were fettered by the ancient disease of idolatrous
superstition, were, by the power of Christ operating through the
teaching and the wonderful works of his disciples, set free, as it
were, from terrible masters, and found a release from the most cruel
bondage. They renounced with abhorrence every species of demoniacal
polytheism, and confessed that there was only one God, the creator of
all things, and him they honored with the rites of true piety, through
the inspired and rational worship which has been planted by our Saviour
among men.
3. But the divine grace being
now poured out upon the rest of the nations, Cornelius, of Cæsarea
in Palestine, with his whole house, through a divine revelation and the
agency of Peter, first received faith in Christ;285 and after him a multitude of other Greeks
in Antioch,286
286 See Acts xi. 20. The Textus Receptus of the New Testament reads at this
point ῾Ελληνιστ€ς, a reading which is strongly supported by external
testimony and adopted by Westcott and Hort. But the internal evidence
seems to demand ῞Ελληνας, and this reading is found in some of the oldest versions
and in a few mss., and is adopted by most
modern critics, including Tischendorf. Eusebius is a witness for the
latter reading. He takes the word ῞Ελληνας in a broad sense to indicate all that are not Jews, as is clear
from his insertion of the ἄλλων,
“other Greeks,” after speaking of Cornelius, who was
not a Greek, but a Roman. Closs accordingly translates
Nichtjuden, and Stigloher Heiden. | to whom those who were scattered
by the persecution of Stephen had preached the Gospel. When the church
of Antioch was now increasing and abounding, and a multitude of
prophets from Jerusalem were on the ground,287
among them Barnabas and Paul and in addition many other brethren, the
name of Christians first sprang up there,288
288 See Acts xi. 26. This name was first given to the disciples by the heathen
of Antioch, not by the Jews, to whom the word “Christ”
meant too much; nor by the disciples themselves, for the word seldom
appears in the New Testament, and nowhere in the mouth of a disciple.
The word χριστιανός
has a Latin termination, but this does not prove that
it was invented by Romans, for Latinisms were common in the Greek of
that day. It was probably originally given as a term of contempt, but
accepted by the disciples as a term of the highest honor. | as from a fresh and life-giving
289 ἀπ᾽
εὐθαλοῦς καὶ
πηγῆς. Two mss., followed by Stephanus, Valesius, Closs, and
Crusè, read γῆς; but all the other
mss., together with Rufinus, support the
reading πηγῆς, which is
adopted by the majority of editors. |
4. And Agabus, one of the
prophets who was with them, uttered a prophecy concerning the famine
which was about to take place,290
290 See Acts xi. 28. Agabus is known to us only from this and one other passage
of the Acts (xxi. 10), where he
foretells the imprisonment of Paul. The famine here referred to took
place in the reign of Claudius, where Eusebius puts it when he mentions
it again in chap. 8. He cannot therefore be accused, as many accuse
him, of putting the famine itself into the reign of Tiberius, and hence
of committing a chronological error. He is following the account of the
Acts, and mentions the prominent fact of the famine in that connection,
without thinking of chronological order. His method is, to be sure,
loose, as he does not inform his readers that he is anticipating by a
number of years, but leaves them to discover it for themselves when
they find the same subject taken up again after a digression of four
chapters. Upon the famine itself, see below, chap. 8. | and Paul and
Barnabas were sent to relieve the necessities of the brethren.291