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XXIV.—Nepos and his
2332 Of this Egyptian bishop Nepos, we know only what is told us in
this chapter. Upon chiliasm in the early Church, see above, Bk. III.
chap. 39, note 19. It is interesting to note, that although chiliasm
had long lost its hold wherever the philosophical theology of the third
century had made itself felt, it still continued to maintain its sway
in other parts of the Church, especially in outlying districts in the
East, which were largely isolated from the great centers of thought,
and in the greater part of the West. By such Christians it was looked
upon, in fact, as the very kernel of Christianity,—they lived as
most Christians of the second century had, in the constant hope of a
speedy return of Christ to reign in power upon the earth. The gradual
exclusion of this remnant of early Christian belief involved the same
kind of consequences as the disappearance of the belief in the
continued possession by the Church of the spirit of prophecy (see Bk.
V. chap. 16, note 1), and marks another step in the progress of the
Church from the peculiarly enthusiastic spirit of the first and second,
to the more formal spirit of the third and following centuries. Compare
the remarks of Harnack in his Dogmengeschichte, I. p. 482 sq. It
seems, from §6, below, that Dionysius had engaged in an oral
discussion of the doctrines taught in the book of Nepos, which had
prevailed for a long time in Arsinoë, where the disputation was
held. The best spirit was exhibited by both parties in the discussion,
and the result was a decided victory for Dionysius. He was evidently
afraid, however, that the book of Nepos, which was widely circulated,
would still continue to do damage, and therefore he undertook to refute
it in a work of his own, entitled On the Promises (see the next
note). His work, like his disputation, undoubtedly had considerable
effect, but chiliasm still prevailed in some of the outlying districts
of Egypt for a number of generations. |
1. Besides all these the two books on the Promises2333
2333 περὶ
ἐπαγγελιῶν. This work, as we learn from §3, below, contained in
the first book Dionysius’ own views on the subject under dispute,
in the second a detailed discussion of the Apocalypse upon which Nepos
based his chiliastic opinions. The work is no longer extant, though
Eusebius gives extracts from the second book in this and in the next
chapter; and three brief fragments have been preserved in a Vatican
ms., and are published in the various editions
of Dionysius’ works. The Eusebian extracts are translated in the
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI. p. 81–84. We have no means
of ascertaining the date of Dionysius work. Hefele
(Conciliengesch. I. p. 134), Dittrich (p. 69), and others, put
the disputation at Arsinoë, in 254 or 255, and the composition of
the work of Dionysius of course soon thereafter; but we have no
authority for fixing the date of the disputation with such exactness,
and must be content to leave it quite undetermined, though it is not
improbable that it took place, as Dittrich maintains, between the
persecutions of Decius and Valerian. In the preface to the eighteenth
book of his commentary on Isaiah, Jerome speaks of a work of Dionysius,
On the Promises (evidently referring to this same work),
directed against Irenæus. In his de vir ill. 69, however,
he follows Eusebius in stating that the work was written against Nepos.
There can be no doubt on this score, and Jerome’s statement in
his commentary seems to be a direct error. It is possible, however,
that Irenæus, as the most illustrious representative of chiliastic
views, may have been mentioned, and his positions refuted in the work,
and thus Jerome have had some justification for his report. | were prepared by him. The occasion of
these was Nepos, a bishop in Egypt, who taught that the promises to the
holy men in the Divine Scriptures should be understood in a more Jewish
manner, and that there would be a certain millennium of bodily luxury
upon this earth.
2. As he thought that he could
establish his private opinion by the Revelation of John, he wrote a
book on this subject, entitled Refutation of Allegorists.2334
2334 Evidently directed against Origen and other allegorical
interpreters like him, who avoided the materialistic conceptions
deduced by so many from the Apocalypse, by spiritualizing and
allegorizing its language. This work of Nepos has entirely
perished. |
3. Dionysius opposes this in his
books on the Promises. In the first he gives his own opinion of the
dogma; and in the second he treats of the Revelation of John, and
mentioning Nepos at the beginning, writes of him in this
4. “But since they bring
forward a certain work of Nepos, on which they rely confidently, as if
it proved beyond dispute that there will be a reign of Christ upon
earth, I confess that2335
2335 The words “I confess that” are not in the original,
but the insertion of some clause of the kind is necessary to complete
the sentence. | in many other
respects I approve and love Nepos, for his faith and industry and
diligence in the Scriptures, and for his extensive psalmody,2336
2336 On early Christian hymnody, see above, Bk. V. chap. 28, note
14. | with which many of the brethren are
still delighted; and I hold him in the more reverence because he has
gone to rest before us. But the truth should be loved and honored most
of all. And while we should praise and approve ungrudgingly what is
said aright, we ought to examine and correct what does not seem to have
been written soundly.
5. Were he present to state his
opinion orally, mere unwritten discussion, persuading and reconciling
those who are opposed by question and answer, would be sufficient. But
as some think his work very plausible, and as certain teachers regard
the law and prophets as of no consequence, and do not follow the
Gospels, and treat lightly the apostolic epistles, while they make
2337 “i.e. dire ante promittunt quam tradunt. The metaphor
is taken from the mysteries of the Greeks, who were wont to promise
great and marvelous discoveries to the initiated, and then kept them on
the rack by daily expectation in order to confirm their judgment and
reverence by suspense of knowledge, as Tertullian says in his book
Against the Valentinians [chap. 1].” Valesius. | as to the teaching of this work
as if it were some great hidden mystery, and do not permit our simpler
brethren to have any sublime and lofty thoughts concerning the glorious
and truly divine appearing of our Lord, and our resurrection from the
dead, and our being gathered together unto him, and made like him, but
on the contrary lead them to hope for small and mortal things in the
kingdom of God, and for things such as exist now,—since this is
the case, it is necessary that we should dispute with our
brother Nepos as if he were present.” Farther on he says:
6. “When I was in the
district of Arsinoë,2338
2338 ἐν
᾽Αρσινοείτῃ. The Arsinoite nome or district (on the nomes of Egypt,
see above, Bk. II. chap. 17, note 10) was situated on the western bank
of the Nile, between the river and Lake Mœris, southwest of
Memphis. | where, as
you know, this doctrine has prevailed for a long time, so that schisms
and apostasies of entire churches have resulted, I called together the
presbyters and teachers of the brethren in the villages,—such
brethren as wished being also present,—and I exhorted them to
make a public examination of this question.
7. Accordingly when they brought
me this book, as if it were a weapon and fortress impregnable, sitting
with them from morning till evening for three successive days, I
endeavored to correct what was written in it.
8. And I rejoiced over the
constancy, sincerity, docility, and intelligence of the brethren, as we
considered in order and with moderation the questions and the
difficulties and the points of agreement. And we abstained from
defending in every manner and contentiously the opinions which we had
once held, unless they appeared to be correct. Nor did we evade
objections, but we endeavored as far as possible to hold to and confirm
the things which lay before us, and if the reason given satisfied us,
we were not ashamed to change our opinions and agree with others; but
on the contrary, conscientiously and sincerely, and with hearts laid
open before God, we accepted whatever was established by the proofs and
teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
9. And finally the author and
mover of this teaching, who was called Coracion,2339
2339 Of this Coracion, we know only what is told us here. | in the hearing of all the brethren
that were present, acknowledged and testified to us that he would no
longer hold this opinion, nor discuss it, nor mention nor teach it, as
he was fully convinced by the arguments against it. And some of the
other brethren expressed their gratification at the conference, and at
the spirit of conciliation and harmony which all had
manifested.”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH