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| Texts Explained; Twelfthly, Matthew xxvi. 39; John xii. 27, &c. Arian inferences are against the Regula Fidei, as before. He wept and the like, as man. Other texts prove Him God. God could not fear. He feared because His flesh feared. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXIX.—Texts Explained; Twelfthly,
xxvi. 39; John xii. 27, &c.
Arian inferences are against the Regula Fidei, as before. He wept and the like, as man. Other
texts prove Him God. God could not fear. He feared because His flesh
54. Therefore as, when the flesh advanced, He is
said to have advanced, because the body was His own, so also what is
said at the season of His death, that He was troubled, that He wept,
must be taken in the same sense3168
3168 διανοί& 139·, §26 et passim. | . For they,
going up and down3169
3169 ἄνω
καὶ κάτω,
vid. de Decr. 14, n. 1; Or. ii. 34, n. 5. | , as if thereby
recommending their heresy anew, allege; “Behold, ‘He
wept,’ and said, ‘Now is My soul troubled,’ and He
besought that the cup might pass away; how then, if He so spoke, is He
God, and Word of the Father?” Yea, it is written that He wept, O
God’s enemies, and that He said, ‘I am troubled,’ and
on the Cross He said, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani,’ that
is, ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ and He
besought that the cup might pass away3170 .
Thus certainly it is written; but again I would ask you (for the same
rejoinder must of necessity be made to each of your objections3171 ), If the speaker is mere man, let him weep
and fear death, as being man; but if He is the Word in flesh3172 (for one must not be reluctant to repeat),
whom had He to fear being God? or wherefore should He fear death, who
was Himself Life, and was rescuing others from death? or how, whereas
He said, ‘Fear not him that kills the body3173 ,’ should He Himself fear? And how
should He who said to Abraham, ‘Fear not, for I am with
thee,’ and encouraged Moses against Pharaoh, and said to the son
of Nun, ‘Be strong, and of a good courage3174 ,’ Himself feel terror before Herod and
Pilate? Further, He who succours others against fear (for ‘the
Lord,’ says Scripture, ‘is on my side, I will not fear what
man shall do unto me3175 ’), did He
fear governors, mortal men? did He who Himself was come against death,
feel terror of death? Is it not both unseemly and irreligious to say
that He was terrified at death or hades, whom the keepers of the gates
of hades3176 saw and shuddered? But if, as you
would hold, the Word was in terror wherefore, when He spoke long before
of the conspiracy of the Jews, did He not flee, nay said when actually
sought, ‘I am He?’ for He could have avoided death, as He
said, ‘I have power to lay down My life, and I have power to take
it again;’ and ‘No one taketh it from Me3177 .’
55. But these affections were not proper to the
nature of the Word, as far as He was Word; but in the flesh which was
thus affected was the Word, O Christ’s enemies and unthankful
Jews! For He said not all this prior to the flesh; but when the
‘Word became flesh,’ and has become man, then is it written
that He said this, that is, humanly. Surely He of whom this is written
was He who raised Lazarus from the dead, and made the water wine, and
vouchsafed sight to the man born blind, and said, ‘I and My
Father are one3178 .’ If then
they make His human attributes a ground for low thoughts concerning the
Son of God, nay consider Him altogether man from the earth, and not3179
3179 ἄνθρωπον
ὅλον, Orat. iv. 35
fin. | from heaven, wherefore not from His divine
works recognise the Word who is in the Father, and henceforward
renounce their self-willed3180
3180 ἰδίαν, Orat. i.
52 fin. | irreligion? For
they are given to see, how He who did the works is the same as He who
shewed that His body was passible by His permitting3181
3181 This
our Lord’s suspense or permission, at His will, of the operations
of His manhood is a great principle in the doctrine of the Incarnation.
Cf. Theophylact, in Joh. xi. 34. And Cyril, fragm. in
Joan. p. 685. Leon. Ep. 35, 3. Aug. in Joan. xlix.
18. vid. note on §57, sub. fin. The Eutychians perverted
this doctrine, as if it implied that our Lord was not subject to the
laws of human nature, and that He suffered merely ‘by
permission of the Word.’ Leont. ap. Canis. t. i. p. 563.
In like manner Marcion or Manes said that His ‘flesh appeared
from heaven in resemblance, ὡς ἠθέλησεν.’ Athan. contr. Apoll. ii. 3. | it to weep and hunger, and to shew other
properties of a body. For while by means of such He made it known that,
though God impassible, He had taken a passible flesh; yet from the
works He shewed Himself the Word of God, who had afterwards become man,
saying, Though ye believe not Me, beholding Me clad in a human body,
yet believe the works, that ye may know that “I am in the Father,
and the Father in Me.3182 ” ‘And
Christ’s enemies seem to me to shew plain shamelessness and
blasphemy;’ for, when they hear ‘I and the Father are one3183 ,’ they violently distort the sense,
and separate the unity of the Father and the Son; but reading of His
tears or sweat or sufferings, they do not advert to His body, but on
account of these rank in the creation Him by whom the creation was
made. What then is left for them to differ from the Jews in? for as the
Jews blasphemously ascribed God’s works to Beelzebub, so also
will these, ranking with the creatures the Lord who wrought those
works, undergo the same condemnation as theirs without mercy.
56. But they ought, when they hear ‘I and
the Father are one,’ to see in Him the oneness of the Godhead and
the propriety of the Father’s Essence; and again when they hear,
‘He wept’ and the like, to say that these are proper to the
body; especially since on each side they have an intelligible ground,
viz. that this is written as of God and that with reference to His manhood. For in the incorporeal,
the properties of body had not been, unless He had taken a body
corruptible and mortal3184
3184 Or. i. 43, 44, notes; ii. 66, n. 7. Serm. Maj. de
Fid. 9. Tertull. de Carn. Chr. 6. | ; for mortal was
Holy Mary, from whom was His body. Wherefore of necessity when He was
in a body suffering, and weeping, and toiling, these things which are
proper to the flesh, are ascribed to Him together with the body. If
then He wept and was troubled, it was not the Word, considered as the
Word, who wept and was troubled, but it was proper to the flesh; and if
too He besought that the cup might pass away, it was not the Godhead
that was in terror, but this affection too was proper to the manhood.
And that the words ‘Why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ are His,
according to the foregoing explanations (though He suffered nothing,
for the Word was impassible), is notwithstanding declared by the
Evangelists; since the Lord became man, and these things are done and
said as from a man, that He might Himself lighten3185 these very sufferings of the flesh, and free
it from them3186 . Whence neither can the Lord be
forsaken by the Father, who is ever in the Father, both before He
spoke, and when He uttered this cry. Nor is it lawful to say that the
Lord was in terror, at whom the keepers of hell’s gates
shuddered3187 and set open hell, and the graves did
gape, and many bodies of the saints arose and appeared to their own
people3188 . Therefore be every heretic dumb, nor
dare to ascribe terror to the Lord whom death, as a serpent, flees, at
whom demons tremble, and the sea is in alarm; for whom the heavens are
rent and all the powers are shaken. For behold when He says, ‘Why
hast Thou forsaken Me?’ the Father shewed that He was ever and
even then in Him; for the earth knowing its Lord3189 who spoke, straightway trembled, and the
vail was rent, and the sun was hidden, and the rocks were torn asunder,
and the graves, as I have said, did gape, and the dead in them arose;
and, what is wonderful, they who were then present and had before
denied Him, then seeing these signs, confessed that ‘truly He was
the Son of God3190
3190 Vid. Matt. xxvii. 54. Vid. Or. ii.
16; 35, n. 2. Cf. Leo’s Tome (Ep. 28.) 4. Nyssen,
contr. Eunom. iv. p. 161. Ambros. Epist. i. 46. n. 7.
vid. Hil. Trin. x. 48. Also vid. Athan. Sent. D. fin.
Serm. Maj. de Fid. 24. | .’
57. And as to His saying, ‘If it be
possible, let the cup pass,’ observe how, though He thus spake,
He rebuked3191 Peter, saying, ‘Thou savourest
not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.’ For He
3192 [The
human will of the Saviour is in absolute harmony with the Divine,
though psychologically distinct.] Cf. Anast. Hodeg. i. p.
12. | what He deprecated, for therefore had
He come; but His was the willing (for for it He came), but the terror
belonged to the flesh. Wherefore as man He utters this speech also, and
yet both were said by the Same, to shew that He was God, willing in
Himself, but when He had become man, having a flesh that was in terror.
For the sake of this flesh He combined His own will with human
3193 It is
observable that, as elsewhere we have seen Athan. speak of the
nature of the Word, and of, not the nature of man as
united to Him, but of flesh, humanity, &c. (vid. Or.
ii. 45, n. 2.) so here, instead of speaking of two wills, he speaks of
the Word’s willing and human weakness, terror,
&c. In another place he says still more pointedly, ‘The
will was of the Godhead alone; since the whole nature of
the Word was manifested in the second Adam’s human form
and visible flesh.’ contr. Apoll. ii. 10. Cf. S.
Leo on the same passage: ‘The first request is one of infirmity,
the second of power; the first He asked in our [character], the second
in His own.…The inferior will give way to the superior,’
&c. Serm. 56, 2. vid. a similar passage in Nyssen.
Antirrh. adv. Apol. 32. vid. also 31. An obvious objection may
be drawn from such passages, as if the will ‘of the flesh’
were represented as contrary (vid. foregoing note) to the will of the
Word. The whole of our Lord’s prayer is offered by Him as man,
because it is a prayer; the first part is not from Him as man, but the
second, which corrects it, from Him as God [i.e. the first part is not
human as contrasted with the second]; but the former part is
from the sinless infirmity of our nature, the latter from His human
will expressing its acquiescence in His Father’s, that is, in His
Divine Will. ‘His Will,’ says S. Greg. Naz. ‘was not
contrary to God, being all deified, θεωθὲν
ὅλον.’ | , that destroying this affection He
might in turn make man undaunted in face of death. Behold then a thing
strange indeed! He to whom Christ’s enemies impute words of
terror, He by that so-called3194
3194 νομιζομένῃ, vid. Orat. i. 10. | tenor renders men
undaunted and fearless. And so the Blessed Apostles after Him from such
words of His conceived so great a contempt of death, as not even to
care for those who questioned them, but to answer, ‘We ought to
obey God rather than men3195 .’ And the
other Holy Martyrs were so bold, as to think that they were rather
passing to life than undergoing death. Is it not extravagant then, to
admire the courage of the servants of the Word, yet to say that the
Word Himself was in terror, through whom they despised death? But from
that most enduring purpose and courage of the Holy Martyrs is shewn,
that the Godhead was not in terror, but the Saviour took away our
terror. For as He abolished death by death, and by human means all
human evils, so by this so-called terror did He remove our terror, and
brought about that never more should men fear death. His word and deed
go together. For human were the sayings, ‘Let the cup
pass,’ and ‘Why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ and divine
the act whereby the Same did cause the sun to fail and the dead to
rise. Again He said humanly, ‘Now is My soul troubled;’ and
He said divinely, ‘I have power to lay down My life, and power to
take it again3196 .’ For to be
troubled was proper to the flesh,
and to have power to lay down His life3197
3197 This
might be taken as an illustration of the ut voluit supr. Or. i.
44, n. 11. And so the expressions in the Evangelists, ‘Into Thy
hands I commend My Spirit,’ ‘He bowed the
head,’ ‘He gave up the ghost,’ are taken
to imply that His death was His free act. vid. Ambros. in loc.
Luc. Hieron. in loc. Matt. also Athan. Serm. Maj. de
Fid. 4. It is Catholic doctrine that our Lord, as man, submitted to
death of His free will, and not as obeying an express command of the
Father. Cf. S. Chrysostom on John x. 18. Theophylact. in Hebr.
xii. 2; Aug. de Trin. iv. 16. |
and take it again, when He will, was no property of men but of the
Word’s power. For man dies, not by his own power, but by
necessity of nature and against his will; but the Lord, being Himself
immortal, but having a mortal flesh, had power, as God, to become
separate from the body and to take it again, when He would. Concerning
this too speaks David in the Psalm, ‘Thou shalt not leave My soul
in hades, neither shalt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see corruption3198 .’ For it beseemed that the flesh,
corruptible as it was, should no longer after its own nature remain
mortal, but because of the Word who had put it on, should abide
incorruptible. For as He, having come in our body, was conformed to our
condition, so we, receiving Him, partake of the immortality that is
from Him.
58. Idle then is the excuse for stumbling, and
petty the notions concerning the Word, of these Ario-maniacs, because
it is written, ‘He was troubled,’ and ‘He
wept.’ For they seem not even to have human feeling, if they are
thus ignorant of man’s nature and properties; which do but make
it the greater wonder, that the Word should be in such a suffering
flesh, and neither prevented those who were conspiring against Him, nor
took vengeance of those who were putting Him to death, though He was
able, He who hindered some from dying, and raised others from the dead.
And He let His own body suffer, for therefore did He come, as I said
before, that in the flesh He might suffer, and thenceforth the flesh
might be made impassible and immortal3199 ,
and that, as we have many times said, contumely and other troubles
might determine upon Him and come short of others after Him, being by
Him annulled utterly; and that henceforth men might for ever abide3200 incorruptible, as a temple of the Word3201 . Had Christ’s enemies thus dwelt on
these thoughts, and recognised the ecclesiastical scope as an anchor
for the faith, they would not have made shipwreck of the faith, nor
been so shameless as to resist those who would fain recover them from
their fall, and to deem those as enemies who are admonishing them to be
3202 Thus
ends the exposition of texts, which forms the body of these Orations.
It is remarkable that he ends as he began, with reference to the
ecclesiastical scope, or Regula Fidei, which has so often come
under our notice, vid. Or. ii. 35. n. 2. 44, n. 1, as if
distinctly to tell us, that Scripture did not so force its meaning on
the individual as to dispense with an interpreter, and as if his own
deductions were not to be viewed merely in their own logical power,
great as that power often is, but as under the authority of the
Catholic doctrines which they subserve. Vid. Or. iii. 18, n.