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| Chapter V. On the perfection of the soul, as drawn from the comparison of the Centurion in the gospel. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter V.
On the perfection of the soul, as drawn from the
comparison of the Centurion in the gospel.
Of this perfect mind then
there is an excellent figure drawn in the case of the centurion in the
gospel; whose virtue and consistency, owing to which he was not led
away by the rush of thoughts, but in accordance with his own judgment
either admitted such as were good, or easily drove away those of the
opposite character, are described in this tropical form: “For I
also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to
this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to
my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.”1445
If then we too strive manfully against disturbances and sins and can
bring them under our own control and discretion, and fight and destroy
the passions in our flesh, and bring under the sway of reason
the swarm of our thoughts,
and drive back from our breast the terrible hosts of the powers opposed
to us by the life-giving standard of the Lord’s cross, we shall
in reward for such triumphs be promoted to the rank of that centurion
spiritually understood, who, as we read in Exodus, was mystically
pointed to by Moses: “Appoint for thee rulers of thousands, and
of hundreds, and of fifties and of tens.”1446
And so we too when raised to the height of this dignity shall have the
same right and power to command, so that we shall not be carried away
by thoughts against our will, but shall be able to continue in and
cling to those which spiritually delight us, commanding the evil
suggestions to depart, and they will depart, while to good ones we
shall say “Come,” and they will come: and to our servant
also, i.e., the body, we shall in like manner enjoin what belongs to
chastity and continence, and it will serve us without any gainsaying,
no longer arousing in us the hostile incitements of concupiscence, but
showing all subservience to the spirit. And what is the character of
the arms of this centurion, and for what use in battle they are, hear
the blessed Apostle declaring: “The arms,” he says
“of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God.” He
tells us their character; viz., that they are not carnal or weak, but
spiritual and mighty to God. Then he next suggests in what struggles
they are to be used: “Unto the pulling down of fortifications,
purging the thoughts, and every height that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every understanding unto
the obedience of Christ, and having in readiness to avenge all
disobedience, when your obedience shall be first
fulfilled.”1447 And since
though useful, it yet belongs to another time to run through these one
by one, I only want you to see the different sorts of these arms and
their characteristics, as we also ought always to walk with them girt
upon us if we mean to fight the Lord’s battles and to serve among
the centurions of the gospel. “Take,” he says “the
shield of faith, wherewith ye may be able to quench all the fiery darts
of the evil one.”1448 Faith then is
that which intercepts the flaming darts of lust, and destroys them by
the fear of future judgment, and belief in the heavenly kingdom.
“And the breastplate,” he says, “of
charity.”1449 This indeed is
that which going round the vital parts of the breast and protecting
what is exposed to the deadly wounds of swelling thoughts, keeps off
the blows opposed to it, and does not allow the darts of the devil to
penetrate to our inner man. For it “endureth all things,
suffereth all things, beareth all things.”1450 “And for an helmet the hope of
salvation.”1451 The helmet is what
protects the head. As then Christ is our head, we ought always in all
temptations and persecutions to protect it with the hope of future good
things to come, and especially to keep faith in Him whole and
undefiled. For it is possible for one who has lost other parts of the
body, weak as he may be, still to survive: but even a short time of
living is extended to no one without a head. “And the sword of
the Spirit which is the word of God.”1452
For it is “sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to
the dividing of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart:”1453 as it divides and cuts off whatever
carnal and earthly things it may find in us. And whosoever is protected
by these arms will ever be defended from the weapons and ravages of his
foes, and will not be led away bound in the chains of his spoilers, a
captive and a prisoner, to the hostile land of vain thoughts, nor hear
the words of the prophet: “Why art thou grown old in a strange
country?”1454 But he will stand
like a triumphant conqueror in the land of thoughts which he has
chosen. Would you understand too the strength and courage of this
centurion, by which he bears these arms of which we spoke before as not
carnal but mighty to God? Hear of the selection by which the King
himself marks and approves brave men when he summons them to the
spiritual combat. “Let,” says He, “the weak say that
I am strong;” and: “Let him who is the sufferer become a
warrior.”1455 You see then that
none but sufferers and weak people can fight the Lord’s battles,
weak indeed with that weakness, founded on which that centurion of ours
in the gospel said with confidence: “For when I am weak, then am
I strong,” and again, “for strength is made perfect in
weakness.”1456 Of which weakness
one of the prophets says: “And he that is weak among them shall
be as the house of David.”1457 For the
patient sufferer shall fight these wars, with that patience of which it
is said “patience is necessary for you that doing the will of God
you may receive the reward.”1458