THE time is at hand when the various sections of Christians will be holding their autumnal sessions, meetings, or congresses. Ministers and delegates are packing up their carpet-bags, and counting out their fares, and soon there will be hurryings to and fro, the clattering cars proceeding forward with impetuous speed, and whisperings of kind lips, “They come, they come.” There will be hearty greetings and cheerful conversations, and. much Christian intercourse will be enjoyed, and fellowship promoted. Of public meetings there will be an abundance, papers will be read in more than sufficient quantity, speeches will be made more or less exhilarating and instructive, and stereotyped resolutions will be passed for the threehundred- and-sixty-fifth time, with debate wise or otherwise. Vivisection, the Contagious Diseases Acts, the Burials Bill, and other savory matters will come before us as usual; a brother will object to the use of a semicolon in a certain resolution, and after an hour’s debate it will be turned into a comma; another friend will propose an amendment and be called to order, struggle, raise up defenders, and subside: and then the trains will carry home the brethren, and the place which knew them as a conference, congress, or assembly will know them no more for ever, or at least until the meetings shall be held in the same town again. The press will prolong the echo of the congressional eloquence, the local committee will settle the bill, and each generous host will settle down to quiet: and what then? What will come of it all? What is ever likely to come of it?
We are not among those who think that Christian communion is not in itself a thing worth promoting, and inasmuch as these periodical gatherings must tend to increase mutual knowledge and create brotherly sympathy, we cannot regard them as failures; but, on the contrary, we consider them to be well worth all the time and money expended upon them. Our organ of veneration is so large that we would not question the wisdom of so many pastors leaving their flocks, but we would rather sit down, and gaze upon the venerable synod with feelings of glowing admiration. We are sure that the thing is good, and good must come of it, cavil who may. Moreover, there can be no doubt that concerted action in a few instances has followed from these assemblies, and that holy enterprises have frequently received a stimulus which has tended to their invigoration. Yet surely there is room for something more practical to arise out of them; the actual, tangible, lasting outcome — might it not become more apparent? There is a considerable sounding of trumpets, and lifting of standards; ought there not to be a grander result? For our own part, we are not cynical or cantankerous as a general rule, but we cannot rest quite, contented with the very small mice which have been born of congresses in labor. Is there living one single mortal man who has attended these meetings, and is now satisfied in the review of them? Has not every one an uneasy sense of opportunity thrown away, of strength paraded but never utilized, and of excellent oratory spent in vain? For practical purposes, is the game worth the candle? Does the whole concern pay as a matter of useful business?
Cannot something be done on the occasion which is now near at hand to make the gatherings more effective? We do not know, and therefore we will not hazard a reply. The unpracticalness of the whole, business infects our pen, so that we cannot suggest anything, nor help in carrying out any suggestion: but our heart wishes that somebody would do so. We are getting weary of this imitation of the ancient British king who marched his army up a hill and down again. We suppose it is all right; indeed, we have no doubt it is; but if by some heavenly husbandry half a basketful of fruit would come of the matter we should feel more easy about it. At present we are not quite clear theft we shall be able to give in a good account to our Master of how the week will be spent, for we do not see how to gain much interest upon his pounds by trading in that market.
At the last meeting of the Baptist Union a zealous brother urged upon the meeting an extensive evangelistic effort for reaching the masses of our population. Though himself engrossed by a large sphere of labor, he offered his services as an evangelist, and pathetically pleaded that other qualified brethren would do the same. There seemed in the meeting considerable sympathy with the suggestion, and great readiness to spend a week or two, if necessary, in discussing the details of the proposal; but, alas, beyond the self-denying efforts of the one brother, for which he has been savagely attacked in a denominational paper, nothing has come of it.
If another fervent mind were to suggest another godly enterprise his proposal would be equally well received, and quite as surely shelved. We do not blame anybody for this, for everyone is kind and hearty in wishing God speed to all that is good: if anybody deserves blame we take a full share to ourselves: but there stands the fact, — we come and we go, we meet and we separate, we read papers and we listen to them, we make speeches and we clap our hands, and then farewell. — Another autumnal session of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland is ended! Amen.
Meanwhile sinners are perishing, our great cities are sinking deeper and deeper into heathenish ignorance, our churches are scarcely holding their own, superstition and skepticism are subjugating the minds of myriads, and we are making but feeble exertions, and attempting but little by way of aggressive effort. Five hundred or more Christian men spend a week together in industriously doing nothing, and then go home greatly refreshed! The streets and lanes of the city are fall of the Master’s servants, but no multitudes are compelled to come in to the gospel feast. Hundreds of heralds are in the great square and the market place, but the crowds are not gathered to hear the silver trumpets. We cannot get at the work. We should interrupt the sitting of a committee. We should make others jealous.
Feeble health restrains some of us from going beyond our allotted task; but how about others who are vigorous and robust? Will no imprudent crusader begin the war? Are there none so indecorous as to win souls by going beyond the program? Every building in the town ought to have a preacher, and many an open space should be made to ring with the gospel.
Our Master is coming; the Judge is at the door; how should we answer him if he appeared among us at our next meeting? What if he should say, “You are all gathered as my servants to confer concerning my kingdom, and what have you done?” Could we honestly answer, “Lord, we have done what we could”? If so, these remarks may crave forgiveness. If not, they claim consideration. C.H.S.
SOUL HUMBLING IHAVE so much cause for humility, and so much need of it, that I hope I shall never give quarter to anything that appears in the shape of sullenness.
Alas! if my best friend, who laid down his life for me, were to remember all the instances in which I have neglected him, and to plead them against me in judgment, where should I hide my guilty head in the day of recompense?
The deceitfulness of the natural heart is inconceivable. I know well that I passed with my friends for a person religiously inclined, if not actually religious: and, what is more wonderful, I thought myself a Christian, when I had no faith in Christ, when I saw no beauty in him that I should desire him; in short, when I had neither faith nor love, nor any Christian grace whatever, but a thousand seeds of rebellion instead, evermore springing up in enmity against him. But, blessed be God, even the God who has become my salvation, the hail of affliction and rebuke for sin has swept away the refuge of lies. It pleased the Almighty in great mercy to set all my misdeeds before me. At length, the storm being past, a quiet and peaceful serenity of soul succeeded, such as ever attends the gift of lively faith in the allsufficient atonement, and the sweet sense of mercy and pardon purchased by the blood of Christ. Thus did he break me and brad me up; thus did he wound me, and his hands made me whole. — William Cowper.
— The following circular has been prepared by the Memorial Committee. “The proposed Testimonial to Pastor C.H. Spurgeon. For a quarter of a century rite ministry of our honored Pastor, C. H. Spurgeon, has been continued to his loving people with an ever-increasing acceptance and power. Our church roll numbered at the commencement 313, and now 5,346 persons are known to be in our fellowship. This fact demands a special ‘Memorial,’ and we therefore desire to show our gratitude to Almighty God by some mark of esteem and affection towards his honored servant. For twenty-five years of faithful, and eloquent teaching of divine truth no adequate return can ever be made, but we are constrained to attempt the expression of our feelings in a way which we know will he in consonance with the wishes and judgment of our beloved Pastor, by gathering a Fund for helping him more easily to carry on some departments of that great life’s work which continues to grow under his hands. We are resolved, therefore, to raise a sum of not less than £5,000, as a thankoffering, for presentation to Mr. Spurgeon at the close of the year; and the whole matter could be easily accomplished if every church member would give or collect £1. It is our purpose to leave all donors at perfect liberty to select which of Mr. Spurgeon’s many religious enterprises they would wish to aid. with their gifts, but unless otherwise directed we think it best to unite in one special effort to raise a sum for the permanent relief and comfort of the many poor members of our church; as we know that our dear-Pastor shares the spirit of his Master, who said — ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.’ In ‘The Metropolitan Tabernacle: its History and Work,’ Mr. Spurgeon writes of the Almshouses connected with the church, and of the heavy annual charge which the maintenance of our seventeen aged sisters makes upon our Poor Fund: — ‘We wish to leave the Tabernacle in good working order when our work is done; but the present burden might prove far too heavy for our successors; indeed, they ought not to be saddled with it. In future years the church may find itself barely able to support its own expenses, and we do not think that we are justified in leaving it the legacy of so heavy a charge. Our present anxiety is to get the ship tight and trim, and this is one of the matters which is not in a satisfactory state. Our aged sisters are worthy of all we can do for them, and their grateful faces often make our hearts glad. ‘To remove this one care from our beloved Pastor’s mind, and help a worthy object so dear to his heart, is a proposal which we are sure will commend itself to all his friends. We therefore, confidently expect a hearty response to our appeal to the many readers of Mr. Spurgeon’s Sermons, and to all the members of his church and congregation to render this fitting tribute to him in celebration of his Pastoral Silver Wedding. Donations to be sent to the Treasurers, T.H. Olney and Thomas Greenwood, Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. A Bazaar will be held at the close of the year, on behalf of the Almshouse Fund, in connection with this Memorial. Contributions in money or goods will be thankfully received, and should be addressed — The Secretary, Bazaar Committee, Metropolitan Tabernacle , Newington, S.E.”
On Friday evening, August 30, the annual meeting of the Green Walk Mission, conducted by Mr. Wm. Olney, jun., was held at the Tabernacle Lecture Hall. To his own deep regret, the senior Pastor was unable to be present, having only partially recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism. Pastor J. A. Spurgeon presided, and expressed his hearty appreciation of the useful work carried on in Bermondsey in connection with the earnest section of the church, which has Mr. Wm. Olney, jun., for its worthy leader. He concluded an earnest and appropriate address by presenting to the Rev. Canon Tugwell, the Rector of Bermondsey, twenty- three volumes of the “Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit,” and four volumes of the “Treasury of David,” which had been subscribed for by Mr. Olney and his friends, as a token of their gratitude to him for the loan of the boys’ schoolroom, Star Corner, for their Sunday evening services while their usual place of meeting was under repair. As the public prints are frequently employed to publish abroad acts of discourtesy and high-handed intolerance on the part of certain clergy of the Church of England, we take great delight in recording a fine instance of conduct of the opposite kind.
Canon Tugwell with the utmost readiness lent his schoolroom to our friends, and in the most unaffected and fraternal manner came to this annual meeting of the Mission, and made a thoroughly hearty and earnest speech. This is the more noteworthy because there has been a hot controversy of late in his parish in reference to the rector’s rate, and some of our friends have been to the front in opposition, and will be again should the matter be further mooted. There is, however, nothing personal in the conflict. Everyone regrets that there should be any sort of contest with Mr. Tugwell, and many find it hard to carry out their conscientious convictions when so good and. kindly a clergyman is concerned. Mr. Tugwell has the great sense to know and see this. He does not act in a friendly manner merely to those who agree with him in all points, but he treats with unlooked-for kindness those who differ from him. Long may the Canon be spared and prospered, and may all evangelical believers on both sides of the State-church battle be led to follow his example. We can fight cut the battle of religious equality and disendowment, and yet unite upon all the grand points whereto we are both agreed. Principle we can never sacrifice, nor ask others to sacrifice theirs, but we can, as Christians, regret the cause of difference and remember the still more important reasons for spiritual unity.
The Canon in his speech said many kind things of Mr. Spurgeon, and of the good work accomplished in Bermondsey by Mr. Olney’s Mission. The report was eminently satisfactory, and the speeches were full of life and fire. We wish the utmost success to this holy work in one of the most needy neighborhoods in London. If other Christian men would imitate Mr. W. Olney, and commence similar mission no portion of our great cities would remain without the means of grace. Gentlemen in business, with a good education, are there not many of you who would find it a great joy to gather around you a people saved by your instrumentality, and lead them forward in the service of the Lord? On Monday evening, Sept. 2, the annual meeting of the Tabernacle Loan Tract Society was held at the Tabernacle, in conjunction with the usual prayer-meeting. The pastor presided, and presented several special requests for prayer for various objects; and then the Society’s annual report was read by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. F. Wood. This stated that during the past year over four thousand families had been visited every week, and upwards of fifty thousand of the pastor’s sermons had been circulated, with great signs of divine approval, several interesting instances of which were mentioned, showing that the sermons bad been blessed to the sick and dying, the young, backsliders, and all classes of individuals, Ninety-two districts are regularly visited by seventy ladies and twenty gentlemen, some of whom have engaged in the work from the commencement, twelve years ago. The secretary expressed his hearty thanks to his assistant, Mr.G. Woods, and the Committee, for their co-operation, and announced that the total receipts had amounted to £62 17s. 2d., and the expenditure to £57 1s. 7d. In conclusion he earnestly entreated the sympathy, help, and prayers of all present, and stated that during the year they had been cheered by the confessions of more than sixty souls, who had declared themselves to have been saved by this instrumentality. Several addresses were delivered, and two American brethren briefly and affectionately addressed the meeting.
Mr. Spurgeon seemed to be supremely happy as the instances of blessing upon the printed sermons were mentioned one by one. Who could refrain from praising God while listening to such gladsome tidings? We do not know of any effort that is carried on upon such a scale for so small an expense, and is attended with so large a blessing. In a certain town in the north of England these sermons are lent from house to house, as loan tracts, by the rector and his curate; and they have seen a marked blessing following their circulation. Where ordinary tracts have been refused, or never read the sermons have obtained a hearing.
On Tuesday evening, Sept. 17, about three hundred pastors, deacons, and elders of the churches in the London Baptist Association partook of tea and refreshments in the Tabernacle school-room, and after spending some time in friendly conversation and inter-communion, met in the Lecture Hall, for a conference upon the topic — “The young people connected with our churches and congregations, our duty towards them; how shall we best discharge it?” After singing and prayer Mr. Chown, the president, opened the conference with an admirable and exhaustive address as to our duty towards the young in our families, our Sunday-schools, our congregations, and our churches, No less than sixteen brethren engaged in the discussion, or conversation, which followed. We best remember the striking remarks of Mr. Marsack Day, of the West, London Tabernacle, upon Numbers 10:29-32. He showed that we should first gain the young by making prominent the sunny side of religion and by our cheerful confidence (verse 29), and then we should hold them by making all the use of them we can (verse 31). There is the material for a capital sermon in this hint.
Suggestions as to Young Christians’ Bands, Children’s Prayer-meetings, Gatherings for explaining the Doctrines, Special Juvenile Services, Correspondence with the young by letter, Singing classes, Bands of Hope, Mutual Improvement Societies, and other points, were both plentiful and practical. Mr. Lyon pleaded for more care in the selection of schools for their sons and daughters by parents of the wealthier class; and he very rightly traced the wandering of many young men from Nonconformist principles to their being sent to schools and colleges where other influences are brought to bear upon them. Can men gather grapes from thistles? One suggestion well worthy of notice was-that ministers should endeavor to preach upon the international lessons of the Sabbath-school, in order to help the teachers, and give unity to the teaching work of the church.
On Friday evening, Sept. 20th, the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Evangelists’ Association (Mr. Elvin’s) was held in the Lecture Hall after a numerous body of friends had partaken of tea in the schoolroom. The pastor presided, Mr. Perkins prayed, and then the secretary, Mr. Elvin, presented the annual report. He stated that during the past year the members of the society had conducted 692 Sunday services, and 1,084 services on week days: a very large amount of gospel teaching being thus gratuitously given. The receipts from various sources amounted to £173 10s. 21/2d.; and the expenditure for rent of halls, printing, traveling expenses, etc., had been nearly the same, leaving a balance in hand of £2 0s. 10d.
Addresses were delivered by the Pastor and several members of the Association, and sacred solos were sung by Mr. Chamberlain.
We hope to give our readers a failer account of this society another time.
— During the past month seventy-four of the members of the Tabernacle church have been formed into a separate community at James’ Grove, Peckham, under the pastoral care of our student, Mr. R.E. Chettleboro. This makes a great gap in our membership, and we are praying the Lord to send us a large squadron of recruits to make up for those we have thus lent to him. God bless the new church and multiply it!
Mr. S. B. Drake has left the College, having finished his course, and having been accepted by Mr. J. Hudson Taylor, of the China Inland Mission. Mr. H. J. Batts has sailed for Cape Town, in order to carry on the work for Mr. Hamilton, who is coming home for six months to collect money for a chapel, which is urgently needed for the worship and work of his newlyraised church of 138 members, Cape Town has not before appealed to us, and we hope that our friends, when the time comes, will be prompt to aid in the needful building. The longer Mr. Hamilton can delay his appeal the better, for just now other matters are on hand.
Mr. Gomm has removed from West Row, Mildenhall, to Canterbury Road, Kilburn; and the following students have accepted pastorates: — Mr. CA.
Slack, Faversham, Kent; Mr. A. Mills, East Dereham, Norfolk; and Mr.W. G. Myles, Morecambe, Lancashire.
Mr. G. W. Linnecar, one of our students, was on board the steamer Princess Alice at the time of the fatal collision, and we are happy to say that he escaped by climbing the funnel. He sees the hand of Providence in his preservation, and the blind creatures who are just now railing at us would find it difficult to persuade him to the contrary. We confess we cannot comprehend our assailants; they have evidently newer read our sermon. Some of them blame us for sentiments which we never expressed, and suggest to us the very ideas which we uttered. The most of them have no notion of what they are writing about, and can make only one thing clear, namely, that the further off they can place the power and presence of God the better they are pleased.
— We take the following extract from a report, made by order of the House of Commons, on the “Home and Cottage System of Training and Educating the Children of the Poor,” by F. J. Mouat, Esq., M.D., Local Government Board Inspector, and Captain J. D. Bowly, R.E.
It is peculiarly valuable as coming from such a source, and it will, we trust, encourage our subscribers. “The Stockwell Orphanage.” – The Stockwell Orphanage, founded by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, is an institution of a higher order than the reformatories and pauper schools, and is not an industrial school properly so called. It is devoted to the education and training of fatherless boys, and is supported entirely by voluntary contributions in money or kind. The feature which caused us to visit it with reference to the present inquiry is that it is based on the family system, there being eight separate houses, in each of which resides a group of about thirty boys under the special charge of a matron. Each house contains dormitories for the boys, and apartments for the matron, also a lavatory, and the usual offices; but the meals are taken in a general dining hall, and cooked in a general kitchen; an arrangement which doubtless conduces to economy, but which is to some extent departure from the ideal family system. “The boys’ houses are arranged in a continuous terrace, each house being separated from the next by a party wall as in an ordinary street, the schoolrooms are on a third floor over a portion of the terrace, and are commodious and airy. The standard of education is high, as one of the avowed purposes of the institution is to get the boys ‘to take good positions in the world.’ There is a general play-hall and swimming bath, and it was stated to us that nearly every boy was able to swim. “The standard of health is high; there is no general contagious disease in the school, and infectious fevers, when they occur, are easily prevented from spreading by early isolation, in the convenient detached infirmary standing at the southeast end of the playground. “The institution has been ten years at work, and the boys placed out in situations during that time have, as a rule, turned out well. “In many respects, this excellent school affords no ground of comparison with pauper institutions; but the point to be specially noted is that the family system, even in the modified form here adopted, is stated to have been productive of undoubtedly good effects, not only as regards the formation of individual character, but also as conducting to a high standard of bodily health.”
We have cause for thankfulness in the escape of our excellent matron, Miss Fairey, from the Princess Alice. We are expected to ascribe her rescue to chance, but we shall do nothing of the kind; we shalt unite with her in praising the name of the Lord who preserved her.
Mr. Toller, of Waterbeach, has forwarded thirty-five sacks of potatoes and two sacks of flour as the produce of the Orphanage acre on his farm. May the blessing of the Father of the fatherless rest upon himself and his estate.
Did we not hear of Orphanage acres on some other farms? We thought we did.
— Mr. Jones sends us the following notes: — The large increase in the number of agents at the commencement of this year has rendoral the work of consolidation very necessary. The work of extension has not preceded so rapidly of late as it might have done but for this cause, and the extreme depression in trade. It is, however, cheering to know that God is blessing the labors of the colporteurs who are at work, and that the good seed of the kingdom is scattered by them broadcast continually.
The following testimony, extracted from the published reports of local associations of churches is very valuable: — “The Southern Association” reports. — “Your committee have the pleasure of recording net only the success of previous years fully maintained, but in various respects an advance upon that. As a Christian agency our Colportage satisfactorily stands the test of time, and meets with growling favor from the people. This is evident from the accounts received from the districts. Take first that of our colporteur at Lymington. Eleven months’ work is reported, and in that period he has sold 795 Bibles, Testaments, and Scripture portions; 4313 periodicals and bound books, and hundreds of other small books, cards, etc. These sales have realized £122 4s. 5d. During that time he has made 5036 visits, and distributed some thousands of tracts; and his superintendent further reports of him that ‘he works very hard at Sway, where he continues to preach every Sunday, and not without success. He keeps a full congregation together very well.’
After detailing the labors of two more colporteurs the, report concludes thus — “To sum up the work which as colporteurs these three have done who have been continuously engaged from the time of the last annual meetings, we have these results: In eleven months they have sold of Bibles, books, and other publications not less than 21,000, which have realized £420: some 17,000 or 18,000 visits have been made, and many thousands of tracts have been distributed; and, in addition, they have labored as Scripture readers, village preachers, and in the Sunday-school your committee cannot but reiterate, and with greater emphasis, the conviction expressed in the report of last year, that in the extension of this agency would be found a wise, economical, and successful employment of the resources of our churches.”
The Wilts and East Somerset Association report states — “The results of the work have been exceedingly encouraging. In the five colportage districts sales have been effected to the amount of £490 0s. 6d. The circulation of so large a quantity of pure evangelical literature cannot but be regarded with much pleasure by those who know the scarcity of good books in country districts, and the difficulty of obtaining them. The work has been too long neglected. It has been said — “The church has taught the people to read and left the devil to find the books;’ and certainly the partisans of error and vice have not been slow to avail themselves of the aid of the printing press, and have shown no little zeal in the diffusion of their productions. Now, when the power to read and the taste for reading have become universal it is imperatively necessary to provide a suitable supply if we would not have the influence of our Sunday-school and other Christian organizations entirely neutralized by the pernicious literature which abounds. Many cases of usefulness arising from the sale of books are reported by our brethren. Thus one agent tells of an aged person, who said to him, ‘Sir, I have received more light on spiritual things in a month by reading this book — “The Home Beyond” — than in my whole life before’; and of another, who, having read Dr. Mackay’s ‘Grace and Truth,’ said, ‘It has taken away my fears, and led me to a more perfect rest in Christ, removing difficulties which I had been laboring under for years.
Thanks to you for bringing this book. Bookselling, however, is but a small part of the work performed by our brethren. Their daily labors in the homes of the people are of great value. All speak of visits to the sick, when it has been their privilege to speak of Christ to those who have been destitute of Christian society, and deprived of all gospel privileges. Then, coming to more directly evangelistic efforts, all our brethren are preachers, and here it is found that the one work helps the other; the colportage helps the preaching, and the preaching helps the colportage. Our brother Richards has been much blessed in preaching. Of sixteen persons recently received into the fellowship of our church, six attributes their conversion to our brother who, last March, spent a week at Bourton visiting from house to house, and holding services every evening. This review of the extensive and useful mature of the society’s operations may well excite our warmest gratitude, and stimulate our utmost devotion. Let us resolve, in divine strength, not only to maintain the good work, but to extend it as far as possible.”
These reports point to what our Association is new accomplishing, under the divine blessing, in other parts of England and Wales. We have the organization and the men, and we ask Christians, and Christian churches, to help us within their money and their prayers.
— Our brethren, Smith and Clarke, have been conducting a month’s special evangelistic services in Glasgow, at the invitation of the United Evangelistic Association. The meetings have been a marvelous success from the very commencement; night after night the Evangelistic Hall, which holds 2,500, was crowded; and on Sundays we are assured that thousands were refused admission. This was the more remarkable, as our good friend, Ned Wright, was having almost as many to hear him at the same time; a member of the East End Training College was holding large meetings; Mr. Henry Holloway, of Manchester, was also attracting great crowds; and other evangelistic efforts were simultaneously prospering in different parts of the city. May such multiplied agencies bring great and lasting blessings to the second city of the empire. Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the Word. Our evangelists, also, have done good service amongst the children at the free breakfasts and dinners, and in other ways.
Mr. Burnham, as will be seen by his article, has been busy among the green gardens of Kent. We have other brethren coming forward who will make good evangelists, but the interest of God’s children in the sending forth of such men dues not seem to be yet aroused. What better work can be devised? Why is not the matter laid to heart?
The engagements of Messrs. Clarke and Smith are as follows: — October 6 to 10, Falmouth; October 11 to 15. Redruth; October 16 to 20, Truro; October 21 to 22, Hayle; October 23 to 27, Penzance; November 17 to 24, Trowbridge; November 30 to December 16, Leicester. May the divine blessing attend the services in every place. Correction . — In reference to the site occupied by the Bible Stand at the Paris Exhibition, the Committee of the Monthly Tract Society write that the ground was secured through their secretary, and that the right to use a portion of it for a Bible Stand was purchased from them. We know nothing of the matter, but we are always glad to give honor to whom honor is due.
We are glad to mark the holy zeal of the Monthly Tract Society. Same 800,000 of their publications have been given away at their kiosque, and 200,000 more have been distributed in the Exhibition. As with most of these good societies, there is a call for more funds, for the work can be indefinitely extended. In its own sphere the Monthly Tract Society performs much useful service.
Baptisms at Metropolitan Tabernacle. By Mr. J. A. Spurgeon: — August 25th, five; August 29th, thirteen.