PSALM 118:13-18.
Fronded Palms: a Collection of Pointed Papers on a Wide Range of Subjects. By W. Y.FULLERTON.
Passmore and Alabaster, Paternoster Buildings.
WE are pleased to see our evangelist, Mr. Fullerton, appearing again as a writer, and producing another volume. He writes well, as the readers of The Postman know. His chapters are embellished with over one hundred illustrations, and altogether he has made up a capital half-crown’s worth.
We do not understand his title, even with his own explanation; we, therefore, recommend readers to buy the book, and invent their own interpretations. Vivacious, witty, sensible, gracious talk here abounds. May God bless the book and the writer! Scripture Verities. By Rev. D.PLEDGE.
Elliot Stock.
THIS book, which we noticed last month, can now be obtained for 1s. 6d., or six copies for 7s. 6d. The Calling of a Christian Woman, and her Training to Fulfill it. By
MORGAN DIX, S.T.D., New York. Dickinson, 89, Farringdon Street.
WE should be slow to introduce this book to Christian women. It has a Popish taint about it. We do not know the writer, but he seems to be a deeply religious man of exceedingly High Church proclivities. We fully agree with his horror of American divorce, but we do not consider marriage to be a sacrament, nor do we believe that it is desirable that godly women should enter sisterhoods, either Romish or Anglican. We are afraid of books of this kind: they are insinuating by their good points, and therefore the more mischievous in their bad points. The work is prettily got up, but we are not pleased with its contents. The Great Commandment. ByCAROLINE FRY.
Whiting and Co., Sardinia Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields.
THIS is a reprint, from the edition of 1847, of a charming book which has become very rare. What “the great commandment” is we need not tell any of our readers. But there is a practical question that we hope many of them will be prompt to ask — “Can I keep that commandment which is so great?” Now, if they will attentively peruse all this Christian lady had to tell of the love which is of God, they will learn many pleasant and profitable lessons. Such a blend of sound doctrine, of deep feeling and of a devout sense of duty, invests Mrs. Fry’s meditations with more than ordinary attractiveness. The Lord’s Supper, historically considered. By Rev. G. A.JACOB, D.D.
London: Seeley and Co. THIS little book is worth buying, worth reading, and worth keeping for reference. The author is quite at his ease in explaining the pedigree of his work. Four or five years ago the Rev. Charles Hebert, D.D., issued a learned and exhaustive work in two thick octavo volumes on the same subject with much the same title. In it he traced the history of the Lord’s Supper through all the Christian centuries — from 75 A.D. to 1875 A.D., and furnished copious extracts from the principal ecclesiastical writers of the generations that intervened. A brief digest of that remarkable production is here presented to us in a neatly-bound pamphlet of eightytwo pages. Messrs. Seeley & Co. are the publishers of both. Every Protestant should know how corruptions in doctrine were gradually introduced and generally adopted. Lovers of liturgies and observers of rubrics may find as much to interest them as we find to amuse us in the frequent alterations of the formularies relating to the Lord’s Supper enjoined by the “Book of Common Prayer.” There were two prayer-books in Edward the Sixth’s reign; a revised one in the time of Queen Elizabeth; a fresh compromise under James the First; and, as might be expected, in the days of Charles the Second, there was a restoration. Religion asserted itself under those pious monarchs in the Red and Black Rubrics which pertained to the Sacraments. The Twofold Life. By A. J.GORDON, D.D. Hodder and Stoughton.
THIS is a powerful and timely defense of Christian doctrine, experience, and practice; of experience resulting from sound doctrine, and of practice resulting from heart-felt experience. It is not controversial, but a living testimony to the renovating power of the faith once delivered to the saints.
It brings the effects of modern thought to the test of comparison with the effects of the old gospel in the hands of John Howe, Jonathan Edwards, Whitefield, Wesley, Rutherford, Payson, McCheyne and others. In former days men saw what the gospel does for men; now they talk about what man does for the gospel. It is not merely in reference to the ordinary standard of evangelical influence that a contrast is here maintained between the present and the past, but with respect to the higher life of entire consecration to the service of God and his Christ. Ordinary faith is admitted to be within the limits of safety, but the higher life is set forth as necessary to present comfort and to the greatest happiness and glory hereafter. This is a handsome volume in clear type, and it will amply repay the reader who wishes to become a full-grown Christian. Addresses to Young Men. By Rev.DANIEL BAKER.
With preface by D. L. MOODY.
Morgan and Scott.
THESE are really forcible addresses. We quite agree with Mr. Moody’s high opinion of them. Daniel Baker was “the young men’s preacher,” and his testimonies to the truth were the means of bringing many to Jesus, out of whom some fifty or more became preachers of the gospel. There is a downright earnestness about these discourses which gives them great power; they are neither remarkable for thought nor language, but yet they are very telling. A Lamp and a Light: being short and simple Chapters on Texts of Scripture; for reading in families and at small gatherings. By Rev.FRANCIS BOUR-DILLON, M.A. Hatchards.
SWEETLY persuasive, and tenderly comforting. Although there is nothing startling in Mr. Bourdillon’s writings, they always secure perusal by their fresh thought and happy language. We hope that no reader of The Sword and the Trowel could read this little work without being pleased and profited. Twenty-five brief discourses enrich this elegant little volume. Loving Messages. Addresses for Mothers’ Meetings. Sequel to Heartlessons.
Religious Book Society. 28, Paternoster-row. WE do not care much for the prayers, but the addresses strike us as being far more fit for Mothers’ Meetings than most that we have had to review.
In fact, these messages are exactly what poor ignorant women would understand, for the words are simple, and the matter is homely. Some ladies may be well qualified to conduct Mothers’ Meetings, with the one serious exception that they cannot make a speech for the life of them. To such good, quiet workers, these addresses will be quite a God-send, and they cannot do better than buy both the books by Miss Clayton. Still, it will be better for each sister to try hard, and make addresses of her own.
Surely, few women have any deficiency in the faculty of speech. If they will but begin, they need not fear that they will break down till linnets fail to sing. Victories and Safeguards; or, the Divine Balance of Truth Practically Considered. By Rev.CHARLES A.FOX, B.A. Partridge.
HERE we lie down in green pastures, beside the still waters. Like the previous book, this is marrow and fatness. A student Of the Word will find himself perfectly at home with Mr. Fox, and will magnify the grace of God in him. We count ourselves happy to have come across such a delightful little book. It is a happy protest against half-truths, and an admirable setting forth of the full-orbed revelation upon the points in hand. Write again, Mr. Fox, and when you next do so may we be there to read! The Bible True to Itself. By A.MOODY STUART, D.D. Nisbet & Co.
As an alternative title to this volume we might suggest — “Scientific Criticism Proved to be False to the Core.” In all the evidence produced against the inspiration of the Scripture it is patent that the witnesses agree not among themselves. Infidelity is constantly engaged in blowing bubbles.
The story of two Isaiahs, or of one Isaiah sawn asunder, is the veriest fiction that was ever fabricated by the human brain. A prejudice against prophecy or miracle is the transparent motive for inventing a libelous story of literary forgery. At the first hearing it collapses. There are determined rationalists who have resolved to deny any interference of God with the affairs of men; and they die off like dogs that deserve no epitaph. There are also dilettante students who would be sorry to think that anything is serious. If the Bible has an absolute truth in its revelation, they would rather not know what it is; for, like the lady with a new novel, it spoils the pleasure if you acquaint her with the plot. To their butterfly notion “life is a play, and all things show it,” and death is a farce, they seem to know it.
Men who study, like Moody Stuart, to drive brigands out of the King’s highway merit our hearty thanks; but, alas, their work will have to be done over again from age to age, for skepticism shifts its ground, and the heavy guns of apology have to be dragged elsewhere in pursuit of the enemy. The Mystery of the Kingdom traced through the Four Books of Kings. By
Part I. Longmans and Co. WE always differ from Mr. Jukes with deep regret; and when we agree with him it is With unfeigned heartiness. He is by nature a mystic, and we delight in a taste of that spiritual flavor. It will never do to lift mystical interpretations into arguments, but as illustrations they are splendid. It is a great treat to read a work like the one before us. To a large extent it must be bread eaten in secret, for those who enjoy such literature are not many; but the stolen morsels are exceedingly sweet. In his “Offerings” and “Gospels” Mr. Jukes set us upon lines of thought which were invaluable to us; and now, in these parables of the Kings, he does the same thing — not, perhaps, so successfully, but still to good purpose. The introductory chapter upon the existence and principle of a mystic sense is a valuable lesson for thoughtful believers. Handbooks for Bible Classes. The Life of St. Paul. By Rev.JAMES STALKER, M.A. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark.
TEACHERS have already discovered the great value of this condensed Life of Paul, and we trust many of our readers have formed their own estimate of it. Yet some may not have seen it, and we therefore call their attention to as fine a book for 1s. 6d. as they are likely to meet with after a month’s search. Mr. Stalker has the gift of vivid writing; he sketches and colors with words; he does more, he vivifies persons and scenes by his inspiring sentences. Those who wish to pursue the subjects of study suggested by the noble career of Paul will here find ample guidance for their more thorough research. We have not often seen a handbook more completely to our mind. Handbooks for Bible Classes. Commentary on the Shorter Catechism. By Rev.ALEXANDER WHYTE, D.D. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark.
REALLY good. In every Scotch family this ought to be found. Our English folk are not so well acquainted with “The Shorter Catechism”; but those who are will be glad to have a handbook upon it, so clear, so true, and so lively. We have somehow allowed Dr. Whyte’s book to escape our notice, and we wish we could make up for the neglect by a specially warm commendation. Theology of this stamp will do us all good. Scatter it; its leaves are for the healing of the nations. Half-a-crown laid out in this book will purchase no regrets. Touchstones; or, Christian Graces and Characters Tested. By the Right Rev. Bishop OXENDEN.
VERY correct and poverty-stricken. Like French soup, it is most excellent, only there is nothing in it. We do like a fresh thought here and there. The evangelical party to a great extent lost its position by imagining that godly platitudes would content this generation, and the estimable late Bishop of Montreal is an eminent example of this error. Our intense love of orthodoxy makes us lament to see it divorced from intellect and originality.
A book which nobody will read until he is good, is not adapted to do good.
Of course, sound churchmen will expect us to praise a book so pious; but we shall not do so. We object to see gospel-and-water doled out in this fashion: give us something more robust, and therefore more like the teaching of Scripture. We question whether another bishop could beat this good brother for weakness, and that is saying a good deal. If his writings were tea, they would be too weak to run out of the pot. The Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and the Offerings. ByHENERY W. SOLTAU.
Morgan and Scott.
THIS is an old friend with new adornments. It is sad to see a little memoir at the commencement, and to be reminded that the beloved writer has now been absent from us for some nine years. The work is full of teaching, spiritual, and far-reaching, and we have much enjoyed reading it. The colored plates strike us as being borrowed from the admirable work of our friend, Mr. Frank White; or, if not, we have here a singular instance of how great minds may run in the same groove. With this Mr. Soltau has nothing to do, for he had gone above long before this edition was issued. The work is a good five-shillings worth. Salvation: the Way Made Plain. By the Rev. J. H.BROOKES, D.D. Hodder and Stoughton.
THE gospel fully and plainly set forth. This is a book after our own heart.
The teaching is clear and deep; the type is large and readable; and the book itself is cheap and handsome. If you will accept our advice, it will only cost you 1s. 6d. to give an unconverted friend this book, which he is pretty sure to read, and reading to remember. The Lesser Parables of our Lord, and Lessons of Grace in the Language of Nature. By Rev. W.ARNOT.
Nelson and Sons.
BEAUTIFUL! Very beautiful! Just like the beloved author, whom we so well remember, who is now where the Master speaks no more to him in parables. Every line by Arnot should be preserved and published, and then purchased by all who love gracious thoughts expressed in nature’s own poesy. Sovereign Grace: its Source, its Nature, and its Effects. “To the Work! To the Work!” Prevailing Prayer: what Hinders it? Bible Characters. ByD. L. Moody. Morgan and Scott.
THESE are popular works by our great evangelist, and they deserve a large sale. There can be no need for us to commend the living, blazing speech of our brother Moody. Where you get a genuine oat of the man’s talk it is really grand. Who can equal him in natural simplicity all aglow with holy passion ?
Some few of these addresses read as if they were made up of quotations from other people, and then dipped in a little diluted Moody, and so baptized into his name, but not into his nature. They read as if they were never delivered, and we should think they never were: they are good, and likely to do good, but they are not like Moody’s own self. In other instances, the reporting is admirable; we think we hear the living voice, and see the living man. We ne’er shall look upon his like again. He is a king of men; commanding, and finding everybody eager to obey; and all the while utterly lost in his work, and as devoid of self-importance as a new-born babe. God bless him wherever he may be, and send him back again to us in due time ! The Inquiry-room: Hints for Dealing with the Anxious. ByGEORGE SOLTAU.
Morgan and Scott.
USEFUL hints as to conversation with seekers. Young workers should purchase this little book, and profit by its wise suggestions. As to the Inquiry-room itself, we have little confidence in it as a standing institution, or in its results where much is made of it. We might grieve many if we were to say what we know of the dreadful disappointment experienced by those who look up Inquiry-room converts. An immediate interview seems to be an admirable plan for reaching the heart, and so it may be if used occasionally; but the tendency is to force on an imaginary decision, or produce a hasty faith in the room instead of a quiet faith in Jesus. The Ten Commandments. By R. W. DALE, LL.D. Fourth edition. Hodder and Stoughton.
EVERYTHING by Mr. Dale has the touch of a master’s hand upon it. He has an honest outspokenness in his style which we cannot fail to admire, and there is about his teaching a direct practicalness which is equally to our mind. We do not agree with all that Mr. Dale has to say upon the Sabbath, and certain other matters, and we should not be honest if we did not say that we fear that he will lead men further in a loose direction than he would think of going himself; still, he suits a large class of minds, and influences them for good, and so far we rejoice. In this volume there are some telling strokes at sin in many shapes; strokes from a bold hand, and a true heart; strokes which will be all the more felt because he who deals them cannot be suspected of narrowness or asceticism. May these home-thrusts pierce to the heart the licentious, the dishonest, and the proud; and may the law of ten commands be used of God as a park of heavenly artillery wherewith to blow down deceit, indifference, and self-righteousness. This neat volume is published at five shillings. The Foundation of Death. A Study of the Drink. Question.
Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co. THIS is a thoroughly noteworthy book, the result of great labor and research. Teetotal advocates will find it a wonderful armory of argument, a boundless mine of facts. All readers are sure to be interested, for the cream of the literature of this great subject is here presented. The syllabus alone will suffice to show the exhaustiveness of the work :
— I. Drinking among the Ancients.
II. The History of the Discovery of Distillation.
III. Preliminaries to the Study of Modern Drinking.
IV. Adulteration.
V. Physiological Results; or, the Effects of Alcohol on the Physical Organs and Functions.
VI. Pathological Results; or, Diseases caused by Alcohol.
VII. Moral Results.
Heredity: or, the Curse entailed on Descendants by Alcohol.
Therapeutics; or, Alcohol as a Medicine.
X. Social Results.
The Origin and Causes of Alcoholism.
Specious Reasoning concerning the Use of Alcohol.
What can be done? Appendices: Bibliography, and Index.
All this for five shillings. It would be cheap at twice that amount.
Here is an interesting specimen of the reasoning: — “Another argument very frequently advanced is that drinkers, and not only moderate ones, live longer than other people, unless accident or high living carry them off.
Such an argument regarding alcohol is neither better founded nor more logical than it would be if applied to exceptional longevity in cases of persons living in malarial localities, or surviving the ordeal of the Sierra Leone, or employed as needle-grinders in Sheffield. According to statistics, the age of the latter seldom exceeds forty years In the face of this fact, occasional instances of a longer term of existence among them would hardly lead to an advocacy of the employment of needle-grinding as conducive to long life.
Neither would the fact that a man and his family have lived in fair health all their lives to a good old age over a foetid cess-pool — as seems to have at times happened — be likely to be advanced as an argument in favor of generally establishing such reservoirs of pestilence under the family hearthstone ! I once heard of an extraordinary accident happening to a man at work where blasting was being done. During a premature explosion a long piece of the drilling bar shot up from the pit which was being excavated, and, entering the man’s head under the chin, passed vertically entirely through his head, and, still ascending, fell at last at some distance.
He staggered and fell, and his instant death was naturally expected. Not so.
To the amazement of all, and the downright incredulity of physicians, he recovered, and, whereas he had been before the accident morose and unreliable, he was now genial and to be depended upon. But from this it would hardly be argued that men should subject themselves to this sort of experiment as probably conducive to improvement in temper and character.” Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and the Armada. By Lord MACAULAY.
Longmans and Co. AN excellent edition of lays which stir the blood of free men, and rouse the brave to noble deeds. It is something to see the grand old house of Longmans stooping to popular editions; but the world moves, and men long or short must move with it. Great Thoughts from Master Minds. A Penny Weekly Paper. Lile and Fawcett, Ludgate Circus.
THIS weekly paper stands but little chance of a wide circulation as against “Tit-bits” and “Rare-bits.’ Nevertheless, it is a good sign of the spread of education that it lives at all. Twenty years ago it would have ended its existence at the ninth number. The volume is better in intention than in execution, but good even then. Every-day Life : Homely Talks on Homely Subjects. F. E. LONGLEY.
NEITHER better nor worse than the general run of scrappy, made-up books.
We should label it, “Magazine Stew to be taken very occasionally.” City Echoes; or, Bitter Cries from Glasgow. By the author of “Spero and Celestus,” “Visions of the Night,” etc. Paisley and London: Alexander Gardner.
THE “Bitter Cry” pamphlet has evoked many echoes: here is one from Glasgow, and a somewhat remarkable book it is. We assume from the preface that the story — for as such it may be classed — is founded on fact. The writer, with great literary ability, portrays phases of low life and criminal life, of the most hideous character; the chief interest of the work being made to center in the doings of a band of four young thieves, mere lads, but adepts in villainy, two of whom become after a time changed characters. The one feature of the book which especially arrests our attention is the author’s apparent animosity to many points of the orthodox faith; for though here and there witness is borne to the power of the gospel as seen in the fruits of the labors of orthodox workers among the “lapsed classes”; the writer evidently believes in what we will call purgatory.
Doubtless he would repudiate the term; but we will let him speak for himself, and our readers shall be the judges.
If there were any truth in what he believes as to the after-state of those who pass out of time into eternity blood-guilty, debauched and drunken, might not the vilest of the vile laugh to scorn the efforts of the Christian reformer, with, “What’s the odds! Let us eat and drink, and fight and swear, for tomorrow we die; and some time or other, — it’s only a question of time — we shall be as well off as the best of you, and with the best of you, happy ever after.” Here are the extracts: “The total depravity of human nature,” our author designates as “the most degraded and abhorrent of all religious dogmas.” Further on he describes the terrible death of a woman who spent all she earned in whisky, and at last, dead drunk, “stumbled headlong into her wash-tub there and then her second career of being was projected silently into the Eternities. When this woman was born, God and angels were made glad, when she was born a second time [the author means, we suppose, at her death] God and angels were made sad. Notwithstanding, there will be evolved in her, even where she is, a higher being and purpose; an attainment from which she will start to arrive at higher and higher attainments still.” Moralizing on just such another case, he says : — “We can believe that in their new state, unburdened of all physical infirmity, with their full and fervent faculties regained and now in solemn earnest use, disembodied, they will have opportunity of amendment — suffering more, seeing more, feeling more, trying more; and will gradually and eventually by the all-assimilating power of the Omnipresent Goodness, rise at length into their true and rightful life.”
Denuded of all euphemisms, what are these restoration theories but purgatory put prettily? So much for this mischievous book. Our Golden Key. A Narrative of Facts from “Outcast London.” By Lady
With eight illustrations. Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday.
THE “facts” recorded by Lady Hope are mostly well-authenticated cases of conversion among the poorest of the poor and the lowest of the low, and the marvelous changes effected in the hearts and homes of the dwellers in his “district” by the instrumentality of a simple-hearted, earnest servant of Christ. Heart-sickening are many of the scenes herein depicted so very graphically, but very sweet and gracious sentences are scattered throughout the book, which is brimful of interest, and will greatly encourage the faith of Christian workers in the power of the “Golden Key.”
We will let Lady Hope speak for herself and her book in the Preface. “The narrative is taken from the identical district of which many of our readers have read in the pamphlet entitled ‘A Bitter Cry from Outcast London.’
May we not thank God that while the cloud of ignorance, poverty, and sin is dark indeed, there are ‘silver linings’ to it; and that, while the barriers are great, and even impassable, to the efforts of a human hand, they are ready to yield to the magic, nay, the miraculous influence of ‘OUR GOLDEN KEY,’ even the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the power of his Holy Spirit.” Plain Teachings; or, Homely Lessons form God’s word . By Mrs. G.E. MORTON.
Hamilton, Adams, and Co.
WE do not think much of this. There would seem to be no reason why a person should not write a thousand volumes of such stuff. It keeps on, and on, and on, in little jerky chapters; not long enough to be instructive, but quite long enough to be tedious. Street Arabs and Gutter Snipes. ByGEO. C.NEEDHAM.
Boston, U.S.A.:
D. L. Guernsey.
To use one of the illustrations of the author, this work is just like the sugar that crystallizes around the white thread in rock-candy — grand collection of facts put together in a most interesting fashion. Our good friend certainly has a wonderful gift of arranging details of work done amongst the low little ones, and he has furnished us with an array of incidents full of pathos and power. In the “Arabic” language we can truly say of this book, “It’s a good ‘un,” and the illustrations are “stunning.”
The Homiletic Magazine. Vol. 10 Nisbet and Co.
Some of the ablest of modern preachers and writers have contributed to this volume, which is exceedingly rich in scholarship and thought. We see a few tokens of the general loosening, but almost none as compared with the general run of current theology; on the contrary, we note some excellent defenses of orthodox truth. We cannot withhold a hearty word of praise from this important volume. A preacher, isolated in a rural wilderness, will not be without a friend if he receives a monthly visit from The Homiletic Magazine.
NOTES SOLICITED on all sides to preach abroad, and abundantly willing to do so, we made another trial of laboring in the provinces with the same result as on former occasions, an after break-down, a sharp agony, and a long weakness. What can we do but keep to our own home-duties? Yet even this day, when we are still feeble as a child, we are implored to take, a public engagement. Oh, that we could! We must again cancel all promises, and for awhile do home-work and nothing more. Crowded chapels, windows necessarily opened, and consequent cold draughts, far air from below, and cold air from above, make up an arrangement which must arouse rheumatism when it slumbers ill the constitution. It may be that as the attacks are becoming briefer the evil will die out; but that consummation is not yet reached.
It was our great happiness to have our Australian son as our muchappreciated substitute during this last illness. He has just prepared for the press the sermons preached in the Tabernacle. They will be published in a few days at Isaiah. He has been busy in Perth, Dundee, and Edinburgh, and we thank the friends in those regions who have so freely helped the funds of his Auckland Tabernacle.
In answer to correspondents who inquire what treatment we follow for rheumatic gout, we can only say that nothing has ever been of so much service to us as the simple remedies prescribed by Dr. Barrett, Ramsden Road, Balham. In simple gratitude to him for his care, we feel bound to mention him as being the means of greatly abbreviating the period of pain.
Despite such frequent illnesses, every Thursday has seen the weekly sermon issued from the press, and having now reached the number of 1,800 in unbroken order, we cannot refrain from uttering a note of praise to the great Preserver of men who has favored us to bear so continuous a testimony to the gospel of his Son. REV.JOHN SPURGEON wishes us to announce that he has removed from Upper Holloway to No. 3, Clifton Villas, Thornton Road, Croydon.
Mr.CONGREVE asks us to inform our readers that The Young Women ’s Christian Institute, West Brighton, will be opened early in October. It contains a library furnished with 600 volumes; a large reading and musicroom, kitchen, dining-room, matron’s-room, etc.; also a lecture and classroom, capable of seating from 200 to 250 persons. There are also nine good bedrooms, intended chiefly for Christian workers requiring a week or two’s rest and change. The work of the Institute was commenced nearly two years since by. G. T. Congreve, in a temporary iron building. One hundred and sixty members have been enrolled. The classes on Sunday afternoon have frequently exceeded 100 in attendance. Some eight hundred rounds will be needed before the Institute can be placed in trust.
Subscriptions in aid will be received by Lady Cardross, of 9, Denmark Terrace, Brighton; and by the Secretary, Mrs. Congreve, Stretton, Third Avenue, Brighton.
On Monday evening, Sept. 15, Mr. J. Hudson Taylor, and other friends connected with the China Inland Mission, with a large company of male and female missionaries who were about to sail for China, attended the Tabernacle prayer-meeting. Pastor J. A. Spurgeon presided, and Mr. Taylor and several of the missionaries gave brief and interesting addresses.
We commend to the prayers and liberality of all our brethren this wonderful work of faith. China ’s Unions is a monthly periodical full of interest and from it our readers can obtain full particulars of this Mission, which is one of the most remarkable in modern times. Hr. Hudson Taylor is a very apostle to China, and the Lord is with him. We have frequently given accounts from his missionaries, and there is in this Sword and the Trowel a specially striking article, singularly truthful and impressive, to which we would call the attention of all our readers. When they are able to aid this mission they can write to 6, Pyrland Road, Mildmay Park, London. Sept. 22. The prayer-meeting ;was very largely attended. It was a refreshing sight to see such a congregation gathered to “only a prayermeeting.”
C. H. Spurgeon presided. Mr. Wm. Olney, jun., gave an account of the success of the gospel in Haddon Hall. Mr. Young told how the Lord had gathered into the fellowship of his Son more than two hundred persons in Coilingwood Street, New Cut, while great numbers came to hear the word, and their hall could not contain them. Special prayer was offered for one restored to faith through “The Clue of the Maze,” and for all skeptics.
Two new elders prayed, and one of the patriarchs. Messrs. Fullerton and Smith and other evangelists were remembered, together with many sick and tried fiends, and sinners who asked to be prayed for. It was a time of love. All hearts glowed with pleading desire; and as hymns of the cross were sung, our grief for sin and joy in the Lord mingled their blessed floods.
Friends in the country will be glad to know that; never since the opening of the Tabernacle have the congregations been more closely packed, nor has the spirit of hearing been more intense. We look for a large increase during the coming months if strength be given to the Pastor to see the many who are ready to confess the Lord Jesus. This is laborious and anxious work, and demands great care.
COLLEGE:. — Through the kind hospitality of Pastor G. Wright, and the church t Kingston, the new session of the College was inaugurated on Sept. 2 by a delightful excursion up the River Thames. The tutors, the former students, and twenty-two freshmen went from Waterloo to Hampton Court, where a pleasure-barge and steam-launch awaited them.
In these they proceeded on their way, fresh scenes of beauty unfolding themselves at every bend of the grand old river till they reached Chertsey Lock. Dinner, served on hoard, was relished by appetites made keener than usual by the bracing air. On the homeward journey a meeting was held, and several decorations were given. Deep regret was expressed at the absence through illness of the beloved President, and the sympathy and love of all on board were telegraphed to him. Professors Gracey and Fergusson moved that the heartiest thanks of the brethren be accorded to Mr. Wright and his worthy deacons for their kindness This was carried with applause.
Mr. Wright, in reply, said it was peculiarly appropriate that the Kingston church should thus enter-rain the College, since the first student (R. T.W. Medhurst, of Portsmouth) had settled there twenty-five years ago. Other speeches followed, and at 6.30 Kingston was reached, where, after tea, the Vice-President, J. A. Spurgeon, preached an excellent sermon from Hebrews 11:8-10. Thus closed a day full of varied interest, only marred by the enforced absence of the President. These notes are from one of the brethren who will soon be leaving us for southern lands.
We are sorry to say that within a week of this happy outing one of the “twenty-two freshmen” alluded to in the above paragraph, Mr. Frank Snell, of Bury St. round’s, was suddenly stricken with a serious illness, which proved fatal, so that he passed away on the morning of Sunday, Sept. 21.
We deeply sympathize with the sorrowing parents, who see their son cut down just when, after three years of constant and earnest preaching, he had gained a long-cherished wish and had entered the College. It is a loud call to the students to be ready whenever the call shall come, and it is our believing prayer that a session thus solemnly inaugurated may be fraught with the utmost blessing. Had our young brother survived the broken blood-vessel he would, we fear, have been a constant invalid. His course, however, was run, and his sun did not go down out of due course.
Even a semi-invalid may, however, do good service for the Master if his heart is in his work. We see this exemplified in the case of our brotherD. Laing, who was obliged to give up his pastorate in England through illhealth, but who for two years has ministered to a small church in his native place, Alva, N B., and has not labored in vain.
Mr. R. W. Ayres has removed from Matching Tye, to Fairford, Glos.; and Mr. A. Smith, from West Drayton, to Shefford, Beds. Mr. Lyne, of Chenies, is removing to Newton Abbot.
Mr. John Glover, who has labored most earnestly and successfully at Combe Martin, N. Devon, for more than thirteen years, has arranged lo sail shortly for Queensland. The Church of which he has been pastor will be very grieved to part with him, and his brethren in the county will miss him; but we judge that he is doing right ill going to a land where there are more openings for Christian workers than there are in England, and where a man who has a large family is not hindered by that fact, as he often is in this country. We commend our brother most highly to all churches in Queensland, and trust that he will not have to wait long before he finds a suitable sphere, where the Lord will bless him, even as he has done in Devonshire.
Mr. A. J. Clarke, who was formerly the companion of Mr. J. M. Smith, sends us a most cheering report of his work in connection with the Evangelization Society of Victoria, an. undenominational society which sends its agents free to all parts of that colony. During the year, which ended on June 30th, Mr. Clarke conducted 373 meetings, at which it ‘was estimated that between eighty and ninety thousand persons were present, of whom over 900 have united with the churches as the result of the services. Mr. J. S. Harrison and Mr. E. Isaac have also conducted several missions under the auspices of the same society.
Mr. Clarke informs us that Mr. J. A. Soper has removed from Yarraville, Victoria, to Petersham, New South Wales; Mr. E. Isaac has settled at Brunswick, Victoria; and Mr. R. Williamson, of Perth, Tasmania, is also going to Victoria. Mr. Clarke says that there is great need at this time in that colony of earnest, spiritually-minded me: who would go in for soulwinning with all their hearts. Men of this stamp are wanted for all the colonies, and at home, too. Mr. Padley has come home for a short time, but has again sailed for Queensland.
— They have recommenced work, and during the past month have held very successful services at Galashiels, Falkirk, Selkirk, and Hawick. A local paper, speaking of the Sunday-evening service for men only at Galashiels, says : — “The room was again filled to its utmost capacity. Mr. Fullerton delivered an earnest and telling address on ‘ Sin bringing forth death.’ It was listened to with rapt attention. It may be said that every address since the services commenced has been received in the same manner. The meetings were looked forward to with much expectancy, and they have come up in result in every respect to the expectations cherished. A great and undiminished interest has been manifested in them. All classes have attended them. There have been found in the meetings the hoary-haired grandsire and the child at school. Her Majesty’s uniform has been seen in the hall, and. many hare come from Selkirk and other towns to her. The prayer and inquiry-meetings, after the ordinary services, have been well attended, and a large number of people have remained to be spoken to as to the way of salvation. The evangelists have been assisted in this work by many Christians in the town, and the number of those taking an interest ill the meetings has been great.” One of the most notable of the meetings in Galashiels was a service for mill-girls, conducted by Mrs. Fullerton. The hall was densely crowded, and the word was blessed to the immediate decision of several who heard it. Our brethren were glad to meet with many believers who were converted at their mission four years ago. The meetings at Selkirk were so well attended that on the third night they had to be transferred to a larger hall.
This month our brethren go to Belfast, and they will be fully engaged until the end of the year at Londonderry, Portadown, and other places in Ireland.
Mr. Burnham wishes his correspondents to note that he has removed to Blenheim Villa, Windmill Road, Brentford, Middlesex; and that he has no vacant dates before next year’s College Conference. He has spent September partly with Brother Cuff, at the Shoreditch Tabernacle, and partly among the hop-pickers in Kent. From Oct. 7 to 20 he goes, for the third time, to Swanage Congregational Chapel, and from Oct. 28 to Nov. to Wareham. Mr. Frank Russell has been preaching at South Shields, where he was invited to the pastorate. We could not, under all the circumstances, advise him to accept the invitation, and therefore he will continue the work of an evangelist for the present. He has lately conducted services at Attercliffe and Leeds; and has promised also to visit New Whittington and Taunton before the end of the year. Messrs. Mateer and Parker have been holding meetings in connection with our brother Duncan’s church at Huddersfield. Large numbers attended, many inquired the way of salvation, and not a few rejoiced in finding Christ. This month the evangelists go to Glasgow and Mirfield.
In connection with the work of Mr. H. Rylands Brown among the teaplanters of Assam, it is most proper to mention that he is, during that part of the year which he spends in that region, supported by the Anglo-Indian Evangelization Society. We should be sorry to deprive that excellent society of any of the honor of such good work. On the contrary, we wish it growing success, and greatly appreciate its objects and methods.
— We have very gratefully received, from “Yorkshire,” two artist-stamped, first-proof engravings of Sir Noel Paton’s pictures Thy will be done,” and , The Man of Sorrows.” The generous donor says that he subscribed twelve guineas each for them, and in gratitude for the blessing which he and his mother haw received through reading our sermons for many years, he sends them to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphanage. Perhaps some of our friends, who are lovers of art, and who would also like to help the institutions will make us an offer for one or both of the engravings.
We have a gold watch, by Frodsham, which cost the generous donor £25.
A watchmaker tells us that any one who buys it for £l5 will have a bargain.
We have considerable difficulty in selling such gifts at anything like the price which they originally cost, at, should be glad if any person would by this watch to aid the Orphanage funds.
One of our kind friends, who has for many years made a “Sunday dinnertable collection” for the Orphanage, in forwarding this year’s amount, says, “Could you not urge others to do the same? We limit the contributions to one penny each.” Having mentioned the matter, we thank our brother and all the Sunday diners at his table, and hope that his suggestion will be carried out by many other families without any urging on our part.
During the past month, we have received four sacks of flour from half “the Orphanage acre,” which our friend, Mr. James Toller, of Waterbeach, generously set apart, many years ago, for the benefit of our orphan children. The yield this year is larger than ever before, and, if it be possible, our gratitude also is proportionately increased. This acre was given to us when we had only boys to keep; we suppose times have been too bad with the farmers since we have built the girls’ side of the institution, or some one would have consecrated an acre for them. Such a plot of ground would be peculiarly entitled to the name of “God’s acre.”
We have been specially thankful for tidings of a legacy of £100, less duty, which will shortly be paid, and which we are informed is the direct result of one of the provincial tours of Mr. Charlesworth and is choir. We hope that other visits will be similarly productive of benefit to the funds of the Orphanage, and that the singers and ringers will remember that, while they gather n an immediate harvest from their seed-sowing, there may be, in some instances, a still richer crop left “for the reaping by-and-by.”
Our good brother, Pastor George Hill, M A., of Leeds, the President of the Yorkshire Baptist Association, is making the arrangements for the Yorkshire tour in November; and we are quite sure that in his hands everything that is possible will be done to ensure the success of the meetings. In December the choir will pay their annual visit to Portsmouth and the South of England, where they are always heartily welcomed, and generously treated. Could not other towns invite them? Collectors Meeting. — Will all our collectors kindly’ note that the next meeting for the reception of boxes and books, with the amounts collected, will be held at the Orphanage on Wednesday evening, October 29 e shall have an interesting program, and shall be glad to see as many of our busy bees as can bring to the hive the honey they have gathered.
— The necessity for colportage as a counteracting agency to the trashy and demoralizing productions of unprincipled publishers is still very evident. Indecent and infidel publications of the most unblushing and pronounced character are boldly and constantly thrust upon the public notice. In our large towns they are offered for sale at many a street-corner, and displayed in small sweetstuff or tobacco shops, while the quiet Sabbath hour is rudely disturbed by the bawling vendors of sporting or betting papers. The country districts are also largely supplied with the same class of printed rubbish.
The object of the colporteur is to visit the homes of the people, and persuade them to purchase and read books and periodicals of a character which shall interest them and yet at the same time cultivate a purer and better taste, and, above all, lead sinners to the Savior. The Association constantly employs seventy Christian men, who are scattered all over England and in some parts of Wales; but the committee are desirous to extend the work to many more districts, and will send, equip, and support a man in any approved district for which £40 a year is subscribed. Two new districts will he opened in October — one at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, and another at Melksham, Wiltshire. In each district there is a wide field for useful service. Applications for other districts will be gladly considered, and should he sent to the depot, Colportage Association, Temple Street, Southwark, S.E. Subscriptions to the general fund are earnestly solicited.
PERSONAL NOTES One of our evangelists recently told us the following remarkable story A woman in Scotland who was determined, as far as possible, not to have anything to do with religion, threw her Bible, and all the tracts she could find in her house, into the fire. One of the tracts fell down out of the flames, so she picked it up and thrust it in again. A second time it slipped down, and once more she put it back. Again her evil intention was frustrated, but the next time she was more successful, though even then only half of it was consumed. Taking up the portion that fell out of the fire, she exclaimed, “Surely! the devil is in that tract, for it won’t burn.” Her curiosity was excited; she began to read it, and it was the means of her con/ version. The “tract” was one of the sermons published in “The Metropolitan” that sermon Tabernacle Pulpit Very and the woman, too, were “saved, yet so as by fire.” What wondrous ways the Lord has of brining home the truth to the hearts and consciences of sinners!
One of our country sermon-readers, who has himself derived great blessing from the sermons: write to tell us of many others in the town where tie lives., whose souls have been fed upon the spiritual food which we have provided for them. He mentions especially an aged believer, two railwayguards, a stone-mason, two members of the local branch of the Y. M.C. A., and others, who have toed him of the joy with which they welcome the weekly messenger. Our correspondent finds much comfort in the doctrines of grace, and is exceedingly thankful that; soon after he was converted a Christian friend spoke of the benefit he had received from the sermons, and advised him to take them hi.. for himself. He says, “I thank God a thousand times for your sermons. As to read them, have continued and others of your works, I have learned to love you with a love that will last to all eternity.”
A friend writes to tell us of a case in which one of our sermons has led to the conversion of a man who had failed, and only paid ls. 6d. in the £1.
Some time afterwards he took another installment to one of his creditors, explained the circumstances that had wrought the change in him, and said that he would pay all that he owed if he could, but if not he would pray every day that the Lord would bless and prosper the man he had wronged.
Baptisms at Metropolitan Tabernacle. August 28, eight.