SEV Biblia, Chapter 13:6
En sus pastos se hartaron, se saciaron, y se ensoberbeció su corazón; por esta causa se olvidaron de mí.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Hosea 13:6
Verse 6. According to their pasture] They had a rich pasture, and were amply supplied with every good. They became exalted in their heart, forgat their God, and became a prey to their enemies. "He that exalteth himself shall be abased."
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 6. According to their pasture, so were they filled , etc.] When they came into the land of Canaan, which was a land flowing with milk and honey, they were like a flock of sheep brought from short commons to a good pasture; and there they tilled themselves to the fail, and indulged to luxury and excess, pampered themselves, and made provision for the flesh to fulfil its lusts, and became carnal and sensual: they were filled, and their hearts were exalted : they were elated with their plenty, and grew proud and haughty, and attributed their fulness not to the goodness of God, but to their own excellency and merit; and put their trust and confidence in their affluence, and not in the Lord; and thought themselves safe and secure, and out of all danger, and concluded it would never be otherwise with them: therefore have they forgotten me ; the Author of their beings, the Father of their mercies, and God of all their comforts; they forgot to give him praise and glory for their abundance; to place their trust and have their dependence on him, and to serve and worship him; this was the consequence of their luxury and pride. The Targum is, “therefore they left my worship;” they waxed fat, and kicked, and lightly esteemed and forsook the God and Rock of their salvation, ( Deuteronomy 32:15).
Matthew Henry Commentary
Judah and Israel reminded of the Divine favours. (Hos. 12:1-6) The provocations of Israel. (Hos. 12:7-14) Hos. 12:1-6 Ephraim feeds himself with vain hopes of help from man when he is at enmity with God. The Jews vainly thought to secure the Egyptians by a present of the produce of their country. Judah is contended with also. God sees the sin of his own people, and wil reckon with them for it. They are put in mind of what Jacob did, an what God did for him. When his faith upon the Divine promise prevaile above his fears, then by his strength he had power with God. He is Jehovah, the same that was, and is, and is to come. What was revelation of God to one, is his memorial to many, to all generations Then let those who have gone from God, be turned to him. Turn thou to the Lord, by repentance and faith, as thy God. Let those that ar converted to him, walk with him in all holy conversation and godliness Let us wrestle with Him for promised blessings, determined not to giv over till we prevail; and let us seek Him in his ordinances.
Hos. 12:7-14 Ephraim became a merchant: the word also signifies Canaanite. They carried on trade upon Canaanitish principles covetously and with fraud and deceit. Thus they became rich, an falsely supposed that Providence favoured them. But shameful sins shal have shameful punishments. Let them remember, not only what a might prince Jacob was with God, but what a servant he was to Laban. The benefits we have had from the word of God, make our sin and folly the worse, if we put any slight upon that word. We had better follow the hardest labour in poverty, than grow rich by sin. We may form judgment of our own conduct, by comparing it with that of ancien believers in the like circumstances. Whoever despises the message of God, will perish. May we all hear his word with humble, obedient faith __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
כמרעיתם 4830 וישׂבעו 7646 שׂבעו 7646 וירם 7311 לבם 3820 על 5921 כן 3651 שׁכחוני׃ 7911