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  • TSK - JOEL 2


      1  He shews unto Zion the terribleness of God's judgment.
    12  He exhorts to repentance;
    15  prescribes a fast;
    18  promises a blessing thereon.
    21  He comforts Zion with present,
    28  and future blessings.
    VERSE 1
    - Blow.
       * :15 Nu 10:3,8 Jer 4:5 Ho 8:1
    - trumpet.  or, cornet.
       * 1Ch 15:28 Ho 5:8
    - and sound.
       * Nu 10:5-7,9 Eze 33:3,6 Am 3:6 Zep 1:16
    - in my.
       * Joe 3:17 Ps 87:1 Da 9:16,20 Zep 3:11 Zec 8:3
    - let.
       * Ezr 9:3,4 Ps 120 119:120 Isa 66:2,5 Jer 5:22; 16:7,10 Da 6:26
       * Php 2:12
    - for the.
       * Joe 1:15 Isa 2:12 Eze 7:5-7,10,12; 12:23 Am 8:2 Ob 1:15 Mal 4:1
       * 1Th 5:2 Jas 8 5:8 1Pe 4:7
    VERSE 2 
     - A day of darkness.
      "The quantity of these insects," says a French author,"is
      incredible to all who have not themselves witnessed their
      astonishing numbers; the whole earth is covered with them for
      the space of several leagues.  The noise they make in browsing
      on the trees and herbage may be heard at a great distance, and
      resembles that of an army in secret.  Wherever their myriads
      spread, the verdure of the country disappears; trees and
      plants, stripped of their leaves and reduced to their naked
      boughs and stems, cause the dreary image of winter to succeed
      in an instant to the rich scenery of spring.  When these
      clouds of locusts take their flight, to surmount any obstacles
      or to traverse more rapidly a desert soil, the heavens may
      literally be said to be obscured by them."
       * :10,31; 3:14,15 Ex 20:21 Ps 97:2 Isa 5:30; 8:22 Jer 13:16
       * Am 5:18-20 Zep 1:14,15 Heb 12:18 Jude 1:13
    - as.
       * Am 4:13
    - a great.
       * :5,11,25; 1:6
    - there.
       * Joe 1:2,3 Ex 10:6,14 Da 12:1 Mr 13:19
    - many generations.  Heb. generation and generation.
       * De 32:7 Ps 10:6 *margins
    VERSE 3 
     - fire.
       * Joe 1:19,20 Ps 50:3 Am 7:4
    - the land.
       * Ge 2:8; 13:10 Isa 51:3 Eze 31:8,9
    - and behind.
       * Joe 1:4-7 Ex 10:5,15 Jer 5:17 Zec 7:14
    VERSE 4
        * Re 9:7
    VERSE 5 
     - the noise.
       * Na 2:3,4; 3:2,3 Re 9:9
    - like the noise of a.
       * Isa 5:24; 30:30 Mt 3:12
    - a strong.
       * :2
    VERSE 6 
     - all.
       * Ps 119:83 Isa 13:8 Jer 8:21; 30:6 La 4:8 Na 2:10
    - blackness.  Heb. pot.
    VERSE 7 
     - They shall run.
      In their progress, says Dr. Shaw, "they kept their ranks like
      men of war; climbing over every tree or wall that was in their
      way.  Nay, they entered into our very houses and bedchambers,
      like so many thieves.  Every effort of the inhabitants to stop
      them was unavailing; the trenches they had dug were quickly
      filled up, and the fires they had kindled extinguished, by
      infinite swarms succeeding each other."
       * 2Sa 1:23; 2:18,19 Ps 19:5 Isa 5:26-29
    - climb.
       * :9 2Sa 5:8 Jer 5:10
    - they shall march.
       * Pr 30:27
    VERSE 8 
     - sword.  or, dart.
       * 2Ch 23:10; 32:5 *marg:
       * Ne 4:17,23 Job 33:18; 36:12 So 4:13
    VERSE 9 
     - enter.
       * Ex 10:6 Jer 9:21 Joh 10:1
    VERSE 10 
     - earth.
       * Ps 18:7; 114:7 Na 1:5 Mt 27:51 Re 6:12; 20:11
    - the sun.
       * :2,31; 3:15 Isa 13:10; 34:4 Jer 4:23 Eze 32:7 Am 5:8 Mt 24:29
       * Mr 13:24,25 Lu 21:25,26 Ac 2:20 Re 8:12
    VERSE 11 
     - utter.
       * Joe 3:16 2Sa 22:14,15 Ps 46:6 Isa 7:18; 13:4; 42:13 Jer 25:30 Am 1:2
    - his army.
       * :25
    - he is.
       * Jer 50:34 Re 18:8
    - the day.
       * Jer 30:7 Am 5:18,20 Zep 1:15
    - who.
       * Nu 24:23 Na 1:6 Mal 3:2 Re 6:17
    VERSE 12 
     - turn.
       * De 4:29,30 1Sa 7:3 1Ki 8:47-49 2Ch 6:38,39; 7:13,14 Isa 55:6,7
       * Jer 4:1; 29:12,13 La 3:40,41 Ho 6:1; 12:6; 14:1 Zec 1:3,4
       * Ac 26:20
    - with fasting.
       * Jud 20:26 1Sa 7:6 2Ch 20:3,4 Ne 9:1,2 Isa 22:12 Jon 3:5-8
       * Zec 7:3,5; 12:10-14 Jas 8 4:8,9
    VERSE 13 
     - rend.
      Here the word "rend" is used only once, but with two
      significations; in the former sentence it is used
      figuratively; in the latter literally--the heart not being
      rent in the same sense in which garments are rent.
       * 2Ki 22:19 Ps 34:18; 51:17 Isa 57:15; 66:2 Eze 9:4 Mt 5:3,4
    - your garments.
       * Ge 37:29,34 2Sa 1:11 1Ki 21:27 2Ki 5:7; 6:30; 22:11 Job 1:20
       * Isa 58:5 Mt 6:16-18 1Ti 4:8
    - for.
       * Ex 34:6,7 Nu 14:18 Ps 86:5,15; 145:7-9 Jon 4:2 Mic 7:18 Ro 2:4
       * Ro 5:20,21 Eph 2:4
    - slow.
       * Ne 9:17 Ps 103:8 Na 1:3 Jas 19 1:19,20
    - and repenteth.
       * Ps 106:45 Jer 18:7,8 Am 7:2-6 Jon 4:2
    VERSE 14 
     - Who.
       * Ex 32:30 Jos 14:12 1Sa 6:5 2Sa 12:22 2Ki 19:4 Am 5:15 Jon 1:6
       * Jon 3:9 Zep 2:3 2Ti 2:25
    - and leave.
       * Isa 65:8 Hag 2:19 2Co 9:5-11 *marg:
    - even.
       * Joe 1:9,13,16
    VERSE 15 
     - Blow.
       * :1 Nu 10:3
    - sanctify.
       * Joe 1:14 1Ki 21:9,12 2Ki 10:20 Jer 36:9
    VERSE 16 
     - sanctify.
       * Ex 19:10,15,22 Jos 7:13 1Sa 16:5 2Ch 29:5,23,24; 30:17,19; 35:6
       * Job 1:5
    - assemble.
       * Joe 1:14 De 29:10,11 2Ch 20:13 Jon 3:7,8
    - let.
       * Zec 12:11-14 Mt 9:15 1Co 7:5
    VERSE 17 
     - the priests.
       * Joe 1:9,13
    - between.
       * 1Ki 6:3 2Ch 8:12 Eze 8:16 Mt 23:35
    - and let.
       * Ho 14:2
    - Spare.
       * Ex 32:11-13; 34:9 De 9:16-29 Isa 37:20; 64:9-12 Da 9:18,19
       * Am 7:2,5 Mal 1:9
    - and give.
       * Ps 44:10-14; 74:10,18-23; 79:4; 89:41,51 Eze 36:4-7
    - that.
       * Ne 9:36 Isa 63:17-19
    - rule over them.  or, use a byword against them.
       * De 28:37 1Ki 9:7 2Ch 7:20 Ps 44:14
    - wherefore.
       * Nu 14:14-16 De 32:27 Ps 42:10; 79:10; 115:2 Eze 20:9 Mic 7:10
       * Mt 27:43
    VERSE 18 
     - be.
       * Isa 42:13 Zec 1:14; 8:2
    - and pity.
       * De 32:16,36,43 Jud 10:16 Ps 103:13,17 Isa 60:10; 63:9,15
       * Jer 31:20 La 3:22 Ho 11:8,9 Lu 15:20 Jas 11 5:11
    VERSE 19 
     - I will send.
       * :24; 1:10 Isa 62:8,9; 65:21-24 Ho 2:15 Am 9:13,14 Hag 2:16-19
       * Mal 3:10-12 Mt 6:33
    - and ye.
       * :26
    - and I.
       * Eze 34:29; 36:15; 39:29
    VERSE 20 
     - remove.
       * :2-11; 1:4-6 Ex 10:19
    - the northern.
       * Jer 1:14
    - the east.
       * Eze 47:7,8,18 Zec 14:8
    - utmost.
       * De 11:24
    - his stink.
       * Eze 39:12-16
    - because.
       * 2Ki 8:13
    - done.  Heb. magnified to do.
    VERSE 21 
     - Fear.
       * Ge 15:1 Isa 41:10; 54:4 Jer 30:9,10 Zep 3:16,17 Zec 8:15
    - be glad.
       * Ps 65:12,13; 96:11,12; 98:8 Isa 35:1; 44:23; 55:12 Ho 2:21
    - for.
       * :20 De 4:32 1Sa 12:16,24 Ps 71:19; 126:1-3 Jer 33:3
    VERSE 22 
     - afraid.
       * Joe 1:18-20 Ps 36:6; 104:11-14,27-29; 145:15,16; 147:8,9 Isa 30:23,24
       * Jon 4:11
    - for the pastures.
       * Joe 1:19 Ps 65:12 Isa 51:3
    - for the tree.
       * Le 26:4,5 Ps 67:6; 107:35-38 Eze 34:26,27; 36:8,30,35 Ho 14:5-7
       * Am 9:14,15 Hag 2:16 Zec 8:12 Mal 3:10-12
    - yield.
       * Ge 4:12 1Co 3:7
    VERSE 23 
     - ye children.
       * Ps 149:2 La 4:2 Zec 9:13 Ga 4:26,27
    - rejoice.
       * Ps 28:7; 32:11; 33:1; 95:1-3; 104:34 Isa 12:2-6; 41:16; 61:10
       * Hab 3:17,18 Zep 3:14-17 Zec 9:9; 10:7 Lu 1:46,47 Php 3:1,3; 4:4
    - the former, etc.  or, a teacher of righteousness.
       * :28,29 De 32:2 Job 33:23 Ps 72:6,7 Isa 30:21,23 Eph 4:8-11
    - moderately.  Heb. according to righteousness.  he will.
       * Le 26:4 De 11:14; 28:12 Pr 16:15 Jer 3:3 Ho 6:3 Zec 10:1
       * Jas 7 5:7,8
    - in.
       * Am 4:7
    VERSE 24
        * Joe 3:13,18 Le 26:10 Pr 3:9,10 Am 9:13 Mal 3:10
    VERSE 25 
     - that.
       * :2-11; 1:4-7 Zec 10:6
    VERSE 26 
     - ye shall.
       * Le 26:5,26 De 6:11,12; 8:10 Ne 9:25 Ps 22:26; 103:5 Pr 13:25
       * So 5:1 Isa 55:2; 62:8,9 Mic 6:14 Zec 9:15,17 1Ti 6:17
    - and praise.
       * De 12:7,12,18; 26:10,11 1Ti 4:3-5
    - that.
       * :20,21 Ge 33:11 Ps 13:6; 72:18; 116:7; 126:2,3 Isa 25:1
    - and my.
       * Ps 25:2,3; 37:19 Isa 29:22; 45:17; 49:23; 54:4 Zep 3:11 Ro 5:5
       * Ro 9:33; 10:11 1Jo 2:28
    VERSE 27 
     - I am.
       * Joe 3:17 Le 26:11,12 De 23:14 Ps 46:5; 68:18 Isa 12:6 Eze 37:26-28
       * Zep 3:17 2Co 6:16 Re 21:3
    - that I.
       * Isa 45:5,18,21,22; 53:6 Eze 39:22,28
    - and my.
       * :26 1Pe 2:6
    VERSE 28 
     - that I.
       * Pr 1:23 Isa 32:15; 44:3 Eze 39:29 Joh 7:39 Ac 2:16-18
    - upon.
       * Isa 40:5; 49:6 Zec 12:10 Lu 3:6 Ac 2:2-4,33,39; 10:44-47
       * Ac 11:15-18; 15:7,8
    - your daughters.
       * Isa 54:13 Ac 21:9 Ga 3:28
    - dream.
       * Ge 37:5-10 Nu 12:6 Jer 23:28
    VERSE 29
        * 1Co 12:13 Ga 3:28 Col 3:11
    VERSE 30 
     - I will.
       * Mt 24:29 Mr 13:24 Lu 21:11,25,26 Ac 2:19,20 Re 6:12-17
    - pillars.
       * Ge 19:28 Jos 8:20 Jud 20:38,40 So 3:6 Re 18:9,18
    VERSE 31 
     - sun.
       * :10; 3:1,15 Isa 13:9,10; 34:4,5 Mt 24:29; 27:45 Mr 13:24,25
       * Lu 21:25 Re 6:12,13
    - the great.
       * Zep 1:14-16 Mal 4:1,5
    VERSE 32 
     - that
       * Ps 50:15 Jer 33:3 Zec 13:9 Ac 2:21 Ro 10:11-14 1Co 1:2
    - for.
       * Isa 46:13; 59:20,21 Ob 1:17,21 Joh 4:22 Ro 11:26 Heb 12:22
    - and in.
       * Isa 10:22; 11:11,16 Jer 31:7 Mic 4:6,7; 5:3,7,8 Joh 10:16
       * Ac 2:39; 15:17 Ro 8:28-30; 9:24,27; 11:5,7 2Th 2:13,14

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