-Firstborn of Israelites sanctified
#EX 13:2
-All Israel sanctified
#EX 19:10,14
-Material things sanctified by anointing
#EX 40:9-11
-The Lord is the Sanctifier
#EX 31:13; LE 20:8; 21:8; 22:9
-The alter sanctifies the gift
#EX 29:37; 30:29
-Tabernacle sanctified by God's presence
#EX 29:43; 40:34,35
#EX 31:13; 33:16; LE 21:1-23; JER 1:5; EZE 37:28; JOH
17 17:17,19; AC 26:17,18; RO 15:16; 1CO 1:2,30; 6:11; 13:1-13;
2CO 1:21,22; GA 2:20; 6:14; EPH 1:3,4; 3:19;
4:7,12,13,15,16; 5:25-27; COL 2:11; 1TH 4:3,4; 5:23; 2TH
13 2:13,14; 2TI 2:11,21; HEB 2:11; 9:14; 10:10,14; 12:10;
13:12,21; 1PE 1:2; 2PE 1:2-4; 1JO 1:9; Jude 24 1:24; RE 7:14
¯ 2363
¯ 4097
¯ 4086
¯ 4232
¯ 4587
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 20
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 14
- Edersheim The Temple 9
- Edersheim The Temple 3
- Edersheim The Temple 13
- Edersheim The Temple 12c
- Sketches of Jewish Life Appendix 2b
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 10
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 5
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 8
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 6
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 14
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 8
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 7
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 4
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 19
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 10
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Peter 3
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 19
- Clarke's Commentary John 17
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 29
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 13
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Thessalonians 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 8
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 6
- Clarke's Commentary Nehemiah 12
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 6
- Clarke's Commentary Joshua 7
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 6
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 5
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 2
- Clarke's Commentary Revelation 4
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 98
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 67
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 2
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 16
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 8
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 27
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 20
- Clarke's Commentary Micah 3
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 8
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 5
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 4
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 28
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 24
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 22
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 1
- Clarke's Commentary Mark 16
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 24
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 16
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 1
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 8
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 4
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 27
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 16
- Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 11
- Clarke's Commentary Joshua 3
- Clarke's Commentary John 12
- Clarke's Commentary James 4
- Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 1
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 9
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 3
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 2
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 13
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 10
- Clarke's Commentary Haggai 2
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 3
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 28
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 27
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 19
- Clarke's Commentary Ezekiel 36
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 40
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 26
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 1
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 1
- Clarke's Commentary Ecclesiastes 3
- Clarke's Commentary Deuteronomy 34
- Clarke's Commentary Deuteronomy 33
- Clarke's Commentary Colossians 1
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Thessalonians 2
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Peter 1
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Chronicles 30
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Chronicles 29
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Timothy 4
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Samuel 7
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Samuel 16
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 8
- Clarke's Commentary 1 John 3
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 4
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Chronicles 15
- Wesley's Notes Numbers 11
- Wesley's Notes Nehemiah 12
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 27
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 10
- Wesley's Notes Joshua 3
- Wesley's Notes John 17
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 20
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 19
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 13
- Wesley's Notes Colossians 1
- Wesley's Notes 2 Chronicles 29
- Wesley's Notes Psalms 19
- Wesley's Notes Philippians 1
- Wesley's Notes Numbers 20
- Wesley's Notes Nehemiah 13
- Wesley's Notes Luke 15
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 9
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 21
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 20
- Wesley's Notes Leviticus 14
- Wesley's Notes Joshua 7
- Wesley's Notes Joel 3
- Wesley's Notes Joel 1
- Wesley's Notes James 1
- Wesley's Notes Isaiah 8
- Wesley's Notes Isaiah 29
- Wesley's Notes Hebrews 7
- Wesley's Notes Hebrews 2
- Wesley's Notes Hebrews 13
- Wesley's Notes Genesis 31
- Wesley's Notes Genesis 1
- Wesley's Notes Ezekiel 44
- Wesley's Notes Ezekiel 38
- Wesley's Notes Ezekiel 37
- Wesley's Notes Ezekiel 36
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 40
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 31
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 29
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 27
- Wesley's Notes Ephesians 5
- Wesley's Notes Deuteronomy 5
- Wesley's Notes Deuteronomy 30
- Wesley's Notes Deuteronomy 15
- Wesley's Notes Acts 8
- Wesley's Notes Acts 19
- Wesley's Notes 2 Kings 16
- Wesley's Notes 2 Corinthians 4
- Wesley's Notes 1 Thessalonians 5
- Wesley's Notes 1 Samuel 16
- Wesley's Notes 1 Peter 3
- Wesley's Notes 1 Chronicles 23
- Clavis Biblica 14
- Wesley's Sermons 76
- Wesley's Sermons 86
- Wesley's Sermons 61
- Wesley's Sermons 40
- Wesley's Sermons 9
- Wesley's Sermons 8
- Wesley's Sermons 69
- Wesley's Sermons 43
- Wesley's Sermons 27
- Wesley's Sermons 16
- Wesley's Sermons 129
- Finney's Sermons 19
- Finney's Sermons 6c
- Finney's Sermons 3b
- Finney's Sermons 28b
- Finney's Sermons 27c
- Finney's Sermons 27b
- Finney's Sermons 27
- Finney's Sermons 22
- Finney's Sermons 1b
- Finney's Sermons 16b
- Finney's Sermons 12b
- Finney's Sermons 10b
- Lectures on Theology 20b
- Lectures on Theology 17
- Lectures on Theology 15c
- Lectures on Theology 13
- Lectures on Theology 12
- Systematic Theology 37
- Systematic Theology 36c
- Systematic Theology 21c
- Systematic Theology 42
- Systematic Theology 41b
- Systematic Theology 32d
- Systematic Theology 52
- Systematic Theology 49
- Systematic Theology 44
- Systematic Theology 43
- Systematic Theology 42d
- Systematic Theology 41d
- Systematic Theology 40d
- Systematic Theology 39
- Systematic Theology 37c
- Systematic Theology 36d
- Systematic Theology 36b
- Systematic Theology 30b
- Systematic Theology 28d
- Systematic Theology 15d
- Naves Topical Bible 199
- Naves Topical Bible 102
- Torreys Topical Textbook 93
- Torreys Topical Textbook 88
- Torreys Topical Textbook 75
- Torreys Topical Textbook 67
- Torreys Topical Textbook 64
- Torreys Topical Textbook 37
- Torreys Topical Textbook 35
- Torreys Topical Textbook 27
- TSK 2 Chronicles 29
- TSK John 17
- TSK Joel 2
- TSK Ezekiel 46
- TSK Exodus 29
- TSK Exodus 19
- TSK Numbers 20
- TSK Numbers 11
- TSK Nehemiah 13
- TSK Leviticus 27
- TSK Leviticus 21
- TSK Leviticus 20
- TSK Joshua 7
- TSK Joshua 3
- TSK Joel 3
- TSK Joel 1
- TSK Isaiah 8
- TSK Isaiah 66
- TSK Isaiah 29
- TSK Hebrews 13
- TSK Ezekiel 44
- TSK Ezekiel 37
- TSK Ezekiel 36
- TSK Exodus 40
- TSK Exodus 13
- TSK 2 Kings 10
- TSK 2 Chronicles 35
- TSK 1 Thessalonians 5
- TSK 1 Samuel 7
- TSK 1 Samuel 16
- TSK 1 Peter 3
- TSK 1 Chronicles 23
- TSK 1 Chronicles 15
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 41
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 25
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 20
- NT Word Pictures John 17
- NT Word Pictures Ephesians 5
- NT Word Pictures Hebrews 9
- NT Word Pictures Hebrews 13
- NT Word Pictures Hebrews 10
- NT Word Pictures 1 Thessalonians 5
- NT Word Pictures 1 Thessalonians 1
- NT Word Pictures1 Peter 3
- NT Word Pictures 1 Corinthians 7