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    1 The second enlarged edition of Griesbach being at this time expected, Mr. Benson wished Mr. Clarke to enter his name as a subscriber to it.

    2 To this excellent pair, Mr. Clarke presented a Bible -- the greatest boon man can confer on his fellow! This is here noticed, because of the excellence and rarity of the edition, being a copy of the one printed in folio at Geneva, in 1562, and because of some memoranda contained in it, in the handwriting of Mr. Clarke. After "A. Clarke's gift to his much respected brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bulmer, London, Sep. 12, 1796," he makes the following entries, which will be of importance to the juvenile biblical collector,

    "Some eminent critics are of opinion, that this translation exceeds in fidelity and correctness all that have gone before it, or have been since made, Dr. Geddes thinks it vastly preferable to the present translation. A copy of this Bible, in so good a state of preservation and perfection, is hardly to be met with, except in some private libraries. May God make it an eternal blessing to all that read, or hear it read! A. C."

    The Dedication is To the moste vertuous and noble Quene Elisabet. Then follows an Epistle To our beloved in the Lord, the brethren of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c., dated From Geneva, April 10, 1561, At the end of this epistle, Mr. Clarke writes:-- "The translators of this Bible were -- Bishop Coverdale, Anthony Gilby, William Whitingham, Christopher Woodman, Thomas Sampson, Thomas Cole, -- to whom some add, John Knox, John Bodleigh, John Pullain.

    "See Bishop Newcome on Biblical Translations. Neither Mr. Lewis, nor Bishop Newcome, seem to have seen this edition." At the end of the volume, Mr. Clarke has written, "Oh, how I love thy law! It is my comfort in the house of my pilgrimage! A. C."

    A few particulars may be noticed. The first Boke of Moses begins on the left side, This is rare; and also the following title -- The First Boke of the Chronicles, or Paralipomenon. At the end of 2 Chron., follows The Prayer of Manasseh, the King of the Jews. This occupies half a page, and is not divided into verses. The twentieth chapter of Proverbs begins with The Prophecie which the man spake, &c. The wordes of Agar, the sonne of Jakeh, The title of the chapter is in Roman capitals. Similar to it is chapter thirty-first. Solomon's Song is thus entitled, -- An excellent Song, which was Solomon's. After the title-page to the New Testament, the page succeeding contains a double column, the first containing -- The Yeres of the nativity of Jesus Christ; the second column, -- The yeres of the conversion of St. Paul; annexed to which is, -- The order of the yeres from Paul's conversion, showing the time of hys perigrination, and of his Epistles written to the Churches. On the opposite page is a Map of the Holie Land, and places mentioned by the four Evangelists. A similar map precedes the Acts of the Apostles, together with -- The description of the countries and places mentioned in the Actes of the Apostles, from Italie on the west parte, unto the Medes and Persians towards the east, containing about 2200 miles in length. The which description serveth for the perigrination of St. Paul and other of the Apostles, and for the understanding of manie things contained in this boke. In this Bible, the leaves, not the pages, are numbered.

    3 It is to this lady, Mr. Wesley refers in the "Arminian Magazine" for 1789, p. 502, in some lines" To Sappho," which he states to have been written by "a young lady of thirteen years of age." She heard, while at school, of the death of Mr. Charles Wesley, and knowing something of both his person and character, wrote some lines on the occasion, and transmitted them to his brother John, who was much pleased with them, and who, in return, wrote to her with all the fear and tenderness of a parent, lest she should sustain any injury through the flattery of indiscreet friends. His notes are brief, and may here be added. The first is dated, "City Road, Jan. 18, 1790," and the second, "Feb. 11," of the same year. "My dear maiden, -- Beware of pride! beware of flattery! Suffer none to commend you to your face! Remember one good temper is of more value in the sight of God, than a thousand good verses. All you want is, to have the mind that was in Christ, and to walk as Christ walked,

    To Miss Agnes Collinson."

    The other is much in the same strain, -- "I would fain preserve you, my dear Agnes, from the dangers that surround you. It will be a miracle of miracles, if you are not destroyed by pride and vanity! And you will find it hard not to resist the trials you meet with from envy, contempt, or the ill-nature of some; and if this should be the case, see that you never be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. I particularly advise you to be more studious to oblige your parents than ever. Hereby you will give more pleasure than ever to, my dear Agnes, your real friend, -- J. WESLEY."

    4 The "Dissertation "was published in Liverpool May 15, 1797; a second edition in 1798; a third in 1804; a fourth in 1814; and since then, it has passed through other editions.

    5 Early prepossessions were manifested on this subject by one of Mr. Clarke's little boys, who knew his father's prejudice, against "swine's flesh." He was seated on one of the foot-mats, which he had taken from preference, in a large square pew in one of the chapels in Bristol, occupied by the family. The second lesson for the morning was Matthew viii, When the officiating preacher came to the part, in which the "devils" requested to be sent into "the herd of swine," the boy looking up in the face of another preacher (who was a hearer on the occasion, and sat before him in the pew,) said in an undertone, and with apparent seriousness, "That is the reason why I don't like to eat swine, Mr. R., because the devil is in them."

    6 About this time, he issued the following advertisement of the work:-- In great forwardness for the Press, and to be published with all convenient speed, a faithful, and, (as nearly as possible,) Literal Translation of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, taken from Professor Griesbach's accurate edition, and collated with most of the Ancient and Modern Versions, with a Commentary; in which all the principal words in the Original Text are analyzed and explained; the most important Readings of the best manuscripts noticed the peculiar Customs of the Jews and neighboring Nations alluded to by our Lord and the Apostles, explained from Asiatic Writings, several of which have never been published in Europe; the great Doctrines of the Gospel of God defined, illustrated, and defended; and the whole applied to the important purposes of sound practical Christianity and vital godliness. By Adam Clarke.

    "N. B. In this work, the common version is intended to be printed in a parallel column with the new Translation, that those who prefer the former, may have the opportunity of applying the commentary to it. The work will make two volumes in quarto." ADAM CLARKE.

    7 His hair was now nearly white, and his complexion ruddy, forming a beautiful contrast, and investing him, though in the prime of life, with the venerableness of age. His hair, indeed, gave early indications of age. "Look at that girl passing," said he to the writer some time after this; "my hair was as red as hers, but it began to turn gray when I was twenty-five years of age." "You are getting gray Mr. Clarke," said another; "yes," he replied significantly, "there are more things gray than me," -- the friend not perceiving at first, that he had put the man for the hair.

    8 As a literary curiosity for future generations, it may be noticed, that the following announcement was made to the public by the "Committee of the Wesleyan Theological Institution, "Received from John Wesley Hall, Esq., Bristol, The Original Manuscript of Dr. Adam Clarke's Translation of Sturm's Reflections, folio.

    9 The decision of criticism is, that "Spencer is the most luxuriant and melodious of all our descriptive poets. His creation of scenes and objects is infinite, and in free and sonorous versification he has not yet been surpassed. His 'lofty rhyme' has a swell and cadence, and a continuous sweetness, that we can find nowhere else. In richness of fancy and invention he can scarcely be ranked below Shakespeare, and he is fully as original. His obligations to the Italian poets, (Ariosto supplying a wild gothic and chivalrous model for the Faery Queene, and Tasso furnishing the texture of some of its most delicious embellishments,) still leave him the merit of his great moral design -- the conception of his allegorical characters -- and the original structure of verse, powerful and harmonious, which he was the first to adopt, and which must ever bear his name." His Stanza, which is the Italian ottava rima, and to which he added an Alexandrine, giving a full and sweeping close to the verse, has been successfully followed by Beattie, Byron, Campbell, and others.

    10 In his own copy, he entered several notes, one of which is -- "The two last Cantos are truly excellent." But while he approved of the poetry, he was not always laudatory of the theme, as is evident from his selection of the "last Cantos," in preference to the others, avoiding by this the former part of the poem, which is considered as susceptible of being formed into a lecture for a dissecting room as a subject for song. The following lines in Canto IX., Stanza 23, were underscored:-

    "Well might he slip, but yet not wholly fall: No final loss his courage might appall; Growing more sound by wound, and rising by his fall.'

    To these lines he appended, "Antinomianism with a vengeance indeed! Wounded faith is the next step to unbelief. Reader, take care of thine if thou hast any. -- A. C." Canto III, Stanza 33, he enters the following caveat [warning, proviso] against the poet's unmingled praise of Elizabeth, -- "There is too much reason to believe that what is reported of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex, relative to their amor, is true. Her character will not bear a very deep investigation without appearing vile in respect to her morals. -- Stubborn facts are here against both her and the poet, who strives to vindicate her at the expense of Christian charity, as the last line of Stanza 33 evidences. Happy for her, if she is sailing through heaven!"

    11 Several years after this, when a party was dining with a friend, Mr. Clarke looked across the table at the biographer, and said, "Everett, I will tell you a secret about 'The Fool of Quality;'" then, turning to another part of the company, he said, "I speak to Mr. E., for his pen is always at work, and I know it will be preserved. You know the work," continued he, "and know also, that it is considered in the light of a novel. I knew its author -- Mr. Brooke, who asked me one day, whether I had read it. I told him, I had. He then asked my opinion of it. When I told him, that it sometimes made me laugh -- sometimes cry -- and sometimes ready to go upon my knees; but that while reading it, this thought impressed me -- 'It is a fiction,' and then I was angry at myself. 'That,' replied Mr. Brooke, 'is the general opinion; but I can assure you, with the exception of a few touches of coloring, everything is founded in fact -- even the incidents are fact,' I was surprised, and he perceived it. He then inquired, 'Do you know the author of it?' I replied, Yes, your uncle. 'That,' he returned, 'is also the general opinion, but it is an error, for I am properly its author. I will explain myself. My uncle had written on various subjects, but was always lamenting, that he had done nothing to produce a better moral feeling on the Irish mind and character. I went out with him one morning on horseback, as we were accustomed to do, and being a little on the advance of him, he called to me to join and keep his pace. The Irish character was the subject of conversation, and he expressed his belief that it might be improved by catching and impressing the mind in some particular way; he then noticed the leading points described in 'The Fool of Quality,' -- proceeding from one part of the subject to another -- planning -- illustrating -- and enforcing, by certain modes of argumentation, the ground of each. Here the subject dropped for some time with my uncle: but I was so thoroughly impressed, and had my mind so completely imbued with it, that, on returning home I took up the subject where my uncle commenced, -- went through with the whole, which was vividly impressed upon the heart and upon the imagination -- and never rested till I had transferred it to paper. Three years elapsed, and nothing was said on the subject on either side. Taking our accustomed ride one day, my uncle said, 'Henry, I once spoke to you on a subject which has recently been revived in my recollection, in reference to the improvement of the Irish character; but not having done anything, I have permitted it to pass away, and now, having forgotten the plan, it grieves me exceedingly.' I told him, that I had penned the whole, and, on our return, produced the MS., to his unspeakable joy. Hence arose 'The Fool of Quality,' which; would never have been known to the world but for me.' Mr. Clarke added," Mr. Wesley read the work, -- knew Mr.

    Brooke, -- asked permission to alter or abridge it, which was granted; and out of the Fool of Quality arose Mr. Wesley's' Henry Earl of Moreland."

    12 Teraphim, from raphah, to assuage, heal.

    13 Icons, from (phonetic Greek: A-kown, an image.

    14 Cherubim, from ke -- like; and rab, the mighty, or rebi arab, the Lord.

    15 Chreeshna, an incarnation of the Deity, according to the Hindu theology. The Hindus believe that God has been incarnated nine times; and they expect a tenth, for the final salvation of the world.

    16 Mr. Sounciat says, that in all respectable Hindu houses, paintings, one representing the serpent biting Chreeshna's heel, the other chreeshna trampling on the serpent's head, are to be seen.

    17 Gueber, a worshipper of fire; one of the followers of Zerdusht or Zoroaster.

    18 Sabeans, another appellation for the followers of Zoroaster.

    19 The Lares, among the ancient Romans, were a sort of guardian angels.

    20 The Penates were protectors of the house and family. All who dwelt under the roof were considered to be under their protection; hence the rites of hospitality were peculiarly sacred, because the stranger was always considered to be an especial object of the care of the Penates.

    21 My brother, who traveled in Africa, told me, that in the town of Bonny, he always observed the houses to be divided into three apartments; -- one end was the kitchen, the other was the state room, and that in the center, the temple of Juju.

    22 Kuriou oikos, the house of the Lord, afterwards contracted into kuroik, and then into kirk and church. -- Dr. WATTS

    23 Gibbon, and this Jewish Rabbi, were of kindred creeds, with this exception, that the Rabbi was more honest in his avowal; while Gibbon insidiously the better to accomplish his further purposes, shifted it upon others, by stating, that "the various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true, by the philosopher as equally false, and by the magistrate as equally useful.

    24 See Evangelical Magazine, 1804, for a Memoir of Mr. Butterworth.

    25 Duke of Bridgewater's Canal Vessels.

    26 The question was once put to Mr. Wesley, -- "What is your opinion of instruments of music in a place of worship?" He replied, "I have no objection to their being there, provided they are neither seen nor heard."

    27 Dr. Hawker, according to Dr. Williams' account, in his Life, was introduced to the vicarage of Charles, May 20, 1784, having been curate there six years and a half before. It must have been his first sermon as vicar, which Mr. Clarke heard. See Hawker's Works, vol. 1. p. 22. Edition, 1831, 8vo.

    28 A philosopher and mathematician; co-editor of the "British Encyclopedia;" author of "Principles of Natural Philosophy; or a New Theory of Physics, founded on Gravitation, and applied in explaining the General Properties of Matter, the Phenomena of Chemistry, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnetism;" a treatise on "Physical Optics; or the Phenomena of Optics explained according to Mechanical Science;" also "Important Facts derived Mathematically from a General Theory, embracing many Results in Chemistry, which are denominated Ultimate Facts, with some Observations on the Origin, Formation, Nature, and Use of Comets;" together with "A Table of Chemical Compounds in the Gaseous Folio," &c.

    29 Among the works reviewed by Mr. Clarke, may be noticed, -- Jones' Grammar of the Persian Language -- Bell's Greek Grammar -- Whittaker's Latin Grammar -- most of Lord Teignmouth's Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones -- Stock's Book of the Prophet Isaiah -- Vetus Testamentum Græcum, cum Variis Lectionibus -- Wilkin's Arabic and Persian Dictionary -- Barrett's Evangelium Secundum, Matthæum -- A New Theory and Prospectus of the Persian Verbs, with their Hindostanee Synonimes, in Persian and English -- Chrestomathie Arabe, ou Extraits de divers Ecrivains Arabes, tant en Prose quèn Vera, a l'usage de l'ecole special des langues Orientales Vivantes -- Weston's Fragments of Oriental Literature -- Grave's Lectures on the Pentateuch -- &c,, &c.

    30 At a subsequent period, the Doctor, adverting to the same subject, said, "We generally read some work in the family on a winter evening; and Mrs. Clarke, who is one of the best readers I ever heard, and can read for three hours together without receiving any injury, very often fulfills that office. Hume's History of England was taken up, and while reading a portion of the reign of John, I said, read that again: on hearing it read, I observed, I have been consulting the papers, this very day, which refer to that subject, and I find the difference in point of fact, to be as great, as if the one had said six, and the other sixty thousand.'

    31 History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, vol. 1, p. 198.

    32 Hist. B. and F. Bible Society, vol. 1, p. 299 -- 304.

    33 Hist. B. and F. Bible Society, vol. 1, p. 304-5.

    34 Hist. of the B. and F. Bible Society, vol. 1, p. 309.

    35 The first volume was printed in 12mo. A re-issue of it, with corrections and additions, appeared in 8vo., 1830; and was followed by the second vol., uniform with it, in 1832, the preface of the latter bearing date, Frome, Nov. 10, 1831," the year before the demise of the subject of the memoir.

    36 The difference of opinion among good men on Shakespeare, and of the same men, in different stages of their personal history, is curious. The writer possesses a volume of Shakespeare's Works, Tonson's edition, of 1734, once in the hand of the Rev, Walter Sellon, a lineal descendant of Wickliff and the warm friend of Wesley, which bears the following autograph note: "For God's sake, and your own, take care and part with this book, and all others of a like nature, lest it lead you from the simplicity of Christ! -- Walter Sellon, 1735." It might be asked here, whether, when Mr. Sellon penned this note, the volume belonged to himself or to a friend? If a friend, he knew, of course, he had no right to destroy it; but if to himself, then another question arises, why he did not himself "part" with it, or rather destroy it, as the feelings which dictated the cautionary note, were of a character likely to lead to its destruction.

    37 The following fact, with the substance of which we are favored by a friend, will bear out the Doctor's opinion, in reference to Mr. W's politics on the war question, by furnishing a striking illustration of its truthfulness. A clergyman in the county of Devon, married a sister of Miss Porter, the celebrated novelist, herself a woman of intelligence and taste. The rectory was the focus to which all the talent of the neighborhood was attracted, During our visit there, Mrs. R. had received from her friend, Mr. W., a beautiful specimen of that famous medal, by which the great statesman had touched the chord of sympathy, that on this subject had bound the national feeling together, as the heart of one man: this specimen was of silver, beautifully chased, representing -- as all the world knows, a manacled Negro, on bended knee, raising his fettered hands to heaven; while round his head was inscribed the irresistible appeal, -- "Am I not a man and a brother!" At the sight of this beautiful specimen of art, a murmur of admiration ran round the room; all, save one elderly gentleman, speaking in high commendation alike of its design and execution. When the thrill of delight had become somewhat sobered down, the venerable Nestor, who had withholden his tribute of praise, quietly, but fervently, ejaculated, -- "Would to God, that the great man who pleads so eloquently one day against black slavery, would not on the next vote for white [slavery]."

    38 Vol. 1, p. 417.

    39 When spending a few days at Hayden Hall with the Doctor, after the work had been completed, he went through the Foedera with the biographer, especially that part with which he himself was connected; having either written or superintended the printing of it, and furnished the autograph facsimiles, and seal impressions: and the following are some notes penned on the occasion. -- In the two volumes, folio, of "Reports from the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to execute the measures recommended by a select committee of the House of Commons respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom, &c., 1800 -- 1819," are several essays and papers by Dr. Clarke. Some of these are inserted in his "Miscellaneous Works," Vol. xi. pp. 161 -- 235.

    Vol. I. page 115 -- .130, "A plan for the revision of Rymer's Foedera, and for the formation of a supplement and continuation thereto," in a long Essay by Dr. Clarke. At a board of the Commissioners (present, the Right Hon. Charles Abbott, Speaker of the House of Commons, -- the Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell, -- the Rt. Hon. John Lord Redesdale, -- the Rt. Hon. Sylvester Lord Glenbervie, -- the Rt. Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Bangor,. -- the Rt. Hon. Sir William Grant, Master of the Rolls, -- the Rt. Hon. Archibald Colquhoun, Lord Advocate of Scotland, -- and the Rt. Hon. Charles Bathurst, it is observed, "The secretary stated, Adam Clarke

    L. L. D., having been recommended on account of his extensive learning, and indefatigable industry, as a fit person to revise and form a supplement and continuation of Rymer's Foedera, had prepared an Essay or Report on the best mode of executing such an undertaking; which Report the Secretary delivered in, and it was now read." This Report extends from p. 115 to p. 130, and is dated, May 13th, 1809, and signed by the Doctor. Another paper follows, written by the Doctor, dated January 31, 1810, from p. 134 to 139, dated March 12, 1811.

    After this, the Doctor delivers specimens of printing; and at page 139, are orders:-" Ordered; that Dr. Adam Clarke do use his best exertions in completing a list of the proposed contents of his first volume of the New Foedera, with a separate enumeration of the new articles proposed to be inserted therein," -- "Ordered; that the Specimens recommended by Dr. Adam Clarke as an improvement upon the Dutch Edition, and containing a larger quantity of the same sized letter-press in each page, be adopted."

    Pages 476 to p. 485, is a "General introduction to the Foedera," dated, "London, 5th March, 1816," and signed, "Adam Clarke, Frederick Holbrooke, Sub-Commissioners," This, the Dr. stated, was written by himself, and Mr. Holbrooke merely gave his sanction to it, when composed.

    Then follow pages 485 to p. 496, "Observations upon Two Documents proposed to have been inserted in the new Edition of the Foedera," signed, "Adam Clarke, Milbrook, Lancashire, May 25, 1816." The two documents are, 1. "The Conqueror's Charter to the Earl of Britanny;" here Dr. Clarke takes up the objections and answers them. 2. "Do Navibus" -- is a "curious account of the means afforded by the Norman Nobility, to enable William their Duke to attempt the Conquest of England." The objections are here answered also, by Dr. Clarke.

    Page 496, is another paper, entitled, "Doubts as to the Authenticity of the Vetus de Monte, or Old Man of the Mountain." This is dated, Dec. 12th, 1812, and signed, "Adam Clarke, Fred. Holbrooke, J. W. Clarke." This too, the Dr. stated, was composed by himself as well as the others.

    "A Report on the Papal Bulls, preserved in the Chapter House, Westminster," was also his, signed and dated as the last.

    The next, page 502, is "A Report on the Expediency of inserting Certain Charters of Liberties in the New Edition of the Foedera." Signed, "Adam Clarke, Fred. Holbrooke," and dated, "Jan. 1, 1814."

    Vol. II. is entitled, "Appendix to Reports from the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to execute the Measures recommended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom," &c., 1800 -- 1819.

    In this, are Plates and Facsimiles of Charters, &c., many of them completed under the inspection and direction of the Doctor. Reference may here be made to "No. xi. commencement of the Statute Roll, 1 Richard II." Also, to "No. xvii, Inrolment [sic] of the Petition of Rights, 3 Charles I." To "No. xlviii., Articuli Magnæ Cartæ Liberatum, A. D., 1215." There are many others, Seals, &c.

    The Foedera of the Doctor is entitled, "Foedera Conventiones, Litter', et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publics, inter Reges Angli' et Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates: ab Ingressu Gulielmi I. in Angliam, A. D. 1066; ad nostra usque Tempora habila aut Tractata. Ex Autographis, infra secretiones archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, asservatis; allisque summæ vetustatis instrumentis, a Historium Anglicanum Spectantibus, fideliter exscripta. Primum in lucemmissa de Mandata Serenissim' Principis Annæ Reginæ; Cura et Studio Thomæ Rymer, Historiographi, et Roberti Sanderson, Armig. Demio aucta, et multis locis emendata, Jussu Serenissimi Regis Georgii Tertii. Accurantibus Adamo Clarke, L.

    L. D, S. A. S. et Fred. Holbrooke, e Soc. lot. Templ. S.A. S. Vol. I. Pars. I. Ab. Anno M.CCLXXII. ad annum M.CCCVII. Londini: 1816." In this volume, the title of which has just been given, the Dr. had preserved the specimen sheet which he had laid before the Commissioners, showing the different sizes of the type, the calculations, how much each would take and cost, &c. And on a blank leaf of the volume, was the following entry, in the Dr's. own hand. "There is reason to believe that the Instrument on p 8. Pro Episcopo Roffen dated Au. 32 Hen. I. should he referred to An. 33 Hen. III." Then follow these particulars;-

    "1. The Title Dominæs Hybernia, was not known in the time of Hen. I.

    "2. Richard Bishop of Rochester, most have been Richard Wendover; from 1235 -- 1250 -no other Richard occurs.

    "3. Bertram de Cryel, and I. Maunsel, provost of Beverley, are witnesses, and lived temp. Hen. III and Edw. I., the latter was his Executor.

    "4. The Inst. is dated an. regni tricesimo tertio, not usual at that time. This paper was inserted on the faith of the Registrieni Roffence."

    Page 310, the Doctor, in pencil, in the margin, directs to "the framed Inscriptions and Rolls for the Facsimile."

    A folio volume, entitled, "A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum," had on one of the end leaves, in the hand writing of Dr. Clarke, "The gift of the Right Honorable the Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom, to Adam Clarke, to assist him in compiling a Supplement to, and Continuation of Rymer's Foedera."

    Dr. Clarke gives the "History of the Foedera," from its commencement, in his first Report to the Commissioners; showing that the original edition, which consisted in 20 folio vols. had long disappeared; that the second edition was rarely to be seen; and that the third, which was printed at the Hague, in 1738, was exceedingly scarce.

    40 He had the successive liberties of the people, accurately copied from the originals, just as they passed into law, in the reigns of the different monarchs; these were all colored and illuminated by his own hand, framed, and properly arranged. They were matters of curiosity; and were the more valuable, as but few could have access to the originals.

    41 "That the liberties of England," says a critic, "were won on the plain of Runymede, is an axiom which we find laid down in every abridgment of our history, and acknowledged with due acclamation at every election dinner; while the subsequent Wars of the Barons under De Montfort are viewed but as the strife of turbulent nobles, who, in the absence of foreign warfare, employed themselves in getting up a few contests at home. If this view were merely the popular one, it would be worthwhile to correct it; but it is unfortunately the view taken by the mass of our historians, -not only by Carte, Brady, and Hume, who, from their avowed monarchical principles, might be expected to give no quarter to men who appeared in arms against their sovereign, but of writers who hold the contrary opinion, -- even Hahlam, and Sir James Macintosh scarcely yielding the praise of good intentions to the champion, who, at Evesham, laid down his life for the same great principles as did Hampden at Chalfont Field. As a contribution towards an ill-understood period of our own history, and as a vindication of the character and principles of those great men, without whose struggles the concessions at Runymede would have been a mere worthless parchment, Mr. Blaauw's work may be welcomed; and the more so, since, with the exception of the admirable memoir written by the late Dr. Thomas Farmer for Nichol's History of Leicestershire, no effort has been made to present Simon de Montfort in his true character to the public."

    42 He stated some time after this, that he had only met with one copy of this work during a period of forty years: on meeting with a second after that period, he presented the writer with the first, which bears the diligent traces of his pen, closing with -- "Corrected line by line throughout -Adam Clarke." The work was published in 1648, and has an "Epistle Dedicatory," "To the Peerles Princesse Elizabeth, the King's Daughter." Rowley was the inventor of the well known astronomical machine called the Orrery.

    43 This word was playfully expressed, and "thereby hangs a tale." It was known to the writer that the subject of the memoir had attended the funeral of a Roman Catholic, when a boy, in company with his father. The priest, he observed, in the course of his address, said, "Some of you have fathers, some uncles, some brothers, some sisters, &c. Would you not like to have a prayer offered up for them? Would you hate them to fry in purgatory for ever? Would you not give a groat [groat n. hist. 1 a silver coin worth four old pence. 2 archaic a small sum (don't care a groat). -- Oxford Dict.] for them?" After this personal appeal, he received groat after groat. In cases where he knew there was little to depend on at home, he advised them to borrow of their friends. When he had thus accomplished his purpose, the other priest, who had stood by, said, "Debemus dividere spolia" -we ought to divide the spoil. But no, the other quietly pocketed the whole. This led to another case, in which the priest had little Greek and less Latin. He was told by his colleague, while engaged in the service, that he ought not to say mumpsimus, but sumptimus. "Why?" inquired he. "Because the latter is correct, and others use it." It was instantly returned, "Have not I as good a right to my mumpsimus as you have to your sumpsimus?" This settled the business at once between the disputants. The term was therefore playfully employed by the Doctor in the presence of those who were acquainted with its origin, and knew the significant meaning he wished to convey by it.

    44 I do not emit the rays of the sun, but the thunder-bolts of Jupiter.

    45 The Logic of Kings.

    46 Lewis the fourteenth is said to have possessed none of the qualities of a king; but to have acted the part of one as well as he could. This is what James I, who was not overburdened with it, called king-craft, to which the Doctor in all probability had an allusion.

    47 Oh, that I might be spared to sing the praises of so great a man!

    48 This reminds us, so far as the title is concerned, of Sir William Cornwallis' Poem on "Nothing;" a tract now exceedingly scarce, the last six lines of which are,-

    "Nothing with God may be compared right, For justice, wisdom, majesty, and might; And though within, God fill this spacious round, Yet Nothing may without it well be found; This is the task, that I did undertake, Of Nothings Nothing, something for to make."

    49 Comment on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, in 2 vols. folio.

    50 The Doctor lent him his own copy, -- Byzantinæ Historiæ Scriptores Præcipui, Græce et Latine, a Variis Editoribus, Emendati et Notis Illustrati, 23 vols. folio, in 26, fine set, uniformly bound in vellum, -- Venetiis, 1729 -- 1733. This copy was bought at the sale of his library, by H. Bohn, for £19. 19s. Od.

    In 1814, J. E. Clarke published the result of his labors, entitled, "A Dissertation on the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophets of the Apocalypse of St. John, in which the number 666 is fully explained. To which is added, An Illustration of Daniel's Vision of the Ram and He-Goat." London, 8v0., 10s 6d.

    51 "See Fletcher's works, vol. v., 207-270; 18mo.

    52 Mr. Bean, in addition to "Zeal Without Innovation," (which was reviewed by the Rev. H. Hall, in the "Eclectic," and is now in his works, vol. ii, p. 269, 122mo. edition,) published "Parochial Sermons," 8vo., and also "Family Worship," 8vo.; the last of which was spoken of in most favorable terms by Dr. Clarke.

    53 In sedater mood, the Doctor's language is -- "The word halleluYah, praise ye Yah, or Jehovah, which the Septuagint, and St. John from them, put into Greek letters, thus, allelou-ia, is a form of praise which the heathen appear to have borrowed from the Jews, as is evident from their pagans, or hymns in honor of Apollo, which began and ended with eleleu-ie; a mere corruption of the Hebrew words. It is worthy of remark, that the Indians of North America have the same word in their religious worship, and use it in the same sense. 'In their places of worship, or beloved square,' says Adair, in his History of the American Indians, 'they dance sometimes for a whole night, always in a bowing posture, and frequently singing halleluyah, Ye ho wah; praise ye Yah, Ye ho vah:' probably the true pronunciation of the Hebrew, which we call Jehovah."

    54 This Hymn was introduced into the first edition of Dr. Clarke's Notes, and was the subject of a subsequent conversation, which occasioned a slight reduction of praise in the second, as to originality. The biographer asked the Doctor whether he was aware that the first and second verses of the Hymn were a mere transcript of a part of the Sixth Canto of Young's "Night Thoughts," the blank verse being turned into rhyme? He stated, that he had no recollection of what was referred to. The passage was then adverted to, in connection with the Hymn.


    "If so decreed, the Almighty's will be done. Let earth dissolve, you pon'drous orbs descend, And grind us into dust: the soul is safe; The man emerges; mounts above the wreck, As tow'ring flame from nature's funeral pyre: O'er devastation as a gainer smiles."

    C. WESLEY "Stand the omnipotent decree: Jehovah's will be done! Nature's end we wait to see, And hear her final groan: Let this earth dissolve, and blend In death the wicked with the just; Let those ponderous orbs descend, And grind us into dust.

    Rests secure the righteous man! At his Redeemer's beck, Sure to emerge, and rise again, And mount above the wreck; Lo! the heavenly spirit towers, Like flame o'er nature's funeral pyre, Triumphs in immortal powers, And claps her wings of fire."

    Mr. Clarke, one of the Doctor's sons, who was present on the occasion, observed, that "the date of the composition, and next to that, of the publication, would determine to which of the writers the charge of plagiarism belonged." It was replied to this, that, as the men had no communication with each other, and were therefore not likely to have access to each other's manuscript treasures, the time of publication would be the fittest criterion by which to judge. This was soon determined. Dr. Johnson, is his life of Young, states, "The Night Thoughts were begun immediately after the mournful event -- referring to the death of his wife, "of 1741. The first 'Nights' appear, in the books of the Company of Stationers, as the property of Robert Dodsley, in 1742. The Preface to 'Night Seventh' is dated July 7th, 1744." From hence it appears, that the six first books, were before the public prior to the seventh. The Hymns of Charles Wesley were first published in 2 vols. 12mo., in 1749, by Felix Farley, of Bristol; but the Hymn in question is not to be found there: nor yet in the "Hymn and Tune Book," of 1761. It is inserted, however in the 3rd edition of the Large Hymn Book, published in 1782. In what other earlier collection it appeared, remains to be shown. Still the remaining part of the hymn, -- characterized by Montgomery as a "daring and victorious flight," affords proof, that though he set out with the pinions of another, he not only tried, but successfully mounted on his own, before he descended from the heights to which he had been enabled to soar: and it detracts little from a man like Charles Wesley, who had so much originality of his own, to state, that high as he soared in the region of song, he often winged his way to still greater heights, when he caught a noble thought from someone of the poets, or a passage from the Sacred Writings, distinguished for its sublimity.

    This notice of Young's "Night Thoughts," in connection with Charles Wesley, led to other remarks, when Dr. Clarke stated, that two of the old preachers, who had read the poem, and had been charmed with the manner in which the poet had descanted on the subject of REDEMPTION, -- inferring from thence that the strains could only flow from a heart distinguished for the deepest piety, put themselves to some inconvenience to pay him a visit. On being introduced, and stating the pleasure with which they had read his poem, the Doctor asked them -- waiving all higher considerations, what news they had? They told him, in the simplicity of their souls, that the chief news which they had to communicate was, that the Lord was enlarging his dominions, by bringing sinners to himself. The Doctor, apparently engrossed with other things, again inquired -- supposing them to have been recently in the metropolis, what was the last news they had? when they again replied, that they knew no better tidings than the increasing prosperity of the work of God. It was not long before they found a wide difference between the poem and the poet, and concluded that either the poet knew nothing of experimental religion, or was otherwise averse to its introduction.

    55 Leslie is also very happy in the employment of this argument in his "Short and Easy Method with the Deists."

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    York:-- Coultas, Printer, Ouse-Bridge.


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