Verse 5. "Afterward shall the children of Israel return" - Shall repent of their iniquities, and seek the Lord; lay aside their mock worship, and serve the true God in spirit and in truth.
"And David their king" - Or as the Targum, "They shall obey the Messiah, the Son of David their King;" and thus look believingly upon him whom they have pierced, and mourn. And then shall their long spiritual darkness and dismal captivity have an end; but not before. The Messiah, as David, is promised in Jer. xxx. 9; Ezek. xxiv. 23; xxxvii. 22, 24, 25, (where see the notes,) and in this place of Hosea. Some think that the family of David is intended; but if we go to the rigour of the letter, the house of Israel was scarcely ever perfectly submissive to David. And we know that after the death of Solomon they never acknowledged the house of David till they were all carried away captive; and certainly never since.
And to say that ZerubbHebel is here meant, is not supportable, as the very short and imperfect obedience of the Jews to ZerubbHebel can never comport with the high terms of this and similar prophecies. We are obliged, therefore, from the evidence of these prophecies, from the evidence of the above facts, from the evidence of the rabbins themselves, and from the evidence of the New Testament, to consider these texts as applying solely to JESUS CHRST, the promised MESSIAH, who has been a light to lighten the Gentiles, and will yet be the glory of his people Israel.
There is a strange propensity in some men to deny these evidences of Christianity, while they profess to believe its doctrines.