PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() ftm1 The Guardian for 20th May, 1868. ftm2 Burnet ftm3 Supra, volume 4, bk. 6. ch. 21. ftm4 Pallavicini, Concil. Trid. lib. 1:Herbert, p. 397. Burnet, 1. p. 131. Collyer, 2:p. 80. ftm5 Carne and Revett to Henry. — State Papers, 7: p. 553. ftm6 Carne and Revert to Henry. — State Papers, 7: p. 553. ftm7 ‘It was to our heaviness.’ Carne and Bereft to Henry. — State Papers, 7: p. 553. ftm8 Du Bellay to the King. Le Grand, Preuves du divorce, p. 634. ftm9 ‘Se donne au diable.’ — Ibid. ftm10 State Papers, 7: p. 553. ftm11 Carne and Revett to Henry VIII. — State Papers, p. 555. ftm12 Vaughan to Cromwell — Ibid. 7:p. 511. ftm13 ‘De potestate christianorum regum in suis Ecclesiis, contra pontificis tyrannidem et horribilem impietatem.’ — Strype, Records, 1: p. 230. ftm14 Strype, Records, 1: p. ftm15 Raumer, Briefe, 2: p. 63. ftm16 ‘An Romanus pontifex habeat aliquam majorem jurisdictionem.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, iii. p. 769. ftm17 Henry VIII. to Francis I. — State .Papers, 7: p. 562. ftm18 ‘A voice speaking within her belly.’ — Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 273. ftm19 Cranmer, Letters and Remains, pp. 65, 274. ftm20 Audin, in his History of Henry VIII. ftm21 ‘Draw her mouth away toward the one ear.’ — Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 65. ftm22 ‘Fisher’s Letter to the House of Lords. — Collyers, 6:p, 87. Strype, Sanders, Hall, etc. ftm23 Bishop Bale, Works, p. 640. ftm24 Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 273. ftm25 More to Cromwell. — Burnet, Records, 2: p. 262. ftm26 ‘Suddenly changed into such a strange ugly-fashioned bird.’ — to Cromwell Burnet, Records, 2: p. 260. ftm27 ‘Much perilous sedition and also treason.’ — Cranmer to Archdeacon Hawkins, Letters and Remains, p. 274, A manuscript in the Record Office contains various details. ftm28 ‘Henricum non amplius esse regem.’ — Sanders, p. 74. ftm29 Cranmer, Letters and Remains , p. 252. ftm30 Ibid. p. 274. ftm31 Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 274. ftm32 More’s Life, p. 230. ftm33 Letter from Cromwell to Fisher. ftm34 Hall, p. 814. Burnet, p. 280 (edit. 1816.) ftm35 The Roman catholic historian Lingard acknowledges the deception. ftm36 Which we should answer to afore God.’— State Papers, 1: p. 403. ftm37 ‘Cut uni et sell, post Jesum Christum.’ — Rymer, Acta, p. 192. ftm38 ‘Erga castum sanctumque matrimonium.’ — Ibid. ftm39 ‘In quaestione illa famosa de Romani pontificis potestate.’ — Wilkins, Ooncilia, in. p. 771. ftm40 ‘Nemine eorum discrepante.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, p. 782. ftm41 ‘But of Boheme, Italy, and Almayn, as also out of Spain, to invade his realm.’ — Certain Articles. State Papers, 7: p. 560. ftm42 It has been supposed that this was the Duke of Guise (Froude, History of England ); but a devoted papist, such as Guise, would not have been concerned in a negotiation opposed to the orders of the pope. The State Papers (vii. p. 562) and the index affixed to the seventh volume both say Guiche or Guysche. ftm43 State Papers, 7: pp. 559-564. ftm44 Latimer: Remains, p. 366. ftm45 Wilkins, Concilia, 3. p. 772. ftm46 ‘And his name and memory to be never more remembered except to his contumely and reproach.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, p. 773. ftm47 ‘Make diligent search and wait.’ — King’s proclamation. Foxe, Acts and Monuments, 5: p. 70. Wait properly signifies ambuscade. ftm48 ‘Sigilla de cera rubea.’ — See for the pattern and the signatures, Acta, 7: pp. 185-209. ftm49 1 Peter 2:9. ftm50 Acts 1:15. ftm51 Acts 6:2. ftm52 2 Corinthians 8:19. ftm53 Digesta, lib. I. tit. 2.; De decurione, No. 2. ftm54 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1. ftm55 Ephesians 4:11; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 1:7; 1 Timothy 4:6. ftm56 The Thirty-nine Articles. ftm57 Luther, De missa Germanica. ftm58 Grotius, De imperatoris summa porestate circa sacra. ftm59 Tyndale, Treatises, pp. 18, 110. (Parker Society.) ftm60 Tyndale, Treatises, p. 61:(Parker Society.) ftm61 ‘Thus he spent his two days of pastime, as he called them.’ — Ibid. ftm62 ‘Much like to the writings of St. John the Evangelist.’ — Ibid. ftm63 Anderson, Bible A nn. p. 397. ftm64 ‘Ut quameunque loquatur, in ea natum putes.’ — Schelhorn, Amoenitates Litterarioe, 4: p. ftm65 See History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, vol, 5:book 20:chap. 4. ftm66 The words ‘like a good Christian man’ are not given in the Strype Memorials, 1: p. 431. They have been erased in the original, probably by some Roman catholic. Cotton MSS., Cleop. E. 5. fol. 330. ftm67 ‘The bishops incensed and inflamed in their minds.’ — Foxe, Acts, 5: p. 121. ftm68 ‘A comely fellow, like a gentleman.’ — Foxe, Acts, 5: p. 121. ftm69 ‘Having no great confidence in the fellow.’ — Foxe, Acts 5: p. ftm70 ‘For, said he, I have money enough.’ — Foxe, Acts , 5:p. 122. ftm71 ‘There should have been war between the emperor and the king.’ — Ibid . ftm72 ‘Which was not done with small charges and expenses.’ — Ibid . ftm73 ‘Poyntz sitting at his door.’ — Foxe, Acts, 5: p. 23. ftm74 ‘What good meat shall we have?’ ‘Such, as the market will give.’ — Ibid. ftm75 Foxe, Acts, 5: p. 23. ftm76 ‘For in the wily subtleties of this world he was simple and inexpert.’ — Ibid, p. 127. ftm77 ‘For that he pretended to show a great humanity.’ — Ibid . ftm78 ‘They pitied to see his simplicity.’ — Foxe, Acts, 5: p. 127. ftm79 A letter from Poyntz to his brother John, in which he gives an account of Tyndale’s imprisonment, and which is preserved among the Cotton MSS., is dated 15th August 1535. ftm80 ‘Tyrannum ac expilatorem reipublicae.’ — Cotton MSS., Galba B. 10:81. ftm81 Tyndale, Treatises, 2: p. 28. (Parker Society.) ftm82 Foxe, Acts, 1: p. 19. ftm83 Bedell to Cromwell. — State Papers, 1: p. 423. ftm84 Ibid. p. 424. ftm85 Father Forest of Greenwich. Bedell to Cromwell, MS. in Record Office. ftm86 More’s Life , p. 218. ftm87 More’s Life, p. 218. ftm88 17 th April, 1534. Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 286. ftm89 Letter from Cranmer to Cromwell. — Ibid. ftm90 State Papers, 1: p. 432. ftm91 More’s Life, p. 239. ftm92 Strype, Records , 1:p. 300. ftm93 State Papers. 1: p. 422. ftm94 ‘Fu questo dolore et affanno, che lo condusse alla morte.’ — Soriano. ftm95 ‘Quem omnes mortales acerbissimo odio prosequebantur.’ — State Papers , 7:p. 573. ftm96 ‘I die in the catholic faith, not doubting.’ — Foxe, Acts , 5:p. 402. ftm97 Acts of Supremacy: 26 Henry VIII. ch. 1. See Herbert, p. 408. ftm98 Ibid . ch. 13. ftm99 Friedrich you Raumer: Geschichte Europas, 2: p. 29. ftm100 ‘Of all the people of England, as well ecclesiastical or temporal. — Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 224. ftm101 ‘Not that he should take any spiritual power from spiritual ministers.’ — Heads of arguments concerning the power of the pope and the royal supremacy. — MS, in Record Office. — Froude, 2:p. 326. ftm102 Fulke’s Defence, p. 489. ftm103 Jewell’s Works, 4:p. 1144. ftm104 More’s Life, p. 252. ftm105 Ibid. p. 253. ftm106 Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials, 1: p. 270. ftm107 Cranmer’s Memorials, p. 24. ftm108 ‘Bishop of Rome and fellow-brother.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, in. p. 280. ftm109 Lee to Cromwell — State Papers, 1: p. 428. ftm110 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 120. ftm111 ‘They rather preached sedition than edification.’ — Cranmer, Letters and Remains, p. 296. ftm112 1bid. p. 305. ftm113 ‘Making him a god’ The king’s letter. — Strype, Records, 1: p. 208. ftm114 See State Papers , vol vii., containing the letters, etc., of Cromwell, Henry VIII., Da Casale, Bryon, and Francis I. (March to June 1535.) ftm115 Histor. Martyrum Angl . — Strype, Records, 1: p. 302. This narrative rests specially upon the testimony of a Carthusian which, though partial, bears however a character of truth. ftm116 Strype, Records, 1: p. 301. ftm117 Vitus to Dalker, Hist. Mart. Angl . — Strype, Records, 1: p. 302. ftm118 Coverdale, Remains, p. 329. — Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, pp. 351, 352, ftm119 Strype, Memorials, 1: p.305. ftm120 ‘Tractabantur humanius atque mitius quam par fuisset pro eorum demeritis.’ — State Papers, 7: p. 634. ftm121 More’s Life, p. 256. ftm122 Ibid. p. 246. ftm123 Tyndale, 1:p. 70. — Latimer, 1:p. 60. — Collyer, 2. p. 99. ftm124 ‘Qua de re tota urbe sermo fuit. ’ — State Papers, 7: p. 604. ftm125 ‘Nunquam alias gravius erratum fuisse.’ — Ibid. ftm126 ‘Eo maturius truncatur capite.’ Erasmi Epp. 1: p. 1543. ftm127 Interrogatories. — State Papers, 1: p. 432. ftm128 More’s Life, p. 271. ftm129 Fuller, p. 203. ftm130 John 17:3. The Testament was in Latin. ftm131 Fuller, p. 204. ftm132 ‘Eia, pedes, officium facite; parum itineris jam restat.’ — Sanders, p. 79. ftm133 Psalm 34:5. ftm134 ‘He went thither leaning on his staff.’ — More’s Life, p. 255. ftm135 ‘Longa et perplexa accusatio.’ — Polus, Pro Unitatis Defensione, p. 63. ftm136 More’s Life, p. 260. Herbert: Henry VIII. p. 393. ftm137 ‘Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit, et habeat omnia jura integra, et libertates suas illaesas.’ — Herbert: Henry VIII p. 268. ftm138 More’s Life, p. 274. ftm139 ‘Exanimata dolore.’ — Polus, Pro Unitaris Defensione. ftm140 More’s Life , p. 274. ftm141 ‘Cui jam pietas multorum virorum robur addiderat.’ — Polus, Pro Unitaris Defensione, p. 66. ftm142 ‘Passing through the midst of the guards, who with bills and halberts compassed him round.’ — More’s Life, p. 276. ftm143 ‘Lacrymis sinum ejus applebat.’ — Polus, Pro Unitatis Defensione, p. 66. ftm144 ‘What a sword was this to his heart.’ — More’s Life, p. 278. ftm145 ‘Ut vix ab eo divelli posset.’ — Polus, Pro Unitatis Defensione, p. 66. ftm146 More’s Life, p. 277. ftm147 ‘With a sheet about him, like a corpse ready to be buried.’ — - More’s Life , p. 279. ftm148 ‘Ubi non arcebit a colloquio janitor.’ — Ad. Anton. Bonvisum mercatorem Lucensem. ftm149 More’s Life, p. 280. ftm150 More’s Life, p. 286. ftm151 The fiftieth of the Vulgate: Miserere mei, Deus. ftm152 ‘Lacrimas tenere non potuerunt.’ — Polus, Pro Unitatis, Defensione, p. 66. ftm153 In Moro mihi videor extinctus, adeo mia psuche, juxta Pythagoram, duobus erat.’ — Erasmi Epp. p. 1938. ftm154 Corpus Reformatorum, 2: p. 918. The ‘order’ means that of men of letters. ftm155 ‘Si videret ante se, occisos duos suos nepotes.’ — State Papers, 7: p. 621. ftm156 Lingard, 2. ch. 4. ftm157 ‘Anathematis, maledictionis, et damnationis eternae muerone percutimus. ’ — Bullarium Romanum, 3 Kal. Septemb. 1535. ftm158 ‘Et eos capientium servos fieri decernentes.’ — Ibid. ftm159 ‘In horum sinum, jam antea conceptum pectore venenum evomebant.’ — State Papers, 7: p. 634. ftm160 ‘Sustinere diutius non potuit mitissimus Rex istorum culpam tam atrocem.’ — State Papers, 7: p. 635. ftm161 ‘A Sir Loyne of beaf, so knighted by this king Henry.’ — Fuller, p. 299. ftm162 ‘Des Pabstes Leib plaget er, abes seine Seele staerkt er.’ — Lutheri 0pp . 22:p. 1466. ftm163 ‘Ecclesiam vitiorum vepribus purgare, et virtutum seminibus conserere.’ — Collyer’s Records, 2: p. 21. ftm164 ‘For the benefit of a retired and contemplative disposition.’ — Ibid. 1: p. 102. ftm165 ‘The monks coming out of the nunnery... ran themselves into the net.’ — Fuller, p. 317. ftm166 ‘He intended to build many havens.’ — Burnet, 1:p. 181. ftm167 Wilkins, Concilia, 3. p. 785. — Coll. Rec . 21. ftm168 ‘Nullus vestrum ea quae sunt jurisdictionis exercere.’ — Collyer’s Records, p. 22. ftm169 Audley to Cromwell, 30th Sept. 1535. — State Papers,l p. 450. ftm170 Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 71, sqq. ftm171 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 326. ftm172 Ibid. p. ftm173 ‘He knew no vices by none of the bishops of Rome.’ — Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 327. ftm174 <450101> Epistle to the Romans, ch. 1. ftm175 ‘By backways or otherwise.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, 3. p. 783. ftm176 Wilkins Concilia, p. 791. ftm177 Suppression of the Monasteries, p.48. — Fuller, p. 318. ftm178 ‘Like a coney clapper, full of starting-holes.’ — Fuller, pp. 75, 76. ftm179 ‘Surrender of the monastery of Langdon.’ — Burnet, Records, 1: p. 133. ftm180 Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 100. ftm181 ‘Pars petrae super qua natus erat Jesus in Bethlehem.’ — Strype. 1:p. 391. ftm182 Collyer’s Records, 2:p. 149. ftm183 ‘This, as it is said, was done to open his heart and his pocket.’ — Ibid. ftm184 ‘Capite nutare, innuere oculis, barbam convertere, incurvare corpus.’ — Records or Documents in Burner, in. p. 131. ftm185 ‘Occultae passim fistulae in quibus ductile per rimulas ferrum a mystagogo trahebatur.’ — Ibid , p. 132. ftm186 ‘Aliis Ajacem risu simulantibus.’ — Records or Documents in Burnet, 3. p. 132. ftm187 ‘The instruments for coining.’ — Ibid, p. 182. ftm188 ‘Some crucified.’ — Ibid, p. 182. ftm189 ‘Some of the commissioners found of their own wives rifled among the rest.’ — W. Thomas in Strype, 1: p. 386. — Burnet 1:p. 182. ftm190 Ellis, Letters, 3rd Series, vol. 3. p. 42. ftm191 ‘Standing in a wet ground, very solitary.’ — Strype, 1: p. 393. ftm192 ‘An sint aliqua loca pervia, per quae secrete intrari possit?’ — Wilkins, Concilia, 3. p. 789. ftm193 ‘Whether any of you doth use to write any letters of love or lascivious fashion.’ — Wilkins, Concilia, 3. p. 789. ftm194 Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 91. ftm195 Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 81. ftm196 Strype, 1:p. 385. ftm197 ‘Their own confessions, subscribed with their own hands, be a proof thereof.’ — Strype, 1:p. 387. ftm198 Strype, 1:p. 385. ftm199 We suppress circumstances which were quoted then; they may be seen in Fuller (p. 318) and elsewhere. ftm200 Strype, 1:p. 418. ftm201 Relations d’ Inghilterra, by Daniele Barbaro, ambassador of Venice. — Ranke, 4:p. 61. ftm202 ‘Malleus monachorum.’ ftm203 ‘When their enormities were first read in the Parliament House they were so great and abominable.’ — Latimer’s Sermons , p. 123. ftm204 ‘There was nothing but “Down with them! ”’ Ibid . p. 123. ftm205 State Papers. 27 Henry VIII. c. 28. ftm206 Latimer’s Sermons, p. 391. ftm207 1bid. p. 392. ftm208 ‘There he should find a cobbler which should be his fellow in heaven.’ — Ibid. ftm209 Strype, 1:p. 400. ftm210 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 64. ftm211 ‘I will not take upon me to make any exposition.’ — Ibid , p. 317. ftm212 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 330. ftm213 Latimer’s Sermons, pp. 93, 256. — Dean Hook’s Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, passim. ftm214 ‘Dolking and becking.’ — Collyer’s Records, 2: p. 159. ftm215 Ibid. ftm216 Collyer’s Records , 2:pp. 156-159. ftm217 ‘A new gown of strong cloath.’ — Fuller, Church History, p. 311, ftm218 ‘The king oppresses his people like a tyrant.’ — Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 319. ftm219 ‘Ignarus fucorum grex evolare solebat.’ — Strype, Records, 1: p. 136. ftm220 ‘Novae ut lampades, novique faces possint accendi.’ — Strype, Records, 1: p. 337. ftm221 ‘The pacifier of God’s wrath, the bearer of sins.’ — Strype, Records, 1: p. 307. ftm222 ‘Inconsiderati homines... Dederunt illi (Regi Angliae) summam rerum omnium potestatem, et hoc me semper graviter vulneravit. Erant... enim blasphemi, quum vocarent ipsum Summum caput Ecclesiae sub Christo .’ — Calvinus in Amos, 7: 13. ftm223 ‘Foedus contra Romanum pontificem.’ — Rymer, Foedera, vi 2:p. 214. ftm224 ‘Tale nunc aureum seculum esse tuae Britanniae.’ — Corpus Reform. 2: p. 862. ftm225 ‘Multarum gentium et Ecclesiae Christianae salutem.’ — Ibid p. 920. ftm226 ‘Ego quoque magno versor in periculo.’ — Corpus Reform . 2:p. 918. ftm227 ‘Und auch Geissel dafur anbeut.’ — Lutheri Epp . 4:p. 633. ftm228 ‘Ille niger Anglicus.’ — Ibid . p. 630. ftm229 ‘Ut Christi gloria latissime propagetur.’ — Corpus Reform. 2: p. 944. ftm230 ‘Reverendissimi cardinales, papae et eorum legati, proditores, fures, raptores, et ipsi diaboli. Utinam haberent plures Regen Angliae, qui illos occiderent.’ — Lutheri Epp . 4:p. 655. ftm232 ‘Pia ac sana doctrina, divinis literis consentanea, toti orbi restituatur.’ ftm233 There is a play upon words in the Latin: ‘Venias vel potius Nenias prorsus antiquavit.’ — Corpus Reform . 2:p. 1029. ftm234 ‘Dei spiritum qui utrosque conglutinet.’ — Ibid p. 1032. ftm235 ‘S.M. obtineat nomen Defensoris et Protectoris.’ — Ibid . 1034. ftm236 ‘Thomae Mori casu afficior, nec me negotiis illis admiscebo.’ — Ibid. p. 1034. ftm237 Corpus Reform. 2: pp. 1032-36. The signatures of Fox, Health, and Barnes, the English envoys, precede those of the Elector of Saxony and of the Landgrave. ftm238 Letter from Lady Mary to King Henry VIII. — Foxe, Acts, 6: p. 353. ftm239 Burnet, Records, 2: p. 220. ftm240 ‘Persisting in her great stomake and obstinacy, made answer with an open voice.’ — State Papers, 1: p. 415. ftm241 Ibid p. 417. ftm242 ‘She may faine her self sycke and kepe her bed, and will not put on her clothes.’ — Ibid. ftm243 ‘In great coler and agony, and always interrupting our words.’ — Ibid. 1: p. 420. ftm244 ‘Lord of Canterbury, whom she called a shadow.’ — Ibid, p. 420. ftm245 ‘As your Grace’s most dearest sister.’ — Ibid . p. 421. ftm246 ‘Catharina... animi moerore confecta, coepit aegrotare.’ — Polydore Virgil, p. 690. ftm247 ‘Conjux a viro, mater pro filia impetrare non potuit.’ — Polus, Apol. ad Coesarem, p. 162. This fact has been doubted, but no evidence has been produced against it. ftm248 ·’Scribebat se contentari dare ducatum Mediolani duci Aurelianensi.’ — State Papers, 7: p. 649. ftm249 Memoires de Du Bellay. ftm250 ‘The last will, etc.’ — Strype, Records, 1: p. 252. ftm251 Herbert, p. 432. ftm252 ‘Rex ubi literas legit, amanter lachrymavit.’ — Polydore Virgil, p. 690. ftm253 The Lord Chamberlain to Cromwell — State Papers , 1:p. 452. ftm254 The great monasteries were not yet suppressed. ftm255 Corpus Reform . 3. p. 12. ftm256 ‘Werden sie nimmermehr daraus noch drein kommen.’ — Lutheri Epp . 4:p. 671. ftm257 ‘Cure Anglicis disputamus, si disputare est rixari.’ — Ibid . p. 669. ftm258 ‘Usque ad nauseam.’ — Ibid, p. 669. ftm259 ‘Orbis terrarum ardet odiis et furore.’ — Corpus Reform . 3. p. 53. ftm260 Calvin ftm261 ‘In England nicht so plotzlich kann alles nach der Lehre in’s Werk bracht werden.’ — Letter to the Vice-Chancellor. Lutheri Epp. 4: p. 688. ftm262 ‘Regia dignitas vestra suscipiat emendationem Idolomaniae pontificiae.’ — Corpus Reform . 3. p. 64. ftm263 Froude. ftm264 Bossuet, Histoire des Variations, liv. 7:art. 8. ftm265 ‘Quorum morum ingenuitas et candor aliquis ingenii praeluceret.’ — Letter of Sir John Cheke, 1535. Parker’s Correspondence, p. 3. ftm266 ‘Reginae magnificentia quae erga studiosos late patuit.’ — Ibid p. 2. ftm267 Wyatt, Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, p. 442. ftm268 Herbert, Reign of Henry VIII. The sum was equivalent to about 60,000l . of our money. ftm269 Herbert. ftm270 ‘I was most bound unto her of all creatures living.’ — Cranmer to Henry VIII., 1536. Letters and Remains, p. 324. ftm271 Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises, Notice, p. 64. ftm272 History of the Translation of the Bible, p. 97. Todd’s Life of Cranmer, 1: p. 136. ftm273 Parker’s Correspondence, pp. 1, 2. ftm274 ‘Notum est quid potes; fee non minus yells quam rotes. — Ibid . p. 5. ftm275 Parker to Sir W. Cecil, ibid. p. 178. ftm276 ‘Heu, heu! Domine Deus, in quae tempora servasti me!’ — Parker’s Memoranda, Corresp. p. 484. ftm277 ‘She heard her chaplain gladly to admonish her.’ — Fuller, p. 200. ftm278 This sort of conspiracy extends from the publication of the work entitled, De origine et progressu schismatis Anglicani, 1585, by Sanders — ‘a book,’ says Bayle, ‘in which there is much passion and very little accuracy’ — down to the Histoire de Henri VIII., by Audin, a worthy successor of Sanders, and whose work is in high favor in all papal coteries. This miserable manufacture of outrageous fictions began even before Sanders, and is not yet ended. ftm279 ‘Janam (Seymour) genibus Henrici insidentem.’ — Sanders, Heylin, Lingard. ftm280 ‘Laying the fault upon unkindness.’ — Wyatt. ftm281 ‘Which the king took more hardly.’ — Ibid . ftm282 ‘Pestilent and infectious books.’ — Preface to the Primer. ftm283 Strype, 1:p. 339; Liturgies, p. 477. ftm284 Latimer’s Sermons , p. 82. ftm285 ‘It was to the hazard of his life.’ — Cranmer’s Memorials , p. 38. ftm286 Meteren, Histoire des Pays-Bas, p. 21. ftm287 ‘Hanno fondata questa bolla sopra la causa del matrimonio.’ — State Papers , 7:p. 637, 640. ftm288 Histoire de Anne Boleyn, royne d’Angleterre, p. 181. — This History, written in French verse of the sixteenth century, which M. Crapelet has printed after three manuscripts in the Imperial Library at Paris, is from the pen of Crespin, lord of Milherve, who was in London at the time of which he speaks. ftm289 ‘What words her Grace’s mother said to me of her (Elizabeth) not six days before her apprehension.’ — -Parker’s Correspondence, p. 59. ftm290 Parker to Lord Burghley, 6th October, 1572. — Ibid. p. 400. ftm291 Parker to Lord Burghley, 19th March, 1571. - Ibid. p. 391. ftm292 Kingston’s Letters, p. 455. ftm293 Kingston’s .Letters, p. 452. ftm294 ‘He would swear for the queen that she was a good woman.’ — - Ibid. ftm295 ‘And then she defied him in scorn and displeasure.’ — Strype, p. 433. ftm296 Herbert, p. 381 (ed. 1649). ftm297 Addenda to the Third Book of his History. — He acknowledges that this mistake, as he calls it, was an invention of the miserable Sanders. ftm298 Kingston’s Letters, p. 455. ftm299 ‘This much troubled the whole company, especially the queen.’ — Herbert, p. ftm300 Histoire d’Anne Boleyn, by Crespin, p. 186. See also Archeologie, 23, p. 64. ftm301 Kingston’s Letters, p. 456. ftm302 ‘This gracious queen falling down upon her knees as a ball, her soul beaten down with affliction to the earth.’ — Wyatt, p. 144. ftm303 ‘In the same sorrow, fell into great laughing.’ — Kingston’s Letters , p. 461. ftm304 Kingston’s Letters, p. 451. ftm305 Ibid. ftm306 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, letter clxxiv, to King Henry VIII., pp. 323, 324. ftm307 Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 457. ftm308 ‘She made a very good countenance.’ — Cranmer’s Letters and Remains, p. 454. ftm309 ‘I think the most part of England prays for me.’ - Kingston’s Letters , p. 457. ftm310 Kingston’s Letters, p. 457. ftm311 Ibid. ftm312 Kingston’s Letters, p. 457. ftm313 ‘The saying was that he was grievously racked.’ — Archeologie, 23, p. 164. ftm314 ‘No man will confess anything against her.’ — Kingston’s Letters, p. 458. ftm315 Kingston’s Letters, p. 458. ftm316 ‘The vain hope of this changeable world.’ — Histoire d’Anne de Boleyn, by Crespin, p. 140. ftm317 ‘Avecque Dieu lors plus se fortifie.’ — Ibid . p. 190. ftm318 ‘Speaking like a mistress to these lords.’ ftm319 A copy of this letter was found among the papers of Cromwell, at that time the king’s chief minister. ‘It is universally known,’ says Sir Henry Ellis, ‘as one of the finest compositions in the English language.’ — Original Letters, 2: p. 53. ftm320 Burnet, Records, book 3. No. 49. The original is in the Cotton Library. ftm321 Froude. ftm322 Baga de Secretis, pouch 8. ftm323 Meteren, Histoire des Pays-Bas. ftm324 Godwin’s Annals, p. 139. — Queen Elizabeth raised his son to the peerage, and four of his grandsons were among the greatest of England’s captains during the reign of Anne Boleyn’s daughter. ftm325 Burnet, Addenda, vol. 1. ftm326 Ibid. Baga de Secretis, pouch 8. ftm327 ‘On vit la reine au jugement venir, Qui ne se vent que de Dieu souvenir; Ne faisant cas de chose qui la touche; Mais plus se tient constante qu’une souche, Qui ne craint grele on vent impetueux.’ Histoire d’Anne Boleyn, royne d’Angleterre, by Crespin, p. 200. The last lines of this narrative are dated 2d of June, 1536, only seventeen days after the queen’s trial and sentence. It would appear that the author, Crespin, lord of Milverne, was an eye-witness of the scene. ftm328 ‘Having an excellent quick wit and being a ready speaker, she did so answer all objections.’ — Harleian MSS. ftm329 ‘Pen parlait, mais qui la regardait, Coulpe de crime en elle n’attendait.’ Histoire d’Anne Boleyn, royne d’Angleterre, by Crespin, p. 201. ftm330 The catholic historian, Lingard, makes this remark. Vol. 3. ch. 5. ftm331 Histoire d’Anne Boleyn, royne d’Angleterre, by Crespin, p. 202. ftm332 Meteten, Histoire des Pays-Bas, p. 21. ftn1 Meteren, Histoire des Pays-Bas , p. 21. ftn2 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre , by Crespin, pp. 196, 198, 199, 205. ftn3 Ibid . pp. 205, 206. — To the sharp axe which severed it at a blow. ftn4 ‘This day at dinner the queen said that she should go to Antwerp. — Kingston, Letters , p. 460. ftn5 ‘I desire to know the kings pleasure for the preparation of the scaffold.’ — lbid . ftn6 ‘Inter horas ix et xi ante meridiem, in quodam basso sacello.’ — Wilkins, p. 803. It is an error of the copyist or of the printer which makes Wilkins say that the act relates to Anne of Cleves (Annam Clivensem). ftn7 ‘Ten days have elapsed since I went to the pope and narrated to him the tidings.’ — Cotton MSS . Vitellius, B. 14, fol. 215, May 27th, 1536. ftn8 Burnet, 1, p. 185. ftn9 Burnet, 1, p. 185. ftn10 Cotton MSS., Vitellius, B. 14, p. 216; Turner, 2, p. 457. ftn11 Cotton MSS., Vitellius, B. 14, p. 216; Turner, 2, p. 457. ftn12 ‘Purposing to make her by martyrdom a saint in heaven.’ — Strype, p. 437. ftn13 Kingston, Letters , p. 461. ftn14 ‘Oncque n’avoit ete vue si belle.’ ftn15 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre , by Crespin. ftn16 Anne Boleyn’s last words are given by Hall, p. 819; Burnet, 1, p. 373; Turner, 2, p. 455; Wyatt, p. 214. See also the Memorial of Constantine who was present (Archeologia , vol. 23.), and the letter of a Portuguese gentleman quoted by Lingard, vol. 3, ch. 5. ftn17 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre , by Crespin. ftn18 Ibid . ftn19 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre , by Crespin. ftn20 Wyatt, p. 449. ftn21 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre . ftn22 Histoire d ’Anne Boleyn, royne d ’Angleterre . Spelman, Hall, Burnet. ftn23 Anderson, Annals of the English Bible , 1, p. 476; Tytler, Life of King Henry VIII ., p. 383; Nott, etc. ftn24 Hume, who is certainly an impartial judge, has described these things with justice, and better than the most recent historians. See his History of England , House of Tudor, ch. 8; and also Burnet, Turner, etc. ftn25 Thevet: Cosmographie Universelle , p. 656. This author was a contemporary Franciscan monk, and consequently an impartial witness. Meteren, Histoire des Pays-Bas , p. 21; Burnet, 3, p. 120; Turner, 2, p. 459. ftn26 ‘Posterior regina, magis accusata quam convicta adulterii, ultimo supplicio affecta est; magna conciliorum mutatio secuta est.’ — Corpus Reformatorum , 3, p. 89. ftn27 Memoir of Anne Boleyn , by G. Wyatt, p. 445. ftn28 ‘Pristina rediret amicitia.’ — Da Casale to Cromwell. State Papers , 7, p. 643. ftn29 ‘Proculdubio vestra Majestas omnia de ipso sibi polliceri possit.’ This letter of the 27th of May, which is among the Cotton MSS. (Vitellius, B. 14.), has suffered by fire, but is given almost entire by Turner in a note to the second volume of his History, pp. 483-5. ftn30 Letter from Campeggi to the duke of Suffolk, dated 5th of June, 1536. — State Papers , 7, p. 657. ftn31 ‘Quid aliud quam Neronem fuisse caput ecclesiae.’ — R. Poli, Pro Ecclesiasticae Initatis defensione . Libri quatuor, 1555, without place, fol. 7, verso . ftn32 ‘Sacerdos ergo tanquam vir populi erga regem patris personam gerit.’ — Ibid , fo1. 17, verso 18-20. ftn33 ‘Atque hoc Turcicum plane et barbarum.’ — R. Polus, fol. 71, verso. Pole forgot that this reasoning applied still better to the popes than to Henry VIII. ftn34 ‘Audeo autem jurare ne Lutherum quidem ipsum, si rex Angliae fuisset, etc.’ — R. Polus, fol. 75. ftn35 ‘Corona se et sceptro abdicare coegerunt.’ — Ibid , fol. 79, verso . ftn36 De Vera Obedientia . ftn37 State Papers , 1, p. 459. ftn38 ‘So help me God, all saints, and the Holy Evangelist.’ — Collyers, 2, p. 119. ftn39 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 805. ftn40 Ibid . p. 806. ftn41 Ibid . p. 807. ftn42 Ibid . p. 806. ftn43 St. Luke 11:1-8. ftn44 Latimer’s Sermons , p. 42. ftn45 Wilkins, Concilia , p. 43. ftn46 Curius Dentatus. — ‘Incomptis Curium capillis.’ Horace. ftn47 Latimer’s Sermons , p. 44. ftn48 Referring to himself. ftn49 Latimer’s Sermons , p. 57. ftn50 ‘Deprecor Majestatem tuam, ut tu Deus deleas iniquitatem meam.’ — Wilkins, Concilia , p. 806. ftn51 The list of mala dogmata is given by Collier. ftn52 Fuller, p. 213. ftn53 lbid . ftn54 Ibid . ftn55 Preface to Alesius’s treatise On the Authority of the Word of God . See also Anderson, Annals of the Bible , 2, p. 451. In the history of the Reformation in Scotland we shall sketch the most remarkable traits of the life of Alesius. ftn56 ‘Ye will conclude all things by the Word of God, without all brawling or scolding.’ — Anderson, Annals of the Bible , 1, p. 499. ftn57 ‘Whether the outward worth of them doth justify man, or whether we receive our justification through faith.’ — Anderson, Annals of the Bible , 1, p. 499. Todd’s Life of Cranmer , 1, p. 163. ftn58 Burnet, 1, p. 205. Anderson, Annals of the Bible , 1, p. 502. ftn59 Audin, Histoire de Henri VIII . Preface. ftn60 Council of Trent, 4th sitting, 8th of April, 1546. ftn61 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 817. ftn62 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 818. ftn63 Bossnet, Histoire des Variations , liv. 7, § 30. ftn64 Wilkins, Annals , 3, p. 819. ftn65 Bossuet, Histoire des Variations , liv. 7, § 26. ftn66 Ibid . § 25. ftn67 Council of Trent, sixth session, canons 9 & 11. ftn68 Bossuet, Variations , liv. 7, § 26. ftn69 Ibid . ftn70 Ibid . § 27. ftn71 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 822. ftn72 Bossuet, Variations , liv. 7, § 28. ftn73 Lord Herbert of Cherbury, p. 470. ftn74 Heylin, Ecclesia vindicata , p. 15. Anderson, Annals of the English Bible , 1, p. 507. ftn75 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, pp. 823, 827. ftn76 ‘Nullius Synodi finem vidi bonum.’ — Ibid , p. 808. ftn77 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 814. ftn78 State Papers , 1, p. 383. Coverdale’s Remains , p. 490. The letter is dated the 1st of May, but has no year: it appears to me to be 1530. ftn79 Such copies may be found at the British Museum, and in the libraries at Lambeth and Sion College. ftn80 Strype, 1, p. 442. ftn81 Ibid . 1, p. 443. ftn82 Foxe, Acts , 5, p. 429. ftn83 ‘Two cobblers and weavers, in company, elected in the name of God, there was the true Church of God.’ — Strype, Records , 1, p. 443. ftn84 Hortulus animae . — Strype, 1, p. 444. ftn85 ‘That he should lack no help.’ — State Papers , 1, p. 558. ftn86 State Papers , 1, p. 462, note . ftn87 Wilkins, Concilia , 3, p. 812. ftn88 State Papers , 1, p. 462. ftn89 The State Papers contain several documents relating to this insurrection (vol. 1, pp. 462-534). Others are in the Chapter House . ftn90 ‘Counselors of mean birth’ — particularly Cromwell. — Herbert, p. 474. ftn91 ‘They might accept his grace to be Supreme Head of the Church.’ — Ibid . ftn92 State Papers , 1, pp. 462, 471. ftn93 ‘Certain abbots moved to insurrection.’ — Coverdale, Remains , p. 329. ftn94 Bale, Works , p. 327. Bale was Archbishop of York in 1553. ftn95 Latimer, Sermons , 1,p. 476. ftn96 State Papers , 1, p. 467. Dr. Lingard says that this expedition was named jestingly ‘the Pilgrimage of Grace.’ He is mistaken: the rebels themselves seriously call it by this name six times in their proclamation. ftn97 Stapleton’s Examination . ftn98 October 17 and 18, 1536. Letters 54 to 58. pp. 475-478, of the State Papers , vol. 1. ftn99 State Papers , 1, p. 478, 482. ftn100 Latimer, Sermons , p. 29. ftn101 This fact is mentioned in one of the depositions of the trial which followed the revolt. See Christopher Aske’s Examination. ftn102 Lancaster Herald’s Report. — State Papers , 1, p. 485. ftn103 The herald added: ‘They shall be constrained the next year to eat their own fingers.’ — State Papers , 1, p. 476. ftn104 ‘To have all the vyle blood of his counsell put from him and all noble blood set up again.’ — Lancaster Herald ’s Report , p. 486. ftn105 State Papers , 1, p. 495. ftn106 These articles are more or less numerous according to the sources whence they are derived. ftn107 State Papers , 1, p. 496. ftn108 Ibid . p. 497. ftn109 Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises , p. 18. ftn110 ‘The Newe Testament dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke , by Willyam Tyndale, and finished in the yere of ourLORD GOD\parM.D. anno 25.’ There is a copy of it in the Cambridge Library. In this edition Tyndale wrote, ‘faether, maester, sayede,’ etc., instead of ‘father, master, said.’ ftn111 Foxe, Acts , 6, p. 591. ftn112 Tyndale’s Works , vol 1, pp. 131, 161, 148; vol. 3, pp. 136, 139. ftn113 Mr. Christopher Anderson, who has displayed such a combination of learning and discernment in his work entitled The Annals of the English Bible , comes to no decision as to the place of impression. He only remarks that if we examine well the capital letters, initials, etc., we may now be able to name the printing office from which that volume proceeded. ftn114 Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 127. ftn115 Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises , p. 83. ftn116 Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 127. ftn117 Pythagoras in the Epicteti Enchir . p. 334. ftn118 Anderson, Annals of the English Bible , 1, p. 427. ftn119 ‘Let not to take pains with loss of time in his own business.’ — Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 124. ftn120 ‘Master Tyndale should have been delivered to him.’ — Ibid . ftn121 ‘He knew no other remedy but to accuse Poyntz.’ — Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 430. ftn122 Tyndale, Works , 2, pp. 195, 251. ftn123 Tyndale, Works , 2, pp. 195, 251. ftn124 State Papers , 7, pp. 662, 663, 665. ftn125 Ibid . 9, pp. 662-664. ftn126 Letter to Cholerus. Erasmus died shortly after, on the 12th of July, 1536. ftn127 Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 127. Urkunden des Augsburg Reichtages, 2, p. 719. ftn128 Tyndale, Works , 1, p. 294. ftn129 ‘Homo doctus, pius, et bonus.’ — Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 127. ftn130 John Hutton (the English agent) to Lord Cromwell, 12th August, 1536. — State Papers , 7, p. 665. ftn131 The present prison is built on the other bank of the river. ftn132 Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 134. ftn133 Ibid . p. 129. ftn134 Foxe, Acts , 5. p. 114. ftn135 Cranmer, Letters and Remains (4th August, 1537), p. 344. ftn136 Cranmer, Letters and Remains , p. 346. ftn137 Strype, Cranmer Mem . p. 91. ftn138 ‘Several poor men... on Sunday sat reading in the lower end of the Church.’ — Ibid . ftn139 Strype, Cranmer Mem ., p. 92. ftn140 Tyndale’s Works , vol. 1, pp. 27, 317, 373, 463; vol. 2, pp. 210, 260; vol 4, p. 26. ftn141 Archives enerales du royaume d ’ltalie a Turin . — Genve, paquet 14. ftn142 The four syndics were A. Chicand, the intrepid huguenot Ami Bandiere, Hudriod du Molard, and Jean Philippin: the last only, who was chosen from a feeling of equity, inclined to the catholic side. ftn143 A. Porral, J. Philippe, F. Favre, S. Coquet, d’Adda, Cl. Savoye, J. Lullin, and Et. de Chapeaurouge. ftn144 Registres du Conseil des 7 et 8 Fevier 1525. — Froment, Gestes le Geneve , p. ftn145 Registres du Consell du 12 fevrier 1535. ftn146 Roundabout ftn147 ‘Unum pictonem nemoreum.’ (Lawyer’s Latin.) Registres du Conseil du 14 Fevrier 1535. ftn148 Registres du Conseil du 14 Fevrier 1535. ftn149 Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 105. ftn150 Registres du Conseil des 13, 14, 21 Fevrier et 6 Mars. ftn151 Commencement de l ’Heresie , pp. 106 and 108. ftn152 See Vol. 4. book 7, ch. 10. ftn153 Crespin, Actes des Martyrs , art. P. Gaudet, p. 114. ftn154 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 172. ftn155 Crespin, Martyrologue , p. 114. ftn156 ‘Dont onques on ouyt parler en ce pays. ftn157 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 173. ftn158 Letter from the Council of Geneva to Porral, ambassador at Berne, 29th June, 1535. ftn159 ‘S’en alloynt, pleurant et; gemissant en leurs maysons, estant marrys d’ung tel oultraige.’ ftn160 Registres du Conseil du 29 Juin 1525. — Crespin, Actes des Martyrs , p. 114. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 173. ftn161 Registres du Conseil des 4, 7, 10, 17, 18, Mai 1535. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 177, 178. — Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 114, 115. ftn162 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 94. ftn163 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 95. — Le Cure Besson, Memoires du Diocese de Geneve et de Maurienne , p. 303. — Sommaire des aveux d’Antoina (Archives de Berne). Gaberel, 1, Pieces, p. 80. ftn164 Sommaire de ce que la poisonniere a confesse entre les mains de la justice. (Archives de Berne.) — Gaberel, Pieces, p. 80. ftn165 Sommaire de ce que la poisonniere a confesse entre les mains de la justice. (Archives de Berne.) — Gaberel, Pieces, p. 80. ftn166 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 104, 105. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3, ch. 21. ftn167 Chron. MSC. de Roset. ftn168 Registres du Conseil du 14 Juillet 1535. — Archives de Berne. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 95. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3, ch. 21. ftn169 Registres du Conseil des 20 Avril, 7 Mai, 30 Aout 1535. ftn170 ‘Nullum libertati publicae, nisi in civibus evangelicis, prasidium.’ — Geneva Restituta , p. 77. ftn171 M. de Tocqueville. ftn172 ‘Bernardus cogitabat de exuenda cuculla.’ — Farel to Calvin, Epp. Calv . p. 77. ftn173 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 106. — Lettre de Farel a Calvin. ftn174 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 131, 135. ftn175 ‘Parum est nisi cum aedificatione majori id faceret.’ — Farellus Calvino. ftn176 ‘Bernardus civis erat.’ — Ibid . ftn177 ‘Justificationem a peccatis in solo Christo quaerendam.’ — Theses Genev. ftn178 Calvin. ftn179 Registres du Conseil du 23 Avril1535. — Chron. MSC. de Roset. ftn180 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 137, 138. ftn181 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 138. Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 112. ftn182 Registres du Conseil des 25 et 26 Mai 1535. ftn183 Registres du Conseil du 29 Mai 1535. ftn184 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 117, etc. ftn185 ‘Cupiebam habere pium Stapulensem.’ — Farel’s Letter to Galvin, Epist. Calv ., p. 76. ftn186 ‘Non sine lachrymis audiebat.’ — Farel’s Letter to Calvin, Epist. Calv ., p. 76. ftn187 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 140. — Registres du Conseil des et 29 Mai 1535. ftn188 ‘Dicebant omnes episcopum Gallicum venisse.’ — Farel’s Letter to Calvin, Epist. Calv ., p. 76. ftn189 ‘Venit Genevam neque expectatus neque expetitus.’ — Ibid . ftn190 ‘Cum nihil egisset pontifice indignum nec Christo dignum.’ÑFarel to Calvin, Epist. Calv . ftn191 ‘Non fuit safis grata Carolo haec cantio quae in prandio canebatur.’ — Ibid . ftn192 ‘Se rapi concionibus nostris.’ — Ibid . ftn193 ‘Habere quse lectum ejus sternerent, tibialia exuerent, ac familiarus dormituro adessent.’ — Farel to Calvin. ftn194 ‘Satagebat per Bernardum Carolus ut praesideret in disputatione, et omnia resolveret.’ — Ibid . ftn195 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 134. ftn196 Girardin de la Rive, J. Balard, Cl. Richardet, and Cl. de Chateauneuf. ftn197 Michel Sept, Cl. Savoye, Ami de Chapeaurouge, and Aime Curtet. ftn198 Regisires du Conseil du 29 Mai 1535. ftn199 ‘Nollet alium respondere quam Bernardum.’ — Farel to Calvin, p. 77. — Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 125. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 139, 140. ftn200 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 80. ftn201 ‘Frustra hominem conari sine gratia, nec ordiri, nec prosequi, nec perseverare posse.’ — Farel to Calvin, Epist. Calv ., p. 77. ftn202 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 80. ftn203 Ibid . pp. 80, 81. ftn204 ‘Succedere matrem Filio.’ — Farel to Calvin. ftn205 ‘Pattem noctis impendit in annotandis rationibus quibus posset missa ferri.’ — Ibid . ftn206 ‘Hominem, memoria labantem, adjuvabamus, ut sua formaret argumenta.’ — Farel to Calvin, Epist. Calv . ftn207 ‘Juratissimi hostes.’ — Farel to Calvin, Epist. Calv . ftn208 ‘Cum juvenem quem ut tironem Carolus reputat.’ — Ibid . ftn209 ‘Cum Viretus tam aperte dissolveret omnia.’ — Ibid . ftn210 ‘Cospit, insani more, vociferari longum ba, ba, ba.’ — Farel to Calvin, Epist. Calv . ftn211 ‘Humana et impia esse quae divina sanctissimaque arbitrabantur.’ — lbid . ftn212 Archives de Geneve. — Pieces historiques, No. 1125. ftn213 Mignet, Reforme a Geneve , p. 66. ftn214 Annales de Boyne, ad annum. ftn215 Calvin, Letter at the head of the Bible of 1535. ftn216 Preface to the Bible of 1535. ftn217 Olivetan took advantage of all the Hebrew commentaries and paraphrases contained in the Bible of Bomberg. (Venice, 1518-1526.) See the articles in the Revue de Strasbourg , by M. Reuss. ftn218 Em. Petavel, La Bible en France . pp. 106, 107. ftn219 According to Olivetan, the Bible is the ‘corbeille de marriage’ — the casket containing the jewels and presents which the bridegroom sends to the bride. ftn220 ‘Viens avec tes tenailles (torn with red-hot pincers), tes fletris, tes oreilles, tes demembris.’ ftn221 Calvin placed two writings at the head of the volume: Une epitre a tous empereurs, rois, princes, et peuples soumis d l ’empire de Christ , and a Discours preliminaire , which was long at the head of the ancient Genevan Bibles. ftn222 ‘Idolotramenta.’ Registres du Conseil du 28 Juin 1535. — Farellus Calvino. ftn223 ‘Magistratus fungeretur officio patris... ofiicium faceret pro gloria Dei et plebis salute.’ Farel to Calvin, Epist. Calv . — Chronique MSC. de Roset, in. p. 37. ftn224 ‘Le conseil donc, delayant, ne faisait rien.’ — Chronique MSC. de Roset, 3, p. 37. ftn225 Collection Galiffe. ftn226 Depeches des Syndics, du 18 Juillet, aux Cantons Suisses. ftn227 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 127. — Registres du Conseil du 23 Juillet. ftn228 Registres du Conseil du 30 Juillet. ftn229 Calvin. ftn230 Registres du Conseil du 8 Aout 1535. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 142, 144. ftn231 <19B401> Psalm 114 and <19B501> Psalm 115 In the Vulgate 113. ftn232 ‘Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths but they speak not; eyes have they but they see not. They that make them are like unto them, so is every one that trusteth in them.’ ftn233 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 144. ftn234 ‘Les marmousets des pretres.’ ftn235 M. Guizot. ftn236 Sozomenes, 7:15. ftn237 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 146. ftn238 Virgil, Aeneid, 10:716. But otherwise the troops, with hate inspired And just revenge, against the tyrant fired. — Dryden. ftn239 Matthew 23:14. ftn240 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 144-146. — Registres du Conseil du 8 Aout 1535. ftn241 ‘Bonae vetulae mulieres solebant suos chapelettos, in eas quas credebant ibidem esse sanctas reliquias, demergere.’ — Registres du Conseil du 8 Decembre 1535. ftn242 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 149. ftn243 ‘Duo vasta terrea habebant vaginam seu conductum terreum de uno ad alium; adeo ut vasa, sic sibi respondentia, resonarent ad modum murmuris hominis.’ — Registres du Conseil du 8 Aout 1535. ftn244 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 150. ftn245 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p 152. ftn246 Ibid . p. 151. ftn247 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 153. An engraving of this picture is given in the edition of Froment published by M. Revilliod. ftn248 Registres du Conseil du 9 Aout 1535. ftn249 Registres du Conseil du 9 Aout 1535. ftn250 ‘Rabats le haut caquet des pretres.’ ftn251 Regisires du Conseil du 10 Aout 1535. — MSC. Chouet. ftn252 Ibid . — Chronique de Roset, 3, ch. 37. ftn253 Registres du Conseil, ad annum. ftn254 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 144, 145. — Registres du Conseil des 10 et 12 Aout. — Chron. MSC. de Roset. ftn255 Registres du Conseil du 12 Aout. — Chronique MSC. de Roset. ftn256 Registres du Conseil du 12 Aout. fto1 Registres du Conseil des 16 et 17 Aout 1535. fto2 Archives de Turin. Memoire sur les droits de la maison de Savoye. fto3 Virgil, Aeneid , 2 :487. ‘Shrieks of women rend the vaulted skies.’ — Dryden . fto4 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p. 131. fto5 Ibid . fto6 ‘Ce brave homme n’en faisait aucun semblant, ni oncques dit mot; il avait la langue amortie.’ fto7 ‘Vous faites bonne chere et vivez en noise.’ — Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’ Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 170-173. fto8 Ibid . pp. 141-148. fto9 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de I ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 150- 152. Registres du Conseil du 25 Aout 1535. fto10 ‘Decrachaient’ — Jeanne de Jussie. fto11 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 175, 189, 197. fto12 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp, 192, 197. fto13 Ibid . pp. 199-201. fto14 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 34, 201-223. fto15 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de l ’Heresie dans Geneve , p . 34. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 157. fto16 Jeanne de Jussie, Commencement de Heresie dans Geneve , pp. 154- 160. — Roset, Chron. MSC. liv. 3. ch. 37. fto17 Registres des Conseils des 15 Octobre, 12 et 29 Novembre 1535. fto18 He was probably the writer of a treatise entitled Ordre et maniere d ’ enseigner en la ville de Geneve , au college , recently reprinted by Professor Betant. fto19 Registres du Conseil des 27 Aout, 7 et 17 Septembre, 29 Octobre, 12, 14 et 15 Novembre 1535. — Des Hopitaux de Geneve. — Memoires d ’Archeologie , in. pp. 155-366. fto20 ‘Nothing that concerns mankind is indifferent to me.’ fto21 Registres du Conseil des 12, 23, 24 et 29 Novembre, 6 Decembre 1535. fto22 Thourel, Histoire de Geneve , 2 :p. 163. fto23 Kirchhofer, Farel , p. 193. fto24 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 169. fto25 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 169. fto26 Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 37. fto27 Stettler, Chronik , p. 68. — Ranke, Deutsche Geschichte , vol. 4. p. 118. fto28 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 168, 169. fto29 Registres du Conseil du 26 Septembre 1535. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 69. — Chron. MSC. de Roset. fto30 Registres du Conseil du 26 Septembre 1535. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 170. — Letters of Haller to Bullinger. fto31 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 171. fto32 This refers to the twelve cities destroyed by the Helvetians when they departed for Gaul, about 58 B.C. fto33 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 172. fto34 Registres MSC. du Conseil du 3 Octobre. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 168, 172, 184, 185, etc. fto35 Dictionnaire de Len. fto36 ‘Den wohlbetagten Hauptman Jacob Wildermuth’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 70. fto37 Letter from Jacob Wildermuth to the Council of Berne, dated Neuchatel, December 3, 1529. Archives de Berne. — Herminjard, Correspondance des Reformateurs dans les pays de Langue francaise , 2. p. 212. fto38 ‘Seines handvesten Vetters.’ — Stettler, Chronik . fto39 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 195. fto40 Abrege chronologique de l ’Histoire de Neuchatel , par un ancien Justicier, p. 161. fto41 Annales de Boyne, liv. 2. p. 293. fto42 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 192. fto43 The documents in the French language, the Gestes de Geneve of Froment, an official letter in the State Archives at Geneva (Portefeuille historique , No. 1152) call the captain-in-chief Jacob Verrier . The Verriers , or glass-makers, were generally rich and influential men in the country. Wildermuth belonged to that class. See Herminjard’s Correspondance des Reformateurs dans les pays de Langue francaise , 2. p. 211. fto44 Froment says about three hundred. — Gestes de Geneve , p. 194. The Bernese ambassadors say four hundred and fifty. — Registres du Conseil de Geneve ad annum . fto45 ‘Die Strasse von ihren Feinden der Savoyern verhaget wax.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 70. fto46 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 194. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 70. fto47 ‘Zu umgeben, fahen under hencken.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 70. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 41. fto48 ‘Den Berg herab, willens mir den Bernern zu conferiren.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto49 Stettler, Chronik , p. 70. fto50 ‘Mit guten Braegedinen angethan.’ — Ibid , p. 71. fto51 Berne MS. ascribed to Bonivard. fto52 It would appear from the chroniclers, that these are two distinct cases. Froment (Gestes de Geneve , p. 195) says positively that the woman of whom he speaks n ’ent pas de dommage ; Stettler (Chronik , p. 71) says, on the contrary, of her whom he mentions, that she had vor ihrem Tod vier Mann erlegt . Could one or other of these writers be mistaken? fto53 ‘Stachen, Schlossen, und schlugen se mannlich.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto54 Supra , Vol. II. p. 377. fto55 ‘Bei hundert priestlichen Personen... auf den Platz gelassen.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto56 Verdeil, Histoire du Canton de Vaud . fto57 Grands Welches. fto58 ‘Den Rucken kehrten,’ etc. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto59 ‘O Bern! du magst wohl frolich seyn!’ etc. Recueil de Werner Sterner. This song is probably by the famous contemporary poet Manuel. fto60 The Bear, i.e. Berne, which has a bear on its shield. fto61 See the works of Madame de Stael, her family, the Duc de Broglie, Comte Haussonville, and her friends. fto62 Report of the two Bernese envoys to the Council of Geneva. fto63 ‘Von Lullin sagte Alinges hatte Gleit zu geben keine Gewalt.’ — Stettler, Chronik . fto64 ‘Die Deutsche heim zu mahnen, und zu Ihnen den Berg hinauf zu reiten.’ — lbid . fto65 Report of the two Bernese envoys. — Registres du Conseil de Geneve . fto66 ‘Hielt die Berner betruglich auf, bemeldeter von Lullin, und sagte: Er wollte zum ersten Mess horen.’ — Stettler, Chronik . fto67 ‘Und eine Collation thun.’ — Ibid . fto68 Registres du Conseil de Geneve du 12 Octobre 1535. fto69 ‘Nahm er des Genfers starken hispanischen Hengst, setzt denselbigen hingegen auf einen Esel.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto70 ‘Vermahnet sic ihren Feinden bey Hencken zugestehen.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto71 Stettler says that the Swiss had already started for Geneva when the Bernese arrived; and Ruchat and others say the same. On reading the manuscript registers of the Council of Geneva, it is seen that the report of Messieurs de Berne states expressly the contrary; and Froment corroborates this report, p. 196. fto72 These are the words spoken in the Council. — See the Registres du Conseil for the 11th October 1535. fto73 Registres du Conseil , ad diem . fto74 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 197. fto75 Registres du Conseil du 11 Octobre 1535. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 51. fto76 ‘Gaigne.’ Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 197. fto77 Registres du Conseil de Geneve du 12 Octobre 1535. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 196-198. fto78 ‘Die Schryen, Wurgen, wurgen! Setzten dem von Diesbach ein Feuerbuchsen an die Brust.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 71. fto79 Stettler, Chronik , p. 72. fto80 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 198. — Registres du Conseil du Octobre 1535. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 41. fto81 ‘Une allee qui n’aura pas de retour .’ fto82 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 199. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 41. — Schweizer Chronik in Liedern , Berne, 1835. fto83 Registres du Conseil du 12 Octobre 1535. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 42. fto84 Froment, Roset, etc. fto85 Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 51. fto86 Registres du Conseil des 9 et 12 Novembre 1535. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 179-184. fto87 ‘Vos recevrez certainement charge de mullets, de bonne et mettable marchandise, et seront la un de ces jours.’ fto88 Registres du Conseil du 17 Decembre. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 11. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 187-191. fto89 Taken from the Vulgate, Job 17:12. fto90 Dictionnaire de Len. Journal de Nagueli. — Vulliemin, Continuation de l ’Histoire Suisse de Muller . fto91 ‘Bei Kalter Winterzeit, in Schnee und Regen.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 72. fto92 Stettler, Chronik , p. 73. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 46. fto93 Registres du Conseil des 8 et 10 Decembre. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 49 to 51. — Collection Galiffe dans Roget, Les Suisses et la Geneve . — Stettler, Chronik , p. 73. fto94 ‘Vous verrez merveilles en bref et comme Dieu besognera.’ — Collection Galiffe dans Roget, Les Suisses et Geneve . fto95 Stettler, Chronik , p. 73. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 201. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 52. — Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, p. 118. fto96 Registres du Conseil du 17 Decembre 1535. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 53. fto97 ‘Fortiorem bendam... Genevam ingenti amore prosequitur.’ — Registres du Conseil du 17 Decembre 1535. fto98 Ibid . — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 53. fto99 ‘Omnibus bene ruminatis, discussis, et calculatis, fuit solutum respondendi.’ — Registres du Conseil, du 17 Decembre. fto100 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 184, 185. fto101 Ibid . fto102 ‘Farellus exhortavit eos de uniendo populum, et fidendo in Deum,’ etc. — Registres du Conseil du 10 Janvier 1536. fto103 Registres du Conseil du 10 Janvier 1536. fto104 ‘Ils nous ont assaillis vigoureusement; mais Dieu, a qui en est tout honneur, les a repousses.’ — Registres du Conseil du 13 Janvier 1536. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 56. fto105 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 186, 187. fto106 Registres du Conseil du 24: Janvier 1536. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 58. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 204,-206. fto107 Hieronymo Soranzo, Relazione di Roma . — Ripenmonte, Historioe urrbis Mediolani .— Ranke, Romische Papste . fto108 ‘Die Soldaten, darunter 4,000 Italianer.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 82. fto109 Beauregard, Memoire sur la maison de Savoie , tom. 1:p. 324. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 207. — C. Zwick to B. Haller, le Janvier 1536. fto110 ‘Veluti numine quodam instinctus.’ — Sulzer to Bullinger, le Fevrier 1536. fto111 Stettler, Chronik , p. 78. — Lettre de Porral. — Memoire de Pierre- Fleur, p. 140. fto112 ‘Die armen, verlassen, Christlichen Mitbruder zu Genf.’ — Kirchofer’s Haller , p. 231. fto113 Werner Steiner, Sammlung . — Le Chroniqueur , p. 202. — Pierre- Fleur, p. 143. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 81. fto114 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 208. fto115 Letter from the bishop of Lausanne to the bailiff of Vevey. — Stettler, Chronik . — Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, p. 145. fto116 Memoires de Du Bellay, liv. 5. p. 239. fto117 Ibid . p. 240. fto118 Memoires de Du Bellay, liv. 5:p. 240. fto119 Echelle. fto120 Memoires de Du Bellay, liv. 5:p. 240. fto121 ‘Ihre Feinde unerschrocken anzugreifen.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 82. fto122 Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 59. — Savion, 3. p. 175. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 82. fto123 ‘En bataillant de l’epee a deux pieds.’ — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 209. — Registres du Conseil du 30 Janvier 1536. — Chron. MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 59 and 60. fto124 ‘Verstaubt mit solchem Schrecken.’ — Stettler, Chronik , p. 512. fto125 Manuscript archives of the family of Gingins. fto126 Life of Guibert de Nogent. — Collection des Memoires de M. Guizot, tom. 9:p. 346. fto127 Manuscript archives of the Gingins family. fto128 Registres du Conseil du 2 Fevrier 1536. — -Stettler, Chronik , p. 82. fto129 The army left Berne on the 22d of January and entered Geneva on the 2d of February. fto130 Die, dann, das Schwerdt verborgen, Das Herz in Gott versenkt, Die Gottbeit lassen sorgen, Am Abend wie am Morgen Die alle Herzen lenkt. Werner Steiner, MSC. Sammlung. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , P. 209. — Registres du Conseil du 2 Fevrier 1536. fto131 MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 59. fto132 ‘La puissance de Dieu a confondu la presomption et la temeraire audace de nos ennemis.’ — Registres du Conseil du 30 Janvier 1536. fto133 ‘L’an 1536 et au mois de Fevrier, Geneve fut delivree de ses ennemis par la providence de Dieu.’ — Froment Gestes de Geneve , p. 207. fto134 Registres du Conseil du 3 Fevrier 1536. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 210, 211, 213. fto135 Letter from Fulbert, bishop of Chartres, to King Robert. — Guizot, Civilisation en Europe , p. 313. fto136 ‘Epargnons les tyrans; abattons leurs repaires.’ — Registres du Conseil des 14 Mars et 4 Avril 1536. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 211, 212. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 61. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 82. fto137 Registres du Conseil du 6 Fevrier. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 62. — From this day the Council minutes are drawn up in French and not in Latin. The old times are succeeded by the new. fto138 Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, p. 146. fto139 Guichenon, 2:p. 212. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 214. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 85. — MSC. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 61. fto140 Costa de Beauregard, Memoires de la Maison de Savoie , pp. 323- 327. — Du Bellay, Guichenon, Calvin, passim . fto141 ‘Respect the bear, or fear his cubs.’ — Chant de la Guerre de Geneve. — Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, pp. 148-152. — Stettler, Chronik , p. 87. fto142 ‘J’avois tel loysir de me pourmener, que j’empreignis un chemin en la roche, comme si on l’ent fait avec un martel.’ — This pathway is well known to all who have visited Chillon. fto143 Bonivard MS. — Memoires d’Archeologie, 4:p. 207. — Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, p. 153. fto144 Bonivard MS. — Memoires d’Archeologie, 4:p. 207. — Memoires de Pierre-Fleur, p. 153. — Registres du Conseil du 29 Mars 1536. fto145 ‘Era divertufo difforme, con un volto tutto coperto da un gran pelo et da lunghi capelli.’ — Leti, Hist . Giverrina , tom. 3. — Memoires d’Archeologie, p. 269. fto146 Lord Byron, The Prisoner of Chillon . fto147 Registres du Conseil ad diem . fto148 The author is unknown, but the poem was in Bonivard’s possession. — See the Memoires d’Archeologie, 4:p. 271. fto149 Chron. MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 63 to 67. — Registres du Conseil. fto150 ‘Vergebene Arbeit, unnutze Zeitverschwendung, elendes Kinderspiel.’ — Rothe, professor at Heidelberg, Theologische Ethik , 3. p. 1017. — Rothe, who has not long been dead, is considered an eminent theologian in Germany. fto151 Registres du Conseil des 10, 13, 24 et 31 Mars 1536. — MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 63. fto152 Registres du Conseil du 3 Avril 1536. fto153 Registres du Conseil du 3 Avril 1536. — MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 63. fto154 Registres du Conseil du 6 Avril 1536. fto155 Memoire du 16 Janvier 1537. fto156 Registres du Conseil du 19 Mai. fto157 Guizot. fto158 Registres du Conseil des 24 Juillet, 15 Aout, 17 Septembre 1536. — Dernier Discours et Oeuvres de Calvin. fto159 Registres du Conseil du 21 Mai 1536. — MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 68. fto160 Froment, Gestes de Geneve , pp. 166-168, 224. fto161 The tyranny of the Roman Antichrist Having been overthrown, And its superstitions abolished In the year 1535, The most holy religion of Christ Having been restored, In its truth and purity, And the Church set in good order, By a signal favor of God; The enemy having been repelled And put to flight, And the city by a striking miracle Restored to liberty; The senate and people of Geneva have erected And set up this monument, In this place, As a perpetual memorial, To attest to future ages Their gratitude to God. MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 62. fto162 Registres du Conseil des 11 Avril; 2, 20, 21 Juin 1536; 29 Janvier 1537. — MS. de Roset, liv. 3. ch. 68. fto163 Memoires de la Societe d’Archeologie de Geneve, vol. 10:p. 67. fto164 Memoires de la Societe d’Archeologie de Geneve, vol. 10:p. 67. — Registres du 4 Septembre 1536. — La Reforme a Geneve , by the Abbe Magnin, p. 233. fto165 Froment, Gestes merveilleux de Geneve , p. 239. — Bonivard, Memoires d ’Archeologie , 4 :pp. 285-289. fto166 Farel’s Letters . fto167 Ibid . fto168 ‘Jubeor evocare undique ministros. Sed unde? Plane ignoro.’ — Farel’s Letters . fto169 ‘Dyonisius totus monachus.’ — Ibid . fto170 ‘Rasis sedulo curabis.’ — Ibid . fto171 ‘Fleureteurs’ (ceux qui effleurent). — Froment. Gestes merveilleux de Geneve , p. 237. fto172 See Vol. 4, bk. 7, ch. 18. fto173 ‘Sic versari in studiis nostris , ut excellat ... Sed ob magnitudinem ingenii et studium sanctitatis quae in ista semper veluti divinum aliquid eluxit, retulit se ad coelestes artes et ad disciplinas theologicas .’ — Paleario, Epp . 4 :4. fto174 A. Frizzi, Guida per la citta di Ferrara , p. 43. — Bonnet, Calvin a la cite d ’Aoste . fto175 ‘Sotto abito finto.’ — Muratori, Annali d ’Italia , 14 :p. 305. fto176 Varillas. fto177 A madame la duchesse de Ferrare. — Lettres francaises de Calvin , 1 :p. 44. There is no date to this letter, and it may possibly belong to the following year, 1537. At page 154, Calvin refers to a book that Capito had written ‘nagueres ,’ not long ago, and that work, De Missa , dedicated to Henry VIII., bears the date of 15 March 1537. fto178 ‘Sans decliner ni de ca ni de la.’ fto179 ‘Talmente infetto Renea degli errori sui, che non si pote maitrarle di cuore il bevuto veleno.’ — Muratori, Annali d ’Italia , 14 :p. 305. fto180 Letter of 1537 addressed to Renee, duchess of Ferrara. fto181 Beza, Vita Calvini , p. 21. fto182 See the Letters dated the 8th and 24th January and the 4th April 1564, in Mons. J. Bonnet’s Recueil . Calvin died on the following 4th May. fto183 ‘Poiche non solo confermo nell’ errore la duchessa Renata, ma piu altri ancora sedusse.’ — Muratori, Antichita Estensi , 2 :ch. 13. fto184 ‘Quali venustate canas.’ — Gyraldus, Epistola dedicatoria , Hist Poetarum . fto185 ‘Ut Graecos autores intrepide evolvas.’ — Ibid . fto186 Bayle, Dictionary , sub voce Anne de Parthenay , 3. p. 600. fto187 Beza, Hist . eccles . 1 :p. 127. fto188 Maimbourg, Hist . du Calvinisme , p. 62. fto189 Jules Bonnet, Olympia Morata , p. 43. fto190 Calvin, passim . fto191 Oeuvres de Marot. fto192 Moreri, Grand Dictionnaire historique , 6:p. 317. fto193 Bayle, Dictionnaire hist . et crit . 4 :p. 142. fto194 Beza, Hist . des Eglises reformees , 1 :p. 127. fto195 Bayle, Dictionnaire , 4 :p. 142. fto196 Thuanus, lib. 28. fto197 See the Bulletin de la Societe de l ’Histoire du Protestantism francais , Paris, 1860, p. 168. — Documents historiques inedits e originaux, communiques par M. de Triqueti. fto198 Histoire de l ’Inquisition en France , par De la Mothe, vol. 2:pp. 538, 603, etc. — Bevilacqua is Boileau translated into Italian. Some of the Drinkwaters and Boileaus of England claim to belong to the same family. fto199 In the Bulletin du Protestantisme francais for 1860, p. 170, we read: — ‘About the year 1840 the duke of Bevilacqua showed to Sir John Boileau the portrait of Calvin, painted by Titian on this occasion, and offered him a copy of it. I have had many opportunities of seeing it at London in Sir John’s house.’ M. de Triqueti, whose words we have just quoted, speaks of another portrait of Calvin painted by Titian, purchased in 1860, at a public sale in Paris. We ourselves have seen in one of the Italian picture galleries a portrait of Calvin also assigned to Titian. There is one in the public library of Geneva, and several are to be found in various Italian museums (Stahlin: Johannes Calvin , 2 :p. 7); but these are rather pictures painted by Titian’s pupils and touched up by the master, as was the custom of the teacher and his students in those days. fto200 Letter to the duchess of Ferrara, in the Lettres francaises de Calvin , 1:p. 47. fto201 ‘Un sien traite.’ — Ibid . 1:p. 48. fto202 Calvin in the editio princeps (March 1536) of his Institutes treats of the Lord’s Supper at pages 236-284. fto203 A la duchesse de Ferrare. — Lettres francaises de Calvin , 1 :p. 48. fto204 A la duchesse de Ferrare. — Lettres francaises de Calvin , pp. 47, 48. fto205 Ibid . — The letter to the duchess of Ferrara was written later; but what we have quoted above refers to Calvin’s sojourn at Ferrara, when he had these conversations with Master Francois. fto206 A la duchesse de Ferrare. — Lettres francaises de Calvin , 1 :p. 45. fto207 A la duchesse de Ferrare. — Lettres francaises de Calvin , p. 54. fto208 ‘Comment il faut eviter,’ etc. Des Gallars, Calvin’s friend, says in his edition of the reformer’s Opuscules (1552), ‘Epistolas duas edidit, quas de hac re ad quosdam amicos ex Italia scripserat.’ The latest editors of Calvin’s works say in the prolegomena to vol. 5:(Brunswick, 1866): ‘Eas in itinere Italico , anno 1536, suscepto, Calvinum scripsisse dicit Colladonius.’ Colladon was one of the reformer’s intimate friends. The first of these writings contains (in the French edition) 38 pages folio, and the second 35. fto209 Calvin, Opuscules francais (1566), p. 82. fto210 Ibid . pp. 58, 62, 64, 73, 74, 84, etc. fto211 Calvin, Opuscules francais (1566), pp. 58, 59, 84, 92. fto212 Quel est l ’office de l ’homme chretien en administrant ou rejetant les benedictions de l ’Eglise papale ? Jean Calvin a un ancien ami a present prelat. — Opuscules francais , pp. 36, 37. fto213 Opuscules francais , p. 108. fto214 Ibid . p. 124. fto215 Ibid . p. 128. fto216 Ibid . p. 129. fto217 ‘Piu dannoso all’ Italia fu il soggiorno che, per qualche tempo, fece occultamente Calvino, sotto il nome di Carlo d’Heppeville, alla corte di Ferrara, circa il 1535.’ — Tiraboschi, Hist . de la Litt . ital . 7 :p. 358. fto218 Defense de Calvin ,, par Drelincourt, p. 337. fto219 Oeuvres de Cl . Marot , 2:p. 337. fto220 ‘Vengo assicurato da chi ha reduto gli atti dell’ Inquisizion di Ferrara.’ — Muratori, Annali d ’Italia , 14 :p. 305. fto221 ‘Che si pestifero mobile fu fatto prigione.’ — Ibid . fto222 Calvin on Acts 12:6. fto223 ‘Mentre che era condotto da Ferrara a Bologna.’ — Muratori, Annali d Italia , 19 :p. 305. fto224 ‘Gente armata.’ — Ibid . fto225 ‘Fu messo in liberta.’ — Ibid . fto226 ‘Onde fosse venuto il colpo.’ — Muratori, Annali d ’Italia , 14:p. 305. fto227 Bayle’s Dictionary, sub voce Castelvetro. — J. Bonnet: Calvin . The discovery happened in 1823. fto228 Tiraboschi, Hist . de la Litt . ital . 7 :p. 169. fto229 Bonnet, Calvin au Val d ’Aoste , pp, 13, 14. fto230 Depeches d’Ami Porral au Conseil de Geneve. fto231 Lettres du Conseil de Berne au duc de Savoie du dernier Septembre 1535, et au Conseil de Geneve du 24 Decembre 1535. These letters were communicated to me, along with others, by M. de Steiner, librarian of the city of Berne, and M. de Sturler, Chancellor of State. fto232 ‘Quae factae sunt per Bernenses Leuteranos in Provincia Augustana, etc.’ Proces-verbal de l’Assemblee du 28 Fevrier 1536. fto233 Many of these names are still to be found in Suisse Romande where the bearers of them had been forced to take refuge. fto234 Il vescovo d ’ Agosta allo duca di Savoia . The author found this letter, dated from Rome, in the General Archives of the kingdom of Italy, preserved at Turin. fto235 ‘Di far dare il governo del Concilio, tanto da sua Santita quanto dallo Imperatore, e re di Francia, a vostra Eccellenza (the duke).’ — Ibid . fto236 Memoires des dioceses de Geneve , d ’Aoste , etc ., par le cure Besson, p. 260. fto237 Ibid . p. 261. fto238 ‘Nobilis Nicolaus de Crista, Antonius Vaudan, Bartolomaeus, Borgnion, pro communitate parochiae Sancti Stephani electi, etc.’ General Council of February 1536. Archives of the Intendance of Aosta. fto239 ‘Illa secta venenosa leuterana.’ — Proces-verbal of the Assembly. Archives of the Intendance of Aosta. fto240 MS. in the Archives of the kingdom at Turin. fto241 Documents in the Archives of M. Martinet, formerly deputy of Aosta. — J. Bonnet, Calvin au Val d ’ Aoste , p. 21. fto242 Memoires des dioceses de Geneve et d ’Aoste , etc ., pax le cure Besson, p. 261. fto243 The idea of Calvin’s passage by this col is now generally admitted, and even in Murray’s Guide we read, ‘Calvin fled by this pass from Aosta .’ fto244 Histoire litteraire de Geneve , 1 :p. 182 (edit. 1786). fto245 To the inscription given above, these words have been added: ‘CIVIUM MUNIFICENTIA RENOVAVIT ET ADORNAVIT. ANNO MDCCCXLI.’ fto246 Godefridus Lopinus, Calvino . MS. preserved in the public Library at Geneva. fto247 Beza, Vita Calvini . fto248 ‘Divinitus perductus.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini . fto249 Lettres francaises de Calvin , 1 :p. 22. fto250 Preface to Calvin’s Commentaire sun les I ’saumes . fto251 ‘Il me fit connaitre aux autres.’ — Preface to the Commentaire sur les Psaumes . In the Latin edition, ‘Statim fecit ut innotescerem.’ fto252 Letter to Chr. Fabri, 6th June, 1561. fto253 Beza, Vie de Calvin . fto254 Calvin, Preface des Psaumes . fto255 Ibid . fto256 Beza, Vie de Calvin . fto257 ‘Ac si Deum violentem mihi e coelo manum injiceret.’ — Calvin. fto258 ‘Piqures.’ The Word is Calvin’s. fto259 Calvin. fto260 ‘In ipso itinere Ecclesias multas offendo quibus immorari aliquantisper rogor.’ Calvin to Daniel, 13th October, 1536. Offendo should here be taken in the sense of ‘to meet,’ rather than ‘to hurt.’ See Cicero, Fam . 2 :p. 3. fto261 On this subject Mons. A. Roget has put forward just views and authentic facts in his writing entitled, L ’Eglise et l ’Etat a Geneve du vivant de Calvin . fto262 Calvin, Institution chretienne , liv. 4:ch. 7. fto263 Calvin, Institution chretienne , liv. 4:ch. 22. fto264 ‘What is the principle of our strength?’ asked an eloquent Dutch writer not long ago. ‘I will tell you: it is in our origin. We are the offspring of the Geneva of Calvin.’ — La Hollande et l ’Influence de Calvin , par M. Groen van Prinsterer, conseiller d’Etat. La Haye, 1864. fto265 Calvin, Comment . sur Matthew 22:21. fto266 This was addressed to those who were exciting the protestants of France to acts of violence. See Calvin’s letters to the Church of Angers, April 1556, and other letters. fto267 Registres du Conseil des 13 Fevrier 1537, 13 et 20 Septembre 1541. fto268 Mignet, La Reformation de Geneve , p. 10. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - HISTORY REFORMATION INDEX & SEARCH
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