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PREFACE TO VOLUME FIRST CHAPTER Christianity Two distinctive Principles Rise of the Papacy Early Encroachments Influence of Rome Co-operation of the Bishops and of the Sects Visible Unity of the Church Invisible Unity of the Church Primacy of St. Peter Patriarchates Co-operation of Princes Influence of the Barbarians Rome invokes the aid of the Franks Secular Power Pepin and Charlemagne The Decretals Disorders of Rome The Emperor, the Popes Suzerain Hildebrand His Character Celibacy Struggle with the Empire Emancipation of the Pope Hildebrands Successors The Crusades The Empire The Church CHAPTER -Grace Dead Faith Works Unity and Duality Pelagianism Salvation at the Hands of the Priests Penance Flagellations Indulgences Works of Supererogation Purgatory The Tariff Jubilee The Papacy and Christianity State of Christendom CHAPTER -Religion Relics Easter Revels Morals Corruption Disorders of the Priests, Bishops, and Popes A Papal Family Alexander VI Caesar Borgia Education Ignorance Ciceronians CHAPTER -Imperishable Nature of Christianity Two Laws of God Apparent Strength of Rome Secret Opposition Decline Threefold Opposition Kings and People Transformation of the Church The Pope judged in Italy Discoveries of Kings and their Subjects Frederick the Wise Moderation and Expectation CHAPTER -Popular Feeling The Empire Providential Preparations Impulse of the Reformation Peace The Commonalty National Character Papal Yoke State of the Empire Opposition at Rome Middle Classes Switzerland Courage Liberty Smaller Cantons Italy Obstacles to the Reform Spain Obstacles Portugal France Preparations Disappointment The Low Countries England Scotland The North Russia Poland Bohemia Hungary CHAPTER -Roman Theology Remains of Life Justification by Faith Witnesses to the Truth Claudius The Mystics The Waldenses Valdo Wickliffe Huss Prediction Protestantism before the Reformation Anselm Arnoldi Utenheim Martin New Witnesses in the Church Thomas Conecte The Cardinal of Crayn Institoris Savonarola Justification by Faith John Vitrarius John Lallier John of Wesalia John of Goch John Wessel Protestantism before the Reformation The Bohemian Brethren Prophecy of Proles Prophecy of the Eisenach Franciscan CHAPTER -Third Preparation Letters Revival Recollections of Antiquity in Italy Influence of the Humanists Christianity of Dante Valla Infidelity in Italy Platonic Philosophy Commencement of Learning in Germany Young Students Printing Characteristics of German Literature The Learned and the Schoolmen A New World Reuchlin Reuchlin in Italy His Labors His Influence in Germany Mysticism Contest with the Dominicans CHAPTER -Erasmus Erasmus a Canon At Paris His Genius His Reputation His Influence Popular Attack Praise of Folly Gibes Churchmen Saints Folly and the Popes Attack on Science Principles Greek New Testament His Profession of Faith His Labors and Influence His Failings Two Parties Reform without Violence Was such Possible? Unreformed Church His Timidity His Indecision Erasmus loses his Influence with all Parties CHAPTER -The Nobility Different Motives Hutten Literary League Literae Obscurorum Virorum Their Effect Luthers Opinion Hutten at Brussels His Letters Sickengen War His Death Cronberg Hans Sachs General Ferment BOOK THE YOUTH, CONVERSION, AND EARLY LABORS OF LUTHER. 1483-1517. CHAPTER Luthers Descent His Parents His Birth His Poverty Paternal Home Severity First Knowledge School of Magdeburg Hardships Eisenach The Shunamite House of Cotta Arts Recollections of these Times His Studies Trebonius The University CHAPTER -The University Scholastic Divinity and the Classics Luthers Piety Discovery of the Bible Illness Luther admitted MA Conscience Death of Alexis The Thunder Storm Providence Farewell Luther enters a Convent CHAPTER -His Fathers Anger Pardon Humiliation The Sack and the Cell Endurance Luthers Studies St Augustine Peter dAilly Occam Gerson The Chained Bible Lyra Hebrew and Greek Daily Prayers Asceticism Mental Struggles Luther during Mass Useless Observances Luther in a Fainting-fit CHAPTER -Pious Monks Staupitz His Piety Visitation Conversations The Grace of Christ Repentance Power of Sin Sweetness of Repentance Election Providence The Bible The aged Monk Forgiveness of Sins Ordination The Dinner Festival of Corpus Christi Luther made Professor at Wittenberg CHAPTER -The University of Wittenberg First Instructions Biblical Lectures Sensation Luther Preaches at Wittenberg The Old Chapel Impression produced by his Sermons CHAPTER -Journey to Rome Convent on the Po Sickness at Bologna Recollections of Rome Julius II Superstitious Devotion Profanity of the Clergy Conversations Roman Scandals Biblical Studies Pilates Staircase Effects on Luthers Faith and on the Reformation Gate of Paradise Luthers Confession CHAPTER -Luther returns to Wittenberg Made Doctor of Divinity Carlstadt Luthers Oath Principle of the Reformation Luthers Courage Early Views of Reformation The Schoolmen Spalatin Reuchlins Quarrel with the Monks CHAPTER -Faith Popular Declamations Academic Teaching Luthers Purity of Life German Theology or Mysticism The Monk Spenlein Justification by Faith Luther on Erasmus Faith and Works Erasmus Necessity of Works Luthers Charity CHAPTER -Luthers First Theses The Old Adam and Grace Visitaton of the Convents Luther at Dresden and Erfurth Tornator Peace and the Cross Results of Luthers Journey His Labors The Plague CHAPTER -The Relics Relations of Luther with the Elector Advice to the Chaplain Duke George His Character Luthers Sermon before the Court Dinner at Court Evening with Emser CHAPTER -Return to Wittenberg Theses Free Will Nature of Man Rationalism Proposal to the University at Erfurth Eck Urban Regius Luthers Modesty Effect of the Theses BOOK THE INDULGENCES AND THE THESES MAY CHAPTER Procession Tetzel Tetzels Sermon Confession Four Graces Sale Public Penance Letter of Indulgence Exceptions Amusements and Dissipation CHAPTER -The Franciscan Confessor The Soul in the Burial-ground The shoemaker of Hagenau The Students Myconius Conversation with Tetzel Trick of a Nobleman Remarks of the Wise and of the people A Miner of Schneeberg CHAPTER -Leo X The Popes Necessities Albert His Character Farming the Indulgences Franciscans and Dominicans CHAPTER -Tetzel approaches Luther in the Confessional Tetzels Anger Luther has no Plan Jealousy on Orders Luthers Sermon The Electors Dream CHAPTER -Festival of All-Saints Theses Their Strength Moderation Providence Letter to Albert Indifference of the Bishops Dissemination of the Theses CHAPTER -Reuchlin Erasmus Flek Bibra The Emperor The Pope Myconius The Monks Apprehensions Adelman An aged Priest The Bishop The Elector The Townspeople of Erfurth Luthers Answer Disorder Luthers Mainspring CHAPTER -Tetzels Attack Luthers Reply Good Works Luther and Spalatin Study of Scripture Scheurl and Luther Doubts on the Theses Luther pleads for the People A New Coat CHAPTER -Frankfort Discussion Tetzels Theses Menaces Knipstrows Opposition Luthers Theses burnt The Monks Luthers Peace Tetzels Theses burnt Grief of Luther CHAPTER -Prierio System of Rome Dialogue System of Reform Answer to Prierio The Word The Pope and the Church Hochstraten The Monks Luther replies Eck The School The Obelisks Luthers Sentiments The Asterisks Rapture CHAPTER -Popular Writings The Lords Prayer Our Father Who art in Heaven Hallowed by thy Name They Kingdom come Thy Will be done Our Daily Bread Sermon on Repentance Remission of Sins cometh from Christ CHAPTER -Apprehensions of his Friends Journey to Heidelberg Bibra Palatine Palace Rupture The Paradoxes Disputation The Audience Bucer Brentz Snepf Conversations with Luther Labors of these young Doctors Effects on Luther The aged Professor The true-Light Arrival BOOK LUTHER BEFORE THE LEGATE MAY TO DECEMBER CHAPTER The Resolutions Repentance Papacy Leo X Luther to his Bishop Luther to the Pope Luther to the Vicar-general Rovera to the Elector Sermon on Excommunication Influence and Strength of Luther CHAPTER -Diet at Augsburg The Emperor to the Pope The Elector to Rovera Luther summoned to Rome Luthers Peace Intercession of the University Papal Brief Luthers Indignation The Pope to the Elector CHAPTER -The Armorer Schwartzerd His Wife Philip His Genius and Studies The Bible Call to Wittenberg Melancthons Departure and Journey Leipsic Mistake Luthers Joy Parallel Revolution in Education Study of Greek CHAPTER -Sentiments of Luther and Staupitz Summons to appear Alarm and Courage The Elector with the Legate Departure for Augsburg Sojourn at Weimar Nuremberg Arrival at Augsburg CHAPTER -De Vio His Character Serra Longa Preliminary Conversation Visit of the Councillors Return of Serra Longa The Prior Luthers Discretion Luther and Serra Longa the Safe-conduct Luther to Melancthon CHAPTER -First Appearance First Words Conditions of Rome Propositions to be retracted Luthers Answer He withdraws Impression on both Parties Arrival of Staupitz CHAPTER -Second Interview Luthers Declaration The Legates Answer His Volubility Luthers Request CHAPTER -Second Interview Treasure of Indulgences Faith Humble Petition Legates Reply Luthers Answer The Legates Anger Luther withdraws First Defection CHAPTER -De Vio and Staupitz Staupitz and Luther Luther to Spalatin Luther to Carlstadt The Communion Link and De Vio Departure of Link and Staupitz Luther to Cajetan Cardinals Silence Luthers Farewell Departure Appeal to Rome CHAPTER -Luthers Flight Admiration Luthers Desire The Legate to the Elector The Elector to the Legate Prosperity of the University CHAPTER -Thoughts on Departure Farewell to the Church Critical Moment Deliverance Luthers Courage Dissatisfaction at Rome Bull Appeal to a Council GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - HISTORY REFORMATION INDEX & SEARCH
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