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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Aaron, brother of Moses, 486, 487. Abba, same as Father, 381; St. Paul uses both words, 532. Abraham, seed of, faithful Christians also, 148, 149, 627; servant's hand under his thigh, 149, 334; poor in midst of riches, 410. Absalom, David's son, 4, 5; type of Judas the traitor, 4, 20. Absolution granted by the Church, 500. Abyss, or deep, of God's judgments, 88; of man's heart, 136. Accuser, the devil the great, false, 328; false accusers entangled, 221, See Devil. Adam, transgression of, 16; type of Christ, 131; meaning of name, 474. Advent, day of second, not known, 15. See Christ and Judgment. Adversity. See Tribulation. Æman, i.e. Heman, the Israelite, 424. Æthan, 429. Ahithophel, 20. Almsgiving, one of the wings of prayer, 140; the Lord requires it, 171; poor can give alms, 605; a fixed sum to be set aside, 668. Altar of God, who only can approach it, 139. Ammon, 398. Angels, ministered to Christ, 227; the redeemed equal to, 259; abode of, 415; bodies of, 416; greatness of, 472; food of, 625; office or function, 627. Angels, rebel, fell through pride, 591. Anger, definition of, 16; anger of God, 382, 399; terribleness of His anger, 443. Anointed, 151, 622. See Christ. Ant as an example, 137. Antichrist, "that Wicked," 532; Jews deceived by, 532. Apollinarians, 411. Apostles, the twelve, wrought miracles, 272; designated as rams, 335; number of a mystery, 421; words of, reached unto end of the world, 430; anointed by the Holy Spirit, 623. Arians and Arian heresy, 217, 297, 592, 615. Aristotle the philosopher, 640. Ark of Noah, type of the Church, 421. Asaph, 334, 335, 348, 367, 386. Ashes, mark of penitence, 497. Assur, 398. Assyrians, 386. Augustin on lying, 13; anxious to be understood, 99, 285; alludes to Sermon on the Ten Plagues, etc., 375; relations to the See of Rome, 591. Aurelius, 467. Avarice. See Covetousness. Babes, to be fed with milk, 217; afterwards with bread, 615. Babylon, means "confusion," 268, 604; type of captivity of Christians, 604. Baptism, passage through the Red Sea type of, 392, 533; for remission of sins, 192; laver of regeneration, 367; why the Lord Jesus was baptized, 450. Basilica of St. Peter, 152; Christian churches called basilicæ, 594. Basilisk, 451. Beauty, of Christ as God and man, 146, 148; of soul in confession, 472. Being, God alone absolute, 441, 442. Belief. See Faith. Benjamin, how applied to St. Paul, 296; meaning of name, 387. Birth, natural and spiritual, 231; natural, brings guilt from Adam, 192, 252, 253. Bishops, called "fathers" by the Church, 155; superintendents or guardians, 606; under the one chief Shepherd, 606, 607. Blasphemers, enemies of God, 455, 504, 665. Blessed, happiness of the, 423, 545. Blindness of mind and heart, 18; judicial punishment of sin, 308. Blood of Christ our propitiation, 613. See Christ. Body, human, four portions or elements of, 16; garment of the soul, 502. Bones in Body of the Lord, 81, 82, 496; the bone made in secret, 638. Bow, refers to the Scriptures, 25; bow of the wicked, 94. Bread for the soul the word of God, 99; bread of the heart, 176; Christ the Living Bread, 621. Building, Christians are God's, 498; built as stones in the Heavenly City, 593, 594. Cæcilianus, bishop of Carthage, 42. Cain, mark set on, 124, 241; built a city, 252; connection with Babylon, 268. Calling, of God's free grace, 15. Captivity of Christians typified by Babylon, 604. Carthage. See Tarshish. Catholic Church, 283, 473, 489, 501. Catholics, 228. Cedars of Libanus, the righteous like to, highly exalted, 456. Christ, the Mediator, 68; Angel of the great counsel, 75; Body of, 81; the seed of Abraham, 124; man, 162, 540; born of a Virgin, 193; Rock on which the Church is built, 249, 632; temptation of, 249; Lamb without spot, 265; food of angels, 372; descent into hell (hades), 427; Judge of the whole world, 474; flesh of our life, 485; the anointed one, the Messiah, 504, 622. See Incarnation. Christians, must suffer troubles in this world, 219, 310; persecuted, 342, 511, 610, 632. Church, inherits eternal life, 11; assailants of the, 39; Body of Christ, 81; Eve type of, 131; blessed, 166; works done out of, 401, 402; ark of Noah type of, 42; the city of God, 484; city of the saints, Catholic, 677. Circumcelliones, miscreants, 42, 218, 470, 622, 623. Cities, two opposed, Jerusalem and Babylon, 268. Clergy and clerks, 291. Commandments, God's, man of himself too weak to keep them, 561, 562; love, the mark of their breadth, 576. Confession, twofold, of sin and of praise, 27, 68, 155, 632, 633; benefit of, 70, 283; always needful, 490; of sins of ignorance and negligence, 528. Confirmation, 64. Conscience, an altar, 185; testimony of, 208. Consolation, in the desert of this world, 260; in hope, 604. Conversion, difficulty of, 17; work of God's grace, 323; must not be delayed, 497, 498. Core, or Korah, 132, 140, 155, 400. Country, the heavenly. See Jerusalem and The City of God. Covetousness, hateful to our Lord, 479; root of all evils, 565. Creation, beauty of, 27; not to be preferred to the Creator, 389, 390. Cross of our Lord a key, 155; virtue hidden in, 247; mark of, on foreheads of Christians, 650. Crown, Christ's crown of thorns, 6. Cyprian, martyr, 92, 102, 418; table of, 391. Darkness, not made by God, but ordered by Him, 27; term used for rulers of this world, 79. David, "ecstasy" of, 68, 70; his sin and fall no warrant for other men to sin, 190; type of Christ, 209, 225; meekness of, 616, 617. Day of the Lord. See Advent and Judgment. Dead, do they know in Hades what transpires on earth? 538. Death, of the righteous and wicked, 78, 79; is certain, 117; definition of, 174. Degrees, songs of, 112; meaning of, 589, 596, 598; same in number as steps of the temple, 681. Deluge, ark of the Church refuge from, 67; of persecutions, 511. Denary, 545. Detraction, a stumbling-block to the weak, 188; must not seek revenge for, 537. Devil, the, fell through pride, 242; the tempter, 299; false accuser, 328; lion and dragon, 457; serpent, 517; persecuted Christ, persecutes His Church, 652; warfare between Christians and the devil, 654, 655. Dogs, use of the word, 295, 296. Donatists, schismatics, 42, 228, 470; claimed to be the only true Christians, 414, 473, 592, 640, 641, 670. Drunkenness, spiritual, so called. See Inebriation. Eagle, explanation of characteristics, 285, 506. Earth, God's saints on, 48; lower places of, meaning of, 262; God's footstool, 485; things of, cleave to Christians, 564. Eastertide, type of everlasting happiness, 545; follows Lent with praise and feasting, 673. Ecstasy of David, 68, 70; trance or transport of mind, 296, 555. Edom, or "earthly," 244; name for Esau, 631. Egypt, ten plagues of, and meaning, 375; land of Ham, 523; emblem of this world, 550. Endor, 399. Envy, defined, 524; entices to sin, 642; the devil the great envier, 642. Ephraim, meaning of name, 247, 386. Ephrata, 617. Epicurus, philosopher, 349; named "hog," 349; teaching of, 349. Episcopus. See Bishop. Epithalamia, 146. Esau, type of the proud, etc., 162; type of carnal men, 631. Eternity, eternal, meaning of, 3; our refuge, 442. Etham, 347. Ethiopia and Ethiopians, 298, 346. Eucharist, sacrament of the, how spoken of, 75; for rich and poor alike, 169; mystery of eating and drinking in, 485, 486. See Sacraments. Eunomians, 297. Eve, type of the Church, 131, 607, 608; our flesh compared to, 170. Evil, sent on men in just judgment, 80; bodily, comes on good and bad alike, 384. Examples, effect of, 589, 590, 643. Exultation of the just, 209; in the Lord, 467, 468; exult with fear, 679. Eye of God on those who look to Him, 71; wantonness of eyes condemned, 190; eye of the flesh, 480, and of the heart, 480; eyes of Christ's Body, the Church, 426. Ezekiel, prophet, song of, Ps. lxv., 267. Face of God, meaning of expression, 44, 286, 298. Faith, path to knowledge, 29; of the fathers same as ours, 195; in Christ cleanses, 438; necessary to reconciliation, 522. Faithful, the, God's tabernacle on earth, 134, 606. Fasting, one of the wings of prayer, 140, 423; fast of Lent enjoined in Old Testament and by our Lord, 545; of Christ, 304; on heathen festal days, 484. Father, the, first Person in the Blessed Trinity, 301, 289; Abba, 381. Fear of God a safeguard, 13; two kinds of fear, chaste and servile, 55; Christians need have no fear, 64; fear of damnation, 170; flight of the mind, 286; Christ our Lord's death changed fear to love, 451; one of the leaves of the door of the heart, 649; in working out our salvation, 653. Felix the martyr, sermon on, 609. Field, God's field, the world, 677. Finger of God, refers to the Holy Ghost, 29; fingers for the Body of Christ's warfare, 654. Fire, purging or cleansing, 103; destroying, 103; of God's judgment, 180; used for affliction, 278; used in exorcism before Baptism, 278. Flesh, lust of the, 32; fleshly desires, 64; infirmity of the, 129; resurrection of the, 196, 259; all flesh, how to come to God, 269; frailty of the, inherited from Adam, 406. Food of men and angels, even the Incarnate Lord, 625. Forgiveness, on confession and amendment, 193; promised, to prevent despair, 498; of others, so as to obtain mercy, 547. Foundation, our, is Christ, 510, 594. Free will, man punished because he sins through, 498; gift of God, 545; divine grace needed to enable man to serve God, 579; man has free will, 637. Friendship, danger of worldly, 631. Fulgentius, 91. Gaiuseius, 646. Gehenna. See Hell. Generation, of generations, 329, 502; years of a, 521. Gentiles, called in, 478; vast numbers of, in the Church, 626. Getulia, 675. Giant, the Lord termed Giant of giants, 427. Gideon, fleece of, 158, 329, 634; and three hundred that lapped, 295. God, finger of, 29; attributes of, 35, 141, 150, 184, 240, 353, 502, 557; in three Persons, 195; anger of, 383, 399; face of, 44, 286, 298; to be loved for His own sake, 223, 341; repentance of, 531; workmanship of, in Christ, 653. Gods, use of term in Scripture, 178, 478, 479. Good, God alone truly so, 557; good and bad in the Church militant, 166, 167, 489, 590, 591; good gifts of God, 87; good gifts of Heavenly Jerusalem, 270. Gospel, good news of salvation, 531, 532; preachers of the, to be supported, 513; Gospels four in number, 635. Grace of God, leads to confession, 117; in Christ abundantly, 147, 148; all good comes through, 287; virtue of the Sacraments, 367. Groaning, of heart and flesh, 106; of God's servant, 107. Hagarenes, 398. Haggai the prophet, 546, 547, 679. Hail in Egypt, meaning of, 375. Halleluia, meaning of double, 532; song of the future life, 673. Hand, right, used for preference, 538; safety in God's right hand, 635. Hands, lifted up in prayer, 261; of the Lord Jesus stretched out on the cross, 427. Happiness of this world, not promised by the Lord, 93; a dream, 339, 340; a pitfall for the ungodly, 463; checkered with trials, 465. Hatred, God's, in what it consists, 12; hating wrongfully a dangerous temptation, 110; is darkness and death, 211. Head of the Church is Christ, 642; head of the ungodly the devil, 642. Heart, the, an abyss, 136; wings of, faith, hope, and charity, 401; should be in heaven, 452; straight heart and wicked heart, 493; the two leaves of, 649. Heaven, used for books of both Testaments, 29; foundation of what, 396; how to be bought, 466; heaven of heavens, 502; figure of God's mercy, 501; all holy souls, 596. Hell (Hades), place of waiting before the judgment, Lazarus in Paradise, 17; Rich man in Gehenna, 17; upper and lower, 415, 416; no escape in Hades from God's presence, 637. Heresies, why allowed, 26; like torrents, 233. Heretics, false prophets, 23; names of, 217, 297, 645; characteristics of, 367, 615, 669. Herod, slaughter of the innocents by, 165. Hippolytus, 70. Holocaust, 184, 197, 279, 633. Holy Ghost, finger of God, 29, 451; came down at Pentecost, 157, 451; sword of the Lord, 457; sevenfold operations of, 681. Hope, in God, 35, 121, 614; of immortality, 519; comforted by, in our pilgrimage, 604, 660, 663. Humble, the, praise God, 73; God gives grace to, 534, 535; God exalts, 549. Humility, road to life, 49; of the publican, 126; commended, 77, 117, 371, 518; our strength, 457; of the Lord Christ, 607. Hymns, sung in churches, 143; songs of praise, 333; of God's saints, 677. Idithun, 112, 117, 119, 251, 254; to whom applied, 360. Idols and Idolatry, refutation of, 477, 478; rage of idolaters against Kingdom of Christ, 483; madness of idol worshippers, 632. Image of God in soul of man, 140, 177. Incarnation of Christ, 146; born of a Virgin, 193; the Word and flesh, i.e. God and man, 540. See Christ. Inebriation, so called, spiritual, effects of, 2, 89; refreshing the people of God, 272. Inheritance, Christians co-heirs with the Lord, 178; of Old Testament in contrast with that of the New, 292. Innocence, to be kept with care, 102; of heart, 380; righteousness included in, 492. Innocents, murdered by Herod, crowned by Christ, 165. Intercession of Moses, power of, 529. Ishmaelites, 398; type of worldly seeking Christians, 590. Israel, "seeing God," 356; Christians called by this name, 550. Jacob, meaning of his two names, 369; Jacob and Esau, two nations, 437, 631. See Esau. Jannes and Jambres, 96. Jebus and Jebusites, 268. Jerusalem, 36, 268; Jerusalem and Babylon, the world and the Church, contrasted, 252; same as Sion, 268; the Heavenly Jerusalem, 414, 593. Jews, caused the Lord's crucifixion, 264; judicially blinded, 308; named from Judah, 355; how superior to other nations, 408, 468; many converted, 461; convicted by the resurrection of the Lord, 618. Job, a pattern to Christians, 224; answer of, to his wife, 224; holy Job, 281; tempted by the devil by God's permission, 446. John the Baptist, a burning light, 622; boldness of, 648; killed by Herod, 648. Jonadab, 315. Jordan, land of, 135; figure of baptism, 135. Joseph, husband of Virgin Mary, 381. Joseph, the patriarch, 386; a type of Christ, 392, 522. Joy, of the saints in the Church, 293; joy in God, 406; coupled with fear, 415; impure joy, 604; in tribulation, 639. Judas Iscariot, case of, 538, 539; bag entrusted to, 668; in Hades, 538. Judge, God judges His people, 63; our Lord as Son of man, Judge at the last day, 179, 351, 474. Judgment, day of last, 15, 91, 148, 442, 474; God's judgments a great deep, 136; Christ's assessors at the judgment, 181; temporal judgments a warning, 246. Julian the apostate, 602. Justice, twofold, 562; God's, combined with mercy, 491, 507. Justification, of the ungodly, 22, 545; God's free gift, 240; precedes good works, 545. See Confession, Faith, Grace. Kingdom of heaven, in this world, 197; how to be bought, 547. See Babylon and Jerusalem. King, Christ our anointed. See Christ. Kishon, 399. Knowledge, distinguished from wisdom, 629; accompanied by charity and humility. See God. Lamb, Christ the immaculate, 265. Land of the living, kingdom of the saints, 101; land of the dying, 101; land of where all is forgotten, 428. Law, written and unwritten, 1; of Moses promises temporal rewards mostly, 445; Gospels, law of faith and love, 564, 577; threefold, given in Paradise, implanted by nature, written in letters, 580. Lazarus and Rich Man in the parable, 17, 78, 94, 173, 416. Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary, raised from the dead, 500. Lent, type of misery of life, 545, 673. Lies and liars, hateful to God, 12, 31; some rather lax views of Augustin's as to, 12; toil of lying, 643. Life, considered as twofold, of the flesh and of the spirit, 16, 323; our true life is love, 211; old and new, 445; sickness and death, 505, 662; in hope of eternal life, 519. See Death and Eternity. Light, Christ the light of God, 139; two kinds, i.e. of the sun and of God, 479; rising before light, meaning of, 607. Lion, type of what, 188, 189, 227, 516. Lot, daughters of, 247; children of, 398. Love, foot of the soul, 37; our root, 174; Holy Spirit's love shed abroad in our hearts, 291; wings of the two commandments of the new law, 291; all good works summed up in, 445; God loves us always, 452; law of the City of God, 484; exceeding broad commandment, 576; strong as death, 595. Lust, depraved love, 37; burning fire, 234; lust and fear, causes of all sins, 389. Luxury a slippery way, 80. Man, old and new, 16; consists of soul and flesh, 105; made in image of God, 498; created in and fallen in Adam, 571, 572. See Adam and Christ. Manes and Manichees, heretics, 297, 645, 667. Martyrs, and their persecutors, 42; sermon on Feast of the Martyrs, 128-132; case of, when exposed, 248; spirits of, in Paradise, 382; "the bones" of, 647. Mary the Virgin, 54, 55, 83, 146. Maximianists, heretics, 212, 218. Members of the body. See Christ and the Church. Mercy, greatness of God's, 150; joined with truth, 434; every man needs mercy of God, 491; works of, commended, 474, 547, 654. Merit, our calling and election not of, 15; no merit in man, 189, 410; grace not given on account of, 513. See Grace and Works. Midian, Madian, 398. Ministers of the Gospel, unworthiness of, no bar to God's grace, 42, 43. Monasteries, 439. Monks, evil lives of some, 490; why so called, 623; Ps. cxxxiii. in defence of, 622-624. Moon, used in various applications in Scripture, 41, 329, 515; as to origin of light of, 41. Moses, man of God, prayer of, Ps. xc., 441-446; a priest, 486; God's ways made known to, 507; books of, how typified, 321, 654; punishment of, 486, 487. Mouth, of God, His revelations, 562; what comes out of, from the heart, 604, 633; door of restraint needed for, 645. Mysteries, the great, of God, 640, 641. Name, of Christ, knowledge of Him, 484; of God, "I Am," 502. See God. Necessity mother of all employments, 402. Neighbor, every man our neighbor, 48. See Love. Night, type of wickedness, lying, etc., 12; type of life here, 361, 494, 569, 638. North, what it represents, 165. Numbers, mystical meanings of, 15, 16, 181. Obedience, parents to be obeyed, 315; road to knowledge, 577; even wicked masters have right to, 602. Oil, used for spiritual joy, 60; for the Holy Spirit, 540; "oil of a sinner" flattery, 646. Onagers, 512. Organ, instrument of music, mystically used for the saints, 682. Orphans, God the protector of, 39, 664. Pagans, blamed Christians for all misfortunes which occurred, 390; cowards compared with Christian martyrs, 647. Pannonia, 271. Parable, i.e. comparison or similitude, 304, 366. Paradise referred to, 95, 382, 580. Pardon. See Forgiveness. Parents, to be obeyed, and when not, 315; sins of, visited on children, 538. Passion, our Lord's, described in Ps. lxix., 300; teaches us to look for eternal, not temporal, good, 444; suffering of Christ's Body, the Church, 251. Patience, a gift of God, 254; the patience of Christ, 417. Patriarchs, called "Christs," 522. Paul, the Apostle, conversion of, 149; greatest of sinners, pattern of the grace of God, 315, 672; in what sense to occupy a throne of judgment at the last day, 42l. Peace, to be found only in part in this life, 77; exhortations to peace in the Church, 591, 603, 677; Christ is peace, 603; Christ the true peacemaker, 606. Pelagius, heretic, 241. Penitential Psalms, seven, 15. Perfect, the, repay not evil, 21; none really perfect, 116; an example to other Christians, 121; to be judges with the Lord at last day, 449. Perpetua, martyr, 168. Persecution, three kinds endured by the Church, 39; great persecutions inflicted on the Church, 448; why God permits persecution, 449; persecutors almost extinct through the Church's prayers, 484. Peter the Apostle, threefold denial of the Lord, and threefold confession, 128; monument of, in Rome, 152; chief among the Apostles, 536; remembered in Rome, 647. Pharisees, pride and outward purity of, 493. Philosophers, pagan, some hold the soul to be immortal, but all rejected the resurrection, 437. Photinus, heretic, 297. Physician, Christ the true, 90. Plato the philosopher, 646. Pleasure of the flesh, 31; compared to mire, 549. See Lust. Possession, God ours, and we God's, 663. Powers of this world signified by mountains, 157; obedience due to the powers that be, 602. Praise of God man's chief work, 148; manifest grounds for, 196; everlasting employment of the blessed, 402; prayer and praise, 520, 545; God's works praise Him, 659, 674. Prayer, two kinds, outward and inward, 107; two wings of, 140, 423; perseverance in, 280; the Lord Jesus prays for us and in us, and is prayed to by us, 410; the Lord's Prayer pattern of all prayer, 652. Predestination, secret with God, 671, 680. Pride, deadly sin, 32, 56; pride of the devil, 242; pride of Adam and his race, 324; mother of envy, 493. Priest, Christ our Priest and Sacrifice, 623. See Christ and Sacrifice. Primacy of Peter, 536. Promises of Old and New Testaments not the same, 342; fulfilled, an earnest of those not fulfilled, 660. Prophets, foretell the future, 80, 142; Christ speaks in the, 635, 651; heretics false prophets, 23. Propitiation. See Sacrifice. Proselytes, 664. Prosperity, perils of, 190; not the lot of Christians in this world, 207; does not make men happy, 638; Christians must not be lifted up by, nor depressed by adversity, 638. See Job. Providence of God, over all, 663; sin of not believing in, 653. Psalms, though one book, divided into five books, 681. Psaltery, 229; mystical meaning of, 678. Punishment of the wicked, 234; how angels are employed in punishing, 376, 377. Pythagoras, philosopher, 513, 646. Redemption by and through Christ, 505. See Christ and Sacrifice. Repent, in what sense God is said to repent, 531, 619. Resurrection, the Christian's faith in, 501; rejected by heathen philosophers, 437; our hope of, 614; the resurrection-body, 654. Righteous, delivered by God out of trouble, 77; blessing on, 98; sure of rest at the last, rejoice in hope, 609. See Grace, Prosperity, Tribulation. Righteousness, beauty of, 270; God's gift, 316; summed up in innocence, 492. See Justification. Rome, curies or tribes in ancient, 594; Peter and Paul remembered in, 647. Sabbath, type of everlasting rest, 103; Christian sabbath in the heart or good conscience, 453. Sabellius, heresy of, 11, 297. Sacraments, difference between Old and New Testament sacraments, 342; result when administered by ungodly men, 640; chief means of binding up bruises of heart, 666. Sacrifice, of repentance, 9; of praise, 183; of righteousness, 196; love the fire of our sacrifices, 224; of humility, 615; our Lord's sacrifice a pure offering, 678. See Christ. Saints, supposed to be represented by number of fishes in the nets, 181; in Paradise, interceding for the living, 418; differ in glory in heaven, 688. See Righteous and Good. Salvation, Christ our, 90, 621; Christ salvation of God, 588; of free grace, 652. See Grace. Saul, king of the Jews, 50; Saul, i.e. Paul the Apostle, 316. See Paul. Schism and schismatics, 216, 218. See Donatists. Scripture, both difficult and clear passages in, 43; remedy for sick souls, 91; mysteries in, 459, 667; all written for Christ, 634. Septuagint version, 427. Sinai, Mount, meaning of name, 288, 293. Sin, Sinners, must be punished, 150, 239; Christ alone without sin, 192; original sin washed away in baptism, 192, 252, 253; all men sinners, 436, 560, 645. See Baptism. Sion the fatherland, same as Jerusalem, 268; type of the Church militant, 500; the true heavenly Sion, 620. Son of God, same substance as the Father, 301. See Christ. Songs of Degrees. See Degrees. Soul, bread of the Word of truth, 260; nature of the, 528, 529, 662; love the virtue of, 510; by faith and hope is in Christ, 631; made in image of God, 668. See Salvation, Body, Image of God. Spirit, Holy. See Holy Ghost. Suffering. See Tribulation. Swearing, forbidden to men, 430; what God hath sworn will surely happen, 620. Synagogue, the murderer of the Lord, 335, yet out of it came forth Saul, or Paul, the great Apostle, 335. Syria, 245. Tarshish, supposed by some to be Tarsus in Cilicia, by others to be Carthage, 166. Temple of God, the beauty of righteousness, 270; how man is a part of, 596; heathen temples closed in Augustin's time, 637. Temptation, of the Lord threefold, 32; sets forth three classes of man's temptation, 32; can be overcome only by God's help, 442; assails Christians after remission of sins in baptism, 504. See Devil. Testament, Old prefigured by New, 405; Old revealed in New, New revealed in Old, 531. See Promises. Three Children, Song of the, 77, 674. Time, our time very short here, 93, 94; six times or periods of history, 457; of mercy and judgment, 491; two times of Christ, humiliation and majesty, 544. See Mercy and Judgment. Tongue, dispersion of tongues, 213; deceitful tongue, 589; Christian's tongue the Song of Jerusalem, 631. Tribulation, Christ delivers His people in, 145; greatest, is an evil conscience, 156; strengthens us, 313; profitable to us, 186; accompanies us all through life, 361. See Grace and Prayer. Trinity, one God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 11; Sabellian heresy concerning, 11; different errors concerning, 297, 298; three Persons, one Substance, 301, 629. Truth, alone makes blessed, 9; to be overcome by, is glorious, 235; joined with mercy, 434; must strive for, unto death, 575; lying is toilsome, truth easy, 643. See Mercy and Augustin. Ungodly, compared to grass, 174; flourish for a time, perish for ever, 208; miserable, though apparently happy, 336. Unity of the Catholic Church, 328, 501, 591; unity recommended, 677. See Church. Virginity, 451, 452; parable of five virgins, lessons in, 670. White Mass, 660. Word of God, Christ Jesus, 502; godhead and manhood inseparable, 6; became flesh so as to be man's food, 372; the written word is bread of the righteous, 99; a well of life to the receiver, 347; was heard read standing, 402. Works, love the root, good works the fruit, 199, 200; faith works by love, 445. See Grace, Justification, Righteousness. World, Christ sends both fire and sword into, 245; six ages of the, 456; Christians must use, not serve, the world, 474. Zechariah the prophet, 546, 547, 676.
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