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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures 3098 of the true, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the High Priest entereth into the Holy Place every year with blood of others, for then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world. But now, once, 3099
[1.] The Jews greatly prided themselves on the temple and the tabernacle. Wherefore they said, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord. ( Jer. vii. 4 .) For nowhere else in the earth was such a temple constructed as this, either for costliness, or beauty, or anything else. For God who ordained it, commanded that it should be made with great magnificence, because they also were more attracted and urged on by material things. For it had bricks of gold in the walls; and any one who wishes may learn this in the second [book] of Kings, and in Ezekiel, and how many talents of gold were then expended. But the second [temple] was a more glorious building, both on account of its beauty, and in all other respects. Nor was it reverenced for this reason only, but also from its being One. For they were wont to resort thither from the uttermost parts of the earth, whether from Babylon or from Ethiopia. And Luke shows this when he says in the Acts: There were dwelling there Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, in Judea and
Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene. ( What then does Paul do? What [he did] in regard to the sacrifices, that also he does here. For as there he set against [them] the death of Christ, so here also he sets the whole heaven against the temple. [2.] And not by this alone did he point out the difference, but also by adding that The Priest is nearer to God: for he says, to appear in the presence 3101
Seest thou that condescension through the lowly things have been said throughout? Why dost thou then any longer wonder that He intercedes there, where He places Himself as a High Priest? Nor yet, that He should offer Himself often, as the High Priest. For Christ is not entered into the Holy Places made with hands (he says) which are the figures 3102 of the True. (These then are true; and those are figures, 3103
What sayest thou? He who is everywhere present, and who filleth all things, doth not He appear 3105
To appear, he says, in the presence of God for us. What is for us? He went up (he means) with a sacrifice which had power to propitiate the Father. Wherefore (tell me)? Was He an enemy? The angels were enemies, He was not an enemy. For that the Angels were enemies, hear what he says, He made peace as to things on earth and things in Heaven. 3106
[3.] Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the High Priest entereth into the Holy place every year with blood of others. Seest Thou how many are the differences? The often for the once; the blood of others, for His own. 3107
In this place he has also veiled over 3108
[4.] ( Ver. 27 ) And as it is appointed 3109 unto men once to die, but after this, the Judgment. He next says also why He died once [only]: because He became a ransom by one death. It had been appointed (he says) unto men once to die. This then is [the meaning of] He died once, 3110
Ver. 28 . So Christ was once 3112 offered. By whom offered? evidently by Himself. Here he says that He is not Priest only, but Victim also, and what is sacrificed. 3113
And what is [the meaning of] He bare the sins? Just as in the Oblation we bear up our sins and say, Whether we have sinned voluntarily or involuntarily, do Thou forgive, 3116
Unto them that look for Him shall He appear (he says) the second time without sin unto salvation. What is without sin? it is as much as to say, He sinneth not. For neither did He die as owing the debt of death, nor yet because of sin. But how shall He appear? To punish, you say. He did not however say this, but what was cheering; shall He appear unto them that look for Him, without sin unto salvation. So that for the time to come they no longer need sacrifices to save themselves, but to do this by deeds. [5.] ( Chap. x. 1 .) For (he says) the Law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things; i.e. not the very reality. For as in painting, so long as one [only] draws the outlines, it is a sort of shadow but when one has added the bright paints and laid in the colors, then it becomes an image. Something of this kind also was the Law. For (he says) the Law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things, i.e. of the sacrifice, of the remission: can never by those sacrifices 3118
Thou seest again the superabundance [of his proofs]? This sacrifice (he says) is one; whereas the others were many: therefore they had no strength, because they were many. For, tell me, what need of many, if one had been sufficient? so that their being many, and offered continually, proves that they [the worshipers] were never made clean. For as a medicine, when it is powerful and productive of health, and able to remove the disease entirely, effects all after one application; as, therefore, if being once applied it accomplishes the whole, it proves its own strength in being no more applied, and this is its business, to be no more applied; whereas if it is applied continually, this is a plain proof of its not having strength. For it is the excellence of a medicine to be applied once, and not often. So is it in this case also. Why forsooth are they continually cured with the same sacrifices? For if they were set free from all their sins, the sacrifices would not have gone on being offered every day. For they had been appointed to be continually offered in behalf of the whole people, both in the evening and in the day. So that there was an arraignment of sins, and not a release from sins; an arraignment of weakness, not an exhibition of strength. For because the first had no strength, another also was offered: and since this effected nothing, again another; so that it was an evidence of sins. The offering indeed then, was an evidence of sins, the continually, an evidence of weakness. But with regard to Christ, it was the contrary: He was once offered. The types 3120
What is, He hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself? 3121 sin has no longer any boldness; for it is made of no effect in that when it ought to have demanded 3122
He hath appeared by the sacrifice of Himself (he says), that is, He hath appeared, unto God, and drawn near [unto Him]. For do not [think] because the High Priest was wont to do this oftentimes in the year.… 3123
[6.] What then? do not we offer every day? We offer indeed, but making a remembrance of His death, and this 3124
[7.] But since I have mentioned this sacrifice, I wish to say a little in reference to you who have been initiated; little in quantity, but possessing great force and profit, for it is not our own, but the words of Divine Spirit . What then is it? Many partake of this sacrifice once in the whole year, others twice; others many times. Our word then is to all; not to those only who are here, but to those also who are settled in the desert. 3130
What then? which shall we approve? those [who receive] once [in the year]? those who [receive] many times? those who [receive] few times? Neither those [who receive] once, nor those [who receive] often, nor those [who receive] seldom, but those [who come] with a pure conscience, from a pure heart, with an irreproachable life. Let such draw near continually; but those who are not such, not even once. Why, you will ask? Because they receive to themselves judgment, yea and condemnation, and punishment, and vengeance. And do not wonder. For as food, nourishing by nature, if received by a person without appetite, ruins and corrupts all [the system], and becomes an occasion of disease, so surely is it also with respect to the awful mysteries. Dost thou feast at a spiritual table, a royal table, and again pollute thy mouth with mire? Dost thou anoint thyself with sweet ointment, and again fill thyself with ill savors? Tell me, I beseech thee, when after a year thou partakest of the Communion, dost thou think that the Forty Days 3131
These things I say, not as forbidding you the one and annual coming, but as wishing you to draw near continually. [8.] These things have been given to the holy. This the Deacon also proclaims when he calls on the holy; 3132
Thou canst not say, ‘I did not know, I was not aware that danger attends the matter.' Nay surely Paul too especially testified this. But wilt thou say, ‘I never read it'? This is not an apology, but even an accusation. Dost thou come into the Church every day and yet art ignorant of this? However, that thou mayest not have even this excuse to offer, for this cause, with a loud voice, with an awful cry, like some herald lifting up his hand on high, standing aloft, conspicuous to all, and after that awful silence crying out aloud, he invites some, and some he forbids, not doing this with his hand, but with his tongue more distinctly than with his hand. For that voice, falling on our ears, just like a hand, thrusts away and casts out some, and introduces and presents others. Tell me then, I beseech [you], in the Olympic games does not the herald stand, calling out with loud and uplifted voice, saying, Does any one accuse this man? Is he a slave? Is he a thief? Is he one of wicked manners? And yet, those contests for prizes are not of the soul nor yet of good morals, but of strength and the body. If then where there is exercise of bodies, much examination is made about character, how much rather here, where the soul is alone the combatant. Our herald then even now stands, not holding each person by the head, and drawing him forward, but holding all together by the head within; he does not set against them other accusers, but themselves against themselves. For he says not, Does any one accuse this man? but what? If any man accuse himself. For when he says, The Holy things for the holy, he means this: If any is not holy, let him not draw near. He does not simply say, free from sins, but, holy. For it is not merely freedom from sins which makes a man holy, but also the presence of the Spirit, and the wealth of good works. I do not merely wish (he says) that you should be delivered from the mire, but also that you should be bright and beautiful. For if the Babylonian King, when he made choice of the youths from the captives, chose out those who were beautiful in form, and of fair countenance: much more is it needful that we, when we stand by the royal table, should be beautiful in form, [I mean] that of the soul, having adornment of gold, our robe pure, our shoes royal, the face of our soul well-formed, the golden ornament put around it, even the girdle of truth. Let such an one as this draw near, and touch the royal cups. But if any man clothed in rags, filthy, squalid, wish to enter in to the royal table, consider how much he will suffer, the forty days not being sufficient to wash away the offenses which have been committed in all the time. For if hell is not sufficient, although it be eternal (for therefore also it is eternal), much more this short time. For we have not shown a strong repentance, but a weak. [9.] Eunuchs especially ought to stand by the King: by eunuchs, I mean those who are clear in their mind, having no wrinkle nor spot, lofty in mind, having the eye of the soul gentle and quick-sighted, active and sharp, not sleepy nor supine; full of much freedom, and yet far from impudence and overboldness, wakeful, healthful, neither very gloomy and downcast, nor yet dissolute and soft. This eye we have it in our own power to create, and to make it quicksighted and beautiful. For when we direct it, not to the smoke nor to the dust (for such are all human things), but to the delicate breeze, to the light air, to things heavenly and high, and full of much calmness and purity, and of much delight, we shall speedily restore it, and shall invigorate it, as it luxuriates in such contemplation. Hast thou seen covetousness and great wealth? do not thou lift up thine eye thereto. The thing is mire, it is smoke, an evil vapor, darkness, and great distress and suffocating cares. Hast thou seen a man cultivating righteousness, content with his own, and having abundant space for recreation, having anxieties, not fixing his thoughts on things here? Set [thine eye] there, and lift [it] up on high; and thou wilt make it far the most beautiful, and more splendid, feasting it not with the flowers of the earth, but with those of virtue, with temperance, moderation, and all the rest. For nothing so troubles the eye as an evil conscience (Mine eye, it is said, was troubled by reason of anger— Ps. vi. 7 ); nothing so darkens it. Set it free from this injury, and thou wilt make it vigorous and strong, ever nourished with good hopes. And may we all make both it and also the other energies of the soul, such as Christ desires, that being made worthy of the Head who is set over us, we may depart thither where He wishes. For He saith, I will that where I am, they also may be with Me, that they may behold My glory. ( John xvii. 24 .) Which may we all enjoy in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom to the Father together with the Holy Ghost be glory, might, honor, now and for ever and world without end. Amen.
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