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| The Works of Philo that have come down to us. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XVIII.—The Works of Philo420
420 On
Philo’s works, see Schürer, Gesch. des jüd.
Volkes, II. p. 831 sqq. The best (though it leaves much to be
desired) complete edition of Philo’s works is that of Mangey: 2
vols., folio, London, 1742; English translation of Philo’s works
by Yonge, 4 vols., London, 1854–55. Upon Philo’s life, see
chaps. 4–6, above. Eusebius, in his Præp. Evang.,
quotes extensively from Philo’s works and preserves some
fragments of which we should otherwise be ignorant. | that have come down to
1. Copious in language, comprehensive in thought, sublime and
elevated in his views of divine Scripture, Philo has produced manifold
and various expositions of the sacred books. On the one hand, he
expounds in order the events recorded in Genesis in the books to which
he gives the title Allegories of the Sacred Laws;421
421 νόμων ἱερῶν
ἀλληγορίαι. This work is still extant, and, according to
Schürer, includes all the works contained in the first volume of
Mangey’s edition (except the De Opificio Mundi, upon which
see Schürer, p. 846 sqq. and note 11, below), comprising 16
different titles. The work forms the second great group of writings
upon the Pentateuch, and is a very full and allegorical commentary upon
Genesis, beginning with the second chapter and following it verse by
verse through the fourth chapter; but from that point on certain
passages are selected and treated at length under special titles, and
under those titles, in Schürer’s opinion, were published by
Philo as separate works, though really forming a part of one complete
whole. From this much confusion has resulted. Eusebius embraces all of
the works as far as the end of chap. 4 (including five titles in
Mangey) under the one general title, but from that point on he too
quotes separate works under special titles, but at the end (§5,
below) he unites them all as the “extant works on Genesis.”
Many portions of the commentary are now missing. Compare Schürer,
ibid. pp. 838–846. | on the other hand, he makes successive
divisions of the chapters in the Scriptures which are the subject of
investigation, and gives objections and solutions, in the books which
he quite suitably calls Questions and Answers on Genesis and
422 ζητήματα
καὶ λύσεις: Quaestiones et solutiones. According to
Schürer (ibid. p. 836 sq.), a comparatively brief
catechetical interpretation of the Pentateuch in the form of questions
and answers, embracing probably six books on Genesis and five on
Exodus, and forming the first great group of writings upon the
Pentateuch. So far as Eusebius seems to have known, they covered only
Genesis and Exodus, and this is all that we are sure of, though some
think that they included also the remainder of the Pentateuch. About
half of his work (four books on Genesis and two on Exodus) is extant in
an Armenian version (published by Aucher in 2 vols., Venet. 1822 and
’26, and in Latin by Ritter, vols. 6 and 7 of his edition of
Philo’s works); and numerous Latin and Greek fragments still
exist (see Schürer, p. 837 sqq.). |
2. There are, besides these,
treatises expressly worked out by him on certain subjects, such as the
two books On Agriculture,423
423 περὶ
δύο: De Agricultura duo
(so Jerome, de vir. ill. 11). Upon Genesis ix. 20, forming a
part (as do all the works mentioned in §§2–4 except
On the Three Virtues, and On the Unwritten Laws, which
belong to the third group of writings on the Pentateuch) of the large
commentary, νόμων ἱερῶν
ἀλληγορίαι, mentioned above (note 2). This work is still extant, and
is given by Mangey, I. 300–356, as two works with distinct
titles: περὶ
γεωργίας and περὶ
Νῶε τὸ
δεύτερον (Schürer, p. 843). | and the same
number On Drunkenness;424
424 περὶ μέθης
De ebrietate duo (so Jerome, ibid.). Upon Gen. ix.
Only the second book is extant (Mangey, I. 357–391), but from its
beginning it is plain that another book originally preceded it
(Schürer, p. 843). | and some others distinguished by different
titles corresponding to the contents of each; for instance,
Concerning the things which the Sober Mind desires and
425 περὶ ὧν
νήψας ὁ νοῦς
εὔχεται καὶ
καταρᾶται. Jerome, de vir. ill. 11, de his quæ sensu
precamur et detestamur. Upon Gen. ix. 24. Still extant,
and given by Mangey (I. 392–403), who, however, prints the work
under the title περὶ τοῦ
Νῶε: De Sobrietate;
though in two of the best mss. (according to
Mangey, I. 392, note) the title agrees closely with that given by
Eusebius (Schürer, p. 843). | On the Confusion of Tongues,426
426 περὶ
διαλέκτων. Upon Gen. xi. 1–9. Still extant, and
given by Mangey, I. 404–435 (Schürer, p. 844). | On Flight and Discovery,427
427 περὶ φυγῆς
εὑρέσεως. The same title is found in Johannes Monachus (Mangey, I. 546,
note), and it is probably correct, as the work treats of the flight and
the discovery of Hagar (Gen. xvi.
6–14). It is still extant and is given by Mangey (I. 546–577)
under the title περὶ
‘On Fugitives.’ The text of Eusebius in this place has been
very much corrupted. The reading which I give is supported by good
ms. authority, and is adopted by Valesius,
Stroth, and Laemmer. But Nicephorus reads περὶ φυγῆς
καὶ αἱρέσεως
καὶ ὁ περὶ
φύσεως καὶ
εὑρέσεως, which is also supported by ms.
authority, and is adopted by Burton, Schwegler, and Heinichen. But upon
comparing the title of the work, as given by Johannes Monachus and as
found in the various mss. of Philo, with the
contents of the work itself, there can be little doubt of the
correctness of the shorter reading. Of the second work, which the
longer reading introduces into the text of Eusebius, we have no
knowledge, and Philo can hardly have written it. Schürer, who
adopts the shorter reading, expresses himself very strongly (p. 845,
note 34). | On Assembly for the sake of
Instruction,428 On the
question, ‘Who is heir to things divine?’ or On the
division of things into equal and unequal,429
429 περὶ τε τοῦ,
τίς ὁ τῶν
θείων ἐστὶ
κληρονόμος, ἢ
περὶ τῆς εἰς
τὰ ἴσα καὶ
τομῆς. From this
double title Jerome (de vir. ill. 11) wrongly makes two works.
The writing is still extant, and is given by Mangey (I. 473–518)
under the title περὶ τοῦ τίς
ὁ τῶν θείων
(Schürer, 844). | and
still further the work On the three Virtues which with others have
been described by Moses.430
430 περὶ τῶν
τριῶν ἀρετῶν,
ἃς σὺν ἄλλαις
Μωυσῆς. This
work is still extant, and is given by Mangey under the title
τριῶν ἀρετῶν
ἤτοι περὶ
ἀνδρείας καὶ
ἀνδρείας, II. 375–383; περὶ
φιλανθρωπίας, II. 383–405; περὶ
μετανοίας, II. 405–407. Jerome gives the simple title De
tribus virtutibus liber unus.
According to
Schürer (p. 852 sqq.) it forms an appendix to the third great
group of works upon the Pentateuch, containing those laws which do not
belong to any one of the ten commandments in particular, but fall under
the head of general cardinal virtues. The third group, as Schürer
describes it (p. 846), aims to give for non-Jews a complete view of the
Mosaic legislation, and embraces, first, the work upon the Creation
(which in the mss. and editions of Philo is
wrongly placed at the beginning in connection with the great
Allegorical Commentary, and is thus included in that by Eusebius
in his list of Philo’s works, so that he does not make special
mention of it); second, the lives of great and good men, the living
unwritten law; and third, the Mosaic legislation proper (1. The ten
commandments; 2. The special laws connected with each of these); and
finally an appendix treating of certain cardinal virtues, and of reward
and punishments. This group is more historic and less allegoric than
the two others, which are rather esoteric and scientific. |
3. In addition to these is the
work On those whose Names have been changed and why they have been
431 περὶ τῶν
καὶ ὧν ἓνεκα
μετονομ€ζονται, De Mutatione nominum. Upon Gen. xvii.
1–22. This work is still extant, and is given by Mangey, I.
578–619. See Schürer, p. 485. | in which he says that he had written
also two books On Covenants.432
432 ἐν ᾧ
καὶ περι
πρῶτον καὶ
δεύτερον. Nearly all the mss., followed by some
of the editors, read πρώτης καὶ
δευτέρας, instead of πρῶτον καὶ
δεύτερον, thus making Eusebius mention a work “On the first and
second covenants,” instead of a first and second book “On
the covenants.” It is plain from Philo’s own reference to
the work (on p. 586 in Mangey’s ed.) that he wrote two books
“On covenants,” and not a work “On the two
covenants.” I have therefore felt warranted in reading with
Heinichen and some other editors πρῶτον καὶ
δεύτερον, a reading which is more natural in view of the absence of an
article with διαθηκῶν, and which is confirmed by Nicephorus Callistus. This
reading must be correct unless we are to suppose that Eusebius misread
Philo. Fabricius suggests that Eusebius probably wrote ὰ καὶ β', which the
copyists wrongly referred to the “covenants” instead of to
the number of the books, and hence gave the feminine instead of the
neuter form.
This work “On
covenants,” or “On the whole discussion concerning
covenants” (as Philo gives it), is now lost, as it was already in
the time of Eusebius; at least he knew of it only from Philo’s
reference to it. See Schürer, p. 845. |
4. And there is also a work of
his On Emigration,433
433 περὶ
ἀποικίας: De Migratione Abrahami. Upon Gen. xii.
1–6. The work is still extant, and is given by Mangey, I.
436–472. See Schürer, p. 844. | and one On the
life of a Wise Man made perfect in Righteousness, or On
unwritten Laws;434
434 βιοῦ σοφοῦ
τοῦ κατὰ
ἢ νόμων
(According to Schürer, δικαιοσύνην
here is a mistake for διδασκαλίαν, which is the true reading in the original title.) This
work, which is still extant, is given by Mangey, II. 1–40, under
the same title (διδασκαλίαν, however, instead of δικαιοσύνην), with the addition, ὁ ἐστὶ περὶ
De Abrahamo. It opens the second division of the third great
group of writings on the Pentateuch (see note 11, above): the
biographical division, mentioning Enos, Enoch and Noah, Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, but dealing chiefly with Abraham. The biographies of Isaac
and Jacob probably followed, but they are lost, and we have no trace of
them, so that the life of Joseph (see below, note 26) in the mss. follows directly upon that of Abraham
(Schürer, p. 848 sqq.). | and still further
the work On Giants or On the Immutability of God,435
435 περὶ
γιγ€ντων, ἢ
περὶ τοῦ μὴ
τρέπεσθαι τὸ
θεῖον. Upon
Gen. vi. 1–4 and
4–; 12. The two parts of this work, both of which are still extant, form
really but one book; for instance, Johannes Monachus (ineditus)
quotes from the latter part under the title περὶ
γιγ€ντων (according to Mangey, I. 262, note, and 272, note). But the two
are divided in Mangey’s edition, where the first is given under
the title περὶ
γιγ€ντων (I. 262–272), the second under the title ὅτι
ἄτρεπτον (I. 272–299). See Schürer, p. 843. The title is found
in the form given at the beginning of this note in all the mss. of Eusebius except two, which have καὶ instead
of ἤ, thus making
two separate works. This reading is adopted by Heinichen and by Closs,
but is poorly supported by ms. authority, and
since the two titles cover only one work, as already mentioned,
the ἤ is more
natural than the καὶ. | and a first, second, third, fourth and
fifth book On the proposition, that Dreams according to Moses are
sent by God.436
436 περὶ τε τοῦ
κατὰ Μωϋσέα
εἶναι τοὺς
κ.τ.λ. Two books are extant, the
first upon Gen. xxviii. 12 sqq. and
Gen. xxxi. 11 sqq. (given by Mangey, I. 620–658), the second
upon Gen. xxxvii. and
xl.–xli. (given by Mangey, I. 659–699). Jerome (de vir.
ill. 11) follows Eusebius in mentioning five books, and there is no
occasion to doubt the report. Schürer thinks that the two extant
books are the second and third of the original five (Schürer, 845
sqq.). | These are the
books on Genesis that have come down to us.
5. But on Exodus we are
acquainted with the first, second, third, fourth and fifth books of
Questions and Answers;437
437 ζητήματα
καὶ λύσεις; see above, note 3. Eusebius knew only five books upon
Exodus, and there is no reason to think there were any more. | also with that
On the Tabernacle,438
438 Philo wrote a work entitled περὶ βίου
Μωσέως: Vita
Mosis, which is still extant, but is not mentioned in the catalogue
of Eusebius. It contains a long description of the tabernacle, and
consequently Schürer concludes that the work mentioned here by
Eusebius (περὶ
τῆς σκήνης) represents that portion of the larger work. If this be the
case, it is possible that the section in the mss. used by Eusebius was detached from the rest of the
work and constituted an independent book. The omission of the title of
the larger work is doubtless due, as Schürer remarks, to the
imperfect transmission of the text of Eusebius’ catalogue. See
Schürer, p. 855. | and that On
the Ten Commandments,439
439 περὶ τῶν
λογίων: De
Decalogo. Still extant, and given by Mangey, II. 180–209.
Jerome has the condensed title de tabernaculo et decalogo libri
quattuor, and this introduces the third division of the third
general group of works upon the Pentateuch (see note 11, above), and,
according to Schürer, should be joined directly to the
πολιτικός, or Life of Joseph, and not separated from it by the
insertion of the Life of Moses (as is done by Mangey), which
does not belong to this group (Schürer, p. 849 sqq.). | and the four
books On
the laws which refer especially to the principal divisions of the ten
440 τὰ περὶ τῶν
ἐν εἴδει
νόμων εἰς τὰ
κεφ€λαια τῶν
δέκα λόγων,
α'β'γ'δ': De specialibus
legibus. A part of the third division of the third general group of
works (see note 11, above). It is still extant in four books, each with
a special title, and each containing many subdivisions. They are given
by Mangey: first book, II. 210–269, in seven parts: de
circumcisione, de monarchia Liber I., de monarchia Liber II., de
præmiis sacerdotum, de victimis, de sacrificantibus, or de
victimis offerentibus, de mercede meretricis non accipienda in
sacrarium; second book, 270–298, incomplete in Mangey, but
entire in Tischendorf’s Philonea, p. 1–83; third
book, 299–334; fourth book, 335–374: made up like the first
of a number of tracts on special subjects. Philo, in this work,
attempts to bring all the Mosaic laws into a system under the ten
rubrics of the decalogue: for instance, under the first two
commandments, the laws in regard to priests and sacrifices; under the
fourth, the laws in regard to the Sabbath, &c. See Schürer, p.
850 sqq. | and
another On animals intended for sacrifice and On the kinds of
441 περὶ τῶν εἰς
ζώων, καὶ
τίνα τὰ τῶν
εἴδη. This is really only
a portion of the first book of the work just mentioned, given in Mangey
under the title de victimis (II. 237–250). It is possible
that these various sections of books—or at least this
one—circulated separately, and that thus Eusebius took it for an
independent work. See Schürer, p. 851. | and another On the rewards fixed in
the law for the good, and on the punishments and curses fixed for the
442 περὶ τῶν
ἐν τῷ νόμω
τοῖς μὲν
ἄθλων, τοῖς
δὲ πονηροῖς
καὶ ἀρῶν,
still extant and given by Mangey (incorrectly as two separate works)
under the titles περὶ ἄθλων
ἐπιτιμίων, de præmiis et pœnis (II. 408–428),
and περὶ
ἀρῶν, de
execrationibus (II. 429–437). The writing forms a sort of
epilogue to the work upon the Mosaic legislation. Schürer, p.
854. |
6. In addition to all these
there are extant also some single-volumed works of his; as for
instance, the work On Providence,443
443 τὸ περὶ
προνοίας, De providentia. This work is extant only in an Armenian
version, and is published with a Latin translation by Aucher, Vol. I.
p. 1–121 (see above, note 3), and in Latin by Ritter (Vol.
VIII.). Two Greek fragments, one of considerable extent, are preserved
by Eusebius in his Præparatio Evang. VII. 21, and VIII. 14.
In the Armenian the work consists of two books, but the first is of
doubtful genuineness, and Eusebius seems to have known only one, for
both quotations in the Præp. Evang. are from the present
second book, and the work is cited in the singular, as also in the
present passage, where τὸ is to be read instead
of τὰ, though some mss. have the latter. The
work (which is not found in Mangey’s ed.) is one of Philo’s
separate works which does not fall under any of the three groups upon
the Pentateuch. | and the book composed by him On the
444 περὶ
᾽Ιουδαίων, which is doubtless to be identified with the ἡ ὑπὲρ
ἀπολογία, which is no longer extant, but which Eusebius mentions, and from
which he quotes in his Præp. Evang. VIII. 2. The fragment
given by Eusebius is printed by Mangey in Vol. II. p. 632–634,
and in Dähne’s opinion (Theol. Studien und Kritiken,
1883, p. 990) the two preceding fragments given by Mangey (p. 626 sqq.)
also belong to this Apology. The work entitled de
nobilitate (Mangey, II. 437–444) possibly formed a part of
the Apology. This is Dähne’s opinion (see
ibid. p. 990, 1037), with whom Schürer agrees. The
genuineness of the Apology is generally admitted, though it has
been disputed on insufficient grounds by Grätz (Gesch. der
Juden, III. p. 680, third ed.), who is followed by Hilgenfeld (in
the Zeitschrift für wiss. Theologie, 1832, p. 275 sq. and
in his Ketzergesch. des Urchristenthums, p. 87 sq.). This too,
like the preceding, was one of the separate works of Philo. See
Schürer, p. 861 sq. | and The Statesman;445
445 ὁ πολιτικός. Still extant, and given by Mangey (II. 41–79) under
the title βίος
ὅπερ ἐστὶ
᾽Ιωσήφ: De
Josepho. Photius, Bib. Cod. 103, gives the title
πολιτικοῦ. This forms a part of the second division of the third
great group upon the Pentateuch (see above, note 11), and follows
directly the Life of Abraham, the Lives of Isaac and Jacob probably
having fallen out (compare note 15, above). The work is intended to
show how the wise man should conduct himself in affairs of state or
political life. See Schürer, p. 849. | and still further, Alexander, or
On the possession of reason by the irrational animals.446
446 ὁ ᾽Αλέξανδρος
ἢ περὶ τοῦ
λόγου žχειν
τὰ ἄλογα
ζῶα, De Alexandro et quod
propriam rationem muta animalia habeant, as the title is given by
Jerome (de vir. ill. c. 11). The work is extant only in
Armenian, and is given by Aucher, I. p. 123–172, and in Latin by
Ritter, Vol. VII. Two short Greek fragments are also found in the
Florilegium of Leontius and Johannes, according to Schürer.
This book is also one of the separate works of Philo, and belongs to
his later writings. See Schürer, p. 860 sqq. | Besides these there is a work On the
proposition that every wicked man is a slave, to which is subjoined
the work On the proposition that every goad man is free.447
447 ὁ περὶ τοῦ
δοῦλον εἶναι
π€ντα φαῦλον,
ᾧ ἐξῆς ἐστιν
ὁ περὶ τοῦ
εἶναι. These two
works formed originally the two halves of a single work, in which the
subject was treated from its two sides,—the slavery of the wicked
man and the freedom of the good man. The first half is lost; but the
second half is extant, and is given by Mangey (II. 445–470). A
long fragment of the extant second half is given also by Eusebius, in
his Præp. Evang. VIII. 12. The genuineness of the work has
been disputed by some, but is defended with success by Lucius, Der
Essenismus, p. 13–23, Strasburg, 1881 (Schürer, p.
85). |
7. After these was composed by
him the work On the contemplative life, or On
448 See the preceding chapter; and on the work, see note 2 on that
chapter. | from which we
have drawn the facts concerning the life of the apostolic men; and
still further, the Interpretation of the Hebrew names in the law and
in the prophets are said to be the result of his industry.449
449 τῶν ἐν νόμῳ
δὲ και
ὀνομ€των αἱ
ἑρμηνεῖαι. The way in which Eusebius speaks of this work
λέγονται) shows that it lay before him as an anonymous work, which,
however, was “said to be the result of Philo’s
industry.” Jerome, too, in speaking of the same work (at the
beginning of his own work, De nominibus Hebraicis), says that,
according to the testimony of Origen, it was the work of Philo. For
Jerome, too, therefore, it was an anonymous work. This testimony of
Origen cannot, according to Schürer, be found in his extant works,
but in his Comment. in Joann. II. 27 (ed. Lommatzsch, I. 50) he
speaks of a work upon the same subject, the author of which he does not
know. The book therefore in view of the existing state of the tradition
in regard to it, is usually thought to be the work of some other writer
than Philo. In its original form it is no longer extant (and in the
absence of this original it is impossible to decide the question of
authorship), though there exist a number of works upon the same subject
which are probably based upon this lost original. Jerome, e.g., informs
us that his Liber de Nominibus Hebraicis (Migne, III. 771) is a
revision of it. See Schürer, p. 865 sq. |
8. And he is said to have read
in the presence of the whole Roman Senate during the reign of
450 “This report is very improbable, for a work full of hatred
to the Romans and of derogatory references to the emperor Caligula
could not have been read before the Roman Senate, especially when the
author was a Jew” (Closs). It is in fact quite unlikely that
Philo was in Rome during the reign of Claudius (see above, chap. 17,
note 1). The report given here by Eusebius owes its origin perhaps to
the imagination of some man who supposed that Philo was in Rome during
the reign of Claudius (on the ground of the other tradition already
referred to), and whose fancy led him to picture Philo as obtaining at
that time his revenge upon the emperor Caligula in this dramatic way.
It was not difficult to imagine that this bitterly sarcastic and vivid
work might have been intended for public reading, and it was an
attractive suggestion that the Senate might have constituted the
audience. | the work which he had written, when he
came to Rome under Caius, concerning Caius’ hatred of the gods,
and to which, with ironical reference to its character, he had given
the title On the Virtues.451
451 See
above, chap. 5, note 1. | And his
discourses were so much admired as to be deemed worthy of a place in
the libraries.
9. At this time, while Paul was
completing his journey “from Jerusalem and round about unto
Illyricum,”452 Claudius drove the
Jews out of Rome; and Aquila and Priscilla, leaving Rome with the other
Jews, came to Asia, and there abode with the apostle Paul, who was
confirming the churches of that region whose foundations he had newly laid.
The sacred book of the Acts informs us also of these things.453
453 See Acts xviii. 2, 18, 19 sqq. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH