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| He expounds the passage of the Gospel, “The Father judgeth no man,” and further speaks of the assumption of man with body and soul wrought by the Lord, of the transgression of Adam, and of death and the resurrection of the dead. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
§13. He expounds the
passage of the Gospel, “The Father judgeth no man,” and
further speaks of the assumption of man with body and soul wrought by
the Lord, of the transgression of Adam, and of death and the
resurrection of the dead.
Next he says, “He
legislates by the command of the Eternal God.” Who is the eternal
God? and who is He that ministers to Him in the giving of the Law? Thus
much is plain to all, that through Moses God appointed the Law to those
that received it. Now inasmuch as Eunomius himself acknowledges that it
was the only-begotten God Who held converse with Moses, how is it that
the assertion before us puts the Lord of all in the place of Moses, and
ascribes the character of the eternal God to the Father alone, so as,
by thus contrasting Him with the Eternal, to make out the only-begotten
God, the Maker of the Worlds, to be not Eternal? Our studious friend
with his excellent memory seems to have forgotten that Paul uses all
these terms concerning himself, announcing among men the proclamation
of the Gospel by the command of God432 . Thus what the
Apostle asserts of himself, that Eunomius is not ashamed to ascribe to
the Lord of the prophets and apostles, in order to place the Master on
the same level with Paul, His own servant. But why should I lengthen
out my argument by confuting in detail each of these assertions, where
the too unsuspicious reader of Eunomius’ writings may think that
their author is saying what Holy Scripture allows him to say, while one
who is able to unravel each statement critically will find them one and
all infected with heretical knavery. For the Churchman and the heretic
alike affirm that “the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed
all judgment unto the Son433 ,” but to this
assertion they severally attach different meanings. By the same words
the Churchman understands supreme authority, the other maintains
subservience and subjection.
But to what has been already
said, ought to be added some notice of that position which they make a
kind of foundation of their impiety in their discussions concerning the
Incarnation, the position, namely, that not the whole man has been
saved by Him, but only the half of man, I mean the body. Their object
in such a malignant perversion of the true doctrine, is to show that
the less exalted statements, which our Lord utters in His humanity, are
to be thought to have issued from the Godhead Itself, that so they may
show their blasphemy to have a stronger case, if it is upheld by the
actual acknowledgment of the Lord. For this reason it is that Eunomius
says, “He who in the last days became man did not take upon
Himself the man made up of soul and body.” But, after searching
through all the inspired and sacred Scripture, I do not find any such
statement as this, that the Creator of all things, at the time of His
ministration here on earth for man, took upon Himself flesh only
without a soul. Under stress of necessity, then, looking to the object
contemplated by the plan of salvation, to the doctrines of the Fathers,
and to the inspired Scriptures, I will endeavour to confute the impious
falsehood which is being fabricated with regard to this matter. The
Lord came “to seek and to save that which was lost434 .” Now it was not the body merely, but
the whole man, compacted of soul and body, that was lost: indeed, if we
are to speak more exactly, the soul was lost sooner than the body. For
disobedience is a sin, not of the body, but of the will: and the will
properly belongs to the soul, from which the whole disaster of our
nature had its beginning, as the threat of God, that admits of no
falsehood, testifies in the declaration that, in the day that they
should eat of the forbidden fruit, death without respite would attach
to the act. Now since the condemnation of man was twofold, death
correspondingly effects in each part of our nature the deprivation of
the twofold life that operates in him who is thus mortally stricken.
For the death of the body consists in the extinction of the means of
sensible perception, and in the dissolution of the body into its
kindred elements: but “the soul that sinneth,” he saith,
“it shall die435 .” Now sin is
nothing else than alienation from God, Who is the true and only life.
Accordingly the first man lived many hundred years after his
disobedience, and yet God lied not when He said, “In the day that
ye eat thereof ye shall surely die436 .” For by
the fact of his alienation from the true life, the sentence of death
was ratified against him that self-same day: and after this, at a much
later time, there followed also the bodily death of Adam. He therefore
Who came for this cause that He might seek and save that which was
lost, (that which the shepherd in the parable calls the sheep,) both
finds that which is lost, and carries home on His shoulders the whole
sheep, not its skin only, that He may make the man of God complete,
united to the deity in body and in soul. And thus He Who was in all
points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, left no part of our
nature which He did not take upon Himself. Now the soul is not sin
though it is capable of admitting sin into it as the result of being
ill-advised: and this He sanctifies by union with Himself for this end,
that so the lump may be holy along with the first-fruits. Wherefore
also the Angel, when informing Joseph of the destruction of the enemies
of the Lord, said, “They are dead which sought the young
Child’s life437 ,” (or
“soul”): and the Lord says to the Jews, “Ye seek to
kill Me, a man that hath told you the truth438
438 S. John viii. 40. This is the only
passage in which our Lord speaks of Himself by this term. | .” Now by “Man” is not meant
the body of a man only, but that which is composed of both, soul and
body. And again, He says to them, “Are ye angry at Me, because I
have made a man every whit whole on the Sabbath day439 ?” And what He meant by “every
whit whole,” He showed in the other Gospels, when He said to the
man who was let down on a couch in the midst, “Thy sins be
forgiven thee,” which is a healing of the soul, and, “Arise
and walk440 ,” which has regard to the body:
and in the Gospel of S. John, by liberating the soul also from its own
malady after He had given health to the body, where He saith,
“Thou art made whole, sin no more441 ,” thou, that is, who hast been cured in
both, I mean in soul and in body. For so too does S. Paul speak,
“for to make in Himself of twain one new man442 .” And so too He foretells that at the
time of His Passion He would voluntarily detach His soul from His body,
saying, “No man taketh” my soul “from Me, but I lay
it down of Myself: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to
take it again443 .” Yea, the prophet David also,
according to the interpretation of the great Peter, said with foresight
of Him, “Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell, neither wilt Thou
suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption444 ,” while the Apostle Peter thus expounds
the saying, that “His soul was not left in hell, neither His
flesh did see corruption.” For His Godhead, alike before taking
flesh and in the flesh and after His Passion, is immutably the same,
being at all times what It was by nature, and so continuing for ever.
But in the suffering of His human nature the Godhead fulfilled the
dispensation for our benefit by severing the soul for a season from the
body, yet without being Itself separated from either of those elements
to which it was once for all united, and by joining again the elements
which had been thus parted, so as to give to all human nature a
beginning and an example which it should follow of the resurrection
from the dead, that all the corruptible may put on incorruption, and
all the mortal may put on immortality, our first-fruits having been
transformed to the Divine nature by its union with God, as Peter said,
“This same Jesus Whom ye crucified, hath God made both Lord and
445 Acts ii. 36. A further
exposition of Gregory’s views on this passage will be found in
Book V. | ;” and we might cite many passages of
Scripture to support such a position, showing how the Lord, reconciling
the world to Himself by the Humanity of Christ, apportioned His work of
benevolence to men between His soul and His body, willing through His
soul and touching them through His body. But it would be superfluous to
encumber our argument by entering into every detail.
Before passing on, however, to
what follows, I will further mention the one text, “Destroy this
temple, and in three days I will raise it up446 .” Just as we, through soul and body,
become a temple of Him Who “dwelleth in us and walketh in us447 ,” even so the Lord terms their
combination a “temple,” of which the
“destruction” signifies the dissolution of the soul from
the body. And if they allege the passage in the Gospel, “The Word
was made flesh448 ,” in order to make out that the
flesh was taken into the Godhead without the soul, on the ground that
the soul is not expressly mentioned along with the flesh, let them
learn that it is customary for Holy Scripture to imply the whole by the
part. For He that said, “Unto Thee shall all flesh come449 ,” does not mean that the flesh will be
presented before the Judge apart from the souls: and when we
read in
sacred History that Jacob went down into Egypt with seventy-five
souls450 we understand the flesh also to be intended
together with the souls. So, then, the Word, when He became flesh, took
with the flesh the whole of human nature; and hence it was possible
that hunger and thirst, fear and dread, desire and sleep, tears and
trouble of spirit, and all such things, were in Him. For the Godhead,
in its proper nature, admits no such affections, nor is the flesh by
itself involved in them, if the soul is not affected co-ordinately with
the body.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH