PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() LECTURE 1 THE DANIEL FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM Fighting again the Reformation battle Recent Romish encroachments Protestant apostasy Subjects of following Lectures Three sets of prophecies regarding Romanism Brief history of Rome Conversion of Constantine Gregory I, Bishop of Rome Bishopric developed into the Papacy A theocracy on earth European servitude to Papal rule Climax of Papal aggression, Innocent III Boniface VIII; blasphemous claims in his “Unam Sanctum” From Rome to Avignon The Reformation Decline of Papal authority Daniel’s condensed, comprehensive, prophetic summary LECTURE THE DANIEL FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM (SECOND PART) Daniel 7:7-12,16-27, the story of the Papacy Rome the “fourth beast,” Continuity of the rule of Rome in its double aspect, Pagan and Papal The Papacy symbolized by the “little horn” (1) Its place (2) Time (3) Nature (4) Moral Character Foxe’s “Acts and Monuments” Birks’ “First two vision of Daniel” (5) Lawlessness (6) Persecution of the saints Killing of “heretics” and persecuting of “saints” the same (7) Its duration (8) Its doom Daniel’s prophecy gives the political aspect Romish influences vastly weakened in the world generally Correspondence of the prophecy and its historic fulfillment Evidence of divine inspiration of Daniel LECTURE PAUL’S FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM Romish ecclesiastical power The predicted apostasy in the Church The Antichrist The place occupied by the Antichrist The character of the Antichrist The attitude of the Antichrist Paul’s “Man of sin” and Daniel’s “little horn” identical (1) Both are Roman (2) They have the same chronological point of origin (3) Both exalt themselves against God (4) Both small at commencement, and become exceeding great (5) Both claim to be teachers of men (6) Both are persecutors Historical facts: a tremendous apostasy Tyndale on the growth of Papacy The Pope as God on earth The confessional The Jesuits Lying wonders; Bishop Jewell on False Miracles Calvin on saintly relics The decretal epistles Romanism the outcome and climax of the predicted apostasy Romanism at variance with Scripture on all important points of faith (1) Traditions to be regarded as the Word of God (2) Forbidding to search the Scriptures (3) The Church alone can interpret Scripture (4) The Pope, not Christ, really the head (5) Some sins not involving spiritual death (6) Justification not by faith (7) Sacramental confession to a priest essential (8) Priestly power of absolution (9) Superabundant merit of “works” (10) Purgatory (11) The mass a propitiatory sacrifice (12) Celibacy of the clergy (13) Worship of angels and saints (14) Worship of images (15) The Virgin Mary and the saints mediators Creed of Pope Pius IV The recent council of the Vatican Rome’s reply to the Reformation Agreement of prophecy and history respecting the Papacy LECTURE JOHN’S FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM The politico-ecclesiastical character of Romanism Apocalyptic Prophecy The key to the Apocalypse The “beast” of John identical with the “little horn” of Daniel, (1) Both are Roman (2) Period the same (3) Both have a mouth (4) Both speak the same things (5) Both have great dominion (6) Both make war with the saints (7) The duration of both is the same (8) Their end is the same, as to manner and time Evidence sustaining this interpretation Fall and overthrow of the Papal power “Babylon the Great” Christian not heathen Rome Marks identifying Papal Rome with Babylon the Great Extravagant magnificence of the harlot Church, bloody persecutions, the Inquisition, the Chamber of Horrors 90- LECTURE INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THESE PROPHECIES IN PRE-REFORMATION TIMES Importance of an interpretation which has produced blessed results Which interpretation is likely to be right, that of the persecuted church or that of the persecutors? Antagonistic schools of Interpretation are to be expected The Futurist School History of prophetic Interpretation in the early Christian centuries from Apostolic times to fall of Roman Empire Ditto in the Dark Ages from the fall of Rome to Gregory VII Ditto in the darker pre-Reformation centuries from Gregory VII to the Reformation LECTURE INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THESE PROPHECIES IN REFORMATION TIMES A de-formed Church needing to be re-formed Reformers viewed the Papal as the Antichristian system; so Luther Melanchthon Zwingle and others Calvin Tyndale Knox Ridley Latimer Jewell Cranmer Bradford The Reformers opposed the Church of Rome on doctrinal and practical, as well as prophetic, grounds Futurism rejects the use which all the Reformers made of Scripture We must not accept Rome’s judgment of herself The prophetic barriers against Romish error should be jealously guarded, not carelessly thrown down The Papal Church is presented in Scripture as the masterpiece of Satan LECTURE INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THESE PROPHECIES IN POST-REFORMATION TIMES An era of light and liberty commenced with Luther The Reformation followed by a Papal reaction The harlot Church rides the beast Rome’s reply to the Reformers’ use of the prophecies Protestant witnesses and martyrs discerned the true historic interpretation Progress of interpretation during the last two and a half centuries traced Quotations from Mede Westminster Confession of Faith Sir Isaac Newton Jurieu a Huguenot work (Condemnation of Jansenist propositions by Pope Clement XI) Robert Fleming De Cheseaux Bishop Newton Progressive interpretation during the present century in the light of current history Faber, Cunninghame, Keith, Bickersteth Bishop Wordsworth Dean Alford Elliott’s “Horae Apocalypticae,” Professor Birks’ “First Elements of Sacred Prophecy,” The impregnability of the Historic Interpretation Futurism mischievous and self-condemned LECTURE DOUBLE FOREVIEW OF THE REFORMATION Is there no prophecy relating to the Reformation? Two kinds of prophecy, the acted and spoken Protestantism is a late, limited, and imperfect return to Primitive Christianity in the end of the age Brief history of the Reformation The Reformation not a beginning but a return The Reformation gave to the world a new ecclesiastical system And produced Protestant kingdoms It was clearly foreshadowed in the history of Israel Analogies between the Jewish Restoration and the Christian Reformation Romanism merely Christianized Paganism Analogy between Jewish and Christian witnesses To condemn the Christian Reformation is in principle to condemn the Jewish Reformation New Testament prophecies of the Reformation Symbolism of the Apocalypse The Apocalyptic visions form a complete history of the Church and of the world to the end of the age Revelation 10 and 11:1-11 a symbolic vision of the Reformation The “Mighty Angel” Christ Himself The gift of the “little open book” what? Luther finding a “rare book” in Erfurt Library The Reformation hid in that Bible! Power of the Word of God Diffusion of the Scriptures The Bible in Germany The Bible in France A great commission; revival of Gospel preaching Luther as a preacher Complete separation from Rome essential A separate Evangelic Church The two witnesses and their work “Through much tribulation”; faithful witnesses in East and West The witnesses silenced, Their resurrection in the Reformation Chronological confirmation LECTURE CONCLUSION CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE PRACTICAL BEARING OF THE SUBJECT Confirmation of Inspiration of Scripture A GuideBook, proved for the past, is trustworthy for the future The doom of the Papacy; decline of Romanism Present desperate but futile effort for renewed ascendancy Quotation from Colquhoun The issue: England Protestant or Papal? Need of arming ourselves with knowledge Ritualism The only Mediator GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - GUINESS LECTURES INDEX & SEARCH
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