THE CHRISTIAN AT THE SEASIDE BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT this season many seek rest and recreation at the seaside, or in some rural retreat: not a word can be said against this, but a few gentle reminders may be seasonable. Ought not Christians to be consistent abroad as well as at home? Are they always so? We have no more license to sin at Margate, or Brighton, or Scarboro, or Dunoon, than we have at home; and though the Same eyes may not watch us, there is one all-observing eye for which we should feel the utmost regard. Cheerful, genial, unrestrained, and at ease, we may be — the holiday is useless without: it; but even when out of harness, a good servant of Jesus Christ will let his ,conversation be such. as becometh the gospel of Christ. Our liberty is not license when, without care, we are not careless. We should not be without salt when sojourning by the sea, nor barren as the sands when walking on the beach.
Can we not do something for Jesus on the sands? If so, let us not miss such a happiness. What situation and surroundings can be better for earnest, loving conversation with our young friends concerning their soul’.? best interests? A few words about the sea of eternity and its great deeps, a sentence or two upon the broken shells and our frailty, upon the Rock of Ages and the sands of time, may never be forgotten, especially if they be but few, and those pleasant, solemn, and congruous with the occasion. A good book lent to a lounger may also prove a blessing. A handful of interesting pamphlets scattered discreetly may prove to be fruitful seed.
Souls are to be caught by the seashore and in the boat: gospel fisherman, take your net with you.
Believers should not go to the worldly fashionable churches when they are away from home, but should seek out faithful pastors of their own faith, and cheer them with their presence and with an extra contribution. It is a shame that the members of our churches should be seen frequenting the places where the world’s religion flaunts its meretricious finery. Our friends laboring at watering places have much reason to complain that they do not meet with the sympathy from Christian visitors which they have a right to expect. Let not these loud and long complaints be aroused by the conduct of any reader of “The Sword and the Trowel.” Drop in at the prayermeeting if you can, but any rate on the Lord’s-day worship with your own people, and have a good word for the minister.
Godly lodging-house keepers complain that Christian families are not so thoughtful as they might be in the matter of allowing them to get out to worship on the Sabbath. Cooking is sometimes expected to be done, and other labors are required of them for which no necessity can be pleaded.
Surely a hint will be sufficient to remedy this evil. We would not detain our own servants from public worship: upon what principle are we justified in making other people’s servants slave on the Sabbath for our conveniences or whims? A Christian household should leave a sweet savor behind, even after the shortest sojourn; and how can this be, when both mistress and servants are kept at home all day on the Lord’s-day to oblige us?
Dear reader, living near to God during the season of rest will make it a double blessing, a recreation for both soul and body. Aim at this, and the Lord send you your desire. Purely the calm and beauty of all around you should assist you to be devoutly happy, serenely holy, sacredly at ease.
You have had the yoke taken from your neck, and have left the exhausting cares of the world at home, will you not return unto your rest and rejoice in the Well-beloved who has dealt so bountifully with you? Seek the sweet society of your soul’s Lord and King. Bathe in the sea of Jesus’ love, pray for those healing winds which come from the wings of the Son of Righteousness, rest in your Father’s bosom, and so be filled with heavenly peace.
The editor will be on his way to Hamburg to preach the Word soon after this number reaches his readers; he asks their prayers that he may have fruit in that city also, and that his brief respite from toil may refresh him to endure the unusual responsibilities of his position.
TO THE EDITOR OF” THE SWORD AND THE TROWEL.” The Lord Jesus having laid upon our hearts the desire to distribute gratuitously the “Word of God” at the Paris Exhibition, we feel sure you will rejoice with us that from April 1st to the present time very nearly One Million Gospels or other portions of the New Testament have been given away in the following fifteen languages : — French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, and Turkish; and 25,000 of these have been circulated amongst the French ,army, including an Arab regiment, to whom 250 Gospels of St. Matthew in Arabic were given.
Thus saith the Lord, “My Word shall not return unto me void: the entrance of my Word giveth light.” And as we know from Scripture that souls are born of God by the incorruptible seed of the Word, and sanctified through the truth, let us work with all our might in spreading abroad these little lamps of God’s truth.
Hear also what Martin Luther said, “God does more by his Word alone than you and I, and all the world besides.” Therefore, with these precious truths before us, is it not the duty and privilege of every child of God to do he can in help in; forward this work which our’ loving God, and Father has, for the sake of his dear Son, opened up to us? not only having disposed the hearts of the Imperial Commissioners, but also of the police authorities of Paris, to grant us all we desired, and we are now permitted to work without the slightest opposition or hindrance in any way.
We rejoice also to tell you that, in answer to the prayer, “That God would, for the sake of Jesus, move upon the hearts of his people by the Holy Spirit, and cause them to give liberally and cheerfully to this, ‘his work,’ he has inclined more than 5,000 Christian people to give more than 5,000; but yet we want more (about £8,500), and we look to the Lord to send us this also. At one time imaginary persecutions and want of funds nearly deterred one of the undersigned from entering on this glorious work; but he cried unto the Lord, and the Lord he believed heard him, for upon opening the Bible after prayer, the first words which caught his eye were these, “Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver.”
This at once determined him to proceed, and God has stood by us, blessing, we hope, the work which he has permitted us to do, “That the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
The cost of the separate Gospels is 2 10s. per thousand, and any amount will be received with Christian thanks by Messrs. Barclay, Beyan, & Co, 54, Lombard Street, or by either of the undersigned.
We are enclose a description of the work by an eye-witness and fellow laborer in the Lord’s vineyard at Paris. “On that eastern corner of the triangle of the ‘Missions’ section,’ you will observe the kiosk appropriated to the Bible-stand. It seems like a large hive, and within it are the true working bees. At that window stands a young German, at the next an Englishman, highly honored as the chief promoter of this great enterprise. At the, third, a Frenchman, whose work is more constant than that of his coadjutors, and needs all his energy — bodily, mental, and spiritual. At the next a Russian gentleman, counting it all honor to devote his time is such a cause. At the next, an Italian Christian, ready for a word of welcome to his compatriots; and, at the neighboring window, a Spaniard, fellow prisoner of Matsmoros, rejoicing in liberty to give to his countrymen those Scriptures which have been the joy of his own soul; and then a Christian man at the next window, skilled in Oriental languages, and still another whose mission is to his own people, to whom once were entrusted the oracles of God. These are the workers within the hive, and outside it will gladden your hearts to see flocking, as if with eager haste, a hungry throng around, the hive; but they come, unlike the swarm of bees of which they have often reminded me forcibly, not with, but for, that which is sweeter than the honey and the honeycomb. As you look upon that sight, enough to make your heart dance for joy, you will, perhaps, be reminded of the inquiry of the prophet in olden, times, as you trace in that kiosk no fanciful resemblance to an eastern dove cote — ‘ Who are these that fly as a cloud and as doves to their windows?’ O Christians, pray for this band of men whose hearts God has touched and inclined to this noble work. It is one of the greatest marvels of this exhibition that they are here at all; and Should their work, by any opposition of the enemy, even now be stopped, it would not be in vain. But it is of God, and if he be for us, who can be against us? Christians, as you pass by that kiosk, give a kindly word of sympathy and love to those who are bearing the burden and heat of the day. They need it, and they deserve it. There have been opposers that have tried to prevent the work — and shame upon them! Englishmen, from the land of Bibles, have looked coldly and with a passing sneer upon the workers. But I need not tell you of the opposition from those who fight against God in this matter, and of journalists in London or in Paris who would rejoice to hinder this unprecedented circulation of his truth. Nor do I dare to tell you of the encouragements that have cheered our brethren on. It would not be well to publish names, of those, however exalted and influential they. may be, who have thus received the Word of life, nor the numbers of the priesthood of the Romish communion that have accepted these portions of truth, and asked for more. We can but rejoice that the incorruptible seed is scattered with the full assurance that it must germinate, and that it will bring fruit for the great harvest-tide.”
The following is an extract from a letter just received from Paris : — “To day a battalion of Algerian soldiers consisting of 630 men have received Gospels in Arabic. When these men saw the gospels in their own language, they surrounded us, and the officers were not able to keep them in line.
WILLIAM HAWKE, JOHN M’CALL. There is no room for two opinions concerning this unrivaled work. It is the direct dissemination of God’s own word, and about its usefulness or success tee doubt can be admitted. Glory be to God that suck a work has been found possible! What would Paul have thought if he could have foreseen that such a door would be opened for the word? Our eyes are ready to overflow with tears as we think of the golden opportunity, and the courageous manner in which our brethren have grasped it: for once we wish we were rich, for then we would just write a cheque for £3,500, and think it the best expenditure that we ever made. The brave leaders of this enterprise must not be left in the lurch ; those who are favored with wealth must aid them, aid them at once and without stint. Our own ‘works of faith at the present moment more than absorb the energies of our own friends, or we would urge upon them publicly the claims of this movement. If the above letter should find for the writers a friend able and willing to help them, we shall be glad indeed. — C. H. S.
METROPOLITAN COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION OUR readers have, in previous numbers, been made acquainted with the work of the Colportage Association formed at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. The society has only been in active work for eight months, but during that time it has been the means of circulating large numbers of good books. On Monday, June 24, the usual prayer-meeting at the Tabernacle was made special for the purpose or bringing under the notice of the congregation the work of Colportage, and of soliciting an interest in their prayers. During the evening, Mr. Goodwin, the secretary, reported that seven colporteurs were now employed by the society. The first was started in November last, in the East of London; another commenced in December, in Cambridgeshire, and others in East Kent, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, and Leicestershire. The character and progress of the work may be judged from the fact that already in East Kent, the agency is onehalf self-supporting; that 210 Bibles, 463 Testaments, 278 portions of Scripture, 1,280 Mr. Spurgeon’s Sermons, 253 “Pilgrim’s Progress,” “Morning by Morning” etc, etc.; and 1,000 miscellaneous works of pure religious literature, and about 300 magazines and periodicals monthly.
The meeting was commenced by a happy speech from the pastor, Mr. Spurgeon, who referred to the use the Reformers made of the printing press in spreading the truth. Before the Reformation, he said, Wycliffe used to give portions of the Scriptures, as fast as they were translated, to the young men of Lutterworth, and then would start them off to various towns to read publicly in the market-place, so that, though copies could not be readily increased, yet care was taken to read the one copy there might be in a town in the open street, and at the market cross, and thus the people became acquainted with the Bible. In Luther’s time, the world declared the words of the great reformer were carried on the wings of angels — the angels being “printers’ devils,” who ought much more felicitously to have been designated “printers’ angels.” Mr. Spurgeon then gave a sketch of the colporteur of the age of persecution. He said : — “But we find that the Word of God was sold in those days in places which it was not likely to reach through the shop of the common bookseller, and this was done by means of persons who took the Book and carried it secretly, hoping to meet with a sale. Very frequently in foreign countries the colporteur might be seen with a box of trinkets on his back, containing jewels for fair ears, rings for my ladyfinger, and such like; and when he got my lady at the castle-gate, fully attentive, and looking over the trinkets, he would say that he carried with him a treasure better than all he was showing to her ladyship; but he would have to trust his life in her hands if he showed it to her. If she showed signs of displeasure, very likely nothing more was said, but very probably, when the lady heard of the dangerous secret, particularly wished to see it, and was especially curious about it — as we all are in such ‘a case — she would tell the good man that he might safely trust his life with her — what was it he had to show her? Then, byand- by there came out a copy of the Word of God, which he offered to, sell. She would ask the price of it, and if she bought it, the purchase would be quite a secret between the two; for if any one heard of it, their lives might be called to account. So the priceless treasure soon changed hands, and the Book was read; and her ladyship did not long read the Book alone, but it got into the hands of the servants, who perceiving that her Ladyship read a Book which she always popped away when anybody came in, wanted to know what it could be. So the truth spread throughout the household; and Rome, with all its power, was unable to check the sale Of the Word of God. If the Book was not sold, still, perhaps, the good man, before he went away, asked if they would accept a little tract; and just a little leaf was left which contained some words of truth, which, even if it were burnt, might yet burn its own way into the heart before the hand had committed it to the flames. In that way, too, the truth was spread all through England. Mr. Spurgeon said that, “The word ‘ colporteur’ was a horribly ugly name, he had heard people call it ‘coal-porter ;’ and they have thought that a Colportage Society was a society for carrying coals. Now, that is very nearly correct. It is a society for carrying live coals about; and those live coals, believe, set many a place on fire. In our own country, since those times, the sale of religious books has always been a main help to the cause of truth, and I may add a potent means for spreading error too. This day Romanists scatter those little books of Dr. Challoner against Protestantism amongst young people, and on the cover it is stated, and very properly stated, by the author, that we ought not to wonder at Romanists giving away their little blue books, because we Protestants delight in doing the same. They say that the whole Reformation was got up through the secret distribution of books:, and why should not they adopt the same means for the spread of their views? When good men think of the infidel publications of England, and, what is worse, the silly trashy novels which debauch the minds of the young, they feel the greater necessity for meeting this evil by scattering good books all over the land. There are many large districts where the ordinary bookseller is not within reach, and here the ‘colporteur’ has fine opportunities for disposing of his books. In Scotland there is a similar society, which was started about twelve years ago by three men, and which, under the blessing of God, has so grown that they have now more than a hundred and fifty agents, who go over Scotland, scattering the truth as it is in Jesus. He believed the committee of their own society were ambitious to do for England what the other society had done for Scotland, and he wished them success, since it was the right kind of thing to take up. There were many earnest brethren who were not adapted for preachers, but who were the right sort of men to sell a book, to pray with the sick, to comfort the desponding, to guide the anxious, and to lead sinners to the cross of Christ.”
An interesting address was also delivered by Mr. Young, the agent in East Kent. This society languishes for want of funds but it is one which, under God, would be a mighty weapon if it were well used. We intend in future numbers to keep it before the mind of our readers. Let it be remembered that the committee will send a man into any district in which £30 per annum is raised. Already one colporteur has been the means of raising a new church, and much of this higher work would grow out of colportage if it could be thoroughly carried out. We are overworked, and have in hand enterprises beyond our means ; but God’s work must be gone, and we may soon be dead, therefore, O Lord, send help to thine own cause. — C. H. S.
ON board the good ship “Granton,” at an early hour on Wednesday morning, we found more than half a score friends waiting for us, all bound for Hamburg, to share in the joy of our German brethren in the opening of the new chapel for Mr. Oneken, and to take part in the triennial conference of the Continental Baptists. We dropped down the river in the best style, left Her Majesty custom house officers at Gravesend, steamed past the Nore, the Mouse, the Swin Middle, the Gunfleet, and the Sunk Lights in rapid succession, and were soon fairly out at sea, with fine weather and smooth water. Shoals and sands were behind us, and the deep blue waters were around us. A few, who thought that it would be a pity not to be squeamish, seeing they were at sea. retired to amuse themselves in the unpleasant exercises of sea-sickness; but it was an unpardonable weakness, for if not quite a sea of glass, the ocean was in its best of tempers. On board we had a Babel of tongues — English, of course, dear mothertongue, German in abundance, joy of the fatherland, Spanish, French, and a spice of everything else. With the exception of a few showers, all went “merry as a marriage bell.” Night came with its heavy dews, and warned the wise to seek their narrow couch, leaving the restless to tramp the deck, or talk soft nothings by the moonlight. During the night there may have been some tossings to and fro, and heavings of the uneasy billows; but sleep brought us blissful ignorance, and we awoke to find the watery way in as good condition as when we fell asleep. Passing every now and then vessels of all sizes, and experiencing rapid changes of cloud and sunshine, we soon after noon on Thursday were on the look out for the rocky shores of little Heligoland, the sentinel of the Elbe, over whose narrow islet waves Britannia’s flag. That seen ‘red passed upon our left, we soon saw the long sandy island of Neuwerk, and then passing the town of Cuxhaven, we were floating in the noble river Elbe, whose shores on either side sometimes reminded us of Holland, and then again of our own Thames, and the marshes upon the Essex shore. The increasing number of ships told us that we were nearing some important seat of commerce; but it was like seeking a miser’s money at the bottom of a very long purse, for Hamburg is some seven hours or more from the river’s mouth, and we did not cast anchor till nearly eleven o’clock. Just outside a long fleet of ships we were moored, some distance from the shore. It was too late to hunt out our friends on shore, and therefore we spent a second night in our cabins, and took our breakfast on board on Friday morning. After breakfast we were conducted by a brother in the Lord, who acted as messenger, to the hospitable abode of the venerated apostle of Germany, our beloved Mr. Oncken, who resides in an excellent house in a fine situation within the boundary of the city of Altona. Mr. Oncken’s residence is, during the conference, an open house for all comers; and if he is not altogether eaten out of house and home, it is not for want of visitors. Brethren came in from Scotland by the boat which leaves Leith, from Suffolk via Grimshy, from New York, from Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Holland, and from nearly every other country where scions of the old Baptist stock have taken root. As the various arrivals were announced, and all rejoiced to welcome the new comers, we were reminded of that heavenly assembly to which many shall come from the east and from the west, and we anticipated the joy of the celestials as they receive fresh companies of the redeemed within the gates of pearl. On Friday, our beloved brother Oneken escorted us round the city, a city of no mean dimensions, containing about 200,000 inhabitants, who are evidently lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, since on any one Sabbath in the year there will not be found 5,000 of them in all the churches of Hamburg. With all the sin of London we have a Sabbath; and our houses of prayer, though not so well attended as they should be, do nevertheless receive within their doors an exceeding great army. We saw the prison where, in years not long past, Mr. Oneken had been confined for preaching the gospel; and while looking up to its windows overlooking a canal, we thought of Bunyan’s damp moss-grown cell by the river Ouse, and were glad that in this degenerate age, a Baptist could still suffer and vanquish his enemies by his sufferings. It is gratifying’ to know that, in the very city which a few years ago persecuted a Baptist minister for preaching the word, public sentiment has now made such advances, that not only is religious liberty complete, but there is now no state church at all; and therefore the great reason and incentive to persecution is abolished When will our own country have enlightenment enough to follow the example of Hamburg? It makes one breathe more freely to know that the soil is uncursed by a state church. We saw the room in which the first Baptist church was formed, and the larger places to which it emigrated as it grew in numbers. More interesting still was the consecrated spot upon the ramparts, looking down upon the city w here, in lonely solitude, the young apostle was wont, early in the morning, to plead with God for the people.
We understood the secret of Mr. Oncken’s success when we saw the source of his strength in secret wrestlings with the angel of the covenant.
Hamburg little knew that a man was gazing upon it from the ramparts and invoking with many tears the mercy of God upon its ungodly thousands.
Mr. Oncken also indicated to us the various spots where in secret, beneath the cover of night, he had baptized his first converts. On the banks of the Elbe, and along the shore of the low island opposite Hamburg, believers, hunted by their enemies, have gathered silently to celebrate the immersion of the faithful into the Sacred Three. large fresh water lake, called the Alster, is the glory and beauty of Hamburg; and there also, away from human habitations, has the pastor immersed believers, until his secret was discovered, and the annoyances of violent enemies drove him to yet more secluded spots. These places are historical, and will find their record in the annals of eternity. That silver lake, the Alster, as we glided over its glassy surface, which glittered in the sun, appeared to us to glow with another radiance than earth could give it as we saw, before our mind’s-eye, the faithful and obedient disciples closely following their Lord.
Hamburg owes very much to the great fire which consumed its old decaying habitations, and left space for a new city of palaces. Our afflictions are among our choicest mercies’ the fires which consume our earthly joys, often leave room for far more enduring heavenly delights. The ramparts, no longer needed for purposes of war, are partly thrown down, and form delightful walks all round the city, so that Hamburg looks like a huge pearl set in a ring of emerald; alas! that the pearl should be so clouded with abounding sin.
On Saturday, we went to see that remarkable institution, the Rough House, which forms an asylum for the protection and reclaiming of the neglected children of the streets of Hamburg. For lack of comprehending the German tongue, we were not able to learn much by our visit; but our impressions we will give more at length another time. We were very kindly received by Dr. Wichern, his lady, and his daughter, to whom be all honor for founding and carrying on so good a work. The lands of this institution contain about fifty acres, which are gardened to perfection by the boys, every inch being well cropped. The family principle is carried out, and hence there are many houses scattered over the grounds, all picturesquely placed and prettily planned, the Old Rough House, in which the work commenced, being the most romantic: of all. We expected to see, at least, a thousand children, judging from the abundance of buildings, and were not a little surprised that the whole number was about 190. The printing presses, the bookstore, the bakery, the farmyard and such like places we suppose, account, for the quantity of erections, but the thought which pressed upon our mind was, that if some one would give us fifty acres of such land, and we could put such buildings upon it, we would have a thousand children there, if not more. Our own George Muller would soon make more result out of so much plant and space. However, we may be quite wrong, and a passing visitor must not place much reliance on impressions so hastily formed. The place is a paradise for situation and beauty; the whole effect produced upon the eye is delightful, while the singing of the girls under the spreading boughs of the trees, was all that could be desired to charm the ear. Our heart was away at that little plot of ground at Stockwell, and we were counting the hours until we should see our new houses built and occupied by dear children whose voices should ring merrily along the greensward.
Our shrine of pilgrimage was, however, the new chapel. This is a very noble building, striking and well built; not at all the modest, plain structure which we like to associate with our English Dissent, but a Gothic erection, and therefore not to our taste, and yet, despite our judgment, a building to be pronounced externally beautiful and internally imposing. Built altogether of white brick, very lofty, with long windows, a platform and open baptistery at one end, and a gallery at the other — roof groined, and, like the walls, all of plain unplastered brick — the place is as true as the principles advocated in it — not a particle of paint, plaster, or stucco being tolerated; but — and sorry but — it is Gothic, which is fatal to begin with; that one word, so far.’is preaching-houses are concerned, is the condensation of all possible faults. The echoes, except when the house is crowded, are countless, and jangle with each other like; brawling women in a fish-market, and (misery of miseries!) not a window opens, nor is there any ventilation beyond whole or two pricked in the roof, about half as useful as nothing at all. When will architects remember that there are other things to be considered in building a chapel besides merely satisfying the rules of an antique architecture, which ought long ago to have been superseded by something better? We would have a rule made by authority, and enforced by the heaviest penalties, that every window, great or small, in every place of worship, should be made to open, for we are sure that close, unventilated, cave-like churches and chapels, are accountable for more fevers, consumptions, and deaths, than most men dream of. We are open to receive donations towards setting these windows to rights; we have offered a five-pound note ourselves, and have the promise from the pastor that the matter shall be seen to. With these exceptions, the chapel is, as we have already said, a right noble structure, leaving nothing to be desired but money to pay for it, and remove a debt of about £2,000.
The opening services of the Lord’s-day commenced early in the morning, at eight o’clock, for our German friends are up betimes. We were out of bed by half-past six, for we had a long walk to the chapel, which we found full, and even crowded — echo therefore all gone for the time being. We had singing up to our heart’s desire, and beyond it;. The choir sung, and sung, and sung again, and the congregation sang about, as often — in fact, the order of the day was, “O come let us sing unto the Lord.” Programs were printed and scattered among the people, and the spiritual bill of fare was long and varied. Many fervent prayers, were offered, to which the congregation earnestly said, “Amen.” Mr. Oneken gave an outline of the history of the church, and magnified the grace of God in all that had been brought to pass. The chief feature, however, was the exceedingly sweet but exceedingly abundant singing. The chapel was very tastefully decorated with wreaths of evergreens and flowers, the baptistery had flowers and wreaths floating in it, and at the head of the steps stood two large orange trees. It was Germanic altogether, and withal very pretty. Although the service was all dumb show to us, for it was in German, yet our heart entered into it; and so fax as the great heat, and the heavy air would allow, we rose into fellowship with God — -the aforesaid obstructions being very powerful for though the spirit indeed is willing, the flesh is weak.
Our own service in the evening was equally crowded and equally hot; if’ possible, more so. There was much song in German, and two little hymns in English, and we hope that it was a good time, altogether. We intended to have described the communion service on Sabbath evening, the love feast on Monday, and the conferences of Tuesday, but having made a pause on Monday, we have not been able to proceed further, although this is the evening of Thursday; for alas! hours of pain and weariness have been appointed us, and our hospitable host has found his guest turned into a patient, and his house into an hospital. The great heat of the weather and other causes have quite prostrated us; but no amount of pain can make us forget the unalloyed delight which we have experienced in communion with our German friends. God has done a great work in this land, and has much more in store for it. Every Christian in England, especially every Baptist, ought to aid the work to the utmost. To have seen and shaken hands with earnest laborers from many lands, and to have received the kiss of charity from them, is a privilege never to be forgotten. We bless God at every remembrance of our honored brother Oncken, and pray that long life and growing success may be with him.
Next month, if spared, we will finish this paper, so abruptly and so painfully Shortened by unexpected richness, from which, by the Lord’s will, we hope to have recovered long before these lines are issued from the press. The printer needs to have this article at once, and therefore it must go forth in its present fragmentary state.