PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() By the Divine Providence, Lord ArchBishop of Canterbury, his Grace, Primate of all England, and Metropolitane; one of the Lords of his Majesties most Honourable Privie Councell, and Chancellour of the University of Oxford. Most Reverend Father, OUR blessed Lord and Master, in one of His Evangelical Parables, compares the Militant Church, unto a field, in which the Husband-man sowed good seed, but while men slept, Dormientibus multis in doctrinae simplicitate , foeni adulterium . Also he resembles the same unto a Net, which being cast into the Sea, gathereth fishes, some good, and some bad. The Apostle likewise resembles the same, to a great House, wherein are Vessels of Honor, and Vessels of dishonor. And the godly Fathers compare it, to Noah’s Ark, in which were contained Beasts, clean and unclean, of each quality some; wherein also was an impious Ham, as well as a pious and dutiful Shem. Now the condition of the Church Militant being such: it cannot be otherwise, but that in all ages there shall be found among those which profess Christ, not only such as are virtuous and sound in faith: but also men of corrupt minds, and reprobate concerning the faith: venomous Serpents, noisome Tares, pestilent Weeds, and unclean Beasts. Our Savior’s own prediction was: There shall arise false Prophets: & his admonition, beware of false Prophets: and his description, which come to you in Sheep’s clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening Wolves: Men, carrying a semblance, and having an outside of verity and holiness: but inwardly, corrupt, deceitful, and ravenous: working under-hand, to infect and impoison the flock of Christ. S. Paul, a Master-builder of God’s house, foretells: Oportet haereses esse, there must be heresies among you: ut fides habendo tentationem, habeat & probationem , that they which are approved, may be made manifest. And in his exhortation to the Bishops of Ephesus: After my departure grievous Wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock: Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, and shall draw disciples after them. Now these prophetical predictions have been fulfilled in all Ages, and in all states of the Militant Church. For in the apostles’ own days, sundry Heretics and Schismatics rose up, Phigellus, Hermogenes, Philetus, Himinaeus, Alexander, the Nicolaitans, etc. But then after the blessed company of the holy Apostles, by several ways of death, had finished their course, the false and deceitful conspiracy of impious error, made entrance. Fraude & astutia illorum qui doctrinam a veritate alienam disseminare laborarunt: by the fraud and malicious craft of those men, who labored to sow a seed of doctrine, disagreeing with truth. And although by the power of Divine providence, the evil of Heresy and Schism, was converted in the end, to the benefit and good of the true Church: (for God, who is only good, would not permit evil to happen, but because He being also omnipotent, is able to turn it to good) and Divine verity, when it is discussed by the subtle opposition, and cavil of heretical fraud, is with more diligence searched into, better understood, and more zealously defended: Yet, for the time present, the same proved a grievous scandal, and in the afflictive times of persecution, it increased the misery of God’s people. The Gentile Infidels insulted over Christians, because of divisions, which by the fraud of Heretics, were raised among them: they scorned and derided their religion, imputing the base opinions, and actions of Heretics, to the sound part of the Church in general: And alleged this as a prime reason, wherefore they could not believe them, because they were divided into so many factions, and for that their religion was a confused fardel, and riffraff, of various and prodigious opinions. Now that which happened anciently, is fulfilled likewise in our days, both concerning the entrance and existence of Schisms and Heresies, And likewise the scandal arising from thence. Therefore, if Schism and Heresies have risen up in our days, it can be no wonder: For the prophecies of Christ and His Apostles concern our times, as well, (if not more,) than those which are past: and all the causes of Schism and Heresy are now extant, which were in former ages. For the enemy that soweth tares, is neither less vigilant, nor less envious, than in old time. And on man’s part, blind zeal, vain glory, curiosity, self-love, desire of change and novelty, overweening of men’s own wit and learning, envying of others which excel in learning or authority, offense for want of preferment, dislike of that which is present, etc. These venomous roots and seeds of Schism and Heresy, are not wanting in these perilous times: And the corrupt soil of man’s heart, is no less fertile, to nourish and bring them forth, than in the days of old. But from this which is delivered, I shall entreat your Grace, and all other impartial and intelligent readers, to consider, the uncharitable construction of Romish adversaries, who from the rising up of some schismatical spirits amongst us, conclude: That the main body of our Church is schismatical. For was the whole church of Corinth reprobate and schismatical, because some branches or members thereof, were such? Or was it heretical, because within it, some denied the Article of the Resurrection? For if this had been so, Saint Paul could not have saluted that Church, with such an honorable inscription: Unto the Church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, etc. A field ceaseth not to be a good cornfield, because some noisome weeds, and tares spring up among the wheat. And a good tree hath some degenerous branches, which deserve to be pruned and lopped off. Our national Church of England is A Vineyard of the Lord of hosts: A sound body compacted, united, and knit together, in an uniform profession of one and the same orthodoxal verity, which was once given to the saints, in the holy Apostles’ days: And which in all substantials, was maintained by the holy Primitive Fathers: Our public form of Divine Service and worship is in every part thereof religious and holy, (maugre the malice of spiteful wretches who have depraved it:) The Ecclesiastical Officers and Ministers of our Church, are Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, such Officers as have administered sacred things, in the Christian Church, yea, in all Christian Churches, for fifteen hundred years, ever since the holy Apostles’ days: and the divine benediction, providence, & protection of our great God and Savior, hath preserved, comforted, and honored, this church and State, more than a man could have wished or expected, ever since our reformation: and that which S. Augustine delivered long since of Constantine the Emperor, hath been fulfilled in our Kings and Princes: Constantinum Imperatorem non supplicantem daemonibus, sed ipsum verum Deum colentem, tantis terrenis implevit muneribus, quanta optare nullus auderet. The Lord of Heaven replenished Constantine the Emperor, who duly served him, and not Devils, with such abundance of temporal benefits, as a man durst not have presumed to wish or expect. Now this which is hitherto delivered, is abundantly sufficient to justify our Mother Church of England, against the unjust reproach and censure of any Adversaries, who shall traduce the same of being schismatical; for our Savior’s own prediction is, Necesse est ut scandala veniant , it must needs be that offenses do come: but when among us any offenses happen, they are reproved, confuted, and condemned, according to the direction of holy Scripture, and the form and custom of Primitive times. It is not within compass of human power, either wholly to prevent, or in an instant to restrain, the malice of Satan, or his schismatical instruments, from vexing, renting, and disquieting the Church: and therefore if our adversaries were guided with the spirit of charity (as they that will be judges of other men’s actions ought to be) they would forbear to censure or condemn us. For Charity envieth not, it thinketh no evil, it rejoiceth in truth, 1 Corinthians 13:5,6. Having now delivered thus much in just defense of our Mother Church, against the uncharitable calumniation of Romish adversaries, I hold it meet in the next place to offer unto your Grace’s consideration, a view of the deportment of factious and schismatical spirits, who have been the authors and fomenters of the scandal, from whence our Adversaries before mentioned, have taken occasion to traduce our Church and religion. There started up in Queen Elizabeth’s reign, a new Presbyterian-sect, which tendered a form of Discipline to the Queen, and to the State. And concerning this platform of their Ecclesiastical Discipline, they affirmed these things following: First, that the only Officers (Magistrates they term them) who are to exercise this discipline, are Pastors, Doctors, and (Vestry,) Elders. Secondly, this form of disciplinarian Regiment, is the Scepter of Christ’s Kingdom: The Standard of Christ: The Soul of the mystical body of Christ: and a proper Character of the true Church. Thirdly, as the old Canonists say of the Papacy, GOD had not been discreet, if he had not made a Pope; so likewise say the Presbyterians, Christ had not proved himself to have been a Prophet like unto Moses in all things, nor yet an absolute King, if he had not ordained this disciplinarian Senate in his Church. Fourthly, these divine Magistrates and Senators, must exercise sovereign authority, over all people, and especially, over Kings, Princes, and Monarchs: Fifthly, all other forms of discipline and Church government, are unlawful, and Antichristian, because they are not commanded and appointed by God’s Word. Sixthly, the King and temporal State, have no authority, or command in matters Ecclesiastical (no more than they have to administer the Sacraments) but their only service is, to be the executioners of such decrees, as these Presbyterian Senators shall affirm to be the Laws of Christ. Seventhly, the present form of Ecclesiastical government, by Bishops and their Officers is Antichristian. Lastly, the Liturgy and common Service of the Church of England, and the Rites and Ceremonies appointed therein, are popish and superstitious, for they were composed or brought in, by Bishops, who are a limb of Antichrist: and confirmed by the human authority of the Prince and temporal State: whereas no common service is lawful in the Church, but such only as is formed by their Ecclesiastical Senate, and after their own Presbyterian Laws. Fruits and consequents of the former dictates, are these which follow: First , concerning the King himself: his royal Majesty according to these Presbyterian-rules, shall have no power to command his Clergy to keep a National Synod: he shall have no power at all, over these Ecclesiastical Senators, to judge of any of their abuses, or to reform and correct them: And if his sacred Majesty shall deny obedience and subjection to their classical Mandates, these Senators have sovereign Power under Christ, to deliver him to Satan, and to lay the fearful censure of Excommunication upon him. Secondly , concerning Bishops: whereas, in all religious Ages, and among all people professing Christ, the Bishops of the Church were highly honored and respected because of their Office and Order: and their Doctrine, Precepts, Counsels, admonitions, reproofs, and censures, were of great authority: These Senators, and their Camerades, with their barking, barrating, and libelling, have brought, not only their persons, but their venerable calling, into much contempt and hatred, as though it were some profane and noisome evil. Thirdly , they have with bitter clamors, defaced the public service of our Church (being a form of divine worship, of so good quality, as that since the holy Apostles’ days, the Christian world, never enjoyed any more reverend and religious) and by this means, the solemn worship of God and Christ, are neglected in many congregations: and instead thereof, an indigested form and conception of extemporal prayer is used. Now I humbly desire your Grace, and all benevolent and indifferent Readers, to consider the ungracious dealing of these men. First of all, the general ground of their proceedings by which they justify themselves, and their own precepts, and condemn others, is this which followeth: No officer must govern or Minister in the Church: neither any form of divine worship, or Ceremonies be used, but only such as are commanded in the Word. It will be over-long to relate in what manner they prove this; whether by the second Commandment: or by Jeremiah 7:31. or by Exodus 25:40. Look that thou make them after their pattern which was shewed thee in the Mount: or by Omnis Planta , every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up, Matthew 15:13. But in conclusion they resolve us not, what they understand by the commandment of the Word: Whether a literal and formal Commandment: or a Commandment inferred by any necessary inference: or an example and precedent, which hath the force of a Law. Now we are certain that their own Presbyterian platform, is warranted by no Commandment in any of these three senses. For we read of no literal or formal commandment for their Vestry Elders: Neither can they prove the ordination of this new generation by any necessary inference of holy Scripture: And as for example of Scripture, we find none having the force of a law. The plain truth is, We find no example at all: For the Elders mentioned, 1 Timothy 5:17. were Priests in holy Orders, as appears plainly, by the eighteenth and nineteenth verses of that Chapter: But if some example had been extant: Unless they can demonstratively prove, that such example hath the force of a law, this will conclude no more for the perpetual continuance of Vestry Elders: Than the holy Apostles observing the legal Sabbath: Or their abstinence from blood and strangled: Or their unction of the sick with oil, Will conclude for extreme unction: or for the keeping holy the seventh day Sabbath: or for perpetual abstinence from blood or strangled. These imperative men mightily forget their own principle: For they create new Senators, Vestry Elders, without any commandment of the Word: They command whatsoever their own working heads affect, without commandment of the Word, to wit, Omniparity of Church-men: Fathers to present their children, in their own persons, at Baptism: Christians to dream religious dreams on Saturday nights: Parents to give significant names to their children, to wit: The Lord is near: More trial: Reformation: More fruit: More joy: Sufficient: Deliverance: Dust, etc. But their negative precepts are sance number: Private Baptism: Kneeling at the Communion: Bowing at the name of Jesus: Communicating with a reading Minister: Keeping Christmas day, and other Holy-days: reading Homilies: Reading Apocrypha: Ringing more Bells than one upon a Sunday, or fetching a pint of wine out of one’s own house: Standing up at the Creed: Looking towards the Chancel in Common-prayer: Often Rehearsing the LORD’s Prayer: Reading the Litany, and Epistles and Gospels, etc. But these sanctified Senators will say: That the second Commandment which they have made, Catholicon , to prohibit what their will disliketh, condemneth all things before rehearsed. But it is not sufficient to say: They must demonstratively prove out of the Word, their assertions. Now the second Commandment prohibiteth none of the former actions, Verbatim, or in express terms: Nor yet by necessary illation, For the Commandment saith: Thou shalt worship no Idol, etc. Leviticus 26:1 But the Son ofGOD, and His blessed Name are no Idols: The Son ofGOD, in the blessed Eucharist, giving us His body and blood, is no Idol. Therefore religious adoration ofCHRIST, in the holy Eucharist, and at the rehearsing the Name ofJESUS, is no superstitious act, prohibited in the second Commandment. But the Author of Sions Plea, will have Court Bishops, wardens, etc. condemned by the second Commandment. And why not say we, Vestry Elders? For these grave Senators are no where commanded in\parGOD’ S Word, either formally or virtually: And therefore, In malam crucem abeant: Let them be packing to the Crutched Friars. Concerning Bishops, and their authority, these men affirm, that the same is not ordained in the Word, But condemned by CHRIST, etc. But our answer is that the holy Apostles themselves ordained Bishops in all eminent Christian Churches, to wit, Timothy at Ephesus: Titus in Creta: Euodius at Antioch: Polycarp at Smyrna, etc. Now the Apostles’ act was according to the Word, for they were men inspired by the Holy Ghost. And the Apostles’ ordination is proved by witnesses, against whose testimony none can except, that consider impartially the infallible properties of true and lawful witnesses. For they are many in number, A cloud of witnesses: All the orthodoxall Fathers since the Apostles’ age: Some of them lived in the Apostles’ times, and were their auditors: and some of them succeeded those which were ordained Bishops by the Apostles: They were faithful witnesses, even unto death: They consent and accord in their testimony: And they are such, to whose testimony the Christian world giveth credit, for the weightiest matters in religion: to wit, concerning the number and integrity of the Books of Canonical Scripture: The holy Apostles’ Creed: The eternal Deity of our blessed Savior, etc. 1 The subscriptions of two of Saint Paul’s Epistles testify, that Timothy was Bishop of Ephesus: and Titus of Creta. And the ancient History of the Church testifies the same. Ignatius the Martyr, who lived at the least thirty years in Saint John, the Evangelist’s days: Tertullian, Irenaeus, Cyprianus, etc. testify the like concerning Euodius, Polycarpus, Linus, Papias, Clemens, etc. And that Bishops ordained by the Apostles, were not titular and nominal only, but such as had power of jurisdiction, and power of ordination, is witnessed by Ignatius, Tertullian, Cyprian, and the whole Catholic Church: And Saint Jerome himself, whose testimony some men have labored to draw another way, confirms the same. 2 This form of Ecclesiastical government is agreeable with the precedents of holy Scripture, both in the time of the old Law: and with the Apostles’ form of government, who in their own persons exercised authority over all other Pastors, and at their decease appointed Bishops to be principal Rulers in all eminent Christian Churches. Now whereas the adversaries of the Prelacy contend, that Episcopal gubernation is prohibited byCHRIST, Matthew 20. Mark 10. Luke 22. They have no mind to consider, that the holy Apostles themselves, to whom our Savior’s words were personally directed, did all their own days exercise jurisdiction over all other Ecclesiastical persons: And therefore their great Lord and Master prohibited not superiority and government over Priests and Deacons, but such form of government as was merely secular, and not conformable or subordinate to the rules of the Evangelical Law. In the last place, after these Senators have in such manner (as your Grace hath heard) battered Episcopal Government, with their paper-shot: Then they fall pell mell upon the Service Book. One of this Novel generation, in a Tractate, entitled, A Survey of the Book of Common-Prayer, makes quaeres, and hath no less than two hundred double quarrels, against our Church Service, and the Ceremonies thereof. T. C. in his days, and his disciples named in my margin, are confederate in the same gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity. Their prime objections are: The form of the Common Service, is not commanded in the Word, And some materials thereof, are taken out of the Romish Breviary, Portuis and Mass-book. Touching the first, they declare not, whether their meaning is, That every lawful form of Divine Service, must be taken verbatim out of the Scripture: Or whether it be not sufficient, to have the same conformable to the rules of holy Scripture. If they say the first, propria sua vincta caedunt, they cut the throat of their own praying, singing, preaching, and saying, for the same are not word for word in holy Scripture: but if they require only the latter, we are able to maintain against all Presbyterian backbiters, that our English Common Service, and our Ceremonies, are conformable to the rules of holy Scripture. And their second objection, borrowed from the heretics the Donatists, makes an impetuous sound and impression in popular auditories, but it is vain and of no force, with the judicious. For if the materials received out of the Roman Missal, and Portuis, are in their proper quality, true and holy, then the Lord himself is the prime Author of them: and our Church hath warrant, from the example of God and Christ of using them. We may not dislike the Magnificat, or Te Deum Laudamus, or the Lord’s Prayer, or the Apostles’ Creed: the Epistles & Gospels: Baptizing of Infants: Bread and Wine in holy Eucharist: imposition of hands in ordination: Reverent & decent habit, gesture, & formality in divine worship; nor in any other action, in quality good, or adiapharous, convenient and subservient to God’s outward worship: We ought not (I say) abhor or reject such things, because the Roman Church hath used them: for the Christian Church itself received the books of the Old Testament from the Synagogues of the Jews: and S. Augustine saith, If the Gentiles had any thing good in doctrine (or manners) holy Christians did not reject or distaste the same. Our Lord and Savior made water which had been superstitiously abused by the Pharisees in their Lotions, Matthew 15:2 Mark 7:3 the material element of Baptism: and Bread and Wine profaned by Gentiles in their idol service, the material Elements of the Holy Eucharist. In Joshua, the silver and gold of Jericho, was by God’s commandment put into his own treasury, Chap 6:24. The Censers of rebellious Korah, etc. were by God’s mandate, made Plates, for the covering of the holy Altar, Numbers 16.38. De luco alienorum Deorum (saith Augustine) wood growing in Idol Groves, by God’s appointment, was made fuel for sacrifice: and when things profaned and abused, are converted to holy use: hoc de illis sit quod de hominibus, cum de sacrilegis & impiis, in veram religionem mutantur : the same is done to them, which is done to men, when they from being profane and sacrilegious, are converted, and made religious. The Bishops therefore of the Church of England did no ways offend, by receiving from the Roman Church into our divine service, such materials, circumstances or ceremonies, as were religious and good. But now, whereas these Zealots complain of us, for partaking with the Roman Church, in things lawful and good: they themselves comply with the same in Articles and Actions, which are of no good quality. For example. First , as the Romists make their Church, the only Spouse of Christ, and their Doctrine only Orthodoxal verity; So likewise the Presbyterians esteem themselves, and their pure Sect, the only Kingdom of Christ: they style none Brethren, but their own sectarians: all their doctrinals are the pure word of Christ: they style their preachings & extemporal sermonizings, per excellentiam, The Word: and as learned Papists make their Church’s preaching, the sole instrument of working grace and saving faith: So likewise do these men, concerning their own ecclesiastial sermonizing: and whatsoever quality or effect, sacred Scripture ascribeth to Apostolical preaching, or to the word of divine inspiration, Romans 1:16. & Chap. 10:17. Hebrews 4:12. these presumptuous Senators ascribe the same, to their own private doctrine and form of preaching. 2 These Presbyterian Dictators, without any manifest and demonstrative proof, make their own form of discipline the scepter of Christ’s kingdom, the standard of Christ, the soul of the mystical body of Christ, and consequently, a proper Character of the true Church. Now what do Romists more, concerning their ecclesiastical policy? 3 The Romists teach, that the material sword of kings and Soldiers is to be exercised ad nutum & patientiam Sacerdotis : according to the beck and mercy of the High Priest: so likewise the Presbyterian Senators, challenge power to command Princes, to execute their decrees, and to say to the King and Temporal State, in our Savior’s name, Luke 19:27. Those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them, (by the Scepter of my Kingdom, Presbyterian discipline) bring hither and slay them before me. 4 Some Zealots of this fraternity, are so far transported, with furious indignation against the opposites of their New-born Republic, as that (neglecting what they have objected against the Prelates) themselves comply with the most impudent and merciless Romists, in their cursed speaking and writing, and likewise in their cruelty. Their two general maxims are: 1. That all things in religion and manners, ought to be regulated by the Commandment of holy Scripture. 2. It is altogether unlawful for the English Church, to comply with the Roman in the use of Ceremonies, forms of Service, or any other indifferent things: and by force of these two rules they condemn Episcopal authority; the common Service; and all Rites, Ceremonies, and Gestures in Religious worship, which have been used by Pontificians. But now presently I shall make it appear, that these men themselves in their moral practice transgress both these rules. 1 . Holy Scripture commandeth: be you merciful, as your heavenly Father is merciful. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, that you may be the children of your Father in heaven. Be ye followers of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us. Railing and cursed speaking is a character of infidels. Their throat is an open sepulcher, the poison of Asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. These filthy dreamers despise those things they know not. Michael the Archangel contending with the Devil etc. durst not bring against him railing accusation. Now the Presbyterians, who make the Commandments of holy Scripture the only rule of all actions, fulfill the former precepts in manner following: to wit, the clean contrary way. I will not presume to trouble your Grace, or my Readers, with raking into the old kennels of Thomas Cartwright, Udall, Penry, Martin Senior, Martin Junior, more work for Cooper, etc. But I shall humbly entreat your patience, to give me leave to relate unto you some few passages out of a modern Presbyterian tractate, entitled, Sions Plea against the Prelacie. This remarkable author, followeth the Rule of the word in manner following: First he belcheth out all the venomous, and opprobrious language, which the bottomless pit, could afford him, against English Prelates, and against all that favor their order. Then he persuadeth Ministers and Magistrates, to set themselves against their superstitious worship (the Service book) and to pursue these Prelates, with an Holy hatred: that is, to dash the brains of that Babylonish Prelacy against the stones: & according to Luke 19:27. But those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them (by my Vestry-Senators) bring hither, and slay them before me. And again, Strike that Hazael in the fifth rib; yea, if father and mother stand in the way, away with them. Strike this Basilik veine, for nothing but this will cure the pleurisy of our State. 2 This Stibiarian presseth audaciously upon the Royal Throne: and after some Scarification, tendereth a bitter pill of sacrilege and cruelty: but when the same was rejected because it was violent, then he presents his Antinomian potion, to the States of the Kingdom: now these likewise understanding that he was an Empiricke, give him repulse. Upon which occasion, he changeth his Profession, and turns false-prophet: 1. He presageth happiness to as many as should comply with him in his fury. 2. He denounceth many woes to open adversaries. 3. He declaimeth against luke-warm Laodiceans, who being well affected towards the holy cause (of sacrilege) are not active, and such as the Prophet Jeremiah requireth; men in the streets. 3 This Presbyterian man of war, congratulates a certain notorious murder, committed by a Zealote of his own devotion, he maketh this damned act, an heroical virtue: and blasphemeth God Almighty, making him the author of this diabolical Assassination. He exhorteth the Nobles of the Land to proceed in this bloody execution, saying:GOD hath chalked out this way unto you:GOD having offered himself to guide you by the hand, in giving this first blow, will you not follow home? The sprinkling of the blood of the Wolf, if we can follow the Lord in it, may prove a means to save, etc. The counsel of Hushai to Absalom sorteth well with this business, that all Israel should be gathered from Dan to Beersheba, as the sand of the Sea in number: who may with the ropes of their prayers, joined to the power of your hands, draw the City of their Babel into the River of destruction, until there be not one small stone found. Lastly, These Novel Senators, deliver some positions, in such a large, and confused manner, as that by this means they become the occasion of pestiferous schisms and heresies. They extend the position of the perfection, sufficiency, and perspicuity of the holy Scripture, both to all divine verities in general: and likewise to all human actions, civil, moral, and ecclesiastical. But the former position ought to be delivered with distinction and limitation, to wit, the holy Scripture is in itself sufficient, and containeth a perfect revelation of all divine verity, merely supernatural. Also, it delivereth maxims, rules, canons, and it containeth many precedents and examples, for the better ordering and perfecting of civil, moral, and Ecclesiastical duties and actions. The same likewise is so far forth sufficient, in propounding the Articles of faith, and the precepts of good manners, necessary to be believed and obeyed by Christians in general: that if they shall duly observe the order and means appointed, they may rightly attain the sense and understanding of them. Now the means to attain the sense of holy Scripture (upon which I shall touch for the present) are: 1 A true, right, and perspicuous translation of the Scriptures, out of their original tongues. And this is a work of great skill: and requireth much diligence, good conscience, and many helps, of learning, art, and reading. 2 Holy Scripture hath forms, phrases, and expressions of matters supernatural, peculiar and proper to itself. Christ is called *, The Word, John 1:1.GOD is said to be Three, and One, 1 John 5:7. The Word was made flesh, John 1:14. Divine predestination: By nature children of wrath: Justification: new Birth: the Church the Body of Christ, of his flesh, and of his bones. Ephesians 5:30. 3 Some prime Articles of faith, are not delivered in a literal or catechistical form of speech, but they are collected and concluded by argumentation, out of sentences of Scripture, and by comparing of sundry Texts, one with another. And sometimes there is a seeming difference between one Text of Scripture and another, John 10:30 and John 14:28. Romans 3:28. and James 2:24. Now the Presbyterians shall not find the holy Scriptures in these and many other such like things, so perspicuous, as that every private person, by help of the Spirit, and by their mother wit, may easily understand them. And these new men, undervaluing all human learning, and rejecting, and crying down the testimony, and tradition of the Ancient Catholic Church; have set open a wide door to Heretics, and Schismatics, and among the rest, to new Photinians, Socinians, semi-Pelagians, Anomians, Anabaptists, etc. And if any hereafter will proceed further, and question the Canonical authority of Saint John’s Revelation, or the Acts of the Apostles, etc. I do not as yet conceive, what these Masters (having disannulled all Tradition and authority of the ancient Catholic Church) will be able to plead against them. The Church of England hath proceeded, a right and orthodoxal way: For we have justly rejected all counterfeit and adulterous Traditions, namely, all such as are not truly ancient and Catholic: Nor yet subservient to the doctrine of holy Scripture: But on the contrary, we maintain the uniform testimony and tradition of the Primitive Church, complying with holy Scripture, and being subservient to true faith and godliness. It falleth out many times, that some verities, which are evident enough, to peaceable minds, out of holy Scripture, are notwithstanding opposed by Adversaries, as namely, children’s Baptism: Communion in both kinds: Church-Service in a known language, etc. In such cases, when we have the testimony, example and Tradition of the Primitive Church, and weighty arguments of holy Scripture: This addeth reputation to our doctrine and practice, and very much confoundeth our Adversaries. Now the Presbyterian faction proceeding a contrary way, are easily brought to a non-plus, even when they have a good cause: But concerning their main cause, to wit, the external government of the Church: When (upon their grand principle, that no ordinance must take place in the Church, but such as is verbally, or by necessary consequence commanded in holy Scriptures,) They reject that form of government which is approved by the perpetual testimony of the true Catholic Church: They utterly damn their own consistorian Regiment, for the same can neither be proved by any literal Texts of holy Scripture: Nor yet by necessary inference out of Scripture: Because all Texts and sentences, which they make foundations of this new Fabric, do not so much as probably conclude that which they require. Thirdly, By these men’s positions, and irregular proceedings, many of our people are infected with dislike and hatred of the godly form of our Church-Service, administration of the Sacraments, ordination of Ministers, and with our Ecclesiastical Rites and Ceremonies: and are persuaded, they are Superstition, and that it is unlawful, to observe them. And this conceit hath quenched the devotion of many good people, towards God’s public worship: It hath caused a fraction and division in the Church and State: And brought forth a novel spawn and fry of Donatists, Novatians, Separatists, Anabaptists, etc. Also many are become contentious and factious in civil affairs: And the ancient love and respect, which our English Nation was wont to bear to Sovereign Authority, is much cooled and decreased. But one mischief besides, is remarkable: Namely, that many people, piously affected in their general intentions, Men and women fearing GOD, loving His Word, sober, charitable, and virtuous in their moral conversation, Are made a prey, to schismatical Leaders: And whereas, had they exercised religion, and other virtues, in Unity and obedience of the Church, whereof they are members, (as all religious persons in ancient time were wont to do) this would have been honor and comfort to themselves: And their virtues and good life, would both have honored the Religion professed in our Nation: And likewise have been exemplary to others: But it now falleth out, That the poison of Schism hath corrupted all the former: They bring scandal and dishonor to our religion: Their outward virtuous deeds are thought to proceed from hypocrisy and blind zeal: and they are rather scorned and contemned, than honored and imitated: And they themselves, instead of receiving honor and comfort, are fallen into disgrace, hatred, danger, and loss, and some of them into great misery. The remedy of the former evils must be these things which follow: 1 A true and plain discovery of the falsity and deceitfulness of Presbyterian principles: And the Reader shall find some passages in this ensuing Treatise, very useful and material for that purpose. 2 Divines must become studious, of pious and venerable antiquity: And in their judgment, and their doctrine, they must not vary from the same, unless evident and convincing reasons shall enforce them. 3 And there is one thing more, of great moment, to persuade people to live in conformity and unity of the Church: To wit, the holy and religious conversation of conformable men. When people shall observe conformable Ministers, diligent and industrious in serving GOD, and promoting the salvation of Christian souls, committed to their charge: When they behold in them, peaceable, sober, and virtuous conversation: And that they are no less diligent in sowing the seed of grace, than Heretics and Schismatics are, in sowing tares: This will prevail very much, to persuade them to honor the present Church, and the discipline thereof. Now on the contrary, no one thing hath been a greater scandal, and occasion of withdrawing many from conformity: Than the profane negligence of some conformable Ministers: Than their looseness of life: Their avarice and ambition, in heaping together Benefices and promotions: And then a gross neglect in discharging their duty, either in their own persons, or by entertaining and rewarding able and sufficient Curates. Your Grace in your Metropolitical Visitation, hath begun a good work, in taking this into your religious consideration, and you have endeavored a reformation. GOD Almighty vouchsafe to give a blessing, and good success to your pious intention, and that by your Grace’s authority, this scandal, before mentioned, may be removed out of our Church. There might also (my Reverend good Lord) be a very profitable use, of some private form of pastoral collation, with their flock, for their direction and information in particular spiritual duties: such as was private confession, in the ancient Church. Now the Presbyterian Censors, upon their paralogism taken from abuse, have with such loud and impetuous declamations, filled the ears, and prepossessed the minds of many people, that they are exceedingly averse, from this sovereign, and ancient medicine, of consolation, prevention, and curing the maladies of the soul. Having now proceeded thus far, in declaring the scandal, which by the factious deportment of Presbyterian spirits hath been raised in our Church: and likewise having vindicated our mother Church from imputation of Novelty: I shall at the last apply myself to the subject of the Treatise following, and deliver the occasion, by which I was induced to handle this Question of the Sabbath. A certain Minister of Northfolke, where I myself of late years was Bishop, published a Tractate of the Sabbath: and proceeding after the rule of Presbyterian principles, among which, this was principal: That all religious observations and actions, and among the rest, the ordaining and keeping of Holy-days, must have a special warrant and commandment in holy Scripture, otherwise the same is superstitious: Concluded from thence, by necessary inference, that the seventh day of every week, to wit, Saturday, having an express command in the Decalogue, by a Precept simply and perpetually Moral (as the Sabbatarians teach) and the Sunday or LORD’s Day being not commanded, either in the Law, or in the Gospel: The Saturday must be the Christians’ weekly Sabbath, and the Sunday ought to be a working day. This man was exceeding confident in his way, and defied his Puritan adversaries, and loaded them with much disgrace and contempt. Besides, he dedicates his Book to the King’s Majesty himself: He implores his Princely aid, to set up his old new Sabbath: He admonisheth the Reverend Bishops of the Kingdom, and the Temporal State likewise, to restore the fourth Commandment of the Decalogue to his ancient possession: and professeth that he would rather suffer Martyrdom, than betray such a worthy cause, so firmly supported by the common Principles of all our new men, who have in preaching or writing treated of the Sabbath. But while he was in this heat, crying in all places where he came, Victoria, victoria: He chanced to light upon an unkind accident: which was to be convented and called to an account, before Your Grace, and the Honorable Court of High Commission. At his appearance, Your Grace did not confute him with fire and fagot, with halter, axe, or scourging (as a certain Hotspur, a libelling disciple of Thomas Cartwright’s, traduceth the Judges of that Honorable Court) But according to the usual proceeding of your Grace, of that Court, with delinquents, which are overtaken with error, in simplicity, there was yielded unto him, a deliberate, patient, and full hearing, together with a satisfactory answer, to all his main objections. The man perceiving that the Principles which the Sabbatarian Dogmatists had lent him, were not orthodoxal, and that all which were present at the hearing (of which number there were some Honorable Lords of His Majesty’s Privy Council, and many other persons of quality) had approved the confutation of his error: He began to suspect that the holy brethren, who had lent him his principles, and yet persecuted his conclusion, might perhaps be deceived in the first, as he had been in the latter. And therefore laying aside his former confidence, he submitted himself to a private conference, which by GOD’s blessing so far prevailed with him, That he became a Convert, and freely submitted himself to the orthodoxal doctrine of the Church of England, both concerning the Sabbath-day, and likewise concerning the LORD’s-Day. Now because his Treatise of the Sabbath was dedicated to his Royal Majesty: and the principles upon which he grounded all his arguments, (being commonly preached, printed, and believed, throughout the Kingdom,) might have poisoned and infected many people, either with this Sabbatarian error, or with some other of like quality: it was the King, our gracious Master, his will and pleasure, that a Treatise should be set forth, to prevent future mischief, and to settle his good Subjects, (who have long time been distracted about Sabbatarian questions) in the old and good way of the ancient and orthodoxal Catholic Church. Now that which his sacred Majesty commanded, I have by Your Grace’s direction, obediently performed: and I shall now desire Your Grace, and all other Readers, to take notice of these particulars following: First, I have with much diligence, weighed and examined those men’s arguments, which ground the religious observation of the Sunday, upon the letter of the fourth Commandment; and I have proved by demonstrative arguments, that they are of no force. And therefore I have grounded it upon the uniform practice and custom of the Ancient Catholic Church, which received the same from the holy Apostles. Also touching the manner of keeping it holy, I have walked in the old and good way of pious antiquity, and I have made clear remonstrance, that the Ecclesiastical and Civil Laws and Constitutions, of our Church and State, accord, and come fully home, to the ancient decrees, Canons, and Precepts of the holiest Governors of former times. The keeping holy the Lord’s day, and of other Festivals, ordained by the Church and State, is a work of piety, a nursery of Religion and Virtue, a means of sowing the seeds of grace, and of planting faith, and saving knowledge and godliness in people’s minds: and our blessed Lord and Savior, being duly and religiously served and worshiped upon the Holyday, imparteth heavenly and temporal benedictions, to the King, the Kingdom, the Church, the public, the private, and to the whole State. Profanation of the Lord’s-day, and of other solemn Festival days, which are devoted to divine and religious offices, is impious, and hateful in the sight of God and of all good men, and therefore to be avoided by such as fear God, and to be corrected and punished in those which shall offend. And there is one kind of sacrilege, usually committed in our Kingdom, which had his beginning from the Presbyterians, and hath infected innumerable multitudes amongst us: to wit, a profane and shameful neglect and contempt of the solemn form of divine Service, appointed to be duly used and frequented, by the public constitution of our Ecclesiastical and Temporal Laws. Many of our Priests and Ministers, being infected with the Presbyterian drug, of despising our Church Service, do either mangle it, and transform it, according to their own fancy: or wholly neglect it, preferring their own devised forms before it: and our Lecture men, and some others whom precise people, style powerful Teachers, do seldom honor it, so much as with their own presence: and whereas (if they were the men they desire to be esteemed) they should not only honor it with their presence, but also with their action (not holding it a base office, to offer up to God in the name of the Church, the sacrifice of public prayer, thanksgiving, and worship) they in their Sermons and Lectures, and when they treat of Prayer, etc. at no time commend the use of it, nor declare the fruits and benefit of it, nor make it a necessary act of religion. And now lately, since I have been reading many English Pamphlets and tractates of the Sabbath, I can hardly find any Treatise wherein the use of the Common Service by the Minister, and the due frequenting thereof by the people, is once named among the duties or offices of sanctifying the Lord’s-day. Certainly, men do not consider that it is a sacrilegious act, to rob God of such worship and service as the Church and State have devoted to him: and why may not men rob God of his Church, and Churchmen of their Tithes, as well as of his Service? but besides this, it is a common injury to the whole kingdom, to the King’s majesty Himself, his Gracious Queen, and lovely Children, to the Lords, Nobles, Bishops, Magistrates, the sick, the whole, and to all estates of people, to be deprived of the public suffrages of the Church, which amongst all religious and holy men, were ever esteemed as a common or universal Sacrifice, far more pleasing to God, (being offered up by the general vote of all the Land, in an uniform consent, as it were with one heart, and with one voice) than the singular and affected devotions of private spirits. And now most reverend Father, having thus far presumed of your patience, in reading these former passages: I shall in the last place humbly entreat your Grace, to receive this Treatise of Mine, concerning the Sabbath-day, and concerning the Lord’s-day, into your favorable Protection. Many things persuade me to dedicate the same to your Grace: namely, Your dignity and authority in our Church: Your religious care and affection, to reform those evils of which I justly complain: Your deep judgment in matters Theological: Your reverent esteem of venerable antiquity, and Your distaste of novelty: and lastly, Your long continued good affection to myself: all these have moved me, and some of them have obliged me to commend these my labors to Your Grace’s Patronage. I am assured, Your Grace will lovingly accept this Treatise, because it tendeth to the public edification of the Church: and if it shall be truly understood, and impartially examined by such as read it; it may be a means to settle the Sabbatarian Controversy, which ever since Th. Cartwright’s unlucky days, hath disquieted both Church and State. Your Grace’s in due observance, and love unfeigned, FR. ELIENS. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - SABBATH-DAY INDEX & SEARCH
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