SEV Biblia, Chapter 42:2
Yo conozco que todo lo puedes, y que no hay pensamiento que se esconda de ti.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Job 42:2
Verse 2. I know that thou canst do every thing ] Thy power is unlimited; thy wisdom infinite.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-6 - Job was now sensible of his guilt; he would no longer speak in his ow excuse; he abhorred himself as a sinner in heart and life, especiall for murmuring against God, and took shame to himself. When the understanding is enlightened by the Spirit of grace, our knowledge of Divine things as far exceeds what we had before, as the sight of the eyes excels report and common fame. By the teachings of men, God reveals his Son to us; but by the teachings of his Spirit he reveal his Son in us, Ga 1:16, and changes us into the same image, 2Co 3:18 It concerns us to be deeply humbled for the sins of which we ar convinced. Self-loathing is ever the companion of true repentance. The Lord will bring those whom he loveth, to adore him in self-abasement while true grace will always lead them to confess their sins withou self-justifying.
Original Hebrew
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