Anf-01 Pg 2
Literally, “and having received their prices, fed others.” [Comp. Rom. xvi. 3, 4, and Phil. ii. 30.]
which they received for themselves, they might provide food for others. Many women also, being strengthened by the grace of God, have performed numerous manly exploits. The blessed Judith, when her city was besieged, asked of the elders permission to go forth into the camp of the strangers; and, exposing herself to danger, she went out for the love which she bare to her country and people then besieged; and the Lord delivered Holofernes into the hands of a woman.245 245 Judith viii. 30.
Esther also, being perfect in faith, exposed herself to no less danger, in order to deliver the twelve tribes of Israel from impending destruction. For with fasting and humiliation she entreated the everlasting God, who seeth all things; and He, perceiving the humility of her spirit, delivered the people for whose sake she had encountered peril.246 246
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xvii Pg 7
2 Kings xx. i.
and restoring his kingly state to the monarch of Babylon after his complete repentance;2903 2903
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 2
VERSE (27) - :30 2Ki 20:1 Ps 107:18 Ec 9:1,2 Joh 11:3,4 Ac 9:37