Anf-03 v.iv.v.xv Pg 29
1 Kings iii. 5–13.
But with respect to this man, since, when a choice was left to him, he preferred asking for what he knew to be well-pleasing to God—even wisdom—he further merited the attainment of the riches, which he did not prefer. The endowing of a man indeed with riches, is not an incongruity to God, for by the help of riches even rich men are comforted and assisted; moreover, by them many a work of justice and charity is carried out. But yet there are serious faults4009 4009 Vitia.
which accompany riches; and it is because of these that woes are denounced on the rich, even in the Gospel. “Ye have received,” says He, “your consolation;”4010 4010
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 30
VERSE (7) - 1Ki 3:5-9 2Ki 2:9 Ps 27:4 Lu 10:42