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  • TSK - JUDGES 16


      1  Samson at Gaza escapes, and carries away the gates of the
     4  Delilah, corrupted by the Philistines, entices Samson.
     6  Thrice she is deceived.
    15  At last she overcomes him.
    21  The Philistines take him, and put out his eyes.
    22  His strength renewing he pulls down the house upon the
        Philistines, and dies.
    VERSE 1
    - Gaza.
      Gaza, a city of great antiquity, was situated between Raphia
      and Askelon, twenty-two miles north of the former, and sixteen
      south of of the latter, according to the Antonine Itinerary;
      three miles from the sea, according to Arrian, and thirty-four
      from Ashdod or Azotus, according to Diodorus Siculus.  It was
      a place of great strength and importance; and successively
      belonged to the Philistines, Hebrews, Chaldeans, and Persians;
      which latter defended it for two months against Alexander the
      great, who finally took and destroyed it.  It was afterwards
      rebuilt, and alternately possessed by the Egyptians, Syrians,
      and Jews.  The present town, which the Arabs call Razza, is
      situated on an eminence, and is rendered picturesque by the
      number of fine minarets which rise majestically above the
      buildings, with beautiful date trees interspersed.  It
      contains upwards of 2,000 inhabitants.
       * Ge 10:19 Jos 15:47
    - an harlot.  Heb. a woman an harlot.  and went
       * Ge 38:16-18 Ezr 9:1,2
    VERSE 2 
     - compassed.
       * 1Sa 19:11; 23:26 Ps 118:10-12 Ac 9:24 2Co 11:32,33
    - quite.  Heb. silent.  kill him.
       * Jud 15:18 Mt 21:38; 27:1 Ac 23:15
    VERSE 3 
     - took.
       * Ps 107:16 Isa 63:1-5 Mic 2:13 Ac 2:24
    - bar and all.  Heb. with the bar.
    VERSE 4 
     - he loved.
       * 1Ki 11:1 Ne 13:26 Pr 22:14; 23:27; 26:11; 27:22 1Co 10:6
    - in the valley.  or, by the brook.
    VERSE 5 
     - the lords.
       * Jud 3:3 Jos 13:3 1Sa 29:6
    - Entice.
       * Jud 14:15 Pr 2:16-19; 5:3-11; 6:24-26; 7:21-27 1Co 6:15-18
    - afflict.  or, humble.  we will.
       * Jud 17:2 Ge 33:16 Nu 22:17,18 Mic 7:3 Mt 26:15 1Ti 6:9,10
    VERSE 6
        * Ps 12:2 Pr 6:26; 7:21; 22:14; 26:28 Jer 9:2-5 Mic 7:2,5
    VERSE 7 
     - If they bind.
       * :10 1Sa 19:17; 21:2,3; 27:10 Pr 12:19; 17:7 Ro 3:8 Ga 6:7 Col 3:9
    - green withs.  or, new cords.  Heb. moist.  another.  Heb.
    VERSE 8 
     - bound him.
       * Ec 7:26
    VERSE 9 
     - toucheth.  Heb. smelleth.
       * Ps 58:9
    VERSE 10 
     - now tell me.
       * :7,13,15-17 Pr 23:7,8; 24:28 Eze 33:31 Lu 22:48
    VERSE 11 
     - If they bind me.
       * Pr 13:3,5; 29:25 Eph 4:25
    - that never, etc.  Heb. wherewith work hath not been done.
    VERSE 12
    VERSE 13 
     - with the web.
      It is evident that this verse ends abruptly, and does not
      contain a full sense.  Houbigant has particularly noticed
      this, and corrected the text from the Septuagint:  which adds
      after these words, [kai enkrouses to passalo eis ton toichou,
      kai esomai hos eis ton anthropon asthenes kai egeneto en to
      koimasthai auton kai elabe Dalida tas hepta seiras tes
      kephales autou, kai hyphanen en to diasmati, k.t.l.] "and
      shall fasten them with the pin in the wall, I shall become
      weak like other men:  and so it was, that when he slept,
      Dalida took the seven locks of his head, and wove them with
      the web," etc.  This is absolutely necessary to complete the
      sense; else Delilah would appear to do something she was not
      ordered to do, and to omit what she was commanded.  Dr.
      Kennicott very judiciously observes, that the omission, for
      such it appears to be, begins and ends with the same word; and
      that the same word occurring in different places, is a very
      common cause of omission in Hebrew manuscripts.
       * :13
    VERSE 14 
     - went away.
       * Ezr 9:13,14 Ps 106:43
    VERSE 15 
     - How canst.
       * Jud 14:16 Pr 2:16; 5:3-14
    - when thine.
       * Ge 29:20 De 6:5 1Sa 15:13,14 2Sa 16:17 Pr 23:26 So 8:6,7
       * Joh 14:15,21-24; 15:10 2Co 5:14,15 1Jo 2:15,16; 5:3
    VERSE 16 
     - she pressed.
       * Pr 7:21-23,26,27 Lu 11:8; 18:5
    - vexed.  Heb. shortened.
       * Job 21:4 *marg:
       * Jon 4:9 Mr 14:24
    VERSE 17 
     - all his heart.
       * Pr 12:23; 29:12 Mic 7:5
    - There hath.
       * Jud 13:5 Nu 6:5 Ac 18:18
    VERSE 18 
     - Come up.
       * Ps 62:9 Pr 18:8 Jer 9:4-6
    - brought money.
       * :5 Nu 22:7 1Ki 21:20 Mt 26:15 Eph 5:5 1Ti 6:10
    VERSE 19 
     - she made.
       * Pr 7:21-23,26,27; 23:33,34 Ec 7:26
    VERSE 20 
     - I will go.
       * :3,9,14 De 32:30 Isa 42:24 Ho 7:9
    - the Lord.
       * Nu 14:9,42,43 Jos 7:12 1Sa 16:14; 18:12; 28:14-16 2Ch 15:2
       * Isa 59:1,2 Jer 9:23,24 Mt 17:16,20 2Co 3:5
    VERSE 21 
     - and put out.  Heb. and bored out.
       * Pr 5:22; 14:14; 2:19
    - bound him.
       * 2Ki 25:7 2Ch 33:11 Ps 107:10-12; 149:8
    - grind.
       * Ex 11:5 Isa 47:2 Mt 24:41
    VERSE 22 
     - the hair.
       * Le 26:44 De 32:36 Ps 106:44,45; 107:13,14
    - after he was shaven.  or, as when he was shaven.
    VERSE 23 
     - Dagon.
       * 1Sa 5:2-5 Jer 2:11 Mic 4:5 Ro 1:23-25 1Co 8:4,5; 10:20
    - to rejoice.
       * Job 30:9,10 Ps 35:15,16 Pr 24:17
    VERSE 24 
     - praised.
       * De 32:27 Isa 37:20 Eze 20:14 Da 5:4,23 Hab 1:16 Re 11:10
    - which slew many of us.  Heb. and who multiplied our slain.
       * Jud 15:8,16
    VERSE 25 
     - their hearts.
       * Jud 9:27; 18:20; 19:6,9 2Sa 13:28 1Ki 20:12 Es 3:15 Isa 22:13
       * Da 5:2,3 Mt 14:6,7
    - them.  Heb. before them.  sport.
       * Job 30:9,10 Ps 35:15,16; 69:12,26 Pr 24:17,18 Mic 7:8-10
       * Mt 26:67,68; 27:29,39-44 Heb 11:36
    VERSE 26
    VERSE 27 
     - and there.
      "Samson, therefore," says Dr. Shaw, "must have been in a court
      or area below; and consequently the temple will be of the same
      kind with the ancient, [temene,] or sacred enclosures, which
      were only surrounded either in part, or on all sides, with
      some plain or cloistered buildings.  Several palaces,
      {doutwanas,} (as the courts of justice are called in those
      countries) are built in this fashion.  On their public
      festivals and rejoicings, the roofs of these cloisters are
      crowded with spectators.  I have often seen numbers of people
      diverted in this manner on the roof of the dey's palace at
      Algiers; which, like many others, has an advanced cloister,
      over against the gate of the palace, like a long pent-house,
      supported by one or two contiguous pillars in front, or
    - the roof.
       * Jud 9:51 De 22:8 Jos 2:8 2Sa 11:2
    VERSE 28 
     - called.
       * 2Ch 20:12 Ps 50:15; 91:15; 116:4 La 3:31,32 Heb 11:32
    - remember me.
       * Ps 74:18-23 Jon 2:1,2,7 Jer 15:15
    - that I may.
       * Jud 5:31 Ps 58:10,11; 143:12 2Ti 4:14 Re 6:10
    VERSE 29 
     - on which it was borne up.  or, he leaned on them.
       * :29
    VERSE 30 
     - me.  Heb. my soul.  die.
       * Mt 16:25 Ac 20:24; 21:13 Php 2:17,30 Heb 12:1-4
    - and the house.
       * Job 20:5; 31:3 Ps 62:3 Ec 9:12 Mt 24:38,39 1Th 5:2
    - So the dead.
       * Jud 14:19; 15:8,15 Ge 3:15 Php 2:8 Col 2:15 Heb 2:14,15
    VERSE 31 
     - his brethren.
       * Joh 19:39-42
    - between Zorah.
       * Jud 13:2,25 Jos 19:41
    - And he judged.
       * Jud 15:20

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