The political miasma which continued to hang over the public mind, occasioned unpleasant feeling in the Doctor. Addressing a friend, he observed, "A part of what you communicated caused me a very uneasy night, and deprived me of rest. I mean what refers to the public conduct of a certain person. I had drawn up a very strong, and loyal address to the king, which was passed unanimously by the Conference; but I must confess, had your information been received before that was adopted, I should have altered several expressions, though the principle and declaration of loyalty would have been precisely the same. As the case now stands, I am sorry for it -- as such conduct has a most direct tendency to impair the loyal feeling of the nation; -- at this time, we need nothing of this kind. The nation is becoming increasingly disaffected. The Methodist preachers, however, are all true men. It will pain you to hear, as it does me to relate, that this year, through what is called Radicalism, we have lost between 5 and 6000 members. This is such a blow as we never had since we were a people."
The Doctor, in speaking of disaffection and radicalism, threw his mind back upon different events, which, for some months, had greatly agitated the public mind, embracing the trial of the consort of George IV., -- the movements and trial of Mr. Hunt, -- several public meetings convened by agitators,--the publication of infidel tracts by Carlisle, Taylor, and others, -- the "Cato Street Conspiracy," and arrests and trials for high treason. One thing may be named in passing: the Doctor's connection with government was generally known; but more might be taken for granted, of his knowledge and connection with other departments of public affairs, than was warranted. It is on the latter supposition, that the following circumstance is conjectured to have taken rise: he received a packet, enclosed in an envelope, directed to himself; and within that, another envelope, directed to the king and his ministers. In the note addressed to the Doctor, the writer expressed his belief, that he (the Doctor) was in some way connected with government, and that he wished him to forward the enclosed immediately to the proper quarter, as it involved matters of vital importance to the state. The Doctor immediately wrote to Lord Sidmouth, saying he had just received the packet as directed, -- that he knew not from whom it came, and was also ignorant of its contents; that it might be the ravings of a maniac, or something vexatious in its character, yet he had deemed it necessary to send it.
His lordship wrote an immediate acknowledgment, thanking the Doctor for his promptitude and discretion; further stating, that whatever such things might contain, it was always well to forward them. Though thrown into his lordship's society afterwards, the Doctor delicately avoided all reference to the packet: nor did Lord Sidmouth refer to it. The same week, the "Cato Street Conspiracy," -- one of the most diabolical on record, in a Christian state, was discovered; and the Doctor could scarcely resist the persuasion, that one of the conspirators had made the communication, and that the packet added to the information, of which government was previously in possession from other quarters. Independently of all, the discovery and defeat of the design was a national blessing.
Though the loss of so many members from the Methodist Society at borne was cause of regret, occasioned by the tumultuous upheavings of the maddened spirit of the times, the Doctor was encouraged by the pleasing aspect which religious affairs assumed abroad. One of the missionaries presented him with Patoe's Portuguese Hymn-Book, and various facts relative to the Conformity of Asiatic Customs and Manners with those mentioned in the Bible; the latter of which were exceedingly useful to him in his biblical researches. He considered the Wesleyan Mission to the East, one of the most important the body had established. From information received, he found that the treatise which he had written for the instruction and confirmation of the Buddhist Priests, was translated into the Singhalese language by the Rev. J. Calloway, and printed at the Wesleyan press.
In his correspondence with Archdeacon Wrangham, about this time, the Doctor informed him, that he had 4 secured for him the set of Titles to Walton's Polyglott for which he wrote, and that he had succeeded in reference to the Titles (facsimiles) of the Paris Polyglott, which had been formed on a model, printed, and stained inclose imitation of the original. For his own copy of the Paris Polyglott, he gave thirty guineas, and was charged 'fifteen guineas duty, exclusive of other expenses. The duty sat as heavy on the Doctor's mind, as it lay like an incubus on the free circulation of sacred literature. He wrote on the subject to Mr. Vansittart, under an impression of overcharge. But Mr. Vansittart informed him, that it was the fixed duty; never remitted to individuals, and only now and then to public bodies. He was pleased to find in a letter about this time, from the Rev. G. Townsend, (now Prebend of Durham,) that he was on the eve of publishing the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, arranged agreeably to chronological order; a work in which he rejoiced, and wished him the greatest success.
A person of some rhyming respectability requested the patronage of the Doctor for a work he was about to publish; when he was met at the threshold with, -- "I rarely read poetry: what I read in early life did not profit me: poetry is a dangerous thing for imaginative beings." This was somewhat discouraging. Another person, in whom he had more confidence, and whose subject he preferred, observed to him playfully, yet sincerely, -- "I intend to dedicate the work I have in hand to you, Doctor." "You may," he facetiously replied, "dedicate your old shoe to me, if you please."
Referring to the original defection of our nature, he remarked, -- "The doctrine of original sin has been denied by many; while its opposers, as well as those who allow it, give the most unequivocal proof that they are subjects of its working. I have seen men impugn and defend it with an asperity of temper and coarseness of diction which afforded sufficient evidence of a fallen nature. A late writer on the subject has excelled in this way, and by his bad temper spoiled his works: he has published two books on the Scriptures, translating and commenting, both of which witness against him." Then speaking of the odious nature of sin, and its contagious character, which is compared to leprosy, it led him to describe a case of leprosy which came under his own notice: "Such a deplorable object I never before beheld; the body, the arms, legs, &c., were terrific; every sort of association with this person was avoided, and life was an insupportable burden; so that the patient was incessantly and earnestly entreating God to put an end to it! I believe death in any form would have been preferred by this unfortunate being to this 'life of suffering. This," he added, "is descriptive of sin: the leprosy began with a spot, hidden infection being the cause; for the spot itself was only the first evidence of the vicious principle within: and there is, in like manner, a contagion in human nature, an evil principle opposed to the truth and holiness of God. This is the grand hidden cause of transgression. It is a contagion from which no soul is free; it is propagated with the human species -- no human being was ever born without it; it is the infection of our nature." He always spoke strongly on the great facts of revealed truth.
Having been removed from Liverpool to Salford in Manchester, during the last Conference, in both of which districts he was chairman; the Salford friends felt happy in the appointment, while those on the Manchester side of the Irwell, were delighted in having him so near. To Mr. and Mrs. Brookes, of the latter place, he remarked, -- "In all my visits to Manchester, for two years, I was entertained at your house; and I must say, that never in the whole course of my peregrinations through the wilderness, have I met with more affectionate attention than in your house, -- where, if it were possible, I was even more than at home; and if ever a moment's pain arose, it was on account of being treated far beyond not only my deserts, but beyond everything which the rights of hospitality, or even my relation to you as a messenger of the churches, entitled me to expect. As poor Dherma said to me when he left England, -- 'I thank you for your great and glorious manner of goodness;' so I may address you; and may the all-bountiful God, in whose name you received me, pay the debt I owe you! I regret now, that all the time I was in Manchester, I did not once visit Salford: for, now being in Salford, I cannot, with any show of propriety, visit Manchester; yet, I really must spend a day or two with you before I die, if possible; that I may once more be happy with you, and talk over old things. JOB is now finished, and a hard task I have found it; -- -- far in difficulty beyond anything which had before engaged my thoughts. [34] If it do not please and profit, I shall sadly grudge time and pains. I have no spirit to begin any more of the Commentary. Such a work, done on my plan, requires more than the life of any human being."
Being in London in the early pant of February, 1821, and finding that Mr. Benson was dangerously ill, he paid him a visit; he was then near death. The Doctor, after praying with him, observed, -- "You feel the power of those great truths which you have for so many years declared to us, and find you have not followed a cunningly devised fable." Mr. B. answered, "No, no! my hope of salvation is by grace through faith." He died Feb. 16, and was buried in the ground adjoining to the City-Road Chapel, on Thursday, Feb. 22. Doctor Clarke delivered an impressive address to the immense concourse of people assembled on the occasion, in the course of which he gave a most honorable testimony to the deceased, as a sound scholar, a powerful preacher, and a profound theologian. In one sentence, he struck off the peculiar character of Mr. Benson as a preacher. "You have heard this man's terrible ministry," said he: intimating that it' was terrible in itself -- no man, for argument and application, having so firm, and so extensive a hold of the conscience as himself -- leading his hearers to acknowledge him as a minister of God; and that it was terrible to such as might be induced to slight it -- for having heard him, and yet, under his appeals, remained impenitent, it would be more tolerable for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah than for such, in the day of doom. "You have heard this man's terrible ministry." If a fuller illustration of his meaning be necessary, it is to be found in a sentence employed in familiar conversation with the writer, some time after, and which may be borne out by Mr. Benson's Sermons on the second coming of Christ, -- "he used to preach sermons enough to alarm hell, and frighten the devil." The Doctor spoke the more strongly perhaps on this subject, from the great dissimilarity between Mr. Benson's ministry and his own, -- the love of God being his favorite theme.
Though much pained by Mr. Benson's ready admission into the Wesleyan Magazine, of a number of papers, (many of them ill argued,) against the Doctrine of the SONSHIP, yet he felt anxious, he remarked, "to pay him this last tribute of respect, that if there were any thing in his heart contrary to love, it might go to the grave, and be entombed with the corpse which had just been deposited there." Trivial as this may appear to some persons, it was of importance to the Christian, and showed anxiety to preserve all right within.
Knowing the Doctor's wish to possess whatever would tend to elucidate the Sacred Records, the biographer directed his attention to a review of Beizoni's "Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia, Among other particulars, the following subject was especially dwelt upon:-- "In a tomb, in the Vale of the Tombs of the Kings, he (Belzoni) found a number of figures and hieroglyphics sculptured in bas-relief and painted over, except in one chamber where the outlines only were given. The greatest cane appeared to have been taken to have them accurate; as several sketches were observed on the walls in red lines, which had afterwards been traced with corrections in black; the stone seeming then to have been cut away from the side of the chamber all round the black lines, leaving the figure raised to the height of half-an-inch or more, according to its size. A coat of whitewash was then passed over it, which was still so beautiful and clear, that the best white paper appeared yellowish when compared with it. The painter came next, and finished the figure in colors, which after more than 2000 years retained all their original brilliancy. Among the numerous representations of figures in various positions, one group was singularly interesting, as describing the march of a triumphal procession, with three different sets of prisoners, evidently Jews, Ethiopians, and Persians. Here the Doctor's attention was riveted; when it was further observed, that the procession commenced with four red men with white kirtles, followed by a hawk-headed divinity; these were Egyptians, apparently released from captivity, and returning home under the protection of the national deity. Then followed four white men in striped and fringed kirtles, with black beards, and with a simple white fillet round the head; these being obviously Jews, and might be taken for the portraits of those, who, in more modern times, walked the streets of London. After these came three white men with smaller beards and curled whiskers, with double-spreading plumes on their heads, tattooed, and wearing robes or mantles spotted like the skins of wild beasts; these were Persians or Chaldeans. Lastly, followed four Negroes with large ear-rings; and white petticoats supported by a belt over the shoulder; these being Ethiopians." It was to Doctor Young, however, that the public were indebted for the illustration of the subject, which heightened Doctor Clarke's interest in the relation; who observed, -- "I was prejudiced against Belzoni, because I knew he had formerly exhibited himself on a stage: and was ready, when you named him, to ask, 'Can any good thing come from such a Nazareth?' You, however, convince me, that I may profit much by his researches." Further attention being drawn to the subject, plates 6, 7, and 8, were specially noticed, as exhibiting the most remarkable feature in the embellishments of the Catacombs, and serving to elucidate, in a wonderful manner, a point of ancient history, which was the more interesting from the extraordinary coincidence of the same event being related in the Sacred Writings and by Herodotus. The plates contained the procession already noticed of native Egyptians, and of captive Ethiopians, Jews, and Persians, each distinctly and characteristically marked in feature, color and dress; an event agreeing with the history of the times: for it was ascertained, from the great source of all authentic information relating to ancient history, (the Bible,) that Necho, the father of Psammis, carried on war against the Jews and Babylonians; and Herodotus noticed his expedition against the Ethiopians; so that the procession might very naturally be considered to represent descriptions of captives made in his wars. The history of Herodotus was then compared with 2 Chron. xxxv. 20-24; chap. xxxvi. 1 -- 4. The Doctor regretted the Narrative had not been published before his Notes on Kings and Chronicles appeared. He was reminded that the Notes on Jeremiah had still to be written, where, in chapter xxii. 11, 12, Shallum or Jehoahaz was mentioned; the very person led in chains to Egypt, and who possibly was present in the mind of the ancient artist, when he drew his figure on the wall -- as the king was much more likely to animate his pencil than any of his subjects; and also, that the identical battle, noticed 2 Chron. xxxv. xxxvi. chapters, was referred to by Jeremiah, xlvi. 2, &c.; and which the figures were so well calculated to illustrate. The Doctor, in consequence of this, sent for Belzoni's narrative; but it was out of print, and the subject seems afterwards to have escaped his recollection.
In a correspondence between the present writer, and Bigland, the author of Letters on History, some remarks were made on a passage in the Doctor's Notes on one of the Epistles to the Corinthians, which were communicated to him; to which the Doctor replied, -- I thank both Mr. Bigland and yourself for the critique. When I read it, I could not believe that I had made the mistake -- as I have in my mind, the map of these countries as perfectly as it is down any where on paper: nor could I be convinced till I referred to the places: the mistake, however, if properly ascertained by the compass bearings, will be found slighter than at first view may appear. You will find it is laid correctly down in my Map postfixed to the Book of Acts. Such communications will always be acceptable to me, and of no mean use to my work." No credit is here claimed by the writer; -- it is due alone to Mr. Bigland; but it is introduced to show the spirit of the Doctor.
The latter part of April, and nearly the whole of May, the Doctor was much indisposed; yet he fulfilled various pulpit engagements at Chester, Salford, Manchester, Kidderminster, Stourport, and Birmingham. On the completion of these he had, according to previous arrangement, to pay a visit to Ireland. Though Mr. and Mrs. Forshaw, of Liverpool, and Mr. J. Came, of Penzance, had agreed to go with him, the family were unwilling that he should take the journey without one of its members; accordingly, his second son, Mr. Theoderet Clarke, accompanied him. One part of the plan was, to visit the scenes of his youth, and to spend a fortnight at Portstuart for the advantage of sea-bathing.
Though he coupled a journey of pleasure with his visit to his native country, yet it is doubtful whether he would have been induced to take it precisely at this time, had it not been for an engagement to open a new chapel in Abbey-Street, Dublin. A few notes may be here introduced, without professing to follow him through the whole of his movements and remarks. The Doctor domiciled with Mr. Cook, his brother-in-law, Ormond Quay. [35]
The service in which he was engaged, commenced in Lower Abbey-Street Chapel, June 3, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon. The chapel was crowded to excess. He refused to read Mr. Wesley's abridgment, and took the full Liturgy. Mr. Charles Mayne, brother of Judge Mayne, of the Irish Bench, and one of the three Benchers stationed in Dublin for the year, read the responses. The Doctor's text was Deut. iv. 7 -- 9. The collection amounted to £140. Os. 2d. He was upon the whole pleased with the chapel; but expressed his disapprobation of the story over it, intended as a residence for a preacher, the chapel-keeper, and for the accommodation of classes. The following are some remarks made to Mr. Mackey, on his return to Dublin, June 17th:-
"We reached Belfast on Monday the 4th. Tuesday, 5th, we took the Derry Mail, and passed through Antrim to Coleraine, at which latter place we slept. Wednesday and Thursday were spent at the Giant's Causeway, and along the coast. On Thursday evening, I preached at Coleraine. Friday, we went to Maghera, and Magherafelt, that I might again see my native cottage. But, alas, scarcely a vestige of it remained. Mr. Holdcroft, who accompanied me from Dublin, took, however, a sketch of what remained. We were more fortunate with respect to the School-house, to which I first trudged. [36] This stood in pristine style and of this a sketch was taken. Of the companions of my youth, one survived who remembered me; another, whom I met, was going on crutches, and could not recollect me at all. I intended to have sought out two or three more, whom I heard were still living, but finding so much of the decay of nature in the one I had seen, I was unwilling to see any more of its ruins. My school-fellow, walking with crutches, reminded me that I also must be old. Got to Antrim about half-past nine, -- stopped there about ten minutes, while the chaise was getting ready, and thence to Belfast by half-past twelve. I was in bed an hour and three-quarters; arose, took the day-mail at five, and got to Dublin at seven on Saturday evening."
This was posting indeed! But thus had he driven, and thus had he attained his eminence in the literary and religious world. He was never very partial, however, to the mode of conveyance in Ireland; and observed, that he liked those things the least, which had, what might be designated "tow traces."
He again preached in Abbey-Street Chapel, June 10, at the same hour as on the Sabbath preceding. His text was John xiv. 16, 17. This sermon, in the esteem of the best judges who heard it, far exceeded its predecessor. On both occasions, there were present Fellows of the University, Episcopalian and other Ministers, several eminent Lawyers, the Earl and Countess of Belvidere. A powerful impression was made on all classes of persons by this sermon.
Part of Monday was spent at Black Rock and Dunleary, in search of minerals. He was presented by his friend Mr. M., with an Irish diamond found in the county of Kerry, and a fine specimen of copper ore, brought from the Lakes of Killarney. To his friend, who presented them to him, he said, -- "There are none of these studies, which I have not brought to bear on the word of God, and employed to help me to explain it." It was his intention after this to go with Mr. Came to the mountains of Wicklow, and to spend a day or two in' exploring the mines, and trying to collect what might be allied to the curious and the antique. This was communicated by a friend to Mr. Hodgins, whose father resided between the towns of Wicklow and Arklow, and had a good collection of minerals and antiques. But the project terminated with, -- "I would gladly embrace the opportunity; but the excursion must be given up: Mr. Came has to set off in the morning for Cornwall: if, however, a bargain can be made for any rarity, or a few good mineral specimens, I shall be glad to have them." Several antiques being noticed; he observed, as in the case of mineralogy, -- "Through the medium of these, I have been able to explain passages in the Bible, which I could not otherwise have understood." Mr. Cooke invited several friends to meet the Doctor at dinner; among whom was Doctor Paul Johnston, who had been on terms of friendship with Lorenzo Dow. Doctor Johnston generally assumed the garb and quietude of a Quaker, but was a Wesleyan in sentiment; -- very benevolent, but touched with eccentricity, -- a constitutional fault.
Reference was made to the period when Doctor Clarke traveled in Dublin; and some points were elicited not yet dwelt upon, which it may be proper to notice. Previously to his appointment to the city, in 1790, Mr. Wesley had requested Mr. Myles to give the cup at White Friars-Street Chapel; and had himself established service there at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the Sabbath. A violent clamor was raised against him for these two things, by the leading men. His conduct was much blamed, and his character vilified through the medium of the Newspapers. Mr. Wesley deemed it proper to write some letters in his own defense, in which he repelled the imputations, and justified the procedure. Answers to these, as well as the letters themselves, were published, and are still extant. The ferment was not allayed when Doctor (then Mr.) Clarke was sent thither. Hoping to put an end to the "strife of tongues," he discontinued the eleven o'clock service, which he afterwards regretted stating, on the present occasion, -- "It is the only ecclesiastical sin of which I ever was guilty, and I have repented of it ever since. Had service been continued at that hour, there is no doubt it would have given permanency to Methodism in the metropolis, and would have led to the introduction of the system in other parts, long ago. The energies of the Methodists would have been employed in the accomplishment of their own work; and they would not have been mere hewers of wood and drawers of water, as they have long been, for other churches." Belfast took the lead, in 1820, in establishing service in what are called "church hours." Dublin adopted the same plan, a few months previously to the Doctor's present visit; and the service in the new chapel was intended to be at the same hour. Some of the leading men in the Society, in 1790, joined the Clonites; -- so called from the town of Clones, in the county of Managhan, who separated from the Wesleyan body, in 1816, because the Sacrament was allowed to be administered by the regular traveling preachers. These designated themselves "Primitive Wesleyan Methodists," professing unalienable attachment to the Church of England. Several of the most respectable and influential of these, who were among the Doctor's bitterest opponents at the period referred to, called to pay their respects, and press him to their tables. He quietly remarked, somewhat in the style of Johnson to Chesterfield, on their withdrawal, -- "When I needed their friendship, it was not shown; but they would appear friendly now, when I need it not." He consented, however, by way of showing that no hostile feeling was permitted to lodge within his breast, to take breakfast with one of them on the morning of embarkation.
Miss Cooke, one of the Doctor's nieces, was added to the party, and they all sailed for England, June 14, and landed at Liverpool early in the morning 'of the 15th. It may be remarked, on closing this visit, that the Doctor, soon after his arrival in Dublin, presented a donation of five guineas to the trustees for the new chapel. Previously to his leaving, the trustees enclosed a £10. note, in a letter, Irish currency, -- in British, of course £9. 4s. 7d., and gave it to him to meet his traveling expenses. Just on the point of leaving, he gave Mr. Makey a letter for Mr. Tobias, which was not to be delivered till after he set sail for England. The letter was like the man: it contained four sovereigns; -- having calculated that the balance would defray his expenses, and being resolved not to profit by the transaction. By looking at his subscription of £5. 5s., we find that he took fivepence less than he gave. About a month after his return to England, he was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy; from the secretary of which, he received a polite letter, intimating that the Society would be glad if he would furnish a paper, -- leaving the subject to himself. With this request he was disposed to comply, and wrote to a friend to procure for him the Transactions of the Society, that he might not trench upon ground already occupied. In the same month, he regained in loyalty what he might have lost by the appearance of radicalism across the Irish Channel, when he prayed for the Consort of George IV.; for on the day of his Majesty's coronation, his domestics, the laborers, together with their wives and children, were favored with a holiday, and treated with roast-beef, plumb-pudding and fruit; and, in addition to their day's wages, had silver and copper dealt out to them, according to their age, merits, and servitude; -- the flag joyfully streaming in the wind from morning to evening over the whole.
It will be remembered, that about this time, 1821, the conduct of the Queen, on the continent, was made the subject of very free and unsparing discussion several strange accounts were, through the medium of certain papers, so broadly affirmed, and, apparently, so well authenticated, that the Doctor, with many others, was induced to believe they must be true; and, indeed, expressed a wish to see the king divorced, in order that he might re-marry, have issue, and secure the succession in a direct and indisputable line. While the ministry was instituting the necessary inquiries on the continent, and the trial of the queen, which was to result in proofs of her guilt or innocence, was pending, the Doctor forbore to pray for her as queen; but when that business was ended, and he saw there was not one of the alleged facts proved against her, and, as he observed, "not anything in point of law or justice proved, that should affect the life of a dog;" and when afterwards she was acknowledged as queen by the ministry -- by both houses of Parliament -- and by the king himself, in his message to the lower house to make provision for her -- then, to use his own language, -- "I saw her innocence established as clear as the unclouded sun at noon-day; and, as they had now left her queen, and acknowledged her such, he should, from that time, by the help of God, pray for her in his public ministrations;" and so indeed he did, in all places where he was appointed to preach; not, however, without giving umbrage to some; though, in order to yield as much as he conscientiously could to what he considered blind or bigoted prejudice, he never mentioned any of her adjuncts, -- nor even her name, but simply the title in the phraseology of our liturgy, -- "That it may please Thee to bless the queen and all the royal family." Upon one occasion of his reading this prayer, the person who acted in the capacity of clerk, adopted the singular and arrogant resolution of refusing to make the response; as though, as the Doctor expressed himself, under an evident feeling of annoyance, "the clerk and others who took his part, were better qualified to judge concerning the propriety of praying for the queen than he was, who knew all the charges brought against her in the original matter; -- who had read every document on the subject, months before the public ever saw them." "I well know," he observed in a letter to a friend, "the law on the subject, and that neither the king for his council, nor the whole bench of bishops, has authority to expunge that prayer in the liturgy while there is a person in the land legitimately sustaining the title of queen. A royal proclamation is no part of the laws of England, nor indeed has the force of any. For my own part, no human power could make me desist from what I deem my duty to God and my country: I am not the first to take this consistent and scriptural part, nor shall I be the last; but while I live, and there is room for it, I shall act as I have done;" then, referring to the novelty above set forth, he continued, in a tone of honest and manly indignation, in retrospection of the offered insult, "Was the mode of treatment, of which you were witness, last Sunday morning, such as it should have been to an old gray-headed minister of Jesus Christ? was it proper behavior to Adam Clarke, whose life has been spent in the closet and in painful research into the book of God; as well as into all points relative to the very subject in question, whether considered in a theological, ecclesiastical, or political relation?" From this extract it appears, that the Doctor's resolution of mind was not carried out without concern for the opinions and reflections of those about him; for it will be seen, that he joined exquisite sensibility with undaunted firmness; yet, however unpleasant or painful the struggle between the two might be, he never allowed the clear and cool decision of thought to be overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions of a tender heart.
Lord Sidmouth was at this time Secretary of State for the Home department; and on the visit of George IV., to Dublin, in the mouth of August, accompanied his majesty. The royal visit being expected some time, the Irish Conference agreed to present an Address to his majesty on the occasion. Doctor Clarke being at the British Conference, wrote from thence to Lord Sidmouth in reference to this Address; but dated his letter from White-friars Street, Dublin, and wished his Lordship, with a view to prevent delay, to transmit his reply thither. Mr. Mayne took the letter to the castle, and left it at his Lordship's office. In consequence of it being dated from White-friars Street, his Lordship, supposing the Doctor to be there, immediately dispatched a messenger with an answer, begging to see him at the Lord Lieutenant's residence in the Phonix Park that evening at five o'clock, or at the Castle the next day. This being the case, Messrs. Tobias and Mayne waited on his Lordship in the evening, the former explaining to his Lordship, that the Doctor had given him authority to open any answer that might be returned. His Lordship spoke in the most complimentary terms of the Doctor, and would have had great pleasure in seeing him, as he had not seen him for some time. The address was duly presented by his Lordship, and graciously received: and Mr. Mayne, who- refused to read the response, and whose refusal might be remotely mixed up with his Majesty's expected visit, was less disposed after this, to associate any thing discordant with the political creed and feelings of his learned countryman.
Having been pressed to open a new chapel at Epworth, in Lincolnshire, the birth-place of the founder of Methodism, the Doctor acceded to the wishes of the friends, and proceeded thither, in company with Mrs. Clarke, about the middle of September, posting it a good part of the way. Mr. Atherton was their traveling companion, who had also engaged to take a part of the services, and was at that time one of the Doctor's colleagues in the Salford circuit. With the Doctor's predilection in favor of the curious and antique, every place of interest was examined with care, -the Church, its pulpit, its communion, -- the Parsonage-house, erected by old Samuel Wesley, the Sycamore planted by his hand, his tombstone, &c. He gleaned a few anecdotes respecting the "Wesley Family," which he afterwards successfully employed in the publication under that -title; and bore off with him, on his departure, with a feeling of triumph, the parlor tongs, with other relics of Samuel Wesley. The Rev. _____ Nelson, Rector of Wroote, and curate of Epworth, treated him with the greatest respect, and gave the fullest scope to every feeling of curiosity and every object of interest. As his visit was generally known, the people watched his progress through the villages, and where an opportunity was afforded, several thrust their hands into the chaise window, to shake hands with him. In one place, where the chaise stopped, he got out, entered a small house, took a piece of bread and a little milk, which where apparently in use with the family, knelt down and gave the people his blessing, not forgetting to leave a more substantial token of his benevolent feeling. They dined at Retford on their return; and from thence to Nottingham, passed through part of Sherwood Forest. Here, early days stole over his feelings; and, with astonishing recollection, freedom, precision, and humor, he went over the story of "Robin Hood" and his men, which he pictured forth in such vivid colors, that they seemed to constitute a part of the retinue, and to be mingling ever and anon with the ancient oaks. by their side, whose sylvan ancestors furnished them with shelter both from their pursuers, and from the heat and the storm. In the course of their drive from Derby, through the vale of Matlock, and onward to Buxton, he was enchanted with the scenery, and rarely had his head within the chaise window, it being the first time he had traveled that way.
This visit imparted new vigor to his purposes to proceed with the history of the "Wesley family," respecting which several letters passed between him and the present writer; part of two of which, as they are somewhat explanatory of the position in which the Doctor stood, and show that the failure of the Resolution of Conference being carried out, was no fault of his, may here be given.
My dear Everett, -- I have been a little puzzled to comprehend how a measure that was so earnestly and solemnly pressed upon me by the brethren at the last Conference, should have occupied so little of their attention since. The fact I believe to be this, that few like trouble; and to have complied with my desire, would have produced a little trouble, and obliged the brethren to go a little out of their common way, and this they did not like: and one probably thought he might be excused, as he supposed others would more than supply his lack of service. As this impression appears to have been general, I had therefore no communications. Now, indeed, they appear to be a little stirred up, for I have had four or five letters since the-publication of mine in the Magazine. The most valuable documents which I have received, since that time, are some MSS. of Mr. Wesley, which had found their way into strange hands, and are now lent to me with much ceremony and restriction. But I shall submit to anything honest to get help.
I have got that long correspondence that passed between Mr. Wesley and a person signing himself "John Smith," supposed to have been Archbishop Seeker. The Letters will, I fear, be of little service to me, as they are all written against and for the Witness of the Spirit. Never was Mr. Wesley so nearly matched in learning, temper, and logic.
I think I shall be able to bring to view several matters relative to the Wesley Family, which have never been before the public. But how shall I mention the fact of Mr. Wesley's father being in Lincoln Castle for debt, and there preaching, as he terms it, to his "brother jail-birds?" I have two of his letters written from that place of Durance vile! But do not mention this. [37]
Now, with respect to what you have been doing. It does not appear to me, that you could have pursued a more judicious and effective plan. It is by such means alone, the perishing originals of Methodism can be recovered and preserved. The first, relative to the old man, was within a few days of being irrecoverably lost. With all my heart, I wish you had a traveling commission over the whole Connection, that you might glean, upon your present plan, everything recoverable. My "bread and cheese," I would cheerfully divide with you. In the course of the same year, he again introduced the subject:
Dear Everett -- As you have taken such an interest in the work which was given me to do, I feel it a sort of duty to afford you some information concerning my progress. But first, I have to return you thanks for the parcel, which, on my way to this place, tourport, I met with at Manchester. I have read a good part of your "History of Methodism in Sheffield;" and am going on with it. I feel much pleased with it; and wish you could go to London, Newcastle, and Bristol, and draw up a similar account. I am sorry that neither what you or I have said on the subject, seems capable of awakening the Conference to its importance. I hope the petty puerile jealousies which at present operate against such works as these, will cease at least when our heads are laid low. As you are now the prisoner of the Lord in a certain sense, I think you should lay out your accounts to write all you can, to preserve the memorials of the work of the Lord, Our children's children should not be ignorant of the rising of that little cloud, which has now covered the whole face of heaven, and is pouring out its fertilizing contents on every corner of the land.
After Conference, I gave up my Commentary and every other study, and addressed myself with all the zeal of the warmest partisan, to write the history of the Wesley family. I hoped the preachers would have brought to me a good harvest of particulars -- but was sadly disappointed; -I got only a few letters. From other quarters, I received good materials. I applied personally to Mr. Moore, for the assistance which he was requested by the Conference to afford. His answer, I shall not soon forget; -- "I shall be glad to see a Life of Mr. Wesley written by you; and shall give you any help I can in honor; but I will not let you have the use of the Papers of Mr. Wesley, confided to me." I was not a little surprised. You know that Mr. Wesley's Will, in reference, to these Papers, ran thus:-- "I give all my Papers to Dr. Whitehead, Dr. Coke, and Mr. Moore, to be published or burnt, as they see good." When Dr. Whitehead had done with these Papers, he gave them to Mr. Pawson, to be delivered to Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore. Mr. Pawson burnt many hundreds, and many he gave away to his friends; the rest were sent to Mr. Moore. Now, these, according to the Will, should be burnt or published -- if in being, (which they are,) they should be delivered to me, as they must now be the property of the Conference. If they be not all delivered to me, I will not write the Life, unless they be all published or all burnt. The moment he refused them, I said, "Sir, I will deliver up to you, all the original papers and collections in my possession, and you shall write the Life; and I will, besides, give you all the assistance in my power." This was refused on the ground, that the Conference had appointed me to the work. I then thought I would divide the Wesley family into two parts; -- the upper and the lower, -- and write the history of the upper, and leave subsequent matters to the workings of Providence. I began, and have now, through the good hand of God upon me, written distinct memoirs, 1 . -- Of Bartholomew Wesley, rector of Charmouth, Mr. Wesley's great grandfather. 2. -- Of John Wesley, vicar of Whitchurch, Dorset, Mr. Wesley's grandfather. 3. -- Of Mr. Matthew Wesley, surgeon, Mr. Wesley's grand-uncle. 4. -- Of Mr. Samuel Wesley, rector of Epworth, Mr. Wesley's father. 5. -- Of Dr. Annesley, Mr. Wesley's maternal grandfather. 6. -- Of Samuel Annesley, merchant, Mr. Samuel Wesley's brother-in-law. 7. -- Of Miss Eliza Annesley, afterwards Dunton, Dr. Annesley's daughter. 8. -- Of Miss S. Annesley, afterwards Wesley, Mr. Wesley's mother. On these, I have written nearly 400 large, close quarto pages, and have brought out a number of facts and incidents of which the public and the Methodists know very little. My wife is transcribing them, and when done, I shall send them to the Book-Committee to be disposed of as they think proper. These Lives contain the upper family: Samuel, John, and Charles, with their seven sisters, include the lower; and for all these, many original materials are already collected. But I shall not touch Mr. Wesley's history, unless I get the papers, or am sure that they, and all copies are burnt. I have rescued many parts just in the way, and as near perdition as those you rescued from old Wainwright. But you see, I am to be thwarted in the work, which the Conference desired me, by a strong and solemn vote, to accomplish. I thank you for the three autograph letters, and doubly so for the permission to keep them. Of Kezzy, I had no letter, till yours came to hand; that of Mrs. 'Wesley supplied an important date; and that of Martha (not Mrs. Wright, but Mrs. Hall) will connect with a new memoir of her Life, in which her conduct in reference to her sister Kezzy, jilted by Mr. Hall, will be set in a glorious light. With Mrs. Hall, I had the honor of being acquainted. I shall now take up Mr. Wesley's sisters, and his brother Samuel:-- if I get the papers, John and Charles. -- I believe Mr. E. has many of the Wesley papers, which were given him by Mr. P.; but I need not ask them. I never had any misunderstanding with him, but I believe he never loved me:-- if you could hint it to him, it might be well; -- but I despair of any help from the -- quarter.
Yours affectionately, -- A. CLARKE.
The history of the "Wesley Family," intimations of which have more than once crossed the path of the reader, was at length published by the Book-Room, in one volume, 8vo., the copyright of which edition the Doctor presented to the Connection, for which he received the "most cordial thanks of the Conference" of 1822. It was subsequently enlarged to twice its original size, and published in two thick 12mo. vols., in companionship with his "Miscellaneous Works," after his demise.
Having, in the course of the autumn, received various presents of game from the Derby family, who had visited Millbrook, and manifested more than ordinary respect for himself and family, he occasionally transmitted a portion to London, accompanied with some unusually playful epistles, one of the least gay of which may here be subjoined:-- To John Wesley Clarke, Theodoret Samuel Clarke, James Hook, Eliza Hook, James Clarke Hook, John Logan Hook:-- Dear Children:-- Earl Derby has this day sent me two golden pheasants and a hare; which, with one consent, all join in presenting to you, and hope they will prove some of the best of their kind. We have no doubt, if you can make room, that you will invite Thrasyles and Adam to partake of the noble fare; and I hope Eliza will have two shares for dressing them, and James a share and a half for house-room; and that the Bachelors shall be obliged to find the wine as a tax on their celibacy.
Sarah Cooke set off on Thursday, and after having encountered a dreadful storm, they put back, after twenty-four hours, to Liverpool, all but a wreck. She sailed in the Shamrock yesterday morning, -- weather good, -- wind so-so.
The "Original Letters of John Wesley and his Friends," published by Dr. Priestly, Birmingham, 1791, are sold by Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard. You may probably get a copy there for me. All send their hearty love to you, with dear John and Co.
Your affectionate Father, -- A. CLARKE.
Dr. Clarke, having reprinted a few copies of the Republican Preface to Walton's Polyglott Bible, and also some Titles to the Paris Polyglott, as well as that of the London, Surgeon Blair informed his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex of the fact, who, ill return, was requested to address the Doctor on the subject, and solicit a copy of the former, in order to perfect one in the possession of his Royal Highness. Some letters passed between T. J. Pettigrew, Esq., and the Doctor, at the instance of his Royal Highness; the copies were promptly forwarded, and the Doctor was pressed by his Royal Highness to call at Kensington Palace, on the event of his visiting the Metropolis: he did so in the month of May, when he went up to London, to preach before the Missionary Society in Great Queen-Street and City-Road Chapels, and to assist at the Missionary
Meeting. The collections after the two sermons, amounted to about £200, besides £50, which he had put into his hand by a friend the preceding Friday, which he presented at the meeting.
The Doctor, in his speech, combated the Popish error of withholding the Scriptures from the people, as urged in a pamphlet which had been published by a Roman Catholic priest, against the Bible Society; and the opposite error, maintained by others, who deemed the Bible alone sufficient for the conversion of the world, without the preaching of the gospel. On quoting that passage, -- "Is not my word a hammer, that breaketh the rock in pieces," he observed, "'We have the hammer, it is true; but we need the vigorous and divinely nerved arm to lift it, in order to dash the sinful, obdurate rock in pieces. The Bible and Missionary Societies must go hand in hand, and, if we send both, we have the world at command. God has opened all its great roads, and passages before us. On ordinary occasions, we might see the finger of the Lord, -- on occasions a little more extraordinary, his hand, -- but on occasions like these, we may, if I might so express myself, see his arm, in sending forth his word." After descanting on other topics, he proceeded, "I once thought, how shall the world be converted? When I first felt a concern for immortal spirits, no nation confined my wishes, feelings, desires, prayers; but it seemed to be beyond calculation how the word of God could he sent to the different nations of the earth. I saw that its languages were so different, so numerous, so intricate, that it seemed scarcely possible. I read Bishop Wilkins with deep attention, and felt great interest in his attempts to form an universal language; but I found that his plan was only to form a philosophical one. I afterwards met with an attempt by another person. I took up that with interest, and was, as before, disappointed. But when I saw that God had inspired modern Missionaries with a peculiar aptitude for learning languages, and sent them to the East, I felt the Pentecostal times were about to be realized. I prayed for the life of Carey, and Marshman, and Ward, as for the life of a father, and was afraid lest every arrival should inform us that these great men had died in their work; but they are alive still. I saw a most promising Mission at Ceylon, rising exactly in the same way; the gift of tongues, in this sense, is given also there, and now the word of God is widely circulated, and the kingdom of God is coming with rapidity and power." Mr. Butterworth, who presided on the occasion, observed with grateful feeling, "that it was twenty-five years that month, since his excellent friend and brother, 'Dr. Clarke, gave him a note of Admission into the Methodist Society." On the 14th of the same month, the Doctor preached and presided at a Missionary Meeting at Dudley; 011 the 23rd at Sheffield; and in November, took the chair at one in Salford, when a friend gave him £70, to present to the meeting; and another in the course of the same month, in Liverpool. His whole soul was imbued with a Missionary spirit.
The Duke of Sussex, having been apprised of his being in the city, sent an invitation to him to dine the next day at Kensington Palace. On his arrival at the Palace, he was received by his Royal Highness in his closet, and was conducted by himself through his library, when he was shown several curious and rare works. On his Royal Highness proposing any question to the Doctor, which elicited remarks of a literary character, he requested his Librarian to make a memorandum of the same. After passing through the general library, the Doctor was next taken into what he termed his Royal Highness' "Sanctum Sanctorum," where his choice selection of rare works were properly classified and shelved: "There," said his Royal Highness, pointing to a certain part of the shelves, "there is your Bibliographical Dictionary, Dr. Clarke, and there are other writers on Bibliography, but I prefer your work to the whole." This might have been construed into a mere compliment; but here comes the proof of his Royal Highness' sincerity; "I have carefully read your work, Doctor, and long ago made up my mind, to possess myself of every work noticed by you, with approbation; and if you look around, you will find that I have nearly accomplished my purpose." the Doctor felt the compliment, but in order to defend himself against becoming responsible for the whole, and to throw his Royal Highness more immediately back upon himself, in the exercise of his own judgment and observation, remarked, "Your Royal Highness, I have added many other books in an interleaved copy, [38] and have made at least between one and two thousand corrections, since that work was published, -- for there are many errors in it, some through inattention in transcribing, some through the carelessness of the printer, and some owing to my absence from the press." His Royal Highness then inquired why he did not publish it? The Doctor pleasantly replied -- knowing withal that it was only a work for the few, -" It will take a great deal of money to bring it into the market." The Duke with equal pleasantry, and not less sincerity, said, "We will help you, Dr. Clarke."
The party that met on the occasion, consisted of Dr. Parr, Sir Anthony Carlisle, the Rev. T. Maurice, of the British Museum, the Honorable -- Gower, Colonel Wildman, Sir Alexander Johnstone, Lord Blessinton, T. J. Pettigrew, Esq., and Dr. Clarke. They sat down to dinner about seven o'clock, and closed about half-past nine, retiring into the Pavilion, where tea and coffee were served about eleven. "The conversation," in the Doctor's own language, "was unique, curious, and instructive." The party left about twelve o'clock, with the exception of the Doctor, who, at the request of his Royal Highness, tarried behind; who beckoned to him to take a seat by his side, where a familiar conversation was carried on between them on various subjects. The Doctor rising, his Royal Highness took him by the hand, stating that he should be happy to see him some morning, when alone, the time of which should be arranged between his secretary and the Doctor, and so bade him a friendly "good night," when he found, to his surprise, one of the royal carriages, in waiting to convey him to his lodgings. The esteem of his Royal Highness could not but be sincere, from the fact of his repeated visits to Dr. Clarke, on the latter taking up his residence at. Haydon Hall, and the still further fact of his expressing a wish that the Doctor would sit to an artist for his bust, which he wished to preserve as a memento of his regard for his character. [39]
Doctor Clarke left London, May 10th, and on his arrival at Birmingham, where his friend Mr. T. Hickling, of Bartholomew Square, was waiting to receive him, he remarked in a letter to his son-in-law, Mr. Hook; "We got on well, except a little before we came to Oxford, when one of our horses taking fright at a drove of pigs, was within a hair's-breadth of overturning the coach; we were indeed all but gone, but, through mercy, saved." He added, among other miscellaneous matter, -- "I am summoned back to London. What shall I do? I have engagements to the 25th. The Duke of Sussex wishes to see me as soon as possible; and Professor Lee is coming up on Tuesday, from Cambridge, to consult with me on the great subject, and I cannot reach him with a letter before he sets off."
Being comfortably seated with Mr. Hickling, in the bosom of his family, and being questioned on the subject of his visit to the metropolis, the Doctor adverted to a part of the conversation which took place in the course of his visit to Kensington palace, which referred to the "Sublime;" when one of the party complimented Longinus, on his selection of the nobly expressed sentiments of the Jewish Legislator, as one of the finest in the sacred records, -- not omitting the particularity in the manner of its quotation, -- "And God said, -- what? -- let there be light, and there was light. Let the earth be, and the earth was." Doctor Clarke remarked, that there were passages in the sacred writings, which, in his judgment, were distinguished for a sublimity superior to that of the one quoted; instancing as an example, Isaiah lvii. 15, -- "For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place," -- insisting particularly upon his "inhabiting eternity." Whether the superior claims sought, were ceded to the passage, was not stated; but all admired its sublimity, and no one -- not even Dr. Parr -- preferred an objection against the arguments and illustrations employed to establish its ascendancy to the throne.
He paid another visit to the metropolis in the month of July, at the close of which, he was elected President of the Methodist Conference for the third time; the first instance of a third election since the days of Mr. Wesley, who invariably presided in the annual assemblies of his preachers. At this Conference, it was urged upon the preachers to be more frequent and fervent in prayer, for the abundant out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, and to employ every possible mean to effect so desirable an object among the people: and it should seem that God was not unmindful of the prayers of his servants, for in the course of the year, from July 1822, to July 1823, an accession of 25,533 members was made to the Wesleyan Methodist Societies throughout the world, under the British, Irish, and American Conferences, exclusive of regular traveling preachers, supernumerary, and superannuated preachers. A general Tract Committee was also formed, which, since then, has done an incalculable amount of good. It was at this Conference too, that the Resolution of thanks was proposed to the Doctor for his present of the "Memoirs of the Wesley Family," to the Connection.
On his return to Milbrook, the Doctor wrote to his eldest daughter; and the letter is the more readily introduced here, because of his opinion of a work of some celebrity at the time when he wrote.
My dear Annie, -- We got home safely last evening, and found all well; we were sadly fatigued and oppressed with heat and dust. Do not prevent F from obeying the summons of the Committee, -- let him go! I dare say you have heard that we ended the Conference well: I think the preachers were never better pleased, and I have 99 hearts and hands out of every hundred! I am reading Barry O'Meara's Voice from St. Helena; one of the most interesting books I have ever seen, with every characteristic of truth. When they hear of the indignities and cruelties which Napoleon suffered from that consummate, ineffable rascal, even his enemies will drop a tear for him, while Lord -- will have none to lament his death: yet he was not his most immediate tormentor! Sir H. L -- will have his name handed down to everlasting fame! The ministry -- by dismissing O'Meara from the service, have put the broad seal of the kingdom to the truth of his statements; poveri imbecili! Write and tell me if Nightingale be come. Love to all. Your affectionate father, -- A. CLARKE.
Among other conversations on the subject of Missions at home and abroad, at the Conference, several details were entered into respecting the Hebrides, Orkneys, and especially the Shetland Isles; the latter of which were not adequately supplied with Christian instruction. Dr. Me. Allum, on an arrangement made by the President of the Conference, the Rev. G. Marsden, when at Glasgow, on the 20th of June, sailed for Lerwick, in order to ascertain the real moral and religious condition of the islands of which it is the capital. His report, which is published in his "Remains," pp. 85-116, and which was impressively and vividly placed before the brethren, produced the resolution of sending the needful aid, so soon as circumstances would admit. Dr. McAllum, with whom the biographer was well acquainted, was admirably qualified for the mission on which he was sent: he had a fine intellect, and a benevolent heart, but was cut off in the sunshine of usefulness and popular favor, 1827, in the 33rd year of his age. His tale of woe affected Dr. Clarke, who, on his return home, wrote to Robert Scott, Esq., of Pensford, on the subject, who generously offered £100 per annum for the support of a Missionary to Shetland, and £10 towards the erection of every chapel that should be erected in the islands. To Mr. Scott's benefactions, others were added from Mrs. Scott, Miss Grainger, of Bath, and others, personal friends of the Doctor. The Rev. Messrs. S. Dunn and J. Raby, who both had an interview with the Doctor at Millbrook, and received instructions from him, relative to the mission, were the first who were sent out; and their united labors were not in vain in the Lord. The principal weight of providing for this mission lay upon Doctor Clarke, who wrote, traveled, preached, and begged for it, far and near, among friends and strangers, and who, for the Missionaries, as well as the people, felt all the tender solicitude of a parent. Death alone put a period to his toils in this sacred cause. To enlarge here, however, becomes the less necessary, as the subject will again be adverted to, in the course of the memoir, and as the 13th volume of the Doctor's "Miscellaneous Works," furnishes both a detailed and comprehensive view of the mission up to the period when he exchanged worlds.
Doctor Clarke, in common with all who knew him, but more especially as a fellow-laborer in the "British and Foreign Bible Society," deeply regretted the death of the Rev. John Owen, one of the distinguished Secretaries of that Institution, which took place at Rams-gate, on Thursday, the 26th of September. As an-eminent instrument in the divine hand of consolidating and extending this great Society, this excellent man had successfully devoted his powerful talents for upwards of eighteen years. Directed as these talents were, by a candid and conciliatory spirit, he left am impression of regard on all who had the happiness to act with him, which no time could efface; and Doctor Clarke was emphatically one of that number.
Resolutions having been entered into, in the course of the recent Conference, (though not published in the printed Minutes,) respecting the distressing circumstances in which the Irish preachers were placed, in reference to their financial affairs, a circular, embracing a foolscap folio sheet, was sent "To the Methodist Preachers in Great Britain," explaining the whole case, and containing an appeal to their generosity. This was signed by the President and Secretary of the Conference, and was followed by another touching appeal in the Doctor's individual character, the beneficial effect of which was substantially felt by his countrymen across the water, who knew that they had in him "a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." His circular was dated "Millbrook, Oct. 21, 1822," and it was intimated to him by one of the brethren in the metropolis, that there was good reason to hope that the appeal would realize £1,000.
Toward the close of the year, the Doctor presented his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex with a copy of as much of his Commentary as was then completed, embracing the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, and the New Testament, with a promise of the remaining books when published, accompanied with a long letter containing a general account of the literary labor in which the principal part of his life and strength had been spent, stating that, "were the work then to commence, millions of silver and gold would not, with the knowledge he had of its difficulty, induce him to undertake it." The gift was condescendingly acknowledged by his Royal Highness, in a long letter written by his own hand. The Commentary, however, appeared to be on the eve of being prematurely closed, by a dreadful storm in the early part of December, which, through its terrific ravages, threatened the utter destruction not only of the Doctor's house, but of the lives of the whole of its inmates. In Liverpool, where the full sweep of the tempest was also felt, several lives were lost. The premises at Millbrook were left in a sadly dilapidated state; but all were grateful for the preservation of life.
In the month of January, 1823, the Doctor was elected a member of the Geological Society, in London; and, at -the request of Sir Alexander Johnston, allowed himself also to be nominated for the Royal Asiatic Society, of which he was duly elected a member in the following month.
Notwithstanding the delight which Doctor Clarke took in the oriental languages, and the knowledge he had acquired of the literature, arts, and sciences of Asia, he was no less partial to what was nearer home, and frequently referred with pleasure to the power and simplicity of the Anglo-Saxon language; entering, with Bosworth, in his Saxon Grammar, into all the minutiæ of grammatical criticisms, descanting on its transparency, and its amazing facility of composition, not forgetting the analogy of other languages; and thus showing how a comparatively dry subject might become the hand-maid to divine truth. Without adverting to conversational remarks, he has assigned sufficient reasons in his Notes for giving the c. and cxiv. Psalms, and w, or from verse 161 to verse 168 of the cxix. Psalm, in Saxon, with a literal English version. One of the finest specimens, perhaps, of the Anglo-Saxon is, a conversation between Boethius and King Alfred on the Freedom of the Will.
The spring of the year was laboriously filled up between the Doctor's ordinary pulpit work, his Commentary, his general Correspondence on Connectional subjects, as President, and his attendance on public meetings, in different directions; -- having either taken the chair, preached, or otherwise interested himself, on Missionary occasions, in the months of March, April, and May, at Warrington, Liverpool, Manchester, Bath, London, and other places. Yet, in the social circle, there was no appearance of lassitude as the effect of excessive toil. A subject was the only thing necessary, as at other times, to draw him out; and when there was lack on the part of others, he threw a remark, like a ball into a ring, when needful, for others to foot. Hooke's Roman History being noticed, and the fact of a gentleman of the name of Hooke being mentioned in one of the early Minutes of Conference, as attending the Church Service, the Doctor remarked, -- "The Methodists are not generally aware, that it is the historian, and that he was originally a Roman Catholic Priest." -- That he was an admirer of Fenelon, whose life he translated from the French, -that he attended Pope on his death-bed, and brought him a priest, for which he incurred the abuse of Bollingbroke, -- that he was he correspondent of Harley, Earl of Oxford, -- . that he received £5,000 from the Duchess of Marlborough for writing the book, entitled, "An Account of her conduct," -- that he left two sons, one of whom became a clergyman of the Church of England, and the other a Doctor of the Sorbonne, -- and that he was a Romanist, was familiar to those who were acquainted with Nichols' Bowyer; but his alliance to the priestly office was information, while his sons were proofs, that not only the sacred office had been renounced, but its unnatural appendage -- celibacy. Whence the Doctor had his information, was not stated; but if Hooke had been educated for the priesthood, and had ever officiated at the altar, it must have been in early life, and not generally known. A young friend being seated next the Doctor at table, who had resided under his roof, and with whom he was on the most familiar terms, was accosted, -- "We shall be glad to see you back again, John, for I can assure you, that you have left a night's lodgings behind you yet:" then, playfully -- having been helped to the wing of a fowl, and passing it on to him -- said, "here, John, eat that for me; I have done as much for you in another way, before now, and will do as much again." Heathenism being introduced, with all it had to offer to the intellect and to the heart; he said, -- "You may as well attempt to suck milk out of a goat's horn, as to abstract support or consolation from paganism ." When, adverting to a popular preacher, who had done good service to the cause &f Missions, he observed, -- "he has cultivated the preaching talent the most highly of any man among us; he can go and preach his sermons verbatim; his prayers are the same; both of which I have heard, not only in the city but in the provinces."
Few men enjoyed more domestic comfort than Doctor Clarke; and, owing to the art of managing them, he was generally well served by his servants. He would say, -- "It is so extremely difficult to get good servants, that we should not lightly give them up when even tolerable. My advice is -- Bear a little with them, and do not be too sharp; pass by little things with gentle reprehension: now and then, a little serious advice does far more good than sudden fault-finding when the offence just occurs. If my Mary had not acted in this way, we must have been continually changing; and nothing can be more disagreeable in a family; and, indeed, it is generally disgraceful. 'She is continually changing her servants,' is the phrase by which ill-tempered and unreasonable mistresses are generally characterized, by their neighbors, and those who know them: and this will equally apply to masters." His opinion of the metropolitan servants was very low: "London," said he, "speedily ruins the best of servants; one London girl will spoil a regiment of those who come from the country; they make it their business to corrupt them, -- to render them disaffected with their masters and mistresses, and to be discontented with their wages. These are among their first endeavors."
His joy was heightened, in his religious connections, by the tidings received of the success of the Shetland Mission, from Messrs. Dunn and Raby: and with a view, not only to enlarge their knowledge, but with a remote intention of writing a history of the Islands, he proposed a string of queries to them respecting the Islands and their productions -- grain, seeds, &c., -- horticulture and planting, -- fish, -- fowls, -- beasts, -- inhabitants, -- food, -- implements, -- treatment of worn en and children, -- trades, -- --vices, -- pastimes, religion, -- language, -- literature, -- popular superstitions, -- population, -- diseases, -- laws, -- courts of justice, -- phenomena,
-- letting of lands, -- rents, -- tenures, -- taxations, -- civil and religious contracts, &c., &c., -which they were to answer, as far as they could, without interfering with their regular work. The Doctor, in his review of the Life of Sir William Jones, adverts to certain questions which that great man intended to propose on his going out to India: whether those of Sir William were not a remote reflection in the mind of Doctor Clarke, when be proposed the queries referred to, is likely enough, for they are perfectly in keeping with his habit and principle of seeking and intermeddling with all wisdom.