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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() INDEX OF SUBJECTS."Ability," distinguished from "will," 106, 219; distinguished from "necessity," 107, 139. "Ability not," and "inability," 48. Abimelech, 293. Abraham, 102, 175, 291, 248-249, 405; how saved, 248. "Acceptance of persons," 397. "Action" in Pelagian system, 218. "Actuality" in Pelagian system, 219. Adam, 128; unfallen state of, 58 sq., 147, 482; grace given to, 483 sq.; penalty of his sin, 23; sin and death by, 15, 86, 174, 237 sq., 241, 254; saved by Christ, 128; the second Adam, 86, 476, 484. Adoption, senses of, 404; relation of baptism to, 396. Africa, councils in, 239, 391, 439; letters to, from Rome, 239, 393. "Aid by which," and "without which not," 485. Almsgiving, 164, 172, 386, 408, 426. Ambrose, 147, 233 sq., 254, 279, 304, 431 sq., 532, 545. Άνημάρτητος, 240. Anathemas, by Augustin, 176; by Pelagius, 190, 196, 202, 209, 218, 241, 379. Angels, 133, 254, 368-369, 410, 413. Animals, condition of lower, 190, 254. Antediluvians, longevity of, 246; the good, 405. Apostle, "the" (i.e., St. Paul), 403. Arians, 298. Assistance, need of divine, 127, 145, 218, 227; ambiguously confessed by Pelagius, 218, 221, 226; different kinds of, in human things, 184. Assurance of salvation impossible, 488. Astrology, 396. Astronomy, 246. Augustin, occupations of, 217; not author of original sin, 292; development in doctrine, 536, 548; letter of, to Pelagius, 205; good wishes for Pelagius, 146, 204-205, 240; wishes to interpret Pelagius favourably, 196, 231, 244; books on Free Will, 149. Bad men mingled with good, 172. Baptism, conveys pardon of sin, 110, 164, 172, 195, 253, 386, 424; regeneration in, 195, 273, 392-393, 396, 404; remission of sins in, 43, 63, 278 sq., 385, 390, 403; gift of Holy Ghost by, 142; leaves a sinful tendency, 43, 142, 385, 404; words of, 230, 237, 244; ritual of, 253; called salvation, 28; necessity of, for salvation, 23, 28, 29, 78, 319, 337-338, 348 sq., 350, 394; why needed by infants, even of baptized parents, 31, 37, 62, 238, 243, 253, 273, 394; why it does not abolish death, 64; how dealt with by Pelagius, 23, 37, 230, 237, 243; by Cœlestius, 237-238; set aside by Manicheans, 392; of blood, 319, 339. Baptized, "contrary flesh" even in the, 142. Bishops, eighteen Pelagianizing, 377. Blamelessness different from sinlessness, 167, 173. Body, man's, mysteries of, 356; effect of sin on, 19; effect of, on soul, 147, 163; the body of this death, 142, 144, 164; the resurrection body, 383; death of, from Adam's sin, 15 sq. Body, Christ's, reception of, in the sacrament, 390, 394; spoken of in John vi., 379, 390, 394; Christians His mystical, 38-39. Breath, senses of, in the Scriptures, 322 sq.; the creative, 345; the creative, assigned by Victor to man, 346. Breathing, 345. Called, the, "according to purpose," 401, 477, 513. Calling, different calls distinguished, 479, 513; grounds of calling "according to purpose," 514; to different blessings, 479. Campester and Campestrati, 304, 387. Canonical books, authority of, 146. "Capacity," and "actuality," 503; in Pelagius' scheme, 139 sq., 218 sq. Catechising, 184. Catechumens, 61. Catholic faith, necessity of, 408. Catholics and heresy, 212, 245. Caution needed in reading Pelagius, 237. Ceremonial law abolished, 93, 97, 406. Cheerfulness, interruptions of, 164. Children of the world, of the devil, and of God, 403. Christ, sinlessness of, 83, 130, 168, 169, 176, 250, 385, 409, 417; in what sense called "sin," 250; our Head, 38, 176, 198, 248; incarnation of, due to man's sin, 32; reason for His coming, 30; why born an infant, 42; infancy of, 63; His baptism, 405; "the Rock," 234; the only source of blessings, 104; none saved except by, 36, 37, 40, 63, 71, 248, 306. Chrysostom quoted, 148. Church, Christ's body, 172; authority of, 202; when to be spotless, 172, 194, 424; "mother," 30, 128, 393; visible and invisible, 480; served by kings, 172. Circumcision, 88, 104, 249, 292; the spiritual, 88. Cœlestius, 240, 394; relation of, to Pelagius, 12, 239; trial of, at Carthage, 12, 193, 207, 210, 237 sq., 240, 244; examination of, at Rome, 237, 241, 393; "Definitions" ascribed to, 159; quotations from a work of, 195 sq., 202, 211; other writings of, 159, 228, 237, 238; "profession of faith" by, 238, 245, 393; character of, 201, 230, 239, 241; teachings of, 159 sq.; exegesis of, 174. Co-equality of Divine Persons, 98, 249. Co-eternity of Divine Persons, 248. Coming, Christ's, delay in, 506; reason for, 30; why, as an infant, 42. Commandments, can they be kept? 151, 165, 222; why sometimes given when they cannot be kept, 54; all that is commanded, given, 401; how not grievous, 151, 166, 222. Communion, nature of the, 25; daily, 428; administered to infants, 25, 394, 418, 420. Concupiscence, 97, 162, 168, 170, 192, 263 sq., 383, 385, 392; origin of, 264, 288, 294, 304; a disease, 267, 306; relation to marriage, 37, 263 sq., 265, 270, 288, 304; gratification of, by the married, 270; shamefulness of, 289; when and in what sense sin, 274; not sin when not consented to, 45, 274; and the transmission of sin, 271, 274, 288; not the source of the offspring, 293; relation to propagation, 37; to guilt, 63; none in paradise, 307 sq., 387 sq. Conjugal intercourse, 380. Conversions, sudden, 388. Co-operation of God and man, 111, 227, 233. Councils, at Carthage, 237, 240, 394, 439; at Diospolis, 240 sq.; at Mileve, 394, 439; another not needed, 434. Creation, good, 162, 391, 418; is it an eternal process? 364 sq.; proof of God from, 91. Creator versus Saviour, 134. Credulity not good, 107. Creed, the, 184. Cross made of none effect, 124, 413. Cynics, shamelessness of, 274. Cyprian, 72, 194, 304, 319, 425 sq., 433, 439, 454, 476, 500, 505, 510 sq., 527 sq., 540, 543, 545. Death, origin of, from Adam, 15 seq.; origin in sin, 15 seq., 129, 252; some Pelagians admit its origin in the world from Adam, 417; ministered by the law, 96; its "reign" not removed by law, 19, 247; why not abolished by baptism, 64; its sting, 76; not terrible, 250; good of, 418; why the devil is said to hold the power of, 65; Julian's view of the origin of, 417. Debt in contrast to grace, 99, 198, 229, 398, 421. Decalogue, 93, 406; summary of, 162. Delight in duty, 84; a divine gift, 90, 105. Deluge, the, 249. Demetrias, 225 seq. Desire of good, God's gift, 399. Differ, who makes to, 398. Difficulty of keeping the law, 150; in obedience, 149, 150. Digamy, 408. Diseases, illustration from, 392. "Dominus," epistolary use of, 205. Donatists, 203, 316, 343, 344. "Dung," Paul's attainments why so counted, 412. Eclipses, 246. Election, 477, 503; not on foreseen conduct, 398, 514; certainty of, 477; purpose of, 515; and holiness, 515 seq. Elements, the four, or more, 251. Eternal punishment, 162, 186; degrees in, 103. Eucharist, a sacrifice, 90; only for the baptized, 25; called life, 28, 90. Eulogius, 187. Excommunication, 428. Exegesis, Cœlestius', 174. Exhortation, 221. Eyes, good and bad use of, 224. Faculty, certain uses of, impossible, 140; distinguished from the use of it, 109, 503. Faith, the law of, 90, 92, 96, 101, 103, 408; voluntary, 107; but this will itself of God's gift, 109, 110, 450; given by God, 105, 107, 455, 504; even the beginnings of, 198, 229, 499, 517, 547; sovereignly given, 506; works by love, 94, 103, 198, 405, 406; a "work," 504; obtains justification, 105, 198, and further grace, 105, 108, but not the meritorious ground of either, 504; the ground of all righteousness, 105; the "life" of a just man, 168; dispenses with demonstration, 251; what true faith is, 188; under the Old Testament, 138; relation to good works, 451; needed by all alike, 104; Augustin's former error as to the origin of, 500; questions not of the, 246. Fall, its nature, 59; estate of man before, 59; denied by the Pelagians, 193, 207. Fatalism charged and refuted, 395. Fear, an inadequate motive, 88, 95, 105, 144, 227, 382, 405; produced by law, 96, 98, 105, 121, 247; use of, under the Gospel, 105, 132, 150; will cease when love is perfect, 167. Firmus, 260. Flesh, sense of, 141, 143, 277, 384; resurrection of, 105, 253; Christ's, how dishonoured by Manicheans and Pelagians, 392; the, and the spirit, 143, 144. Florus, 472. "Folly" distinguished from "heresy," 190. Forgiveness, of sin, needed and prayed for by all, 113, 135, 164, 194, 409, 414, 428; of injuries, 164, 172. "Form," 363. Freedom in Adam and in the saints, 486. Free will, in Adam, 109, 378, 484; how injured in the fall, 378; as a faculty distinct from the use of it, 109; a "midway" power, 109; certainly possessed by man, 444 sq.; capable of evil 186, 378; not capable of good, 84, 148, 378, 395, 415; healed by grace, 89, 106, 415, 417; relation to grace, 106, 226, 235, 421 seq., 443 seq., 456; not made void by grace, 106, 110, 285, 379, 395, 437, 439, 443 sq.; led by God, 185; not the source of faith, 110; Pelagian doctrine of, 226, 379, 421. Gentiles, salvation of, 104, 122; condition of, 101, 122, 124; virtues of, 104, 264. Gifts, diversity of, 197; our duties in relation to, 546. "Give what Thou commandest," 92, 508. Glorying in self forbidden, 104, 428. God, impossibilities to, 140; only good, 170. Good desires, equivalent to love, 225; produced by grace, 225, 388, 399. Good fruit, how produced, 225. Goodness, human, comparative, 170; among the heathen, 104, 264. Good will, from God even in its beginnings, 388, 455. Grace, meaning of, 84, 92, 97, 122, 142, 146, 192, 193, 220, 222, 226, 247, 472; Pelagian meaning of, 218, 220, 229, 231; Pelagius' ambiguous acknowledgment of, 124, 125, 131, 139, 141, 192, 218, 220, 225, 229, 231; Cœlestius' understanding of, 228; difference from natural powers, 125, 141, 192, 210, 218, 454; relation to law and teaching, 96, 192, 210, 220, 231, 452, 453; relation to Christ's example, 218, 231; relation to forgiveness of sins, 135, 210, 231, 450, 454; relation to free will, 235, 443 sq.; does not make free will void, 46, 106, 436, 437, 443 seq.; relation to good will, 455; relation to predestination, 507; not given according to merits, 227 seq., 379, 422 seq., 437, 439, 448, 456, 531; grace for grace, 452; prevenient, 110, 133, 401, 421, 459; gratuitousness of, 122, 484; distinguishes men, 503; and the law under the Old Testament, 247; not absolutely bound to the means, 29; necessity of, 28, 122; even in a perfect nature, 140, 142, 232, 390, 446. Guidance, no one should trust to his own, 185. Hagar and Sarah, 189, 403, 406, 408. Heart, a pure, what? 171; God's government of the, 463; inclined at God's will, 226; hardening the, 464. Hebrews, canonical authority of the Epistle to the, 34. Heredity, 335. Heros and Lazarus, 183, 201, 210. Hilary the commentator, 420. Hilary of Poitiers, 146. Hilary of Sicily, 193, 206, 241, 497, 498, 525. Holy Spirit, presence of, in the heart, 98; the "finger of God," 95; of the Father and the Son, 110. Hope, distinct from possession, 253. Human nature assumed by the Word, 198. Humility, true and false, 134; attends to truth, 134; condition of divine help, 163; shown by the saints, 51, 96, 199. Idiots and simpletons, 27, 41. Idolatry caused by self-reliance, 90. Ignorance, human as to itself, 354 seq.; how far an excuse, 445; may be sinful 127, 202, 404; sins of, 44; and weakness, 44; of infants, 41, 42. "Imitation," 18, 124, 242, 301; whom sinners "imitate," 21. Immaculateness, 173. Imperial authority against Pelagians, 243. Impossible, the, how not exacted by God, 44, 54, 139, 151. "Inability," and "ability not," 485. Incarnation, the, 60, 122. Infants, ignorance and infirmity of, 43; why baptized, 23; not enlightened at birth, 29; lost unless baptized, 28, 29, 31, 124, 244, 319, 337 sq., 348, 463; vicarious confession of, 30; called "believers," 24, 30, 69; many permitted to die unbaptized 396, 397; unbaptized, condemned to lightest punishment, 23; original sin of, proved from the Scriptures, 30 sq., 39, 71, 303, but denied by Cœlestius, 230, and the Pelagians, 263; original sin of, enough to condemn them, 439; born in sin, 24, 240, 250, 254, 383, 390, 418, 431; have no actual sin, 23, 41; exemplify gratuitous grace, 463; Christ died for them, 28, 71, 306; why Christ was born an infant, 42. Inferiority of the Son, as man, to the Father, 249. Infirmity, remains of, 174; sins of, 44, 168, 386, 404; of infants, 43. Innocent I., 239-240, 243, 245, 393, 439. Inscrutableness of divine judgments, 26, 111, 188. Insidious questions of the Pelagians, 414. Intelligence, spiritual, not alike in all Christians, 100. Intercession of the Holy Ghost, 359. Intercessory prayers, 429. Israel, the spiritual, 99, 102, 103. James, St., misinterpreted by the Pelagians, 126. James and Timasius, 121. Jerome, attack on, 212; quoted, 148. Jerusalem, conference at, 199, the earthly and heavenly, 189, 405, 408. Jesus, its meaning, 128, 308; no other name saving, 137. Jews, boasting of, 88, 103; dispersion of, 406; rejection of, 248. Job, 49, 146, 175; language of, 146, 167. John, the Baptist, 87, 132, 405, 407, 414; of Constantinople (Chrysostom), 148; of Jerusalem, 200, 206. Joseph, why called Christ's father, 269. Joshua, 175. Judgment, the future, 109, 171, 187, 426; God's, according to works, 110; not according to foreseen works, 317, 321, 509, 512, 533-537; unsearchable, 532. Julian, 258, 281, 283, 378, 386, 391; his "confession of faith," 386. Justification, through faith and grace, 18, 92, 105, 108, 220; prior to works, 102; by Christ alone, 21. Kingdom of heaven, not different from salvation, 23, 28; Pelagian view of it, 243, 390; promised in Old Testament, 189. Knowledge, without grace, effect of, 192; of God in this world, imperfect, 100, 433; of the law attainable by all, 184. Labourers in the vineyard, parable of, 397. Lactantius quoted, 146. Latin not understood by the Eastern bishops, 185. Law, under the, what, 145; a schoolmaster to Christ, 121; true doctrine of, 402; utility of, 221; right use of, 89, 97, 162, 175, 220, 246, 421; Pelagian view of, 248, 390, 420 sq.; and teaching, 220; cannot take away sin, 19; and grace, 421; fulfilled through grace, 89, 97, 106; the moral law good, 85, 89, 92, 192, 417, and permanent, 122, 124, 147, 406; written on the hearts, 96, 97. "Letter and spirit," the, 82, 94, 97, 110, 145, 192, 220, 403, 406, 415. "Liberty" through grace, 149, 161, 164, 378. Lie, is it right to, for humility? 134; is every man a liar? 169. Life, eternal, a gift and yet a reward, 451; none outside of God's kingdom, 28. "Lighteth," meaning of, 29. Literal interpretation not always tenable, 85. Lord's Prayer, the, 428; and Pelagianism, 527 seq. Love, the gift of the Spirit, 151; the spring of all right action, 151, 457; the root of all good, 224, 225, 457; the fulfilling of the law, 151, 457; when it fulfils the law, 165; how bestowed, 225; infused by God, 84, 108, 144, 151, 162, 227; necessary for well-doing, 84; duties easy to, 151; greater than faith and hope, 165; degrees of, 151, 163; perfected in the next world, 112, 163, 165, 222. Manicheans, the catholics charged with being, 285, 298, 303, 378, 380, 390, 391 seq., 417, 418, 433; catholics and Pelagians distinguished from, 286, 292, 414; their attitude towards the canon, 535. Mankind, "mass of," justly condemned, 123, 250, 396. Mansions in the Father's house not outside the kingdom of God, 349. Manuscripts of the Old Testament, 246. Marcellinus, 15, 44, 69, 80, 83, 89, 130, 193. Marriage, is it evil? 250, 263 seq., 283, 299, 300, 380, 394, 420; the good of, 37, 321, 265, 268, 271; in our first parents, 251, 298; in Paradise, 298; relation to concupiscence, 252, 263 sq., 270, 288; sins and virtues in, 270; chastity in, the gift of God, 264; but less than continence, 264, 271; and continence, 268, 271; before and after Christ's coming, 269; Paul's teaching as to, 269 seq. Mary the Virgin, 253; perpetual virginity of, 269, 378; is she sinless? 135. Massilians, 498. Means given with the end, 548. Mediator, Christ the, 24, 63, 83, 103, 131, 139, 172, 175, 176, 236, 247, 248, 249, 250, 419. Medicine, the law compared to, 86. Melchisedech, 249. Mercy, works of, 44, 150; need of, even in the last judgment, 488. Merits, 225; grace not given in reference to, 196, 201, 225, 227, 229, 379, 388, 395, 399, 414; are themselves God's gifts, 199, 247. Methuselah, 246. Monastic life, 207, 217, 437, 439, 443, 471. "More easily," 220, 225, 228, 232, 399. "Mortal" distinct from "subject to death" and "dead," 16. Mysteriousness of God's dealings with souls, 25, 110, 398, 423. Nations, a few yet unevangelized, 122. Nature, created by God, 298; created sound, 59, 122, 298, but has fallen into unsoundness, 59, 122; injured by the fall, 122, 127, 137, 141, 142, 148, 150, 160, 161, 191, 224, 249; good in itself, 122, 162, 163, 225, 250, 298, 392, 395, 414, 418; not sufficient to itself for holiness, 122; even when unfallen needing God's help, 140; in need of Christ as a Saviour, 144; and will, 302; and its corruption, 59, 303; restored by grace, 103, 137; Pelagius' idea of it, 141, 145, 418; Pelagius contends it is whole, 127, and wrongly extols it, 130, 134, 228. Necessity, not incompatible with free will, 139; a "happy," 162. Neophytes, 184. Novatians, 254. Numidia, 394. Old Testament, senses of the phrase, 188, 406; utility of, 35; its holy men lived by faith in Christ, 139, 175, 246, 250, 389. Olive and Oleaster, a natural type of transmitted sin, 272, 307. Open questions, specimens of, 206, 247. Optatus, 311. Ordination, qualifications for, 173, 386. Origenism, 187. Original sin, 122, 238, 242, 243, 245, 250, 253, 382, 414, 415, 422, 431; universal, 30; distinct from actual sin, 19; clearly taught by Scripture, 28 sq., and by the fathers, 72 seq.; Pelagius' view of, 241; when alone, deserves lightest condemnation, 23. Orosius, 201. Palestine, Council of, 183 sq.; catholic, 194, 241; deceived by Pelagius, 191, 225, 240, 247, 379, 388, 395; condemned Pelagianism, 194, 196, 202, 209, 212, 243; official records of, 183, 206, 240, summary of, 209. Pammachius, 238. Paradise, 58 seq., 246, 378, 383, 426. Parents, Christian, why not have Christian offspring? 61, 75. Patience, trials of, 129, 168; a high virtue, 428. Paul, St., a sinner, 52; his converson, 382, 383, 388; had many but not all gifts, 197; rapture of, 246; a preacher of grace, 90, 199. Pedagogues, 184. Pelagianism, origin of, 203 seq., 245, novelty of, 12, 380, 390, 395, 415, 425, 432, 445; propositions of, 193, 207, 211, 241; three chief points in, 414, 527; five lesser questions, 414, 416 seq.; a true heresy, 146, 209, 246-250; and Manicheanism, 414, 415; how opposed, 12; condemnation of, 434. Pelagius, his character and motives, 69, 121, 241, 244; a "monk," 145; long residence in Rome, 245; visits Africa, 203; high reputation of, 69, 70, 203; letters from bishops to, 205; ability of, 123; notes on Paul's Epistles, 69, 200; why he does not speak in his own person, 71; letter to Paulinus from, 230; work by, discussed in On Nature and Grace, 116, 121, 192, 196, 201; "Chapters" or "Testimonies" by, 185, 206, 425; his letter to Demetrias, 225, 228, 231, 232; his explanations made in Palestine, 183 seq., 193, 200; disingenuous professions by, 201, 218, 221, 240, 395; a "paper" from, 183, 191, 207; letter to a presbyter from, 206, 207; a "Defence of Free Will" by, 218, 224, 232; letter to Innocent from, 218, 229; profession of faith by, 229, 230, 244; ambiguous language of, 193, 197, 204, 218, 229, 235, 243, 245; really of one mind with Cœlestius, 239, 241, 243; his doubtful anathemas, 218, 241; his distinction between "possibility" and "actuality," 123, 218; his distinction between "possibility" and "will," 139, 218; his sincerity, 225, 237, 241, 244; his writings, 69, 116, 218, 231 sq., 237, 243, 245, 425. Penance, 245. Perdition, vessels of, 186, 424. Perfection, possibility of, in this life, 46, 111, 235, 409 seq., 412; four questions distinguished, 46; relative degrees of, 52, 53, 112, 411; compared with that of the future life, 113, 165, 410; when to be attained, 48, 165, 168, 276. Perseverance, from God, 475, 477, 527, 547; and faith, 526; and prayer, 428, 529. Personal union, the, in Christ, 197. Pertinacity in error, 191. Pharisee, prayer of, 93; his sin in it, 45. Phoenix, 368. Physician, Christ the true, 128, 131, 137, 142, 144, 236. Platonist opinion of pre-existence wrong, 250. Πνοή, 323. Polygamy in the Old Testament, why permitted, 267. Porphyry, 506. "Possibility" in the Pelagian scheme, 123, 139 sq., 218, 224. Possible, the, not always realized, 83, 185. Praise, of the creature, 416, 418; of marriage, 417, 420; of the law, 417, 420; of free will, 417, 421; of the saints, 417, 424. Prayer, prompted by grace, 431; a proof of grace, 447; use of, 150, 164, 166; and predestination, 541; for divine aid, not to be condemned, 125; for forgiveness, allowed by Pelagius, 127, 228; in what sense needed, according to Pelagius, 233; Pelagian view of, 121, 145, 232; the Lord's Prayer and Pelagianism, 527 seq. Predestination to life, 176, 186, 222; to punishment, 170, 361; what it is, 481, 539, 542 seq.; can it fail? 348, 477; its number fixed, 487; and foreknowledge, 486; and grace, 507, 542; and prayer, 541, 550; and Jesus, 512, 552; shall it be preached? 538 sq., 546, 549; Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian view of it, 516. Pre-existence of souls, 26, 250. Prevenient mercy, 133, 401, 423. Pride, its character as sin, 87, 133; in what sense the root of sin, 132; its danger, 412; the divine remedy for, 55. Priests under the law, 173, 409. Progress in spiritual life, 170, 175, 400. Prohibition, irritating effect of, 85, 90, 94, 163, 403. Promises, in Old and New Testaments, 97, 189, 405, 407; conditional, 175; surety of God's, 508. "Propagation," or "imitation," of sin? 20. Punishment, degrees in future, 23, 104; good heathen mildly punished, 104; unbaptized infants lightly punished, 23; both in wrath and in mercy, 55; why inflicted on the forgiven, 66; by the gift of "ability," 107. Purpose, God's, in election, 401; man's, for good the result of grace, 401. Rash judgments, 190. Reason, 190. Rebuke, and grace, 468, 471 seq., 489; duty of, 473; grades of, 490; purpose of, 491; objection to, 473. Reconciliation, 420. Redemption, necessity of, 254, 381; senses of, 404; ambiguously acknowledged by Pelagius, 244. Regeneration, senses of, 47, 253, 404, 429. Renewal, gradual, 47, 99, 161, 173. Renunciations in baptism, 254. Repentance a gift of God, 234. Resurrection, spiritual, 105; of Christ, spiritual renewal represented by, 86, 105; of the body, 245, 253, 414; called regeneration, 47. Retractations quoted, 501, 535. Riches, Pelagian view of, 193, 241; the spiritual, 172. Righteousness, of the law, 411, 453; of faith, 413; of God, 88, 90, 96, 121, 403, 412, 453; produced by God, 111; how men seek to establish their own, 88, 133, 137, 402, 408, 412; imperfect in this life, 53, 112, 145, 150, 164, 169, 235, 410 seq., 424, 429, 432; of the apostles and prophets, 408; why not propagated, 48. Rogatus, 343. Rogatians, 311, 316, 343, 344. Roman church, faithful, 233, 240; its clergy defended, 392 seq.; members of, 377; see of, most eminent, 377. Rufinus, 238. Sabbath, the literal, abolished, 93, 98, 395; symbolism of, 95. Sabellians, 298. Sacraments, importance of, 28, 78; imply original sin, 253; of catechumens, 61. Sacrifice of body and blood, for whom offered, 320, 338. Saints under the Old Testament, not free from sin, 381, 389, 424; how saved, 248, 404. Salvation, senses of, 404; under the law in the Old Testament, 247; none outside God's kingdom, 28. Samaritan, parable of the, 138, 142. Samuel, 175. Sanctification a divine work, 173. Satan, fall of, 410; author of sin, 132, 253; power over man, 254, 388; binding of, 254; some delivered to, 132; sons of, 403. Saviour, need of a, 134, 142, 414; versus Creator, 134; universal need of a, 36, 63, 71. Scandals, 172. Scripture, authority of, 28, 67, 111, 137; silence of, 135, 340; omits many things, 67, 136. Secular courts not resorted to, 408. Self accusing, 168. Self-excusing, 121. Self-righteousness, 96. Semi-Pelagians, 49 sq.; how differ from Pelagians, 498, 516; anticipated, 388. Senses and sensibilities, 332. Service, the eucharistic, referred to, 90, 111, 135. Servile temper, the, 107, 144, 223, 407. Sextus, a Pythagorean, 116, 178. Shame, origin of, in the body, 265, 304, 387; and marriage, 298. Sicily, Pelagianism in, 159, 193, 241. Sight as opposed to faith, 104, 110, 174, 410, 412. Silence of Scripture, as to men's sins, 135; danger of arguing from, 328, 340. Simplicianus, Augustin's letter to, 384, 500, 501, 547, 548. Simplicius, his remarkable memory, 358. Sin, original, 19, 30 seq., 237 seq.; clearly taught by the Scriptures, 28 sq., and by the fathers, 72 sq. (See under Original Sin.) Sin, Adam's, 307; nature of, 128, 148, 160, 169; penal results of, 197, 122, 129, 150, 162, 163; universality of, 51, 122, 123, 235; unbelief specially so called, 403; knowledge of, through the law, 88, 106, 192, 407; struggle against, 136, 168, 169, 404, 429; lessening power of, 168, 170; as punishment of sin, 128, 129; cured by sin, 131; actual and original, 19; not a "thing," 160; from will, 160; and of nature, 160; by natural descent, 22; can it be avoided? 160, 164; Pelagius' definition of, 127; Pelagius denies all subsequent effect of, 127, 128; the law of, 43, 277 seq., how Christ is made sin, 250, 409 seq. Sinful, all men born, 51, 298. Sinlessness, distinct from holiness, 194; possibility of, 46, 111, 124, 138, 146, 148, 176, 235; possibility of an open question, 46 sq., 138, 146, 207; open in a sense, 176; not open, 386, 429; various standards of, 235; four questions distinguished, 46 sq., of the Scripture saints, 35, 381, 401; of Abel, 136; of the Virgin Mary, 135; of Christ alone, complete, 57; unreality of, 47; why none in this life, 55; commanded, 164. Sins, venial, 104, 136, 166, 270, 274; not yet committed, no sins, 317, 321. Sodom, destruction of, 250. Song of Songs, spiritual sense of, 85, 198. Soul, origin and nature of, 310, 315 seq., 415, 427; not of substance of God, 316, 332, 344; not of pre-existent material, 316; out of nothing, 316; not corporeal, 317, 333, 361, 363 seq.; not existent prior to birth, 335, 347; not good or evil prior to birth, 317, 318, 335, 347; given by God, 325 seq.; are they propagated? 67, 76, 321; are they created? 322 seq.; creationist passages, 322; and body, 366; and spirit, 331, 362, 369; Augustin's position as to origin of, 329; heresies as to origin of, 330; Manichean view of, 392. Sovereignty of God's grace, 26, 57, 174, 456, 463, 478, 489, 532, 538. Spirit, the Holy, how He intercedes for us, 359, 551. Spirit and soul, 331, 362, 369. "Stainless," senses of, 166, 169. Stephen, St., his prayer, 388. Subterfuges, Pelagius', 244; chief Pelagian, 416. Supper, Lord's, called life, 28, 90; service referred to, 90, 111, 135; a sacrifice, 90, 320, 328; partaken of by infants, 25, 394, 418, 420; only for the baptized, 25. Teaching, 220; insufficient without grace, 85, 113, 176. Temptation to be prayed against, 142, 145, 176, 428; various forms of, 429. Tertullian, 334. Testament, the Old, use and teaching of, 35. Testaments, relation of Old and New, 35, 92, 100, 247, 405 seq. Texts cited by the Pelagians, 165, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172 seq., 400. Theodicy with reference to grace, 423, 464; with reference to the heathen, 104. Θεοσέβεια, 90. Thessalonica, 378, 391. Thief, dying, 319; a martyr, 319; perhaps baptized, 319. Thorn in the flesh, Paul's, 113, 131, 222, 411. Thought, grace needed for good, 401; sense of "about evil," 188; sins of, 113, 176; less than desire, and yet from God, 400. Threatenings of the law, 89, 92, 125. Three periods of the world according to Pelagius, 248. Timasius and James, 121, 203 seq. Transmission of sin, 18, 20, 69, 238, 245, 272, 415. Trinity, of one Godhead, 246; inseparable, 110, 411. Types, 406. Tyre and Sidon, comparatively tolerable for, 533. Unbaptized infants, 23, 25, 36, 273, 319, 337, 348. Universal need of salvation, 36, 63, 71, 134, 142, 414. Unregenerate children of the regenerate, 272. Unsearchable judgments of God, 25, 110, 398, 423, 532. Valentinus, 437, 439, 444, 472. Valerius, comes, 258, 259, 260, 263, 281, 283. Various readings in text of Scriptures, 199, 219, 246, 412. Venial sins, 104, 136, 166, 224, 270, 274. "Very easily," to obey, 162. Vincentius the Rogatian, 343. Vincentius Victor, 310, 311, 315, 331, 343; his errors, 316 sq., 352, 370. Vindemialis, 260. Virgin, the, Mary. (See under Mary.) Vision, the beatific, 110, 174, 410. "Volition" distinct from "ability," 106, 218. Wicked men, God's government of, 462. Widow, tracts addressed to a, 190, 191. Wilderness, sins of Israel in, 405. Will, its relation to ability, 106, 219; weakness of, 45, 358; needs God's help, 45; in God's power, 461; acts even in cases of reluctance, 106; can assent and dissent when God calls, 110; prepared by God, 400; good, how bestowed, 56, 225, 388; to believe, wrought in man by God's power, 111, 388, 400; good will and grace, 455; is good will a merit? 455. Willing and running, 174. Wisdom, Book of, canonicity of, 511. Wisdom, the true, 90; of words, 137. Working of God in us, 84, 98, 107, 219, 389. Works, law of, 91; of the law, 93, 104; every one has some good, 104. "World" used for men in it, 224. Xystus quoted by mistake for Sextus, 116, 148. Young children. (See Infants.) Young and old alike capable of redemption, 254. Zosimus, 237, 239, 240, 245, 393, 439; his dealings with Cœlestius, 239, 393.
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