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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() For Pages 1 to 317.(EXCLUSIVE OF HOMILIES ON THE STATUES.)Aaron, his office no palliation of his sin, 61. Adam, fall of, due to his slothfulness, 181, 195, 273. Adversity not really terrible, 290. Afflictions, part of God's providential dealings, 182. Ahab, God's mercy in dealing with, 95. Angels, guard the dying Communicant s soul, 76; present at the Liturgy, 76; their character, 73. Anger, ill effects of in a priest, 51. Anomœans, heresy of, referred to, 147. Apostles, unity of their doctrine, 136. Applause in church deprecated by Chrysostom, 223. Aquila, friend of St. Paul, referred to, 150. Arcadius, Eastern Emperor referred to, 245, 251, 252; embassy on behalf of Chrysostom, 308. Aristides, referred to, 126. Armenia, severity of winter in, 293. Arsacius, usurper of the See of Constantinople, 288. Attendance at church, neglect of, rebuked by Chrysostom, 224, 225. Atticus, usurper of the See of Constantinople, 302. Ausis, Uz so called in the Septuagint, 165, n. Babylas, St., removal of his bones ordered by Julian, 142; effect of this on shrine of Apollo, 143. Baptism, clerical described, 165; called a "seal," 171, n.; requirements for right reception of, 167; sins hidden in, 168; different names given to, 160, 161. Basil, his friendship with Chrysostom, 33, 34; entrapped by Chrysostom into ordination, 35; his remonstrances, 36-44. Beauty, corporeal and spiritual contrasted, 102-104, 264. Bishops, unsatisfactory mode of electing, 50, 53, 54, n.; difficult duties of, 58, 59; share the punishment of those on whom they lay hands suddenly, 63. Bishopric, age at which men were eligible for a, 36, n. Burial of the dead, a human instinct, 142. Cæsarea and Cappadocia, Chrysostom's visit to, 299. Cain more unhappy than Abel, 274. Canaan, the woman of, referred to, 154, 216. Childlessness not to be regarded as retribution for sin, 238. Chrysostom. St., his friendship with Basil, 33, 34; his purpose to enter monastic retreat, 34; remonstrances of his mother, 34; entraps Basil into ordination, but avoids it himself, 35, justifies his conduct in so doing, 37, 38, 42-46, 49, 53; his conflict with the passions of the soul, 80; his despondency and alarm at the prospect of ordination, 81, 82; his reasons for adopting a secluded life, 81; protects Eutropius, 247; maintains the Church's right of asylum, 250, 251; his condition in exile, 293, 296, 297, 299, 300; appeals to Innocent Bishop of Rome, 307; his letters to Innocent, 309-313. Chromatius, Bishop of Aquileia, Chrysostom writes to, 307. Church (as a building) duty of bringing men to the, 225-227; a surgery for souls, 235, 236; (as the Christian body) various names of the, 256. Circumcision, a name given to baptism, 161. Communion, holy, the obligations which it lays on the recipient, 166. Constantia, wife of Gratian, 125, n. Constantine, the younger, 124, n. Contradictions, some supposed in the Gospels, how to be explained, 214. Cross, signing oneself with the sign of, 171; the power of, 171; an offence and a blessing, 189; of Christ, prefigured and predicted, 202; in what sense desired by Him, 203, 204; why deprecated by Him, 205. Cyriacus, deacon, emissary from Chrysostom to Innocent, 309. Daniel, in the lion's den referred to, 225. Daphne, a suburb of Antioch containing shrine of Apollo, 142. David, his fall and repentance, 112; his treatment of Saul, 230, 231. Deceit, when justifiable, 37, 38. Demetrius, Bishop of Pesinus, emissary from Chrysostom to Innocent, 309, 310. Demons, conduct of, at Gadara, and in the case of Job, specimens what their government of the world would be, 183, 184; powerless without God's permission, 197. Departed, prayers for the, 76, n. Despair, the devil's instrument to work man's ruin, 92, 93, 97, 106, 107. Devil, the, evil by choice and not by nature, 197; existence of the, permitted for the sake of the Christian athlete, 197; only mischievous to the slothful, 198; used by St. Paul as an executioner, 189; why called "apostate," 188; why called "the Devil," 188; why called "the wicked one," 188. Dignity, offices of, in God's kingdom entail responsibility, 62. Diodorus of Tarsus, instructor of Chrysostom, 87. Diogenes, referred to, 126. Domestic cares described, 115. Earnest of the Spirit, meaning of the, 261. Eli, his inherited office no palliation of his sin, 61. Elisha, his wonder-working sepulchre, 140. Enemies, St. Paul's advice how to treat, 228; vengeance on, not to be invoked, 241. Epaminondas, referred to, 126. Eucharist, the Holy, teaching of Chrysostom concerning, 46, 47, n. Eutropius, sketch of his life, 245-247; quits the asylum of the Church, 253. Eve, her fall, her own fault, 194; the better for her expulsion from Paradise, 180, 181. Evil, two senses in which the word is to be understood, 188; a form of, peculiar to each thing, 272. Evils, inward not outward the ruin of man, 279; why permitted by God to come to extremity, 290. Exile, no injury, 274. Faith, different degrees of, 215, 216. Festival days, large attendance at Church on, 226. Flacilla, Empress, wife of Theodosius, 125, n. Forgiveness of injuries, duty of, 229-232. Gainas, Gothic general, demands surrender of Eutropius, 246. Gallus Cæsar, reference to, 124, n. God, not chargeable with our sins, 61; the patience and lovingkindness of, 93; His merciful dealings with Nebuchadnezzar, 94; Ahab, 95; Hezekiah, 105; the Ninevites, 105; His moral government of the world indicated, 184, 185; His ways past finding out, 186; language descriptive of, accommodated to human mind, 256-258. Good, a greater power than evil, 191. Goths, incursions of, 119, 125. Gregory, of Nazianzus, his friendship for Olympias, 287. Hadrianople, battle of, referred to, 119, 125. Heaven, the joys of, 99, 100, 102; degrees of glory in, 111. Hell, not made for man, 97; nature of sufferings in, 98, 99; degrees of punishment in, 111. Hermione, a young lady beloved by Theodore, 87, 103. Hezekiah, God's merciful dealing with, 105. Holy Scripture, consolations of the, under all forms of trial, 219, 220; advantages of studying, 252. Holy Spirit, invocation of, in the Liturgy, 76, n.; His enlightenment of the soul, 166. Honorius, Emperor, Innocent appeals to on behalf of Chrysostom, 307; writes to Arcadius on behalf of Chrysostom, 308. Hope never to be abandoned in this world, 97. Houses, comparison of the, on a rock and sand referred to, 279. Humility, the benefits of, 148. Ignatius, St., difficulties and dangers of his Episcopate, 137; personifies St. Paul's ideal of the Christian bishop, 136; his last journey to Rome, 139; his martyrdom, 139; miracles wrought at his sepulchre, 140; removal of his bones to Antioch, 140; meaning of his name Theophorus, 135, n. Illumination, a name for baptism, 159, n., 161. Incarnation, the, predicted, 205; reality of, how proved, 205; figurative descriptions of in Holy Scripture, 258-265. Indolence, the mother of despair, 106. Innocent, Bishop of Rome, Chrysostom appeals to, 307; appeal of, to Honorius, 307; Chrysostom's letters to, 309-313; his letters to Chrysostom and the Church of Constantinople, 313, 314. Isaac, perseverance of in prayer, 240. Isaurians, a predatory tribe, incursions of, 293, 299. Jesus Christ, desired the Cross, 203; rebuked St. Peter, 203; His will identical with God the Father's, 204; His power equal, 218; the incidents of His passion recounted, 291; His sufferings a stumbling-block to many, 290, 292. Jews, not saved by reason of their privileges, 280, 283. Job, his thanksgiving amidst affliction, 183; consideration of his case a consolation in pain and peril, 195, 196; his ignorance of the reason of his afflictions, 195; his saintliness not to be urged as impossible for us, 197; his sufferings in mind, body and estate, 195, 196; his temptation contrasted with that of Adam, 194; the devil unable to injure, 255; unharmed by the devil, 273; his sufferings unmitigated, 294. John, St., story of his meeting the robber-chief, 109. John the Baptist, unharmed by death, 274. Joseph, the removal of his bones, 142, 161; unharmed by afflictions, 294. Jovian, Emperor, his death referred to, 124, n. Judas Iscariot, his apostleship no palliation of his sin, 61; ruined by despair, 97; not benefited by privileges, 279. Judgment, why all do not receive it here, 184; the last, observations on, 101, 102. Julian, Emperor, referred to, 141, 142. Kingdom, the heavenly, various ways of entering, 262. Krates, Cynic philosopher referred to, 126, n. Lazarus, parable of Dives and, 98, 236; not injured by poverty, 273, 278; his reward proportioned to his sufferings, 295. Love, supreme, importance of in a pastor, 39, 40. Lovingkindness of God, instances of, 94-96; inexpressible, 180. Lupicinus, Bishop of Appiaria, emissary from Chrysostom to Theophilus, 310. Man, his expulsion from Paradise more than redressed by God, 185. Manasses, his repentance accepted, 95. Manichæans, their heresy, 65, 205. Maruthas, Bishop of Martyropolis in Persia, 302. Meletius, Bishop of Antioch, his zeal for the sepulchre of St. Babylas, 143. Modesty, the true female adornment, 169. Mopsuestia, Theodore, Bishop of, 87. Moses, held responsible though he had deprecated his office, 61; referred to, 106. Mother, of Chrysostom, referred to, 122. Nebuchadnezzar, God's merciful dealings with, 94, 95. Nero, Emperor, referred to, 149, 152. Nicæa, Canons of, 314. Nineveh, men of, at the Judgment, 193. Ninevites, their repentance accepted, 95, 105, 281. Olympias, deaconess, treatise addressed to her, 269; sketch of her life, 287, 288; letters to and from Chrysostom, 289-303. Ordinations, compulsory, 35, n. Pansophius, a Bishop, emissary from Chrysostom to Innocent, 309. Pappus, a Bishop, emissary from Chrysostom to Innocent, 309. Parables, lessons of, 96, 98; of the leaven, 192; of the sheep and the kids, 193; of the Ten Virgins, 193; of the unprofitable servant, 192, 193. Paradise, the expulsion from, a mark of Divine love, 180; the loss of, compensated by greater blessings, 180. Paralytic, the (a) by the pool of Bethesda, 211, 212; the (b) let down through the roof, 214; the latter not to be confused with the former, 215; faith of the latter, 216; reasons why Christ absolved him before healing him, 217. Paul, St., his zeal and humility, 48; knowledge of the word of God essential to his work, 64; panegyric on his life and labours, 66, 67; what is meant by his being "rude in speech", 67; the power of his epistles, 68; his deference to popular suspicion, 79; his dealings with the Corinthian sinner, 96; his imprisonment at Rome, 149; his care for the Churches, 149; Epistle to the Hebrews quoted as his, 161; on the power of baptism, 161, 162; his imprisonment at Philippi, 225; compared to a training master of wrestlers, 228; his advice concerning treatment of enemies, 229; not injured by afflictions, 279; learned to rejoice in hardship, 295. Paul of Samosata, his heresy, 66, n. Paulus, a deacon, emissary from Chrysostom to Innocent, 309. Peter, St., pastoral charge of Christ to, 39, 40; Bishop of Antioch, 138; his martyrdom at Rome, 139; "the leader of the Apostles," 167; rebuked by Christ, 203. Pharetrius, Bishop of Cæsarea, an enemy to Chrysostom, 299. Pharisee and Publican, parable of referred to, 147. Phineas, referred to, 113. Phœnician, story of a young, 107, 108. Plato, his argument to prove immortality of the soul, 269, 270. Poor, the, relish food more than the rich, 276, 277. Poverty, no bar to piety, 168; good or evil according to the use made of it, 236; unable to injure the good, 274. Prayer, perseverance in necessary, 153, 154; the power of, 237; slackness in reproved, 240; for vengeance on enemies rebuked, 241. Preacher, the, his need of fluency, and constant study, 71; of indifference to praise, 70, 73; of indifference to slander and envy, 71, 72; the proper aim of his sermons to please God, 73. Priest, the Christian, greater than the Jewish, 48; power of the, greater than that of parents, 48; moral dangers which beset the, 49, 50; sobriety and self-control needful in, 51; his life contrasted with that of the recluses, 75-77; his need of purity, 76; his relations towards God, and his flock, 75; his social intercourse with the women of his flock, 78, 79. Priesthood, supreme importance of the, 40; difficulties of the, 41; careful scrutiny of character needed for the, 42; sanctity of the, 46, 47; knowledge of the word of God essential for the, 64; not to be undertaken rashly or merely on solicitation, 62, 63; penalties when the office is ill-discharged, 64; enemies of the, 65, 66. Priscilla, wife of Aquilla, referred to, 150. Prodigal Son, parable of the, 96. Punishment, the remedial discipline of temporal, 186. Readers, their lives contrasted with that of the priest, 75-77. Redemption, our, by the blood of Jesus Christ, 170. Regeneration, laver of, 161, 162. Repentance, instances of, accepted, 94-96, 103-106, 108; ruined by despair, 92, 93, 97, 106, 107; five different ways of: almsgiving; forgiveness; humility; prayer; self-condemnation, 190. Resurrection of Jesus Christ, evidence for, in the life of St. Ignatius, 139. Rich, the, often pay less heed than the poor to Holy Scripture, 235. Riches, good or evil according to the use made of them, 236; of no use in time of danger, 254; the evils of, 275-277. Rufinus, chief minister at the court of Constantinople, 245. Saints, their presence wholesome for the wicked, 192. Salvation, not profitable to the careless, 189. Sarah, wife of Abraham, 238, 239. Satan, his methods of warfare, 82; "I renounce thee" a Christian watchword, 170, 171. Saul, accountable for his acts as king, though he had deprecated the throne, 61; king of Israel referred to, 113; his treatment of David, 230. Seal, a name for baptism, 171. Severus, a presbyter, emissary from Chrysostom to Theophilus, 310. Sheep, parable of the lost, 96. Sin, the only real object of fear, 254; the only real source of misery, 255; the only thing really injurious, 289. Sinners, not rewarded according to their iniquity and why, 185; why they are left in the world, 191, 192. Soldiers, secular compared with soldiers of Christ, 168. Spirit, earnest of the Holy, meaning of, 261. Stoics, the, referred to, 65, n. Swearing, custom, sin, and danger of: conquest of habit of, 163, 164. Theodore, of Mopsuestia, friend of Chrysostom, 87; letters to, 91-116. Theodore, of Sicily, a usurper, 124, n. Theodosius, Emperor, referred to, 119, 125; tries to force Olympia to marry, 287. Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, his intrigues against Chrysostom, 307, 309-311. Therasius, Chrysostom consoles the widow of, 121-128. Three Children, the, unharmed by trials, 281-283, 290. Timothy, St., infirmities of, 295. Tongues, confusion of, at Babel, 183; a mark of God's lovingkindness, 182. Transfiguration, the, of Christ, described, 100. Trials, benefits of, 212; Divine help under, 212, 213. Tribigild, revolt of, 246. Unmerciful servant, parable of the, 241, 278. Vainglory, danger of in priests, 49. Valens, Emperor, his defeat of the Goths, 119, 125. Venerius, Bishop of Milan, Chrysostom writes to, 307. Virgins, of the Church, difficulties in the care of, 56-58. Virtue, the, of anything, what is meant by, 272; of man, what it is, 273. Widows, of the Church, difficulties in the care of, 55; St. Paul's instructions respecting, 122. Women, intrusion of, into ecclesiastical affairs, 49. World, only mischievous to the careless, 188; order in the natural, forbids our ascribing its government to Demons, 184. Worldly honours, precarious nature of, 127. Wrestling, illustration from the practice of trainers in, 228. Wrongs, they who inflict them more injured than they who receive them, 274. ![]() |