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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() HOMILIES ON THE STATUES.Abel, beloved of God, yet slain, 342; more blessed in his death than Cain, 374; died the first to instruct Adam, 414; his sacrifice good, 422. Abraham, rich but not covetous: entertaining angels, 349; tent of, stronger than Sodom, 456. Absolution, 356; at the altar, 443. Accused at Antioch, tortured, 474. Acrobats, 470. Actions, few, for their own sake, 379; end of, 459, n.; the proof of philosophy, 465. Adam, fell when idle, 353, 369; wretchedness of his fall, 393; what he merited, 392; fitted, by humiliation, to appear before God, 396; pride of, cast down, 413; his hiding was due to his sense of guilt, 422; his being made to confess, a mercy, 422. Admonition, repeated, a shame, 379; obligation and advantage of, 425, 437; to be repeated, 452; not like seeing, 467; of others a duty, 481. Adultery, self-condemned, 429; in desire, 443. Advantages of nature and art not the dignity of a city, 457. Alms, given at martyrs' shrines, 340; of less worth than thankfulness, 341; recompensed at the Judgment, 350; riches given for, 351; means of pardon, 351. Altars, raised by the heathen to men, 338; by Christians only to God, though in memory of men, 338, n.; Christian, for remission of sin, 443. Ambrose, St., obliged Theodosius to do penance, 383, n.; on invocation of Saints and Angels, 390. Angels, applauded Job's victory, 339; invocation of, 390, n.; visited Jerusalem, 467. Animals, wild, uses of, 395, 417; their fear of man lessened at the fall, 395; the vilest worshipped, 409; man dreads from sin, 417; their excellences not of free-will, and invariable, 420; sacrifice of, discussed, 422, n.; refugees of Antioch, destroyed by, 487. Art, a pattern of industry, 420. Antioch, old church of, 331, n.; blasphemy prevailing in, 343; hopes of reforming, 344; state of after sedition, 344, 425, 453; compared to Job, 344; disgraced and deserted, 345, 364, 454, 463; a mother of cities, 345, 355; shaken as with an earthquake, 345; fears of the inhabitants, 346, 412, 419, 453; character of, 347, 355; schism at, 354, n.; Christians first so named there, 345, n., 355, 438; amended by danger, 382, 383, 418, 439, 455; dealt with tenderly, 383, 419; deliverance from danger, 412, 452; spared on repentance, 418; inhabitants had recourse to God, 427, 439, 482; confiscation and disruption at, 427; again disturbed, 431; submission of the people to the Emperor, 437; cowardice in, 445; distinguished in virtue, 456; exhortation before calamities, 463; accused tortured, 474; prisoners at, their trust in God, 482; the dead insulted, 484; reproached for the sedition, 484; wretched state from terror, 486; public rejoicings at, 389. Apostles, powerful both living and departed, 333; example of, 342; dwelt in Antioch, 355; words of, like music, 331; would have been too magnified, but for sufferings and infirmities, 337; persecutions of, why permitted, 409; despondent, were dull, 413; victorious by suffering, 449; few natural advantages of, 466. Applause, in church, 347, 379, 394. Armour, spiritual of the Bishop, 357, n.; of all Christians, 357. Arms, of the righteous, 396; of brutes and men compared, 416. Army, of Saul, wisely abstemious, 433; excessive hunger of, 434. Art, great in the temple at Jerusalem, 456. Artificer, finds his work as he left it, 430. Ascension Day, Sunday before, how styled, 464. Ash Wednesday, epistle for, 358, n. Asiarchs, 427, n. Ass, fondness to its master, 420. Assurance, greater from not exacting oaths, 444. Athanasius, St., strong against oaths, 470, n. Audience, of the powerful, artifices to obtain, 474. Augustin, St., on the Sabbath, 422, n. Avengers, 475. Baptism, called initiation, 342, 354, 355; Lord's Prayer taught with, 355. Barathrum, 361, n. Basil, St., strong terms on the invocation of saints, 389, n., 390; strong against oaths, 470, n.; kept Valens from communion, 481, n. Basilides, 413, n. Baths, closed, 455; highly prized, 464. Battle, kings lay aside their crowns in, 447. Beauty of person not to be cherished, 397, 466; of woman a snare, 442; no criterion of merit, 458. Bee, labouring for others, 420. Beginning, a small, great results from, 405, 470. "Believe me," a phrase instead of swearing, 398, n.; as a bridle, 481. Bema, occupied by clergy alone, 465, n. Benefits of God at the creation twofold, 395; doing, for others a duty, 451; never to be desisted from, 452; from reminding one another of duty, 399. Birds, 408; finding nests robbed, 427; flying high escape snares, 441; caught, cannot use wings, 441. Bishop, how regarded, 354, 356, 383; duty of, 355; a Priest, 355; a High Priest, 482; a Ruler and above emperors, 356; armour of, 357. Blasphemy, evil of, 342, 361, 437; adds to trouble, 343; to be sharply corrected in others, 343, 347; a public wrong, 343; Job's wife tempts him to, 366. Blessed bread given to those who do not communicate, 384, n.; the righteous alone to be held, 385; who called, in Scripture, 462. Blessedness, real, what, 340. Blessings, the chief, common, 351. Blind, fallen into a pit, 451. Body, human, frailer than matter, 404; elementary parts of, 407; becomes an earthen vessel, 409; by whom framed, 413; feebleness of, why, 413; as it was framed at first, 413, 417; might have been created better, 414; fineness of, 415; excellent as joined with the soul, 416; sustains injury in spite of prudence, 437; effects upon, of externals, 462. Bones of the skull, a defence, 415; around the heart, 415. Brain, construction of, 415. Bread, consecrated, reservation of for sick, 384, n. Brutes, fasted with the Ninevites, 358. Burdens, duty of bearing another's, 452. Business, worldly, the clergy engaged in, 465. Butler, Bishop, on "Law of Nature," 428, n. Cain, misery of, 345; consciousness of his sin and denial, 423. Camp, place so called, 382, n. Careless, Christian ready to fast, 431. Carnival, 358, n. Catechism, Church of England on Real Presence, 354, n.; on remission of sin in the Eucharist, 444, n. Chains, how got rid of, 403; of St. Paul, 447; a security, 447; efficacy of St. Paul's, 450. Charms, texts of Scripture as, 470; those used by Christians condemned, 470, n. Chastity, learnt from Sodom, 466. Children, unreasonable in their fears, 374; little ones by whom frightened and quieted, 381; to be taught public deliverances, 419, 489; under instruction from fathers and teachers, 429; pulling at a rotten cord, 432; murder of, prevented by not vowing, 434; fond of sweets, severe training for, 449; virtue of, proved, 453; wrestling at the top of a pole, 470; fear their fathers more than we fear God, 471. Christ, teaching of, 348; scorned in the poor, 349; keeps for us what we give them, 350; left us His flesh and blood, 354; instructed after feeding, 400; instructs from irrational creatures, 420; taught the law of conscience, 428; instructs us to fear, 440; forbids oaths, 444; set against Himself by swearing on the Gospel, 444, 446; gave warning of sorrow before reward, 449; judgment of, on cities, 457; teaches reconciliation by His Sacrifice, 470. Christianity, not universal, 401, n.; a stricter law than the Mosaic, 469. Christians, the saviors of Antioch, 343; bear trials cheerfully, 346; soldiers and wrestlers, 357; all reproached for sins of any, 359; should admonish each other, 425, 451; name diffused worldwide, 438; instructors and comforters of unbelievers, 445; under training like heirs: with heaven in view like the merchant, 450; are citizens of heaven, 456. Chrysostom, St., requests the people to check blasphemy, 343; silent for seven days: as Job's friends, 344; bewails Antioch, 345; hopes to cheer the people, 346; speaks at length, and warns, 347; applauded, 347, 379; made bishop, 354, n.; proposes three precepts for memory, 363; blesses God for comforting, 364; love and anxiety for his people, 380, 399, 443; like a mother for a sick child, 430; watchfulness over his flock, 399; regrets the absence of some, 400; repeats admonitions, 424, 443; rewarded through their obedience, 380, 389, 399; confidence for Antioch's rescue, 382; interpretation of 1 Cor. iii. 15, 387, n.; intercourse with his people, 389, 481; mode of dealing with the unreformed, 389; success of special preaching, 438; testimony of, as to relics, 396; opinion concerning the earth, 403; shape and motion of the heavens, 419; on the Sabbath, 422; notions about sacrifice, 422; admonitions about theatres ineffectual, 439; on remission in Eucharist, 443, n., 444; indignation over the people's irreverence, 445, 446; teaching, practical not doctrinal, 447; welcome to the country clergy, 465; forbids all oaths, 470, n.; offers to cure the swearer, 480; threatens, 481; gives thanks for Flavian's return, 482; his praises of city, Bishop, Emperor, etc., 482. Church (building), old at Antioch, 331; not a place of amusement, 347; full in time of distress, 364; then resorted to by the wicked, 366; to be absent from sinful, disgraceful, 400, 406; no other place so good, 406; the fittest place for thanksgiving after deliverance, 419; a place of prayer, 443; feelings in, are not religious attainments, 446; part of, reserved for clergy, 465, n.; common talk in, 473; exclusion from, 481. Church (community), prayers of, 356; injured by evil speaking, 359; Greek, its lenten observances, 359, n.; mother of the afflicted, 364, 386; influences all ranks, 481; censure of, for familiarity, 481. Citizens of heaven, none without virtue, 457. City, strength of, in virtue, 457; by virtue a pattern to the world, 471; contemptuous, infects others, 486. Clouds, cause different productions, 419. Commander of troops, 452, n. Common cause, most injured by fall of the most eminent, 334. Communication with others during self-discipline, 379, 481; to the absent, of religious instructions, 400; of the Pastor to all his flock, 389; object of, 401; with the wicked in guilt, 331; in sufferings marks affiliation, 340; in many things with all men, 343; of good with the disorderly, 464. Confession, private to a Priest, 360; of sins overcome, 418; an encouragement to others to repent, 419; a condition of pardon, 422. Confusion, prevented by fear of Rulers, 381. Congregation, number of St. Chrysostom's, 380, n., 406; eager for instruction, 395; obedient to his counsels, 399, 406, 430; one bad member corrupts many, 430. Conjurer's tricks shame our endeavours at virtue, 470. Conscience, roused by fear, 363; a bad makes us suspicious: a scourge, 396; a good makes bold, 396; a natural law, 421; shewn from the case of Adam, 422; adds obligations to the enlightened, 424; proved from sense of shame and reproach, 428; facilitates virtue, 429; disturbed by having enemies, 479. Consolation in adversity as witnessed by the Saints, 336; effects of, 346; is for the sad, 381; derived from religious communion with others, 383; derived from every part of the Bible, 391; from God's chastising in mercy, 431, 434; mode of, 444; in temporal distress to be sought from God's ministers, 445. Constantine, instance of mildness, 486. Constantinople, distance from Antioch, 361. Contemplation of heavenly things like a view from an height, 441. Conversation, on religious subjects how good, 388; cheering effects of, 489; reverted to by Saul's army, 433; in divine service wrong, 473. Correction of others a means of self-correction, 405. Corruptibility of creation, 409, 411. Covetousness, 348; is poverty, 349; cured by considering the equality of day and night, 402. Councils, secular, customs of, 400. Country, one's, how to be advanced, 471. Courage from a good conscience, 396. Cowards realize groundless fear, 445. Cowardice unbecoming men, 446. Creation, not to be disparaged, 335; dishonors fawners, 386; a proof of God's love for us, 391; when written of, in Scripture, 394; testifies to God, 401, 407; mode of above the power of Nature, 403; consists of contraries harmonized, 404; decay of, without Providence, 408; deified, 408; why subject to decay, 409, 411; like the Apostles under persecution, 409; mutual dependence of parts, 411; neither all at rest nor all in motion, 419; the parts not understood ought to amaze, 421. Creature, use of word, 411, n. Criminals, wretched appearance of at the bar, 396. Cross, the, a symbol of salvation, 448; sign of, not a charm, 470, n. Crown, given for overcoming sin, 438; inferior to chains, 447; humanity gained by Theodosius, 485. Custom, no match for fear, 437; easier overcome than concupiscence, 469. Cyprian, St., on intercession of Saints, 389, n. Danger of arguing about nature, 403, n.; unconcern of Saints for, 448; of relapsing under prosperity, 452. Daphne, a suburb of Antioch, 457, n. David, though small, a victor, 458. Davison vindicates the idea of sacrifice, 422, n. Day, unvarying and equal with night, 402. Death, proves vanity of riches, 351; no subject of alarm, 372; eagerness of St. Paul for, 372; base if in sin, but not so from violence, 373; evil to sinners only, 373; an unjust brings into special communion with the Saints, 374; unjust permitted by God, 374; what is, 374, 390; having it before our eyes, 376; soldier fearing, ignoble, 376; dreaded for want of self-mortification, 384; full of joy to the godly, 461; courted by the monks of Antioch, 463. Debts, God's remission of to men, and a creditor's compared, 478. Deer, escaped from a snare, 441. Degradation, attaching to athletics, 470. Demosthenes, bad habit of: how cured, 394. Desertion of the Philosophers in distress, 454. Dice-playing to be shunned, 442. Differences, seeming, reconciled, 403, 469. Difficulties for God's sake, 477; none can stand against the fear of God, 480. Dignity of a city is its virtue, 456; of no avail at the Judgment, 457. Discipline, course of usual, 334, n.; under Christianity a preparation for trials, 366; moral from war, 435. Discontent from going to feasts, 440. Discourse, subjects of, at conventions, 406. Disposition, makes sad or cheerful, 460, 463. Doubt, Ninevites doubted the consequences of their repentance, 377. Dove, an example of simplicity, 420. Dress, finery in, how cured, 450; not to be despised or admired, 466. Eagle, under man's dominion, 416; a king so styled, 467. Ear, fasting of the, 359; to be closed against slander, 360. Earth, diurnal motion of a type, 402, n.; supported on water, 403; productiveness of, 404. Earthquake, alluded to, 345, n.; 362. Easter, mercy suited to, 355; act of human mercy at, 383, n. Eating a meal no reason for staying away from church, 400, 406; moderation favors attendance, 400. Edification, mutual of members of a household in religious practice, 379, 480. Elements, harmony and opposition of, 404; weakness and dependence of, 410. Elijah, of like passions with us, 340; his poverty, 353; twofold, 353, 396. Elisha, his inheritance, 353; changed the water, 396, 411. Emotions, high term for, 386. Emperor, see Theodosius, vengeance expected from, 345; has no equal on earth, 346; inferior to a Bishop, 356; a fellow-servant, 361. Emulation, in religious practice, 370, 379; in reforming the community advantageous, 389; spirit of, promotes self-restraint, 430. Enemies, none to be held, 363, 370; not reconciled without a third person, 408; Jews knew righteousness prevailed in Israel, 435; misfortunes of, rejoiced in, 461; the sight of possessions of, disturbs, 474; good and bad fortune alike annoys, 474; the worse, the more reason for forgiving, 475; implacable, how treated by God, 475; the worst softened by gentleness, 475; like a limb cut off, 476; duty of making friends of, 478; are alone enough to cause insecurity, 479. Ephraim, St., quotations from, 389, n. Episozomenes, title of a Sunday, 464. Equanimity from true wisdom, 454. Esther, prayer of, saved the Jews, 356. Ether, consistence of, 409, n. Eucharist, a greater gift than Elisha's, 354; doctrine of, 354, n.; fasting or sufficiency at, 400; an oblation distinct, 422, n.; efficacy for remitting sin, 444, n.; the prize of fasting during Lent, 471; not to be approached unless healed of sins, 472; prohibited the resentful, 472; and the swearer, 481; hands washed before receiving, 479; object of exclusion from, 481. Evils, temporal, of little moment, 372; the worse make the less unfelt, 374, 428; warded off by repentance, 376; cannot touch the righteous, 385; God merciful amidst, 393; past, remembrance of, 426; a source of pain, 444, 457; must run to God under, 448; an occasion of thanksgiving, 452; felt according to the disposition, 459; comfort from, 463. Evil speaking, mischief of, 359, 370; pleasure of, 360; causes quarrels, 361; hinders pardon: spoils fasting, 361; breaking away from, 363. Examination of our path necessary, 440. Example, partakes of our own nature, 340; the irrational animals are, 420; the old referred to the young for, 420; effects of, 405, 429; of pilots in a storm, 446; of one city upon the whole world, 438; the giver of, precedes, 487. Excellences, natural, liable to fail, 448. Excuses for not seeking reconciliation, 474, 475, 478; concerning inveterate swearing, 479. Eye, government of the, 359; a surer organ than the ear, 401; beauty and power of, 414; eyebrows like eaves, 415; of God, 475. Faith, shewn by works, 373; like an eagle's wing, 416. Fall, sin of, 393; the human body changed after, 413, 417; of another bewailed is pleasing to God, 461. Fame, injured by enemies, 479. Famine, relieved by the people of Antioch, 456. Fasting of Timothy, 33; easily misjudged, 334; moderation urged, 335; a help to prayer: bodily, not enough, 357, 370, 406, 459; of Ninevites accepted, 358; due honor of, 359; of the eye, ear, and tongue, 359, 406; general practice, 370, 388, 450, n.; together with danger facilitates repentance, 378; made easy by custom, 388; from sin, 406, 472; indulgence before and after, 438; without fresh gains a loss, 459; well used welcomed, 459; omission of, may be excused, 472. Fathers, the view of, about the earth, 403, n.; upon oaths, 470, n.; strong statements of, as in the Bible, 477, n.; most such, in punishing their children, 392; first severe then indulgent, 449; grieve more when absent, 483. Favour, the overcoming bad habits accounted by God a, 412; Divine, bestowed on Jerusalem, 467; the forgiving others a, asked by God, 478. Fear, needful to holy men, 334; a chastisement for carelessness, 347; of the Lord true riches, 351; a punishment, 355; awakens conscience, 363; of harm from man ignoble, 366; a good man firm against, 369; without the fear of hell death terrible, 374; of hell profitable, 374, 439; prevents magnanimity, 376; of Rulers promotes order, 381; effect of, on public morals, 382, 439; a most powerful motive, 392, 437; God's wrath a cure of bad habits, 394; of scorpions from sin, 417; prevents bad passions, like a soldier on guard, 439; breeds virtue, 439; why Christ broadly taught, 440; groundless made real, 446; an ocean of joy, 460; of God overcomes quickly, masters, 479; purifies like a furnace, 480. Feasts, evil of frequenting, 440; beget envy, 440. Festival, of Easter an argument for mercy, 355; in celebration of martyrs, 464. Festus, how approached by St. Paul, 448. Fire worshipped by the Persians: then worshipped, 367; rivers of, 386; purgatorial, 387, n.; in a forest, 389; its property of rising, 404; used in torture, 474. Firmament, use of word, 404. Fish, 408; caught with baits, 449. Flavian, Bishop of Antioch, 354, n.; leaves his sister almost dying, 354, 482; his boldness, 355; prayers of, for his people, 482; return from Constantinople, 482; obstacles to his journey, 483; magnanimity of, 483; absent, grieved for Antioch, 484; silent like Moses, 484; will quit Antioch if unpardoned, 488; proofs of forethought for the people, 488. Flowers, 408; yield a sweeter, than artificial smells, 466. Folly of laboring for worldly things, and not to be reconciled, 479. Food, carried away by guests, 38. Forgiveness of sin by forgiving others, 473; brings our minds into peace, 474. Fowler, a zealous, 441; enticements of, 449. Frailty of the body a cure for pride, 413. Fraternities for mutual religious help, 417. Freedom, in righteousness, not immunity from punishment, 386. Friend, a, shews dissatisfaction by silence, 436. Fruits of fasting, remain, 459; from bitter roots, 462. Fund, common, 452. Gain, whatever promises, to be suspected, 441; from evils, 444. Games, alluded to, 339, 405; presidents of, 427, n.; participants of, excluded from the Communion, 439, n. Garment, oiled of wrestlers, 339, n.; miraculous virtue of, 396; a rich, how used, 405. Gazing at the beauty of a woman a snare, 442. Gentiles, see Heathen, signifying a worshipper of God, 423. Gifts, Divine, on the temple, 456. Glory of suffering for Christ, 447; not happiness, 460; in shewing mercy, 485. Gluttony, 357; inexcusable before prayer: incapacitates, 400; cured by considering St. Paul, 450. God, His work good, 335; power of shewn in weakness, 337, 409; love of Him, its own reward, 338; challenged Satan to try Job, 339; cares more than we for the poor, 341; not to be called in question, 341, 362; afflicts those He loves, 342; His honour to be vindicated, 343, 347; cares for us more than ourselves, 347; never weary of our prayers, 356; blasphemed for our sins, 359; His mighty longsuffering, 361, 362; tempers prosperity and adversity for our good, 366; overrules Satan's worst efforts to his loss, 367; if our friend, nothing matters, 369; cares less for His repute than our salvation, 378; does not punish when the threats affect, 382; overrules the designs of men, 383, 447; judges sinners by the standard of the good, 388; His love shewn in our punishment, 392, 413, 431; otherwise only half good, 392; deals with fallen man as a father, 392, 449; tenderness of in addressing Adam, 393; His walking was in Adam's perception, 396; His providence shewn in making the cure of the soul easy, 397; instructs by the creation, 401; His ordering of the seasons and the day, 402; uses weak instruments to shew His power, 404; glorified man in the works of creation, 405; needs nothing, 410; the source of all things, 410; skill of in human frame, 414; known by His works, 421; mercy and wisdom of bringing Adam to confession, 422; why He delays punishment, 424; His goodness shewn in man's natural love of virtue, 429; the leader of the Jews in war, 435; silence toward Saul from gentleness, 436; turns causes of evil to good, 448; to believers is the whole fountain of cheerfulness, 460; ordains suffering first, 450; unceasingly gracious, 452; reproaches for insensibility to the ills of others, 462; fear of, the foundation of peace, 463; insulted worse than man ever is, 473; our Avenger, and despised when we avenge, 475; like a friend in requiring forgiveness of others, 478; never ceases to entreat us, 478; assists earnest endeavours, 480; exceeds hopes, 482; takes occasion of offences to shew love, 485; overrules all for good, 489. Gods, heathen, who, 339; the vilest animals made, 409; the Apostles held to be, 409; ambition of some men to be held, 413. Good, what is, at one time is not always, 401; temporal, yields pleasure to the reverent, 463; temporal, is mutable and insufficient, 460. Gospel, the book of the, oaths taken on, 443; preaching of promoted by conflicts, 448; like a sunbeam, not bound, 450; portions of worn by women and children, 470. Government, two sorts of, natural and elective, 391. Greek Church, usage in fasting, 370, n.; Fathers of, opinions of on Purgatory, 387, n. Gregory, St. Naz, on invocation of the Saints, 390, n.; on Beatitudes, 392, n. Grief, a medicine only profitable when felt for sin, 375, 390; this the end of it, 375, 390; temporal ills, not cured by, 375; produced by sin, 419. Grief, a wound, how to be treated, 381; for infants as reasonable as for the dead, 385; makes men inattentive to instruction, 413; spreads darkness over every thing, 426; for the ills of others pleasing to God, 458; a refreshment, 461; fruits of, sweet, 463. Guilt shared by those who give power to the sinner, 331. Habits, good to be formed, 363; difficult to be overcome, 388; easy, the subject being hard, 388; mastered in a given time, 370; almost mastered require less pains, 405; in man acquired by free-will, 420; easily conquered by fear, 437; under severe training, 449; easier to be overcome than nature, 469. Hades, where, according to the heathen, 403, n. Hair of eyebrows and head, 415. Harlot, bad influences of, 435. Harm, none to God's people, 378; limited to the sutures of the bones, 415. Hares, timidity of, 445. Hatred, to be forsaken, 363; mark of, to avoid naming the person, 393; disquiets, 473; is unbecoming brothers: increases with time, 476; to cease from is not all enough, 478; cherished corrupts fast or feast, 479; pollutes the mind, 479. Health, won by labour, 352; bad to be borne with patiently, 332; St. Timothy's, no hindrance to his labours, 334; not happiness, 460; by sobriety, 466; ill, an excuse for not fasting, 472, 475. Hearing without doing of no avail, 379. Heart, the chief member, well defended, 415. Heathenism, designation of, in Scripture, 367, n. Heathen, the alleged reason for deifying the universe, 408; by their own folly make idols, 409; philosophers were actors, 465; instructed by the example of Theodosius, 488; the laws of, from the conscience, 423; not responsible without a natural law, 423; not fit instructors for Christians, 445. Heaven, hope of, 350; not won without labour, 449. Heavens, sight of, proclaims God: effects of, 401; matter and form of, 404; beauty of, 408; fixed, 419, n. Hell, fear of, is profitable, 439. Heralds in the games, 386. Heretics, found fault with creation, 335; opinions of about the human body, 413. Hippodrome, 439. History, design of Scripture viewed as, 410, n. Honey, water so called, 352; as a feast to Saul's army, resisted, 433. Honour, bestowed on man in three ways, 391; done to God is rewarded, 446; worldly has no real dignity, 456. Hope, in God an anchor, 446; makes present ill light, 450. Horse, inferior to man in the foot, 416. Hospitality, of Abraham, 349; of Job, 442. House not to be extravagantly adorned, 349; built on a rock, 365; guarded is not robbed, 439; of mourning and feasting, 440; of the sinner overthrown a witness to all, 259, 466; brought to ruin by neglect of small repairs, 470. Humility, produced by adversity, 337; scope for in the human frame, 417. Hunger, gives relish to food, 351. Hunters, 435. Husbandry, spiritual, 357, 365; the first art, a school of virtue, 465. Ignorance of men brought out in arguing about nature, 403, n., 421. Ignorant, the, taught by the creation, 402. Illuminations, at Antioch, 489. Image of God, 362; consists of sovereignty, 391. Implacability, in an enemy, punished by God, 475. Inattention, at prayers, 394; leaves us without excuse, 473. Incarnation, alluded to in Job, 339, n. Indifferent things, to be avoided, 442. Indignation at the wrongs of others, of nature, 429. Inferiority of material calls for greater skill, 414. Inferiors, men are ashamed to sin before, 428. Inheritance, needs previous training, 450. Insensibility to the sins of others, 462. Instincts, 420. Instruction, spiritual, stored in the mind, 388; like picking a flower, 399; increases obligations, 424; conveyed formerly by things, 401; given in church, 406; to be obeyed on trust, 425; in virtue by temporal ills, 429; requires personal ardor and promptness, 430, 480; like water from a well, for use afterwards, 446; in morals precedes that in revealed truth, 446; inattention to, excused by dullness, 475. Instruments, weakness of, shews God's power, 409. Insult, effect of, our own fault: recoils when slighted, 353; towards aggressors an offence to God, 440; from one under high patronage, 444. Intemperance, before and after fasting, 439. Intentions, provided by God are rewarded, 341; known to God, 475. Intercession to be made for Antioch, 346; arguments used in, 383; of the poor, 351, n.; bold, of monks, 453, 454; of saints departed, 389, n. Invocation of saints and angels, 389, n. Isaiah commands the sun, 411. Jacob, his care of Laban's sheep, 354. Jephthah's vow allowed by God, 434. Jerusalem, temple at, 456; wretchedness of, 457; favours of God bestowed on, 467; a vine, 467. Jesus of Nazareth, the common name of our Lord, 393, n. Jews in distress could not listen, 346; reproved for not looking to God, 356; saved by Esther's prayer, 356; oppressed in Egypt to increase their desire of Canaan, 384; would not name Christ from hatred, 393; gave no heed to Moses, 413. Jewels, the pride of some women, 449. Job, his character shewn by affliction, 338, 341; his wrestling with Satan: tried as gold, 339; Antioch compared to him, 344; safest when poor, 353; his trust in God, 366; loved before grace, or the old covenant, 366; rewarded for retaining godliness, 369; dunghill of, in Arabia, 371; consolation to be derived from, 371; his body, preciousness of, 371, 372; an instance of the merit of suffering, 385; silence of his friends, 412; a Gentile, 423, n.; his virtue lofty in prosperity and adversity, 442; losses of, led him to God, 445, 461. John, St., Baptist, to be followed in reproving sin, 343; his martyrdom a warning against oaths, 432, 470. Jonah's flight of no avail, 378; how taught mercy, 378; forced by God, 382; author of the book of, 480, n. Jonathan's eating the honey, 434; if slain, a double misery to Saul, 434. Joshua commands the sun's motion, 411. Joy, from temporal good soon ends, 451; continual under misfortune possible, 459; aim of all, 459; in God, 460; of the world brings loss, 461. Judge, unjust, parable of, 412; man made, of his own pardon, 477; does not question or correct the culprit, 393; sympathy of the judges at Antioch, 427; rigour of human, 427; shewed mercy upon the intercession of the monks, 453. Judgment, the last, proved by the afflictions of the saints, 339; riches of no avail in, 349; alms help us in, 351; and mercy, 355; without benefit of others' intercession, 427; rulers threatened with, 453; harsh over others visited on ourselves, 361; rash on others without excuse, 472; temporal, effectual, 481. Justice, courts of, originated in the natural moral law, 423. Kidnappers entice by pleasant things, 449. Kings excel their subjects in wealth, 421; make unreasonable laws, 447; doff their crowns in battle, 447; have more cause for sadness than any, 460; armour of, 467; made glorious by mercy, 485; may easily conquer, but not win, 487. Knives, feats performed with, 470. Knowledge of the creation from God, 421; withheld to remove occasion of pride, 421; of God by His works, 421; of good and evil by nature, 428; not for its own sake, 435. Labour brings sleep, 352; our safest state, 353; spiritual reward of, 357; of life ordained by whom, 384. Laughter often leads to sin, 442; how to be met, 481. Law, of Nature (see Conscience) the ground of Christ's teaching, 428; against criminal suits in Lent, 383, n.; of God takes precedence of human laws, 398; civil, of the heathen, from conscience, 423; of kings not to be questioned, 447. Lazarus gained a reward, 340, 385; example of, 342, 373; truly rich, 348. Learning, how long Pambos was learning one verse, 332, n.; without wisdom avails nothing, 465. Legerdemain, feats of, 470. Lent, Christian's working time, 357; commencement of, 358, n., 370, n.; precepts to learn in, 363; celebrated with daily sermons, 379, n.; covers sins of the past year, 472. Lessons, Scripture, in worship, order of, 347, n.; from Jonah's history, 378; from the irrational animals, 420. Letter of the monks to Theodosius, 454. Libanius, 394, n. Life, a burden, a cottage here, in heaven a palace, 372; why made laborious, 384; without religion dull and wearisome, 385; a good, honours God, 405; bordering on sin like walking along a precipice, 443; in the country favourable to virtue, 465. Litanies, 362, n. Longsuffering of God, 424. Loss, by doing one's duty versus the gain, 444; of children no grief to the good, 461. Love, its own reward, 338, n.; shewn in patient endurance, 341, 342; in perseverance, 342; takes interest in everything, 356; of God absent, causes fear of death, 374; glories in suffering, 448; maternal, 453; delights in all that belongs to the object of it, 474; exercised in great offences, 485; delights in the good of others, 464. Lucifer, consecrates Paulinus, Bishop of Antioch, 354, n. Lungs, position of, 415. Luxury, tendencies of, 442; unfit for trials, 459; untimely in public troubles, 464. Magee, Archbishop, on Sacrifice, 422, n. Magistrates, out of office bear the same titles, 447. Magnanimity of monks at Antioch, 453. Manichees, alluded to, 335. Marcion, 413, n. Martyrs, shrines of, places of almsgiving, 340; become mediators, 389, n. Martyrdom, of Abel, 342; of St. John Baptist, 343; crown of, how to win, 343, 347; has efficacy of Baptism, 376, n. Masters, approved by their scholars, 455; insulted by injuries done to their servants, 475. Matter, heretical opinions about, 413, n. Meal, 399, n.; principal among the Romans was supper, 379, n. Means effecting opposite ends, 448; all to be adopted to win an enemy, 477. Mediator, the Bishop so employed with the Emperor, 354. Medicine, skill required to apply it, 358; the end of, 375; natural, 395; from animals, 395, n. Meekness of the monks, 455; does not anger an enemy, 475. Melchisideck a Gentile, 423, n. Members, the instruments of good and evil according to our choice, 369; each its excellence, 417; one cut off to be reunited, 476. Membranes, covering the brain, 415. Memorial, perpetual, of sin, 466. Men, all have much in common, 343, a spiritual flock, 355; soon tire of other's affairs, 356; images of God, 362; the race after the fall deserved destruction, 392; command over the creation, 411; gentler than brutes, 416; to be measured by virtue, not natural gifts, 457; self-taught in good and evil, 422, 428; in the Arts and Sciences, 423; naturally at enmity with vice, 429; disinterested in love and hatred, 429; of well regulated minds not distracted by events, 459; pleasure the aim of all, 459. Merchandise, spiritual, in doing God's bidding, 477. Merchants, labour in hope, 450; cargo not distance their care, 451; labour for enjoyment afterwards, 459. Mercy, shewn to others, procures mercy for ourselves, 355; of judges at Antioch, 454; makes kings glorious, 485. Merit, not proved by titles of honour, 477. Metropolis, avails naught for salvation, 457. Milk, for children a simile, 401. Minister, his people's conduct his glory, 347. Miracles, by relics, 332, 333, 367; power of, limited, 333; does not dispense with fasting, 334; tempt the ignorant to worship men, 338; an extraordinary, 367; of the Apostles, not by their own power, 409. Miriam's punishment not remitted, 475. Misfortunes of others open men's hearts, 429, n.; subdue our vanity, 429; light, felt by the rich, 460; without excuse before God, 472. Monasteries, 455, n. Monks, services of, 453; effects of their intercession, 454; account of one, 455; undismayed, 463. Moral and Positive to Laws, difference between, 421; moral teaching, 447. Mortality, human, for overthrowing pride, 413. Mortification, spiritual acts of, 379; incumbent on all, 384. Moses, suffered for doing good, 342; disregarded by the people in extreme distress, 346; wherein he brought honey from the rock, 352; his intercession, 355; rod of, 396; command over created things, 411; his righteousness availed not the Jews, 430. Mothers miss their children at table, 400; case of a mother at Antioch, 453; grief often relieves, 461. Mourning, sight of, sobers: reminds of Judgment, 440; calls forth sympathy from enemies, 440. Mourner, to others like a cloud parted by the sun's rays, 346. Multitude, the, influenced by fear and threats, 392; of inhabitants avails nothing, 457. Murder, why not reasoned about, where forbidden, 421; by exacting oaths, 443. Mutability of earthly good, 460. Name, calling by, a mark of affection, 393, n.; common to our Lord, 393, n.; of God how pronounced in heaven, 394. National calamities ought to direct us to God, 346; work national amendments, 366. Nature, overruled by the piety of Saints, 367; what exists by, comforts, 391; gifts of, commend the Giver, 429; course of, not to be maligned, 442; ties of, are a great obligation, 453. Nebuchadnezzar, change wrought in him, 386; herald of his own defeat, 386. Neighbours, spiritual good of, to be furthered, 452; afflictions of, to be shared, 458; good of, an enjoyment, 464. Night, as good as day, 395; succeeds day without change, 402. Ninevites, their fasting accepted, 358; why, 359; teach repentance and hope, 376; forsook their sins, the city saved, 377; their disadvantages in comparison with Jews and Christians, 377, 480; complete repentance of, from fear, 480. Noise from "spectacles" disturbed divine service, 439. Number, the, of fellows in sin no profit, 388. Oaths, testimony of the life instead, 394; how Satan works amidst, 398; only to be taken fasting, 400; have caused the worst evils, 432; binding others more dangerous, 433; at the altar, 443; either superfluous or perjury, 444; caused the ruin of Jerusalem many times, 467; signified in Ezekiel's parable, 467; occasions of admitted by the Fathers, 470, n. Observances, formal, in religion use of, to good and bad Christians, 479, n. Occasions, passing, used for instructing, 374, 381, 398, 427, 437, 460, 463, 474. Occurrences, incidental, often are of God, 382. Ocean, earth upon the, 403, n. Offences, of every man against God greater than towards other men, 472; great, an occasion of shewing mercy, 485. Openness of Christ's declaration to His followers, 449. Order, in nature and human fellowship proclaims God, 401, 402. Orders, holy, sin of giving to the unworthy, 331. Origen, an intercession of Saints, 389, n. Ownership, unreal and real, 350, 351. Pambos, how he learned Scripture, 332, n. Paradise, St. Paul transported to, 447. Pardon, of others gains our own, 355, 477, 488. Partners in a shop, 452. Passover, a time of mercy, 355; reverenced by pardon of offences, 479. Pastor, bound to suffer for his people, 354; efficacy to his intercessions, 356; how to be regarded by his people, 380; intercourse with each severally, 389; like a husbandman and a pilot, 399; invigorated by success, 399; good of his flock, his good, 412; to be followed trustfully, 425; concern of, for all, 430; living by husbandry: true philosophers, 465. Patience, 341; of Lazarus, praised by St. Chrysostom, 342, n.; punishes insolence, 353. Paul, St., teacher of the Gentiles, 332, n.; care for Timothy, 333; distrusted himself, 334; kept humble by affliction, 337; strong though in bonds, 337; his example, 342; hindered by Satan, 342; adapts himself to hearers, 349; his labours and reward, 353; reproved sin, 359, eagerness to die, 373, 385; advantages of Christians over St. Paul, 373; his garments, virtue of, 396; more than a lion, 397; his illustrations from nature, 407; recollection of his sins, 419; proves a natural law, 423; concern about one incestuous person, 430; dangers of, for his mending, 431; counted all things loss, 441; feels paternal anxiety, 443; glories in his sufferings for Christ, 447, 462; attempts to convert his judges, 448; recommends continual joy, 459; greatness of, in hiding good deeds, 483. Paulinus, Bishop of Antioch, 354, n. Peacock, 408. Penalty for swearing, 389, 399. Penitential acts of use, 378. Penitents, discipline of, 472, n. Perfection, precepts of, 348, 349; how attained, 370; St. Paul's height within the reach of every one, 373; of art in the temple, 456. Perfume, spiritual, 406; of flowers the best, 466. Perjury from the habit of swearing, in two ways, 432, 438; of both persons swearing the contrary, 432; who forces another to, is guilty himself, 432, 439; the object of Satan, 433; guilt of, shared by those privy to it, 434; manifold from one oath, 436. Persecutors, benefitted by the virtue of their victims, 387. Perseverance in prosperity a test of virtue, 452. Peter, St., the first to preach Christ, 356. Pharisee, fasted in vain, 357; his evil speaking, 359. Philoponus on the heavens, 419, n. Philosophers, cowardice of the heathen, 454; the simple made, 466. Philosophy of this world shrinks from danger, 454; worldly, falsified by deeds, 455; pagan, is but in the garb, 465; like a sword with a silver hilt and leaden blade, 465; heathen, taught a few only, 466. Physician, spiritual, 360, 394; cures by contraries, 378. Piety, the chief good, 369; abides, 451. Pilgrimages, 340; to the dunghill of Job, 371; use of, 467. Pilot, 408; his chief concern, 399; in storms, 446, 483. Place, importance of, for the delivery of the law, 394. Plato, 402, n.; on the human body, 413, n.; on the motions of heavenly bodies, 419, n. Players, deprived of the holy Communion, 439, n. Pleasure depends on relish, 352; present diminished, pain in view, 450. Plural number, use of, 481, n. Pole, balancing, 470. Poor, God's care for, 341; represent Christ for us, 349; trust in God, 351; relish food and sleep, 352. Porch, of church for penitents, 472, n. Porphyrio, a bird greatly esteemed, 408, n. Porters, cajoled for favours, 474. Pot, the golden, of the temple, 467. Poverty, a benefit and protection, 342, 353, 372; of Elijah, 353; of Job, 442; alleged to excuse almsgiving, 475. Power, of injuring the just, why granted, 386; taken away easily, 451; of judges, 454. Practice, laxity of, causes death to be feared, 375; a matter of choice and endeavours, 428; right, impossible without fear of God, 439; the season of, is the test of religion, 446; without questioning, 447; of Saints proves Scripture, 455. Praise, of one another beside the purpose, 380; to be suspected, 441; of men from reconciliation, 479. Prayer, the only resource in trouble, 346; power of, 351; recommended, 354, 356; united powerful, 356; of women, 356; to be persevered in, 362; inattention at, 394, 472; natural as a way of assisting the distressed, 426; penitential, a special kind, 427, n.; fruit of, never lost, 451; most needful after deliverance, 452; for fellows in affliction, 458; the Lord's, taught in Baptism, 355, n.; how entitled, 478, n.; not to be used by halves, 478. Preaching, suits not extreme distress, 346; may solace the suffering, 346; to be heard for improvement, 347; of the Gospel not bound as the preacher, 450. Precepts, three proposed to be learnt, 363; moral without the reason, 421; of the Gospel better carried in heart than on paper, 470. Preservation of the world by God, 403. Pride, 348; how to check, in the rich, 349; evil of, 350; spiritual, on account of good works, 337; remedied by considering the weakness of the body, 413, 417; preceded by ignorance, 421. Priest, our wound to be shewn to, 360, n.; consoles the afflicted in adversity, 483. Prison, likeness to, 345; emptied at Easter, 383, 486; senate of Antioch confined in, 458, n. "Prisoner," more glorious than any title to St. Paul, 447. Prodigal, the, unfit to manage an inheritance, 450. Promises, of God infinitely excellent, 451. Prophecy, not false because not accomplished, 376. Prosperity, no ground for security, 369, 450; present, heightened by contrast, 425; transient, 427. Proverbial sayings against Providence, 341, n.; of contempt for others, 343. Providence, denied by some, 341; shewn in apparently accidental cases, 382, 383; in the deliverance of His children, 386; in the use of weak means, 404; proved from the human body, 407; in Flavian's journey, 483. Publican, accepted without fasting, 358. Punishment, a medicine, 375; of the prosperous twofold, 384; inflicted by parents, 392; severest for sins easily avoided, 411; delayed for repentance, 424; inflicted on Antioch beneficial, 455; of an inexorable enemy, 475. Purgatory, doctrine of, 387, n. Pusillanimity, to be always dwelling on miseries, 391; to look to man for comfort, 445. Questions, raised to win attention, 333; on the permission of suffering, 336, 340; on brute animals fasting, 358. Quinquagesima, 358, n. Rank not to be regarded in rebuking vice, 430. Reason, appropriates the superior powers of brutes, 416; does not constrain, 428, n.; given to avoid sin, 441. Reasons, of God s works, a few revealed, 421; of God's laws not to be required, 447. Recollection of past evils useful, 418. Reconciliation, the one seeking has the whole merit, 474; endeavours after, always acceptable to God, 475; imputed to wrong motives, 476; to God by the Crucifixion, 476; every day makes, more difficult, 476; only to please God, 477; a cause of forgiveness, 477; repulses must not quell, 478; very easy, 479. Reflection on words of Scripture, 391; from the sight of grief, 440; on being laughed at for doing right, 481. Reformation, spiritual, of the community, rapid when begun, 389; at Antioch, 455. Relics of Timothy expelled demons, 332; of the Apostles, 333; of Job in great repute, 371; virtue of, 389, n.; of martyrs expelled demons, 396. Religion, how designated in Scripture, 367, n.; training in, increases obligation, 373; not to left to the clergy, 384. Reminding one another of duties, 399. Remission from God, according to our excusing, 477; full, by full, 478. Repairs, small, neglected, bring ruin, 470. Repentance, pardon offered to, 362; time given for, 363; procures the removal of evils, 376; speedy, from fear of God, 480; duty of bringing others to, 481. Reproach felt as a wrong, 428; a spur to amendment, 429. Reproof to be administered in love, 343, 359; calls forth love, 344; an improvement of our talent, 348. Repulse, no excuse for not being reconciled, 472, 478. Resentment is a practice of malice, 476; excludes from the holy Communion, 476; precluded by considering our sins, 472, 473; continually forbidden, 473; madness: punished here and hereafter, 474; merits the worst punishment, 474; the most inexcusable of all sins, 475; gives advantage to Satan: is contempt of God, 477; unjust toward our worst foes, 473. Reserve, practised by St. Paul and our Lord, 349. Responsibility from religious instruction, 398, 424. Rest, must be preceded by tribulation, 366. Restraint upon vice provided by God, 429; human on our freedom submitted to, 447; tribulation is, 452. Resurrection, proved by afflictions of the Saints, 339; hope of, removes fear of death, 373. Revelation by letters would have availed the learned and the rich only, 401; by things is understood by all men, 401. Reward bestowed for pains, not natural gifts, 429; temporal and spiritual contrasted, 451; of grieving over the sins of others, 462. Rich, the, more miserable than the poor, 460. Riches, the true, 348, 351, 353; earthly, vanity of, 348; wherein not forbidden, 348; an encumbrance, 349; where to deposit, 349, 350; the use of, only ours, 350; why not given equally, 351; drive men to mean arts, 353; a means of virtue, 442; liability to loss of, 451; not happiness, 460. Ridicule, for well-doing, how to be met, 481. Righteous, arms of, 397; overthrow demons, 397; never sad, 461; alone happy, 462. Robes, rich, look best on ourselves, 380. Roman Catholic Church on Eucharist, 444, n. Roots, bitter, sweet fruits from, 462. Ruin of Jerusalem by breaking oaths, 469. Rule self-imposed for the cure of faults, 471. Rulers, God arms, 381; fear of, proper, 381; like the supports of a building, 382. Sabbath, why enjoined in Decalogue, 422; made a type of the Lord's Day, 422, n. Sacrament, more than Elisha had, 353. Sacrifice, a dictate of the natural law, 422, n.; unbloody, 472. Sadness, darkens the sight, 346; of the rich, 459. Saints, especially assailed, 334, 342; eight reasons why afflicted, 336; their power from God, 338; motives of, for serving Him, 338; not to be worshipped, 338, n.; ninth and tenth reason why afflicted, 340; their countenance, 355; a few save their country, 356; effects of their sanctity on nature, 367; daunted by nothing, 368; surmount all natural ills, 375; the more tried, the more glorious, 386; meekness of, when magnified by men, 386; departed, intercession of, 389, n.; unconcern for their own safety, 448; the living, proclaim the virtues of their teachers, 455; joy of, under trouble wonderful, 461. Salvation, obtained by few without threats, 392; precepts of, not hindered by the body, 472. Sand, the boundary of the sea, 404; house built on, 446. Satan aims most at the advanced, 334, 342; messengers of, 337; would have men reckoned gods, 338; called to account by Jehovah, 338; accuses Job, 339; assails him, 339; foiled by Job's patience, 341; man has nothing in common with, 343; his rage against Antioch, 344; how he resisted, 357; his spite at Job, 366; greatest efforts abortive, 367, 386; most defeated by the righteous in adversity, 371; arts of, to keep alive anger, 398; attempts of, thwarted by God, 419, 439; specially flourishes amidst oaths, 433; agency of, in the case of Saul and the honey, 434, 436; reason of, urging Jonathan to eat, 434; a fowler, 441; service of, often hard, 469; author of swearing, 470; our sole enemy, 476; disappointed at the Emperor's clemency, 485. Saul, would not from hatred name David, 393; his prohibition to eat defeated, 433, 436; rashness of, 433, 436; grief over Jonathan's confession, 436; likely consequences of his oath, 437. Scene of remarkable events affects us, 467. School, severity of, 381, 449. Sciences, application to spiritual subjects, 407. Scripture Holy, as a lyre and a trumpet, 331; flowery meadow, 331; a mine of wisdom, 332; to be alleged in teaching, 336, 337; allegorical sense of, 338, n.; course of reading, 347, 348, 358, ns.; food from, 348; consolation from every part of, 391, 394; an instance, 391; not needed in the first ages, 400; entirely agrees, 403; slowness in explaining, 446; sense of, with the clergy, 447; accounts of the faithful verified in living Saints, 455. Seal, set on confiscated houses, 427. Seasons, order and harmony of, 402. Secresy, a sign of guilt, 360. Sedition, state of Antioch after, 344, sqq.; raised by a few strangers, 347, 355, 381; offenders in, punished, 362; what befel messengers of, 382; how punished, 455; turned to the honour of the city, Bishop and Emperor, 482. Self-possession, the best defence against dangers, 446. Septuagint, followed by St. Chrysostom, 340, n. Sermons, daily during Lent, 379, n. Servants, sitting with, 345; consulting with, 363; dare not name their masters, 394; runaway, how they break their chains, 403; their spiritual good, needs attention, 405; have masters to overcome sloth, 429; flogging of, 432; not remitting debts at their master's bidding, 478. Servility to the powerful, 474, n. Severity before indulgence, 449. Shame, of sinning before inferiors, 428; of not serving God better after great mercies, 438; to wait for advances to reconciliation, 474. Ship without pilot and crew, 408. Shipwreck in retrospect, 426; spectators of, help by their prayers, 426; of the state, 452. Sick, the, glutton a pitiable object, 387. Sickle, flying, seen by the Prophet, 443. Sickness, borne cheerfully, 332; no bar to zeal, 334; proves wealth vain, 351; no great evil, 397; past is pleasant to remember, 420; an instructor, 429; of St. Chrysostom, 464. Significant, 480; the only hope of offenders, 484. Simplicity of the country clergy, 465; of the Apostles, 466. Sin, most hurtful in good men, 334; comes not of God's work, 335; pardon of, through affliction, 340, 387; shared by indifference, 348; how focused in pride, 348; pardon of, through alms, 351; through forgiving others, 355; by Priests, 356; on repentance, 362; to be reproved, 360; our own to be examined, 360; sure to find us out, 363, 378; removed through tribulation, 365, 385; alone to be dreaded, 372, 374, 387; blotted out by grief, 376, 461; by death, 376, 390; here punished better, 385; is misery punishment aside, 387; strikes dumb, 393; consciousness of makes cowards, 396; makes vulnerable, 397; to abstain from, no labour, 398; those easily avoided most punished, 411; forgiven, not to be forgotten, 418; the skein of our, 433; increased by frequent instruction, 438; remitted in the Eucharist, 444, n.; is dishonour, 456; great witness against, perpetuated, 466; excludes from holy Communion, 472; all, exposed at the Judgment, 430. Sisters dividing an inheritance in peace, 402. Slander, to be buried, 360; a snare of Satan, 360. Sleep, sweet to the weary, 352; a medicine, 395. Sloth, requires chastisement, 431; banished by fear, 439; danger of, under prosperity, 452, 463. Snares, beset us on all sides, 440; wife, children, etc., may become, 441; same, catch men again, 441. Sobriety, needful before going to church, 400; of country people, 466. Socrates, on the faculty of women for learning, 470, n.; opinions on punishment, 375, n. Sodom, its greatness no defense, 456; a perpetual witness, 466. Soldiers, Christians are, 357; Christian, incapacitated by dread, 376; employed at the trials at Antioch, 426; intemperate particularly in battle, 433; on guard prevent robbers, 439; alert for conquest, 459; reverence their officers, 472. Solomon, made trial of luxury, 352; his thoughts on mirth, 440; learned in Art and Science by God, 456. Sores, treatment of, 387. Sorrow, an occasion of joy to Saints, 461. Soul, the, to be adorned for Christ's dwelling, 350; medicine for, 358; the only proper object of concern, 397; subject to infirmity to prevent pride, 414; wounded by swearing, 438; stedfast, is proof against danger, 446; of unconverted, an old wine-skin, 449; philosophy of the even, in all events, 454; dignity of, in virtue, 457; like the body as affected from without, 462; the seat of philosophy, 465; beauty of, to be admired, 466; under the fear of God like a rusty tool in the furnace, 480; sign of greatness of, looking to God, 482. Spark, falling on the ocean, 460. Speculations, on the Universe above us, 411; folly of, 421; improper on Divine commands, 447. Speech, how precious, is certain, 332; how restrained, 397. Spider, not esteemed because he toils for himself, 420. Spirit Holy, gives matter for discourse, 332, 347; all His gifts munificent, 332; His gold needs His flame, 332; enters not where wrath is, 479. Stability, type of, 402. Stadium, 416, n. State, without Rulers, illustrated, 381; dependence of members on each other in, 417; not saved by multitude, 457. Statuary's skill on rude materials, 414. Statues, of the Emperor demolished, 344; a device of Satan, 439; Theodosius's mother and wife, dishonoured, 484, n.; for humaneness, 485; of Constantine, dishonoured, 485. Stibadium, 489, n. Striving, lawful, what, 357, n. Substance, 362. Suffering, for Christ, our glory, 447; fellowship in, soothes, 339. Sun, transcends nature, 404; a bridegroom: not a god, 410; in constant motion, 419. Superfluous, what seems, may be full of Divine wisdom, 332. Suspiciousness from guilt, 396. Swearer, ought to reflect on martyrdom of St. John B., 432; house of, ruined, 443. Swearing, 363, 370, 379, 394, 417, 424, 443; easily overcome, 370, 379, 388, 398, 437; methods of overcoming, 370, 379; the excuse answered when imposed by another, 380, 398; no excuse that others swear, 388; insult to God shewn by, 304; substitute for, 398, 481; mode adopted to overcome, 399; the easier the worse, 411; abstaining from a Divine precept, 425; of contraries common in many relations, 432; Satan lies in wait for, 432, 433; doubling of Saul in, 437; to abstain from easier than to obey the Emperor, 437; forbidden by Christ, 444; worse in Christians than in Jews, 469; comes of negligence, 470; all, from Satan, 470; difficulty of curing, imaginary, 479; not to be cured little by little, 480. Sympathy in the joy of others, 429. Table of spiritual food from Holy Writ, 348; of the rich not relished, 351. Talents, parable of, 348; ten thousand, parable of, 355, 478. Tarentines, drunkenness and luxury of, 400, n. Taxes, 363, 398; indignation caused by, 374. Teacher, the, a title of St. Paul, 332; to take fit seasons, 413; number of natural, 430; differs from the artificer as to consequences, shares in the merit of his scholars, 487. Temperance, naturally approves itself, 428; practice of severe, 429. Temple, the, honoured by God, dishonoured by sinners, 456. Thankfulness, in trouble rewarded, 341. Thanksgiving, contrasted with blasphemy, 342; 343, equals cross-bearing, 385; for favours procures others, 412; repeated, 412, 425, 450; in distress, 452; for evils, 489. Theatres, forbidden, 359; one opposite the church, 439; cause many evils, 442, 455. Theodosius, statues of, thrown down, 344, 362; embassy to, 354; hopes from his piety and clemency, 355, 356, 453, 457; baptized, 355; compared to Ahasuerus, 356; tax levied by, 361, n.; not present when insulted, 362; his religious character, 383, 487; opposite acts from, 383, n.; closing of the baths, 437; stopped public amusements as a punishment, 455; like a father in demeaning Antioch, 455; reverence of, for Priests, 483; reception of Flavian, 484; his upbraiding, restitution produced, 485; greater in pardoning than in succouring Antioch, 486; by pardoning shews the power of Christianity, 486; reasons for his expecting a reward from God, 487; an example to posterity, 487; bidden to consider the Judgment, 488; pardons Antioch, imitating Jesus, 488; proofs of his entire forgiveness, 488. Thessalonica, massacre at, 383, n. Thirst gives relish to drink, 352. Thoughts, bad, how dispelled, 331; government of, 357. Three Children, delivered by prayer, 367; song of, in use every where and always, 367, n.; a surpassing miracle variously tried upon, 367; the reverse of the idolaters, 368; example of, 376, 385; they and their executioners like gold and hay, 385; freedom and wisdom of, 386; motives in disobeying the king, 387. Times, stated, proper for contending with particular bad habits, 370, 388; different things for different times, 401. Timothy, St., power of, with God, 332; his labours, 333, 335; his abstinence, 333; spiritual son and yokefellow to St. Paul, 334; resolution in self-discipline, 335. Title, the most illustrious of St. Paul's, 447; of worldly dignity soon perishes, 447; of metropolis taken from Antioch, 455. Torture, by scourging, 426, 474, n. Translation of Scriptures, source of error in, 405, n. Transubstantiation, 354, n. Treason, a subject of fear to kings, 460. Trees, each kind has its excellence, 417; roots of, bitter, 462. Trials at Antioch, terrors of, 426, 453; painful instance at, 426. Tribulation of Saints a means of pardon, 340; increased reward, 340, 342; a sign of God's love, 342, temptation by, 342; permitted for good, 344, 365; a seed time, 364; a rain, 365; strengthens the good, 366; not removed until amendment, 366; exalts men, 369; suffering unjustly like to, 385; comes before joy, 449; present, subdued by bright prospect, 450; to the godly like a spark on the ocean, 460. Tribunals, secular, closed at midday, why, 160; at Antioch, 426. Truth, shadows of, attained by the heathen, 386, n.; to be applied variously, 435. Tutors compel to good conduct, 453. Unbelievers, how affected by the example of Christians, 405, 486. Union of men for various purposes, 452. Valens excommunicated, 481, n. Valentinus on matter, 413, n. Vanity, being subject to, 411. Vengeance on our enemies defeats its own end, 475; God the Judge for, 475. Venture, by heathens acting upon Prophecy, 377; its lessons, 401. Verses, division of, in Bible among the ancients, 446, n. Vice, hatred of, while followed, 429. View, from the top of mountains, 441. Vine, Jerusalem so called, 467. Virgin, the, Mary, invocation of, 389, n. Virgins, the ten, parable of, 388; dancing, 402; God's disapproval manifested through, 434. Virtue, like a fine dress, looks best on the person, 380; applauded by its opponents, 387; a blessing, reward aside, 387; some, natural, 429; promoted by teachers, 429; school of, war, 435; bred by fear, 439; fruit of, rooted above, 451; test by perseverance in prosperity, 452; the defence of a people, 456; easier in country life, 465. Void, meaning in Gen. i., 391, n. Voyage, length of, no help to the merchant, 451. Vow, of Jephthah, what resulted, 454. War, a religious matter with the Jews, 435; defeat in from sin, 435. Warriors, great, by their presence secure victory, 454. Washing of hands before taking the Bible, 394; before receiving the sacred elements, 479. Watchfulness over those in our charge, 354; needed especially after deliverances, 453. Water, honey to the thirsty, 352; bearing the earth a marvel, 403; fixed in the heavens unnatural, 404; in constant motion, 419; drawing of, 446. Wicked, often prosper here, 340. Wilkinson on the dancing represented in hieroglyphics, 470, n. Will, rests with, to cure the soul, 397; in man effects what nature does in brutes, 420. Wings of zeal, 335; of birds, use of, 441; of the flying sickle, 443. Wine, use of, lawful, 333, 348; to be used for health, 335; perfumed, 352. Winter, good of, felt afterwards, 459. Wisdom, force of, upon the wicked, 386; to be alone sought, 463; among the humble, 465. Wives have husbands as instructors, 430; keeping to, 435. Women, their prayers heard, 356; at Antioch, wretchedness during disorder, 427; case of two, 426; delight in their jewels, 449; cured of finery by the thoughts of St. Paul, 450; dancing, 470. Woods, rot from immersion, 403. Word of God never fails, 377; sufficient to effect any thing, 410. Words, exact use of, 332; not necessary for instruction, 402. Wordsworth's Vernal Ode, 420, n. Works, good, may breed presumption, 337; to be persevered in, 343; needful with fasting, 359; each man's, the measure of his moral nature, 430; bring joy, 451; laid up in heaven, 451. Workshops closed, 439. World, its wisdom vain, 332; Christians in, are strangers, 457; converted by simple men, 466. Wrath of God pacified by our forgiveness, 473. Wrestlers, stripped for contest, 339, 357; give advantage to shew their skill, 339, n.; rules for, 357, n.; must strive, 364, n.; tried in the lists, 446. Youth requires discipline, 334. Zeal overcomes infirmity, 335; and difficulties, 342; of one reforms many, 344; of inhabitants of Antioch for the faith, 456. Zedekiah's oath brought ruin, 468; a witness against breaking oaths, 469.
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