Bad Advertisement? Are you a Christian? Online Store: | Knowing therefore the fear of the Lord, we persuade men but we are made manifest unto God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences. Knowing therefore, he says, these things, that terrible seat of judgment, we do every thing so as not to give you a handle nor offence, nor any false suspicion of evil practice against us. Seest thou the strictness of life, and zeal of a watchful soul? ‘For we are not only open to accusation,’ he saith ‘if we commit any evil deed; but even if we do not commit, yet are suspected, and having it in our power to repel the suspicion, brave it, we are punished.‘ Ver. 12. “We are not again commending ourselves unto you, but speak as giving you occasion of glorying in our behalf.” See how he is continually obviating the suspicion of appearing to praise himself. For nothing is so offensive to the hearers as for any one to say great and marvellous things about himself. Since then he was compelled in what he said to fall upon that subject, he uses a corrective, saying, ‘we do this for your sakes, not for ours, that ye may have somewhat to glory of, not that we may.’ And not even this absolutely, but because of the false Apostles. Wherefore also he added, “To answer them that glory in appearance, and not in heart.” Seest thou how he hath detached them from them, and drawn them to himself; having shown that even the Corinthians themselves are longing to get hold of some occasion, whereby they may have it in their power to speak on their682
“That ye may have somewhat to glory towards those which glory in appearance.” But neither this does he bid them do absolutely, when no cause exists, but when they683
[2.] Ver. 13. “For whether we are beside ourselves, it is to God; or whether we are of sober mind, it is unto you.” And if, saith he, we have uttered any great thing,
(for this is what he here calls being beside himself, as therefore
in other places also he calls it folly;—
Ver. 14. “For the love of God685
‘For not the fear of things to come only,’ he saith, ‘but also those which have already happened allow us not to be slothful nor to slumber; but stir us up and impel us to these our labors on your behalf.’ And what are those things which have already happened? “That if one died for all, then all died.” ‘Surely then it was because all were lost,’ saith he. For except all were dead, He had not died for all686
Ver. 15. “That they which live should no longer live unto themselves, but unto Him who for their sakes died and rose again.” If therefore we ought not to live unto ourselves, ‘be not troubled,’ says he, ‘nor be confounded when dangers and deaths assail you.’ And he assigns besides an indubitable argument by which he shows that the thing is a debt. For if through Him we live who were dead; to Him we ought to live through Whom we live. And what is said appears indeed to be one thing, but if any one accurately examine it, it is two: one that we live by Him, another that He died for us: either of which even by itself is enough to make us liable; but when even both are united consider how great the debt is. Yea, rather, there are three things here. For the First-fruits also for thy sake He raised up, and led up to heaven: wherefore also he added, “Who for our sakes died and rose again.” [3.] Ver. 16. “Wherefore we henceforth know no man after the flesh.” For if all died and all rose again; and in such sort died as the tyranny of sin condemned them; but rose again “through the laver of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost;” (Titus iii. 5.) he saith with reason, “we know none” of the faithful “after the flesh.” For what if even they be in the flesh? Yet is that fleshly life destroyed, and we are born again689
“Even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now we know Him so no more.” What then? tell me. Did He put away the flesh, and is He now not with that body? Away with the thought, for He is even now clothed in flesh; for “this Jesus Who is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come. So? How? In flesh, with His body. How then doth he say, “Even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth no more?” (Acts i. 11.) For in us indeed “after the flesh” is being in sins, and “not after the flesh” not being in sins; but in Christ, “after the flesh” is His being subject to the affections of nature, such as to thirst, to hunger, to weariness, to sleep. For “He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth.” (1 Pet. ii. 22.) Wherefore He also said, “Which of you convicteth Me of sin?” (John viii. 46.) and again, “The prince of this world cometh, and he hath nothing in Me.” (ib. xiv. 30.) And “not after the flesh” is being thenceforward freed even from these things, not the being without flesh. For with this also He cometh to judge the world, His being impassible and pure. Whereunto we also shall advance when “our body” hath been “fashioned like unto His glorious body.” (Philip. iii. 21.) [4.] Ver. 17. “Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature.” For seeing he had exhorted unto virtue from His love, he now leads them on to this from what has been actually done for them; wherefore also he added, “If any man is in Christ,” he is “a new creature.” “If any,” saith he, “have believed in Him, he has come to another creation, for he hath been born again by the Spirit.” So that for this cause also, he says, we ought to live unto Him, not because we are not our own only, nor because He died for us only, nor because He raised up our First-fruits only, but because we have also come unto another life. See how many just grounds he urges for a life of virtue. For on this account he also calls the reformation by a grosser name691
What old things? He means either sins and impieties, or else all the Judaical observances. Yea rather, he means both the one and the other. “Behold, all things are become new.” Ver. 18. “But all things are of God.” Nothing of ourselves. For remission of sins and adoption and unspeakable glory are given to us by Him. For he exhorts them no longer from the things to come only, but even from those now present. For consider. He said, that we shall be raised again, and go on unto incorruption, and have an eternal house; but since present things have more force to persuade than things to come, with those who believe not in these as they ought to believe, he shows how great things they have even already received, and being themselves what. What then being, received they them? Dead all; (for he saith, “all died;” and, “He died for all;” so loved He all alike;) inveterate all, and grown old in their vices. But behold, both a new soul, (for it was cleansed,) and a new body, and a new worship, and promises new, and covenant, and life, and table, and dress, and all things new absolutely693
“Who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation.” For from Him are all the good things. For He that made us friends is Himself also the cause of the other things which God hath given to His friends. For He rendered not these things unto us, allowing us to continue enemies, but having made us friends unto Himself. But when I say that Christ is the cause of our reconciliation, I say the Father is so also: when I say that the Father gave, I say the Son gave also. “For all things were made by Him;” (John i. 3.) and of this too He is the Author. For we ran not unto Him, but He Himself called us. How called He us? By the sacrifice of Christ. “And gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation.” Here again he sets forth the dignity of the Apostles; showing how great a thing was committed to their hands, and the surpassing greatness of the love of God. For even when they would not hear the Ambassador that came, He was not exasperated nor left them to themselves, but continueth to exhort them both in His own person and by others. Who can be fittingly amazed at this solicitude? The Son Who came to reconcile, His True and Only-Begotten, was slain, yet not even so did the Father turn away from His murderers; nor say, “I sent My Son as an Ambassador, but they not only would not hear Him, but even slew and crucified Him, it is meet henceforth to leave them to themselves:” but quite the contrary, when the Son departed, He entrusted the business to us; for he says, “gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation. [5.] Ver. 19. “To wit, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not reckoning unto them their tresspasses.” Seest thou love surpassing all expression, all conception? Who was the aggrieved one? Himself. Who first sought the reconciliation? Himself. ‘And yet,’ saith one, ‘He sent the Son, He did not come Himself.’ The Son indeed it was He sent; still not He alone besought, but both with Him and by Him the Father; wherefore he said, that, “God was reconciling the world unto Himself in Christ:” that is, by Christ696
“And having committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” For neither have we come now on any odious office; but to make all men friends with God. For He saith, ‘Since they were not persuaded by Me, do ye continue beseeching until ye have persuaded them.’ Wherefore also he added, Ver. 20. “We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us; we beseech you on behalf of Christ, be ye reconciled to God.” Seest thou how he has extolled the thing by introducing Christ thus in the form of a suppliant698
Ver. 21. “For Him who knew no sin He made to be sin on our account.” ‘I say nothing of what has gone before, that ye have outraged Him, Him that had done you no wrong, Him that had done you good, that He exacted not justice, that He is first to beseech, though first outraged; let none of these things be set down at present. Ought ye not in justice to be reconciled for this one thing only that He hath done to you now?’ And what hath He done? “Him that knew no sin He made to be sin, for you.” For had He achieved nothing but done only this, think how great a thing it were to give His Son for those that had outraged Him. But now He hath both well achieved mighty things, and besides, hath suffered Him that did no wrong to be punished for those who had done wrong. But he did not say this: but mentioned that which is far greater than this. What then is this? “Him that knew no sin,” he says, Him that was righteousness itself700
[6.] Reflecting then on these things, let us fear these words more than hell; let us reverence the things [they express] more than the kingdom, and let us not deem it grievous to be punished, but to sin. For were He not to punish us, we ought to take vengeance on ourselves, who have been so ungrateful towards our Benefactor. Now he that hath an object of affection, hath often even slain himself, when unsuccessful in his love; and though successful, if he hath been guilty of a fault towards her, counts it not fit that he should even live; and shall not we, when we outrage One so loving and gentle, cast ourselves into the fire of hell? Shall I say something strange, and marvellous, and to many perhaps incredible? To one who hath understanding and loveth the Lord as it behoveth to love Him, there will be greater comfort if punished after provoking One so loving, than if not punished. And this one may see by the common practice. For he that has wronged his dearest friend feels then the greatest relief, when he has wreaked vengeance on himself and suffered evil. And accordingly David said, “I the shepherd have sinned, and I the shepherd have done amiss; and these the flock, what have they done? Let Thy hand be upon me, and upon my father’s house.” (2 Sam. xxiv. 17. LXX.) And when he lost Absalom he wreaked the extremest vengeance upon himself, although he was not the injurer but the injured; but nevertheless, because he loved the departed exceedingly, he racked himself with anguish, in this manner comforting himself. Let us therefore also, when we sin against Him Whom we ought not to sin against, take vengeance on ourselves. See you not those who have lost true-born children, that they therefore both beat themselves and tear their hair, because to punish themselves for the sake of those they loved carries comfort with it. But if, when we have caused no harm to those dearest to us, to suffer because of what hath befallen them brings consolation; when we ourselves are the persons who have given provocation and wrong, will it not much rather be a relief to us to suffer the penalty and will not the being unpunished punish? Every one in a manner will see this. If any love Christ as it behoveth to love Him, he knoweth what I say; how, even when He forgiveth, he will not endure to go unpunished; for thou undergoest the severest punishment in having provoked Him. And I know indeed that I am speaking what will not be believed by the many; but nevertheless it is so as I have said. If then we love Christ as it behoveth to love Him, we shall punish ourselves when we sin. For to those who love any whomsover, not the suffering somewhat because they have provoked the beloved one is unpleasing; but above all, that they have provoked the person loved. And if this last when angered doth not punish, he hath tortured his lover more; but if he exacts satisfaction, he hath comforted him rather. Let us therefore not fear hell, but offending God; for it is more grievous than that when He turns away in wrath: this is worse than all, this heavier than all. And that thou mayest learn what a thing it is, consider this which I say. If one that was himself a king, beholding a robber and malefactor under punishment, gave his well-beloved son, his only-begotten and true, to be slain; and transferred the death and the guilt as well, from him to his son, (who was himself of no such character,) that he might both save the condemned man and clear him from his evil reputation701