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Philippians ii. 1–4
“If there is therefore any
comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the
Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions, fulfil ye my joy, that
ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, of
one mind; doing nothing through faction or through vainglory; but in
lowliness of mind, each counting other better than himself; not looking
each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of
There is nothing better, there is nothing more affectionate, than a
spiritual teacher; such an one surpasses the kindness of any natural
father. Do but consider, how this blessed one entreats the Philippians
concerning the things which were to their own advantage. What says he,
in exhorting them concerning concord, that cause of all good things?
See how earnestly, how vehemently, with how much sympathy he speaks,
“If there be therefore any comfort in Christ,” that is, if
ye have any comfort in Christ, as if he had said, If thou makest any
account of me, if thou hast any care of me, if thou hast ever received
good at my hands, do this. This mode of earnestness we use when we
claim a matter which we prefer to everything else. For if we did not
prefer it to everything, we should not wish to receive in it our
recompense for all things, nor say that through it all is represented.
We indeed remind men of our carnal claims; for example, if a father
were to say, If thou hast any reverence for thy father, if any
remembrance of my care in nourishing thee, if any affection towards me,
if any memory of the honor thou hast received of me, if any of my
kindness, be not at enmity with thy brother; that is, for all those
things, this is what I ask in return.
But Paul does not so; he calls
to our remembrance no carnal, but all of them spiritual benefits. That
is, if ye wish to give me any comfort in my temptations, and
encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if ye wish to show
any communion in the Spirit, if ye have any tender mercies and
compassions, fulfil ye my joy. “If any tender mercies and
compassions.” Paul speaks of the concord of his disciples as
compassion towards himself, thus showing that the danger was extreme,
if they were not of one mind. If I can obtain comfort from you, if I
can obtain any consolation from our love, if I can communicate with you
in the Spirit, if I can have fellowship with you in the Lord, if I can
find mercy and compassion at your hands, show by your love the return
of all this. All this have I gained, if ye love one another.
“Fulfil ye my joy.”
That the exhortation might not
seem to be made to people who were still deficient, see how he says
not, “do me joy,” but “fulfil my joy”; that is,
Ye have begun to plant it in me, ye have already given me some portion
of peacefulness, but I desire to arrive at its fulness? Say, what
wouldest thou? that we deliver thee from dangers? that we supply
somewhat to thy need? Not so, but “that ye be of the same mind,
having the same love,” in which ye have begun, “being of
one accord, of one mind.” Just see, how often he repeats the same
thing by reason of his great affection! “That ye be of the same
mind,” or rather, “that ye be of one mind.” For this
is more than “the same.”
“Having the same
love.” That is, let it not be simply about faith alone, but also
in all other things; for there is such a thing as to be of the same
mind, and yet not to have love. “Having the same love,”
that is, love and be loved alike; do not thou enjoy much love, and show
less love, so as to be covetous even in this matter; but do not suffer
it in thyself. “Of one accord,” he adds, that is,
appropriating with one soul, the bodies of all, not in substance, for
that is impossible, but in purpose and intention. Let all things
proceed as from one soul. What means “of one accord”? He
shows when he says “of one mind.” Let your mind be one, as
if from one soul.
“Doing nothing through faction.”
He finally demands this of them,
and tells582
582 [Field here makes a conjectural alteration which is little better,
and we follow the documents.—J.A.B.] | them the way how this may be.
“Doing nothing through faction or vainglory.” This, as I
always say, is the cause of all evil. Hence come fightings and
contentions. Hence come envyings and strifes. Hence it is that love
waxes cold, when we love the praise of men, when we are slaves to the
honor which is paid by the many, for it is not possible for a man to be
the slave of praise, and also a true servant of God. How then shall we
flee vainglory? for thou hast not yet told us the way. Listen then to
what follows.
“But in lowliness of mind,
each counting other better than himself.” Oh how full of true
wisdom, how universal a gathering-word583
of our salvation is the lesson he has put forth! If thou deemest, he
means, that another is greater than thyself, and persuadest thyself so,
yea more, if thou not only sayest it, but art fully assured of it, then
thou assignest him the honor, and if thou assignest him the honor, thou
wilt not be displeased at seeing him honored by another. Do not then
think him simply greater than thyself, but “better,” which
is a very great superiority, and thou dost not think it strange nor be
pained thereby, if thou seest him honored. Yea, though he treat thee
with scorn, thou dost bear it nobly, for thou hast esteemed him greater
than thyself. Though he revile thee, thou dost submit. Though he treat
thee ill, thou bearest it in silence. For when once the soul is fully
assured that he is greater, it falls not into anger when it is
ill-treated by him, nor yet into envy, for no one would envy those who
are very far above himself, for all things belong to his
Here then he instructs the one
party to be thus minded. But when he too, who enjoys such honor from
thee, is thus affected toward thee, consider what a double wall there
is erected of gentle forbearance [comp. Philip. iv. 5.]; for when thou
esteemest him thus worthy of honor, and he thee likewise, no painful
thing can possibly arise; for if this conduct when shown by one is
sufficient to destroy all strife, who shall break down the safeguard,
when it is shown by both? Not even the Devil himself. The defense is
threefold, and fourfold, yea manifold, for humanity is the cause of all
good; and that you may learn this, listen to the prophet, saying,
“Hadst thou desired sacrifice, I would have given it: Thou wilt
not delight in burnt offerings. The sacrifice for God is a broken
spirit, a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise.”584
584 [Quoted, of course, from the Sept., which here differs
considerably from the Hebrew.—J.A.B.] | (Ps. li. 16,
Not simply humility, but intense humility. As in the case of bodily
substances, that which is “broken” will not rise against
that which is “solid,” but, how many ills soever it may
suffer, will perish itself rather than attack the other, so too the
soul, even if constantly suffering ill, will choose rather to die, than
to avenge itself by attack.
How long shall we be puffed up
thus ridiculously? For as we laugh, when we see children drawing
themselves up, and looking haughty, or when we see them picking up
stones and throwing them, thus too the haughtiness585 of men belongs to a puerile intellect, and
an unformed mind. “Why are earth and ashes proud?”
(Ecclus. x. 9.) Art thou highminded,
O man? and why? tell me what is the gain? Whence art thou highminded
against those of thine own kind? Dost not thou share the same nature?
the same life? Hast not thou received like honor from God? But thou art
wise? Thou oughtest to be thankful, not to be puffed up. Haughtiness is
the first act of ingratitude, for it denies586
586 Lit. “takes away,” i.e. takes the credit from the
Giver. |
the gift of grace. He that is puffed up, is puffed up as if he had
excelled by his own strength, and he who thinks he has thus excelled is
ungrateful toward Him who bestowed that honor. Hast thou any good? Be
thankful to Him who gave it. Listen to what Joseph said, and what
Daniel. For when the king of Egypt sent for him, and in the presence of
all his host asked him concerning that matter in which the Egyptians,
who were most learned in these things, had forsaken the field, when he
was on the point of carrying off everything from them, and of appearing
wiser than the astrologers, the enchanters, the magicians, and all the
wise men of those times, and that from captivity and servitude, and he
but a youth (and his glory was thus greater, for it is not the same
thing to shine when known, and contrary to expectation, so that its
being unlooked for rendered him the more admirable); what then, when he
came before Pharaoh? Was it “Yea, I know”? But what? When
no one urged it on him, he said from his own excellent spirit,
“Do not interpretations belong to God?”587 Behold he straightway glorified his
Master, therefore he was glorified. And this also is no small thing.
For that God had revealed it to him was a far greater thing than if he
had himself excelled. For he showed that his words were worthy of
credit, and it was a very great proof of his intimacy with God. There
is no one thing so good as to be the intimate friend of God. “For
if,” says the Scripture, “he [Abraham] was justified by
works, he hath whereof to glory, but not toward God.”
iv. 2.) For if he who has been vouchsafed grace maketh his boast in
God, that he is loved of Him, because his sins are forgiven, he too
that worketh hath whereof to boast, but not before God, as the other
(for it588
588 He may mean our “boasting” of “such”
things as we do, or the fact that our goodness extends not to
God. | is a proof of our excessive weakness);
he who has received wisdom of God, how much more admirable is he? He
glorifies God and is glorified of Him, for He says, “Them that
honor Me, I will honor.” (1 Sam. ii. 30.)
Again, listen to him who
descended from Joseph, than whom no one was wiser. “Art thou
589 E.V. “Thou art,” but [Chrys. quotes the
Sept.—J.A.B.] | says he, “than Daniel?”
xxviii. 3.) This Daniel then, when all the wise men that were in Babylon,
and the astrologers moreover, the prophets, the magicians, the
yea when the whole of their wisdom was not only coming to be convicted,
but to be wholly destroyed (for their being destroyed was a clear proof
that they had deceived before), this Daniel coming forward, and
preparing to solve the king’s question, does not take the honor
to himself, but first ascribes the whole to God, and says, “But
as for me, O king, it is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have
beyond all men.” (Dan. ii. 30.) And “the
king worshiped him, and commanded that they should offer an
oblation.” (Dan. ii. 46.) Seest thou his
humility? seest thou his excellent spirit? seest thou this habit of
lowliness? Listen also to the Apostles, saying at one time, "Why fasten
ye your eyes on us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made
this man to walk? (Acts iii. 12.) And again,
“We are men of like passions with you.” (Acts xiv.
Now if they thus refused the honors paid them, men who by reason of the
humility and power of Christ wrought greater deeds than Christ (for He
says, “He that believeth in Me shall do greater works than those
that I do” (John xiv. 12, abr.)), shall not we
wretched and miserable men do so, who cannot even beat away gnats,590
590 This
hyperbolical expression may have a moral meaning with respect to petty
annoyances, and in allusion to the fan used in the Holy Eucharist.
Bingham xv. c. 3, § 6. | much less devils? who have not power to
benefit a single man, much less the whole world, and yet think so much
of ourselves that the Devil himself is not like us?
There is nothing so foreign to a
Christian soul as haughtiness. Haughtiness, I say, not boldness nor
courage, for these are congenial. But these are one thing, and that
another; so too humility is one thing, and meanness, flattery, and
adulation another.
I will now, if you wish, give
you examples of all these qualities. For these things which are
contraries, seem in some way to be placed near together, as the tares
to the wheat, and the thorns to the rose. But while babes might easily
be deceived, they who are men in truth, and are skilled in spiritual
husbandry, know how to separate what is really good from the bad. Let
me then lay before you examples of these qualities from the Scriptures.
What is flattery, and meanness, and adulation? Ziba flattered591
591 Compare 2 Sam. xix. 26. He means that Ziba had
recourse to unworthy means of winning David’s favor. And that
Ahitophel was ready to serve Absalom from selfish motives. | David out of season, and falsely slandered
his master. (2 Sam. xvi. 1–3.) Much more did
Ahitophel flatter Absalom. (2 Sam. xvii.
1–4.) But David was not so, but he was humble. For the deceitful are
flatterers, as when they say, “O king, live for ever.”
ii. 4.) Again, what flatterers the magicians are.
We shall find much to exemplify
this in the case of Paul in the Acts. When he disputed with the Jews he
did not flatter them, but was humble-minded (for he knew how to speak
boldly), as when he says, “I, brethren, though I had done nothing
against the people, or the customs of our fathers, yet was delivered
prisoner from Jerusalem.” (Acts xxviii.
That these were the words of
humility, listen how he rebukes them in what follows, “Well spake
the Holy Ghost, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall in nowise
understand, and seeing ye shall see, and in nowise perceive.”
(Acts xxviii. 25; ib.
Seest thou his courage? Behold
also the courage of John the Baptist, which he used before Herod; when
he said, “It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother
Philip’s wife.” (Mark vi. 18.) This was
boldness, this was courage. Not so the words of Shimei, when he said,
“Begone, thou man of blood” (2 Sam. xvi. 7.), and yet he too
spake with boldness; but this is not courage, but audacity, and
insolence, and an unbridled tongue. Jezebel too reproached Jehu, when
she said, “The slayer of his master” (2 Kings ix.
but this was audacity, not boldness. Elias too reproached, but this was
boldness and courage; “I do not trouble Israel, but thou and thy
father’s house.” (1 Kings xviii.
Again, Elias spake with boldness to the whole people, saying,
“How long will ye go lame on both your thighs?”
Kings xviii. 21, LXX.) Thus to rebuke was boldness and courage. This too
the prophets did, but that other was audacity.
Would you see words both of
humility and not of flattery,592
592 [All
of Field’s mss. give
“flattery” (instead of “freedom,” as the text
of most editions), and he has inserted “not” by conjecture,
as it is said below in the case of David.—J.A.B.] | listen to Paul,
saying, “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be
judged of you, or of man’s judgment; yea, I judge not mine own
self. For I know nothing against myself, yet am I not hereby
justified.” (1 Cor. iv. 3,
This is of a spirit that becomes a Christian; and again, “Dare
any of you, having a matter against his neighbor, go to law before the
unrighteous, and not before the saints”? (1 Cor. vi. 1.)
Would you see the flattery of
the foolish Jews? listen to them, saying, “We have no king but
Cæsar.” (John xix. 15.) Would you see
humility? listen to Paul again, when he says, “For we preach not
ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for
Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. iv. 5.) Would you see
both flattery and audacity? “Audacity” (1 Sam. xxv.
in the case of Nabal, and “flattery” (1 Sam. xxiii.
in that of the Ziphites? For in their purpose they betrayed David.
Would you see “wisdom” (1 Sam. xxvi.
5–12.) and not flattery, that of David, how he gat Saul
into his power, and yet spared him? Would you see the flattery of those
who murdered Mephibosheth,593 whom also David
slew? In fine, and as it were in outline, to sum up all, audacity is
shown when one is enraged, and insults another for no just cause,
either to avenge himself, or in some unjust way is audacious; but
boldness and courage are when we dare to face perils and deaths, and
despise friendships and enmities for the sake of what is pleasing to
God. Again, flattery and meanness are when one courts another not for
any right end, but hunting after some of the things of this life; but
humility, when one does this for the sake of things pleasing to God,
and descends from his own proper station that he may perform something
great and admirable. If we know these things, happy are we if we do
them. For to know them is not enough. For Scripture says, “Not
the hearers of a law, but the doers of a law shall be justified.”
ii. 13.) Yea, knowledge itself condemneth, when it is without action and
deeds of virtue. Wherefore that we may escape the condemnation, let us
follow after the practice, that we may obtain those good things that
are promised to us, by the grace and love of our Lord Jesus