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Maitland, who has apparently occupied a large portion of the last six years of his life in the vain endeavor to write down Foxe, — having indited within that period some seven or eight separate pamphlets, besides letters and newspaper and magazine articles innumerable, — Mr. Maitland, in his general “dislike” and distrust of everything connected with the Martyrologist, cannot help suspecting even this Memoir. He has devoted a separate pamphlet to the task of showing that it is certainly spurious, and not written by either of Foxe's sons. His reasons for so concluding are trivial to the last degree. For instance: 1. The Martyrologist was accustomed to write his name Foxus: — the memoir-writer latinizes it Foxius. (Had Mr.M. forgotten Shakespear; Shahspete; Shakesper, etc.? ) 2. The memoir-writer says little of Mrs. Foxe, or of his brother. 3. “He tells us that Foxe began his Martyrology at Basil, and was eleven years writing it, — a statement so monstrous,” etc. But it is quite true, nevertheless, that as a Martyrology it was first produced at Basil, and that for eleven years, and more than eleven years, afterwards, Foxe was constantly engaged in augmenting and completing it. 4. He falls into an error as to the title of one of Foxe's tracts. A mistake which might easily happen; seeing that the said tract was printed many years before he, the memoir-writer, was born, and that it is quite possible that he had never even seen a copy. 5. Besides which, the way in which Foxe is spoken of, (Foxius noster, etc.) is very unlike the filial style. A similar objection would prove Caesar's Commentaries not to have been written by Caesar. By such reasonings as these does Mr. Maitland persuade himself that this memoir of Foxe, prefixed to the edition of A. n. 1641, is a fraud and a forgery. A more striking proof of the credulity of resolved scepticism was perhaps never seen. While hunting, with more zeal than discretion, for the slightest token of deception or inconsistency, he overlooks certain broad and palpable proofs of authenticity, which are abundantly sufficient to decide the whole question. The Memoir in question first appeared under the sanction of a public, privileged, and responsible body. It was given to the world by the Stationers' Company, at a time when that incorporation occupied nearly the same ground which the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge does now. The Stationers' Company, in 1641, was, under LETTERS PATENT, jointly with the University of Oxford, the authorized printer of Primers, Psalm Books, and other books for Churches and Schools. Its affairs were conducted by a large and respectable court; and under its sanction appeared this Memoir of Foxe, professing to be the work of one of his sons. No records, I am informed, can now be found of the production of the edition of 1641; their absence being partly accounted for by the loss of many of the Company's books in the Fire of London. But a copy of an entry of a later date has been handed to me, which shows the sense of responsibility under which the Company acted. In 1682 they gave authority to captain Samuel Rycroft to print an edition in their name, paying to them the sum of 100l. But, at the same time, they required him to enter into articles, “to make no alteration or addition in the said book, or in any part thereof.” Under the sanction, then, of this public body, appeared the edition of 1641, having prefixed to it a Life of Foxe, professing to be written by one of his sons. But were those sons both deceased at that moment; or absent, and unable to protest against a fraud? No; on the contrary, Dr. Simeon Foxe, the younger of the two, was then alive, and occupied the honorable post of President of the College of Physicians, having an official residence in Amen Corner, within sight of Stationers' Hall. Mr. Maitland, therefore, requires us to believe, on the ground of some things in the Memoir which, appear to him strange or inconsistent, that the Stationers' Company, possessing a character and functions confided to them by Letters Patent, and acting, not in individual secresy, but by a public board, perpetrated a fraud on the Church; and that not in some trivial matter, but in the great Church History of the time, published in three folio volumes. And further, that the Company did not thus fraudulently personate any deceased or obscure person, but actually endorsed a document purporting to come from the hand of the President of the College of Physicians, then living, and dwelling within sight of their own premises; and that neither by means of any member of the Court of that Company, nor yet by the complaint of the eminent person so practiced upon, did one word of the fraudulent nature of this transaction ever transpire. Certainly, he who can believe all this, had better leave off troubling himself in future, with external or historical evidence as to any fact or document whatsoever. Mr. Maitland has examined, as he says, the original documents; yet he seems to have been unable to discern what, to others, would constitute the strongest proofs of authenticity. A person fabricating a Life of Foxe, to be passed off as the work of his son, would naturally have shunned the light as much as possible. He would have found some private adventurer, of unscrupulous character, among the booksellers, to aid in putting forth the forgery. He would have never thought of writing his fiction first in Latin, and then taking the trouble to translate it into English. He would have waited until the death of the party whose name he meant to assume. Above all, his MS., when printed, would have been carefully concealed, and speedily destroyed. Instead of which, what do we find, in the present case? The Memoir of Foxe is placed in the hands of a public body, the last that can be thought likely to be concerned in a fraud. It is published during the lifetime, and within sight of the very dwelling, of the party whose work it professes to be. The original Latin is printed with great pomp, and followed by an English translation. And the document itself, in its native condition, is carefully preserved, is treasured up by Strype, among other undoubted relics of the Foxe family; and after passing through the Lansdowne Collection, is deposited at last in the British Museum. There it rests, side by side with private letters of both the sons of the Martyrologist. And on comparison with their unquestionable correspondence, it appears to be quite evident, by similitude of hand, that the body of the narrative is in the writing of Samuel, the elder brother, — the corrections and additions in the hand of Simeon, the younger, who doubtless adopted it as his own, and transferred it, before his death, to some acting members of the Stationers' Company. It may be as well to add, though the case is sufficiently strong without it, that not only Simeon Foxe, the younger son of the Martyrologist, but also Thomas Foxe, the son of Samuel and nephew of Simeon, was living at the College of Physicians in Amen Corner, at the very time of the publication of this Memoir; and the latter for many years after. It would, doubtless, be from his descendants that Strype obtained the unquestionable relics of the Martyrologist which are now in the British Museum; and it must have been from the same source that both he and Anthony Wood gained their impression that the Memoir in question was the work of Samuel Foxe, the eldest of the two sons. See Churton's Life of Nowell, 1809. Nowell taught logic from the work of Rodolphus Agricola, one of the most learned men of the fifteenth century. Erasmus greatly exalts his character, learning, and abilities. — Watt's Bibliotheca Britainfica, Art. Agricola Rodolphus See Townley's Biblical Literature, vol. 2:p. 470. Townley, vol. 2:p. 393. February 4th, Townley, vol. 2:p. 400. Strype's Memorials of Cranmer, vol. 1:b. 1:chap. 18. May, 1540. May, 1541. Successit tandem postrema scholasticorum aetas, quae modum nullurn servavit sophistices barbariei, impudentiae in erroribus tum receptis statuminandis, otiosis et inutilibus, quin etiam impiis, determinandis, aut versandis in utramque pattern; atque adeo inducenda in scholas quaestionum, terminorum, distinctionurn, monstrosa novitate, perdendis ingeniis, literis, sacra disciplina. Cumprimis in materiis de Deo, de Trinitate, de Incarnatione, de persona Christi, de potestate papae, de transubstantiatione, de pnrgatorio, de novissimis. Et hi doctores, vocandi acuti, subtiles, singulares, facundi, resolutissimi ordinatissimi, et si quibus aliis elogiis et epithetis veniunt. Ab his quodlibet mojora, minora, determi-nationes, forrnalitates, specuta, quaestiones solemnes, ordinariae, questiones, super questiones, praedicamen-forum, acroamaticorum, metaphysicaliun: subtilitatum, mysteria; praeer Legendas, Marlalia, et id genus librorum pestes. Partes hujus postremae scholastices praecipui fuere: Joannes Duns Scotus, sub initia hujus seculi 14:Cotoniae (ut ferunt) apoptexia percussus, vel letargo correptus, ac virus in sepulchrum illatus, ex quo frustra egredi annixus est, devoratis manibus. Hinc celebres fuere, Durandus aS. Porciano, Petrus Aureolus, Herveus Natalis, Fr. de Mayronis Gallus, et ejus farinae reliqui. Nec minus lstorum ferax fuit seculum 15:ad tempora usque Thomae Cajetani, id est, Lutheri et Zwinglii, ubi desinit scholasticorum aetas. De quibus tacere praestat, quam de ils multa dicere, et adeantur noti de Scriptoribus. Ecclesiastes Commentarii. Frid. Spanhemii F. L Optrum. fol. tom. 1:secul, 14:cap. 11, p. 1796. — Lugd. Batav. 1701. Wakefield, the successor of Reuchlin at Tubingen, was the first Hebrew professor SECTION Henry conceived that he had not only the right, but was placed in the duty of guiding and ruling the faith, and doctrines, and religious reasonings of his people. He believed he was to act in these as the vicar of the divine legislator, as the pontiff he had dethroned had arrogated a right dictatorially to be. It was on this principle that he so personally insisted on the Act for suppressing diversity of opinions.\ Henry VIII. c. xiv.\ He saw his people in a fluctuating sea of mind and discussion from the influx of the new sentiments and views that now rushed in from all parts of society; and he thought that he was the proper Neptune to pacify and to govern the disordering commotion into quiet and uniformity. We see this misconceiving idea in full operation in his last speech in parliament, in which he urges the clergy to terminate the reigning discord, “or else I, whom God has appointed his vicar, and high minister here, will see these divisions extinct, and these enormities corrected, according to my very duty; or else I am an unprofitable servant and untrue officer.”\ Hall, p. 866. ap. Turner's Hist. of England, ut sup. p. 533. See also, for further enactments in Confirmation of this king's power,24 Henry VIII. cap. xii., 25 Henry VIII. cap. 19:and 35 Henry VIII. cap. 16:Pulton's Statutes, fol. 1670.\ A wide career of evil was opened by this strange assumption, m which the most energetic mind, without any bad motives, and even from the very best purposes, especially if unchecked by the kind sensibilities, was sure to be the most tyrannical; and, from principle, unrelenting. — Hist, of Eng. by Sharon Turner, vol. 7:chap. 31:p. 533. Ft15 Thou ruthless, jealous tyrant, — Heaven repay On thee and on thy children's latest line, The wild caprice of thy tyrannic sway — The gory bridal bed — the plunder'd shrine — The murder'd Surrey's blood — the tears of Geraldine. Scott's “Lay of the Last Minstrel,” Canto VI. Ft16 See Gardiner's Treatise “De Vera Obedientia,” in the Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum, 2:800; and Sampson's “De Obedientia Regi Praestanda; “ibid. 820; also, Strype, 1:111. Thus we are told, in a Sermon by Archbishop Cranmer, — “Though the magistrates be evil, and very tyrants against the commonwealth, and enemies to Christ's religion, yet ye subjects must obey in all worldly things, as the Christians do under the truth; and ought so to do as long as he commandeth them not to do against God.” — Strype's Cranmer, Rec. 114. See also the King's Books — the Articles — the Institution — and the Erudition of a Christian Man. — Lingard's History of England, vol. 6:pp.481,482. Second Edition. Ft16 Day assures us that he was sent for from Oxford to Reigate in Surrey, in the troublesome and dangerous times of the Six Articles, to be tutor to the duke of Norfolk. This could not have been, however, till after his marriage. — Day's Epistle-Dedicatory to Foxe's “Christus Triumphans.” Lond. 1579. Ft18 Foxe, vol. 2:p. 479, Edit. 1684, folio. Ft19 The name Thomas was common for many generations to the head of the Lucy family, who were at this period the owners of Charlecote. The employer of Foxe, one of the pupils of Foxe, and the son of the pupil of Foxe, who prosecuted, as it is said, Shakspeare for deerstealing, were all so named. A doubt has been started, whether the honor of knighthood was borne by the head of the family at the period named in the life of Foxe; but the inaccuracy, if it be one, is very trifling. Foxe might very naturally tell his son that he was, at such a time, tutor in Sir Thomas Lucy's family; meaning thereby, in the family of the gentleman who was Sir Thomas Lucy at the time when he so spake. — See the pedigree of this ancient gentleman's family in Dugdale's Warwickshire. The Lueys were patrons of the living of Charlecote. I find the following abstract in Dugdale which confirms my account. 1 Rich. Verney. Ar. etc. D. Eliz. Lucy, ux. ejus, D. Andreas Warburton, nuper ux. Th. Lucy, mil. defuncti Phr. 24 Mail 1534. 2 Thom. Lucy, Arm. D. Nich. Smith, Clef. 23 Julii 1562. John Davies, Cler. 21 Aug. 1577. 3 Tho. Lucy, Miles Ric. Southam, Cler. 25 Mail 1582. 4 Thomas Lucy, Miles Mich. Wood, Cler. 10 Aug. 1619. A descendant of sir Thomas entered Trinity College, Oxford, in 1610, but afterwards proceeded to Caius, Cambridge; and, in 1660, was consecrated bishop of St. David's. He died in 1677, and was buried in the collegiate church of Brecknock; on a monument to whose memory was an inscription in letters of gold on black marble. Bishop Lucy wrote a Criticism on Hobbes's Leviathan, in which he exposed many errors; 8vo. 1657. Also, On the Nature of a Minister in all his Offices, 4to. 1670; and An Apology for the Church of England in point of Separation from it, 8vo. 1676. — See Ant. Wood, vol. 2:p. 596, Ed. 1721. Also, Watts's Bibliotheca. In the reign of Elizabeth, a grammar-school was founded at Hampton Lucy, near Stratford-on-Avon, by a branch of the family, with six scholarships to Magdalen Hall, Oxford, endowed out of the Lucy estates in Warwickshire. The most memorable circumstance, however, which has made this ancient name familiar in every part of England, is the tradition that Shakspeare absconded from his native town to seek a precarious livelihood, to avoid a prosecution for stealing the venison in Lucy's park. Ft20 Quoad pueris adultior jam aetas praesceptoris neeessitatem exuerat. Ft21 In qua domo uxorem posted duxit. Ft22 Porerat tamen ea, ut ferebat lama, ex illo emergere periculo: nisi schedula forte qubedam a ductore per manicata brachii redimicula, quae orationem Dominicam vernaculo idiomate contineret, perspecta, in odium primum episcopi et theologorum, deinde in condemnationem earn retraxisset. — Rerum in Ecclesia gestarum, etc. etc. autore Joanne Foxo Anglo. Baslieae, per Nicolaum Brylingerum et Joannem Oporinum. Folio. 1559, p. 117. Ft23 Atque utinam ii, qui, in historiis scribendis versati, cateras res in externa republicae gestas, bella, tumultus, seditiones domesticas, victorias, regumque facta tam diligenter mandarunt monumentis, parem quoque in his, quae ad ecclesiae pertinebant negocia, consignandis diligentiam adhibuissent, quo pleniorem simul et certiorem harum rerum memoriam teneret posteritas. — Rerum in Ecclesiastes Gest. ut sup. Ft24 As when a hunted deer, chased with the hounds, takes sanctuary by flying to the rest of the herd, they, out of a principle of selfpreservation, drive him away for fear lest the hounds in pursuit of him fall on them; so Foxe's father-in law was loath to receive him, and forbade him the protection of his family, lest persecution, in quest of his son, should bring him and his whole household into trouble. — Lansdowne MSS. No. 388. Ft25 Born March 10, 1536. Ft26 Born February 25, 1539. Ft27 Born 1537-8. Ft28 The name of the first duke of Norfolk is given by Hume as Thomas; but this appears to be an error. Dr. Nott, in his Memoirs of the Earl of Surrey, states, “that on the accession of Richard III. sir John Howard was created the first duke of Norfolk, of the name of Howard, his son Thomas being at the same time, June, 1483, made earl of Surrey.” This is corroborated by the “Memorials of the Howard Family.” Baker's Chronicle, p. 325. London, 1653. The title had been in the Mowbray family. Margaret, daughter of Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, married sir Robert Howard, whose son John, born about 1420, was raised to the dukedom of Norfolk in 1483. The above Thomas Mowbray was the last duke of Norfolk of that name. I subjoin a specimen of the correspondence of the duchess of Norfolk to the earl of Essex:— “My ffary gode lord her I sand you in tokyn hoff the new eyer a glasse of setyl set in sellfer gyld I pra you take hit wort and hy wer habel het showlde be hater I woll hit war wort a M. crone.” Which, in modern English spelling, runs thus:—”My very good lord, here I send you, in token of the new year, a glass of setyl set in silver gilt. I pray you take it worthy, an I were able it should be better. I would it were worth a thousand crowns.” This lady was daughter of the great duke of Buckingham, and mother of lord Surrey, one of the most accomplished persons of her time; the friend of scholars, and the patroness of literature. Ft29 Lord Thomas Howard. — Nott's Life of Lord Surrey, Preface, p. Ibid. p. 5. Ft31 Rapin and Tindale, vol. 1:p. 847. Herbert's Henry VIII. p. 624. Sharon Turner's History of England, vol. 2:p. 515. Nott's Surrey, p. 9. Hume says they were committed December 12, 1547; and Tytler, in his Henry VIII. p. 457, also, says 1547. This is evidently a careless error, as the latter (p. 461) mentions proceedings as having taken place January 27th foliowhig; and Hume, vol. 5:notices the assembling of parliament on January 14th, after the arrest of Norfolk and Surrey. All historians agree that Henry VIII. died January 20, 1547; before which event Surrey had been beheaded on the 19th of January; and. at the time of the king's death the duke of Norfolk was left in prison. Ft32 This opinion would be strengthened, as the duke of Norfolk was one of the enemies of Cranmer. — Burnet's Reformation, vol. 1:p. 531. Ft33 His name has been rendered familiar to us by Dr. Nott's publication of his Life; and by the beautiful lines of Sir Walter Scott, in his “Lay of the Last Minstrel.” Ft34 This may, perhaps, have been the real cause why the duchess appeared as the accuser of her brother. — Memorials of the Howard Family.' Oldmixon, p. 141. Tytler's “Henry the Eighth,” p. 458. Herbert, “Henry the Eighth,” says, “The duchess said that her brother also urged her to marry Sir Thomas, wishing her to endear herself so into the king's favor, that she might the better bear rule, as others had done.” This does not appear at all compatible with Surrey's character. Ft35 Burnet's History of the Reformation,” pp. 533, 534: London, 1820. Oldmixon, p. 147. Ft36 The countess of Surrey afterwards married Thomas Steyning, Esq. of Woodford, Suffolk. She had a daughter by this marriage, named Maria, married to Charles Seekford, Esq. of Woodford. The countess died in June 1577, at Sobare Earl, and was interred at Framlingham, where her second son, Henry, Earl of Northampton, erected a monument to her and his father. The register of Soham Earl, contains the following: “Anno Dmi. 1577. Item, the Ladye Francis Countys of Surrye dyed the last of June, in the year aforesaid, and was buryed at Framlyngham.” Ft37 Camden, pp. 440. 441,448, who states that he was present, and heard all, and saw all, that he here alleges. Apud Collins's Peerage, Vol. I. Part 1. p. 131. Ft38 There were two other daughters, whom Foxe's son has not mentioned: Catharine, who was married to Henry Lord Berkely, and Margaret, to Henry Lord Scrope of Bolton. They probably continued under the care of their mother. Ft39 “Exceedingly did his free and voluntary labors fructify among them, for many were there converted from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God; witness thereof the old superstitious and idolatrous Lady of Ouldsworth, an image or idol-saint, who was worshipped at Reigate, in place of God, for her miraculous power of saving health,” etc. — Daye's Preface. Ft40 Godwin, de Praesulibus, p. 236. Ft41 See Heylyn's Ecclesia Restaurata, pt. 2:p. 59, Ed. 1570, who affirms that Whittingham, Williams, and Goodman were Zwinglians: and Bossuet boasts of the fact, that Zwinglianism triumphed at Oxford in the time of Edward VI. — Variations, book 8:c. 9. Ft42 Bingham, book 14:c. 4. see. 4. Ft43 Burnet's Reformation, Collection of Records to Book I. pt. 2:No. 2. Leslie's Case of the Regale and Pontificale, pp. 39, 41. Ft44 Ecclesiastes Hist. vol. 2:p. 222. Ft45 This date is according to the Book of Ordination of 1550, now in St. Paul's. “Deacon, June 23d, 1550. (Foxus) Master John Foxe, Master of Arts, residing in the House of the Duke of Norfolk, born at Boston. in the Diocese of Lincoln, by Letters Commendatory in that behalf (in cal. parte)laudably bestowed.” Copy from Ordination Book. “1550, 25 Junii, Mag. Joh. Fox, A.M. moram trahens cure Domina Ducissa Suffolc. oriundus apud Boston, Linc. Disc. ordinatus Diaconus per Nichum. Lond. Epum. Reg. Ridley.” — Lansdowne MSS. 982, p. 103. Ft46 Southey's Book of the Church, p. 301, Edit. 1837. Ft47 Southey, pp. 311, 312; Carte, vol. in. p. 234; Mackintosh, vol. 2:p. 259; Tnrner's Mcd. Hist. of Eng. vol. ill. p. 251. Also Tytler, Walter, Burnet, and others. “The Six Articles, and the statutes that made words treason, and other such severe laws, ye seem to require again; the which all our whole parliament, almost on their knees, required us to abolish and put away; and, when we condescended thereto, with a whole voice gave us most humble thanks, for they thought before that no man was sure of his life, lands, or goods. And would you have these laws again? Will you that we shall resume the scourge again, and hard snaffle for your mouths? If all the realm consent, and ye require to have our sword again awake, and more nearer your heads, ye may soon have it by us and by parliament restored to his old power. But, we fear us, they that most desire it will soonest and sorest repent it. When we are content to rule like a father, with all mercy and clemency, ye do call for the bridle and whip. Ah! our loving subjects, who be they that put this into your heads? Do ye know what ye demand, and what the end will be of that request? “ — Tytler's Edward VI. and Mary. vol. 1:pp. 180, 181. This is a different answer from that given in the text, which may also be correct; as Tytler says, (p. 182,) there are in the State Paper Office three contemporary drafts of this answer. Ft48 “Frequens hic per omniurn era ac aures jactatur non suspicio modo, L1 sed coilstans certissimaque prsedicatio, id vos, summi sanetissimique patres, moliri, ut sanguinaries leges illes Sex Artieulorum titulo inscriptes, quondam bene sopites, nunc demure, velut ex orco, revocentur ad superos. Quod si verum sit, quam vobis plausibile, ac quibusdam sit gratum, ignoro; certe, quam reip. fanesturn at ominosum sit futurum, satis jam pridem declarat publicus moeror, tristissima rerum fere humanarum ac luctuosa facies, optimi cujusque gemitus; nec tacita solurn suspiria, sed abetrim ex doloris acerbitate prorumpentes lachrymae, quotidiana bonorum fuga, totius denique reip. (si tamen resp. aliqua sit) squalor: ut interim taceam conscientiarnm occulta judicia ac vulnera, in omnibus fere horror, in nonnullis etiam funera, ae mortes ex rerum perturbatione contractae. Quae si calamitates (tot tantaeque quidera illae, quantas vix in ulla unquam rep. conspeximus) ex concepta rerum imagine atque recordatione duntaxat ipsa, cives adeo perstringunt vestros, quid vos futurum tandem existimatis, suspiciendi domini, exhibitis jam rebus ipsis, ubi in exhibendis tanta sit trepidatio; ubi intolerabilis ipse legum rigor, et acutissima acies cervicibus jam incumbit civium; ubi tot millia hominum non vitae libertatem, quam jam amiserunt, sed vitam ipsam cogentur deserere? Nec jam vita, sed et conscientia etiam erepta hominibus; — nec Deo quidera supplicate licebit pro arbitratu suo, sed ad libidinem paucorum. “Quae quum ita sint, vel deteriora etiam, quam a me referri queant, considerabit prudentia vestra, quae documentis nostris non eget, sed pro communi salute rerum, consilia vestra potissimum flectenda sunt. Haec etiam jam ipsa aguntur tempora, quibus vobis jam in manu siturn est, felices nos velitis, ae perditos? Si tam vilem babearis civium vestrorum sanguinem; — si nihil vos moveant tot hominum gemitus, querelae, lacrymae, bonorum miseriae, — si parum sit vobis una ab iisdem legibus accepta clades;-age denuo! revocetur Trojanus equus in urbem, quo soli, vel cum pancis, regnum hoc possideatis! Sin vero ulla subit animos vestros reip. charitas; — si quod patriae studium maneat; — siquid denique reip. siquid eeclesies christianae (quam advolutam genubus vestris existimetis) flebilis querela valeat; — efficite modo, pii proceres, pro summa pietate, ut pluris sit apud vos salutis publica conservatio, quam privata quorundam solicitatio; nec quid possit pro imperlo authoritas, sed quid aequitas potius civibus debeat vestra, velitis considerate. “Nihil enim in omni officiorum genere fieri aequus arbitror, quam ut quorum vos patria patres conscripsit ipsa, eos in filiorum loco ascitos tueamiai; quique suam ad vos omenm reverentiam, ac dignitatis authoritatem transferunt, ilidem a vobis salutis ac tranquillitatis vicissim accipiant suae incolumitatem. Quod si communis patriae respectus vos minus attingat, at quod vobis ipsis dignum, quod generosa ac heroica sanguinis vestri nobilitas tacito quodam sensu vobis suggerat, attendite. Nam quum inter humanos omnes affectus, nil sit tam hominis proprium, quam clementia, qua divinae naturae imaginem maxime referre vel infimi etiam videntur homines; quid tum a vobis expectari convenit, illustrissimi heroes, qui quo sublimiorem honoris in his terris gradum sortiti estis, hoc expressius supremo huic imaginis divinae archetypo respondere omnibus modis decet? “Porro, habetis ad hoc reginam, ut nobilissimam, ita ad sand et salubria quaque obsequacem principem. Habetis et eancellarium, ut doctrina praestabilem, ita natura non improbum si quorum absint consilia. Verum ut inter animantium genera, qumdam noxia, alia act hominis usum, creata existunt: rursus sunt, quae in hoc tanturn dicas nata, ut reliquis molestiara ac perniciem moliantur: sic, in humanis reibus, nulla resp. nec vitae genus est, quod suas non habet vomicas, et kakobou>louv. Atque hi suni potissimum, qui religione praeposteri, naturae saevi, alteri ecclesiae, alteri reip. exitiales existunt. Quibus cum bene esse non possit, nisi perturbaris rebus, turbam, quantum queant, intendunt ad saevitiam. Mitissimos principum animos, hoc est, reip. fontes, vitiant; consilia instillant, non quae honesto, sed quae ventri suo, ac quaestui serviant: simile quiddam exercentes in humanis rebus, quale Ate tribuit Homerica narratio. Deinde quum tutius laedunt sub umbra nobilitatis, ac... se occul-tant, quo si quid adveniat adversi, illos postremo feriat: si quid boni sit, ipsi primi sint ad carpendam messera. Et quoniam juxta imperitorum legera, nihil his recte fieri videtur, nisi quod ipsi faciunt, ad arbitratum suum universam religionem, cum ipsa Scriptura, corrigendam putant. Quicquid ipsis non placet haereticum est. Nil sibi placere potest, quod non illico alba amussis sit quantum libet a scopo alienum.” — Strype, in his Memoirs of Cranmer, vol. 2:pp. 937 — 939, I subjoin it here, that the reader may appreciate the latinity and eloquence of Foxe. Ft49 It contains about forty pages, without any number to them. Its title is, “De Non Plectendis Morte Adulteris Consultatio, Joannis Foxi.” Impressum Londini per Hugonem Syngletonum, sub intersignio D. Augustini. Anno Domini. M.D. 1548. Some account of it will be given in the Appendix. Ft50 Troubles at Frankfort. Ft51 “Chronicon Ecclesia, continens historiam rerum gestarum maximarumque per totam Europam Persecutionum a Vviclevi temporibus usque ad nostram aetatum. Authoro Joanne Foxo.” Ft52 Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona, etc. Hor. Od. lib. 4:Od. 9:5:25 — 29. Ft53 Milton. SECTION July 6th, 1553. Ft55 Judge Hales. August, August 18th, 1553. Ft57 August 22d October 5th of the same year. Ft59 November 8th. Ft60 August 22d. See Sharon Turner's Reign of Mary. Ft62 Mr. Samuel Foxe informs us that his mother was pregnant at the time of their emigration. As we do not read of the birth of a child, we may conclude that either a miscarriage, or the premature birth of a child, who died soon after, took place at this time. Ft63 November 12th, 1554. Ft64 For an account of the Interim, see Sharon Turner's Edward VI. p. 294. Ft65 German Reformation, vol. 2:p. 322. The following letter from Tytler's Edward VI. and Mary, vol. 1:pp. 84, 85, agrees with the above. “Bishop of Westminster to sir William Petre. Orig. State Paper Office, Germany, April 3d, 1548, Augsburg. After my most hearty commendations to you: where, heretofore, I advertised you, that I heard say how the emperor had committed to Malvenda, and others his learned men here, to devise in the matter of Interim some order, which, peradventure, the commissaries in the said Interim might be persuaded to accept. I hear say now, that the said learned men's device is perfected, and delivered to the electors to view, but kept so secret, that by no means yet I can get no copy thereof, nor certainly learn the effect thereof. “It hath been told to Mr. Mount, that it should reduce religion to the old state where it was before twenty years, except that communieatio sub ntraque specie should be permitted to all those that would ask it; and that such priests as be already married should be tolerated, ne ecclesiae destituantur ministris, and this only until the council should determine these matters.” Ft66 German Reform. ut supra (Naumberg). Ft67 Book 10:c. 17, Gerdesii, Hist. Reform. vol. ill. p.203. Among whom were Sutton, Williams, Whittingham, afterwards Dean of Durham, who married Calvin's sister, and others. Ft69 His name is variously called — Valeranus, Valerandus, Valeren, Valeran — Polanus, Pollanus, Pullen, Pullan. Ft70 Cowper's Expostulation. Ft71 Foxe's Acts and Monuments, vol. 8:p. 379, Ed. 1839. John Hullier; he was curate of Babraham, but afterwards went to Lynn, where he was residing when taken by Dr. Thirleby. Ft72 There is but one authentic account, and even that is tinged with the prejudices of its puritan author, of the circumstances to which I here allude — the well-known pamphlet in the Phoenix, entitled, “the Troubles at Frankfort.” The original was published by a nonconformist in 1575; reprinted in 1662; and afterwards in the Phoenix in 1707. Strype and others relate the history; but that pamphlet is the source of their narrative. — See Strype's Grindal, pp. 13 — 15. Mr. Lathbury, in his History of theEpiscopacy of England, has given a very good abstract of the history, p.24, etc. See especially Fuller's Church History, folio edit. 1655, b. 8:p. 26, etc. Strype, vol. 1:p. 508. Ft74 So I understand the expressiou — “ A rehearsal of the articles of our belief;” which seems to be taken from our Church Catechism — Rehearse the articles of thy belief. Ft75 Lathbury's Episcopacy, p.29. Lathbury, ut supra. Ft77 This expression is in the letter, which seems to be a circular sent from Frankfort to Strasburg, Zurich, and some other places, dated August 2d, 1554. the principal signer is Whittingham. Foxe was not at Frankfort at this time. — Phoenix, vol. 2:p. 49. Ft78 L'esprit est toujours la dupe du coeur. — Reflexions Morales de la Rochefoueald, No. 102. Ft79 The well-known tolerabiles inepias. Calvin's letter is dated January 22d, 1555. The words have been translated “bearable or tolerable fooleries, or fitnesses “ — “ tolerable foolish things.” Bishop Williams, says Puller, was accustomed to speak of Calvin's tolerabiles morositates. — Church History, b. 7:p. 375. Ft80 It was called the Order of Geneva, because first used by the English church at Geneva: but it is not the same as that used by the church of Geneva in which Calvin ministered. It was afterwards used in the Presbyterian church in Scotland, under the name of the. Book of Common Order, and is sometimes called Knox's Liturgy. M'Crie's Life of Knox, Vol. i.p. 148. Ft81 He arrived at Frankfort, March 13, 1555. Ft82 M'Crie's Life of Knox, vol. i.p. 153. It is called, in the “Troubles at Frankfort,” p. 76, “An Admonition to Christians.” Ft83 “Knox, who was minister of this congregation at Frankfort, and invited by them the last year from Geneva, September 24th, now (May 26th) returned in some baste thither (to Geneva) again; for be was the chief opposer of the use of the English Liturgy, averring, that it was a superstitious model, borrowed from the papists; and refused to celebrate the communion, according as it was there prescribed to be done. And besides, Knos held and published some dangerous principles about government; which were so disliked by the chief of the English divines there, as Cox, Bale, Turner of Windsor, Jewel, and others, that they thought it fit, and that for their own security, to disown him publicly, not only by discharging him of his ministry, but also by making an open complaint against him to the magistrates of the town. “The magistrates, upon this information, sent for Mr. Williams and Mr. Whittingham, willing them to advise Knox to depart; otherwise they should be constrained to deliver him unto the Emperor's council, which was then at Ausburge; that, upon this information, Knox makes a sermon in his lodging, to about fifty persons, of the death and resurrection of Christ, and of the unspeakable joys prepared for God's elect, and then departed; and was conveyed by some, three or four miles out of the town.” — Eccl. Mem. vol. 5:pp. 406, 407. Ft84 The following extract of a letter from Grindal, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, to Ridley, who was now in prison, or in confinement at Oxford, confirms the above account of the exiles abroad. Grindal to Bishop Ridley. Gratiam et consolationera a Domino, et servatore nostro, Jesu Christo. SIR — I have often been desirous to have written to you and to have heard from you; but the iniquity of the times have hitherto always put me forth of all hope and comfort. Now at this present God seemeth to offer some likelihood that these might come to your hands, which I thought to use, referring the rest to God's disposition. Your present state, not I only, (who of all others am most bound,) but also all other our brethren here, do most heartily lament, as joined with the most miserable captivity that ever any church of Christ hath suffered. Notwithstanding, we give God most humble thanks, for that he hath so strengthened you and others, your concaptives, to profess a good profession before so many witnesses. And I doubt nothing, but that He that hath called you and them not only to believe upon hym, but also to suffer for hym, doth not leave you destitute of that unspeakable comfort which He useth to minister abundantly to his in the schole of the cross. He graunte that his name may be glorified in you, whether it be by life or death, as may be most to his honor, and your everlasting consolation. Sir, I thought it good to advertise you partely of our state in these partes. We be here dispersed in divers and several places. Certayne be at Tigurye (Zurich) good students of either University, a number; very well entreated of Maister Bullinger, of the other ministers, and of the whole eitye. Another number of us remayne at Argentine (Strasburg), and take the commodity of Maister Martyr's lessons, who is a very notable father. Maister Scory, and certayne other with hym be in Frysland, and have an English church there, but not very frequent. The greatest number is at Frankfort, where I was at this present by occasion; a very fayre city, the magistrates favorable to our people, with so many other commodities as exiles can well look for. Here is also a church; and now (God be thanked) well quieted by the prudency of Maister Coxe, and other which met here for that purpose. So that now we trust God hath provided for such as will fiye forth of Babylon, a resting place, where they may truly serve hym, and hear the voice of their true pastor. I suppose in one place and other dispersed, there be well nigh an hundredth students and ministers on this side the seas. Such a Lord is God to work dyversly in his, according to his unsearchable wisdom, who knoweth best what is in man. God comfort you, ayd you, and assist you with his spirit and grace to continue his unto the end, to the glory of his name, the edification of his church, and the subversion of Antichrist's kingdom. Amen. From Frankfort, the 6th of July 1555. — Strype's Life of Grindal, pp. 16 — 18. Ecclesiastes Mere. vol. 5:pp. 410, 411. Ft85 See the testimonials to its correspondence with the ancient liturgies, the case of the reformers, the adaptation to the wants of the people, the conformity to the services of the reformed churches, etc. in Durell, Comber, Nicholls, the Oxford Tracts, and in many other works. It is, however, capable of improvement. Some of the alterations by the Episcopal Church of America must be so called. See Mr. Caswal's work on America. We might do well to omit the stories of Bel and the Dragon, Susanna and the two Elders, with some other portions of the Apocrypha. Another Collect also might be advantageously inserted in the Burial Service, over those who were not regular communicants, and of whom their best friends hesitate to speak as worthy of the stronger language of faith and hope. Ft86 The title was “Liturgia Sacra, seu Ritus Ministerii in Ecclesia Peregrinorum propter Evangelium Christi Argentini, 1551. Cum apologia pro hac Liturgia. Per Valerandum Pollanum Flandrum.” Ft87 His Institutes had been published at Basil in 1535. The work gave him a high place among his contemporaries. They idolized his name; and adopted his gloomy system. Ft88 Calvin is said to have suggested alterations in the second prayer-book of king Edward; and to have offered his assistance to Cranmer; which the archbishop declined. Fuller gives as the reason of this, that he knew the man. Collier, vol. 2:p. 253. When the manner in which he spoke of the progress of the reformation both to the king and Cranmer is considered, and the mode in which he expressed his disregard for antiquity, we cannot be surprised at the hesitation of the archbishop to receive his services.\ Heylyn's History of the Reformation, p. 65; and History of Presbyterianism, p. 15.\ The news, says Heylyn (of order being given to Cranmer, and some other prelates, to draw up a form for the administration of the sacrament) no sooner came unto Geneva, but Calvin must put in for a share; and forthwith writes his letter to archbishop Cranmer, in which he offereth his assistance to promote the service, if he thought it necessary. But neither Cranmer, Ridley, nor any of the rest of the English bishops, could see any such necessity of it, but that they might be able to do well without him. They knew the temper of the man, how busy and pragmatical he had been in all those places in which he had been suffered to intermeddle; that in some points of christian doctrine he different from the general current of the ancient fathers and had devised such a way of ecclesiastical polity, as was destructive in itself of the sacred hierarchy, and never had been heard of in all antiquity. In his letters unto the king and council, as he writes to Bullinger, he had excited them to proceed in the good work which they had begun; that is to say, that they should so proceed as he had directed. Heylyn's Hist. of Presbyt. pp. 236 — 238. Cardwell, in his “Two Prayer Books of Edward VI.” Oxford, 1838, preface, p. 31, note W. says, “This statement” — of Heylyn and Collier — “seems to be overcharged.” The words of the epistle, although not containing the direct offer, certainly seem to hint that he was ready to do whatever Cranmer chose in the business. He spoke slightingly of the reformation in England. Epist. p. 136. “Quantum ad me attinet, si quis mei usus fore videbitur, ne decem quidem maria, si opus sit, ob earn rem trajicere pigeat.” He expresses his joy at the prospect of the reformation principles being forwarded by Cranmer; and he rejoices to think that unity of doctrine and discipline will be established under his care. He greatly wishes that learned and pious men from the chief churches (reformed) could meet at a convenient place to discuss diligently each article of faith, and by the common decision of all, hand down to posterity the sure doctrine of Scripture. “Atque utinam impetrari posset, ut in locum aliquem docti et graves viri ex praecipuis ecclesiis coirent, ac singulis fidei capitibus diligenter excussis, de communi omnium sententia certam posteris traderent Scripturae doctrinam.” See Instit. Christ. Relig. Genev. 1607. Epist. at the end, 1617, p. 135. Bene habet, quod non eundem modo animum Deus nobis contulit, ut Regem Angliae et ejus consiliarios incitaremus ad pergendum; sed fecit etiam ut consilia nostra tam apte inter se congruerent. Hoc certe ad eorum confirmationem nonnihil, ut spero, valebit. — Calvin's Epist. pp. 131, 132. Ft89 “Strype’s Cranmer,” vol. 1:p. 296. Ft90 The sentence, the exhortation, and confession, are the same which are at this day used in the French congregations, and prescribed in their liturgy. Ft91 This is the Sunday service now general among the independent dissenters. Ft92 The work of Pollanus, which was published, as we have seen, at the time that the Second Book of king Edward was being compiled, contained a slight form of absolution, embodying only a sentence of Scripture relating to the remission of sins. — “Hic pastor ex scriptura sacra sententiam aliquam remissionis peccatorum populo recitat, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.” — but Calvin's Liturgy, published in 1545, for the church at Geneva, and originally drawn up, and used at Strasburg, contains no absolution of any kind, although he at first intended to have added one, but was overruled by others.\Lawrence, Bump. Lect. p. 207. Cardwell, Preface, p. 30. Durell, p. 35.\ Durell, p. 34, says, that most of the reformed liturgies have confessions of sins, and also absolution, but this is wanting in the liturgy of the French reformed churches (p. 35). Whether the English absolution was taken from that of Pollanus, as Lawrence says, or from that of John-a-Lasco, as Cardwell writes, is not probably easy to decide. May not each form have contributed a portion, both having been published in the interval between the publication of the two Prayer Books? John-a-Lasco's confession and absolution, bear a strong resemblance to those adopted in the Second Book of king Edward the Sixth. Vide Forma ac Ratio tota Ecclesiastes Min. in Pereg. Ecclesiastes anno 1550. Ft93 Nothing perhaps can demonstrate the weight and authority of John Calvin at this time more than the remarkable fact, that even Cox apologized to him for restoring the English Liturgy to the church at Frankfort without previously requesting his sanction to the undertaking. — Troubles at Frankfort, ap. Phoenix, p. 82. Ft94 He was born in France in 1509, and originally intended for the church, but afterwards for the law. Ft95 “Quo loco,” says Beza, “(Ponte-episcopi) constat Joannem ipsum Calvinum antequam Gallia excederet (nullis alioqui pontificis ordinibus initiatum) aliquot ad populum conclones habuisse.” Ft96 He was succeeded by Peter Brulius, who was followed by Valerandus Pollanus. Ft97 “Calvin thought himself,” says Collier, “wiser than the ancient church, and fit to dictate religion to all countries in Christendom.” Vol. 2:p. 309. “Calvin had no sooner conceived and brought forth his discipline,” says Heylin, “than he caused it to be nourished and brought up at the charge of Geneva. When: he found it strong enough to go abroad of itself, he afterwards commended it to the entertainment of all other churches in which he had credit. He finally proceeded so far as to impose it upon the world as a matter not to he refused on pain of God's displeasure.” — Heylin's History of Presbyterism, p. 10. Ft98 On the sentiments of Calvin concerning this deplorable transaction, I collect the following additional passages. In the introduction to his “Refutation of the Errors of Servetus,” which was published the year following, and subscribed by fourteen other ministers of the Genevese church, he says, “Whatever was done by our senate is everywhere attributed to me. I do not deny that by my advice and exertions he was, in due course (jure) committed to prison; for by the established law of this city, it was fit that he should be charged as a criminal. So far, I confess that I prosecuted this cause. But that, after his conviction, I uttered not a word concerning his punishment, not only will all good men bear me witness, but I challenge even bad men to produce the proof of the contrary, if they can.” — Scott's Continuation of-Milner, vol. 5:p. 429. To Farel he writes, August 20, 1553, “I hope at least that a capital sentence will be passed; but I wish the severity of the punishment to be remitted.” “Spero eapitale saltem fore judicium: poenae veto atrocitatem remitti cupio.” (Ep. p. 154.) In the same letter he adds, “One thing more I will add, that the treasurer of the city, who bears this to you, is right-minded in this business, that he (Servetus) may not escape the punishment or death (exiturn) we desire. “Tanturn unius rei to admonitum rolo, quaestorem urbis, qui tibi has literas redder, in hac causa recto esse animo, ut saltera exiturn quem optamus non fugiat.” And again, 26th October, “To-morrow he will be led out to punishment; the kind of death we have vainly endeavored to change.” “Cras ad supplicium ducetur. Genus morris conati sumus mutare, sed frustra.” — Epist. p. 156. “Servetus, in 1553, published at Vienne in Dauphine, a new treatise called “Christianismi Restitutio;” and escaping from thence, as he vainly hoped, to the protestant city of Geneva, became a victim to the bigotry of the magistrates, instigated by Calvin, who had acquired an immense ascendancy over that republic.” (Hallam's Introduction to the Literature of Europe, vol. 2:p. 107.) In the note he says (p. 109), Servetus in fact was burned, not so much for his heresies, as for some personal offense he had several years before given to Calvin. The latter wrote to Bolsec, in 1546, 'Servetus cupit hue venire, sed a me aecersitus. Ego autem nunquam committam, ut fidem meam eatenus obstrictam habeat. Jam enim constitutum habeo, si veniat, nunquam pati ut salvus exeat.' A similar letter to Farel differs in some phrases, and especially by the word virus for salvus. He had, in some printed letters, charged Calvin with many errors, which seems to have exasperated the great reformer's temper so as to make him resolve on what he afterwards executed.” Jacques George de Chauffie published the Life of Servetus, and endeavors to palliate the conduct of Calvin. He is, however, compelled to acknowledge and to condemn the giving of information to the magistrates to procure the seizure of the heresiarch, and the advising, as Calvin seems to have done, all the subsequent proceedings. It is impossible to acquit the reformer of being the cause of Servetus' death, and his conduct appears to be indefensible. Taking into consideration the strong feelings of the reformers towards every dreg of popery, and giving the utmost latitude to their desires for rooting out all blasphemy and idolatry, the process by civil proceedings in a court of law was not concurrent with the profession of religious toleration which they made. The following extracts will, in some degree, explain the animus with which Calvin entered upon the prosecution of Servetus; and he appears to have had some compunctions of conscience as to the propriety of his conduct, however he might deceive himself that he was seeking God's glory. “Quum Michael Servetus jam ante annos viginti christianum orbem virulentis suis ac pestiferis dogmatibus infecerit, nomen tibi non ignotum esse arbitror. Quod si librum non legisti, fieri tamen vix potest, quirt de ipso genere doctrinae aliquid audieris. Is est de quo fidelis Christi minister et sanctae memoriae D. Bucerus, cum alioqui mansueto esset ingenio, pro suggestu pronunciavit dignum esse, qui avulsis visceribus discerperetur. Sicuti ab eo tempore non desiit venenum suum spargere, nuper Viennae majus volumen, sed ex iisdem erroribus consarcinatum, excudi clanculum curavit. Re veto patefacta, in carcerem est conjectus. Unde nescio quomodo elapsus, per Italiam erravit fere quatuor menses. Tandem huc malis auspiciis appulsum unus ex syndicis, me auctore, in carcetera duci jussit. Neque enim dissimulo, quin officii mei duxerim hominem plusquam obstinatum et indomitum, quoad in me erat, compescere, ne longius manaret contagio.” — Calvinus Suitzero, Epist. p. 154. Ft99 “It is undeniable,” says M'Crie (Life of John Knox, vol. i.p. 346, note E), “that Knox was so ordained in that church.” Some have hesitated to admit that Knox was in priest's orders in the church of Rome: I think it unquestionable. The fact is attested both by protestant and popish writers. Beza says, “Cnoxus, igitur (ut manifeste appareat totum hoc admirabile Domini opus esse) ad Johannis illius Majoris, celeberrimi inter sophistas nominis, veluti pedes in Sancti Andrees oppido educatus, atque adeo sacerdos factus, apertaque celebri schola, quum jam videretur illo suo praeceptore nihil inferior sophista futurus, lucem tamen in tenebris et sibi et aliis accendit.” (Icones Illust. Viror. epist, iii. Comp. Spottiswood's Hist. p. 265: London, 1677.) Ninian Winzet, in certain letters sent by him to Knox in the year 1561, says, “Ye renunce and estemis that ordinatioun null or erar wikit, be the quhilk sumtyme ye war callit Schir Johne.” And again: “We can persave, by your awin allegiance, na power that ever ye had, except it quhilk was gevin to you in the sacrament of ordinatioun, be auctoritie of priesthed. Quhilk auctoritie give ye esteme as nochtis, be reasoun it was gevin to you (as ye speik) by ane papist bishope,” etc. (Winzeti Letteris et Tractatis, apud Keith, Append. pp. 212, 213.) Winzet's drift was to prove, that Knox had no lawful call to the ministry; consequently, he would never have mentioned his popish ordination, if the fact had not been notorious and undeniable. Nichol Burne, arguing on the same point, allows that he had received the order of priesthood from the Romish church. (Disputation concerning the Controversit Headdis of Religion, p. 128: Paris, 1581.) And in a scurrilous poem against the ministers of Scotland, printed at the end of that book, he calls him, “That fals apostat priest, Enemie to Christ, and mannis salvation, Your maister Knox.” The objection of the Roman catholics to the legality of our reformer's vocation, was, that although he had received the power of order, he wanted that of jurisdiction; these two being distinct, according to the canon law. “The power of ordere is not sufficient to ane man to preache, bot he man have also jurisdiction over thame to whom he preaches. Johann Knox resavit never sic jurisdictione fra the Roman kirk to preache in the realme of Scotland; thairfoir suppoise he receavit from it the ordere of priestheade, yet he had na pouar to preache, nor to lauchfullie administrat the sacramentes.” — Nichol Burhe's Disputation, ut supra, p. 128. Ft100 Strype's Annals, vol. 1:Appendix No. 22. Ft101 John Foxe to Peter Martyr, urging him to accept the invitation of the English at Frankfort, to read divinity to them. “Suspiciende Domine, salutem et gratiam in Christo. Elmeri nomine et subscriptione nostra ad te veniunt literae, in quibus graves et necessariae causae ad persuadendum continentur. Caeterum ne omnino occultis tuis cogitationibus satisfaciant, vereor. Scio enim quam difficilis sit tro>pov h\ meta>qesiv, locique mutatio, praesertim in ea urbe, ubi et diu assueveris, et plausibiliter victitas. Quin nec scio an occultiora adhuc avocamenta in hac re subsint, abs to perspecta, quae nos non advertimus. Verum quaecunque incerta sunt Deo permittentes, interim ut simpliciter tecum agamus kai<-kathgorikw~v, pri-murn, cogitet modo eximia prudentia tua, sic te producturn esse, ut multo maximas utilitates vitae et reip. Christianae pro singulari excellentia tua afferre queas; nec minus certe parem virtutibus industriam in te defuturam arbitror. Jam etsi nullus locus te vindicare poterit, attamen si indigentiam spectet excellentia tua, nulla certe Germaniae pars impensius eget opera tua; si voluntatem ac vota hominum, nulla impotentius desiderat, quam Anglia nostra Francfordiana. Cui genti quoniam te peculiariter esse apostolum suspicamur (suspicamur enim omnes)idcirco audacius te literis solicitare atque arabire ausi sumus. “Quod si vero ita res pateretur, ut per conjuges nostras et conscientiam aliquo pacto abesse ab ecclesia liceret, facile isthuc momento traheremur. Nunc quum nobis non perinde licet ecclesiam deserere, ut caeteris ad vos accedere: deinde quum in te uno situm sit, ut Anglos omnes ubicunque dispersos intra unas caulas eardemque septa compellere; magnopere obtestamur, ne quibusdam e nostris ita gratificeris, ut reliqua Anglorum multitudo inopia tui destituatur. Ut hic de Argentinensium studiis ac favoribus nihil dicam, ut quotidianos temporum ac vitae humanae casus praeteream, certe si senectam hanc, etsi satis adhuc florentem ac vividam, consideres, quid tam consultius, quam ut illic quod superest aetatis exigas, ubi quam plurimis esse queas utilis. “Postremo, vel illud reputa, ad fovendam interim senectam tuam quam non mediocri solario fuerit, postquam tot tam diversis locis dispalantes Anglos tua unius causa coire in unum coetum, te amplecti, ex te (imo ex Christo potius per to) pendere, tuis consiliis regi, te in illo observare, videas. “De salario, de propensione magistratus, quid cum illis, quid inter mercatores nostros conventum sit, fidelis hic Tychicus noster, frater in Dno. charissimus, abunde significabit; qui communem hanc causam multo facilius dicendo, quam ego scribendo, perorare poterit. Attamen haec apud to seorsim pro audacia mea commentare libuit. “In versione libri Dni Cantuariensis maturabimus, quantum Dominus dederit. Audio Crawlaeum quendam esse, qui priores libros illius habeat ex versione D. Chyclaei (Chycheei Cheke), quos si per Whittinghamum nostrum ad te mittendum cures, gratum feceris. Dns. Jesus to quam diutissime incolumem ecclesiae suae servet, ac tueatur in omnibus. Francfordiae, 12 Octob. “Tuus Jo. Foxus.” “Incomparabili ac summo viro Dno. Doctori Petro Martyri.” Harl. MS. 417. art. 67, fol. 116. Strype's Ecclesiastes Mem. vol. 6:pp. 311 — 313, Oxford edition. Ft102 “Clarissimis viris D. Brynksio, D. Alcosto, D. Kelko, cumque his universo Christianae pietati faventium sodalitio, Joannes Foxus, salus.” Ft103 This precariousness seems to have been implied in an expression in Foxe's letter. He makes his own supplies depend on the mutual agreement of the merchants — “quod inter mercatores nostros conventum sit.” Endowments, not casual subscriptions, are the proper rewards, and the right dependence of learned men. These alone produce the ease of mind which is essential to quiet study. Ft104 The first of Foxe's works published after he settled at Basil, was “Christus Triumphans,” in 1556; and which, it is presumed, he had just come to an agreement with Froschoverus to publish, as alluded to in his letter to Grindal; or it may have been a portion of his Acts and Monuments, which was published and circulated in parts, on the continent, before it came out entire. Ft105 Ad Edmundurn Grindallum. Salutem in Christo. Recepi cum litteris tuis historiam Bradfordianam, cum variis illius alio atque alio missis epistolis. Qua in re video (mi Edmunde) quam bonae fidei sponsor sis, citraque noxam (quod aiunt). Utinam ad eandem diligentiam caetera omnia marturika congesta habeamus. Atque ut non dubito, quin magnam harum rerum faraginem (ut scribis) jam etiamnum habeatis, ita nec diffido in caeteris conquirendis vigilantiam vestram fidemque non defuturam. Jam ante, te absente, binas ad te misi litteras, quas an receperis ideo subdubito, quod nullam video in litteris tuis de libris Cantuariensis mentionem. Jamdudum transacturn est cum Froschovero, jamque meuse Octob. primum librum meo magno taedio iterum descriptum illis in gustum miseram interim autem dum expecto ab illis responsum, delatum mihi est negotium a Frobenio et Episeopio Chrisostomi exemplaria cognoscendi et conferendi: eramque tum omnibus plane exutus pecuniis, adeoque poene ad extremum assem redactus. Itaque in ea movenda farina perierunt mihi duo menses. Interea temporis venit ad me Froschoverus cum litteris D. Elmeri et Bullingeri, pasciscens mecum inducias ob certa negotia in proximas nundinas, quas nec minus libenter ipsc accepi; scis enim in hieme ubique fere conquiescere ta polemika , ducibus se in hyberna recipientibus. Habes itaque integrum hujus negotii statum. Quum haec ad te scripsissem, alteras ad Jacobum Haddonum literas eodem simul tempore destinabam, jamque charta ad eam rem parata erat, quum subito affertur, eum istic Argentinae defuncturn esse, ad quem si vixisset libenter scripsissem, partim illi acturus gratias de coronato, quem ad me nuper te absente miserat, partim etiam submoniturus, quod his diebus mihi in mentem venerit. Eram enim Francofordiae tum in aedibus Ant. Gilbij, quum Jo. Knoxius satis indigne eo tempore accusatus a quibusdam et ejectus ea urbe: post colloquium nescio quid initumn cum Jac. Haddono, tandem me cum aliquot mecum praesentibus palam illi denunciarunt futurum, si sic pergeret, ut evidenter sentiret divinum in se supplicium in hac ipsa quoque vita, erant enim haec illius verba, aut non multo profecto diversa. Dominus meae ignoscat tarditati. Nunc verb quoniam sero ad eum scripturus sum, votis (quod solum superest) opto illi faelicem in Domino requiem. — Harl. MS. 417, art. 59, fo. 113 b. Salutem in Christo Servatore. Accepi literas tuas quas 4 Maii ad me dedisti (frater amantissime), in quibus meam operam in vita et obitu D. Cantuariensis describendo postulas. — Harl. MS. 417. Art. 57, fol. 113. Ft107 “A Defence of the True and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Savior Christ; with a Confutation of sundry Errors concerning the same, grounded and established upon God's Holy Word; and approved by the consent of the most ancient Doctors of the Church.” An Explication and Assertion of the True Catholic church. touching the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, with the Confutation of a Book written against the same. Ft109 “After my veray hertie commendations. Thies be to signify unto you, that Rayner Wolf, at my desire, hath fully fynyshed the printing of my book, for answer to the late Bishop of Winchesters, written against myn of the doctrine of the sacrament. And forasmuche as both printing and selling of any matiers in thenglishe tounge is prohibited by a proclamation set furthe, onles the same matier be first allowed by the king's majestie, or 6:of his majestie's privey counsail, as you shai more plainly perceyve by the proclamation, which herewith I send unto you; therfor I hertily pray you to be a sutor to the king's majestie, or to the privye counsail, that Mr. Rayher may have licence for the printing and selling of my said book accordingly. And the same so obtained to send me with convenient spede. For in the begynning of the terme I thinck it wer veray necessary to be set furthe, for the contentation of many, which have had long expectation of the same. Assone as I shal receyve advertisement, whan the king's majestie will be at Hampton Courte, I wil come thither to see his grace, and do my duty towards the same. Thus fare ye hertily wel. — From my mannour at Croydon the xxix of September, 1551. “Your lovynge frende, T. CANT.” “To myveray Iovynge freendes Mr. Cecill one of the King's Majestie's two principal Secretaries. Or to Mr. Cheeke.” Strype's Cranmer, vol. 2:pp. 901,902. Oxford, 1812, App. No. lxii. Ft110 A priest of Lorraine. Ft111 The title of his book was — Confutatio Cavillonum, quibus saerosanctum Eucharistiae Sacramenturn ab impiis Capernaitis impeti solet. — Paris, 1552. Ft112 Strype's Cranmer, p. 571. Ft113 It was on this occasion that Grindal wrote the following admirable letter. It has ever been since. as archbishop Orindal declares it to have been then — that while various opinions were formed respecting Foxe, the friends of the Reformation spoke well, its enemies spoke ill of him — Boni de te bene 1oquentur, mali, male. Satis est laudari a laudaris viris; omnibus placere nemini unquam datum est. Grindal to Foxe. “Quod ad judiciorum varietatem attinet, non est cur multum labores. Boni de te bene loquentur, mali male. Satis est laudari a laudaris viris; omnibus placere nemini unquam datum est. De ratione vertendi nemo melius judicabit quam tuipse, cui non est incognita fidi interpretis libertas. Verbum verbo reddi qui exigerent, seipsos statim proderent, quam nullius esse judicii. Sensum sensu redidisse semper in laude fuit, modo scriptoris mentern non suam explicuisse appareat. In his omnibus mediam quandam viam tenuisse, ut fere etiam in caeteris, tutissimum erit. Idemque etiam judico de stylo. Nam neque eeelesiasticus stylus cure fastidio rejiciendus est (quod faciunt quidam), praesertim quum capita controversiarum sine eo nonnunquam perspicue explicari non possunt: neque e diverso tam superstitiose consectandus est, ut orationis lumen aliquando aspergere non possimus. Hujus rei egregium nobis exemplum ob oculos posuit D. Calvinus, quem honoris causa nomino, qui et styli ornatum non neglexit, et ecclesiasticas loquendi formulas, tanquam civitate donatas, saepenumero usurpat. De librorum inversione qua utitur Wintoniensis, meum quidem hoc est judicium; ut omnino permittatur ille suo arbitratu uti atque ordine, neque moveas quicquam. Duo sunt quae me praecipue movent. Primum, vociferabuntur adversarii, fraude et dolo malo mota esse argumenta loco suo. Nam ut in praeliis non semper eodem ordine pugham ineunt imperatores, sed aliquando primam aciem invadunt, aliquando in cornua impressionem faciunt, nonnunquam equestri pugna, saepius etiam tenui armaturae velitatione hostes primum aggrediuntur (iniquissimum enim esset, de ordine pugnae ineundae ab hostibus leges accipere), ita et de vobis quiritabuntur, si Wintonienses copiae alia ratione, quam ipsemet instruit, in aciem producantur. Deinde et hoc mihi videtur ad autoris ingenium patefaeiendum pertinere: nam qui in tota vita praeposterissimus (ut ita dieam) fuit omnium rerum humanarum et divinarum inversor, consentaneum est, ut in scribendo etiam praeposterum sese ostentet, et (ut vulgo dici solet,) Joannem ad Oppositum. “Haec mea est sententia, tu pro tuo candore aliter consulas. Quod ad titulum libri, nemo melius adaptabit quam interpres, qui non modo singulas sententias, sed et verba etiam et apices pene excussit. “Mihi impraesentiarum libri copia non fuit: itaque nunc nihil habeo quod in medium proferam. Si posthac aliquid occurrerit quod acuminis aut gratiae aliquid in se habeat, non illibenter communicabo. Verum quiddam est quod nunc scribenti mihi in mentem venit, cujus tuam prudentiam admonere non inutile fore existimavi. Audivi hoc mussitatum aliquando in Anglia, Cantuariensem aliquando Papistis affingere, quod ipsi non profitentur. Et si bene memini, habet quasdam antitheses inter Papisticam et doctrinam nostram hac formula, Illi dicunt, Nos dicimus. Ibidem (credo) habet, Papistas corpus Christi ubique esse asseverate; quod illi nusquam docent, sed in omni altari pertinaciter essa contendunt. Siqua similia inter vertendum repereris (nam illud exempli causa tantum affero) aut sicubi tuo ipsius judicio non plene satisfiat, faceres meo quidem judicio non male, si ad D. Petrum Martyrera catalogum hujusmodi locorum mitteres; et illius consilium in amantissimi sui patroni opera requireres. Communicaret sat scio libentissime, et fortasse, siqua ipsc praeterea annotaverit similia, subindicaret. “Haec ita a me scripta sunto, ut tuo tamen judicio omnia geri vellem; tantum meae mentis sensa apud amicum et fratrem, candidius fortasse quam prudentius, in medium profero. Saluta D. Balaeum, et caeteros amicos. Opto to in Domino quam optime valere. “EDMUNDUS GRINDALLUS tuus.” “Argentina V. calend. Jan. 1557.” Ft114 Strype's Grindal, pp. 22, 23. Ft115 “The original manuscript,” says Strype, “under Foxe's own hand, is in very elegant Latin. I have it lying by me. It bears this title: — ' De tota sacramenti Eucharistiae causa institutionum Libri V. autore D. Thoma Cranmero Archiepiseopo Cantuariensi. Quibus et Stephani Gardneri Episeopi Wintoniensis, et Smythi Doctoris Theologi impugnationibus, respondetur.' “ — Strype's Cranmer, vol. 1:p. 375. Strype must be wrong in saying it was never published; or the translation in Latin published at Embden under the care of Sir John Cheke, in 1557, was different from that of Foxe. “In that translation,” says Mr. Jenkyns, “some supplementary authorities were inserted, which were collected by Cranmer during his imprisonment, but were not published till after his death.” — Could these supplementary authorities be the pages to which Strype refers as having perished? Ft116 See Notes to the First Sermon in Laurence's Bampton Lectures, p. 200. Ft117 Ecclesiastes Mere. vol. 5:pp. 408, 409. Ft118 Spelling of the MS. Ft119 Ecclesiastes Mem. vol. 6:pp. 313 — 315. Ft120 This is an error as to the name. The duchess married for her second husband Richard Berrie, esq. (not the Hon. Robert Berrie, as is generally written), son of Thomas Berrie, captain of Hurst Castle, Hampshire. He took his degree of bachelor of arts, as member of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, May 3d, 1537, one year before Foxe. In the first year of Mary, Gardiner, who knew that the duchess favored the Reformation, was determined to persecute her; and he issued an attachment to the sheriff of Lincolnshire, commanding him to bring Richard Bertie to London without bail. He, however, accepted his bail, in two sureties of one thousand pounds each, to appear before Gardiner, which he did on Good Friday following. The day after, a conversation took place between them, when Gardiner asked him whether the lady, his wife, was now “as readie to set up the masse, as she was latelie to pull it downe, when she caused, in hir progresse, a dog in a rochet to be caried and called by my name; or dooth she thinks hir lambs now safe inough, which said to me, when I varied my bonnet to hit out of my chamber window in the tower, that it was merle with the lambs now the woolfe was shut up? “\Holinshed, p. 1143.\ The one she did not, said her husband: and the words were not intended to be offensive. And although Gardiner dismissed him with apparent friendship, yet was it known that he only waited an opportunity to summon the duchess before him. Mr. Bertie obtained leave from the queen to go abroad, under color of looking after some debts due from the emperor to the late duke. He departed in June, 1554, leaving the duchess behind. In January following she made her escape, and joined her husband, and proceeded to Santon, in the duke of Cleve's dominions. About five miles from this place is a free town, Wesel, where they took up their abode. They obtained protection from the magistrates by means of Francis Perusal, then called Francis de Rivers, minister of the Walloon congregration, who had been in London, and had formerly received kindness at the hands of the duchess. Here their only son was born; and they named him Peregrine, from the circumstance that he was born in a foreign land, but given to them as a consolation in their exile. \“Eo quod in terra Peregrina pro consolatione exilii sui piis parentibus a Domino donatus sit.” — Camden's Britannia.\ Harl. MS. 416, art. 89, fol. 144. Ft122 Thus it happened that there were two contemporary duchesses of Suffolk — Frances Brandon, married to Henry Grey , marquis of Dorset; and Catherine, baroness Willoughby de Eresby, relict of Charles Brandon, married to Richard Bertie, esq. Nare's Life of Lord Burghicy, vol. in. p. 145. Also, Echard's History of England, vol. i.p. 308, and Burke's Peerage. Ft123 November 24th, 1556. Ft124 November 29th, 1556. Ft125 Mention is made of this circumstance by Bullinger, in a letter to Calvin, bearing date January 18th, 1555, from Zurich. — “ Angliam recepisse papam et papatum non nescis. Usus est diabolus in illa recuperanda duobus eximiis organis: in regno quidem Vintoniensi episcopo, extra regnum Reginaldo Polo cardinali, qui jam et primas regni et archiepiscopus Cantuariensis creatus est. Receptus est solenni pompa Londini ad S. Crucem in aede Paulina. Projecerunt se ad ejus pedes magnates, et absolutionem benedictionemque apostolicam supplices postularunt a bestia, confitentes se 15 annis a catholica Romanaque ecclesia abscissos, per vepreta haereticorum aberravisse. Orationem habuit in caeco illo coetu Vintoniensis, qui et ipsam revocavit orationem, quam olim sub rege Henrico de obedientia edidit. Cardinalis cum venisset ad reginam Mariam destituereturque salutandi formula tanta reparatione digna, placuit uti verbis Angeli, “Ave Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum.” O caecas hominum mentes, o pectora caeca! Veni, veni, D. Jesu, et vindica contumeliam tuam, et assere gloriam tuam. Fratres nostri episcopi et nobties adhuc incarcerati tenentur, brevi forte tradendi judicio spirituali quod jam reparatur, mox brachio saeculari. In vincula conjiciuntur quotidie innumeri. Inhibetur sub poena capiris ne cui exuli feratur auxilium. Jactat Vintoniensis effecturum se, ut exules omnibus ejecti locis cogantur tandem fame perire, adeoque proprios ungues rodere. Qui apud nos versantur Angli, valde tristantur, sed consolamur ipsos. Orandus est sedulo Dominus, ut afflictae suae ecclesiae dexter et propitius adesset.” — Hollinshed, vol. i.c. 2, p. 1123. Cal. Ep. p. 233. Ft126 I am sorry to observe that Dr. Lingard expresses no grief at the folly — no sorrow at the wickedness of our ancestors in re-enacting these odious laws. (Lingard, vol. 7:p. 190.) I may observe here, too, that Dr. Lingard, in a note in the same page, impugns the accuracy of Hume respecting the different conduct of Pole and Gardiner, on the best mode of enforcing the laws against heretics. That Dr. Lingard has either misrepresented or mistaken Hume, may be seen by referring to Collier, vol. 2:p. 371; Andrews's Continuation of Henry, vol. 1:p. 184; Warner's Ecclesiastical History, vol. 2:p. 363; Carte, vol. ill. p. 319. Ft127 Feb. 4, 1555. Ft128 Warner's Eccl. History of England, vol. 2:pp. 369, 370. Ft129 See Strype's Life of Cranmer, vol. 2:pp. 961 — 963. Appendix 135. Ft130 February 8, 1555. Ft131 “Ad Lectorem. “Quum primum hunc historiae Martyrologicae librum, ante annos complures a nobis in Anglia descriptum, jam ante sexennium Argentinae impressum in lucem dedimus, satis perfuncti officio nostro videbamur, si turn Wiclevianam persecutionem, resque illorum temporum gestas, a seculi nostri memoria remotiores, qualicunque industria nostra a tenebris ac oblivione vindicaremus; aut si allis saltem hac occasione calamos expergefacerem, ut per ecclesias alias, suaque quisque in patria idem facerent, quod nos in Brytannia nostra fecimus. Id quod evenisse secundum votum nostrum, tum in Germania, turn Genevae, tum etiam alibi, in Gallicis, Germanicis, et Italicis martyribus conquirendis, gaudeo. Neque putavi posthac fore, quod vehementer mihi in hoc argumenti genere necesse deinceps foret nervos intendere, maxime post exactam Henrici octavi Illustriss. principis tempestatem. Atque utinam tempora ipsa ocium mihi et dimissionem ad reliqua studia mea permitterent, quo in laetiori aliqua scribendi materia versari liceret. Sed incidit rursus, nescio quo faro Angliae nostrae infelici et calamitoso, longe praeter expectationem nostram Mariana persecutio quinquennalis, ita per se scriptorem necessario flagitans, ut vix sciam an unquam exoriturus sit, qui tot tantasque res exiguo gestas tempore, tam gravitate insignes, varietate innumeras, atrocitate plusquam tragicas, non dico oratione et stylo, pro rerum dignitate explicare, sed enumerando complecti omnia, aut singula pervestigando indagare atque eruere, poterit, quae tam varie dispersa persecutionis hujusce tempestas atque ruina suppeditat. Nos etsi Anglia procul abfuimus, ubi res certissime cognosci potuit; usi tamen Anglorum quorundam adminiculis, quum praestare omnia non dabatur, nihil tamen conari in historia tam necessaria non potuimus. Itaque priorem hunc Wiclevianae historiae librum, jam ante diu Argentinae, ut dixi, impressumn, cum posteriorurn temporum perturbationibus conjungentes, seriem rerum gestarum ducentis annis perpetuatam per continuas aetares ad hunc usque diem deduximus, ita distinctis historiae partibus, ut Prior aetas Wiclevicas et Hussianas res, ad exortum D. Martini Lutheri, complectatur; Secunda Lutheri perturbatissima tempora ad exitum regis Henrici 8 confineat; Tertiam deinde sectionem Mariana haec persecutio possideat. Illud doluit, in recognoscendis istis et perpoliendis justam nobis operam curamque defuisse. Sic enim urgebant cum temporum ratio, tum duo pariter typographi, alter Basiliensis, qui Latine imprimeret, alter Genevensis, qui Gallicam etiam hujus Listoriae editionem efilagitabat, Oporinus.” Basil. edit. 1559.” Ft132 Life of Grindal, pp. 25, 26. Ft133 1555. Ft134 1556. Ft135 He once sent Foxe two dollars in a letter. It was thought to have been money conveyed to him from England for the benefit of those abroad. Ft136 “Grindal to Foxe. “Sal. in Christo. Mutationes temporum meum etiam institutum mutarunt, doctissime et charissime Foxe; ego jam cogor urgentibus amicis in Angliam iter instituere, qui alioqui Basileam ad vos transvolassem. Jam quod ad Historiam Martyrum attinet, Sampsonus et ego existimamus optimum fore, ut ad aliquod tempus premeretur; donec ex Anglia et certiora et plura comparemus. Dubium enim non est, quin multa tum in lucem prodibunt, quae antea in tenebris delitescebant. Si tibi etiam idem videatur, bene est. Nos quaecunque possumus ibi corrademus, et ad to transmittenda curabimus. Levis erit jactura temporis, si rerum copia et certitudine compensetur. Vale in Christo, quam optime. “EDMUNDUS GRINDALLUS, tuus.\Life of Grindal, p. 31.\ Argentinae, raptim 19 Decemb. 1553.” Ft137 Hallam's Literature of Europe, vol. 2:p.509, London, 1839. Ft138 Harleian MSS. No. 416, Art. 34, p. 70. Ft139 There is mentioned in a parenthesis by his son after this, that his family was increased with two children: and as Samuel, who wrote his life, is called his eldest son, we may conclude they were both daughters. It appears probable that one was born at Basil. Ft140 Strype's Annals, vol. i.p. 151. Fuller, lib. 8:p. 36. Ft141 It was printed at Basil by Oporinus. Ft142 The title of this edition was “Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum, quae postremis et periculosis his temporibus evenerunt, maximarumque per Europam persecutionum, ac sanctorum Dei Martyrum, caeterarumque rerum si quae insignioris exempli sint, digesti per Regna et Nationes Commentarii. Pars Prima, in qua primum de Rebus per Angliam et Scottam Gestis, atque inprimis de horrenda sub Maria nuper Regina persecutione, narratio continetur. Auctore Joanne Foxo Anglo. Basilae, per Nicolaum Brylingerum et Joannem Oporinum.” The dedication was “Praepotenti ac pietate non minus quam generis claritudine ornatiss. Principi. D. Thomae Duci Norfolciae, supremo Regni Ang. Archi-Marschallo, etc., Mecaenati suo, Joan. Foxus perennem in Christo cum salute felicitatem.” L4 Ft143 “Volebam praeterea de iis apud to multo plura: sed vix dieculae pars mihi ad compellandam sublimitatem suam dabatur: ita festinabant typographi et urgebant nundinae. “Dominus Jesus, principum omnis quae celsitudinis princeps, celsitudinem tuam diu nobis velit incolumem servare; teque cum martyribus et sanctis suis sanctificet in regnum gloriae suae simulque ad publicam Reginae patriaeque tuae utilitatem. “Basileae Anno 1559. Septembris I. Tuae Cels. multis nominibus devinctus addictusque in Christo. “JOAN. FOXUS. SECTION This must refer to the fact, that Foxe had inscribed nothing to the Duke since he had returned to England. Or the allusion may mean that he had dedicated nothing to him of a merely political nature; or, in the estimation of the tutor and supplicant, which he esteemed worthy of the attention of so good and great a friend. Foxe had, as we have seen, dedicated to the Duke the Basil edition of his work, published in 1559. Ft145 The original is in Harl. MSS. No. 416, Art. 65, p. 115. b. “Cur nihil nomini tuo inscribere adhuc austin, obstat pericult tui metus, potius quam voluntas accincta, id quod celsitudo tua (Christo aspirante) posthac rectius intelliget. Quod ad religionem attinet, non arbitror opus te admonere, ubi stet veritas: Dominus det ut tu cum veritate stare queas viriliter. Illud interim imprimis vide, nequis eo te adducat mortalium, si Christum laborantem juvare non queas, attamen ut illi te adversarium ulla in re praebeas. Vincet enim ille tandem invitis omnibus. Tempus quod alii pompis aulicis et aleis impendent si tu literarum sacrarum lectioni impertias, prudenter ac in rem tuam ageres.” Ft146 “Accepi litteras tuas, optime preceptor, quibus mihi quod animi haberes signnificasti, quodque mihi valde charum est. Et nisi famulorum meorum redditus literas meas praevenisset, multo antehac tu hic mecum fuisses. Scripsi enim ad illos, ut ita tibi de rebus omnibus providerent, ut ad me subito venires: quod et ita factum fuisset, nisi citius quam credideram, rediissent. Nunc quoniam ipse brevi to Londini videbo, velim ut ibi me expectes, quando tibi (sicut et debeo et volo) prospiciam. Interea jubeo te valere. Ex aedibus meis Reningatiae, tricessimo die Octobr. 1559. To my right loving schoolemaster John Foxe. “Tuus alumnus, “THOMAS NORFOLC.” Harl. MSS. No. 417, Art. 66. Ft147 Harl. MSS. No. 416, Art. 81, fol. 134. Ft148 We have here the earliest date under Foxe':, hand, after his return from exile. Ft149 Strype writes this “Bull,” Annals, vol. 1:p. 310. It is, by some, written Bruel, Bruil, Brule. Ft150 “Forman,” Strype. Ft151 Harl. 318.416, art. 61, fol. 106. Ft152 “Dux Norfolclensis ad D. Joh. Foxum. “Incredibili gaudio obruor, mi Foxe, cum tuum adventum jam appropinquare conspicor; et tamen computans unumquemque diem annum, donee tuam personam intueor. Tuum amorem atque laborem, in juventute et paupertare mea in me impensum, non obliviscor, et, Deo volente, in memorem hominem collocatum invenies. Pudet me meam dissuetudinem in literis tibi his scriptis indicare, sed amor cogit me tibi id facere quod nemini alii volui; nam nunquam scripsi epistolam Latinam istis jam quinque praeteritis annis, sic allis negotiis me tempus appellavit, et ne longotempore his barbaris litteris te in rebus tuis impedire possim, sperans te hic videre infra paucos dies, opto tibi in Christo felicissimam vitam atque adventure. Die Martii5. “Tuus scholasticus amantissimus, “THO. NORFOL.” Harl. MSS. 417. art. 23, fol. 102. Harl. MSS. 416, art. 79, fol. 131. Harl. MSS. 416. art. 72, fol. 120. Ft155 Harl. MSS. 416, art. 92, fol. 147. Ibid. art. 98, fol. 157. Harl. MSS. 416, art. 82, fol. 135. Harl. MSS. 416, art. 88, fol. 143. Ibid. art. 69, fol. 116. Strype. Annals, vol. 1:cap. 17:ad fin. The duchess of Norfolk was, at this time, expecting her confinement. She was the second wife of the duke. His first duchess was the lady Mary Fitzalan, who died in August, 1557, about two months after the birth of Philip, earl of Arundel, the eldest son. In 1560 the duke married the lady Margaret Audley, by whom he had three children — Thomas, created earl of Suffolk, the lady Margaret, and the lord William Howard, who settled at Naworth, and became Warden of the Marshes. He is the ancestor of the present possessors of Castle Howard. His birth took place at Framlingham, in December 1563 and his mother survived the event scarcely a month. Harl. MSS. No. 416, art. 109, p. 175. Ft163 Strype's Annals, vol 2:p. 44. Oxford Edit. Ft164 “Anno Domini Millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo tertio. Shipton prebendae institutio. “Ultimo die mensis Maii anno Domini praedicto, praenarratus Reverendus pater dominum Johannem Foxum clericum ad canonicatum in ecclesia sua cathedralis Sarum, et prebendam de Shipton in eadem per mortem naturalem Petri Vannes clerici ultimi incumbentis ibidem vacantem, juxta praesentationem Serenissimae in Christo principis et dominae, dominae Elizabeth, Dei gratia Angliae Franciae et Hiberniae Reginae, fidei defensoris, etc., veri et indubitati ejusdem prebendae patroni, admisit; ipsumque canonicum et prebendarium, et de eisdem in persona Johannis Randall procuratoris sui legitime constituti instituit, et investivit cum suis juribus et pertinentibus universis, prestitis primitiis per eundem procuratorem in, antejam dicti Johannis Fox prebendarii sic instituti-juramento corporali juxta formam statuti in ea parte editi, etc. Necnon de legitima obedientia dicto Domino Episcopo et successoribus suis commisitque sibi cura sire onusque vel quod dicto canonicatui et prebendae incumbit. Et scripture fuit Decano et Capitulo pro ipsius installacione et inductione.” — Register of Bishop Jewel in anno supra. In addition to this the following entry appears in the Chapter Register of Salisbury: — “Die lunae vij. ultimo die mensis Maii Anno Domini 1563 in domo capitulari ecclesiae Cathedralis Sarum Magistris Parry, Presidente, Lancaster, Chandler, Proctor, et Bradbrydge, Canonicis residentibus, ac Stephano Cheston, Roberto Ryve, Ric. Reade, Johnne Fawley, et Roberto Mody Canonicis prebendaribus, et capitularibus congregatis et capitulum facientibus, dictus Magister Jacobus Pctor (Proctor) procurator Magistri Johannis Fox prebendarii prebendae de Shipton exhibuit procurationera suum literatoriam pro dicto magistro Johanne Fox, et fecit se procuraterem pro eodem, ac literas mandaturias Reverendi in Christo principis et Domini, Domini Johannis Sarum Episcopi, Decano et Capitulo Saturn directas pro sua admissione, installatione et inductione nomine domini sui in canonicatu et prebenda de Shipton praedicta, realiter obtulit et prresentavit.” — Blacher. Register in Cath. The following from the Harl. MS. 419, art. 60, fol. 171, is also inaccurate: “Mr. John Fox was Prebend of Shipton in the sixte yeare of Queen Eliz. which is above a hundred years since.” “In the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth John Fox Clarke Professor of Devinity; was by the particular favor and bounty of her Majty. made Parson and Prebendary of the Parsonage of Shipton under Whichwood in the County of Oxd. In requitall of his paines in writing the Booke of Martyrs.” Elizabeth came to the throne November 17, 1558, consequently May 1563 would fall in the fifth year of her reign. Foxe took his corporal oath that he would observe the statutes of the foundation of the cathedral at Salisbury, and the laudable customs of the Church: he gave the usual security of fifty pounds that he would perform all the duties and support all the burdens attached to his office. — Register, ut supra. From the same Register it appears that Foxe was not present at the Pentecostal synods held in 1564 and 1565, nor probably at the ensuing ones. He was not present at Bishop Jewell's visitation in June 1568. An hour was allowed for his appearance after his name was called, but he was not present. In December he was proclaimed contumacious, but his penalty reserved until the octave of the next Epiphany. Foxe refused to agree to the payment of the tenth of his income for the repairs of the cathedral, and process was ordered against him with others for its recovery. He was neither present at the election of bishops nor yet of deans. Ft165 Ad Decanum et Capitulum Sarisburiensem: — Ornatissime D. Decane, caeteriq, charissimi mihi in Christro fratres ac Domini, in Domino salutem. Nisi aequa vobis videatur petitio, non postulo ut annuatis. Sin nihil a vobis postulaturus sum, quod vel a justissima ratione vel a communi vestro jure et consuetudine sit alienum; peto ut quod illustriss. D. Episcopus, aeqnissima sua voluntate, passus est a se impetrari, idem a vobis exorare liceat, ut syngrapham hanc nostrae cum Tho. Randallo trans-actionis publica sigilli vestri approbatione, ac benigno suffragio confirmare ne denegetis. In quo ut mihi rem non ingratam, tum nec incommodam his qui mihi successuri sunt, in hanc praebendam, vos pro solira vestra benignitate facturos confido. Harl. MSS. 417, art. 24, fol. 102. Ft166 The following is an extract from the letter which is still extant: — Divina largiente providentia contigit, non ita pridere, mihi dono majestatis tua prebendiola in ecclesia sarisber. Quo nomine quantum debeam munificentiss tuae sublimitati, alias dabitur (Christo volante) explicandi opportunitas (sic). Nunc vero ita habet res. Ad prebendam hanc, quam dixi, spectat parochia, in qua vicarium designavi Guliel. Masterum, vinum optimum, et tuae forsan majestati non incognitum. Jam utrique haeremus in solutione illius pecuniae, quae tibi pro primi anni fructibus debetur, quum neuter tamen teruncium habet ad persolvendum. Ejus pecuniolae ut remissam nobis faciat Reginea tua pietas, rogare vix audet verecundia, at necessitate tamen impulsi rogare vel inviti cogimur, freti deinde mansuetissima tua benignitate etsi non sine timore aliquo, audaciores tamen ad supplicandum reddimur; nihil diffisi, quin et huic audaciae tua facile condonabit pietas, si sciat, quanto nobis detrimento quart-toque obstaculo ad studia nostra sit infelix hujus aeris remora. Quamquam nihil esse in studiis aut laboribus nostris haud ignoramus, quod favoris tui lenissimam partem promereatur, cui etiamnum plusquam facultates nos debere agnoscimus; attamen si serenissima tua facilitas, in remittenda hac nobis solutiuncula, gratias nostras maluerit, quam pecuniam nostram deberi tibi maluerit, in altero quid riscus tuus'... (unfinished). — Harl. MS. 416, art. 46, fol. 83. Ft167 Strype's Life of Parker, vol. 1:pp. 375, 376. Oxfi Edit. Strype's Annals, vol. 2:p. 108. Oxf. Ed. Ft168 See Tanher's Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, art. Foxe. London, 1748. Ft169 June 14, 1547. Ft170 Hugo Whitehead creatus fuit Prior Dunelmensis an. 1524, ex fide Wilhelmi de Chambre. Ultimus prior constitutus per fundationem Primus, Originalis, et Modernus Decanus Ecelesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. Maii 12. Obiit Londini, inusitatis molestiis agitatus, 1548. Stetit in Prioratu 18 annis. In Decanatu 6. His character is summed up in few words. Totus erat deditus amori divino. Magnam familiam domesticorum semper secum aluit. In domo sua generosos atque plebeios complurimos habuit, a quibus honorifice inserviebatur. Liberalem et copiosam mensam habebat. In eleemosynis erat abundans, in puritate vitae laudabilis. See also Wood, Ath. Ox. vol. 1:pp. 20, 21, where the chapter of foundation is placed in 1541, it ought to be 1542. The names of the first prebendaries were — lst stall, Edward Hymers, a Benedictine monk; 2d, Roger Watson, ditto; 3d, Thomas Sparke, ditto; 4th, William Bennett, ditto; 5th, William Todd, ditto; 6th, Stephen Marley. ditto; 7th, Robert Dalton; 8th, John Towton; 9th, Nicholas Marley; 10th, Ralph Blabiston; hth, Robert Bennett, Benedictine monk; 12th, William Watson, ditto. Those of the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th stalls are thought, most probably, to have been monks, although it is not specifically so stated. Two reasons are assigned in support of this opinion: — one arising from the fact of the prebendaries in the stalls above, and also those in the stalls beneath them, having manifestly been monks; the other, from their having been severally deprived in 1560, which leads to the supposition that they were true papists, and, at heart, against a thorough reformation. The archdeacons were — for Durham, William Franklin; for Northumberland, Robert Dobell. See Cosin's MSS., Cosin's Library, Durham. By the act of 2d of queen Victoria, lately passed, the holders of stalls in the cathedrals of England are to be called canons, and not prebendaries. Their appointments must be consequently called canonries. For the distinction between canonries and prebendaries, and prebends and canons, see writers on the Canon Law, Selvagio, vol. 2:p. 172, lib. 2:tit. 18:Section 12, de Praebendis. Barbosa. Ft171 “John Foxe, M.A. (the martyrologist, if I mistake not, intitled Verbi Sacri Professor, was promoted to the prebend; but resigned the preferment the next year, 1573.” (Strype's Annals, vol. 2:p. 237.) The stall is the third — now held by Mr. Jenkyns, the professor of divinity in our newly-founded university of Durham. Ft172 Hutchinson's Durham, vol. 2:p. 231, and references there. Ft173 See the whole memorial in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, lib. 9:No. 7, folio edition. Ft174 “1572. Johannes Foxe, A.M. the martyrologist, installed October 14. He resigned it within a year, being (as is supposed) quite averse to the habits of the church of England, which were here kept up with great strictness. He succeeded Sparke in the 3d stall. Sparke died in 1571.” — Cosin's MSS. in Cosin's library. Ft175 Soames' Elizabethan History, chap. Strype's Grindal, p. 175. Soames, p. 76. Ft177 The consequences of each clergyman assuming to himself the power of deciding to what extent he would conform externally, because he was a strict conformist to the essential truths and doctrines of the church, appears from the following statement: — “ Some clergymen read prayers in the chancel; others in the nave; some from a reading-desk; others from the pulpit; some adhered strictly to the prescribed service; others interspersed metrical psalms. Communion tables, variously formed and furnished, were transferred to the nave in some churches; in others, though still in the chancel, they stood not against a wall, but centrically. In administering, some clergymen used a chalice; others, a communion cup; others, a common cup; some, leavened bread; others, unleavened. In receiving, some knelt; others stood; others sate. For baptism, the font was used by some; a bason by others; the sign of a cross was made in some cases; in others omitted. In this, and all other of their ministra- tions, there were clergymen who never wore a surplice; others conformed so far as this, but did not wear the cap. Nor was this always of the customary form even among such as retained it: some wearing it round; others, a button cap: others would hear of no compromise, and wore a hat. It was these, perhaps, who had renounced academicals altogether, and were to be seen only in common clothes.” Soames, Eliz. Hist. p. 39. Ft178 Mr. Soames, in his Elizabethan History, p. 159, has made a mistake respecting the resignation of the fifth stall at Durham. Lever was appointed in 1567, and was made archdeacon of Northumberland in 1566. He resigned this appointment in 1573, the same year in which Foxe is said to have vacated the third stall; but he died prebendary of Durham, 1585, and was succeeded by Dr. Barnes. Mr. Soames thinks that he resigned this stall in 1571. Ft179 “Salutem. Literae tuae, mi D. Foxe, fuerant mihi longe gratissimae unarum libello de papistarum tyrannide, quam tamen obiter tantum inspicere hic licult: domum reversus diligentius percurram, suspicor enim, te, licet nomen non adjeceris, operis ejus autorem. Pro utroque ingentes tibi gratias ago, et quam suavissimas litteras animi tui erga me testes notissimas et elegantissimum libellum ad me miseris. Quod si etiam libellum de statu Belgico misisses, rem adhuc mihi gratiorem fecisses, non quod illo carere diutius nequeam, sed quod verear ne omnino aliquando pereat, non indignus alioqui quin legatur et in lucem etiam aliquando prodeat. Libenter aliquid librorum ad te misissem, hoc tempore a me excusorum, si recipere eorum curam quisquam voluisset; vix effeci ut literas reciperent. Sed proximis nundinis, citius fortasse curabo. Bene vale, doctissime Foxe, et de recognoscendis aliquibus martyribus tuis quaeso serio etiam cogita. Franckofordiae, Sept. 1, 1562. — Harl. MSS. No. 417, Art. 43, fol. 108. b. “JOAN. OPORINUS tuus ex animo.” Ft180 Richard Day, minister of Ryegate, and son of the printer. — British Reformers, p. 130. Ft181 Harl. MSS. No. 416, Art. Ill, p. 175. b. This title-page corrects the mistake that Oldmixon and Burnet have fallen into when they state that the first edition appeared in the year 1561. Ft183 Dated, Zurich, March 10, 1563. Ft184 Thomas Byng of Peterhouse, afterwards of Clare Hall, kept a philosophy act, and gave these two political questions: Monarchia est optimus status reipublicae? Frequens legum mutatio est periculosa? Thomas Cartwright, afterwards the opponent of Whitgift, who bore no share in the day's solemnity, when the Divinity Act was held, he not having then proceeded to the degree of Doctor in Divinity, took part in the disputation. The questions proposed for the disputants in theology were — Major est scripturae quam ecclesiae auctoritas? Civilis magistratus habet auctoritatem in rebus ecclesiasticis? Dr. Cox, whose name I have had occasion to mention in connection with the disastrous contentions among the exiles of Frankfort, was now bishop of Ely, and determined on these two questions. Ft185 Strype's Annals, vol. 2:pp. 110 — 112. Nares's Memoirs of Lord Burghley, vol. 1:p. 341. Collier, vol. 2:p. 492. Rapin and Tindal, vol. 2:p. 68. Neal's Puritans, vol. 1:p. 195. Echard, Hist. of Eng. vol. 2:p. 420, who states the arrival of the queen at Cambridge, August 15. L7 Ft186 Annals, vol. 1:chap. 39, p. 407, folio edit. Ft187 In Christo mi Foxi. Quum Londini vix uno verbo affari potueram, tu nunc prae temporis angustiae vix una litera vacat salutarer. Quod aut... licet, ut volui, diligenter, id certe faciam, quod possum, libenter. Summa haec est, commendo tibi hunc meum Ludimagistrum Magdalenensem, pium, eruditum, tuorum monumentorum studiosum lectorem. Commendo precibus tuis et curae tuae propagationem religionis, reformationemque Eae. (Ecclesiae) in his comitiis, ut agas et peragas ope, opera, gratia, et modis omnibus, ut principes regni et proceres cleri moveant aliquid salutare et promoveant. Commendo ad extremum me tibi, et te Deo tuorumque omnes. Cura ut valeas. Vale Xo. Oxo. Tuus Lau. Humfred. Mitee, si potes, per hunc Balgaium Legum Ecclesiasticarum exemplar. — Harl. MSS. 416, art. 114, fol. 179. See also, Strype's Life of Parker, vol. 1:p. 439, where the date is given March 28, 1566. Ft188 Carte's England, vol. in. p. 439. Ft189 Nares's Life of Burghley, vol. 2:p. 404, note. Ft190 Ergo tuam celsitudinem, non dicam ut numen, dicam certe ut numam veneramur. — Andrews' Continuation of Henry, vol. i.p. 66, note 43. Ft191 Harleian MSS. 416, art. 74, fol. 123. Ft192 See the original letter in the Appendix. It is taken from the Lansdowne MSS, No. 10, art. 70. Day, in 1566, had printed the edition of the Psalms referred to in this letter. L8 Ft193 Harl. MS. 417, art. 108, fol. 131 h. Harl. MSS. 416, art. 70, fol. 118. Ft195 Harleian MSS. 416, art. 67, fol. 113, etc. etc. Ornatissime vir, salutem in Christo multam. Primum, quod ad ignotum scribam ignotus, id putes velim non aliunde proficisci, quam ex animo tui studioso tuaeque notitiae percupido. Quanquam subest et alia causa quare to compellandum existimavi hoc tempore; Alani Copi Dialogos ante triennium editos jamdudum vidisse to non ignorare ac etiam perlegisse suspicor. Horum quinque priores dialogi ad te et Magdeburgenses vestros (ut scis) partim etiam ad Apologeticos nostros spectant. Sextus vero dialogorum liber me peculiariter et nominatim impetit. De istis dialogis quid vos istic statuatis an sycophantem ilium sine responsione omnino negligendum putetis, sive responsionem brevi exituram paretis, scire laboro. Quod ubi constiterit, ex ratione vestra ipsemet capiam rebus meis consilium. Hac de re si dignaberis vel tribus verbis me certiorem reddere, gratum feceris. Ad Flacium Illyricum. forsan. Harl. MS. No. 417, Art. 36, fol. Acts and Mon. vol. iii. p. 709, edit. 1837. Ft198 The observance of Lent was a well-known rigid fast. In 1564 an order was issued to observe Wednesdays as fast days, when fish was eaten. In 1568 a royal proclamation appeared, supposed to have been dictated by Burghley, to enforce the observance of all the old fasts, and a more rigid one of every Wednesday. (Life of Burghley by Nares, vol. 2:pp. 483, 484.) Foxe, as appears from the above letter, was in an ill state of health, and I think this the likely period when he obtained from archbishop Parker a dispensation to eat flesh in Lent. For this kindness, Strype says, Foxe addressed him in a handsome Latin letter. Life of Parker, vol. 1:p. 354. Erasmus could not endure even the smell of fish; and Roger Aseham obtained a dispensation from archbishop Cranmer. Jortin's Life of Erasmus, Works, vol. 5:p. 80. Ft199 George Norton to Mr. Foxe, asking for the Preface to his Martyrology: — “For that I doe rather write than come myselfe, impute I pray you to this: for that I think it pleaseth far better: and becauss it hathe so fallen out, it lykethe the no lesse,” etc. etc. etc. After many observations, he adds — “ But to the cause of my writinge, etc. Syr, Mr. Daie willed me when he ridde forth, as this dale to come to you for the preface. The parliamente draweth nere, which yf you pleas to send by this messenger with your mynd, I will doe thereafter. Vale in Christo. “Yours to commande, “GEORGE NORTON.” “To the worshipful Mr. Foxe, these.” Harl. MSS. 416, Art. 71, fol. 119. It would appear from this letter, that Foxe was not living at this time in the house of Day: but was probably at the duke of Norfolk's; whence he afterwards removed to Grub-street. Ft200 See on this subject the Accusations of History against the Church of Rome — Soames's Elizabethan History, the last work in which these topics are considered — the usual references to the Canon Law of Rome — and Bishop Taylor's Notes to his Sermon on the 5th of November, where the numerous authorities of the learned papal writers who defended these doctrines are collected. The members of the church of Rome in the present day shrink from these opinions. They are sincere in their disavowal; but they are required by all their hopes of the reunion of Christians, and by all their hopes of credit to their professions of loyalty to a sovereign whom the laws denominate Protestant, to demand the expungement of the canons which former controversies have placed in the canon law of Rome, from the Coneilia, and pontifical codes by which their church is governed. Those laws are unrepealed, though they are disavowed, as obsolete. They slumber with the weakness — they wake with the power, of Rome; if the security, the indifference, the irreligion, or the party politics of the objectors to the revival of the papal supremacy, permit the resumption of its power. Michael Ghislieri, the commissary-general of the Inquisition, a man of high reputation as a scholar, and of blameless character, but still more highly esteemed for his “hatred to those revivals of primitive Christianity, which his church called heresy, and for his consequent severity to the upholders of every error which the church had so long sanctioned,” was elected pope, on the 7th of January, 1566. He had scarcely assumed the tiara before he put forth a bull against heretics. “In the name of the Holy Trinity, of the Blessed Mother of God, of St. Peter and St. Paul, of the holy host of heaven, of the archangels and angels, of the holy apostles, saints, and martyrs,” willing and authorizing all the wise and learned of his clergy, to labor, endeavor, and contrive all manner of devices, to abate, assuage, and confound them; anathematizing all heretics, living, trading, or travelling in arty colonies, princi- palities, realms, and countries, subject to the see of St. Peter, his predecessor; that thereby they might either be reclaimed, or a total infamy be brought upon them, by their discord and divisions; by which means they might either speedily perish by God's wrath, or continue in eternal difference.” \Nares's Life of Lord Burghley, vol. 2. p. 363.\ In the Bull of Canonization of Pius V. 1712, among his high virtues entitling him to such honors, this is one: — his “unhesitating zeal in striking with his dread anathema the impious heretic, Queen Elizabeth, the pretended queen of England.” Ft201 The title to this Second Edition was — “ The first volume of Ecclesiastical History, contayning the Acres and Monumentes of thinges passed in every kynge's tyme in this realm, especially in the Church of England, principally to be noted. With a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the sufferyng of Martyrs, and other things incident, touchyng as wel the said Church of England, as also Scotland, and all other foreine nations, from the primitive tyme, till the reigne of King Henry VIII. Newly recognized, and inlarged by the author John Foxe. Also the second volume, from the tyme of King Henry VIII. to Queene Elizabeth, our gracious Lady now reigning. Printed by John Day, 1570, etc.” Both the first and second volumes had many more engravings than the edition in 1563. Ft202 Audiendi quae fecerint pudor est: nullus faciendi quae audire erubescunt. It is written in Latin. The commencement is an imitation, apparently, of Cicero's introduction to his “De Oratore: “ — “ Cogitanti mihi, versantique mecum in animo,” etc. That it has not been deemed an objectionable custom to commemorate the memory of religious persons by assigning especial days to that purpose, and even offering up suitable prayers when we recal them to our remembrance, see the Oxford Tracts on the honor due to the memory of Bishop Ken, etc. It has, I perceive, become the fashion among those of our clerical brethren who would place the happiness, peace, purity, and triumph of the true catholic church in retrogradation, and not in progression, to deny the accuracy of this, the usual interpretation among protestarts. I refer them to the late Mr. Davison's work on Prophecy. He, too, was of Oriel, and had peculiarities, but not heretodoxies. Ft206 See a Treatise, proving the Church of England to be the Holy Catholic Church, by P. Berault, 1682. Ft207 He wrote, among other things, Epistola de Graecis Literis, et Homeri Lectione et Imitatione. De Religionis Conservatione et Reformatione, deque Primatu Regum, etc. “Auctorem specta! pius est, et tersus, et ampius, Judicio clarus, dexteritate, fide.” Ft209 See the Treatise of Archbishop Wake on the State of the Church and Clergy, folio, 1703, pp. 502, 503. Ft210 Uti nuperrime excusa sunt Londini. Ft211 This book of Canons is reprinted in Sparrow's Collection; 4to. London, 1684. It is entitled Liber Quorundam Canonurn Disciplinae Ecclesiae Anglicanae, Anno 1571. The decrees of the synod were — De Episcopis, De Decanis Ecclesiarum, De Archidiaconis, De Cancellariis, De Aedituis Ecclesiarum, De Concionatoribus, De Residentia, De Pluralitatibus, De Ludimagistris, De Patronis, etc., to which was prefixed this preamble: — Sequuntur in hoc libello certi quidam articuli de sacro ministerio, et procuratione ecclesiarum, in quos plene consensum est in synodo a domino Matthaeo, archiepis. Cantuar. et totius Angliae primate et metropolitano, et reliquis omnibus ejus provinciae episcopis, partim personaliter praesentibus, partim procuratoria manu subscribentibus, in synodo inchoata Londini in aede divi Pauli, tertio die Aprilis, 1571. The decrees to which I refer are these — De Episcopis, p. 227. — Quivis archiepiscopus et episcopus habebit domi suae sacra Biblia in amplissimo volumine, uti nuperrime Londini excusa sunt, et plenam illam historiam quae inscribitur Monumenta Martyrum, et alios quosdam similes libros ad religionem appositos. Locentur autem isti libri, vel in aula, vel in grandi coenaculo, ut et ipsorum famulis et advenis usui esse possint. Decani Ecclesiarum Cathedralium, p. 227. — Eosdem illos libros, quos proxime diximus, decanus quisque curabit emi et locari in ecclesia sua cathedrali, ejusmodi in loco, ut a vicariis et minoribus canonicis et ministris ecclesiae, et ab advenis et peregrinis, commode audiri et legi possint. Eosdem libros illos decanus et primarius quisque residentiarius, quos appellant ecclesiae dignitates, ement, suo quisque famulitio, eosque opportuno aliquo in loco, vel in aula vel in coenaculo, locabunt. Archidiaconi, p. 229.-Quivis archidiaconus habebit domi sum et alios libros, et nominatim eos qui inscribuntur Monumenta Martyrum. Ft212 Theonas the last bishop of London, before the arrival of Augustine the monk, fled to Wales only eleven years before that event. This flight was the most disastrous and fatal circumstance, without any exception, that ever happened to the episcopacy of Britain. If Theonas had remained, and died at his post, the pretensions of Rome to rule in Britain would never have rested, as they now do, on the mission and consecration of Augustine. Ft213 The preface of John Foxe to the Reformatio Legum commences with this very sentiment:-”Quum nihil sit, qued vel ad communem omnium naturam vel ad privatam cujusque salutem proprius pertineat, quam ut in quaque reipub, societate recta religionis doctrina retineatur, tum ad hanc ipsam optimae religionis institutionem non parum retulerit, optimarum pariter legum accedere disciplinam: Quarum altera nos ad pietatem infotract, altera externam hominum inter ipsos vitam moresque componat.” etc. The seventh of the canons, also, to which the puritans so vehemently objected, proposed by archbishop Laud in 1640, begins thus: — “ Because it is generally to be wished that unity of faith were accompanied with uniformity of practice in the outward worship and service of God,” etc. It then proceeds to command that the communion table be called an altar, not that it is to be esteemed a true and proper altar, whereon Christ is again really sacrificed; but in that sense in which the primitive church called it an altar, and in no other sense. The unfortunate archbishop was right in the principle that one discipline should be the bond of union to the upholders of one faith; but he made the same blunder, and committed the same great crime which his imitators, eulogizers, admirers, and followers in the university of Oxford, and in many parts of the church of England, are committing in the present day. He imagined that the union and improvement of the churches of Christ can be effected by retrogradation instead of progression. In these two words lies the whole secret of the Tractarian controversy. May God prevent our differences from terminating in an open schism! Ft214 See Lawrence's Bampton Lectures. Ft215 See the whole controversy respecting the origin, rights, powers, etc., of the English convocations, in archbishop Wake's State of the Church and Clergy, etc. folio, 1703. Ft216 See for a brief account of these laws, Short's Sketch, vol. 1:pp. 140-2. Ft217 Harl. MSS. 426, and Cranmer's Works, by Jenkyns, vol. 1.p. 108. Ft218 Documentary Annals, by Cardwell, vol. 1:pp. 95, 96, note, 1839. Ft219 Strype's Annals, vol. 2:p. 66, folio edition. Ft220 Strype's Cranmer, book 2. c. 26. Ft221 “God grant,” he exclaims, “that a day may come, in which that noted design, so near being perfected in king Edward's days, may be revived and established.” — History of His Own Time, ap. fin. Ft222 See Dr. Winchester's Dissertation on the Seventeenth Article, Oxford edit. 1773, p. 47. Ft223 Ex Officina Joh. Daii, 1571, Mense Aprilis. Dr. Winchester cites an edition of 1641, which he calls the second. Dissert. on the 17th Art. ut supra p. 52. The real second edition, which I possess, is dated 1640, “typis T. H. et R. H., impensis Laurentii Sadler habitantis in Parva Britannia, etc.” But there are certainly copies which bear another notification, with the date 1641, viz. “impensis Societatis Stationariorum.” One of these is in the Lambeth Library. It is the same book with a different title-page. Todd's Declaration of our Reformers on Free-will, Original Sin, Grace, etc.. London, 1818. Preface, pp. — 18. See also Neal's Puritans, vol. i.p. 57; Oldmixon, pp. 185 — 418; Biog. Brit. vol. 4:p. 420, art. Cranmer; Short's Sketch, vol. 1:p. 406; Le Bas' Jewel, p. 187; Collier, vol. 2:pp. 326 — 333, where he gives an epitome of the work; Nares' Life of Burghley, vol. 1:p. 338, vol. 2:p. 572; Lingard, vol. 4:p. 462; Burner, Ref. vol. in. p. 226; Strype's Annals, vol. in. p. 97, Oxf. ed.; Strype's Parker, vol. 2:p. 62; Soames' Elizabethan Rel. Hist. p. 148. Among the commissioners for drawing up the code in Edward's time, John Alasco was numbered. Krasinski's Ref. in Poland, vol. 1:p. 264. Ft224 Hallam's Constitutional History of England, vol. i.p. 109. 4to edit. Ft225 Warburton's Letters to Hurd, letter lxxxi, p. 192. Ft226 Hurd's Dialogues, vol. ii. p. 309, 310. 5th edit. 1776. Burnet, Reform. Part I, p. 330, ap. Hurd. Ft227 lxxxii, p. 194. Ft228 See Hallam's Note. Hallam also refers both to Warburton and Hurd. Ft229 c. 10. De judiciis contra Haereses. — Hallam. Ft230 The following is the disputed passage: — “ Cum sic penitus insederit error, et tam alte radices egerit, ut nec sententia quidem excommunicationis ad veritatem reus inflecti possit, tam consumptis omnibus aliis remediis, ut extremum ad civiles magistratus atlegetur puniendus.” Ft231 History of England, vol. 2:p. 318, note. Ft232 Soames' Reformation, vol. 3. pp. 722, 723. Ft233 Mr. Hallam is incorrect in representing the origin of the new code of ecclesiastical law from the two curious entries in the Lords' Journals of the 14th and 18th of November, 1549. Const. Hist. of Eng. vol. 1.p. 109, 4to. edit. and note. Ft234 It was said of bishop Pearson,.that the dust of his writings was gold. The remark may be applied to bishop Warburton. I extract from his letters, to which I have above alluded, his brief theory of the causes of the prevalence of the notion, that non-resistance to the sovereign was the duty of all christian people. Factious and rebellious opposition to any government, even the most cruel and tyrannical, is certainly expressly forbidden to all Christians; but the bold, yet courteous, submission, by expostulation or petition, or by any other legal mode, of desiring a change of the principles or enactments of unchristian or oppressive laws, is at once a christian privilege, and a bounden duty. Liberty, secured by wise laws, is the uniform result of true religion: the following is the extract to which I allude. “After the Reformation the protestant divines, as appears by the homilies, composed by the wisest and most disinterested men, such as Cranmer and Latimer, preached up non-resistance very strongly; but it was only to oppose popery. The case was this. The pope threatened to excommunicate and depose Edward. He did put his threats in execution against Elizabeth. This was esteemed such a stretch of power, and so odious, that the Jesuits contrived all means to soften it. One was, by searching into the origin of civil power, which they brought rightly (though for wicked purposes) from the people; as Mariana, and others. To combat this, and to save the person of the sovereign, the protestant divines preached up divine right. Hooker, superior in every thing, followed the truth. But it is remarkable, that this non-resistance, which, at the Reformation, was employed to keep out popery, was, at the Revolution, employed to bring it in. So eternally is truth sacrificed to politics! “ — Warburton's Letters. Letter LXXXIV. p. 200. Second edition. Ft235 On Tower-hill, June 2d, 1572. Ft236 “It was misliked that she should bestowe herself in marriage with the duke, for that he was coumpted to be a protestant.” See the Confession of the Duke of Northumberland in the very interesting Memorials of the Rebellion in 1569, by sir Cuthbert Sharp. 1840. Appendix, p. 192. See, also, 192, 201,208, 210. Ft237 Thomas Howard, fourth duke of Norfolk, was three times married; first, to Mary, second daughter of Henry Fitz Allen, earl of Arundel, by whom he had issue, Philip, earl of Arundel. She died 25th August, 1557, being then but sixteen years of age. (Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, vol. 1.p. 324.) She was of a highly cultivated mind, and translated from Greek 44 Certain Ingenious Sentences, collected from various Authors.” It was dedicated to her father. He married again, in 1560, Margaret, daughter and co-heir of Thomas, lord Audley, of Walden, widow of Henry, youngest son of John, duke of Northumberland. She died in 1563-4, in child-birth of William Howard, afterwards of Naworth, in Cumberland, and ancestor of the present family of the Carlisles, of Castle-Howard. There were two other children alive at her death. He married, for his third wife, Elizabeth Leyburne, daughter of sir James Leyburne, widow of Thomas, lord Dacre, of Gillesland, March, 1566. She also died in child-birth, having been married to him but one year. Ft238 The letters are given in Le Plat. “Profiteor,” she says to the cardinal of Lorraine, “et affirmo, me victuram e: morituram etiam in obedientia antiqua catholicae et Romanae ecclesiae, quam ego reputo esse caput,” etc. Le Plat, vol. 5:p. 660. The letter is dated Edinburgh, 30th January, 1563. The next is to pope Pitts IV., and is dated Edinburgh, in the same year. She says, “Ut tandem dignis modis sanctam agnoscant catholicam eeclesiam Romanam in ea obedientia, in qua nos mori atque vivere ut devotissima filia possumus, nullis certe facultatibus, quae sunt in nostra potestate, et ne vitae quidem propriae parcemus.” Ibid. p. 661. Ft239 See the Confession of the Duke of Norfolk, Strype's Annals, fol. edit. vol. 2:Appendix 12:p. 28. Harl. MSS. 416, art. 97, fol. 154. See also Wright's Elizabeth and her Times, vol. 1:pp. 324 — 326. Ft241 Orig. — State Paper Office. Ft242 See Strype, ut supra. Ft243 Wright's Elizabeth, vol. i.p. 402, note. The entire letter is given pp. 402 — 412. It is the Harl. MS. 787, art 104, folio 112. Ft244 Harl. MS. 416. art. 83, folio 136. Ft245 Harl. MS. 416, Art. 121, folio 189. Dean Cooper was consecrated bishop of Lincoln in Feb. 1570, and translated, in 1583, to Winchester. — Godwin, pp. 302, 239. Wood. Ath. Ox. — There is no mention made of Dr. Pierce in Wood; but he must have been successor to Dr. Cooper, as Torporley's letter directs Foxe to make application to him. Ft246 Harl. MS. 416, art. 122, fol. 191. Ft247 Acts and Mon. vol. 8:pp. 201 — 219. Ft248 Strype's Ecc. Mere. vol 5:p. 585. Ft249 Strype writes “cannot.” Ft250 Harl. MS. 416, art 57, fol. 100. Ft251 Acts and Mon. vol. 8:pp. 721,722. Ft252 Ecclesiastical Memorials, vol. 5:pp. 574 — 585, and vol. 6:pp. 430 — 434. Ft253 “Quo majore desiderio animus mihi illustrissimam pietatem tuam caeterosque istic amicos mihi jam non diu visos revisere, Antistes imprimis observande ac in Christo reverende, hoc molestius mihi accidit, hoc tempore non licere quod libeat tantopere. Nam alioqui mentiar si quisquam sit hodie Episcoporum omniurn, cui vel impensius debere me pro acceptis beneficiis profiteor, vel quem lubentius eram aditurus. Sed praeter caeteras remoras et difficultates aceedit insuper valetudinis ea debilitas quae vix permittit tam longinquae profectioni me committere. Consimilem etiam legationem misit ad me nuper clarissimus episcopus Lincolniensis, per famulum et equum ultro oblatum ad aedes suas accersens amantissime; cui tamen et famulum et equum rursus vacuum remittere coactus sum. Et tamen, si ferat ita voluntas Domini, experiar atque etiam annitar sedulo, fraetus Christi domini nostri gracia ac patrocinio, temporis aliquid ociosi posthac dispescere, in quo et reverendam tuam celsitudinem cupidissime salutaturus simul et meipsum, si volet Dominus, refocillaturus adveniam. Interea Dominus Jesus pro [in]exhausta sua misericordia te cum grege universo multa pace laetum et fiorentem custodiat. Ad DD. episcopum Norwicensem, ut videtur.” — Harl. MS. 417, art 34, fol. 105. This bishop of Lincoln was Thomas Cooper, who had been fellow of Magdalen. He was elected probationer in 1539, and perpetual fellow in 1540. He was made dean of Christ Church in 1566, dean of Gloucester in 1569, and consecrated bishop of Lincoln in 1570, February 24. — Anth. Wood, vol, 1:p. 265. Godwin de Pres. p. 302. Ft254 Vide Appendix for the letter. L10 “A reprieve,” says Collier, “being granted, and Foxe's expedient being tried without success, the forfeiture of their lives was taken.” (Eccl. Hist. vol. 2:p. 549.) The same is mentioned by Fuller, who adds “that though queen Elizabeth constantly called him her Father Fox, yet herein was she no dutiful daughter, giving him a fiat denial.” (Ch. Hist. b. 9:p. 105. Heylin's Hist. of Presb. p. 280.) Both Collier and Fuller notice the letter; the former saying it was “written in a very handsome christian strain “ — the latter pointing to it as an answer to the charge brought against Foxe that he was not a Latin scholar, and therefore nick-named him John Lack Latine: this will prove that they were so many Lack Truths, as it shows his fluent and familiar language. (Ch. Hist. b. 9:p. 106.) He refers to another which will be found in another place under the year 1581. Ft255 See Appendix. L13 Ft256 It is in Rymer, vol. 15:p. 741. “Vobis praecipimus” is the ending, quod dictos Johannem Peters, et Henricure Turwest — apud West Smithfield, in loco aperto et publico — coram populo igni committi — ac in eodem igne realiter comburi faciatis, etc. etc. Dean Nowel, and the bishops of London and Rochester, I grieve to say, were on the commission which condemned them. Ft257 Libellum tuum de Christo crucifixo accepi (clarissime Foxe), tibique propter honorificam nostri existimationem tuam gratias ago, quod me eum esse arbitratus sis, cujus fidei et diligentiae illius publicationem mandare et tradere volueris. Siquam talem superioribus annis expectationem et famam concitavimus, est quod Deo gratias agamus, qui opellam nostram sua benedictione secundare non recusavit: tum etiam tam praeclara bonorum de nobis sententia calcar non leve jam currentibus in posterurn addet ut eodem pede porro pergamus. Haec habui quae nunc tibi significanda (ut te quoque velle ostendisti) existimavi. Nam ipsum quidera Libellum vix inspicere, per eas quae nunc pene nos obruant occupationes adhuc licuit. Faciam autem libentissime quod mones, et consilium, quale et ecclesiae utilitas postulat et temporis hodierni ratio permittere videbitur, cum amicis capiemus. Tabulas enim quas ex gravissimo naufragio, servare et colligere licuit, ad eum usum adhiberi decrevi, quem Dei glorise promovendae et ecclesiae Christi aedificandae profuturum sentiam. Bene ac fideliter vale. Francoforti, xj. Sept. 1575. Harl. MSS. 417, art. 33, fol. 105. Tuus ex animo, ANDR. WECHELUS. Ft258 Salutem. Fretus divina ope, tum secundum Deum pietate tua provocatus, mitto ad vos Foxulum meum, ut fiat Academicus, atque ut istic mercaturam faciat in nobilissimo hoc emporio vestro, non ut opibus ditescat, sed ut ingenuis artibus animum pascat, et ingenium excolat. Qua in re quo magis mihi opus est praesidio tuo (praeses celeberrime), hoc impensius Laurentianam hanc tuam, hoc est, vere fraternam, charitatem appello, ut qui ea facultate a Deo donatus sis ut possis, ea deinde praeditus natura ut velis, quam plurimis prodesse, inter caeteros illos tam multos, quos juvisti hactenus, nostri quoque cura partem aliquam tuae charitatis occupet; si non pro meritis nostris (quae nulla sunt)aut muneribus (quae nusquarn sunt), at pro ingenita saltera illa candidissimi pectotis tui, quae nullis deesse solet, pietate. Nimium forte impudens videri possim, qui amicum tot tantisque tum publicis tum privatis actionurn turbis satagentem sic gravo officiis. Sed huc necessitas, acre telum, adegit, ut necessario hoc abs te postulem. Quod enim postulo ejusmodi est, ut opera et beneficio tuo liceat istie apud vos filium meum sedem aliquam et tutorem (ut tibi commodissimum videbitur) adipisci. Caetera quae desunt ex aere meo et demenso ipsemet sufficiam, quoad potero. Ad Laur. Humfridum Praesidem Collegii Magdalenensis. Harl. MSS.417, art. 55, fol. 112 b. It is in the Harl. MSS. 417, art. 69, fol. 116 b. See Appendix. L14 Ft260 Strype's Annals, vol. 6:p. 515. Oxford Edit. Ft261 Harl. MSS. 417, art. 19, fol. 99b. See the Appendix. L15 Ft263 Harl. MSS. 416, art. 136, fol. 208. Ft264 See the letter of Foxe to Lord Burghley in Strype, Annals, vol. 6:p. 350, Oxford edition, and Life of Whitgift, vol.1.p. 485. Ft265 Harl. MS. 419, art. 60. Ft266 Harl. MS. 419, art. 60, fol. 171. Ft267 Harl. MS. 416, art. 91, fol. 146. Ft268 British Reformers. Printed for the Religious Tract Society, 1831. Ft269 Harl. MS. 416, art. 123, fol. 192. Ft270 Harl. MS. 416, art. 126, fol. 196. Ft271 Harl. MS. 417, art. 84, fol. 120 b. Oct. 1578. Ft272 Joannes Elmerus Episcopus Londinensis ad D. Foxun. — Salutem in Christo. Accepimus Reginam Scotorum paralysi graviter laborare, vel ad desperationem, et aliis nonnullis torqueri morbis. Rex ipse optimae spei adolescens, parliamenti autoritate decrevit de una religione confirmanda, et papistica e finibus suis exterminanda, ita ut quisque missam auditurus primo moneatur, secundo bona ipsius fisco adjudicentur, si tertio peccaverit solum vertere cogatur. Haec ad te scripsi, tum ut hujus boni participem faciam, tum ut a te preces cum lachrymis Christo nostro fundantur, ut nos beare et suum evangelium propagare pergat. Quae concedat optimus Jhesus noster, quem non minus tibi familiarem existimo, quam est amicus quisque amico. Ora, ora, mi frater, nam plurimum apud Christurn tuas valere preces non dubito. Harl. MS. 417, art. 25, fol. 102 b. Tui amantiss. JOHANNES LOND. Ft273 Harl. MS. 416, art. 130. fol. 202. Ft274 Lansdown MS. 982, fol. 103. Ft275 Harl. MS. 416, art. 131, fol. 203. Ft276 Perge Osorium confutare, ut confodias et jugules, etc. Harl. MSS. 417, Art. 76, fol. 118. Ft277 Annals, vol. 1. p. 378, folio edition. Ft278 Ut supra. Ft279 Hieronymi Osorii episcopi Sylvestis, in Gualterum Haddonum, etc. libri tres. Ulyssiponae, anno 1567, 4to. Ft280 M'Ilvaine on Justification, p. 110. Ft281 Annals, vol. in. p. 68, folio edition. Ft282 1832. Ft283 The last most important work on the subject of justification is that by Mr. Faber. Mr. Faber, as Foxe does, in his reply to Osorius, contrasts the primitive and Trentine systems. There is an identity in the reasonings of the two books, though Mr. Faber does not seem to have read the reply to Osorius. Mr. Faber has rendered to the church the great service of proving, by quotations from the Fathers, from Clement to Bernard, that Trentine Rome teaches other conclusions than the Fathers taught, and that the reformers restored only, therefore, in the Articles of the Church of England, the doctrine of the prophets, apostles, and fathers. In this, as in other instances, well-authenticated tradition is with the Anglican, and not with the papal church. Account of his prayer before the sermon at Paul's Cross, for the church of Rome, supra, p. 102. The letter is too long to be inserted here. It constitutes No. XLIX. of the Appendix in Strype's Annals, vol in. Page of the Appendix 212, folio edition. Ft286 Ap. Strype's Annals, vol. in. b. 2:Appendix, p. 110, No. XLIX. Ft287 Cur dicemus, hunc vestitum papisticum. Non lineae sed seriacae, non planae et simplices sed aureae, magnificae, regales erant vestes papisticae. Poculum aureum habuit meretrix ilia in manu sua. Omnia in religione ejus sumptuosa, fastu mundano plena: ecclesia nostra quid habet simile? Ft288 Ad omnes fideles ministros Jesu, cooperarios suos in evangelio, et qui verum Domus Dei reformandae zelum habent. Ft289 I am merely giving the briefest abstract of the sense of each paragraph. Ft290 Quid? annon hoc tantum ecclesiae auctoritati concedetis, ut vestem decentem praescribat ministro sacra celebranti? At quanlibet vestera hic (scio) dicetis praeter istam superpelliceam, etc. The earl of Suffolk, son of the duke, by his second duchess, Margaret, daughter and sole heir of Thomas, lord Audley, of Walden, in Essex, and widow of lord Henry Dudley, younger son of John, duke of Northumberland. Collins's Peerage, vol. 1.p. 108. Ft292 Among the Foxe Papers in the British Museum are found many names of friends not enumerated by his son — Pusey, Gelibrand of Magdalene, Sharpe, Gordonius, Robert Silesius, Puis of Baliol, Cheke, Rogers, Gresop, Balyn, Regini Mortelius of Antwerp, and many more. Harl. MSS. Nos. 416, 417. Ft293 See Strype's Life of Whitgift, ap. Strype's Annals, 1587, pp. 504, 505, folio, 1728. Ft294 Chalmers' Biog. Diet. vol. 15:pp. 31, 32. Ft295 The following is the inscription by his son:— Christo S.S. Johanni Foxo, ecclesiae Anglicanae martyrologo fidelissimo, antiquitatis historicae indagatori sagacissimo, evangelicae veritatis propugnatori acerrimo, thaumaturgo admirabili, qui martyres Marianos, tanquam Phoenices, ex cineribus redivivos praestitit, patri suo omni pietatis officio imprimis colendo. Samuel Foxus, illius primogenitus, hoc monumentum posuit, non sine lachrymis. Obiit die 18 mens. Aril (April) Anno Dom. 1587. Vita vitae mortalis est, spes vitae immortalis. Jam Septuagenarius. The other inscription upon the stone that covers his remains, indicating that two brothers of the name of Bullen were interred in the same spot, is to the following effect: — Sacra sub hoc saxo tria corpora mista quiescunt, Gulielmi Bullen, medici, fratrisque Richardi, Ac Johannis Foxi, qui tres, mihi crede, fuerunt Doctrina clari, rari et pietatis alumni. Guilelmus Bullen medicamina semper habebat, Aeque pauperibus danda, ac locupletibus aeque. Sicque Richardus erat bene facere et ipse paratus Omnibus ex aequo, quibus ipse prodesse valebat. At Foxus noster per multas hos parasangas Vita praecurrit, studiisque accedimus omnes. Extant quae scripsit tormenta cruenta piorum, Extant perdocte per multa volumina scripts Quae scripsit Foxus; nulli fuit ipse secundus. Obiit An. Dom. 1587. April 16.\This is an error, it ought to be 18th. Note. Maitland's Hist. of London, vol. 2:p. 1103.\ Constance Whitney, eldest daughter of sir Robert Whitney, of Whitney, in Herefordshire, who married the fourth daughter of sir Thomas Lucy. The wife of sir Thomas Lucy was Constance, daughter and heir of Richard Kingsmill, surveyor of the court of wards. PART II INTRODUCTION For the last brief account of these two, see Dowling's “Introduction to the Study of Ecclesiastical History,” chap. in. sect 2. See the lists in Dowling, “Introduction,” etc. etc. and in Eyring's “Synopsis Historitae Literariae,” etc. etc. one vol. 4to. Gottingae, 1733. His list extends only to 1498. Ft299 Ex. gr. Heylyn, Arehbp. Laud, etc. etc. See their Biographies. SECTION Maitland's Review of Foxe on the Waldenses, p. 13. Ft301 Maitland's Six Letter — p. 2. Ib. p. 74. Ft303 Annals, vol. 1:part 1:p 375. Ft304 “Many of the exiles were concerned in it, to supply Foxe with matter from England.” — Strype's Annals, vol. 1:p. 375. “Grindal supplied Foxe with collections of matters that happened before those times.” — Strype's Grindal, p. 32. Ft305 Maitland's Notes on the Contributions, etc, part 3, p. 97. SECTION Quarterly Review, vol. 33, p. 8. Ft307 Heylin, Hist. of Queen Jane, p. 163. Hist. of Mary, p. 25. Ft308 Dodd, vol. 1:p. 545, etc. Collier, p. 377. Echard, Heylin, Rapin. See extracts from Pole's letters, etc. in his life, by Philips, vol. 2. Ft310 Philips's Life of Cardinal Pole. Echard's Hist of England. Collier, etc. 1st and 2d Philip and Mary, c. 6. Ft312 Heylin, in his Account of the Causes of the Persecution, says, “Such were the madnesses of the people the governors of the church exasperated at these provocations.” — Hist. of Queen Mary, p. 47. Ft313 Notes of Milner — William Thomas, clerk of the council to Edward VI. and a disciple of the famous preacher Goodman, plotted the murder of the queen, for which he was sent to the Tower, and afterwards executed; at which time he boasted that he died for his country. — Wood's Athen. Oxon. Dr. Bourne and Dr. Pendleton, preaching the catholic doctrine at St. Paul's Cross, barely escaped, the one a dagger which was thrown at him, and which stuck in a post of the pulpit; the other a bullet that was fired at him, and grazed his person. — Stow, Collier, etc. Heylin, p. 47. Ft315 Dogs and cats, shaved and dressed like priests, officiating, were suspended in the streets, or otherwise exposed. — Stow, etc. In March, 1554, a girl, called Elizabeth Crofts, was concealed in a wall, near Aldgnte, and there taught to counterfeit a supernatural voice, declaiming against the queen, confession, the mass, etc. — Stow, Heylin. The year following, at Eltham, in Kent, a youth of the name of Featherstone was instructed to assume the personage of Edward VI. in order to invalidate the queen's right to the throne. — Stow, etc. Such as the famous John Knox's “Blast against the monstruous Regimen of Women,” and his other works against queen Mary of England, and queen Mary of Scotland. Goodman's book concerning “The Superiour Magistrate,” in which he invokes the spirit of Wyat as a martyr. Poynet's “Treatise on Politic Power.” — Heylin, Collier, Ant. Wood. Ft318 Beza, the celebrated pastor of Geneva, writing in justification of the burning of Servetus, by his master, Calvin, for heterodoxy in religion, which event had lately taken place in that city, produces ample authorities from Luther, Calvin, Melancthon, Bullinger, Capito (to whom he might have added even the conciliating Bucer,) in defense of capital punishments in matters of religion. See Beza De Hereticis puniendis a civili Magistratu, etc. occasione mortis Serveti. Cranmer took it upon his conscience that the young king, Edward VI., was obliged to sign the death-warrant of Joan Boucher, condemned for heresy, on account of a singular opinion concerning the nature of Christ's body. Heylin. Collier, part 2:p. 291. He also promoted the capital punishment of other dissenters, during this reign, as he had in the preceding reign that of protestants in general. Ft319 This is emphatically remarked, with respect to Scotland, by Dr. Robertson in his history of that country, an. 1560. The same penal laws against catholics were about this time enacted in England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, etc. For the persecutions practiced by the protestants against each ether in the Low Countries, see Gerard Brand, Hist. Reft Pays Bas. For the persecutions raised against the anabaptists and other dissenters in this country, see Stow, Collier, Neal's Hist. of Puritans. For the persecutions exercised by dissenters upon quakers, see Penn's Life of G. Fox, who complains that 3,173 friends had suffered imprisonment under the commonwealth; of whom 32 had died of the rigours of their confinement. In New England, four quakers, of whom one was a woman, were actually hanged See also Baxter's Key to Catholics, p. 48, and Pref., in which he boasts that his party had the sword to punish heretics. and calls upon the protector, Cromwell, to use it against papists, seekers, and quakers. Ft321 Heylin's History of Queen Mary, p. 61, 62. Ft322 “The innumerable falsehoods and misrepresentations of this work (new editions of which are annually published, to keep up that spirit which it was first written to produce) have been demonstrated by Alanus Copus, alias Nic. Harpsfield, by F. Parsons, in his Three Conversions, and in part by Ant. Wood, Collier, and other learned and candid protestants.” Ft323 “Ant. Wood says that Foxe has committed many errors by trusting to the relations of poor simple people, and in making such martyrs that were living after the first edition of his book, though afterwards by him excused and omitted. Athen. Oxon. — It is plain, however, that these omissions only regarded such as were actually proved to be then alive by Alanus Copus: as was the case with the musician Marbeck. The same learned antiquary brings numerous proofs of remaining errors, sufficient to invalidate the credit of the whole Martyrology. See the remarkable story of one Grimwood, who was actually present in a church, when the clergyman was describing, on the authority of Foxe's Acts and Monuments (see p. 2, 100), the circumstances of his supposed miserable and preternatural death, ' his bowels, by the judgment of God, falling out of his body in consequence.' Grimwood, in return, brought an action against the clergyman for defamation. Athen. Oxon. Hen. Morgan.” Ft324 “For example, sir John Oldcastle, sir Henry Acton, John Onley, William Flower, William Gardiner, etc.” “For example, Savonarola, Rhedonensis, Thomas Bilney, William Taylor, etc. To these may be added the pretended confessors, Picus Mirandola, Erasmus, etc.” “See, at large, The Three Conversions of England, part 3.” Ft327 Eccles. Hist. p. 386. Ft328 Quarterly Review, vol. in. p. 355, (1810.) I subjoin Milner's account of the dying words of Gardiner: — “Gardiner,” say Godwin\“In ipsa regia Westmonasterii podagricis doloribus absumptus interiit duodecimo Novembris, 1555. “Nov. 13, Memor. Ecclesiast. Strype, vol. in. p. 229. Decumbentis in lecto cadaver ita putridum foetidumque ante mortem fuit, ut praesentibus nihil molestius ipso odore esse potuit. In ipso mortis momento haec verba ejaculatus est: ' Erravi cum Petro, non flevi cum Petro.'“ — Ita Parke in Antiquit. Britan. p. 511. Godwin, p. 237.\ and Parker, “died repeating these words — ' Erravi cum Petro, at non flevi cum Petro.' In the sermon which he preached before the king and queen his words were — 'Negavi cum Petro, exivi cum Petro, sed nondum amare flevi cum Petro.'“ (Dodd.) — Milner's History of Winchester, vol. 1:pp. 355 — 362. Ft329 The reader who may wish to know more of Milner is referred, for his character as an ecclesiastical historian, to the Quarterly Review, vol. 32, p. 90; for his credulity, in the matter of Sister Nativite, to vol. 36, p. 308, etc.; to vol. 25:p. 142, vol. 36, p. 356, and to vol. in. p. 347, for his conduct on the question of the Veto. Ft330 New edit. vol. 8:pp. 630, 631. Ft331 From 2d Croke's Reports, (temp. James) p.91. In a case of slander (Brooke 5:Montague.) “Coke [meaning Sir Edward Coke, afterwards lord chief justice] in argument ' cited a case 27th Eliz., where parson Prit, in a sermon recited a story out of Foxe's Martyrology, that one Greenwood [so written instead of Grimwood] being a perjured person, and a great persecutor, had great plagues inflicted upon him, and was killed by the hand of God; whereas in truth, he was never so plagued, and was himself present at that sermon, and he thereupon brought his action on the case, for calling him a perjured person, and the defendant pleaded not guilty;' and this matter being disclosed upon the evidence, Wray, chief justice, delivered his opinion to the jury that it being delivered only as a story and not with a malicious intention, the defendant was not guilty, and so he was found.\This citation of Sir Edward Coke, alludes, as further law authorities, to 14 Hen. 6:14, and 20 Hen. 6:34, but no book of reports is specified as containing these decisions.\ Popham, chief justice in the main case, now reporting, affirmed this to be good law, and the decision of the court was governed by it accordingly.” Ft332 Vol. 1:pp. 377 — 80. Ft333 Vol. 8. new edition, pp. 630, 631. Ft334 Annals of the Reformation, vol. 1:pp. 378 — 380. Strype spells the name differently from Foxe, — Grimward for Grimwood. Ft335 Life of Elizabeth, cap. 21:note, new edit. vol. 8:p. 631. Ft336 Strype's Annals of the Reformation, vol. 1:pp. 377, 378. Harl. MSS. No. 416, art. 108, p. 174, and Ash. 73, p. 122. The first reference is to Rushbrooke's letter; the second to Punt's letter. Harpsfield's work is in dialogues. “Id certe diffiteri non possum, si verum sit, quod Foxus scribit, novum nobis nuper Polyo carpum inter istos pseudo-martyres in Anglia emersisse; in quem ant ignis nihil potuit, ant qui, toto corpore in cineres redacto, admirabilius quam Lazarus revixerit. En tibi enim Joannem Marbecum psallentem Vindilesoriae anno Domini 1543, et Julii martyrium in igne alacri' (ut Foxi verbis utar), constantia subeuntem.' At ille adhuc vivit et Vindilesoriae eleganter, ut solet, psallit et organa pulsat. Crit. — ' Torus ad hanc narrationem obstupesco. Et jam habes, vel te ipso judice, saltem unum martyrum nostrorum miraculum, quod cum praestantissimo, quod unquam vel a Christo vel ab aposto!is editum est, contendat.' Irenaeus, — ' Hoe ego tibi non invitus concederem, si modo exustus fuisset; sed neque exustus neque igni unquam admotus fuit.'“ — Edition 1566, pp. 962, 963. New edit. vol. 5:p. 497, 497, and notes. Edit. 1684, vol 2:p. 469, col. 1. Ft341 Harpsfield's book was printed under this reigned name. Ft342 Athen. Oxon. vol. 1:p. Hist. of Winchester, vol. 1:pp. 357. 358, and notes. Vol. 3. pp. 61-63. Ft345 Vol. 3. p. 288. Ft346 I deem Collier, Fuller, and Mosheim, to be inferior to him. We require , as I have repeatedly said, an edition of Foxe which shall be incorporated with Baronins, Alford, the Centuriators, Fleury, and others. Ft347 Died 1726. Ft348 See Johnson's Life of Congreve. Ft349 The first volume of which was published in folio, 1702, and the second in 1714. A new edition of Collier's work is now being published in London, in nine volumes 8vo. Ft350 I use the word in the sense in which it occurs in Matthew 23:11. Ft351 I write this with the view before me of all the theories of Warburton, Hooker, Coleridge, Gladstone, and the others mentioned by Mr. Gladstone. Ft352 Vol. 1.p. 618, col. 2, folio edition. Vol. 3. p. 262, new ed. Ft353 Vol. 1:p. 624, col. 1; vol. 3. p. 277, new edit. Ft354 Vol. 3. p. 282, new edit. Ft355 Vol. 1:p. 646; vol. in. p. 324, new edit. Ft356 Vol. 1:p. 646. Ft357 Beda, H. E. 11. 2. Ft358 H. E. 1:25. Ft359 H. E. 1:31. Ft360 Collier, vol. 1:p. 66. Ft361 Collier, vol. 1:p. 646; vol. in. pp. 325, 326, new edit. Ft362 New edit. vol. 2:p. 340. Ft363 The review of these objections might lead to endless discussions. Collier goes on to accuse both Fuller and Foxe of error, in maintaining that treason and heresy were identified, because the blood was not corrupted as the punishment of both. But Collier quotes only the act of Henry IV. anno 2. See Fuller, Ch. Hist. b. 4:p. 167, and Hume, vol. in. p. 558, both of whom assert the fact. Ft364 Collier, vol. 1:p. 661: vol. in. p. 358. Ft365 Foxe, vol. 4:new edit. p. 614. Ft366 Collier, vol. 2:p. 43; vol. 4:p. 120, new ed. Ft367 Collier, vol. 2:p. 45, vol. 4:p. 126, new ed., compared with Foxe, new ed. vol. 4:pp. 616, 620. Ft368 Collier, vol. 2:p. 209; vol. 5:p 154, new ed. Ft369 Collier, vol. 2, p. 253; vol. 5:p. 218, new ed, Foxe, vol. 6:p. 433. Ft370 Collier, vol. 2:p. 316; vol. 5:p. 453, new ed. Ft371 Foxe, vol. 6:p. 294. Ft372 Collier, vol. 2:p. 317; vol. 5:p. 454. Ft373 Foxe, vol. 6:pp. 293-295. Ft374 Collier, vol. 2:p. 362; vol. 6:p. 59. Ft375 Foxe, vol. 6:p. 414. Ft376 Collier, vol. 2:p. 362; vol. 6:p. 60. Ft377 Foxe, vol. 6:p 414. Ft378 Collier, vol. 2:p. 363; vol. 6:p. 60. Ft379 Foxe, vol. 6:p. 425. Ft380 Collier, vol. 2:p. 374; vol. 6:p. 93. Ft381 Foxe, vol. 6:p. 581. Ft382 Collier, vol. 2:p. 375; vol. 6:p. 93. Foxe, vol. 6:p. 583. Ft383 See the Bullarium Romahum Magnum, passim. Ft384 Collier, vol. 2. p. 386; vol. 6. p. 124. Foxe, vol. 7:p. 432. Ft385 Collier, vol. 2. p. 501; vol. 6. p. 416. Ft386 From 1568 to 1574. Ft387 See the references which justify my opinion of the character of Parsons in Foulis, Chalmers, and Dodd's Church History. It is customary (see the Quarterly Review), more especially, to speak of Parsons as a profligate hypocrite. I believe him to have been a conscientious traitor. Ft388 “Accusations of History against the Church of Rome,” second edit. p. 285. July 5, 1575. Ft390 The Christian Directory of Father Parsons, in one closely printed, thick octavo volumo, contains as perfect passages of devotion as “the Christian Year.” Ft391 May I subjoin here, for the admiration of the devoted friends of the Anglican protestant church, the beautiful and eloquent prayer which was offered in the royal chapel, and in English churches, when the Armada was preparing: — “O Lord God, heavenly Father, the Lord of hosts, without whose providence nothing proceedeth, and without whose mercy nothing is saved; in whose power lie the hearts of princes, and the end of all their actions; have mercy upon thine afflicted church; and especially regard thy servant Elizabeth, our most excellent queen; to whom thy dispersed flock do fly in the anguish of their souls, and in the zeal of thy truth. Behold! how the princes of the nations do band themselves against her, because she laboureth to purge thy sanctuary, and that thy holy church may live in security. “Consider, 0 Lord, how long thy servant hath labored to them for peace: but how proudly they prepare themselves unto battail. Arise therefore, maintain thine own cause; and judge thou between her and her enemies. She seeketh not her own honor, but thine; not the dominions of others, but a just defense of herself: not the shedding of christian blood, but the saving of poor afflicted souls. Come down, therefore, come down, and deliver thy people by her. To vanquish is all one with thee, by few or by many; by want or by wealth; by weakness or by strength. O! possess the hearts of our enemies with a fear of thy servants. The cause is thine; the enemies thine; the afflicted thine; the honor, victory, and triumph shall be thine. “Consider, Lord, the end of our enterprises. Be present with us in our armies. Terrify the hearts of our enemies, and make a joyful peace for thy Christians. “And now, since in this extreme necessity, thou hast put into the heart of thy servant, Deborah, to provide strength to withstand the pride of Sisera and his adherents, bless thou all her forces, by sea and land. Grant all her people one heart, one mind, and one strength, to defend her person, her kingdom, and thy true religion. Give unto all her council and captains wisdom, wariness, and courage, that they may speedily prevent the devices, and valiantly withstand the forces, of all our enemies, that the fame of thy gospel may be spread unto the ends of the world. We crave this in thy mercy, 0 heavenly Father, for the precious death of thy dear Son Jesus Christ. Amen.” — Strype's Annals: Appendix to Book II., No. liv. May I add, too, the contrast to this prayer; those which were offered to God, and to the Virgin Mary, on board the fleet, for the success of the papal efforts against the heretics of England:— Litaniae, et preces pro foelici successu classis regis nostri Philippi adversus Angliae hereticos, verae fidei impugnatores. De mandato serenissimi principis cardinalis excudebat Antonius Riberius, 1588. “Versic. Exurge Domine. — Resp. Et judica causam tuam. Kyrie eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Christe, audi nos; Christe, exaudi nos, etc. — Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. Sancta Dei Genetrix, ora pro nobis. Sancta Virgo Virginum, ora, etc. Sancte Michael, ora. Sancte Gabriel, ora. Sancte Raphael, ora. Omnes Sancti Angeli, et Archangeli Dei, orate pro nobis. Omnes sancti Beatorum Spirituum ordines, orate. Sancte Joannes Baptista, ora pro nobis,” etc.; and then naming each saint distinctly with the petition Ora, etc.; and so to the end of that part of their Litany. And then are Proper Psalms appointed for each day in the week, beginning at Sunday; for which is Psalm 3. “Domine, quid multiplicati sunt, qui tribulant me? Multi insurgunt adversum me,” etc. Then follow certain versicles and responses, and after them some collects composed for the occasion; which were these: — “Da, quaesumus, ecclesiae tuae, misericors Deus, ut Spiritu Sancto congregata, hostili nullatenus incursione turbetur. “Concede, nos famulos tuos, quaesumus, Domine Deus, perpetua mentis et corporis sanitate gaudere, et gloriosa Beatae Mariae semper Virginis intercessione, a praesenti libera tristitia, et aeterna perfrui laetitia. “Ecclesiae tuae, quaesumus, Domine, preces placatus admitte; ut destructis adversitatibus et erroribus universis, secura tibi serviat libertate. “Deus, omnium fidelium pastor et rector, famulum tuum N — (quem pastorem ecclesiae tuae praeesse voluisti) propitius respice. Da ei, quaesumus, verbo et exemplo quibus praeest proficere; ut ad vitam, una cam grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam. “Quaesumus, Omnipotens Deus, ut famalas tuus Philippus, rex noster (qui tua miseratione suscepit regni gubernacula), virtutum etiam omnium percipiat incrementa. Quibus decenter ornatus, et vitiorum monstra devitare et ad te (qui Via, Veritas, et Vita es) gratiosus valeat pervenire. “Deus, qai conteris bella et impugnatores in te sperantium potentia tuae defensionis expugnas; auxiliare famulis tuis implorantibus misericordiam tuam; ut haereticorum et omnium inimicorum suorum feritate depressa, ineffabili te gratiarum actione laudemus. “Deus noster, refugium et virtus ade [? adesto or attende] piis ecclesiae tuae precibus, Auctor ipsc pietatis. Et praesta, ut quod fidelitur petimus, efficaciter consequamur. “Hostiam nostroram, quaesumus, Domine, elide superbiam, et eorum contumaciam dexterae tuae virtute prosterne. “Libera, quaesumus, Domine, a peccatis et hostibus tibi famulos supplicantes, ut, in sancta conversatione viventes, nullis afficiantur adversis. “Protector noster, aspice, Deus, et propugnatores tuos a paganorum et haereticorum defende periculis; ut ab omnibus perturbationibus semoti, liberis tibi mentibus serviant. “Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, moestorum consolatio, laborantium fortitudo; perveniant ad te preces de quacunque tribulatione clamantium; ut omnes sibi in necessitatibus suis misericordiam tuam gaudeant affuisse. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. “Versic. Exaudiat nos, Omnipotens et Misericors Dominus. “Resp. Et custodiat nos semper.” — See Strype, ut antes, No. 3. Ft392 Dodd denies that Parsons was the author of this work. It was compiled by cardinal Allen, Inglefield, and other papists. These committed their materials to Parsons, who prepared the book for the press. Ft393 See Beda, iii. 25. Ft394 See Hist. Eccl. p. 100. Ft395 Stevenson's Beda, vol. 1:p. 259. Ft396 Parsons, vol. 2:p. 365. Ft397 Vol. 1:p. 138, ed. 1684. Ft398 Parsons, vol. 2:p. 366. Ft399 Vol. 3. p.5. Edit. Goldhagen, 1839. Ft401 See also later ion this volume. Ft402 In my observations on Harpsfield, I have collated some of these alleged inaccuracies. Ft403 Robert. Abbot. Antilog. fol. 14, 2 ap. the Life of Father Parsons, in Foulis's History of Popish Treasons, Let. 10:chap. l, p. 506. Ft404 Vol. 33, pp. 7, 8, 16, 21, 32, etc. Vindieiae Ecclesiastes Anglic. I think. Ft406 See Dodd, Chalmers, the references in Foulis, and the Lansdowne MSS. 983, fol. 165. Ft407 Bonif. Extrav. lib. 1:Titus I. de Major. et Obedientia. Ft408 Milton. Ft409 “He was,” says Leland, “Atticae linguae interpres fidelis, disertus, aptus,” etc. etc. up. Dodd, vol. 2:p. 63. Brussels edition, folio. I have not seen the new edition of Dodd. Ft410 Dodd, vol. 2:p. 63. Ft411 Biog. Dict. vol. 17:p. 158. Ft412 “Nicholas Harpsfield,” says Fuller, “bred first in Worcester school, then in New college in Oxford, where he proceeded Doctor of Law, and afterward became archdeacon of Canterbury. Under king Edward VI. he banished himself; under queen Mary he returned, and was advanced; and under queen Elizabeth imprisoned for denying her supremacy. Yet such was his milde usage in restraint, that he had the opportunity to write much therein, and among the rest his Ecclesiastical History, no less learnedly than painfully performed; and abating his partiality to his own interest, well deserving of posterity. He died at London, in prison, after twenty years' restraint, leaving behind him the general reputation of a religious man.” — Fuller's Church History, 16:cent. book 9, p. 143. Ft413 Notes of additions and corrections to Mr. A. Wood, in Nicolas Harpsfield, Archdeac. of Cant. deprived, who died in 1583. 1498. 13 Cal Maii. Bulla Alexandri Papae concedens Nicolao Harpsfeld, rectori eecliae Ashrengue Reignesash in dioc. Exon. ut duo alia beneficia quaecumque cum ecclia praedicta tenere possit. (Autogr. penes Decan. et Capit. Cant.) 1554. 31 Martii. Nicolaus Harpsfeld institutus ad archidiaconatum Cant. per destitutionem Edmundi Cranmer, clerici conjugati. 1554. 27 Apr. Nic. Harpsfeld coll. ad preb. de Harleston per deprivationem Johis Hodgskin episc. Bedford; qui denuo restitutus obiit ante 7 Jul. 1560. (Reg. Boner.) 1554. 29 Apr. Nich. Harpsfeld admiss, ad eccl. de Laingdon cum capella de Basildon com. Essex. per deprivat. Johis Hodgskyns, episc. Bed. 1558. 14 Maii. Magr. Johes Harpsfeld, S. T. P. coll. ad eccl. de Laingdon per resign. Nichi. Harpsfeld, LL.D. 1558. 28 Octob., (Reg. Pole 31.) Magr. Nich. Harpsfeld, LL.D factus est officialis curiae Cant. literis Reginaldi Poli, Cant. Arepi, et decanus de Arcubus literis ejusdem sub end. data. 1555. 23 Mail Nic. Harpsfield admiss, ad eccl. de Saltwood vac. per deprivat. Robti Watson, clerici conjugati. 1558. 9 Jan. 1558. 9 Jan. 29. 1 Eliz. At opening of the convocation Nicholas Harpsfield, archdeac, of Cant. chosen a prolocutor. (Parker Synodalia MS.) 11 Feb. 1558-9. A letter from the council to sir Tho. Fynch and George Maye, one of the aldermen of Cant. that where the lords are informed that Dr. Harpsfield, archdeacon of Cant. hath used himself of late very disorderly in stirringe the people, as much as in him lyeth, to sedition: and that it is also reported by some of the servants of the college in Christ Ch. Cant. that religion could not nor should not be altered; they are to examine these matters. Nicolaus Harpsfield, clericus, in legibus licentiatus, habet literas reginae Marine de praesentatione ad archidiatum Cant. (Rymer 15:381.) 1 R. apud Westmon. 2 Apr. reg. 1, 1554. 1557. 24 Martii. D. Arepus contulit magro Nicho. Harpsfield, LL.D. eccliam de Bishopsbourne Cant. dioc. vac. per mort. dni Rici Thornden, nuper episc, suffragan. 1558. 1 Nov. Arepus eontnlit magro Nieho. Harpsfield, LL.D. canonicatum et preb. in ecclia Xti, Cant. quos magister Ricus Parkhurst dudum habuit. (Reg. Pole Cant.) — Lansdowne MS. 982, p. 37. Ft414 The title of the book is — “ Dialogi Sex contra summi Pontificatus, Monasticae Vitae, Sanctorum, sacrarum Imaginum Oppugnatores, et Pseudo-Martyres: — “In quibus, praeterquam quod nonnulla, quae alii hactenus vel attigerunt leviter, vel penitus omiserunt, paullo uberius et plenius explicantur; Centuriatorum etiam Magdeburgensium, auctorum Apologiae Anglicanae, psendo-martyrologorum nostri temporis, maxime vero Johannis Foxi, et aliorum, qui adulterino evangelio nomina dederunt, variae fraudes, putidae calumniae, et insignia in historiis Ecclesiae contaminandis mendacia deteguntur: — “Nunc primurn ad Dei optimi maximi gloriam et catholicae religionis eonfirmationem ab Alano Copo Anglo editi, cum triplici indice, primo auctorum, altero capitum, tertio rerum et verborum. Psalm 27. 'Unum petii a Domino, hoc requiram, ut inhabitem in domo Domini omnibus diebus vitae meae; ut videam voluntatem Domini, et vlsitern templum ejus.' “Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini. MD LXVI. Cure privilegio.” In the beautiful copy of Harpsfield now in my possession, in the handwriting of some former owner, apparently contemporary with the publication of the book, the letters are thus interpreted: — “Auctor hujus libri, Nicolaus Harpsfeldus, episcopus Vintoniensis electus, archidiaconus Cantuariensis.” Ft416 “Salve, mi Foxe,” says Humfrey, “in Christo fratre et Servatore nostro. Alanus Copus quidam Magdalenensis, cum nos Magdalenenses non lacessitus lacerat, tum libro dentato satis, insulso tamen, mortuos iniquissime persequitur. Ille marturomacesqai egregie suis partibus functus est: tuum est nunc vicissim, te praestare marturomartura et fortem et aculeatum, ne quis deinceps audeat mordere mortuos, et sanctorum cineres turbare. Moverunt et alii hanc Camerinam, cum omnes undique audacter scriptores Martyrologium tuum legendam mendacem, et sterquilinium foetidum appellitent. Sic indies crescunt animi adversariorum; sic ubique saevit per suos satellites Satan; quem o si Christus spuma oris sui tandem aliter conterat. Nostrae res quo in statu sunt, in quo lubricoso et scopuloso loco versantur, non ignoras, audis, vides, ingemiscis: quibus autem modis tantae miseriae sublevari possint, quomodo tot malis salutaris medicina adhiberi queat, — non reperio, non invenio, nescio. Tu si quid nosti, communica; ne desis causae bonae, officio tuo, laboranti ecelesiae. Si quid Ducis Norfol. literae, opera, gratia, auctoritas, valere possunt, age effice, ut vel scribat ad suos serio et saepe, vel praesens cum aliis instet, urgeat. Miseret me fratrum: aliorum, qui summi et primi esse volunt, pudet. “Dux, cum essem Norwici, longe et prolixe pollicitus est omnia. Dominus sic illi dux sit, sic regat et flectat alios, ut, congruentibus animis, de studiis in causam honestissimam, sed deploratissimam, incumbant. Ultimum et praestantissimum refugium est ardens ad Deum hominum bonorum comprecatio pro Regina serenissima, pro consiliariis honoratissimis, pro episcopis, pro ecelesia. Tu, mi Foxe, ora, intercede, clama, ac vale in Domino, qui tuos omnes labores sanctificet ac fortunet, uxorem et liberos conservet. “Angliae, ex aedibus D. Warcoppae piae et lectissimae viduae. Maii 20. “T. TOTUS LAURE. HUMFREDUS.” Harl. MSS. 416, art. 113, fol. 177. Ft417 Vol. 1:p. 647; vol. 3. p. 348, new edit. Ft418 I select one specimen of the style of Harpsfield. He is railing against Foxe for inserting the names of the victims in a calendar. After saying that no pope, however ambitious, ventured thus to act, nor did ever any one of the heretics themselves arrogate such power, he adds — “Novos enim novus iste papa fastos, novas martyrum apotheoses, et tam admirabiles pro sua amplitudine excogitavit, ut nescias impudentiam et impietatem hominis, an stultitiam magis demireris, edito nuper libro, quem tu degustasse videris, ingenti quadam nugarum, mendaciorum, et blasphemiarum mole onerato, non Latine ut prius, sed Anglice: in quo solo aliquod prudentiae specimen ostendit; Ex eo enim fortassis fiet, ut impietas et stultitia illius minus per reliquum christianum orbem, et in sola fere Anglia, celebretur.” — Page 819. Ft419 “Iniqua pseudo-martyrum cum veris martyribus comparatio.” Margin, p. 736. Ft420 “Quos rectius diaboli mancipia quam martyres appellaris.” Ft421 “Qui nobis non modo teterrimos haereticos, sed et fures, homicidas, atque etiam divinae et humanae majestatis imminutae reos, tautum non pro martyribus adorandos objicit.” — P. 746. Ft422 Burnet, tom. 2:p. 248, ap. Rapin, vol. 2:p. 33, note 3. Ft423 Harpsfield spells the name of the person of whom he is now speaking, Tonlaeus. I looked in vain for the English name in Foxe's list, which corresponded with this word. It is evident that the word ought therefore to have been written in English, Toniey, or Tunley, or Townley. The word Tonlaeus however is a misprint for Tooleius. Harpsfield is referring to Tooley, who as he justly reports was hanged for theft. This is but a specimen of the vexatious manner in which the reader of the several works which attack John Foxe is baffled, in the attempts to discover the truth of the charges against the martyrologist. The printing of the names both of places and persons appears to have been left to the printers. I subjoin the manner in which some names of the same persons are spelt by Foxe, Parsons and Andrews. It will enable the reader to judge of the difficulty of always ascertaining who are meant by the references of the three writers. DATE FOXE DATE PARSONS DATE ANDREWS Anne Albright, alias Champnes Anne Allbright Feb. 3 John Phaidon John Claidon John Claydon 4 Richard Turmine Richard Turmyne Richard Turmin 27 Robert Farrar 26 Robert Farrer March John Hougley 5 John Hugleyne 5 Petrus Flestedius 6 Petrus Flessidius Peter Flessidlus 8 Thomas Hilton 9 Thomas Hylton Thomas Hilton 10 Davy Foster 11 David Foster Daniel Foster 13 Father Bate Father Batt 23 Robert Spicer John Spicer April 2 Archer and Howkins 1 Archer and Hawkins N. Archer and N. Hawkins 3 Wrigsham Wrigsham N. Wrigsham 7 Jo. Awoke John Ancock John Awcock 14 Joan Bech 16 Joane Beach Joan Beach 15 John Hullier 17 John Hullier John Hallier May 16 Elizabeth Thacknel Elizabeth Thacknell Elizabeth Thackwell June Nicholas Belman Nicholas Beleman Nicholas Belenian 4 Nicholas Chamberlain 5 NicholasChamberlayne Thomas Chamberlayne 6 John Osward John Oswald 11 Henry Wyce Henry Wye 17 John Morice 16 John Morice John Morris 27 Benden’s Wife Bendon’s Wife Benson’s Wife 29 John Loyd John Floyd July 1 Henry Voz Henry Voes Henry Vose John Esch John Esch John Eske 7 Jahn Pelley 8 Margery Pulley 11 John Frank John Frankiske 18 Askine Atkins Thomas Askaine 29 Stephen Wight Stephen Wright Robert Willes Robert Mills 31 Thomas Benbrick Thomas Benbricke Thomas Benbraike Aug. 5 Patrick Patingham Patrick Packingham 14 Richard Smith Robert Smith Richard Smith 25 Elizabeth Folks Elizabeth Felks Sept. William Wright William White 4 Thomas Coo 5 Roger Coo 12 John Goreway John Gorey Oct. 17 Robert Pygot Robert Pyggot Robert Piggot 22 Gregory Packe Gregory Parke Nov. 2 Richard Mekings Richard Mekings Richard Mekins 5 Alice Potkins Alice Potkins Alice Perkins 21 Elizabeth Driver 22 Alice Driver “Tonlaeus capitali supplicio propter furtum violentum affectus.” P. 747. Ft425 See Foxe, new edit. vol. 7:p. 92, for the letter and proceedings. Ft426 “If master Cope cannot abide the lord Cobham, sir Roger Acton, Brown, and Beverley, who were hanged, as he saith for treason, to have the name of martyrs, then let them bear the name of witnessbearers of the truth, because they were also burned for the testimony of their faith; seeing there is no difference in the said names, all is one to me, by which they are called.” — Vol, 3. p. 385, new edit. Ft427 See Foxe, vol. 6:p. 615. Ft428 Vol. 1:p: 647, edit. 1684. Vol. 3. p. 348, etc. new edit, P. 351, vol. 3. new edition. Ft30 I may observe here that Foxe (p. 384, vol. in. new edit.) informs us that the English translation of his work from the Latin was made by others, while he was employed in preparing fresh materials for new editions. This may account for some errors which Mr. Maitland has pointed out: but as Foxe saw the translations, or at least published new editions, of his work, in which these translations were retained, he is justly to be deemed responsible for every error. Ft431 “As in the first beginning and preface of the said book of Acts and Monuments, I so diligently and expressly do warn all men beforehand, first that I make here no calendar purposely of any saints, but a table of good and godly men that suffered for the truth, to show the day and month of their suffering. My words be extant and evident, which are these, ' Neque veto ideo inter divos a me referuntur isti, quod inseruntur in calendarlum,' etc.; and declaring afterward, how the same calendar doth stand but instead of a table, my words do follow thus ' Haud Miter calendarlure hoc institutum est, nisi ut pro indite duntaxat suum cujusque martyris mensem et annum designante, lectori ad usum atque ad manure serviat.' “ — P. 386, vol. 3. Ft432 I am endeavoring to condense the meaning of the long paragraphs of Foxe. He is sometimes very diffuse and verbose. Ft433 P. 393, vol. 3. Ft434 “Nec mora longa processit, quin statutum publicum per omne regni concilium in publico emanavit edicto, quod omnes Wiclevistae, sicut Dei proditores essent, sic proditores regis, proscriptis bonis, censerentur et regni, duplici poenae dandi, incendio propter Deum, suspendio propter regem,” etc. — P. 396, vol. 3. Ft435 “To confirm the said sentence of Thomas Walden, it followeth also in another place of the aforesaid author, tom. 1:lib. 2:' De Doctrinali Fidel Ecclesiae Cathol.' cap. 46, where he writeth in these words, ' Et tamen jam cum regnare coepisset illustris rex Henricus V. qui adhuc agit in sceptris, et de eorum perfidia per catholicos bene doctos legem statui fecit, ut ubique per regnum Wiclevista probatus, reus puniretur de crimine laesae majestatis,' etc. That is, ' And yet when the noble king Henry V. who as yet doth live and reign, began first to reign, he began to set forth a law, by his learned catholics who were about him, against the falseness of these men; so that whosoever was proved to be a Wicklevist, through the whole realm, should be punished for a traitor,' etc. what words can you nave, master Cope! more plain than these? or what authority can you require of more, credit, who lived in the same time and both did see and hear of the same things done? “ — P. 396, vol. 3. Ft436 “O verus amicus! qua amico illatam injuriam sibi inferri consimiliter arbitratur, praejudicium illi intenturn reputat esse suum, et ad ejus onera conferenda, auxiliationis humeros supponere non veretur,” etc. — P. 397, vol. 3. Ft437 “In hoc etiam parliamento nobilitas regia hostes Christi sibi reputans proditores, volens dare intelligere universis quod ipse absque cujuscunque fluctuationis dubio, quamdiu auras hauriret vitales, verus et perfectus christianae fidei aemulator existeret; statuit et decrevit, ut quotquot ipsius sectae, quae dicitur Lollardorum, invenirentur aemuli et fautores, eo facto rei proditorii criminis in majestatem regiam haberentur.” etc. — Pp. 396, 397, vol. 3. new edit. Ft438 “Wicleviani veto dicebantur, quicunque id temporis Scripturas Dei sua lingua lectitarent,” For an interesting account of Wyatt, see Ainsworth's work on the Tower. Ft440 Especially in p. 749. Ft441 1552. Ft442 “Nefaria impietate.” P. 850, edit. 1684. Ft443 The book is an honor to the press, in type, clearness, and beauty. It was printed at Antwerp, at the press of Christ. Plantinus. Ft444 “Foxus apertissimi mendacii convincitur.” P. 753. Ft445 “Dum sacerdos de more hostiam attollebat, spectante populo, caniculum pedibus arreptum supra verticem ad sacramenti contumeliam erigebat.” Pp. 749, 861. Ft446 “Christum non esse mundi Redemptorem, Sed futurum mundi deceptorem.” Ft447 “Universos qui in nomine Christi crediderunt, in inferno damnatos.” P. 859. Ft448 “Habes jam tandem perversa Coubrigii dogmata, quae, cur Foxus reticuerit, veram, ni fallor, causam reddidi. Qui nullo modo ferendus, quod theologis Oxoniensibus, qui tam pie officio functi sunt, tam impie calumniatur, quasi falsis criminibus hominem innocentem circumventum obruerint.” P. 860. Ft449 P. 251, vol. 5:new edit. Ft450 In the reign of Henry VIII., 1538, who continued in communion with the church of Rome till his death. Ft451 P. 251, vol. 5. new edit. Ft452 P. 253, vol. 5:new edit. Ft453 vide supra. Ft454 Vol. 1.p. 797, edit. 1684; and vol. 3. p. 704, of the new edition. Ft455 Harpsfield condemns Foxe for calling Onley, “knight.” Foxe confesses he was in error, and calls Onley, “priest,” in the subsequent editions. See p. 705, vol. 3. new edit. Ft456 Parsons and Andrews (who wrote but fifteen years ago) gravely repeat the charge. Ft457 See Foxe's unanswerable reply to all the nonsense of his accuser. P. 707, vol. 3. new edition. Ft458 Second Part of King Henry VI. Act 1:Scene 4. Ft459 “Sceleratae historiarum depravationis.” P. 830. Ft460 Page 706, vol. 3 new edit. Ft461 Mendaeia is the word applied by Harpsfield, to describe the supposed errors of Foxe, p. 834. Ft462 impudens mendacium. Ft463 Parsons, vol. 4:Dee. 10. Ft464 Vol. 6:p. 364. Ft465 The fourth meaning of the word “Legend” in Johnson is — “ an incredible, unauthentic story.” Ft466 Vol. 2:pp. 8 — 17, edit. 1683; vol. 5:pp. 183-205. Ft467 See all the depositions in Foxe. Ft468 Burnet's History of the Reformation, vol. 1:pp. 21, 22. I might quote here Collier, Fuller, Oldmixon, and others, who all designate the death of Hunne murder, and rely upon the evidence of the coroner's inquest. Foxe indeed copies that evidence word for word, and refers to the bishop's registers as authority for the greater part of the story. Burnet and Strype have both attested that his account, when taken from such sources, is not to be doubted. Ft469 Pages 847-849. By an error of the printer in this sixth dialogue of Harpsfield, Page 847 follows Page 836. The mistake is not rectified throughout the book. Ft470 Vol. 4:Cal. Dec. 10. Ft471 Vol. 3. p. 473. Ft472 I add here Fuller's brief view of the case of Hunne: — “Richard Hunn, a wealthy citizen of London, imprisoned in Lollards' Towel for maintaining some of Wickliff's opinions, had his neck therein secretly broken. To cover their cruelty, they gave it out that he hanged himself; but the coroner's inquest sitting on him, by necessary presumptions found the impossibility thereof, and gave in their verdict, that the said Hunn was murdered. Insomuch that Persons hath nothing to reply, but, that the coroner's inquest were simple men, and suspected to be infected with Wickliffian heresies. But we remit the reader to Mr. Fox for satisfaction in all these things, whose commendable care is such, that he will not leave an hoof of a martyr behind him, being very large in the reckoning up of all sufferers in this kind.” — Fuller, book 5:p. (166). Ft473 “Quisquis,” says Augustine, “non habet caritatem, negat Christum in carne venisse.” Ft474 De Verbo Dei, lib. 1:cap. 9, p. 33, edit. Ingolst. 1586. Ft475 De Sanctorum Beatit. p. 1971, same edit. Ft476 Opp. 5:49, edit. Cleriei. Ft477 See Le Bas's Wycliffe, p. 309. Ft478 I write from memory; but if the reader will refer to the accounts, he will find I am generally correct. Ft479 See the martyrdoms of Spicer, Denny, and Poole. Ft480 Jactitabant se nullos in igne dolores sensisse. Ft481 Vol. 3. p. 801, col 1, edit. 1684; vol. 8:p. 628, new edit. Ft482 “Videor mihi videre Babylonicam hanc turrim per haereticos arroganter constructam, dispersis vanis et insolentibus aedificatoribus, collapsuram,” etc. P. 999. “In catholicae ecclesiae unitate, mi Critobule, vive, vale, flore.” P. 1002. Ft483 “So saying, through each thicket dark and dry, Like a black mist low creeping, he held on His midnight search,” etc. — Paradise Lost, b. 9:line 179, etc. There is a very pretty, or elegant thought in the lines to which I refer. They are printed at the end of Laurence Humfrey's Life of Jewell (4to. London, ap. John Day, 1573). Fortune, nature, grace combined to bestow their various excellences on Jewell. Fortune gave him honors. Nature gave him accomplishments; but these gifts were mortal, and have perished with him in the dust. Grace gave him gifts more excellent, more divine, and with his soul, immortal. Ft485 See the examination of Thorpe, vol. 1:p. 610, col. 2, ed. 1683; vol. in. p. 269, new edit. Ft486 I omit the references to Foxe as an undoubted historical authority, which are to be found in Strype (Memorials, vol. in. folio edition), with the testimony of that writer to his accuracy, p. 401; his diligence, p. 458; the citation of Foxe's MSS. pp. 60, 79, 102, 104, 138,259, 273, App. pp. 66, 19, 28, 91, etc.; the specification of his materials, pp. 66, 145, 157; his impartiality, p. 258, etc. Strype's Memorials ought to be in the possession of every student. Ft487 Vol. 1:p. 143, edit. 1683. Ft488 Vol. 1 p. 145. col. l, edit. 1683. Ft489 Vol. 1:p. 146, edit. 1684. Ft490 Vol. 1.p. 166, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p. 44, new edit. Ft491 Vol. 1.p. 181, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p. 78, new edit. Ft492 Vol. 1:p. 189, edit. 1683. Ft493 Vol. 1:p. 192, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p. 51, etc. new edit. Ft494 Vol. 1:p. 211, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p. 150, new edit. Ft495 I commend to the modern apologists of this sainted traitor, vol. 1:p. 255, col. 1, edit. 1683: vol. 2:pp. 250, etc. new edit. Ft496 Vol. 1:p. 257, col. 2, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p. 257, new edit. Ft497 Vol. 1:p. 283, edit. 1683; vol. 2:p.322, new edit. Ft498 Vol. 1:pp. 287, 887, col. 1:edit. 1683. Ft499 Vol. 1:pp. 571,563, 531, etc. edit. 1683; vol. 2:pp. 131, 192, 226, etc. new edit. Ft500 Vol. 2. ed. 1683, in pp. 4 et seq. 212, 217, 225,235, 239, 246, 247, 260, 203, 485, 486; vol. 5:p. 399, new edit. Ft501 Pp. 22 et seq. 195, etc.; vol. 5:p. 454, etc. new edit. Ft502 Pp. 497-509, 531,532; vol. 5:pp. 648, 649, etc. new edit. Ft503 Vol. 2:p. 182, col. 2, ad fin. edit. 1684; vol. 4:p. 560, new edit. Ft504 Vol. 2:p. 183; vol. 4:p. 561, new edit. Ft505 Page 184; vol. 4:p. 566, new edit. Ft506 Page 512, ex regist, et instrumentis a Scotia missis. See also pp. 528, 529; vol. 5:p. 625, new edit. Ft507 From a MS. in Foxe's own possession. Ft508 Pages 279, 280; vol. 5:pp. 71-73, new edit. Ft509 Page 202.; vol. 4:pp. 600-608, new edit. Ft510 Page 250; vol. 4:p. 706, new edit. Ft511 Page 307; vol. 5:p. 131, etc. new edit. Ft512 Page 315; vol. 5:p. 150, etc. new edit. Ft513 Page 215; vol. 4:p. 628, new edit. Ft514 Page 428; vol. 5:p. 421, new edit. Ft515 Page 393; vol. 5:p. 312, etc. new edit. Ft516 Page 407; vol. 5:p. 340, etc. new edit. Ft517 Pp. 89, 90; vol. 4:pp. 369, 371, new edit. Ft518 Page 185; vol. 4:p. 594, new edit. Ft519 Page 477, col. 1, and p. 476, col. 2. Ft520 Vol. 3. p. 16, edit. 1684; vol. 6:p. 395, new edit. Ft521 Vol. 3. p. 25; vol. 6:p. 414, new edit. Ft522 Vol. 3. p. 33; vol. 6:p. 433. new edit. Ft523 Vol. 3. p. 34; vol. 6:p. 434, new edit. Ft524 Vol. 3. p. 39; vol. 6:p. 445, new edit. Ft525 Vol. 3. p. 55; vol. 6:p. 470, new edit. Ft526 Vol. 3. p. 74; vol. 6:p. 532, new edit. Ft527 Vol. 3. edit. 1683, pp. 86, 87; vol. 6:p. 563, new edit. Ft528 Vol. 3. pp. 89-91; vol. 6:pp. 568-574, new edit. Ft529 Vol. 3. p. 92; vol. 6:p. 577, new edit. Ft530 These are Foxe's words spoken of Rogers; other prisoners also gave their papers. Vol. 3. pp. 98. 103, 107, 110, 111,114, 115; vol. 6:pp. 591 — 636, new edit. Ft531 Foxe. See the beautiful character given of Hooper, p. 120, vol. 3.; vol 6:p. 637, new edit. Ft532 Page 121; vol. 6:p. 640, new edit. Ft533 Page 123; vol. 6:p. 644, new edit. Ft534 Page 129; vol. 6:p. 659, new edit. Ft535 Pages 140, 141; vol. 6:p. 685, new edit. Ft536 Pages 459-499; vol. 7:pp. 681-711, new edit. Ft537 Page 563; vol. 8:p. 91, new edit. Ft538 Pages 599-615; vol. 8:p. 171, new edit. Ft539 Pages 155, 208; vol. 5:p. 715, new edit. Ft540 Page 184, col. 2. Ft541 Page 178; vol. 7:p. 26, new edit. Ft542 Pages 255-301; vol. 7:pp. 196-268, new edit. Ft543 Page 368; vol. 7:p. 424, new edit. Ft544 Page 386; vol. 7:p. 473, new edit. Ft545 Page 185; vol. 7:p. 39, new edit. Ft546 “Seeing,” says Foxe, “we have his own testimony concerning his whole life and doings,” p. 301; vol. 7:p. 287, new edit. Ft547 Page 416; vol. 7:p. 540, new edit. Ft548 Vol. iii. p. 549; vol. 8:p. 54, new edit. Ft549 E.g. pp. 591,629, 637, etc.; vol. 8:p. 159, etc. Page ; vol. 8:p. 315, new edit — Case of Gratwick; and p. 672; vol. 8:p. 334, new edit. — Narrative of the Trouble, etc. of Richard Woodman. Ft551 See the case of Ralph Allorton, p. 705; vol. 8:p. 406, new edit. Ft552 Strype's Annals, vol. 1:p. 310; Oxford, 1824. Ft553 Annals of Elizabeth, p. 558, 8vo. ed. Ft554 Fuller's Church History, book 8:p. 16. Ft555 Fuller, p. 231, book 5. Ft556 Hist. of the Reformation, Preface. Ft557 Annals, vol. 1:p. 376. Ft558 Strype's Annals, vol. L p. 377. In vol. 2:p. 44, Strype calls Foxe a “grave, learned, and painful divine.” Ft559 Oldmixon, History of the Reformation, pp. 336, 337, folio, London 1739. Ft560 Lives of Wiclif and Pecock, Preface, p. 13. Ft561 Wordsworth's Ecclesiastes Biography, Preface, pp. 21, 22; London, 1818. Ft562 Soames's History of the Reformation, vol. 4:pp. 721, 722; London, 1828. Ft563 Lectures on Modern History. Professor Smythe, vol. 1.p. 252. London, 1840. Ft564 Ibid, vol. 1:p. 263. Ft565 Reminiscences of a Literary Life, by the Revelation Thomas F. Dibdin, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE OF FOX Ft566 Harl. MSS. 416, art. 99, fol. 158. It must he observed that the letter hears an endorsement in a different hand : — "To my verie good friend Mr. John Foxe in Grub Streete." This endorsement, however, is inconsistent with the contents of the letter. Chare Thoma. Garbrand Herks was a native of Holland, and a bookseller, living in St. Mary’s parish in Oxford. See Wood’s Athenae Oxon. VoL I. p. 241. Ed. 1721. —AUBREY. Ft569 Palmer was a Fellow of Magdalen College, and burnt at Newbury, in the reign of quaen Mary. —AUBREY. Over the last clause the following words are written in the MS : — “ idque rectissime meo judicio factum” — and a caret after “Quod.” —\parED. Hieronymi Osorii de Justitia: Libri Decem. 4to. Venet. 1564. A copy of this work, which, is not mentioned by Walch, is in the British Museum. The same author also wrote a curious work “in Gualterum Haddonum, magistrum Libeliorum suppUcum apud clarisstream principem Helisabetham Angliae, Francine, et Hiberniae, reginaro, printed at Lisbon, 1567.” Ft572 The “Portesse” was the breviary, which contained not only the office of the mass, but all the services except the Form Marriage. See Ellis’s “Original Letters,” as quoted in Mr. Russel’s Notes on Tyndale’s Works, p. 496; London 1831. See also infra, p. 303 note (3.) —ED. “This work, which was composed by Jacobus de Voragine, archbishop of Genoa, is rightly called by Wharton ‘an inexhaustible repository of religious fable;’ and such was the almost sacred light in which it was considered abroad for upwards of two centuries, that the learned Claude d’Espence, in the year 1555, was obliged to make a public recantation for calling it ‘Legenda Ferrea!’ The popularity of the work in the fifteenth century is sufficiently attested by the great number of editions of it which were printed in the Latin, Italian, Dutch, German, and French languages. Pawzer enumerates upwards of seventy editions in the first language; eight in the second; fourteen in the third; five in the fourth; and three in the fifth.” Dibdin’s Typograph. Antiquities, vol i.p. 190, upon Caxton’s English edition of 1483. Melchior Canus, bishop of the Canaries, has also spoken very freely of the Lives of Saints which were in general circulation in his time (1562); and declares that he could not meet with one collection, which was passable; and with regard to the compiler of the “Legenda Aurea,” “wherein,” he writes, “you may read of monsters rather than of true miracles; he who wrote this was a man of a brazen face, and a leaden heart.” “Loci Theolog.” lib. 11:cap. 6. p. 267, edit. Venet. 1759; or White’s “Way to the true Church,” Section 42, digres. 44, 7, where this testimony, and much more, is quoted to the same effect; Crashaw’s “Sermon preached at the Crosse,” (Lond. 1609,) p. 154. —ED. Ft574 Our author found the advantage afterwards of having anticipated the objections to his Calendar: see infra, vol. 3 p. 385, etc. —ED. Ft575 Plutarch. “de Gloria Athen.” A Latin version may be seen in Plin. “Hist. Nat.” lib. 35 cap. 9; or Section 36. —ED. Ft576 This address is reprinted from Foxe’s rare and valuable edition of 1563. Ft577 Camarina, a Sicilian lake, drained contrary to the advice of Apollo (as the ancients supposed), whence a pestilence ensued: the lake, however, cannot be drained, as it lies below the level of the sea. Luther makes a similar metaphorical use of Lerna, the Grecian lake, infra, vol. 4 p. 675, art. 4. “Camarinam movere” or “tentare,” means to make a hazardous attempt. Foxe uses this phrase in the Latin edition (Bas. 1559), p. 4. “Ac quoniam sine magna perturbatione videbat tam periculosam Camarinam tentari haud potuisse, nec subito revelli posse, etc.,” translated infra vol. 2 p. 796, “this dangerous meddling could not be attempted or stirred,” etc. —ED. Ft578 See infra, vol. iii. p. 239, 400. —ED. Ft579 Petrus Paulus Vergerius was bishop of Capo d’Istria, and many years a confidential agent of the court of Rome. Being suspected of an inclination towards Lutheranism, he retired to Germany, intending to clear himself from the imputation by writing a book “Against the Apostates of Germany.” In prosecuting this intention, his eyes were opened, and he became a zealous protestant. He wrote many treatises against popery, but few are extant, owing to their having been destroyed as much as possible by the church of Rome. He died Oct. 4, 1565. His works were about to be collected and published at Tubingen, but only tom. 1 appeared, in 1563. The treatise alluded to by Foxe is included in that volume, and is intituled “Postremus Catalogus haereticorum [librorum] Romae confiatus 1559, continens alios quatuor Catalogos qui post decennium in Italia, necnon cos omnes qui in Gallia et Flandria post renatum evangelium, fuerunt editi: cum annotationibus Vergerii.” His own dedication of it is dated “Tubingae, die 12 Sept. 1559.” At p. 266, Vergerio enters on the topic of the persecution of the protestants thus — “Cum 40 fluxerint anni a renovato evangelio, horum regnorum et provinciarum fere omnium patres-familias aut sunt extincti aut oblivioni tradiderunt vestros corruptissimos cultus; successit vero alia aetas, quae longe diversam ac multis magnisque in rebus omnino contrariam doctrinam et disciplinam, hoc est sinceram, hausit.” Afterwards, at p. 267, he goes on, “Postremo, quantus est numerus nostra aetate, non modo eorum qui Mortis, Carcerum, atque Triremium, sed etiam qui exiliorum tulerant, et ferunt etiamnum, martyria. Qui jam migrarunt ad Dominure Deum nostrum per vestra, inquam, martyria sunt ferme millia centum; atque hi ipsi sunt de quibus Scriptura ait, Vidi sub ara, etc. (Revelation 6:9, I0.)” Foxe says in the text (supposing the text not corrupt) “forty or an hundred years,” apparently doubtful as to the meaning of “aetas”; it seems pretty clear, however, that Vergerio did not intend it to embrace more than the years “a renovato evangelio.” —ED. Ft580 Vergerio, ut supra. —ED. Ft581 Idem. —ED. Ft582 Hor. Ep. lib. 1. 18. —ED. Ft583 The first edition, London, 1563. —ED. Ft584 Orat. 2: pro Roscio, cap. 20. —ED. Ft585 Plin. 35:cap. 10. Ft586 See infra, vol. 2:pp. 455 — 509, 472, and vol. 4:pp. 143, 144.—ED. Ft587 “Lightly,” i.e . commonly, usually. Todd’s Johnson. See Infa, p. 380, note (1). —ED. Ft588 Respecting the foregoing worthies, see infra, pp. 349 — 353, 363, 364, 376; and vol. 2 p. 30. —ED. Ft589 See vol. 5 p. 280. —ED. Ft590 AEneas Sylvius saith, that Matilda made the pope heir of those lands which are called the patrimony of St. Peter. Ex Aventino, lib. 6. See infra, vol. 2 116 — 120. —ED. Ft591 For more about these worthies see infra, pp. 350 — 353, 355, 358, 359, 368; and vol. 2 50 — 54, 62, 65, etc. —ED. Ft592 See infra, vol. 2 pp. 67, 68. —ED. Ft593 This was in the year 1212 — but the bp. of Strasburg was the more immediate executioner: vide “Mutii Chron.” lib. 19 apud “Rerum Germ. Scripp.” tom 2 p. 809. Ratisbonae, 1726. —ED. Ft594 The title of this work, which may be seen more at length in “Sagittari Introduct. in Hist. Eccles.” (tom. 2 p. 113, and tom. 1 p. 95,) is “De Germanorum prima origine, moribus, institutis, etc.” Auct. H. Mutio. Basil. 1539. —ED. Ft595 Extravagant [Alexandri IV.] cap. “Non sine multa.” [This Extrav. of pope Alexander IV. is given by Bzovius, “Annal. Eccl. post Baron.,” sub an. 1257, Section 5, dated Lateran. III. Cal. Apr. pont. nostri an. 3. See infra, vol. 2 p.752. —ED.] Ex Nicol. Eymerico. [Many of the presumed heretics here mentioned find a place in his work entitled “Directorium Inquisitorum Nicolai Eymerici, cum Commentt. Ft. Pegnae:” Romae, 1587. Pp. 248, 254, 265, etc. —ED.] Alb. Crantzii [Saxonia, lib. 8 c. 16.—ED.] He is mentioned in “Genebrard’s Chronology,” p. 670, Edit. 1599. —\parED. Ft599 By Matthew Paris, p. 876. Edit. 1640. —ED. Ft600 Rather “Janduno.” See “Oudin de Script. Eccles.” tom. 3 col. 883.—\parED. Ft601 In Flacius Illyricus, from whom all of the witnesses in this and the next paragraph are borrowed, it is “Eudo.” See “Cat. test. verit.;” col. 1665. Edit. 1608. Foxe himself also reads “Eudo,” infra vol 2 p. 706.—\parED. Ft602 Ex Joan. Aventino, lib. 7. Extravagant. cap. “Licet infra doctrinam.” Ex bullis quibusdam Othonis Episc. Herbipolensis. Ft603 Extravagant. Iohan. 22. Ex Joan. Froisard. vol 1 cap. 211. Ft604 Ex Trithemio.; Ex bulla Gregorii. cap. 11; Ex Illyrico. Ft605 The same person as Rochtaylada, just before mentioned. —ED. Ft606 Henricus de Hassia was vice-chancellor of Paris, canon of Worms, and finally professor of theology at Vienna, where he died, from 1384 to 1397. The letter, which appears in vol. 3 p. 189 of the present edition of Foxe, is assigned to him by Fabricius (Bibliotheca mediae et inf Latinitatis, tom. 2 p. 219. Edit. Patavii, 1754). —ED. Ft607 Gaspar Bruschius Egranus:” De omnibus Germaniae Episcopatibus Epitomes,” lib. primus. Archiep. Moguntinum comprehendens; 8vo. Norimb. 1549: see a long list of his writings in Gesneri Bibliotheca, p. 256, edit. 1583; also Sagittarii Introd. in Hist. Ecclesiastes tom. 1 p. 498. —ED. Ft608 Dist. 2 Quaest. 1. [John Bacon, alias Baconthorpe, praeceptor to Armachanus, mentioned infra, vol. 2 pp. 749, 782. He wrote, in 1321, “Commentaria seu Quaestiones in 4 libros Sententiarum.” (Bale, Cave.) —ED.] The contents of this and the preceding paragraph will be found amplified infra, vol. 2 pp. 301, 349, 350, 509-534, 613-640, 705- 711,727, 752-782. —ED. Thomas Oclefe, the poet, was born 1370, and flourished 1410. He was a pupil of Chaucer, which will account for his espousing Wickliff’s doctrines: see what Foxe says of Chaucer and Gower, vol. 2 p. 357, and vol. 4 248. Foxe mentions Ocliff again infra, vol. 2 p. 791: see note in the Appendix on that passage. —ED. Ft611 Stat. in anno 5, Rich. II. A.D. 1382. Ft612 Stat. in anno 2, H. IV. cap. 15,. A.D. 1401. Ft613 Ex literis Archiepisc. Cant. ad Martin. V., A.D. 1422. Ft614 See infra, vol. 4 p. 257. —ED. The year in which Foxe published his second edition. Ft616 See infra, vol. 4 p. 262. —ED. This short piece is given as it stands in the third edition of 1570, two or three expressions only being altered according to the first edition of 1563. —ED. Ft618 Cicero, “De Natura Deor.” lib. 3 cap. 34. —ED. For particulars upon this, among other schemes, for lessening and keeping down the members of the reformed church in France. see “Hist. Ecclesiastes des Englises reformees au Royaurae de France.” Anvers, 1580, vol. 2 pp. 1-3; or “Recueil des choses memorables avenues en France sous le regne de Henri II., Charles IX., etc.” p. 148; also Laval’s History of the Reformation in France; book 4 Section 10. —ED. Ft620 This freedom from molestation is admitted by all the sects in the church of Rome, including the Jesuits: “thus” (to use Watson’s words) “these great emperor-like Jesuits do speak to her majesty: ‘In the beginning of thy kingdom thou didst deal something more gently with catholics; none were then urged by thee, or pressed either, to thy sect, or to the denial of their faith. All things indeed did seem to proceed in a far milder course: no great complaints were heard of: there were seen no extraordinary contentions or repugnancies; some there were that, to please and gratify you, went to your churches. But when afterwards thou didst begin to wrong them,’ etc. ‘And when was that, our great monseigneurs? Surely whensoever it was (to answer for you) we ourselves—certain catholics of all sorts —were the true causes of it.’” See Watson’s Important Considerations, p. 40, edit. Lond. 1831. —\parED. Ft621 See infra, p. 288 of this volume, note (2). —ED. Ft622 Of these forty-two months, and the exposition thereof, read after. Ft623 Ex Platina in Vita Gregor. VII. [He thus calls upon the apostolical choir to second his assumptions: “Agite igitur apostolorum sanctissimi principes, et quod dixi, vestrae, auctoritate interposita, confirmate, ut omnes nunc demum intelligant, si potestis in coelo ligare et solvere; in terra quoque imperia, regna, principatus — et quicquid habere mortales possunt — auferre et dare vos posse,” etc.; fol. 180, edit. Lugduni, 1512. A somewhat different turn is given to this address by the author cited in Bower’s “Lives of the Popes,” (vol. 5 p. 280,) Paulus Bernriedensis. —ED] Ft624 See Infra, pp. 7, 8 of this volume:—ED. MATTERS ECCLESIASTICAL “Namely” is continually used by Foxe for especially . — ED . Ft626 These observations compose the opening paragraph of the Second Edition of the Acts and Monuments. London: 1570. — ED. Ft627 Cicero, De Orator. lib. 2. c. 15. Ft628 See note in the Appendix . a1 —ED. Ft629 See note in the Appendix . a2 —ED. Silvester I. was the thirty-second bishop of Rome, and was elected to the pontifical chair in the room of Melchiades, Jan. 31, A.D. 314. In his time were held the famous councils of Aries and Nice. Euseb. Hist. lib. 10. c. 5, and Vit. Const. lib. 3. c. 6. Ft631 “AEquivoce;” that is, in name only, and not in very deed. Ft632 “Univoce;” that is, both in name and also in definition and effect, agreeing with the name. Ft633 For an explanation of the logical terms here and elsewhere used, see the Appendix . a4 —ED. Ft634 See note (4), p. 4, supra . a5 — Ed. Ft635 Wernerus Rolwink, a monk of the Carthusian order, has reckoned the schisms in the Romish church at twenty-three, and they have been treated, at some length, in “Theodorici a Niem. Pontif. quondam scribae hist. sui temporis libri 3;” Argent. 1609. See also Geddes’ “Tracts,” vol. 3, Lond. 1706; and Bishop Stillingfleet “On the Idolatry practiced in the Church of Rome,” ch. 5. There is a notice of Rolwink in “Oudin. Comment. de scripp. eccles.” tom. 3. col. 2738, and in “Fabricii Biblioth. medii aevi,” vol. 6; and his chronicle is included in the collection of “Scriptores rerum Germanic.” by Pistorius, as re — EDited by Struvius (Ratisbonae, 1726); tom. 2. p. 393. —ED. Ft636 This passage on the sources of revenue to the papal court is taken from a work of Carolus Molinaeus, an eminent French civilian, entitled “Commentarius in Edictum Henrici Secundi, contra parvas datas,” etc., first written in Latin in 1551, and ten years after in French. In fact, the greater part of what Foxe says on the Life, Jurisdiction, and Title of the bishops of Rome has been culled from that work. Collation with the original has detected several blemishes in Foxe’s translation, which have been removed. a6 —ED. Ft637 “Elective benefices” are explained by Car. Mol. to be those which were not rated in the pope’s books, and whose annual income was between 12 and 24 ducats. —ED. Ft638 That is, when the incumbent dies in Rome, or within twenty leagues of it, though it be only by accident that he was there. The pope nominates to all benefices vacant in Curia Romana, excepting those of the neighboring bishoprics. —ED. Ft639 Episcopi Nullitenentes, or Portatiles, or Vagantes, were such as had no diocese, but were appointed to extraordinary services. See Ducange’s Glossary, 5 Episcopus. Ft640 Nicen. Con. can. 6. Vide infra, p. 31. Ft641 Ex Aimonio de gestis Francorum, lib. 5. cap. 33. Ft642 Ennead 8. lib. 6. Ft643 See Molinaeus, tom. 4. p. 357 —ED. Ft644 He took his election from Theodosius, exarch of Ravenna. Vid. Platin. vit. Conon. Ft645 “De ordinatione episcopi: nullus invitis detur episcopus; cleri, plebis, et ordinis consensus et desiderium requiratur,” etc. — Rubrica de ordinatione episc. ex Caelestino Papa Dist. 61. Section 13; Dist. 63. cap. 26. “Cleri .” Ft646 Dist. 63. Section 34, “Sacrorum.” —ED. Ft647 Dist. 63. [Section 30. The copy in the “Corpus Juris Canonici” varies a little from that quoted by Foxe. Page 86. Edit. Paris, 1687. —ED.] “Omnes Romani uno consilio, et una concordia, sine aliqua promissione, ad pontiticatus ordinem eligerint.” — Dist. 63, cap. “Ego Ludov.” Ft649 Dist. 23. cap. 1. “In nomine Domini.” Ft650 G. Turonens. in Francorum historia, lib. 10. cap. 18. Ft651 [Causa] 16. quaest. 7. cap. [10.] “Omnes Basilicae.” Ft652 Can. 6. Ft653 Causa 9. quaest. 3. cap. 2. “Per singulas.” Ft654 “ Item, exactiones et onera gravissima pecuniarum, per curiam Romanam ecclesiae regni nostri impositas vel imposita (quibus regnum miserabiliter depauperatum existit) sive etiam imponendas vel imponenda levari aut colligi nullatenus volumus: nisi duntaxat pro rationabili, pia et urgentissima causa, vel inevitabili necessitate, ac etiam de expresso, et spontaneo jussu nostro, et ipsius ecclesiae regni nostri,” etc. [More evidence on this particular case may be seen, if desired, in Riveti Jesuita Vap. (Lug. Bat. 1635,) cap. 18. Section 4 and 5. — Ed.] a12 Institutiones Canonicae sub Ludovico Pio. [lib. 1. cap. 83, in “Karoli Magni et Ludovici Pii capitula sive leges eccles. ab Ansegiso collectae:” Paris, 1588. —ED.] “Res ecclesiae vota sunt fidelium, pretia peccatorum, et patrimonia pauperum.” [See note in the Appendix. —\parED.] “Viros sanctos ecclesiae res non vendicasse ut proprias, sed ut commendatas pauperibus givisisse.” Prosper de Vita Contemplativa, lib. 2. cap. 9. —ED. Ft657 “Quod habet ecclesia, cum omnibus nihil habentibus habet commune.” — Ibid. Aug. ad Bon. Epist. 185. Section 35. —ED. Ft659 As appeareth, Dist. 10. cap. 1 and 2; Dist. 97; [causa] 24, quaest. [cap. 6], “De illicita.” Ft660 See Jewel’s “Defence of the Apology,” part 4, chap. 7, div. 3. —ED. Ft661 [Decret. Greg. IX lib. 2] De Juramentis calumniae, [‘it. 7.] —ED. Ft662 Dist. 97. cap. 1. Ft663 Plat. in vita Euge, 2. Ft664 “Universos erudit, sive sacerdos sit ille, sive monachus, sive apostolus, ut se principibus subdant.” Ft665 “Quicunque antem legibus imperatoris, quae pro Dei veritate feruntur, obtemperare non vult, acquirit grande supplicium.” — Aug, ad Bonifacium. [Epist. 185. Section 8. Edit. Ben. 1688. —ED.] “In hoc enim reges, sicut eis divinitus praecipitur, Deo serviunt in quantum reges sunt, si in suo regno bona jubeant, mala prohibeant, non solum quae pertinent ad humanam societatem, verum etiam quae ad divinam religionem,” etc. — Aug, contra Cresconium, lib. 3. cap. 51. Ft667 “Hoc, inquit, officium rex se suscepisse cognoscat, ut sit in regno sicut in corpore anima, et sicut Deus in mundo,” etc. — Thom. Aquinas “de Regim. princip.” lib. 1. cap. 32. Ft668 “Dominus meus fuisti, quando adhuc dominus omnium non eras; ecce per me servum ultimum suum et vestrum respondebit Christus,” etc. — Greg, ad Mauric. Aug. lib. 3. Epist. 61. Ft669 [Causa] 23. quaest. 5. [cap. 20.] “Principes;” cap. [26.] “Administratores.” Ft670 Dist. 97. cap. [1.] “Ecclesiae,” cap. [2.] “Victor.” Ft671 Dist. 79. cap. 8. “Si duo.” Ft672 Causa 24. q. 3. cap. 6. “De illicita.” Ft673 Justinian. Novell. Const. 3. [Corpus Juris Canonici, Paris, 1628, tom. 2. whence the following references have been corrected. —ED.] Ibid. 5. Ft675 Ibid. 6. Ft676 Ibid. 16. Ft677 Ibid. 37. Ft678 Ibid. 58. Ft679 Ibid. 57. Ft680 Ibid. 59. Ibid. 67. Ibid. 83. Ft683 Ibid. 137. Foxe (copying Molinaeus) says thirty-three ; but see “Labbe,” tom. 4. col. 1403, with the title “xxxii. Episcoporum;” anno 511; and the Magdeburg “Centuriators,” (cent. 6. col. 244, edit. Basil. 1624). —ED. A.D. 511. —ED. See Labbe, tom. 7. col. 1231 — 71. —ED. “Rome” (in Foxe’s text) is a mere slip for Roan or Rouen, which is the reading in Molinaeus, who quotes Abbas Urspergensis, a chronicler of the 13th century: but Regino, abbot of Pruym, who published his chronicle about A.D. 900, says “Tours.” Also Labbe, Con. General. tom.7. col. 1239, and M. Westmon. p. 153, an. 813. —ED. Ansegis. Capit. lib. 1. cap. 20. Conc. Carthag. 3. c. 47. Labbe places this council under 397; tom. 2. col. 1165. —ED. “Episcopos monemus ut sive per se, sive per vicarios, pabulum verbi divini sedulo populis annuncient; quia, ut ait beatus Gregorius, iram contra se occulti judicis excitat sacerdos, si sine praedicationis sonitu incedit: et ut ipsi clerum sibi commissum in sobrietate et castitate nutriant: et ut superstitiones quas quibusdam in locis in exequiis mortuorum nonnulli faciunt, eradicent.” Ansegis., Capitul. lib. 1. cap. 82. Ft691 Ibid. lib. 1. cap. 109. —ED. Ft692 Ex Ansegiso, lib. 1. cap. 87. Ft693 Ibid. cap. 89. Ft694 Ibid. cap. 19. Ft695 Ibid. cap. 84. Ft696 Ibid. cap. 120. Ft697 Ibid. lib. 1. cap. 101, 107, 159. “De sacra Eccle.” Ft698 Justin. in Novel. 17. cap. 7. Ft699 “Ut si non frequentius, vel ter, laici homines communicent: nisi forte gravioribus quibusdam criminibus impediantur.” — Anseg. Capitul. lib. 2. cap. 45. The edition of Paris, 1588, reads, “in anno communicent.” —ED. Ibid. 2. lib. cap. 29. Ft701 “Ita et nunc suum robur propriumque vigorem obtineat.” — Dist. 10, cap. ult. “Vestram.” Decretum Ivonis Carnotensis, par. 4. cap. 181. [fol. L. edit. Basilleae, 1499. —ED.] Causa 2. quaest. 7. cap. 41. “Nos si incompetenter.” [See also Decretum Ivonis, par. 5. cap. 22. —ED] Ex regist, antiquarum constit, chart, 26. Ft704 Ex Molinaeo in Commentariis. [Molin. Opera, Par. 1681, tom. 4. pp. 308 — 9, Section 18, 19. Some clauses have here been interchanged, to render the history correct. —ED.] Ex Act. 5. univers, concil. Constantinop. anno 528; [518 in Labbe, tom. 5. col. 151. —ED.] “Summus orbis Pontifex, Stupor mundi.” Ft707 [Causa] 24. q. 1. cap. [18.] “Loquitur;” Dist. 50. cap. [35.] “De eo tamen.” cap 26. “Absit.” [There is no title of “Papa” given to Cyprian in the first of these references in the edit. of Paris, 1687. —ED.] Greg. Turon. Hist, lib. 2. cap. 27. —ED. Ft709 Ruffin. Hist. Eccles. lib. 2. c. 28. —ED. Ft710 Ex Epistola Pii II. 301. [See his Epistles, Lugduni, 1505, but in the collected works, (Basil. 1571,) the passage appears in Epist. 288, p. 802. “Ante Concilium Nicaenum, sibi quisque vivebat, et ad Romanam ecclesiam parvus habebatur respectus.” —ED.] Ex Epist. Pii II. 301. See Note (4) p. 39. Ft712 Ex concil. Nicaen. can. 6, 7. Labbe, Con. Gen. tom. 2. cols. 31 and 327. —ED. Ft713 Ex 1. concil. Constantinop. can. 3. Labbe, tom. 2. col. 948 —ED. Ft714 “ Ta< i]sa presbei~a tw~n qro>nwn, kai< th~v timh~v. ” — Ex concil. Constantinop. 2. cap. 26. Ft715 “ jEpisko>pouv tai~v uJperoriJoiv ejkklhsi>aiv mh< ejpie>nai, mhde< sugce>ein tajv ejkklhsi>av. ” — Ex concil. Constantinop. I. can. 2. [Labbe, tom. 2. col. 948. —ED.] “Ejusdem meriti et honoris et successores apostolorum.” Ft717 “ JOmotagei~v kai< ijsoti>mouv. ” Ft718 “ =Wste to Chalcedon. cap. 28. [Act 15. can. 28. p. 330, edit. Binii. 1618, or in Labbe, tom. 4. col. 770. “The modern Romanists do all they can to suppress or baffle this canon. The editors put a note before it that it is not in their Greek MSS.; but that is no wonder, since it has been long the design of their church to conceal this canon; but that such a canon was really made at Chalcedon is apparent, not only from the 16th Action, where it was read at large, and allowed by the whole council, and confirmed by the lay-judges, notwithstanding the opposition of the pope’s legates — but it is also found in all the Greek collectors, cited in Photius’s ‘Nomocanon,’ (written above 900 years ago,) and is also extant in the old Latin interpreter,” etc. See Comber’s “Roman Forgeries in the Councils,” (Lond. 1689,) part 3, p. 109; and Howel’s “View of the Pontificate,” (Lond. 1712.) p. 69. —ED.] “Quod excellentia Romani imperii extulit papatum Romani pontificia supra alias ecclesias.” — Ex Gabri. Biel [Gabrielis Biel “Sacri Canonis Missae Expositio,” 4to. Tubingen, 1499, Lectio 23. —ED.] “Nicena synodus hoc contulit privilegium Romano pontifici, ut sicut Romanorum rex Augustus prae caeteris appellatur, ita Romanus pontifex prae caeteris episcopis papa vocaretur.” — Ibid. Jure, non divino, sed humano.
Ft723 “Romanam ecclesiam non a concilio aliquo, sed a divina voce, primatum accepisse.”
Ft724 “Quod sit de necessitate salutis ut credatur primatus ecclesiae Rom. et ei subesse.” — Boniface VIII. Extrarag. de majoritat. et obedient. [lib. 1. tit. 8.] “unam.” A more accurate citation of this passage will be: “Porro subesse Romano pontifici omni humanae creaturae declaramus dicimus definimus et pronunciamus esse de necessitate salutis. Datum Laterani, Pontif. nostri anno 8.” See “Corpus Juris Canonici,” tom. 2. pp. 394, 395. In the life of Boniface, by Rubei, (Romae 1651,) the date is more particular, “14 Cal. Decemb.;” p. 102. This solemn affirmation has received the distinct applause of several eminent writers in the church of Rome, which may be seen in “Barrow on the Pope’s Supremacy,” pp. 8, 9, edit. Oxford, 1836. —ED.
Ft725 Sext. Decret. lib. 1. de elect, et electi potest, tit. 6, cap. 17, in prooemio glossae.
Ft726 Ex frat. Barth. et aliis.
Ft727 [Decretal. Greg. IX. lib. 1.] tit. 7. Section 3. De translat. Episc. “Quanto.”
Ft728 “Dist. 40, cap. [6] si Papa” [The conclusion of the sentence quoted by Foxe is, “nisi deprehendatur a fide devius,” which, in the present day, might be considered a great omission: but who is to judge him from whom there is no appeal? For we read in “Causa 9. quaest. 3, cap. 17,” the following decision, “Cuncta per mundum novit ecclesia, quod sacrosancta Romana ecclesia fas de omnibus habeat judicandi, neque cuiquam de ejus liceat judicare judicio.” A reforming member, however, of the church of Rome, John, bishop of Chiemsee, suffragan to the archbishop of Saltzburg, fully enters into this idea of the errability of a pope, so inconsistent to be held by a Latin priest: “At si papa, suae et fraternae salutis oblitus, tyrannus esse deprehenditur, aut inutilis, et remissus in suis operibus, a bono insuper taciturnus, officit sibi et omnibus: quoniam salus omnium ex ipso dependet, similiter et ejus perversitas in damnationem plurium cedit. Ideo perversus papa sine spe veniae condemnandus est, ut diabolus.” See “Onus Ecclesiae, auctor est Joh. Epis. Chiemensis,” etc. Colon. 1531, cap. 19. Section 4. —ED.] Ex concil. Nicaen. canon.
Ft730 “Secundum morem antiquum.” Dist. 65, cap. 6. “Mos antiquus.”
Ft731 Ex concil. Nicaen. canon. 4, 6, 7. Labbe, tom. 2. cols. 30, 31, 1595.
Ft732 [Most truly so: Blondel considers that the former was written A.D. 780. “Examen Epist. Decretal.” (Genevae, 1635,) p. 144; see also p. 336. —ED.] Dist. 22. cap. 2. “Sacrosancta.”
Ft734 This was rather a succession of councils, than one continued council. —ED.
Ft735 Foxe’s account of the affair of Apiarius has been made more accurate by a few changes in his text. See Appendix. —ED.
Ft736 “Ad comitatum,” to the imperial court, or camp. —ED.
Ft737 “Fumosum typhum seculi.” [See Labbe, tom. 2. cols. 1589, 1599, 1671, 1676; “Ad rationes Campiani respons. G. Whitakeri.” (Lond. 1581) rat. 7, pp. 131, 132; and Bp. Jewel’s “Replie to Harding,” art. 4, p. 198, edit. 1611. See also Mr. Gibbing’s preface to “An exact reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius.” Dublin, 1837, p. 82. —ED.] “Universalis autem, nec etiam Romanus Pontifex appelletur.” — Dist. 99, cap. 3, “Primae sedis epis.”
Ft739 Conc. Milev. II. can. 22, 24. See Labbe, Conc. Gem tom. 2. cols. 1542, 1667. —ED.
Ft740 “ Eij mh< meta< yhfi>smatov th~v prw>thv kaqe>drav tou~ ijdi>ou eJka>sthv cw>rav ejpisko>pou? tou~t j ejsti Ft741 “ ]Wste to Ft742 Ex Epist. Decret. Anicet. Step. Felicis.
Ft743 Dist. 80, cap. “Urbes,” et “loca,” ibid. cap. “In illis.”
Ft744 Epist. 3.
Ft745 [“Jam monuimus saeculo Anacleti Christianam ecclesiam nullos patriarchas agnovisse; idem de primatibus sentiendum. Prima primatum mentio habetur Conc. 2. Carthag. cap. 12. A.D. 390. (Valent. IV. et Neoterio Coss); et Concil. Sardic. cap. 6. num. 347. Erant antem inter Afros primates non soli Carthaginenses episcopi totius Africanae dioceseos rectores; sed antiquissimi singularum Afric. provinciarum episcopi; sive in metropoli sive alibi sederent. Vide Augustin. Epist. 217 et 261. Patriarchae nulli nisi inter haereticos, ad A.D. 380.
Hieronymo teste Epist. 54.” Which is then quoted with other evidence by Blondel, Examen. Epist. Decret. (Genevae, 1635), p. 127. —ED.] Cano. Apost. 24. Labbe, tom. 1. col. 29. —ED.
Ft747 “ TouJv ejpisko>pouv eJka>stou e]qnouv eijde>nai crh< to Can. Causa 9, quaest. 3, cap. 2, “Per singulas provincias.” —ED.
Ft749 Dist. 99, cap. “Anacletus.”
Ft750 Novella Justiniani 123, cap. 3.
Ft751 See supra p. 27.
Ft752 “ OiJ ti>nev uJpo< to Ft753 “ Eii]per ejpi>skopov ei]h oJ kathgorou>menov, to Ft754 “ Eij de< jkai< para< klhrikou~, h] a]llou oijoudh>pote prose>leusiv kata< ejpi>skopou ge>nhtai, prw~ton oJ mhtropoli>thv to< pra~gma diakrine>tw, kai< eij ti>v toi~v kekrime>noiv ajntei>poi, ejpi< to Ft755 “In illis autem civitatibus,” etc. Labbe, tom 1, col. 91. —ED.
Ft756 Art. 4, “Provinciae,” dist. 99, cap. “Nulli Archiepiscop.” [Anicetus is the bishop referred to in the Corpus Juris Canonici; but see Blondel (ut supra) pp. 15, 126, 202. Labbe, tom. 1. cols. 524, 528, 581. —ED ] Art. 6. [Epist. 2. See Labbe, tom. 1. col. 734, and Blondel, p. 336. —\parED.] Art. 12. Labbe, tom. 2. col. 852. —ED.
Ft759 Dist. 38, cap. 6, “Omnes.”
Ft760 “De pontificibus in summo sacerdotio constitutis.” Ex Concil.
Agathensi, can. 6. Labbe, tom. 4. col. 1383. Causa 12, q. 3, cap. 3, “Pontifices.” —ED.
Ft761 “Deus ergo, fratres, qui praeordinavit vos, et omnes qui summo sacerdotio funguntur,” etc. Causa 3, q. 1, cap. 6, “Deus ergo.”
Ft762 Ex Anaclet. Epist. prim. Labbe, tom. 1. col. 521. Causa 2, q. 7, cap. 15, “Accusatio.” —ED.
Ft763 Dist. 61, cap. 4, “Miserum.”
Ft764 Dist. 59, cap. 1.
Ft765 Ex Urban I. dist. 59, cap. 2, “Si officia.” [This chapter should be attributed to Zosimus, not to Urban. See Rom. Corr. in loc. —ED.] Ex Erasm. epist lib. 3. epist. 1, art. 73, [p. 119, Edit. 1540. —ED.] Ex quinta synodo universali, actione prima, cap. “Post consulatum.” [Foxe erroneously calls this the 5th General Council, which was indeed held at Constantinople, but not till A.D. 553, under the patriarch Eutychius; and he does not properly distinguish between John II. and John IV. his text has, accordingly, been somewhat altered here. In Labbe’s Concil. General. tom. 5. col 50, actio. 2, Menna is spoken of as aJgiwta>tou kai< makariwtatou ajrciepisko>pou kai< oijkoumenikou~ patria>rcou ; see also cols. 71, 81, 89, 97, 253. —\parED.] Labbe, ut supra, actio 5, cols. 157, 161, l80, 185. John II. was patriarch A.D. 517 — 520, Menna A.D. 536 — 552, John IV. A.D. — 595. L’Art de Verif. des Dates. —ED.
Ft769 Ex Pelagio, epist. 8. [apud Blondel examen, p. 638;] dist. 99, cap. 4, “Nullus.” Labbe, tom.5. col. 948.
Ft770 Ex Antonino, tit. 12. cap. 3. Section 13. Labbe, tom. 5. cols. 1184, 1185, 1269, 1273,1275,1276. —ED.
Ft771 “Neque enim quisquam nostrum se episcopum episcoporum constituit, aut tyrannico more ad obsequendi necessitatem collegas suos adigit,” etc. De Baptismo contra Donat. lib. 2. cap. 2. Section 3. —ED.
Ft772 Epist. 301. [See supra, p. 27, Note (5) —ED.] See note in the Appendix on Page 31.
Ft774 Illyricus, Tractatus “Contra Primatum Petri et Papae,” cap. 6. —ED.’
Ft775 Ex Antonino, tit. 12, capitul. 3. Section 3, 13. See also Labbe, tom. 5. col. 1184. —ED.
Ft776 Dist. 99, cap. “Ecce.” [Epist. 30. S. Gregorii, in tom. 2. p. 290 of “Epist. Decret. Romae, 1591.” See also Labbe, tom. 5. col. 1305. —\parED.] “Sed negari ibi aliquem posse esse universalem episcopum, sub eo sensu duntaxat, quod esset cujusque ecclesiae proprius rector, ita quod nullus alius esset episcopus,” etc. Foxe says by mistake, “the council of Calcedon and the emperor Justinian,” with neither of which was John IV. contemporary. —ED.
Ft779 Anton. Tit. 12, capitul. 3, Section 13.
Ft780 “Qui enim indignum te esse fatebaris, ut episcopus dici debuisses, ad hoc quandoque perductus es, ut despectis fratribus episcopus appetas solus vocari.” Labbe, tom. 5. col. 1191. —ED.
Ft781 A.D. 451. See Labbe, tom. 5. col. 1192. —ED.
Ft782 Pelag. II. epist. 8. [apud Blondel examen. Epist. Decret. p. 639.] “Quia videlicet si unus patriarcha universalis dicitur, patriarcharum nomen caeteris derogatur, sed absit hoc,” etc. Ex Epist. Greg. 36. lib. 4. [The same Epistle as is quoted supra p. 40. —ED.] “Ut et nulli subesse, et solus omnibus praeesse videretur.” Ex Epist.
Greg. 38, lib. 4.
Ft785 The second untruth is specified in p. 48 infra. —ED.
Ft786 “Non dominantes in clerum.” 1 Pet.
Ft787 “Vos autem non sic.” Luke 22.
Ft788 Vide Baldum, Consi. 169, lib. 3. secundum novam impressionem; et secundum veterem Consi. 359, lib. 1.
Ft789 Aug. in Praef. Psal. 103.
Ft790 Chrysost. lib. 2. “De Sacerd.” [p. 454, tom. 1. Edit. Paris, 1834. —\parED.] In Johan. Tract. 124, Prefat. in Psal. 108.
Ft792 De Trinitate, lib. 6. [Bas. 1550, pp. 102, 103. —ED.] “Omnes apostolorum successores sunt,” etc. Epist. ad Evagrium.
Ft794 Orosius; Tertul. lib. de Praescript. advers. Haeres.; Cypr. lib. 1. epist. 3; Hier. in Catal. et epist. 42.
Ft795 Canon, Apo. 13. 14.34; Con. Nicae. can. 15; Con. Antioch. cap. 3. 13.
Labbe, tom. 1. cols. 28, 32; tom. 2. cols. 36, 564. —ED.
Ft796 The first untruth was stated supra p. 43. —ED.
Ft797 Irenaeus, lib. 3. cap. 3; Amb. de Vocatione Gentium, lib. 2. cap. 16; [This work is now ascribed to Prosper, and is printed in his name.
Cave, Hist. Lit. A passage to our purpose is in Ambrose, Epistol.
Classis I. Ep. 11. Section 4. See also Rivet. Crit. Sac. lib.3. cap. 17. —\parED.] Aug. Epist.162. “Non sic,” saith Christ: “Quod sic,” saith the pope.
Ft799 “Ordo est parium dispariumque rerum sua cuique loca tribuens dispositio.” [Lib. 19. “De Civit. Dei,” cap. 13. —ED.] See Ruffinus’ Version of the Nicene Canons, given in note on p. 31 in the Appendix; also Beveregii, Annotat. p. 51, tom. 2. “Pandectae canonum.” Oxon, 1672. —ED.
Ft801 “Ne dum privatim aliquod daretur uni, honore debito sacerdotes privarentur universi.” Ex Registro Greg. lib. 4. epist. 32. [See supra, p. 39. —ED.] “Ne sibi debitum subtrahat, cum alteri honorem offert indebitum.” Ex Epist. 8. Pelagii II. dist. 99. cap. “Nullus.”
Ft803 “Quia si summus patriarcha universalis dicitur, patriarcharum nomen caeteris derogatur.” Ibid. Dia< to< basileu>ein th Ft806 See note Page 8 of this volume. —ED.
Ft807 See footnote (2) last page. —ED.
Ft808 Codex Justin. lib. 1. tit. 1. “De summa trinitate et fide cath.” [Corpus Juris Civilis, Par. 1628. tom. 2. col. 12; Labbe, Conc. Gen. tom. 4. col. 1743, 1745. This letter appears to be forged. —ED.] In Praef. in 4. Evang. Item Ep. 42. tom. 1. Item Ep. 41. tom. 2.
Ft810 Epist. 66, tom. 3. fol. 209. Edit. Paris, 1529. —ED.
Ft811 Ad Bonif. contra duas Epist. Pelag. lib. 1. cap. 1. Item lib. 2. De Bapt. cap. 1.
Ft812 Epist. commentar, in Pauli Ep. praefixa.
Ft813 Epist. ad Innocentium, tom. 10.
Ft814 “Princeps Latinis est idem ac primus; qua de re mox. Apud interpretes Graecorum patrum observavi hanc vocem persaepe esse positam pro Graeca ajrchgo Meminerit igitur lector, cum apud Graecorum patrum interpretes, Chrysostomi, Cyrilli, Eusebii, Hippolyti, aliorum, ocurrit ea dictio Petro attributa, in Graeco textu ejusmodi nomen extare, quod sine ulla ambiguitate primum in ordine significet, non eum qui caeteris dominetur. Exemplum unum afferam insigne. Eusebius Hist. lib. 2. cap. 14. Petrum appellat to Baronii,” p. 268. edit. Francof. 1615 —ED.
Ft815 Lib. 1. Offic. [Rather “Principe hujus memoriae philosophorum:” De Officiis, lib. 3. cap. 2. See also “De Natura Deorum;” lib. 2. Section 66. “Socrates princeps philosophorum.” —ED.] Taken apparently from Illyricus, “Cat. Test.” Goul. col. 271, whence Foxe’s text has been in several places improved. —ED.
Ft817 Euseb. lib. 10. cap. 5.
Ft818 See note in Appendix on Page 31.—ED.
Ft819 Socrat. lib. 2. cap. 15; Sozom. lib. 3. cap. 8.
Ft820 Lib. 10. Epist. 78. Ambros. ad Theophilum.
Ft821 Socrat. lib. 4. cap. 37.
Ft822 Sozom. lib. 6. cap. 22.
Ft823 Athanas. Apol. 2.
Ft824 Socrat. lib. 2. cap. 24.
Ft825 Sozom. lib. 7. cap. 4.
Ft826 Theodoret. lib. 5. cap. 23.
Ft827 If any one cares to examine into this well-grounded suspicion of these letters being “forged,” he may consult Blondel’s “Examen Epist.
Decretal.” pp. 430 — 433, etc. —ED.
Ft828 Theodoret. lib. 5. cap. 9, 10.
Ft829 “Arma militiae nostrae non sunt carnalia, sed spiritualia,” etc. Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:12.
Ft830 The majesty, which attached to this rank formerly, is thus spoken of by an Italian writer, and we quote it the more readily, as the existence of such pretensions and ideas is not, we imagine, much known in England; nor, we may add, much believed: — “Tanta est hujus dignitatis majestas, ut non cardinalis solum, velut sacrosanctus, absque sacrilegii culpa , tangi non possit , verum nec ille, qui ad capitale supplicium ducitur, si cardinali obviam factus, ejusque pileum aut vestem attigerit, (teste Baldo, quem alii, Barbatio et Albano testibus, communiter sequuntur) occidi nequeat.” — Anast. Germonii de Sacrorum immunitatibus; lib. 3. cap. 6. de Cardinalibus in Oper.
Romae, 1623. Nor were the privileges of the vestal virgins less in Pagan Rome; nay, a greater benefit was apparently derived by a criminal in meeting a vestal virgin, than in the other case of a cardinal:
JRabdoucou~ntai de< proi`ou~sai (aiJ parqe>noi ) , ka\|n ajgome>nw| tini< projv qa>naton aujtomatwv suntu>cwsin, oujk ajnairei~tai. “Plutarch. Vit. Numae,” Section 10. —ED.
Ft831 “Must,” sweet wine, fresh from the grapes. Perhaps it is in reference to the idea of freshness, that Foxe uses the term “verdour,” which otherwise might be thought a slip for “odour.” —ED.
Ft832 “Colligimus enim justificari hominem per fidem sine operibus legis.”
Ft833 “Sine operibus;” “absque operibus legis;” “non ex operibus, Dei donum est;” “secundum misericordiam;” “non ex operibus, ne quis glorietur.” Ephesians 2. “Non ex operibus justiciae quae fecimus nos, sed secundum propositum suum et gratiam,” etc. Titus 3:5. “Non secundum opera nostra,” etc. 2 Timothy 1:9. “Non justificatur homo ex operibus,” etc. Galatians 2:16. “Ei qui non operatur, credenti autem in eum qui justificat impium, fides imputatur ad justiciam,” etc.
Ft834 Such characters, as are here alluded to by Foxe, are not necessarily to be estimated according to the qualities for which their professed followers and eulogizers have most eagerly desired to honor them, and for which they have been most celebrated. The fictions of Romish hagiographers are quite notorious. Some Protestant writers have proposed to set aside all the peculiarities, miracles, and extravagances attributed to the heroes and founders of the various Romish orders, and have then claimed for them our approbation, or at least an absence of blame. ‘Let the Francises, the Anthonies, and the Dominics’ (say they) ‘be stripped of their variegated fooleries and juggleties, then they become such as in all probability they were, — reasonable men, and still very praiseworthy characters.’ We may charitably hope that this was the case with many of them. Protestants may then easily praise what they have themselves first purified, and helped to render respectable. But their professed admirers and followers, we apprehend, would then find nothing very attractive in them, and would strongly object to this mode of dealing with them: as it is these very peculiarities in their founders, which form the great boast of the different orders, and the ground for inducing persons to enter them. For an examination into the biographical representations of three eminent canonized Romish captains, we may refer to Zimmerman’s “De miraculis, quae Pythagorae, Apol. Tyan., Francisco Assis., Dominico, et Ignatio Loyolae, tribuuntur, libellus;” Duaci. 1734; and to “Ordres Monastiques — histoire extraite de tousles auteurs qui ont conserves ce qu’il y a de plus curicux dans chaque ordre;” 6 vols. Berlin, 1751.
The fourth chapter in Bishop Stillingfleet, “On the Idolatry practiced in the Church of Rome” will repay consultation. —ED.
Ft835 “Qui de evangelio Christi faciunt hominis evangelium, vel quod pejus est, diaboli,” etc. Hierom. in Epist. ad Galatians cap. 1.
Ft836 “Fides illa qua quis firmiter credit, et certo statuit propter Christum sibi remissa esse peccata, seseque possessurum vitam aeternam, non fides est, sed temeritas; non Spiritus sancti persuasio sed humanae audaciae praesumptio.” Ex Lindano, in epitome doctrinae evangelicae. [The passage will be found in a small collection, entitled “De M.
Lutheri et aliorum sectariorum doctrinate varietate opuscula,” etc. (Colon. 1579,) p. 277. —ED.] Hosius in 2. tom. Confessionis, cap. 1.
Ft838 Tho. Aquin.; Hosius in 2. tom. Confessionis, cap. 1.
Ft839 To< fro>nhma th~v sarko Ft840 “Salva omnes qui te glorificant.”
Ft841 See vol. 6. p. 381. —ED.
Ft842 It will be remembered that Transubstantiation was no point of faith till the Council of Lateran, in 1215. —ED.
Ft843 See vol. 2. p. 13 (note 1), and p. 645; also Bp. Hall, “Honour of the Married Clergy,” b. 1 Section 2; b. 3. Section 3. —ED.
Ft844 A “trental,” trigintal , or tricennal , was a service of thirty masses, rehearsed for thirty days successively, after the death of the party. It takes its name from the Italian “trenta ,” thirty . See Du Cange in 5. “Trentale ;” and Mr. Russell’s note, from which the above is extracted, vol. 1, Page553 of the “Works of the English Reformers; Tyndale and Frith:” London. 1831. —ED.
Ft845 Ex Thom. Moro et allis.
BOOK Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 1.
Ft847 Euseb. lib. 2. cap. 2: who quotes Tertul. Apol. cap. 5.
Ft848 Suetonius says “Nepotes.” They were the sons of Germanicus, who was Tiberius’s adopted son. “Nephew” is often, in Old English, used for “grandson.” See Nares’s Glossary. —ED.
Ft849 Suetonius in Vita Tiberii, cap. 61. —ED.
Ft850 Ex Suet. in Vita Tiberii, cap. 50, 51, 54, 55, 61.
Ft851 Rather “in whose reign.” —ED.
Ft852 Foxe says “Lyons;” on what authority, does not appear. —ED.
Ft853 Pilate was accused to Vitellius, governor of Syria, for cruelty to the Samaritans: in consequence of which he was sent to Rome, to answer for his conduct there: but Tiberius died just before he got there. So far Josephus, Antiq. lib. 18. cap. 4. Section 1, 2. Eusebius states (Hist.
Eccl. lib. 2. cap. 7.), that he fell into great troubles in Caligula’s reign, and that he died in despair, by his own hands, but without mentioning where: in his Chron. he places this event under the third year of Caligula. Baronius, in his Annals, records the death of Pilate under the same year, and adds, on the authority of Ado, archbishop of Vienne in Dauphiny in the ninth century, that he died at Vienne. M. Tillemont (L’Histoire des Empereurs, Ven. 1732, tom. 1. p. 432) follows this authority, and refers us for Ado’s words to Bibl. Patrum, tom. 7. p. 338. —ED.
Ft854 Joseph. Antiq. lib. 18. cap. 6.
Ft855 Suet. in Vita Tiberii, cap. 42. —ED.
Ft856 From the death of Augustus, August 19th, A.D. 14, Tiberius reigned 22 yrs. 6 m. 26 d. —ED.
Ft857 Joseph. Antiq. lib. 18. cap. 7, and Bell. lib. 2. cap. 9. —ED.
Ft858 Vid. Suet. in Calig. Section 49; also Gotfrid. Viterbiens. part 15, apud Rerum Germanicarum Scripp tom. 2. p. 253, Ratisbonae, 1726. —ED.
Ft859 Suet. in Vita Claudii. cap. 29 says, 35 senators and more than knights. —ED.
Ft860 Sueton. in Vita Neronis, cap. 32. —ED.
Ft861 St. Paul is supposed by some to have suffered martyrdom in the year 65; by others in 67. St. Peter obtained a similar honor in 66 or 67.
Several of Foxe’s dates hereabouts have been corrected from L’Art de Ver. des Dates. —ED.
Ft862 The dates in this Historical Summary are taken from L’Art de Verifier des Dates. —ED.
Ft863 More commonly called Caracalla, sometimes Antoninus. —ED.
Ft864 So says Eusebius in his Chronicon and (though more doubtfully) in his History, lib. 6. cap. 35. Elsewhere, with most of the ancients, he represents Constantine as the first christian emperor. It is doubtful whether Philip was a Christian at all. —ED.
Ft865 Ex libro “Historiae Ecclesiasticae quam Tripartitam vocant: ex tribus Graecis auctoribus, Sozomeno, Socrate, et Theodorito,” etc. [compiled and published by Cassiodorus, about A.D. 550, and extending from Constantine to Theodosius II. inclusive: it relates the death of Julian the Apostate, A.D. 363, in lib. 6. cap. 47, and the burning of Valens, A.D. 378, in lib. 8. cap. 15. It was published at Basil in 1539, with abridgements of Eusebius and Nicephorus, in a volume intituled “Scriptores Ecclesiastici:” Foxe may have used that volume in making this summary, for at p. 606 will be found the story of Basiliscus and Zeno, from Nicephorus; and most of the rest may be found in the selection of Eusebius. Basiliscus was deposed A.D. 477. —ED ] Hist. Eccle. lib. 2. cap. 9. ex Clement septima Hypotyposeon.
Ft867 This is occasionally rather indifferent ground to found any assertion upon, as the book of Dorotheus is thus characterised by Miraeus: “Sub nomine Dorothei Tyrii in Biblioth. vet. Patrum extat ‘Synopsis de vita et morte Apostolorum, Prophetarum ac Discipulorum Christi,’ quae plena est fabulis; ut Molanus, Baronius, Bellarminus et alii observarunt.” De Script. Illust. p. 5. Rivet confirms this by several instances, and is surprised, consequently, that Bellarmine (de Pontif.
Rom. lib. 2. cap. 4) should attempt, as he does, to support St. Peter’s Roman episcopate from such a source. “Dorotheus Presbyter passus est sub Juliano circa 363. Episcopum fuisse existimavit Sixtus Senensis , qui biblioth. lib. 4, ascribit eidem synopsin univ. Scripturae sanctae, in qua omnium librorum utriusque Testam. argumenta complexus est. Hanc interpretatus est Wolf . Musculus , et excudit Frobenius Basileae 1557 inter Eccles. Historiae auctores.” “Crit. sac.” lib. 3. cap. 13. There is a translation of Dorotheus in Hammer’s Eusebius, and his testimony in the present case seems to be admitted; see “Martyrolog. Rom. a Baronio,” Jan. 10. —ED.
Ft868 “Erroris arguitur et Dorotheus, dum in Synopsi hunc non Beroensem sed Bostrensem fuisse Episc. scribit.” Martyrol. Rom. auct. a Baronio, p. 173. Antv. 1579. —ED.
Ft869 Ex Dorotheo in Synops.
Ft870 Vide Appendix I. to Hieron. lib. de viris illustribus, p. 225 in the Biblioth. Eccles. of Fabricius, Hamb. 1718. —ED.
Ft871 See Fabricii “Codex Apocryphus N. T.” p. 689, edit. Hamb. 1719; and, with regard to the popular idea of his having been the apostle of India, Witsii “Miscellanea Sacra,” tom. 2. p. 352; or Hough’s “History of Christianity in India,” vol. 1.—ED.
Ft872 See the Magdeburg centuriators (cent. 1. lib. 2. col. 445, edit. 1624,) who, noting down this and other statements respecting Thomas, then remark, “sed certioribus testibus ista omnia destituuntur.” —ED.
Ft873 Foxe here confounds Thaddaeus, the apostle, with another Thaddaeus, one of the seventy disciples according to Eusebius, who (Hist. lib. 1. cap. 13; lib. 2. cap. 1) relates, from the Acts of the Edessene Church, Thaddaeus’s proceedings, and his planting that church under the favorable auspices of Abgarus the king. He died in peace at Berytus (hod. Beirout). He is commemorated as the Apostle of Edessa by the Greeks, in the Menaea, August 21st. See Baron. Martyrol., and Alban Butler, at October 28th. —ED.
Ft874 The assertions of Abdias are not considered to be well founded: vide Cent. Magdeburg. cent. 1. lib. 2. col. 449. See also Abdiae hist. certam.
Apost. lib. 6. Section 20. Fabricius, who has reprinted Abdias in his “Codex Apocryphus Nov. Test.” remarks (p. 630, edit. 1719,) with regard to the alleged place of martyrdom, “de civitate Persidis, cui nomen Suanir , altum apud veteres silentium.” Alban Butler thinks they were the Suani in Colchis, a dependency of Persia. — Foxe has confounded Simon Cananeus or Zelotes (for they were the same, see Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13), one of the apostles, with Simon, one of our Lord’s relatives, Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3.
This mistake is common, as well as that respecting the two Thaddaei.
See Baron. Martyrol. Oct. 28. A slight transposition has corrected the error. —ED.
Ft875 See Tillemont’s “Memoires a Hist. Ecclesiastique,” edit. Bruxelles, 1695, tom. 2. pt. 1, pp. 171 and 408. —ED.
Ft876 Ex Johan. de Monte Regali.
Ft877 Ex Hieron. in Catalogo Scrip. Eccles. [Appendix I. p. 224, in “Biblioth. Eccles. Fabricii,” Hamb. 1718. The next authority, the treatise “De duplici Martyrio,” is incorrectly assigned to Cyprian: “Cypriani non esse patet, quod in eo Diocletiani Imp. et belli Caesarei contra Turcas fit mentio.” Rivet. crit. sac. lib. 2. Section 15. —ED.] There is some mistake here: Jerome assigns no date whatever. —ED.
Ft879 The foregoing narrative is from the “Acta Martyrii S. Andreae,” a production ascribed to the presbyters and deacons of Achaia, but rejected by M. Tillemont, as of no authority. Ribadeneira quotes the work, in Vita S. Andr. —ED.
Ft880 The cross here is not taken for the material cross of wood, but for the manner of death upon the cross, which death was to him welcome.
Ft881 Ex Bernardo, Serm. 2, de Sanct. Andrea.
Ft882 As recordeth Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 24. 39; lib. 5. cap. 8 and 10; also Irenaeus, lib. 3. cap. 1; Item Hieronymus, in Catalogo Scrip. Ecclesiast.
Ft883 Lib. 7. Section 10. Julius Africanus is represented as the translator of Abdias; but as Sixtus Senensis and Vossius (de Hist. Gr. lib. 2. c. 9,) ask, “quomodo Abdiam eum latine transtulit Jul. Afr., quem Graecum fuisse scriptorem ex Eusebio et aliis constat?” See Fabricius, pp. 392, 397. —ED.
Ft884 Sophronius, in the Appendix to Jerome, before referred to, is better authority; Section 7. —ED.
Ft885 Ex Isido, lib. De Patribus Novi Testam.
Ft886 Hist. Eccl. lib. 2. cap. 23. Foxe’s translation has been revised from the Greek. —ED.
Ft887 Hegesippus, a converted Jew, the first ecclesiastical historian after the apostles, born about A.D.100, died about A.D. 180: he wrote five books of uJpomnh>mata tw~n ejkklhsiastikw~n pra>xewn —ED.
Ft888 Hegesippus (quoted by Euseb. lib. 4. c. 22.) explains the seven sects of the Jews to be the jEssai~oi, Galilai~oi, Jhmerobaptistai<, Masbwqai~oi, Samarei~tai, Saddoukai~oi, Farisai~oi. —ED.
Ft889 Ti>v hJ qu>ra jIhsou~ tou~ ejstaurwmenou ; Valesius explains “door” to mean, “the first rudiments, or the main principles, of Christianity.” —\parED.
Ft890 Chap. 3. [“Hic locus legitur in Esaia, cap. 3. dh>sw|men to Tryh. diserte testatur in edit. LXX. interpretum scriptum fuisse a]rwmen to Ft892 Dr. Hudson observes that Origen is the first who (by a mistake of memory) attributes this sentiment to Josephus; and that Eusebius and others have copied Origen’s blunder. Josephus (Antiq. lib. 20. cap. 8.
Section 5.) expressly attributes the ruin of his country to the anger of God at the murder of Jonathan the high-priest by the assassins.
Ft893 Joseph. Antiq. lib. 20. cap. 9.
Ft894 See Augustine “De civitate Dei,” lib. 18. cap. 52. —ED.
Ft895 “Alii ferro perempti; alii flammis exusti; alii flagris verberati; alii vectibus perforati; alii cruciati patibulo; alii demersi pelagi periculo; alii vivi decoriati; alii vinculis mancipati; alii linguis privati; alii lapidibus obruti; alii frigore afflicti; alii fame cruciati; alii truncatis manibus; aliique caesis membris spectaculum contumeliae nudi propter nomen Domini portantes,” etc. Aug. De civit. Dei, lib. 21. c. 6.
Ft897 “Nullus esset dies cui non ultra quinque millium numerum martyrum reperiri posset ascriptus, excepto die calendarum Januarii.” [On the number of martyrs, many passages are collected from the Fathers, and other writers, in “Basnagii Annales polit.” ad an. 96. Section 7. —ED.] “Usque adeo Ut videres repletas humanis corporibus civitates, jacentes mortuos simul cum parvulis senes, foeminarumque absque ulla sexus reverentia nudata in publico rejectaque starent cadavera.” — Histor. Eccl. lib. 2. cap. 26; [Eusebius, however, is describing Nero’s severity toward the Jews , not the Christians; and is quoting from Josephus, “De bello Jud.” lib. 2. cap. 18. Section 2. —ED.] Orosius, lib. 7. [cap. 7. —ED.] This date is not in Jerome. —ED.
Ft901 This report seemeth neither to come of Jerome, nor to be true in Peter. [See this assertion of Jerome’s disproved in “Essays on Romanism,” Seeley and Burnside. London, 1839, p. 183. —ED] Hieron. Catal. Scrip. Eccles.
Ft903 Abdias, lib. 1. [Hist. Apost. Section 16. —ED.] Pseudo-Abdias, bishop of Babylon, is supposed to have flourished in the beginning of the tenth century. His first editor had an extraordinary opinion of his excellence: “Wolfgangus Lazius, qui primum illum in lucem anno 1551 Basileae cum praefatione ampla protraxit, (unde postea etiam Parisiis, 1566 et Coloniae, 1569 prodiit) tanti eum fecit, ut dubitare se dicat, utrum ea in quibus cum Luca consentit hauserit ex hoc evangelista, an Lucas ea potius ex Abdia isto descripserit;” Vossius de Hist. Gr.; (quoted by Oudin. Script. Eccles. tom. 2. col. 419) who also states that the book was once condemned by Paul IV. for its ofttimes fabulous and mendacious narratives, an act (all things considered) somewhat ungracious; and for which reparation was afterwards made, by withdrawing the name from the Index Prohibitorius: see Yet more work for a Masse-Priest (Lond. 1622), p. 5. From Foxe’s residing so long as he did at Basle, he seems to have become acquainted with books, and introduced their contents into his Acts and Monuments, which under other circumstances would not have engaged his attention; nor, as in the present case, much deserved it. —ED.
Ft905 Hegesippus, lib. 3. De excidio Hierosol. cap. 2. [This is a different Hegesippus from that mentioned supra, p. 98, and lived after the time of Constantine. See Cave. —ED.] [There is a slight obscurity in these words, which will be removed by quoting the original: “ita Magus Caesaris animum obtinuerat, ut eum salutis suae praesulem, vitaeque custodem, remota ambiguitate confideret.” Vide Baronius, “Annales Eccles .” anno 68. Section 13. —\parED.] Euseb. lib. 3. Hist. Eccles. cap. 30. [quoting from Clemens. Alex.
Strom. 7. cap. 11. Section 63. —ED.] Not in the Greek, or the Latin version. —ED. In the Latin version, but not in the Greek. —ED.
Ft910 Foxe’s translation has been revised from the original Greek of Jerome. —ED.
Ft911 Abdias, Hist. Apost. lib. 2. Section 7. —ED.
Ft912 Some moderns appear so much disposed to put a value upon whatever the stream of tradition has carried down, that a few lines may be necessary in refutation of this tale. “Neque ullus ante Ambrosium scriptor ecclesiasticus loco sauguinis lac e Pauli cervice manasse scribit.
Argumento inauditum hoc patribus fuisse miraculum. Quin etiam dissentiunt inter se Chrysostomus atque Ambrosius, quod commenti novum est indicium. Martyrologia ipsa de eo miraculo silentium agunt” “Basnagii Annales politico-eccles.” (Roterod. 1706) ad an. 65, Section 17. —ED.
Ft913 This is a mistake. Jerome represents each as having suffered in the 14th or last year of Nero: see supra, pp. 100, 102, and Foxe’s next note. —ED.
Ft914 If this be true, which Prudentius recordeth of Paul, that he suffered under Nero and the year after Peter, then it is false which Jerome before testifieth, that Peter suffered the last year of Nero.
Ft915 See the extract from Jerome, supra, p. 102. —ED.
Ft916 Ex Orosio, lib. 7. [cap. 10. —ED.] Foxe is not quite correct in this assertion: see the extract from Eusebius in p. 108. —ED.
Ft918 Euseb. Eccl. Hist. lib. 2. cap. 12, 19, 20, 32, 35. —ED.
Ft919 This was probably Joachim Perionius, who wrote “Liber de rebus gestis vitisque Apostolorum,” Basil, 1552. There is a flourishing account of him in the Bibliotheca of Miraeus, “De Scrip. Eccles.” as re — EDited by Fabricius. p. 169. —ED.
Ft920 Isidorus, De Patribus Novi Testamenti.
Ft921 Jerome, “Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum.” Foxe’s text has by mistake “Eusebius” instead of Jerome. —ED.
Ft922 Foxe has stated Pertinax , although in the errata of the second edition he corrected it. Erasmus in a Scholium on this passage of Jerome observes, that Sophronius and some copies of Jerome read Pertinax . —\parED.
Ft923 If John died (as Jerome states) 68 years after our Lord’s passion, the statement of Foxe is very improbable, that he was then 120 years old; for that would make him 52 years old in A.D. 33, the date usually assigned to our Lord’s passion: whereas he is commonly supposed to have been younger than our Lord. The general expression “about one hundred” has, therefore, been substituted for Foxe’s “one hundred and twenty.” Several other dates hereabout (not in Jerome) have been corrected. See sup. p. 96, note (3), p. 100, note (5), and p. 102. —ED.
Ft924 Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 23.
Ft925 Iren. Contr. Heres. lib. 2. cap. 39, and lib. 3. cap. 39.
Ft926 That is Clement, quoted by Eusebius, lib. 3. cap. 23. Foxe’s translation has been revised from the original Greek of Clement, printed at Oxford, 1683. —ED.
Ft927 The Alexandrine Chron. says Smyrna. —ED.
Ft928 Gr. ejlpizome>nhv , Euseb. blepome>nhv . — ED.
Ft929 Iren. adv. Heres. lib. 3. cap. 3.
Ft930 Eccl. Hist. lib. 3. cap. 28, and lib. 4. cap. 14.
Ft931 Albertus Magnus, or Teutonicus, was born at Lavingen, in Swabia, about A.D. 1200, and died in 1280.
Ft932 Albert. cap. 17 et 74 super Evang. “Missus est,” etc. “Watring,” an Anglicised form of Aquino, in Italy, where St. Thomas was born. —ED. St. Thomas, par. 3. quaest. 37, art. 4.
Ft935 Ex Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 18. Haec Hegesip. et Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 20. A.D. 98. —ED. Non debere dimitti Christianos, qui semel ad tribunal venissent, nisi propositum mutent. Ex Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 21. Ex Just. Mart. in 2 Apolog. [See infra, p. 125, note (1). — ED.] Vid. Epist. Fratrum Viennensium et Lugdunensium, ad Fratres per Asiam et Phrygiam scripta. Ex Nicephoro. lib. 3. cap. 22. Ex Just. Mart. in Dialogo cum Tryphone. Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 13, et lib. 5. cap. 6.
Ft943 AEnead 7. lib. 2.
Ft944 Iren. lib. 3. Contra Haeres.
Ft945 Jacobus Philippus Bergomensis in “Histotia Supplementum Chronicarum Appellata,” pp. 149, 154, edit. Brixiae, 1485. See infra, p. 112, note (5). The author of this chronicle died in 1518, and is therefore, with the others mentioned in connection, comparatively modern. “Aloisius” is Aloysius Lippomanus, bishop of Verona, who drew up the “Vitae Sanctorum,” in 8 tom. folio, Venet. 1556. Possevin Apparat. Sac. tom. 1. p. 42. —ED.
Ft946 “Bonifacius Simoneta Mediolanensis circa annum 1490, in lucem emisit Commentarios in Persecutionem Christian. Pontificumque historiam a Petro, ad Innocent. VIII. Prodiit Mantuae, 1509.”
Hallervordii de Hist. Lat. in Supplement. ad Vossium; Hamb. 1709:
Page 692. —ED.
Ft947 Col. 238, edit. Basil, 1559. —ED.
Ft948 Fascicul. tempot.
Ft949 Iren. lib. 3. cap. 3.
Ft950 A.D. 127. —ED.
Ft951 A.D. 185. —ED.
Ft952 “Certain decretal epistles.” The epistles of the earlier popes have been submitted to the conclusive examinations of David Blondell in his “Pseudo-Isidorus et Turrianus vapulantes, seu editio et censura nova epistolarum, quas piissimis urbis Romae praesulibus a Clemente ad Sirlcium Isidorus Mercator supposuit, etc.:” Genevae, 1628. Upon this work Buddeus remarks, “Non tantum in Prolegomenis, argumentis solidissimis epistolas hasce a Pseudo-Isidoro confictas esse demonstravit, et Turriani varias exceptiones dissipavit; sed et singulas deinceps epistolas exhibuit, easque sub examen revocavit, et incredibili diligentia auctores, e quorum centonibus consutae sunt, investigavit, indicavitque.” Isagoge ad Theol. Univ. tom. 1. p. 678. —ED.
Ft953 “Chronica Jo. Naucleri Propos. Tubingensis ad annum MCCCCC.” (Colon. 1579), p. 465. —ED.
Ft954 Anthropo. lib. 22.
Ft955 Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 34.
Ft956 “Otho Frisingensis.” [Otho, bishop of Frisinghen in Bavaria, in 1138.
He composed a chronological history from the creation of the world to his own time, published at Strasburg, 1515, and at Basil 1569, and in the 8th vol. of the “Biblioth. Fratrum Cisterc.” Dupin, vol. 10. p. 177, English trans. “Scriptor candidus, gravis, fide dignus et a partium studio alienus.” Meuselii Biblioth. Hist. vol. 1. p. 75. —ED.] James Philip Forest, of Bergamo, where he died, in 1518. He wrote “Supplementa Chronicarum,” of which Fabricius (Biblioth. Mediae et Infimae, Lat. tom. 4. p. 16), considers the edition at Venice, in 1503, to be the best. The passage referred to by Foxe appears on p. 157, edit.
Brixiae, 1485; but see “Basnagii Annales ad an. 119,” Section 4. —ED.
Ft958 “Peter de Natalibus Episcopus Equilinus clarum nomen fecit Catalogo Sanctorum, qui excusus est Vincentiae, 1493, et deinde Lugduni, 1542.”
Hallervordii specimen de Hist. Lat. in “Supplementa ad Vossium” (Hamb. 1709), p. 770. —ED.
Ft959 Ex Platina in Vita Alexandri.
Ft960 Per Matth. Westmonast. collecti, p. 56. edit. Francof. 1601. —ED.
Ft961 Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 4. —ED.
Ft962 Dist. 93, cap. “Diaconi.”
Ft963 In Blondel’s “Epist. Decr. Examen,” (Genevae 1635) p. 147; who remarks; “haec non fuit mens Apostolorum, Act. 6. nec ullius patrum: fingit impostor pro more.” The same judgment is passed, p. 166, upon the decree of Alex. quoted onwards. —ED.
Ft964 A.D. 451. —ED.
Ft965 Ex Dist. 70, cap. “Neminem.”
Ft966 A.D. 1095. —ED.
Ft967 Ibid. cap. “Sanctorum.”
Ft968 A.D. 314. —ED.
Ft969 Ex Dist. 93, cap. “Diaconi.”
Ft970 “Aquam sale conspersam populis benedicimus, ut ea euncti aspersi sanctificentur et purificentur, quod omnibus sacerdotibus faciendum esse mandamus. Decreti 3. pars de Consecrat. dist. 3, [cap. 20. —ED.] Pliny’s Epistles,10. 97, 98. A new translation of these two celebrated letters has been substituted for Foxe’s, which is loose and often obscure. —ED.
Ft972 “Repeat together a set form of prayer:” this is Melmoth’s translation of “dicere secure invicem carmen.” —ED.
Ft973 Apol. cap. 2. —ED.
Ft974 Rather of Sinope in Pontus. See Baron. Annal. Eccles. ann. 114, Section 4. Basnage (Annales Politico-eccles.) has alluded to his martyrdom under ann. 130, Section 4. —ED.
Ft975 Anton. (tit. 7. capitul. 3.) Equil. et Fascic. temporum.
Ft976 Ex Supp. Chr. [p. 159, edit. 1485. See supra, p. 113, note 1. —ED.] Anton. (tit. 7. cap. 5, Section 6.) Hermannus Contractus “obiit anno 1054 conscripto Chronico clarus; (Hallervord. p. 728) genere et doctrina egregius, gente Suevus — chronicon scripsit de 6 mundi aetatibus ad annum 1054.” See “Meuselii Biblioth. Hist.” tom. 1. p. 69; who states that there was an edition of this writer in a collection of Chronicles by Sichardus, (Basil. 1529) and also in the “Rerum German.
Scriptores veteres;” Francof. 1584, collected by Pistorius. —ED.
Ft978 Antoninus (tit. 7. capit. 1, Section 7.) places their martyrdom under Domitian.
Ft979 Lib. 4. cap. 26. Eusebius quotes from Melito, and adds (from Polycrates) lib. 5. c. 24, that he was a bishop, and suffered at Laodicea. —ED.
Ft980 Ex Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 35, 36.
Ft981 Ex Hier. in Catalogo Script. Eccles., whence Foxe’s text is corrected. —ED A new translation from the Greek is substituted for Foxe’s. —ED.
Ft983 Haec Eusebius et Hieronym. [Cat. Scrip. Eccl. cap. 26]. “Annus decimus Trajani respondet anno Christi 107; atque ad illum annum quoque martyrium S. Ignatii referunt Usserius Tillemontius aliique V.
D. Sed Joh. Malelam Antioch. si sequimur, non ante annum 18. Imperii Trajani accidit, Christi 115. quam sententiam argumentis gravissimis confirmarunt viri non minus praestantes Jo. Pearsonus in Dissertat. postuma de anno quo S. Ignatius condemnatus est, vulgata a T. Smitho in luculenta Epist. Ignatii editione quam notis Pearsonii suisque illustratam publicavit Oxon. 1709, et Guil. Lloydius Episc. Asaphensis in Diatriba ejusdem argumenti edita a Pagio in Crit. Baroniana ad an. 107, Section 4. Pro anno decimo Trajani, male quidam codices undecimo .” Vid. Fabric. not. in “Biblioth, Eccles.” (Hamb 1718) p. 78.
Bp. Pearson’s Dissertation is reprinted in the “Patres Apostolici.” (Oxon. 1838) vol. 2. p. 504. —ED.
Ft984 Cap. 29.
Ft985 He is called Theodulus by Baronius, ann. 132, Section 1. —ED.
Ft986 Baron. Martyr. Rom. July 9th. —ED.
Ft987 Henricus de Hervordia and Bergomensis, lib. 8. [Henricus de Hervordia — ita dictus, quia ex urbe Hervordia in Westphalia oriundus fuit — scripsit “Chronicon Generale” ad an. 1355, quod “de factis memorabilibus” inscripsit. See Oudin. Comment. de Scrip. Eccles. tom. 3. col. 973. —ED.] Antoninus, archbishop of Florence, drew up a Chronicle of some value, entitled “Summa Historialis,” which closes with the year 1459.
It was published at Venice 1480; at Basle 1502; and is included in modern edition of his works, Florentiae, 1741. Meuselii Biblioth. Hist. 1. p. 92. The history in the text will be found at tit. 7. capit. 5, Section 4. —ED.
Ft989 Vincentius was a monk of Beauvais, of the Dominican order, and wrote a huge historical work, under the title of “Speculum Historiale,” to the year 1254, at the persuasion of Louis IX. An edition appeared in 4 vols. folio, at Strasburg, 1473, and the eighth at Douay, in 1624 Meusel. Biblioth. Hist. 1. p. 82. Foxe has used these Chronicles, apparently, through the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 2. cap. 3, col. 11 — 13. Antoninus himself (in the place cited in the last note) refers us to Vincentius, lib. 11. cap. 88. —ED.
Ft990 Foxe here confounds the Zeno just mentioned with another Zeno, whose martyrdom is celebrated in Baronius’s Martyr. Roman. on Sep. 5th. Baronius there states that he was one of a number of soldiers (1107 in all, others say 11,000), who, for professing Christ, were martyred at Melitine in Armenia. Mount Ararat (where the 10,000 were said to be crucified) being likewise in Armenia, a surmise has arisen whether the two stories are not founded on the same occurrence.
This point is discussed in Tillemont’s “Memoires a l’Hist. Eccles.” tom. 2. part 2. pp. 23 — 48. See infra, p. 146, note 2. — ED.
Ft991 See Anton. tit. 7. capit. 5, Section 3. —ED.
Ft992 Calocerus in Baronius, ann. 122, Section 2. —ED.
Ft993 “Vere magnus Deus Christianorum.”
Ft994 Ex Antonino (tit. 7. capit. 6, Section 7) et Equilino. —ED.
Ft995 Some say, of Messina. —ED.
Ft996 Ex Niceph. (lib. 3. cap. 29. —ED.) et ex Onomast.
Ft997 According to Baronins; ann. 122. Section 2 —ED.
Ft998 Adonis Martyrologium, ad June 27th. Adonis Viennensis Archiep. breviarium Chronic. ad an. 1353, published (as so often the case with Foxe’s authorities) Basileae, 1568; the Martyrologium was reprinted in “Opera D. Georgii,” 2 tom. folio, Romae, 1745. —ED.
Ft999 “Invisens Eleusina:” Hier. Cat. Scrip. Eccl. cap. 29. “Dicere debuerat, invisens Eleusinia , ut Jo. Scaliger probat animad, in Eusebii Chronicon.” E. S. Cypriani not. apud Fabric. “Biblioth. Eccles.” p. 86.
The Greek of Jerome is as follows: — ejn jEleusi~ni geno>menov kai< pa>nta scedo Tatian, the pupil of Justin, says he died the sixth year of M. Aurelius, or A.D. 166. The Alexandrine Chronicle sets down his death under the consulate of Orphitus and Pudens, or A.D. 165. “Cum ergo Marco Veroque imperantibus perierit Justinus, multam veri speciem habet Chronici Alexandrini,sententia, quae S. Justini martyrium huic anno (165) illigavit.” “Basnagii Annales Politico-eccles.” (Roter. 706), ad an. 165, Section 5. —ED. “Cum dignitate et laetus pro Christo pertulit.” [Bibliotheca, cod. 125, col. 306, Edit. 1612. —ED.] Hist. Eccl. lib. 4:cap. 15. The whole of the matter from hence to the bottom of Page134, is from this chapter of Eusebius; a new translation however is substituted for Foxe’s, which is often loose and obscure. —\parED. Eusebius has kata< Po>nton , a palpable error (as Valesius observes) for kata< pa>nta to>pon . Philomeluim “urbs erat Majoris Phrygiae, celebris famae, cujus meminere Strabo, Stephanus, etc.” Smithi Annotat. p. 113, edit. Oxon. 1709. —ED. Ai=re tou Smith’s note in “Eccles. Smyrnensis Epist. de Polycarpi Mart.”
Section 3, which Mr. Jacobson confirms (“Partes Apostolici,” edit.
Oxon. 1838) by referring to Justin Mart. Apol. 1. Section 6. —ED. The original is ojye< th~v w[rav , “late in the day.” —ED. Tw~| eujstaqei~ tou~ tro>pou , “the composure of his manner,” a reading which some MSS. present, seems preferable to the other tw~| ejustaqei~ tou~ prosw>pou , “the composure of his countenance.” Vide Vales. in Euseb. 4. 15. —ED. Valesius considers this to have been a Saturday, on which the first day of unleavened bread happened to fall. Usher and Pagi consider that among Christians it could only mean the Saturday before Easter. Pagi shows that Saturday before Easter (according to Eastern computation) fell on March 26, in the year 169. See infra, p. 136, note 2. —ED. “Irenarch” was an officer of the council, answering to our “Marshal,” or “Sergeant at Arms.” See Vales. not. in loc. —ED. “Asiarch” was the chief-priest of the council: one of his duties was to superintend the games, which he often gave at his own expense. See Vales not. in locum. —ED. “Confector,” an officer whose business it was, in the Roman games, to dispatch any beast that was unruly or dangerous. —ED. This is explained from Optatus, by Valesius, “offerre ad sepulchra martyrum;” but this does not imply relic “worship.” Vide Chemnitz “Examen Conc. Trident.” pars 3. loc. 4, sect. 5. Section 9; and pars 4. loc. 1, sect. 3. Section 5. —ED. Alce, probably the christian woman who is spoken of with honor in Ignatius’s epistle to the Smyrnaeans. “As many, I mean, as are elected to salvation:” this is Foxe’s translation of the word swzome>nwn , rendered in the English Bible, more correctly, “such as should be saved,” Acts 2:47. “Servandorum” is the translation in the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 2. col. 27, edit. 1624. —ED. Mark what he saith; we love them, and worship them not. Iren. lib. 3. cap. 3, as quoted by Eusebius. —ED. Iren. ibid. Euseb. lib. 3. cap 36. —ED. Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 20. Jerom. De Viris Illust. cap. 27. —ED. Ex Irenaeo, lib. 3. cap. 3; et Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 14. —ED.
Ft1042 Niceph. lib. 4. cap. 39. [See rather Irenaeus, apud Euseb. Hist. Eccl. lib. 5. cap. 24. —ED.] Baronius places the martyrdom under the year 169: and the Alexandrine Chronicle (cited in the note of Pagi) fixes the very day (7 Cal. Ap. i .e . March 26), for those who delight in such exactitude. See Baron. “Annal Eccles.” tom. 2. p. 241, edit. Lucae, 1738; also supra, p. 132, note 3. —ED.
Ft1044 Conrad a Lichtenaw, abbot of Ursperg, whose chronicle is often made use of by Foxe. He died in the thirteenth century; but the chronicle, though well spoken of by Meusel, (p. 77), is supposed to have little of his hand in it. —ED.
Ft1045 The date is so described in the Chronicle of Eusebius, as translated into Latin by Jerome. A.D. 169, however, is really the ninth of Marcus Antoninus. —ED.
Ft1046 i .e . February 23d, the day on which his martyrdom is commemorated in the Greek martyrology. It does not however at all follow (as Pagi observes) that this was the real day. See supra, note (2.) —ED.
Ft1047 Hist. Tripart. lib. 9. cap. 38. —ED.
Ft1048 Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 15.
Ft1049 Ex Euseb. Hist. Eccles. lib. 4. cap. 15.
Ft1050 Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 15.
Ft1051 Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 1.
Ft1052 The translation of this letter in Milner’s Church History (vol. 1. p. 224) being very superior to Foxe’s, has been here substituted for it, with a few variations. —ED.
Ft1053 Valesius thinks that the original diekri>nonto is a vox athletica , and should be translated — “Now after this the rest began to be proved .”
Vid. not. in loc. —ED.
Ft1054 Ex Epistola Viennensium, etc. Euseb..lib. 5. cap. 3.
Ft1056 Ex Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 2.
Ft1057 Eusebius, Hist. Eccles,. lib. 4. cap. 26 —ED.
Ft1058 The following are new translations. —ED.
Ft1059 i .e . the Jews, as Valesius explains.
Ft1060 Solo>mwnov Paroimi>ai, h\ kai< Sofi>a Euseb. —ED.
Ft1061 Foxe erroneously ascribes this expedition to both M. Antoninus and his brother. See p. 146, note 4. —ED.
Ft1062 Ex Eusebio, lib. 5. cap. 5.
Ft1063 The letter, attributed to Aurelius, may be seen in Greek, in Justin’s Apolog. 1. Section 71; and, in Latin, in the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 2. cap. 3, col. 18, edit. 1624. “Plerique prodigii fidem probaturi provocarunt ad literas Imperatoris, quibus senatum populumque Romanum, non sine insigni Christianorum elogio, de re tanta certiores facit, quarum literarum ajjpo>grafon exstat ad calcem Apolog. post.
Justini Mart. in quibus Christianorum innocentiae tam clementer prospexit, ut damnationem, gravissimasque paenas accusatoribus intentarit. Non desunt tamen, qui de tali edicto in Christianorum favorem, ea occasione, anno Marci XIV. (in quem refertur bellum Quadicum) sancito, valde dubitant, quia mox post Germanicam sitim tam mirabiliter depulsam, anno videlicet Marci XVII. innumera Christianorum multitudo quaestionibus atque suppliciis subjecta fuit, in Gallia cumprimis Lugdunensi, apud Euseb. H. E. lib. 5. c. 1.
Quinimo ipsas literas, quae attexuntur Apologiae secundae Justini M. vel supposititias esse vel certe interpolatas, summa consensione docent eruditissimi viri, Scaliger, Salmasius, Blondellus, Huetius, Pagius, Witsius, et Fr. Spanhemius; in quorum sententiam ego eo lubentius concedo, quo clariora noqei>av indicia in iis se produnt, sive ipsum argumentum, sive barbariem styli attendas, unde manifeste apparet, eas non ab ipso Imperatore Graece dictatas, aut ex Latino ipsius in Graecum. sermonem translatas; sed infra seculum Justiniani Imp. ab imperito rerum Romanarum Graeculo confictas esse.” — Vid. Sal.
Deglingii Observatt. Sac. pars secunda, Lipsiae, 1737, p. 596.
Ft1064 Rather “cohorts.” See Grabe’s note in loc. —ED.
Ft1065 “Cum legionibus prima, decima, gemina, Euphratensique.” Any legion compounded of two others was called gemina, but especially the 13th, which had its head-quarters in Pannonia. The Euphrates legion is the same as the Cappadocian, or 12th, and was so called from its headquarters being at Melitina, a region and city on the Euphrates, on the confines of Armenia and Cappadocia. Eusebius attributes this miracle to the legion of Melitina. He is mistaken, however, in representing it as called Fulminea from this event. See Brotier, Not. et Emend. in Taciti Hist. 2. 6. We have an allusion to Christian soldiers at Melitina, supra p. 119, note 3: see also under the tenth persecution, infra p. 229. note (2). —ED.
Ft1066 The above translation is made from the Latin edict in the Centuriators. —ED.
Ft1067 See Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 5, where the affair is ascribed to “M. Aurelius Caesar, brother to Antoninus,” on which Valesius remarks, “Graviter hic fallitur Eusebius, qui M. Aurelium fratrem fuisse ait Imp. Antonini, cum tamen unus idemque fuerit M. Aurelius Antoninus. Hujus autem adoptivus frater, non Marcus, sed Lucius AElius Verus dictus est.” No doubt Eusebius’s text has been corrupted; for in his Chronicle he sets down this victory to the fourteenth year of M. Antoninus, four years after his brother’s death. —ED.
Ft1068 Epitome Dionis. p. 819. Edit. Hanoviae, 1606. Dion Cassius wrote a Roman History, in eight decads, which was epitomized by John Xiphilinus, patriarch of Constantinople. Dion died about A.D. 240, Xiphilinus A.D. 1080.
Ft1069 Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 21. —ED.
Ft1070 Called “Pontianus” in Baronius, Ann 192, Section 2. —ED.
Ft1071 Ex Vincentio, lib. 10. cap, 119, 122, 123, et Chron Henrici de Erfordia. [Cited by the Cent. Magdeb. —ED.] Ex Platina in Vita Sixti.
Ft1073 Rather “in St. Peter’s, on the Vatican.” See Platina. —ED.
Ft1074 Platini in vita Sixti.
Ft1075 Vide Blondel’s “Epist. Decretal Examen.” (Genevae, 1635) p. 181; and upon the “Ordinances of Telesphorus,” soon after mentioned, p. 184. —ED.
Ft1076 He died about A.D. 127. —ED.
Ft1077 Ex Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 13.
Ft1078 “Romani namque tres ante pascha septimanas praeter Sabbatum et Dominicam continuas jejunant.” Socrat Eccl. Hist. lib. 5. cap. 22. [Hence Passion Sunday was also called Dominica Mediana. —ED.] Sozomen, lib. 7. cap. 19.
Ft1080 Volateran. Anthrop, lib. 22.
Ft1081 Unneth, “scarcely:” a word of Saxon origin. —ED. See infra, p. 165, note (l), and Appendix. —ED Ft1083 Vide Cent. Magdeburg. cap. 10, col. 168. The book entitled “Pontificale, sive de gestis summorum Pontificum” is incorrectly attributed to this pope; it belongs, more properly, to Anastasius Bibliothecarius. Antonio Biblioth. Hispana vetus, tom. 1. p. 190; Vossius “De Hist. Lat.” p. 200, edit. 1651. — Ed. a55 “Hanc epistolam Pio suppositam indicant — 1. Styli barbaries; 2.
Fabula de revelatione Herrae facta,” etc. Blondel “Epist. Decretal.
Exam.” p. 196. —ED.
Ft1085 Rather A.D. 172 — 185. —ED.
Ft1086 Nauclerus, lib. Chronog. Gen.6. Nauclerus rather says, “Anno autem Domini 177,” etc. —ED.
Ft1087 Niceph. lib. 4. cap. 4.
Ft1088 Gildas, cited by the Magdeburg Cent. —ED.
Ft1089 Acts 8:1,4; 11:19. See Usserii Brit. Eccl. Ant. cap. 2. —ED.
Ft1090 “Unde et Scotos, Christianos antiquiores Petrus Cluniacensis vocat.” (Epist. ad S. Bernardum.) See Cent. Magdeburg. 2. cap. 2, col. 7. edit. 1624. Petrus Mauricius, abbot of Clugni, died A.D. 1156. Cave. —ED.
Ft1091 Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 8, 22.
Ft1092 Hegesippus “De Bello Judaico, et urbis Hierosolymitanae excidio.”
Coloniae, 1559. See supra, p. 98, note 1, and p. 101, note 4. —ED.
Ft1093 “Ne grave servandae castitatis onus necessario fratribus imponat, sed multorum sese imbecilitati attemperet.” Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 23.
Ft1094 Thirteen objections are detailed by Rivet against these books, which no one now would, perhaps, undertake to assign to an apostolic age. “Eusebius, Hieronymus, et Sophronius nullam faciunt mentionema horum librorum, etsi veterum libros diligentissime collegerint et conquisierint. Neque alius admodum antiquus autor horum mentionem facit. Quod satis arguit, libros illos non ejus antiquitatis fuisse, cujus fuit Areopagita.” Rivet. Crit . Sac . lib. 1. cap. 9. ubi plura. —ED.
Ft1095 Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 23.
Ft1096 Hieronym. Catal. —ED.
Ft1097 Eusebius and Jerome place Clemens Alexandrinus under Severus and Caracalla. He was a pupil of Pantaenus. —ED.
Ft1098 i .e . the first Jewish month, Nisan. —ED.
Ft1099 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 1.
Ft1100 Tertul. ad Scapulam. [cap. 3. Scapula was procousul of Africa, and should be added to the list in the text. —ED.] Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 5.
Ft1102 “Cave tibi, ne quid propter nos aliud, quam martyrii constanter faciendi, propositum cogites.” Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 2.
Ft1103 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 2, 3; Antonin.; et Simoneta, [Johannes Simoneta, “De Rebus Gestis Francisci Sportiae.” Milan, 1479. — Ed.] a62 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 16. In this way (as Eusebius observes) Origen composed his Hexapla; and Tetrapla. Aquila was a native of Sinope in Pontus, and lived during the reign of Adrian:·his version was executed previous to the year 160. Much difference of opinion exists as to the time when Symmachus flourished. Montfaucon places him about the year 200. Theodotion was a native of Ephesus, and was nearly contemporary with Aquila. See more, Horne’s Introduc. vol. 2. p. 52. ed. 1825. London. —ED.
Ft1105 Euseb. ibid. cap. 3, 23. —ED.
Ft1106 Foxe, misapprehending a passage of the Centuriators, says, “by the account of Jerome,” whereas they quote Jerome as rather impugning the opinion of Epiphanius and Ruffinus. Foxe also by mistake says “seven” thousand volumes. Dupin remarks, that “volume” must be here understood as applicable to any separate treatise, however small. —ED.
Ft1107 This statement is most likely founded on a misconception of Eusebius, who says (lib. 6. cap. 3), that Origen sold all his profane authors to a person who engaged to supply him with 4 oboli (or pence) per diem. —ED.
Ft1108 Eusebius states (lib. 6:cap. 3), that “so great was the hostility of the infidels against him (because of the multitudes which resorted to him to be instructed in the faith), that they set soldiers to watch about the house in which he abode.” i e . (as Valesius observes) to hinder the resort of hearers. Nicephorus has taken the same view of the passage as Foxe. See infra, p. 173. —ED.
Ft1109 Eusebius (ibid. cap. 4) does not say that Serenus was brother to Plutarch, but in the preceding chapter he represents Heraclas, (brother of Plutarch, and afterward bishop of Antioch,) as the second of Origen’s pupils. Foxe hastily assumed hence, that Heraclas and Serenus were the same individual. Heraclas “was no martyr.” See infra, p. 174 — ED.
Ft1110 Valesius would read hJ rJai>v as one word — Herais. —ED.
Ft1111 Euseb, lib. 6. cap. 5.
Ft1112 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 9.
Ft1113 Ib. cap. 11.
Ft1114 Ib. Some expressions of Foxe are more conformed to the Greek. —\parED.
Ft1115 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 20. —ED.
Ft1116 Lib. 11. cap, 6. ex Martyrologio [also Baron. ad ann. 205. Section 27. —ED.] Tillemont, Memoires a l’Hist. Eccles. tom. 3. part. 1. p. 63. Bruxelles. 1699. —ED.
Ft1118 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 11. —ED.
Ft1119 Omnium Doctrinarum curiosissimum exploratorem. [Adv. Valent. cap. 5. —ED.] Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 24. —ED.
Ft1121 Tertullian Apol.
Ft1122 The occasion hereof, belike, came of the Jews worshipping the jaw of an ass, in the story of Sampson.
Ft1123 Tertullian. Apolog.
Ft1124 Idem, ad Scapulam.
Ft1125 Supplem. [Bergomensis] lib. 8.
Ft1126 “Nihilo tamen minus omnes illi pacem inter se retinuerunt et retinemus etiamnum, et jejunii dissonantia fidei concordiam commendat,” etc. — Euseb, lib. 5. cap. 24.
Ft1127 Ex Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 26.
Ft1128 See Stillingfleet, Answer to Cressy; Usserii Antiq. —ED.
Ft1129 See Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 23, and Valesius’s notes in locum. —ED.
Ft1130 Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 24. —ED.
Ft1131 Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 24. —ED.
Ft1132 Platina has been misunderstood here; he quite coincides with Damasus. —ED.
Ft1133 “Ligneum calicem usurpstum esse, expresse dicitur dist. 1. de consecrat. can. ‘vasa’ idemque aperte colligitur ex Concil. Triburiensi c. 18, ubi prohibentur sacerdotes ne in ligneis vasculis ullo modo conficere praesumant . Quia tamen propter fragilitatem vitri, usus vitrei calicis periculosus est, tandem circa tempora Caroli M., in concilio Remensi statutum est, ut calix Domini cum patena , si non ex auro , omnino ex argento fiat ,” etc. Binius apud Labbe conc. tom. 1. col. 603. —ED.
Ft1134 Teuver, near Mentz, A.D. 895. Labbe, Conc. tom. 9. col. 451. —ED.
Ft1135 He died about A.D. 219. —ED.
Ft1136 Foxe, it will be remarked, occasionally defers to indifferent or rather modern authority; in the present case, a reference to Tertull. de Anima, Section 55, and Augustin, tom. 6, col. 611, edit. Bened. would be better vouchers. See Tillemont Memoires, tom. 3. pt. 1, p. 240. —ED.
Ft1137 The wall of Severus (or the “Pict’s Wall”) extended from Cousin’s House, through Newcastle, to Boulness on the Solway Firth, English and 74 Roman miles. Butler’s Geog. —ED.
Ft1138 This passage is from AElius Lampridius, Vit. Alexandri, Section 15.
Malum pupillum esse imperatorem, etc.: for pupillum, Salmasius proposes to read “pop. villum,” contracted for “populi villicum,” and shows that Alexander was fond of the sentiment, that the emperor was the steward and dispenser, not the owner, of the public wealth. —ED.
Ft1139 See supra, —ED.
Ft1140 Platina in vita Pontiani.
Ft1141 Euseb. Hist. Eccles. 6. 21. —ED.
Ft1142 Juvenal, sat. 1. 57. —ED.
Ft1143 “Selecti viri, qui Romae operam navarunt in Gratiano emendando, Callixti primi epistolas rejecerunt.” Anton. August. in Blondel, p. 265. —ED.
Ft1144 Vincen. in Spec. Hist. lib. 11. cap. 24. —ED.
Ft1145 Anton. tit. 7, cap. 6.
Ft1146 “Anno sequenti 233 Urbanus Papa, cum sedisset annos 6, menses septem, et dies quatuor, martyrio functus est; licet Eusebius in Chron. cum sedisse dicat annos 9, et anno duodecimo Alexandri ponat successoris ingressum.” Baronius ad ann. 233, Section 1. Pagi settles the time of his session, more exactly, at seven years, and some months and days. —ED.
Ft1147 Ex Martyrologio Adonis.
Ft1148 Ex Bergomens. lib. 8. [fol. 165, edit. Brixiae 1485. —ED.] Henr. de Herfordia, lib. 6. cap. 29.
Ft1150 Bergomensis, ibidem.
Ft1151 In Chronico. —ED.
Ft1152 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 29. —ED.
Ft1153 Alias, Hippolytus. —ED.
Ft1154 This doctrine seemeth derogatory to Christ, and blasphemous.
Ft1155 Gel. contra Eutychen, tom. 5. “Biblioth. Patrum,” col. 477, Edit.
Paris, 1575. —ED.
Ft1156 “Caeterum absque aliqua ambiguitate eum fuisse Episcopum Portuensem, cum tabulae ecclesiasticae, tum ejus ac sociorum martyrii Acta significant; eodemque titulo Nicephorus (lib. 5. cap. 15) eundem nominat, et alii paene innumeri recentiores.” See Baron. ad an. 229, Section 5. Dupin prefers Le Moyne’s conjecture, that he was bishop of Portus Romanus (hod. Aden) in Arabia; as it would be easy for those who were unacquainted with this Arabian Portus to suppose, that he was called Portuensis from the bishopric at the mouth of the Tiber. —ED.
Ft1157 “Quem tamen canit Prudentius, multo discrimine a nostro Hippolyto secernitur. Ille Presbyter, hic Episcopus. Ille Novatiano addictus, hic alienus ab ejus disciplina.” Basnagii “Tillemont’s Annal.” ad an. 222, Section 8. —ED.
Ft1158 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 19. —ED.
Ft1159 Ibid. cap. 31. —ED.
Ft1160 Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 28. quoting (as appears from Valesius’s note) the “little labyrinth,” written by one Caius against the heresy of Artemon. —ED.
Ft1161 Said to be the first who asserted that Christ was a mere man, and excommunicated for this opinion by Victor. Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 28. —\parED.
Ft1162 “In chronico Damasi legitur: Anteros mense uno, diebus decem.
Dormit 3. Nonas Januarii, Maximino et Africano Coss. praesenti sc. anno. Ordinatus fuerat anno praecedenti die 21 mensis Novembris, et currenti e vivis excessit die tertio Januarii. Quare error irrepsit in praefatum locum, quemadmodum et in auctius chronicon veterum pontificum, in quo dicitur Anteros sedisse annos undecim, mensem unum, dies duodecim. Sedit enim mensem, et dies tredecim, die emortuali excluso. Anastasius Antero etiam annum tribuit praeter illum mensem et dies; sed annus ille ut temere adjectus omnino expungendus.” “Pagii critice in annal, eccles. Baron.” an. 238, Section 1. —ED.
Ft1163 “Errore gravissimo libri pontificalis afficitur chronologia, quae annos 12. mensem unum, dies 12. Antero vindicavit. Quem refellit et errorem Eusebius.” Basnagii “Annales” ad an. 235, Section 7; who supposes also that this bishop died a natural death: “Quippe si martyrem Euseb.
Anterotem scivisset, illum ipsum non minus quam Fabianum tanto titulo exornasset. Neque verba Indiculi Bucheriani Anterotem martyrem sonant, “dormit 3. Nonas Januarii,” quae siccam magis, quam cruentam mortem indicant.” —ED.
Ft1164 Baronius has a long argument (ad an. 246) to show the improbability of this alleged conversion of Philip having taken place, at this date at least; and Pagi, his commentator, endeavors to set it aside altogether: “Philippum Imperatorem Christianam religionem amplexum esse putavit Eusebius, lib. 6, cap. 34, cujas verba Baronius, Section 5, recitat. In Chronico vero: Primus omnium ex Rom. Imperatoribus [Constantinus] Christianus fuit. Et denique in vit. Constant. lib. 4, cap. 62. Solus ex omnibus qui unquam fuerunt Imperatoribus Constantinus, in Christi martyriis renatus et consummatus est, id est, in Ecclesiis, quia forte supponit Philippum occulte baptizatum fuisse. Quam opinionem de conversione Philippi ad fidem nostram ab Eusebio hauserunt Paulus Orosius et Vincentius Lirinensis, et ante illos D.
Hieronymus lib. de Scrip. eccles. cum de Origene loquitur.” Pagi thinks that there is no evidence that Eusebius had seen the letters of Origen; that he was misled, etc.; and brings forward long proofs of Philip’s adhesion to gentle customs in after life. See “Annall. Baron.” tom 2. p. 558, edit. Lucae, 1738. If the reader cares to inquire farther into this contested point, he may consult the authors referred to in Heinecken’s note ad Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 34, vol. 2. p. 241, edit. Lips. 1828. —ED.
Ft1165 “M. Anton. Sabellicus — maxime celebratur historia Enneadum 11. ab urbe condita usque ad annum MDIV. post quem annum triennio superfuit, teste Leandro.” Vid. Vossius de hist. Lat. p. 669. The “Enneades” were printed at Basle 1538; but Foxe, if we mistake not, avails himself here of the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 3, cap. 3, col. 10, edit. 1624. —ED.
Ft1166 Bergom. lib. 8.
Ft1167 Euseb lib. 6. cap. 29.
Ft1168 See supra, p. 155, note (6). —ED.
Ft1169 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 39.
Ft1170 The whole of this story is doubted by some writers, and they are disposed to reject it, as supported only by the rather weak testimony of Epiphanius (Haeres, 64, Section 2): “Haec Epiphanius, Origeni haudquaquam amicus, in antiquiorum graviorumque auctorum, Eusebii atque Hieronymi, contemtum nugatur, ne Photio quidem assentiente.
Solus Nicephorus (lib. 5. pp. 24 et 32) istius auctoris fabulam repetere non dubitat.” Vid. “De Schola quae Alexandria floruit commentatio, auct. H. E. F. Guerike,” p. 55, Hal. 1824. The subject is fully discussed in Tillemont’s “Memoires” tom. 3. part 3, pp. 354 — 360. —ED.
Ft1171 Suid. et Niceph. lib. 5. cap. 32.
Ft1172 Socrates, lib. 6. cap. 23.
Ft1173 Eusebius says “Gordian,” lib. 6. cap. 29: but compare cap. 26, and lib. 5. cap. 22. —ED.
Ft1174 Eusebius, cap. 35.
Ft1175 Ibid. cap. 29.
Ft1176 Hunc ego canonem et typum a beato Heracla Papa nostro accepi, etc. Ex Niceph. lib. 1. cap. 29. The last two names are substituted for “Secundianus, Verianus, and Marcellianus,” whom Vincent himself makes martyrs, infra, p. 183.
Foxe was misled by the Magdeburg Centuriators, who misrepresent Vincent, century 3. col. 10, edit. 1624. —ED.
Ft1179 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 46.
Ft1180 Specu. Vincent. lib. 11. cap. “Daphne” was a famous grove near the city, on the river Orontes. —\parED.
Ft1182 Chrysost. lib. contra Gentiles.
Ft1183 Zonaras, tom 3. [His “Annales” were first published by Wolf in tom. Basiliae, 1557. —ED.] If the reader is desirous of settling these or any other difficulties connected with this martyr, he may consult Tillemont’s Memoires, tom. 3. pt. 2, pp. 459 — 65. —ED.
Ft1185 Euseb lib 6. cap. 39.
Ft1186 Niceph. lib. 5. cap. 25.
Ft1187 Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 52.
Ft1188 Tillemont. “Mem. Eccles.” tom. 3. pt. 2, p. 191 and 272. —ED.
Ft1189 Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 46.
Ft1190 Lib. eodem, cap. 49: but see note (9). —ED.
Ft1191 Eodem, cap. 52.
Ft1192 Cap. 89.
Ft1193 Cap. 52.
Ft1194 Cap. 52. Foxe has copied the Magdeburg Centuriators in his mention of these martyrs. “Extant horum acta” writes Baronius (Martyrol.
Rom. April 15) “in Surio, tom. 4. ubi legitur hos passos esse Cordubae in Perside. Interdum suspicatus sum pro Corduba, Corduena restituendum. Est Corduena civitas in Perside, cujus meminit Ammian.
Marcel. lib. 23. et lib. 24.” —ED.
Ft1195 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 41, etc. A better translation of these extracts from Eusebius has been substituted for Foxe’s. —ED.
Ft1197 Thieves were, in the old time, amongst the Romans burnt.
Ft1198 Vid. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 40. —ED.
Ft1199 This Germanus was a bishop in that time, who charged Dionysius for his flying persecution, against whom he purgeth himself.
Ft1200 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 40; lib. 7. cap. 11. —ED.
Ft1201 Niceph. lib. 5. cap. 27.
Ft1202 The Church of Rome has nevertheless, it appears, made its use of St.
Christopher. “Christophorus describitur ab autore historiae Lombardicae, cap. 95, et Petro de Natalibus, lib. 6. cap. 135. Passio ejus placet Joh. Hessels. Eum negare non audet Baronius in notis ad Martyrolog. Jul. 25; sed acta in multis depravata fatetur. Cultum ejus in Papatu evincunt vota ipsi facta, statuae passim erectae, et in processionibus solemniter circumductae. Audiantur modo versus, quos non sine pudore suo fatetur Molanus (de picturis sacris, cap. 27) statuis adscriptos: Christophore sancte, virtutes sunt tibi tantae, Qui te mane vident, nocturno tempore rident.
Christophori sancti speciem quicunque tuetur; Ista nempe die non morte mala morietur.
Item: — Christophorum videas, postea tutus eris.
Officium Christophori celebrare concessum fait a SS. rit. Congreg. Maii 1600, teste Barbosa in Collectaneis Bullarii, etc. Cameraci reliquias ejus coli, os scil. magnum testis est Arm. Raisse, p. 334.”
Voetii Disputat. Theolog. pars 3. p. 504. —ED.
Ft1203 Probably in “Historiarum de Sanctis V. et N. Test. celebr.” lib. 2.
Basileae 1577; or in “Vitae Patrum per Rom. Eccles. in divorum relat. numerum,” Moguntiae 1546. Ruggerus, monk of Fulde, drew up an elaborate hagiography about the year 1156. Vid. “Vossius de Hist.
Lat.” p. 431. —ED.
Ft1204 In this he is supported by Tillemont, tom. 3. part 2. p. 628. —ED.
Ft1205 Ex Bergomens. lib. 8; et ex Martyrologio Adonis.
Ft1206 See Baron. Mart. Rom. Nov. 10. —ED.
Ft1207 Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 45. Niceph. lib. 5. cap. 27, and lib. 14. cap. 45. —ED.
Ft1208 Foxe (copying the Centuriators) erroneously calls this youth a soldier: see Hieron. in vita Pauli Eremitae. —ED.
Ft1209 Ambr. lib. 2. De Virginibus, cap. 4. —ED.
Ft1210 Ambros. et Ado. The narrative in the text is a translation of Ado’s martyrology, April 28. —ED.
Ft1211 Basnage has placed them under Diocletian, an. 304, Section 6, and supposes Ambrose to have miscalculated the time, and mistaken the place, Antioch, instead of Alexandria. —ED.
Ft1212 Henr. de Erford.
Ft1213 “Nous avons l’histoire des SS. Abdon et Sennen dans la premiere partie des actes de S. Laurent, qui est si insoutenable et si fabuleuse, que Baronius l’abandonne absolument.” Tillemont, tom. 3. pt. 2, p. 406, edit. 12mo. 1699. For “Corduba,” we should, according to Baronius (Mart. Rom. April 22), read “Corduena” or “Cordubenna.” —ED.
Ft1214 Bergomensis et Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 49, 91.
Ft1215 Now called Civita Vecchia, bordering upon the Campagna di Roma. —ED.
Ft1216 Vincent. lib. 11. c. 51.
Ft1217 It is an advantage, perhaps, that no more have been catalogued, for there is doubtless much truth in Spanheim’s remark: “Actis innumeris Martyrum , quales fervente hac Deciana persecutione memorantur, et tanquam ex Hieronymo, Greg. Nysseno, Beda, Adone, Usuardo, et veteribus Menologiis asseruntur, nulla fides.” See “Spanheim Hist.
Christ.” saec. 3. col. 764, edit. 1701. —ED.
Ft1218 Bede de Temporibus, citante Henrico de Erfordia. [Foxe is here copying the Magdeburg Centuriators. The reference to Bede is to his smaller treatise “De Temporibus, seu Chronicon de Sex Mundi AEtatibus.” No such list, however, occurs in the printed copies of that work; but it will be found with some variation in the “Chronicon de Sex Mundi AEtatibus” of Hermannus Contractus, p. 142, in the “Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores,” tom. 1. edit. Ratisb. 1726, and in the Chronicle of Regino; and a part of it in “Mariani Scoti Chronicon,” and Rolwink’s “Fasciculus Temporum,” quoted by Foxe under the tenth persecution. From these sources, with the aid also of Bede’s Martyrology, Aug. 13, Sep. 17, Dec. 23, Jan. 24, Feb. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 17, Feb. 26, April 22, April 30, March 2, Dec. 4, Jan. 21, and March 3; Baronius’s “Martyrologium Romanum;” Adonis Martyrologium; and Tillemont’s “Memoires a l’Histoire Eccles.;” it has been attempted to correct the list, which is extremely corrupt as it stands in the Centuriators and in Foxe. The exact list , as it stands in Foxe (edit. 1583, p. 64), will be found in the Appendix. Some of these martyrs seem to have suffered under subsequent emperors, but there is an acknowledged difficulty and confusion concerning them. —ED.] See “Fasciculus Temporum;” and Bede’s and Ado’s Martyrologies, October 18th. —ED.
Ft1220 See Regino, and Ado’s Martyrology, Feb. 17; also April 21, where he calls St. Simeon bishop of Seleucia and Ctesiphon, Seleucia being the same as Babylonia. —ED.
Ft1221 See Ado’s Martyrology, April 22; and supra, p. 177, note 9. —ED.
Ft1222 See Gallia Christiana. —ED.
Ft1223 Herman Contract ends the list with the words “Theodorus, cognomento Gregorius, episcopus Ponti.” To these we should prefix “Nazanzo,” from the middle of Foxe’s list; Regino adds “virtutum gloria claret;” i.e. he flourished then at Nazianzum, not suffered: in fact he retired from the persecution. See Baron. Annal. Eccles. an. 253, Section 129. —ED.
Ft1224 Vincent. lib. 11. c. 52.
Ft1225 Also Baron Mart. Rom. Junii 3. —ED.
Ft1226 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 44. This story is alluded to infra , vol . 7 . p . 662 . — ED.
Ft1227 Note here the sacrament to be called the Eucharist, and not the body of Christ.
Ft1228 Haec Dionys. ex Euseb.; whence some expressions in Foxe’s text have been changed. —ED.
Ft1229 Ex Henr. de Erford.
Ft1230 S. Cyprian. lib. 2. epist. 8. Evaristus and Nicostratus were adherents of Novatian at Rome, and accompanied Novatus on his return from Rome to Carthage. —ED.
Ft1231 Cyprian. lib. De Mortalitate. [Tract. p. 163. Edit. Oxon, 1682. —\parED.] “Commeatum sibi precabatur.” Commeatus, “a soldier’s furlough,” i .e . here, “leave of longer absence from the Lord.” —ED.
Ft1233 “Pati timetis, exire non vultis, quid faciam vobis?” Cyprian. lib. 2. epist. 8.
Ft1235 Cornelii Epist. ad Fabium; Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43. Both Eusebius and Foxe are slightly inaccurate here: the anti-bishop was Novatian, a priest of Rome, whom Novatus seduced to his party: but the two names are often confounded. See Heinecke, not. in Euseb. lib. 6. 43. —\parED.
Ft1236 As appeareth, lib. 4. epist. 2. “De Simplicit. Praelat.;” Item, lib. 3. epist. 11, etc. “Itaque vindex ille evangelii ignoravit unum esse debere episcopum in catholica ecclesia.” Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43.
Ft1238 Note here the sacrament of the body to be called bread. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43. Nicephor. lib. 6. cap. 3. —ED.
Ft1239 [He was bishop of Chichester in the reign of queen Mary; a learned man, and according to Godwin (“De Praesulibus Angliae,” p. 513. edit.
Cantab. 1743) “multa Eusebii et Philonis e Graeco in Lat. sermonem fidelissime transtulit.” This may consist with occasional oversights; see the last note of Valois upon Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 10. Baronius, it is stated by Ittigius, has been led into mistakes by his partiality for Christophorson’s translation: “Dum Baronius linguae Graecae minus peritus in annalibus suis (Christoph.) sequitur, haud raro caecus a caeco in erroris foveam abripitur, ut monet Pet. Halloixius Jesuita, tom. 2. Script. orient, p. 730. Fuitque haec versio Baronio tanto gratior, quanto est dogmatibus Romanae ecclesiae accommodatior, quod exemplis nonnullis Dallaeus ‘de usu Patrum,’ cap. 5. p. 124, demonstravit.” Ittigii de biblioth, et catenis Patrum tractatus, (Lips. 1707,)p. 736. —ED.] Cyprian, lib. 3. epist. 3.
Ft1241 Lib. 2. epist. 4.
Ft1242 Bishops were chosen then not without the voice of the people.
Ft1243 Blondel has quoted refutation sufficient of these tales from Baronius, and to him we may leave it. Epist. Decret. Examen, pp. 310 — 314. —\parED.
Ft1244 Cyprian, lib. 1. epist. 1.
Ft1245 “Damasus and Sabellicus, his followers” (Foxe means his copyists ), “affirm,” etc. This statement it appears from Baronius, is not strictly correct. “Error inde a Scrptoribus sumptus videtur quod passim ferretur Cornelius in persecutione Decii martyrio insignitus; deceptus (quisquis fuerit) auctor ille, dum, quod in persecutione Decii factum esset, sub ipso Decio contigisse putavit; sicque et quod sub Volusiano gestum esset, sub Decio actitatum, inconsulte correxit.” See “Annales Eccles.” an. 255, Section 55. The story given by Foxe is taken (as he supposes) from Damasus, or Anastasius “De Vitis Rom. Pontiff.” (Mogunt. 1602,) p. 10. In the 12th volume of Mansi’s edition of Baronius, pp. 671, 672, there are some critical remarks upon this compilation, as from the strange inequalities of style noticed by Holstenius, it may well be entitled. The various readings are very numerous: vide Riveti “Critici Sacri,” lib. 3. cap. 14; and Pagi on Baronius, tom. 3. p. 17: Lucae, l738. —ED.
Ft1246 Civita Vecchia, see supra p. 183, note (3). —ED.
Ft1247 Either clubs loaded with lead, or thongs (see Ducange’s Glossary).
Upon the place of martyrdom, Basnage (“Annales Politico-Eccles.” tom. 2. p. 368: Roterod. 1706) remarks: — “ Ut autem vera sint, quae de plumbatis Cornelii vultui admotis, etc. praedicantur, Romae beato martyri mors afferri debuit.” —ED.
Ft1248 Lib. 2. epist. 5 et 6.
Ft1249 “Videbis cras agonem.”
Ft1250 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 1.
Ft1251 Orosius, lib. 4. cap. 14.
Ft1252 Euseb. lib. 7. cap, 21, 22. —ED.
Ft1253 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 21. The men from forty to seventy years of age were called wjmoge>rontev at Alexandria, and were registered to receive a public distribution of corn. Vales. and Heinecke. ad locum. —ED.
Ft1254 That is, in the passion of him that died on the tree.
Ft1255 This, and the subsequent extracts from Cyprian’s writings are given more accurately and fully than they appear in Foxe. —ED.
Ft1256 Cyprian, lib. 3. Epist. ult.
Ft1257 Cyprian, lib. 4. epist. 1. [This portion of Cyprian’s writings is, in the earlier editions (namely, that of Antwerp, 1542, and that of Rome, 1563), divided into books. In the former of these (Page 162.) we find this epistle addressed to Seagrius; but later editions read Sergius . — ED.] Cyprian, lib. 3. epist. 6.
Ft1259 Lib. 3. epist. 1.
Ft1260 See Appendix —ED.
Ft1261 Dist. 81, “ministri.” Also, Labbei Conc. Gen. tom. 1. cols. 721, 725, 727. —ED.
Ft1262 Basnage is disposed to agree with Eusebius as to the duration of Lucius’ episcopate . On the time of his death he remarks: “Passum esse IV. Nonas Martii anno 253, probabilius existimamus. In errore versantur Martyrologia, Auctoresque, quibus placet Lucium extinctum esse imperante Valeriano, quorum sententiam refellit Dionys.
Alexandrinus.” Basnagii “Annales Politico Eccles.” ad an. 252, Section 13. —ED.
Ft1263 “Hoc ipso anno (260) quarto Nonas Augusti, Stephanus Martyrio coronatur, cum sedisset annos tres, menses tres, et dies viginti-duos.”
Pagi assents to the accuracy of this reckoning, with the verification of which we do not trouble the reader: the “Acta passionis Stephani” are printed by Baronius from MSS. Section 3. —ED.
Ft1264 Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43.
Ft1265 See Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43. —ED.
Ft1266 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. I. —ED.
Ft1267 Dionysius here states, that there were (and always had been) persons among the Christians, capable by their presence and aspect, by blowing upon, or by speaking, of dissipating the machinations of the demons. —ED.
Ft1268 Dionys in Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 10, et Niceph. lib. 6. cap. 10. —ED.
Ft1269 These two names appear to have been borrowed from the times of Commodus, a.d. 184, when these persons filled the office of Prefects of the Praetorian guards: see Basnage (ut supra) ad an. 184. Section 2. — Ed. a77 Cypr. lib. 4. Epist. 4.
Ft1271 “Petite et impetrabitis.”
Ft1272 Nec venissent fratribus haec mala, si in unum fraternitas fuisset animata.
Ft1273 Cypr, lib. 4. Epist. 4.
Ft1274 Hostanes, a philosopher belonging to the Eastern Magi, contemporary with Xerxes. Plin. lib. 30. cap. 1. See also Minutius Felix, Section 26. —ED.
Ft1275 “Famem majorem facit rapacitas quam siccitas.”
Ft1276 Cyprian. “De Vanitate Idolorum,” Section 1, 4. “Ad Demetrianum,” Section 2, 3, 5. —ED.
Ft1277 Nearly the whole of the following account of Cyprian is from the Centuriators, Cent. 3. cap. 10, whence several corrections are made in the text. —ED.
Ft1278 Our author qualifies this last assertion respecting Cyprian, infra, p. 205. —ED.
Ft1279 Hieronymi Comment. in Ionam, cap. 3. —ED.
Ft1280 “Springal,” a young man, or stripling. —ED.
Ft1281 Hieron. “Catal. Script. Eccl.”de Tertull. —ED.
Ft1282 Curubis : — a city, about ten or twelve leagues from Carthage. Dupin. “Locus exilio destinatus erat Curubis , ut testantur Pontius, Acta passionis, et S. Augustinus: erat autem Curubis in Zeugitana provincia sub jurisdictione proconsulis posita.” Pagius in Baron. “Annal. Eccles.” an. 260, Section 33; also Tillemont, “Mem. Eccles.” tom. 4. pt. 1. p. 279. edit. 12mo. 1706. Dupin states this second banishment to have been August 30th, 257, and his martyrdom to have happened September 14th, 258. —ED.
Ft1283 Hieron. in Catal. Script. Eccles. —ED.
Ft1284 Aug. contra Crescon. lib. 2. cap. 32. —ED.
Ft1285 John Laziardus Coelestinus lived at the beginning of the 16th century, and wrote “Hist. Univ. Epitome” (Paris, 1521), of no great value. (Vossius.) Upon the “divers books bearing the title of Cyprian,” see Rivet’s “Critic. Sac.” lib. 2. cap. 15; and “Tillemont’s Memoires,” tom. 4. pt. 1, p. 318. —ED.
Ft1286 Ex Vincent. lib. 12. cap. 63.
Ft1287 Ne dormiat in thesauris tuis, quod pauperi prodesse potest.
Ft1288 Duo nunquam veterascunt in homine: cot semper novas cogitationes machinando: lingua cordis vanas conceptiones proferendo.
Ft1289 Quod aliquando de necessitate amittendum est, sponte pro divina remuneratione distribuendum est. Disciplina est morum praesentium ordinata correctio, et malorum praeteritorum regularis observatio.
Ft1291 Integritas ibi nulla esse potest, ubi, qui improbos damnent, desunt: et soli, qui damnentur, occurrunt.
Ft1292 Avari ad hoc tantum possident quae habent; — ut ne alteri possidere liceat.
Ft1293 Sericum et purpuram indutae Christum induere non possunt.
Ft1294 Foeminae crines suos inficiunt malo praesagio: capillos enim sibi flammeos auspicari non metuunt.
Ft1295 Qui se pingunt in hoc seculo, aliter quam creavit Deus; metuant, ne cum resurrectionis venerit dies, artifex creaturam suam non recognoscat.
Ft1296 Qui pauperi eleemosynam dat, Deo suavitatis odorem sacrificat.
Ft1297 Contemnenda est omnis injuria praesentium malorum, fiducia futurorum bonorum.
Ft1298 Nihil prodest verbis proferre virtutem, et factis destruere.
Ft1299 Quo plures domi sunt tibi liberi, hoc plus tibi non recondendum, sed erogandum est, quia multorum jam delicta redimenda sunt, multorum purgandae conscientiae. [Many of these sentences are not verbatim.] —ED.
Ft1300 Ex Cypr. lib. 4. epist. 2. ‘Quia scriptum est, ‘Eleemosyna ab [omni peccato et] morte liberat,’ Tob. 4., non utique ab illa morte, quam semel Christi sanguis extinxit, et a qua nos salutaris baptismi et Redemptoris nostri gratia liberavit, sed ab ea quae per delicta postmodum serpit,” etc. 1. Sapiens sine operibus. — 2. Senex sine religione. — 3. Adolescens sine obedientia. — 4. Dives sine eleemosyna. — 5. Foemina sine pudicitia. — 6. Dominus sine virtute. — 7. Christianus contenti osus. — 8. Pauper superbus. — 9. Rex iniquus. — 10. Episcopus negligens. — 11. Plebs sine disciplina. — 12. Populus sine lege.
Ft1302 Ignat. Epist. ad Philippenses. —ED.
Ft1303 A Millenarian; from Cilia Ft1305 “Unum matrimonium novimus, sicut unum Deum.” Lib. De Monogam.
Ft1306 See Gregorii Nazianz. 18. The history of Cyprian of Antioch is given by Vincentius, Antoninus, Jacobus de Viragine, Henry of Herford, and Volateran: see Centuriators. It does not appear, however, that he was bishop Antioch (as Foxe asserts), either from the historians above named, or from the catalogue of bishops of Antioch given in “L Art de Verifier des Dates;” the Centuriators, however, assert it in one place, and Foxe probably derived it thence. Joseph Asseman thinks he was bishop of Damascus. Foxe twice mentions him again as “bishop of Antioch” under the tenth persecution. See supra, p. 199, note (5), and infra, p. 268, note (l), p. 275, note (3).
Ft1307 Dist. 10, “Quoniam.” [This name, and the compilation cited, occur so often, particularly in the earlier pages of this volume, that a short notice of both may not be unsuitable. “Gratianus de Clusio, Tusciae civitate, monachus S. Felicis Bononiensis, ord. S. Benedict. AC. 1151, tempore Eugenii III. papae, in illo monasterio absolvit opus jam ab anno 1127 caeptum, quod Innocentius III. ‘corpus Decretorum’ vocat, auctor ipse ‘Concordantiam discordantium Canonum’ inscripsit.
Dividitur illud in Distinctiones 101 (quarum singulae suis iterum distinguuntur capitulis) et Causas 36 (quae suis iterum Questionibus , quaestiones capitulis subdividuntur) et traetationem ‘de Consecratione,’ quinque distinctionibus absolutam.” See “Fabricii Biblioth. mediae Latinitat.” lib. 7. vol 3. p. 82, edit. Patavii, 1754.] —\parED.
Ft1308 Haec Glossa.
Ft1309 “In MSS. omnibus, excepto undecimo Vaticano, abest dictio Imperatori , quemadmodum et apud Ivonem. Nonum autem habet Juliano episcopo : aliud pervetustum Jubiano.” See “Corr. B, Rom.” in loc. p. 9, edit. Paris, 1687. —ED.
Ft1310 Ex Ambros. lib. 1. offic. cap. 41; et ex Prudentio. lib. “De Coronis.”
Ft1311 Some say that this tyrant was Decius the emperor, but that cannot be, except Gallien or some other judge was now called by the name of Decius. “Turpiter errat Ado in Martyrologio, qui et Sixtum et Laurentium passos esse tradit, sub Decio Imper . Valeriano Praefecto .”
See Basnagii “Annales Politico-Eccles.” ad an. 258, Section 9. —ED.
Ft1312 Henr. de Erfordia.
Ft1313 Lib. 7. cap. 11. —ED.
Ft1314 This is said in reference to a charge of Germanus against Dionysius. —ED.
Ft1315 Ex Dionysii Epist. ad Germanum, apud Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 11. —ED.
Ft1316 The events here referred to are stated supra, p. 180. —ED.
Ft1317 Probably the plague mentioned supra, p. 190, 191, 196. —ED.
Ft1318 Ex Dionysii Epist. ad Domitium et Didymum, apud Euseb. ibid.
Valesius and Dupin consider this epistle as relating wholly to the Decian persecution. —ED.
Ft1319 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 12. —ED.
Ft1320 Rather, “Historical Mirror.” Speculum Historiale Vincentii, lib. 11. cap. 83. —ED.
Ft1321 Vincent. (Ibid. —ED.) Erford.
Ft1322 Ibid. Foxe, missing Vincentius’s meaning, says “Italy.” This town, now in ruins, was near Nice. See Tillemont’s “Mem. Eccles.” tom. 4. pt. 1, p. 26. It is perhaps the modern Cimies, which has formed the scene of one of Mrs. Sherwood’s instructive narratives. —ED.
Ft1324 Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 78, 79. See also infra, pp. 215, 216. —ED.
Ft1325 Ibid. cap. 83.
Ft1326 Bergomen. lib. 8. Erford, lib. 6. cap. 17. —ED.
Ft1327 Baronius agrees with Foxe in the succession, excluding only Philip.
Vid. “Annal. Eccles.” ad an. 266, Section 12; and an. 285, Section 15. —ED.
Ft1328 Ex Antonin. tit. 7. cap. 6. Section 12. —ED.
Ft1329 Foxe by mistake says “Hierapolis,” but Antoninus, and Baron.
Annal. Eccles. ad an. 188, Section 2, say “Heliopolis:” he was really bishop of Tarsus, see p. 214. —ED.
Ft1330 Vincent. lib. 11. cap. 76, 77. Anton. Bergom. Ado. [Foxe has done well in leaving the reaaer to believe as much as he thinks proper of these narratives. See “Tillemont’s Memoires,” tom. 4. pt. 1, pp 20 and 329, edit. 12mo. 1706. —ED.] Ex Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 5. —ED.
Ft1332 Cent, Magd. cent. 3. cap. 10. —ED.
Ft1333 Ex Isuardo, [or “Usuardus,” a monk of Fulde, of the Benedictine order. Charlemagne instructed him to draw up a Martyrology, which exists, says Vossius (De Hist. Lat. p. 295), “non exiguo sane historiae Ecclesiasticae bono.” There are editions of Louvain 1568, of Antwerp 1714, and of Paris 1718. “Martyrologium Usuardi, Monachi Paris., prodiit Lovanii 1568, item 1573 — recusum delude cum annotatt. et addit. Joh. Molani, Antv. 1583.
Verum in edit. Ant. 1583, omissa sunt ea, quae Pontificiis in priori minus placebant.” N.P. Sibbern schediasma de libris Latinorum eccles. Viteb. 1706, p. 101. — Ed.] a87 Aurelius Prudentius, Ado, Equilinus.
Ft1335 Pollio, Section 5. —ED.
Ft1336 Also Lactantius, “De Mort. Persecut.” cap. 5. —ED.
Ft1337 Epitome, cap. 32, Section 5. —ED.
Ft1338 “Sed et tu, Valeriane, quoniam eandem homicidiorum saevitiam erga subditos Dei exercuisti, justum Dei judicium declarasti, dum captivus ac vinctus una cum ipsa purpura ac reliquo imperatorio ornatu abductus ac tandem a Sapore Persarum rege excoriari jussus saleque conditus, perpetuum infelicitatis tuae trophaeum erexisti,” etc. Ex Euseb in Sermone ad Conventum sanctorum, cap. 24. —ED.
Ft1339 Tillemont takes the same view as Foxe, “Memoires,” tom. 4. pt. 1, pp. 39 — 41. —ED.
Ft1340 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 13. —ED.
Ft1341 jApoxwrh>swsi , i .e . desist from molesting. —ED.
Ft1342 i .e . the burial grounds. —ED.
Ft1343 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 15. —ED.
Ft1344 Otherwise called “Theoctistus.” Ibid. cap. 5. —ED.
Ft1345 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 15. —ED.
Ft1346 Ibid. cap. 16. —ED.
Ft1347 Ibid. cap. 17. —ED.
Ft1348 Ibid. cap. 18. —ED.
Ft1349 See Pagi, Crit. in Baron. Ann. Eccl., ad an. 272, Section 8. —ED.
Ft1350 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. —ED.
Ft1351 Oros. lib. 7. c. 23, 27. See Appendix. —ED.
Ft1352 Ex Eutropio et Victore, cap. 36. —ED.
Ft1353 jEn th~| kat j jAlexa>ndreian tou~ Puroucei>ou poliorki>a| . Euseb.
Foxe had misunderstood Puroucei>ou to be the name of the Roman general. Pyruchium still remains in the text of Eusebius; but Valesius has shown from Ammianus Marcellinus (lib. 22) and the chronicle of Eusebius, etc. that Pruchium is the correct reading. ]Wkei de< tw~| Prouci>w| peri< to Ft1354 Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 32. —ED.
Ft1355 Eutrop. [lib. 9. Section 11.] —ED.
Ft1356 Ex editione Frobeniana. It bears the title “Eutropii insigne volumen, quo Rom. historia universa describitur ex divers. auc. etc. collecta, edente Sigis. Gelenio;” Basileae, 1532; and again in 1569: and Foxe might easily discover in it , what was not supplied by other and more genuine editions, this of Frobenius being the History of Eutropius as interpolated by Paul, deacon of Aquileia (who lived at the end of the eighth century), and is entitled “Historia Miscella; quae Eutropii historiam (says Tzschucke, his last editor) non solum iisdem verbis, etsi alia multa assuat vel intertexat, reddit, sed et ab initio auget et ad ulteriora tempora prosequitur. — Decuplo major exhibetur Eutropius in edit. Basil, 1532.” This will satisfactorily account for Foxe’s discovery. —ED.
Ft1357 Ex Chroni. Urspergen. [Eutrop. lib. 9. Section 5. —ED] Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 1. —ED.
THE TENTH PERSECUTION Psalm 89:39, etc. These passages are translated exactly from Eusebtus’s text. — ED.
Ft1360 Eutrop. lib. 9 sect. 16; Vopisc. Namer. sect. 13, 15. — ED.
Ft1361 Vopiscus, vita Numeriani, whence Foxe’s text has been a little altered. — ED.
Ft1362 This is a disputed point. “Helenam mulierem vilissimam, Duciae Nayso, ut conjectura est, ortam, vel uxorem habuit, vel concubinam.
Qua de re variant auctores.” Basnagii Annales Historico-Polit, ad an. 292, sect. 3; who gives references to Zosimus, lib. it. cap. 8, Aurelius Victor; Stephanus De Urbibus, etc. — ED.
Ft1363 Eusebius, in his Chronicle, also says “March,” “in diebus Paschae;” but in the history of the Martyrs of Palestine, he says it was in April.
Lactantius states, that the destruction of the churches and the burning of the Scriptures began February 23, being the Roman Terminalia; and that next day the edict was published for depriving Christians of office. \“De Mort.Persec.” cap. 13.) Easter day fell in A.D. 303 on April 18. — ED.
Ft1364 Eusebius lib. 8, cap. 2, whence several corrections have been made in the text; also Basnagii annales ad an. 303, sect. 5, and Lactant. de M.P. sect. 12. — ED.
Ft1365 Ibid. cap. 2, 3. Nicephorus, lib. 7, cap. 3, 4. Zonaras, tom. 2. — ED.
Ft1366 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 5. See infra, p. 232. — ED.
Ft1367 Stratopeda>rchv, Eusebius; who in his Chronicle says that this man’s name was Veturius. Foxe renders the word “Marshal of the field,” but see infra, p. 241, note (3.) — ED.
Ft1368 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 4. —ED. Ibid. cap. 6. —ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 7. —ED.
Ft1371 The mines of Phaeno were near Petra in Idumea. Hoffman’s Lex. — ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 13. — ED. “De Martyr. Palaestin.” cap. 11. — ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 12. — ED. The “Acta Proconsularia,” first printed by Baronius (an. 290, sect. 2), respecting these martyrs, are better authority. — ED.
Ft1376 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 12. — ED.
Ft1377 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 6. — ED.
Ft1378 Ibid. cap. 6, 13. — ED.
Ft1379 Cited by the Magdeburg Centuriators (cent. 4. cap. 3); and again (cap. 13), somewhat disparagingly, as author of “De Floribus Temporum.”
He was named “Gigas,” no doubt, to distinguish him from Herman , “Contract.” — ED.
Ft1380 A very doubtful story, unless, according to Tillemont (Memoires, tom. 4 pt. 3, p. 1361), Prisca, the queen, is meant: still she is not considered a martyr. This subject is discussed in Cuper’s Notes on “Lactantius, De Morte Persecut.” cap. 50. Basnage considers that the work of Lactantius, “De Morte Persecutorum,” has, both in this and several other instances, supplied much better than the current information: “Serenam Augustam Caesarum throno pellit (Lactant.), ut in eo Priscam, veram Diocletiani conjugem, collocet.” “Annales Politico-Eccles.” ad an. 303,sect. 10. — ED.
Ft1381 The place is supplied from the Martyrologies. — ED.
Ft1382 Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 14. — ED.
Ft1383 Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 6. Nicephorus says dismuri>ouv, 20,000, which seems enormous. — ED.
Ft1384 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 12. — ED.
Ft1385 Strathgo Ft1387 The district seems to be called Orbaliaena. Compare” Martyrol.
Rom.” by Baronius, p. 544 (Antverpiae, 1589), and Tillemont, “Mem.
Eccles.” tom. 5 pt. 1, pp. 280, 281. — ED.
Ft1388 Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 14. — ED.
Ft1389 Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 77. — ED.
Ft1390 A city near the Mendesian, or Western, mouth of the Nile. — ED.
Ft1391 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 13. — ED.
Ft1392 The following quotation from Basnage’s “Annales Politico-Eccles.” (ad an. 301, sect. 4) has corrected several mistakes in the text. “Harum Legionum unam, quae tota Christianorum erst, in auxilium Maximiano ab Orientis pattibus accitam venisse fertur. Eorum natale Sept. XXII illigatur. Seduni in Gallia in loco Agauno, natalis SS. Mart.
Thebaeorum, Mauritii,” etc. Foxe mentions these martyrs again infra, p. 234, more at large. — ED.
Ft1393 Vincentius in Speculo, lib. 12 cap. 2. — ED.
Ft1394 Vincentins in Speculo, lib. 12 cap. 50. — ED.
Ft1395 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 6.
Ft1396 “Lesbos” is introduced from the Centuriators, who refer to Sabellicus, Ennead, 7 lib. 8. See also Baron. Martyrol. April 5th. This entire sentence is from the Centuriators. — ED.
Ft1397 So say the Centuriators, without naming the Chronicle: Foxe adds “Martini,” but Martin is silent on the subject. Foxe alters Samos into: “Sammium.” The Chronicles of Regino and Herman Contract both mention “Sirmium,” which perhaps misled him. See Bar. Mart. Feb. 23. — ED.
Ft1398 Henr. de Errordia. See Baron. Martyrol. Feb. 21st. — ED.
Ft1399 Tillemont, Mem. tom. 5 pt. 2, p. 220. — ED.
Ft1400 Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 49. — ED.
Ft1401 Ibid. cap. 58. — ED.
Ft1402 Basnagii Annales, ad an. 303, sect. 15. — ED.
Ft1403 Basnage has produced evidence to the contrary. “Purum commentum esse, quae Baluzius habet de multis Christianis in Gallia ethnico furore caesis) indicio est veterum silentium.” Ad an. 303, sect. 17. — ED.
Ft1404 Antonin. et Vincent, lib. 12 cap. 7. Foxe (copying the Centuriators) says Victor suffered at Milan. Vincent mentions two martyrs of that name, one at Milan, the other at Marseilles (loco citato) the latter of whom should here be mentioned, as our author is speaking of French martyrs. — ED.
Ft1405 Ib. cap. 136.
Ft1406 Ibidem. Vincentins (lib. 10 cap. 25) places the martyrdom of Lucian of Beauvais under Decius; and he only refers here to his former preaching, as one cause of there being now so many excellent Christians in those parts. — ED.
Ft1407 Regino, Abbas Prumiensis, flornit circa A.D. 904—chronicon condidit a nativitate Christi ad an. 908, quod primus luci exposnit Seb. de Rotenhan, Maguntiae, 1521. “Hallervord de Hist. Lat. in Supplem. ad Vossium,” (Hamb. 1709,) p. 779. It was afterwards reprinted with Lainbert of Aschaffenburg at Frankfort, 1566. — ED.
Ft1408 Baron. Martyrol. Oct. 27th. — ED.
Ft1409 Baron. Ann. 303, sect. 139. — ED.
Ft1410 Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 123, 124, 129, 130, 134. — ED.
Ft1411 Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 136. — ED.
Ft1412 Chron. Regin. — ED.
Ft1413 Polonus, col. 66, edit. Basileae, 159. Martin Strempus was made grand penitentiary by pope Nicolaus III. in 1277, and soon after archbishop of Gnesen in Poland. “Nihil celebrius ejus chronico” are the words of Fabricius (Biblioth. med. et inf. Lat. tom. 5 p. 42, edit, 1754).
An accurate edition was published, Colonaie, 1616. — ED.
Ft1414 “The Nosegay of Time,” by which is meant the “Fasciculus Temporum,” written by Wernerus Rolwink, and of which the editions in the fifteenth century are numerous; in a copy before us (fol. 47), “in Anglia pene tota fides extincta est hoc tempore a Maximiano.” — ED.
Ft1415 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 3-6. — ED.
Ft1416 Ibid. cap. 7, 8. — ED.
Ft1417 Ibid. cap. 9. — ED.
Ft1418 Ibid. cap. 12. See the Centuriators, whom Foxe copies. — ED.
Ft1419 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 10.
Ft1420 “Pelle nudatus.” Sabell. et Plat. — ED.
Ft1421 Sabellic. Ennead. 7 lib. 8. See supra, p. 226. — ED.
Ft1422 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 3. — ED.
Ft1423 Socrates, lib. 1 cap. 6. — ED.
Ft1424 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 9. — ED.
Ft1425 “At Cologne the walls of St. Gereon are to be seen full of the bones of the martyred Roman legion.” Christian Observer. 1840, p. 29. And yet, notwithstanding the use which is made of cathedrals on the continent, in upholding superstition, and making money thereby, we have writers in protestant publications in England rejoicing that the cathedral at Cologne is being now completed according to the original design, apparently just because it is a cathedral !—a place too where, we presume, the three kings (so called) are still exhibited! — ED.
Ft1426 “Rem quod attinet, Mauritio, Exuperio, Candido, Victori martyrii quidem laudem non invidemus, cum cruentis edictis Diocletiani compluribus de militum grege lucem ereptam fuisse non ignoremus.
Quod veto tota legio et Christianis constiterit et Martyribus, ut ex 6666 militibus nullus pusillanimus fuerit, omnesque intrepide sanguinem pro Christo fuderint, vix habet fidem. Multos Maximiani Diocletianique in exercitu Christianos militasse scimus, at variis in legionibus dispersos, non vero in una legione collocatos. Neque probabliem adhuc causam invenimus, cur sex mille sexcentique Christiani uni eidemque legioni includerentur. Dubitationem adjuvat, quod de tanto numero ne vel unus quidem a certamine sese segregarit.”
See “Basnagii, Annales Politico-Eccles.” ad an. 301, sect. 6, who then adduces a variety of other objections from the omission of any mention of this slaughter by former and older historians, the anachronisms of the story, etc.; tom. 2: — ED.
Ft1427 Lib. 3 cap. 45. A few lines from the Acta quoted by Baronius will explain, and in a measure rectify, this strange statement of Otho’s: “Haec dum agerentur, cohors ilia, quae beatum Victoem comitabatur, ad locum cui destinata est properaris pervenit ad oppidum Francorum, quod ex majorum suorum aedibus Trojam nuncupabant.” Baronii “Annales Eccles.” an. 297, sect. 21. — ED. a98 As there is no necessity for Foxe (according to the silly notion of some erudite scribblers) to Rake martyrs, it may be here remarked that this account of the martyrs of the Theban legion has excited much controversy. See “Moshemii de rebus Christtanorum ante Constantinum Commen-tarii” (Helmsradii, 1753), pp. 566-570; or, translated by Vidal (Lond. 1835), vol. 3 pp. 190-195. — ED.
Ft1429 The supposed body of this captain was made an object of devotion, it appears, at Turin, so ate as the beginning of the 18th century. “Dici vix potest quantus cultus fabulosis hisce Sanctis Augustae Taurinorum hodienum tribuatur, tum a plebe, tum ab Aula magistratuque, eo imprimis tempore, ex quo Car. Emanuel I. Sabaudiae Dux, cadaver Mauritii, qui legioni Thebaeae praefuisse creditur, Augustam Taurinorum perferri curavit. Conf. Act. Erudit. Lips. 1706, p. 308.”
Dey-lingii “Observatt. Saer. pars prima,” Lipsiae. 1735, p. 146.
Ft1430 Martigny in the Valais. — ED.
Ft1431 S. Mauritz in Switzerland. Hoffman’s Lex. — ED.
Ft1432 See Tillemont, 4:2. p. 834. — ED.
Ft1433 From Ado’s Martyrology, Sep. 22. — ED Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 16. — ED.
Ft1435 Ib. cap. 17. — ED.
Ft1436 This event, according to later chronologers, should be dated 305; under which year, however, Marianus Scotus had already placed it. See more in the Appendix. — ED.
Ft1437 “Errore Graecis auctt. familiari Maximinus loco Maximiani scribitur.
See more in Pagi, ad an. 304, p. 379, tom. 3 edit. Lucae, 1738. — ED.
Ft1438 Foxe has followed the Magdeburg Centuriators, apparently(Cent. 4 c. 3, col. 23, edit. 1624); but: the original is rather vague in its phraseology. — ED.
Ft1439 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 13. — ED.
Ft1440 Sozomen, lib. 1 cap. 6. — ED.
Ft1441 Eusebius de Vita Constant. lib. 1 cap. 15, 16. Sozomen lib. 1 cap. 6. — ED.
Ft1442 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 14. — ED.
Ft1443 Id. lib. 9 cap. 11. These were ministers of Maximin, not of Maximian. — ED.
Ft1444 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 16. — ED.
Ft1445 Ib. cap. 17. The above is a new translation. — ED.
Ft1446 Logistai<, receivers-general. — ED.
Ft1447 Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 1. A new translation. — ED.
Ft1448 Ibid. Id. lib. 1 cap. 9; lib. 9 cap. 4. — ED.
Ft1450 Stratopeda>rchv, Eusebius “the lieutenant.” The chief magistrates in the emperor’s provinces exercised both the civil and military functions (see Adam’s Romans Ant.), and bore military titles. The “magistrates” at Alexandria, mentioned supra, p. 210, also 240, are called: Strath>goi in the Greek, and answered to our “sheriffs.” (See Valesius’s notes on that passage.) It is evident, however, that the chief magistrate of the province, or “lieutenant,” is here meant. See infra, p. 256, note 1. — ED.
Ft1451 Eusebius lib. 9 cap 5,7 . — ED.
Ft1452 “Crediderunt veteres certis diebus deos in quasdam urbes ipsis acceptas commeare, casque ejpidhmi>av qew~n appellabant. Sic apud Delios et Milesios adventus Apollinis colebatur, apud Argivos Dianae, ut scribit Menander Rhetor in cap. de hymnis ajpopemptikoi~v ” Vales. not. in Eusebius 9:7, ubi plura. Something of this kind seems to be meant by Callimachus; (hym. in Apol. 9) Wpo>llwn ouj panti< faei>netai, ajll j o[tiv ejsqlo>v. —ED.
Ft1453 The like argument of weather and corn, and plenty, made the unfaithful Jews, and also makes now our faithless Papists.
Ft1454 Eusebius lib. 9 cap.7, whence the above translation is made. — ED. Ibid. cap. 6, 7. — ED. Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 44. — ED. See Mart. Rein., by Baronins, p. 267, edit. 1589. — ED. Chron. Eusebius. — ED. The following list is somewhat corrected. It is taken from various chronicles, “Fasciculi temporum,” (Cent. Magd.) See supra, p. 183, note 6. — ED. See Baron. an. 310, sect. 24. — ED. Spanheim has examined her history, which must rank, apparently, amongst the fabulous: ‘Hist. Christ, saec.” 4, col. 819. — ED. See Appendix. — ED. Tillemont’s Memoires, tom. 5 pt. 1 p. 253. — ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 14, and “De Laudibus Const.” cap. 7. — ED. See Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 6. — ED. Eusebius, lib. 9 cap. 8. The medimnus, or measure, contained six modii, or a little more than six pecks. Four Attic drachms were equal to about half-a-crown. — ED. “Let your light so shine among men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 8; whence a few expressions in the text have been changed. — ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 14. “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 cap 33-36. — ED.
Ft1470 Laetus expressly states, that the husband, for fear of being put to death, consented that his wife should be carried off. Eusebius makes the same statement, and also that he was prefect of Rome at the time. (Hist. lib. 8 cap. 14. Vit. Const. lib. 1 cap. 34.) Ruffinus says her name was Sophronia. — ED. Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 14. — ED. Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 9. “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 cap. 26, 37. — ED. jAmfi< meshmbrina See Pagii Crit. in Baron. Ann. ad A.D. 306 et A.D. 312. — ED. Eusebius “de Vita Constant.” lib. 1 cap. 28; Niceph, lib. 7 cap. 29; Eutrop. lib. 11; Sozom. lib. 1 cap. 3; Socrat. lib. 1 cap. 2; Urspergensis Chronic.; Paul. Diacon. lib. 11. — ED. Eusebius “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 cap. 28, 29. — ED. Eusebius “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 cap. 30. — ED. Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 9. “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 38. — ED. “Hoc salutari signo, veraci fortitudinis indicio, civitatem nostrum jugo tyranni ereptam liberavi.” Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 9. “De Vita Const.” lib. 1 cap. 39, 40. — ED. Note well these thousand years, and then read the twentieth chapter of the Apocalypse, “Satan was bound up for a thousand years,” etc.
THE COPY OF THE IMPERIAL CONSTITUTION This constitution, with the exception of the opening clause, is found in the original Latin, in Lactantius, “De Mort. Persecut.” cap. 48, which was first published by Baluze, in his “Miscellanea:” tom. Paris, 1679. its publication is there stated to have taken place “die Iduum Juniarum Const atque Licin. ter consuiibus,” i.e. June 13, A.D. 313.
Ft1481 Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 5. The following is a new translation. — ED.
Ft1482 Toward the close of A.D. 312. Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 9. — ED.
Ft1483 A town in Dalmatia, Dioclesian’s birth-place, near the modern Spalatro. — ED.
Ft1484 Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 9. — ED. The following is a new translation. — ED. Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 10. — ED.
Ft1487 Eutropius, Laetus, Egnatius; Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 13. Eusebius lib. 9 cap. 9. — ED. Tou Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 8, and “De Vit. Const.” lib. 1 cap. 54. — ED. Eusebius ibidem, and “De Vita Const.” lib. 1[cap. 51, 53, 54. — ED.] Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 8. “De Vit. Const.” lib. 2 cap. 1, 2. Sozomen. lib. 1 cap. 7. — ED. Eusebius “De Vita Constantini,” lib. 1 cap. 55. Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 8.
Ft1494 See Baron. on the Mart. Romans Nov. 9. — ED. He was called “the Apostle of Armenia,” and “the Enlightener.” — ED.
Ft1496 Tw~n ejkei>nou uJpaspistw~n, Niceph. Foxe renders the word “sheriff;” but Nicepborus calls Lysias (supra, p. 229) oJ th~v e[w hJgemw Ft1498 Lib. 9 cap. 2. — ED.
Ft1499 See Appendix.
Ft1500 “Eliso et fracto superbissimo gutture, vitam detestabilem turpi et ignominiosa morte finivit; (Lact. de morte Persecut. cap. 30) idque Massiliae, ut Eusebius in Chronico, Victor in Epitome, et Orosius in Historia docent.” Pagii crit. in Baron. an. 307. sect. 10. — ED.
MARTYRS OF THE TENTH PERSECUTION Foxe had good ground for doubting this portion of St. Alban’s history. “Hieronymus (epist 128, ad Fab.) et Eucherius (Instruct. lib. 2. c. 10) Ephod indumentum Sacerdotale ita describentes. ut in modum caracalloe fuisse dicant, sed sine cucullo, caracallas fuisse paenulas cucullatas satis indicant: indeque diminutivum Karaka>llion in Glossario Graeo-latino, Cyrillo ascripto, Cuculla exponitur. Sed amphibali vocabulum (quod huic ipsi vestimento magis quam illius possessori convenire, suo loco sumus ostensuri) ex Britannica Galfridi Monemuthensis historia (lib. 5 c. 5) acceptum esse, ne ipsi quidem monachi dissimulant.” (Usher, Britt. Ecclesiastes Antiq. p. 78, edit.
Lond. 1687) “Amphibalum vestis externae genus esse quoddam, qua clerici et monachi olim utebantur, ex Sulpicio Severo in vita Martini et Remigio Remensi episcopo in Testamento suo et Adamnano in vita Columbae manifeste deprehenditur. Ut ex minus intelleeto Gildae loco, et Amphibali martyris nomen a Galfrido primum effictum, et Wintoniensi ecclcsiae deinde affictum fuisse, aliqua fortasse hinc commoveri possit suspicio.” Id. ib. p. 281. See also Fuller’s Church History., century 4, sect. 6. — ED.
Ft1502 In the portions quoted from Prudentius in this narrative, Foxe has often altered the descriptive form into the direct. It is also much abridged. — ED.
Ft1503 Prudentius, 5:460. — ED.
Ft1504 Prudentius, 5:562. — ED.
Ft1505 Ib. 5:663. — ED.
Ft1506 See Prudentius, 5:810. — ED.
Ft1507 Prudentius, 5:833. See infra, p. 270, note 1. — ED.
Ft1508 These verses are rather an inadequate representation of vv. 839, 840; which are themselves a version of Psalm cxvi. 14—16. “Pretiosa sancti mors sub aspecru Dei, Tuus ille servus, proles ancillae tuae.” Ft1509 Prudentius, in Hymuis [10] de Coronis Martyrum. [Eusebius de Mart. Pal. cap. 2. — ED.] Ex Basil. in Sermone in Gordium militem Caesariensem, [whence a few expressions are corrected. — ED.] Simeon Metaphrast. [apud Surium] tom. 5.
Ft1512 Ex Basil. in Serm. de 40 Martyribus. — ED.
Ft1513 Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 44. Sozom. lib. 9 cap, 2. — ED.
Ft1514 Tillemont, tom. 5 part 3, p. 158. — ED.
Ft1515 This history writeth Simeon Metaphrastes.
Ft1516 “Primae cohortis,” by which seems meant the “Praetoria cohors,” or life-guards. — ED.
Ft1517 Ambros. in Exhortatione ad Virgines.
Ft1518 So says Prudentius, who perhaps uses it poetice for “deacon,” as Ado terms him. — ED.
Ft1519 See Baronius’s and Ado’s Martyrologies, Jan. 22d. Another Vincentius, a Levite, is commemorated in the Martyrologies, June 9th, as having suffered at Agen in France. — ED.
Ft1520 Prud. “De Coronis,” Hymn 4 v . 97, 90. 5 v . 30, 40. — ED.
Ft1521 Ex August. in Sermone [in Append. tom. 5 col. 315]. — ED.
Ft1522 Eusebius lib. 8 cap. 9; Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 9.
Ft1523 Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 15. a106 Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 15.
Ft1525 Bergom. Supplem. lib. 8: Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 93.
Ft1527 Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 5.
Ft1528 Petr. De Natal. lib. 9 cap. 49.
Ft1529 It is doubtful whether there were ever such martyrs. See Basnagii Annal. ad an. 293, sect. 2. — ED.
Ft1530 This name is spelt sometimes “Gallenicus ;” but see Baronius’s Note on Jan. 28. “Mart. Rom.” p. 53, Antverp. 1589. — ED.
Ft1531 Vincent. lib. 12 cap. 120-122.
Ft1532 Tillemont, tom. 5:pt. I; Mart. Romans a Baronio, April 26). — ED.
Ft1533 Sabel. Ennead, 7 lib. 8.
Ft1534 It is difficult to say over what place he presided, but certainly not in Apulia. See Tillemont, “Memoires Eccles.” tom. 5:pt. 2:p. 360, edit. in 12too, 1707. His episcopate seems to have been Thibara, or Tizzaca, in Africa: see note in Baron. Martyrol. Oct. 24th). — ED.
Ft1535 This name is sometimes read, Audactus, and Audax). — ED.
Ft1536 A different place, Aquileia, is assigned as the place of these martyrdoms by Baronins (ad an. 303, sect. 123), and the same may be remarked of many preceding). — ED.
Ft1537 Bergom. lib. 8 [p. 176, Ed. Brixiae, 1485). — ED.] Ex Aurel. Prudent. lib. “De Coron.” [hymn 9. This story has been translated rather paraphrastically: there is nothing in the original answering to the second stanza). — ED.] Forum Cornelii, hodie, Imola). — ED.
Ft1540 “AEdituus consultus, ait,” is the original). — ED.
Ft1541 There is nothing in the original answering to this. Londin. Valpy, tom. 1 p. 298). — ED.
Ft1542 The same remark applies to this and the preceding line; from line to 76, and 96 and 97. — ED.
Ft1543 There is an allusion here in the original (not sufficiently retained perhaps in the translation) to the shape of the stylus, or ancient pen, one end of which was sharp, the other flattened, to smooth the wax if needful. See Adam’s Roman Antiquities, by Boyd, p. 440. — ED.
Ft1544 It may be proper here to add a remark from Rivet. “Poetis in more positum est, quid versus potius, quam pietas postulat, saepe considerare, et elegantias poeticas multo magis, quam accuratam Scripturarum disciplinam consectari. Id cum ad Prudentii nonnulla dicta respondisset Campiano doctiss. Whittakerus, [ad rat. Campiani resports, x.] quid? air Duraeus, quia Poeta fuit, se esse Christianum oblitus est? Id quaerat a suo Bellarmino, qui lib. 2:de Purgat. cap. 18, respondens ad argumentum, quo ex Prudentio objiciebatur, esse sub Styge ferias spiritibus nocentibus, ‘nihil’ (inquit) ‘aliud dico, nisi more poerico lusisse Prudentium.’” Tract. de Patrum Autori. cap. 11, sect. 3, prefixed to his Criticus Sacer. This remark may be extended to the practice of praying to the departed saints, of which there are, as it will be perceived, some traces both in this hymn and the hymn upon Romanus (v. 833, supra, p. 262). Cellarius pointed out these and other deviations from sound doctrine, in his edition of Prudentius (Halae Sax. 1703); and various similar passages are collected by Chemnitz (Exam.
Conc. Trid. pars 3, he. 4, de lnvoc. Sanct. sect. 57). See also Forbesii Instruct. Historico-Theol. lib. 7 c. 5, sect. 11. Some portions of these verses, particularly the closing stanzas, are not precisely as Foxe gave them, but are made to accord with the original. — ED Ex Aurel. Prudentio, lib. “De Coronis.” [Hymn,3.] Foxc’s text has been corrected here. — ED.
Ft1547 Ex Pruden. etc. “Greese,” a stair or step. — ED.
Ft1549 Ex Pruden. Lib. de Coronis, [hymn 14.] Petrus de Natalibus, lib. 10.
Ft1551 See Appendix.
Ft1552 Anton. tit. 8 capit. I sect. 38. — ED.
Ft1553 Ex Basil. in Ser.
Ft1554 Metaph. ibid. See supra, p. 205, note (1). According to Dowling’s “Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum. Oxon. 1839,” p. 217, the works of Cyprian of Antioch are included in Francis Oberthurs “SS. Patrum Latinorum opera omnia, Wirceburgi 1780-91;” but see Basnage, an. 248, sect. 7. — ED.
Ft1556 Eusebius de Mart. Pal. cap. 3. — ED.
Ft1557 Platin. in Vita Carl; [but Agatha suffered under Decius: see Mart.
Romans Feb. 5. — ED.] St. Dionysius, St. Felix, and St. Eutychian, intervened. — ED.
Ft1559 Ex lib. Concilior. et Platina.
Ft1560 This story is taken from the “Pontificale” of Damasus, and is, in Basnage’s opinion (Annales, ad an. 308, sect. 5,) fabulous. His main objection is that the episcopate of Marcellus is thus made to occupy five years, whereas he sat but one year, seven months, and twenty days. — ED.
Ft1561 Eusebius in Chron. “Mira confusio” (remarks Pagi) “ut animadvertit Constantius, p. 318, in veteribus libris, in designundo quando, et quamdiu sederit S. Eusebius.” A brief session seems most probable; if the reader wishes for more information upon the question, he may consult “Pagii Crit. in Baron.” an. 311, p. 493, edit. Lucae, 1748. “Errore immani,” says Basnage (ad an. 310, sect. 6). Six months, he considers, are as much as can be allowed to the episcopate of Eusebius. — ED.
Ft1562 Foxe is correct about the chronology: “Qui tamen in antiquis ecclesiasticis monumentis reperitur tittrio Martyris consignatus, more majorum, quod qui persecutionis tempore perpessus pro Christi fide tormenta, licet superstes in fide quieverit, martyr appellari ejusmodi consueverit.” Baron. Annul. an. 313, sect. 47. Constantine’s letter is in Eusebius Hist. Eccl 10:cap. 5. — ED.
Ft1563 Ex Sabel. Ennead. 7 lib. 8. — ED.
Ft1564 For this and the subsequent quotation, see Labbe’s Collection of the Councils, tom. 1 col. 943. — ED.
Ft1565 The Romanists seem puzzled whether to reject or to advocate the existence of such a council. see Howel’s “Synopsis Canonum Ecclesiastes Latinae,” (Lond. 1710) pp. 34-36, and” Concil. Generall.
Studio Labbei,” tom. 1 col. 944; Dupin’s “History of Ecclesiastes Writers,” vol. 2 p. 241. The seat of the supposed council is now called Sezza. “Hoe Concilium videtur supposititium esse; nam licet convocatum dicatur anno 303, ejus tamen nec meminit Eusebius, nec Ruffinus, nec Hieronymus, nee Socrates, nee Theodoretus, nee Sozomenus, nee Eutropius, nec Damasuz, nec Beda, nee quisquam alius saeculo tertio, 4 aut 5, aut 6, aut septimo. Nicolaus Papa primus ejus nominis, qui vixit circa 860, primus extitit qui illius meminit.”
Censura quorundam Scriptorum auct. R. Coco; p. 441, edit. Helmst. 1683. — ED.
Ft1566 “Subscripserunt igitur in ejus damnationem et damnaverunt eum extra civitatem.”
Ft1567 About eighty-five names of witnesses are given in Labbe, tom. 1 col. 939; but in col. 940, “seventy-two” is mentioned as the number. The number is also expressed in a peculiar manner as “Occidua Libra testium,” i.e. a western pound, which Baronius (Eccl. Ann. A.D. 302), says, contained 72 solidi, and represented the number 72: he also adds that the best copies mention seventy-two names. Foxe erroneously says “forty-two.” — ED.
Ft1568 “Falsum esse de thurificatione Marcellini rumorem, docet antiquum Damasi Chronicum. Lapsus Marcellini ante Augustum mensera an. 303, cntigisse dicitur, utpote Episcopatu moti X. Kal Sept. Diocletiano VIII. et Maximiano VII. Coss. Atqui teste Chronico Pontificatum Marcellinus etiamnum retinebat, anno 304, Diocletiano IX. et Maxim.
VIII. Coss. Denique Sinues-sanum Concilium, quod lapsui Marcellini fundamento est, omnino subditum est.” Basnagii Annai. ad an. 296, sect. 5. — ED.
Ft1569 Blondel agrees with Foxe as to the patching up of this epistle: “Centonem ex Innocentii, Leonis et Vigilii Epistolis, et Impp. rescriptis consutum jam docui.” Epist. Decretal. examen (Genevae, 1635) p. 384; in Labbe’s Concill. General. tom. 1 col. 926. — ED.
Ft1570 [Decret. pars 2. causa] 24 quaest. 1. [sect. 15]. “Rogamus vos fratres.” — ED.
Ft1571 In what chapter or leaf of all the Bible doth the Lord command the see of Peter to be translated from Antioch to Rome?
Ft1572 The above translation bas been revised from the copy in Labbe, Conc.
Gert. tom, 1 col. 948. — ED.
Ft1573 This letter is dated “xvi. Kal. Feb. Maxentio et Maximo V. C. Coss.”
Quae vel una sub-scriptio impostoris fraudes detegit, cum in Fastis horum par Consulum nusquam appareat gentium. Annus 309, qui Marcello supremus fuit, Coss. habuit Maxentium Augustum et Romulum.” Basnagii. “Annales Politico-Eccles.” an. 308, sect. 6. — ED.
Ft1574 “Quod semper majores causae, sicunt sunt Episcoporum, et potiorum curae negotiorum, ad unam beati principis apostolorum Petri sedem confiuerent.”
Ft1575 Ex Epist. Decretal. Melchiades. [Apud Blondel Examen Epist.
Decret. (Gertevae 1635), p. 427. — ED.
Ft1576 Page417 in Slondel’s Examen. — ED.
Ft1577 This martyrdom is placed by Baronius under the fifth year of Aurelian, anno 275, sect. 11. — ED.
Ft1578 Metaphrast.
Ft1579 Niceph. lib. 7 cap. 44; or Baron. anno 316, sect. 47. See supra,p.255. — ED.
Ft1580 Or Milesius; see Mart. Romans a Baron. Ap. 22; and Sozom. H. E. lib. 2 cap. 14.
Ft1581 The kings of Persia were commonly called by the name of Sapor.
Ft1582 Upon these names, which Metaphrastes has inserted suitably enough in his lists, Tiilemont remarks, “Les noms de ces martyrs sont tous Grecs, et non pas Persans,” tom. 7 pt. 1, p. 153. — ED.
Ft1583 Ex Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 9, 10. — ED.
Ft1584 Ex Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 11. — ED.
Ft1585 Ex Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 12. — ED.
Ft1586 Adiabeni was the same as Mesopotamia, and preserves its name in the modern Diarbek. — ED.
Ft1587 Ex Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 13. — ED.
Ft1588 He is called Joseph by Nicephorus. — ED.
Ft1589 This archi-magus and magi (as Xenophon saith) was an order of religion among the Persians, which had the greatest stroke in the land next to the king.
Ft1590 Ex Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 13. Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 37. — ED.
Ft1591 Sozom. lib. 2:cap. 13. — ED.
Ft1592 Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 37. — ED.
Ft1593 Tillemont, tom. 7 pt. 1, p. 156. — ED.
Ft1594 Sozom. lib. 2 cap. 14. — ED.
Ft1595 Theodoret, lib. 1 cap. 25. Eusebius de Vita Constantini, lib. 4 cap. 9- 13. — ED.
Ft1596 See the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 4, col. 47, edit. 1624. Foxe gives the “contents” and “effect,” not a translation, of Constantine’s epistle to Sapor. The part marked with inverted commas is, however, a translation of its conclusion. — ED. Isdegerdes I. reigned A.D. 399-420, his son Vororanes IV. A.D. 420- 440. Theodosius the Younger was emperor A.D. 408-450. L’Art de Verifier des Dates. — ED. Tillemont, tom. 7 p. 158. — ED. Ex Theodor. lib. 5 cap. 39. — ED. Ibidem. — ED. Ibidem. — ED. He was emperor A.D. 361-363. — ED. Ruff 5, cap. 26. Theod. lib. 3 cap. 11. Sozom. lib. 5 cap. 10, 20. — ED. Theod. lib. 3 cap. 18. Niceph. lib. 10, cap. 11. — ED. Sozom. lib. 5 cap. 9. — ED. Ibid. cap. 11. — ED. Ibid. cap. 10. — ED. Tillemont, vol. 7 pt. 2, p. 640. — ED. See Theod. (lot. citat.), whence a few expressions are changed. — ED. Hieron. in Habac. cap. 1. Poih~sai m. t. kai< d. i.e. “continuing.” Revelation 13:5. See Acts 18:23; James 4:13. Gr. See also infra, p. 291, note (2). — ED. Our author should rather have said Licinius, as infra, pp. 291,292. — ED. Our author assigns a less period, sup. pp. 250, 280. See also last note. — ED. See note (2) in last page. — ED.
APOCALYPSE NUMBERS OPENED Our author has scarcely expressed himself intelligibly in this place: perhaps he means “Let the hours of these three days and a half (which be forty-two) he reckoned at the rate of every ,seek for a sabbath of years, or else every day of twelve hours for a year, or else every hour for month; and so these three days and a half come to months fortytwo.” — ED.
Ft1616 Our author resumes these computations and expositions infra, vol. p. 724, and vol. 4 p. 107. — ED.
Ft1617 Lib. 10 cap. 2.
Ft1618 Eusebius De Vita Constantini, lib. 4 cap. 61, 62. — ED.
Ft1619 “Ea similitudine notabat malos homines, qui emendari nequeunt,” adds Pomponius Laetum. — ED.
Ft1620 “Imperatorem esse, fortuna est.” .Ael. Lamp. — ED. August. contra Crescon. lib. 3 cap. 82; and Epist. 49, 50. July 25, A.D. 306, is the true date. — ED.
Ft1623 Eusebius, De Vit. Constant. lib. 2 cap. 48-60. The following is a new and more accurate translation than Foxe’s. — ED. Kata< fu>sin is the Greek, and is obscure: Heinecken thinks it equivalent to kata< peripoi>hsin ; vid. not. in Eusebius V. C. 2. cap. 56. The phrase may perhaps be illustrated in Le Clerc’s Art. crit. part 2, sect. 1, cap. 7, 5, though he is upon such topics, generally, avery unsafe guide. — ED. Eusebius lib. 10 cap. 5. — ED. Ibid. cap. 7. — ED. Eusebius lib. 10 cap 5. — ED. Ibid. — ED. Ibid. cap. 6. — ED.
Ft1630 Eusebius De Vita Constant. lib. 2 cap. 24-43. — ED.
Ft1631 Ex Eusebius De Vita Constant. lib. 2 [cap. 46].
Ft1632 Ibid. lib. 3 cap. 4-14. — ED.
Ft1633 Ibid. lib. 2 cap 71. — ED.
Ft1634 Eusebius De Vita Constant. lib. 2 cap. 64-72. — ED.
Ft1635 Sozom. lib. 1 cap. 8, 9. — ED.
Ft1636 Sozom. lib. 1. cap. 8, 9. Eusebius V. C. 4.25. — ED.
Ft1637 The text has been somewhat corrected from Sozomen, lib. 1 cap. 9. — ED.
Ft1638 See Eusebius “Vit. Constant.” 3. sect. 55. It might be more correct, perhaps, to say “in Coelesyria;” but this region was variously named of old: vide “Plinii Hist. Nat.” lib. 5 cap. 12, or Cellarii “Geogr. Plen.” tom. 2 p. 266, edit. 1706.
Ft1639 “Te solum novimus Deum, to regem cognoscimus, to adjutorem invocamus, abs tc victorias referimus, per to victorias inimicorum constituimus, tibi praesentium bonorum gratiam acceptam ferimus, et per to futura quoque speramus, tibi supplices sumus omnes: imperatorem nostrum Constantinum, ac pientissimos ejus filios, in longissima vita incolumes nobis ac victores custodire supplices oramus.” Eusebius lib. 4 De Vita Const. [c. 20.] “Medicos, grammaticos, et alios professores literarum, et doctores legum, cum uxoribus et liberis,” etc. About Constantine’s time, several provinces were placed under one kaqoliko Ft1642 Eusebius De Vita Constant. lib. 4 cap. 36, whence Foxe’s text has been corrected in two or three points. — ED.
Ft1643 Eusebius De Vita Constant. lib. 4 cap. 28. — ED.
Ft1644 The following arguments against the Donation of Constantine are probably an abridgment of those given by Illyricus Flacius, “Catalogus testium, cura Goularti, Genevae, 1608,” cols. 284-290; whence several inaccuracies in Foxe’s text have been detected and corrected. They will also be found in the Magdeburg Centuriators, cent. 4 cap. 7, col. 319, 320, edit. Basil, 1624. The Donation of Constantine was forged between 755 and 776: for in 776 pope Adrian avails himself of it in an exhortation to Charlemagne. But in 755 Stephen II. had also an opening to make use of it; but as he neither mentions it nor refers to it in any way, it follows that it was unknown to him as it had been to all his predecessors. The president Henault thinks it took its rise from Constantine’s allowing the churches from the year 321 to acquire landed property, and individuals to enrich them by legacies. This donation preserved its credit so long, that in 1478 some Christians were burned at Strasburg for daring to question its authenticity.
Laurence Valla having demonstrated its falsity towards the middle of the 15th century, the best writers of the 16th, even those of Italy, treated it with contempt. Ariosto places it among the chimeras which Astolphus meets with in the moon. Orl. Fur. chap. 14, stanza 8. — ED.
Ft1645 That portion of the canon law, which was drawn up by Gratian, is at present entitled Decretum; but from the remarks of Mastricht (sect. 305), it will easily bear a plural interpretation. Some general reflections upon Gratian’s compilation from the same writer may not be unsuitably subjoined: “Nec meo judicio integrum opus Gratiani penitus abolendum aut omni utilitate carere censeo. Sunt in eo multa, quae historiam, ut supra dictum, ejus et anteriorum temporum juvant. Sunt multa, quae erroribus pontificiorum contraria sunt, et multa ipsam pontificis majestatem oppuguant et convellunt, etiamsi contra intentionem forte scribentis, qui in promovenda monarchia pontificia multum momenti attulit; quod solide et accurate demonstravit magnus juris-consultus Innocentius Gentilet Delphinas in Apologia pro ecclesis Reformatis; in qua controversias quae inter Protestantes et pontificios agitari solent, solidissime et feliciter satis decidit.—Quae sola ratio studiosos, interque cos etiam potissimum theologos, excitare debet ad studium juris canonici, ex quo, tanquam armamentario arma sufficienter contra adversarios promere, eosque proprio gladio conficere possunt.” Ger.
Von Mastricht historia juris eccles, et Pontificii, Halae, 1719, p. 350. — ED.
Ft1646 Lib. 4 cap. 3. — ED.
Ft1647 See Appendix. — ED.
Ft1648 Lib. 7 cap. 33, 35, 37. — ED.
Ft1649 Niceph. lib. 8 cap. 4. Constantine began his reign July 25, A.D. 306, so that the building of Constantinople commenced (according to Nicephorus) in A.D. 315; whereas Licinius did not receive his final overthrow till A.D. 324. Nicephorus seems to have misunderstood an expression of the emperor Julian, that Constantine built his city “infra decem annos.” The more correct opinion probably is, that the building commenced the latter end of A.D. 325 (being the twentieth year of Constantine), that the dedication took place on Monday, May 11, 330, and that it was completed “infra decem annos” A.D. 334, which was the twenty-eighth of his reign. See Pagii Crit. in Baron. Annal. ad an. 324, num. xix an. 330, num. 4. — ED.
Ft1650 “Nullo plane argumento probari posse quae de lepra et baptizato a. 324 per Sylvestrum Constantino M. jactantur-dudum demonstraverunt procter Valesium ad Eusebius etc. Tillemont Hist. des Empereurs; tom. 4 p. 422—et prae reliquis Tentzel. Examen fabulae Romanae de duplici baptismo Constant. M. (Viteb. 1683) etc. etc. Heinecken excursus V. ad Eusebius de Vita Constant. 4 61, Lipsiae, 1830. — ED.
Ft1651 Eusebius lib. 4. De Vita Constantini. Hieronym. in Chron. Ruffin. lib. 2 cap. 11. Socrat. lib. 1 cap. 39. Theod. lib 1 cap. 32. Sozomen. lib. cap. 34.
Ft1652 The “Defensor Pacis” of Marsilius of Padua is mentioned again by our author, infra, vol. 2 p. 705: it is included in Goldasti’s “De Monarchia S. Romani Imperil,” tom. 2 p. 154. It was translated into English by W. Marshall, and printed by Robert Wyer, in 1555. See Herbert’s edition of Ames’ Typographical Antiquities, vol. 1 p. 371; or Dibdin’s, vol. 3 p. 178. — ED.
Ft1653 He was a canon of Barcelona, and chamberlain to Alexander VI. His opinion is quoted by Cooke, vicar of Leeds, in his “Censura quorundam Scriptorum,” (Helmestad. 1683) p. 178. In a remark subjoined to the “Biblioth. Hisp. Vetus” of Antonio (tom. 2 p. 340, edit. 1788) he is characterised as “notissimus;” but it is doubtful in what sense exactly this epithet is to be understood, Antonio having neglected to record any particulars of his life. — ED.
Ft1654 The above paragraph has been corrected in several particulars from Illyricus; who, in penning it, seems to have had before him the “Fasciculus rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum” of Orthuinus Gratius; who, at folio 62 gives the Latin “Donatio Constantini,” translated by Bartholomaeus Picernus de Monte Arduo from a small Greek book, which he himself says he found in the library of pope Julius II., to whom he dedicates the translation: this is followed in the Fasciculus by Laurence Valla’s “Declamatio in Donationem Constantini;” by a passage from Nicolas of Cusan on the same subject (De Concordantia Catholica, lib. 3 cap. 2), containing an allusion to AEneas Sylvius’s Dialogus; by an extract from the history of Antoninus (tit. 8 cap. 2, sect. 8); by an extract from Raphael Volateran (Vit. Constant.); and by another from Hieronymus Catalanus (Practica Cancellaria Apostolica. — ED.
Ft1655 Note, that the oration “Ad Conventum Sanctorum,” is wrongly ascribed to Eusebius, which indeed is the oration of Constantine.
Ft1656 Eusebius de Vita Constantini, lib. 4 [cap. 32. — ED.] END OF BOOK THE FIRST BOOK II Edition 1570, p. 145; edition 1576, p. 107; edition 1584, p. 106; edition 1596, p. 95; edition 1684, vol. 1 p. 117. — ED.
Ft1658 Gildas, Hist. Brit. sect. 6. “Gildas cognomento Sapiens, et Badonicus dictus, natus anno 520, ob praelium Badonicum claro (inde ei nomen) Iltuti discipulus, ob. 570.” Cave. — ED.
Ft1659 Gildas, Lib de Victoria Aurehi Ambrosii. See supra, p. 152. [It appears from Usher, p. 12, that there is no book extant bearing this title. See Appendix for more on this subject. — ED. a112 Tertul “Contra Judaeos.” [sect. 7. — ED.] Ex Origen. Hom. 4. in Ezech.
Ft1662 Ex Beda, Hist. Ecel. Angl. lib. 5 cap. 23. — ED.
Ft1663 Ex Niceph. lib. 2 c. 40. — ED.
Ft1664 Pet. Cluniacensis ad Bernardurn. [Epist. 229, sect. 9. — ED.] Ex Epist. Eleutherii ad Lucium. [Decret. pars 3] De Consecr. Dist. 2. [sect. 19. — ED.] Fabian, pt. 5, cap. 119 and l30. [pp. 96, 112, edit. Loud. 1811. Bede, Ecc. Hist. Gent. Angl. lib. 2 cap. 16. — ED.] “Potrues,” (or “Portuse,” supra, p. 27S,) a corruption of “Porthors,” a word in French romance, sigttifying “a breviary” or portable prayerbook.
See a full account of the word, and the various forms under which it occurs, in archdeacon Nares’s Glossary. — ED. Ex Monumetensi et Mils. See Appendix, and supra, p. 151, note (6). — ED. a113 Herford’s only mistake is in saying A.D. 169, instead of 179; for the emperor Verus completed the 19th year of his reign, March 17, 180, and died ten days after. L’Art de Ver. des Dates. — ED. “Some pretend to give a more punctual and exact account of the settling of our church government here; and for this, besides the rabble of our monkish historians, who swallow Geoffry of Monmouth whole without chewing, I find two of my predecessors, men considerable in their times, produced for the same purpose, viz. Radulphus de Diceto, and Rad. Baddock; so that setting aside the name of Flamins and Archflamins, for which there is no foundation at all, yet the thing itself hath no such absurdity or improbability in it.” Stillingfleet’s “Antiq. of British Churches,” chap. 2; see also Usher, “Antiq. Brit. Eccles.” cap. 5. — ED. Caerleon. See infra,, p. 338, note (1). — ED. Ex vetusto codice regum antiquorum. [There are serious objections to the genuineness of this epistle, which is exhibited more at length, and the subject fully discussed, in Mason’s “Vindication of the Church of England, and of the lawful Ministry thereof;” (Lond. 1728) book 2 ch. 3. Bp. Stillingfleet’s (p. 66) general view of the circumstances is probably correct. See also Cressy’s “Church History of Brittany,” b. 4 c. 4, sect. 7. See more in the Appendix to this Volume. Eleutherius was pope, A.D. 177—192. L’Art de Ver. des Dates. — ED.] a114 There is an error here; the reader may consult the Appendix to this volume; also Stillingfleet’s “Antiqutities of the British Churches,” p. 59, edit. 1685; and Usher’s “Britan. Ecclesiastes Antiquitates,” cap. 6, p. 54, edit. 1687. — ED. a115 “Dues judicium tuum Regi da,” etc. Henr. Huntingd. lib. 1.
Ft1678 M. Westin. sub a 201. Fabian, pt. 3, sub finem. — ED.
Ft1679 King Lucius has been confounded with a German monk of that name.
The authors, who have mentioned the missionary journey of the former, are cited in Usher’s “Brit. Ecclesiastes Antiq.” pp. 17, 18; see also Fuller, cent. 2, sect. 14. — ED.
Ft1680 Rather he so dates Lucius’s endowment of churches. — ED.
Ft1681 Ex Beds. Polychron. Monumetensi.
Ft1682 This Helena, being the daughter of Coel, and married to Constantius, father of Constantine, is said to have first made the walls of London, also of Colchester, much about the year of our Lord 305, and to have been born in Britain.
Ft1683 “To rule and guyde this land of Briteyn in his (Constantine’s) absense, he ordeyned a man of might called Octavius, which was then king of Wales and duke of Gwiscop, which some expound to be Westsex, some Cornewall and some Wynsore.” Grafton’s Chronicle, vol. 1 p. 69, edit. Lond. 1809. — ED.
Ft1684 Fabian (p. 51, edit. 1811): “Of the martyrdome of these maydens, dyvers auctours wryte dyversly. Wherfore I remyte them that wyll have farther understandynge in this matter unto the Legende of Seyntes, radde yerely in the churche; where they maye be suffyciently taughte and enfourmed.” Archbishop Usher has examined the fable with his customary erudition. “Brit. Ecclesiastical Antiq.” pp. 334-42, edit. 1687. The history of the eleven thousand virgins is supposed by Sirmond to have arisen from a mistake of this kind. The first reporters, having found in manuscript martyrologies, SS. Ursula et Undecimilla V M. (i.e. Sanctee Ursula et Undecirnilla Virgines Martyres ) supposed that Undecimilla , with V and M following, was an abridgement of Undecim Millia Virginurn Martyrum (Valesiana, p. 49.) Encycl.
Metrop. Hist. vol. 3 p. 96. — ED.
Ft1685 Ex Chronico Monumetensi. [“ Galfrid. Hist. Brit.” lib. 6 cap. 3. See Usher, p. 199. Also Fabian, p. 53, edit. 1811. — ED.] This is briefly alluded to by Fabian, pp. 69, 75. — ED.
Ft1687 In Grafton’s Chronicle (vol. 1 p. 78) the words are “Nempnith your sexes,” that is, draw your knyfes; and “Nemet eour saxes” in Usher Brit. Ecclesiastes Antiq. p. 227, in a quotation from Ninius. — ED.
THE SAXONS (P. 314) Ex Galfrido, in suo Britannico, [lib. 8 cap. 3, 4. See Usher, “Brit.
Ecclesiastes Antiq.” p. 240, 241. — ED.] Ex Polychron, lib. 5 cap. 4; whence a slight correction is made in Foxe’s text. — ED.
Ft1690 Foxe having sometimes failed to make different kings synchronize as they should do in the following table, the dates A.D. of the accession of the kings are added, chiefly from Mr. Sharon Turner’s table, Foxe’s account of the length of their reigns being left to stand. — ED.
Ft1691 According to William of Malmsbry (p. 10), “Eisc” would be more correct; or “Esc,” as Henry of Huntingdon has it (p. 312. edit. Francof. 1601) Eosa was kinsman to Eisc, and was slain with him in battle by Uther; see infra, p. 322. See Usher, p. 241. — ED.
Ft1692 This Ethelbert, first of all the Saxons received the faith, and subdued all the other six kings, except only the king of Northumberland.
Ft1693 Ercombert commanded Lent first to be fasted in his dominion.
Ft1694 Egbert killed two sons of his uncle.
Ft1695 Unto the time of Edrick, all the bishops of Canterbury were Italians.
Ft1696 Some chronicles do place these two, Nidred and Wilhard, after Edriek, and give to them seven years; some again do omit them. Between the reigns of Alriek and Cuthred, some stories do insert the reign of Eadbert, which reigned two years. Of this Cissa came Cicester, which he builded, and where he reigned. This Nathanleod seemeth, by some old stories, to be a Briton, and the chief marshal of king Uther, whom Porth the Saxon slew. This Porth, a Saxon, came in at the haven, which now is called of him Portsmouth. Because I find but little mention of these two, I think it rather like to be the same Ethelwold, or Ethelwald, which after followeth. Of Condebert and Ethelred I find no mention but in one table only, and suppose, therefore, that the true names of these were Ercombert, and Egbert, which were kings of Kent the same time, and peradventure might then rule in Sussex. This Adelwold was the first king of Sussex christened, and, as Fabian saith, the fourth king of the South Saxons; as others say the seventh; so uncertain be the histories of this kingdom. This kingdom contained Somersetshire, Berkshire, Dorsetshire, Devonshire, Cornwall, etc. This Kinigilsus, the first king christened in that province, was converted by Berinus, and after made monk.
Ft1706 Cadwalla went to Rome, and there was christened, and died.
Ft1707 Ina also went to Rome, and was made monk. [Repeatedly called Ive by Foxeand Fabian. — ED.] Sigebert, for his pride and cruelty, was deposed of his people. And as he had killed before one of his faithful council, giving him wholesome counsel; so after was he slain of the same councillor’s swineherd, as he hid himself in a wood.
Ft1709 This Egbert was first expelled by Brithric, who after (returning again and reigning) was much derided and scorned with mocking rhymes, for a coward, of Bernulf king of Mercia. At length the said Egbert subdued him first, then all the rest to his kingdom: causing the whole land to be called no more Britain, but Anglia. Concerning the other kings after him in that lordship, hereafter followeth.
Ft1710 This Ida of his wife had six children, Adda, Elricus, Osmerus, Theodledus; of concubines other six.
Ft1711 This Alle was the son of Isse, and reigned in Deira; [i. e. between the Humber and the Tyne. — ED.] Some chronicles set under Adda, to reign in Bernicia [i. e. between the Tyne and the Firth of Forth. — ED.], these kings, Glappa or Claspa, Theonulf, or Hussa, or Theowain, Frihulf, Theodoric.
Ft1713 This Alfricus was the son of Ida, and reigned five years.
Ft1714 This Ethelfrid was he that slew the monks of Bangor, to the number of 1200, which came to pray for the good success of the Britons; and by his wife Acca, the daughter of Elle, he had seven sons, Eaufrid, Oswald, Oswy, Oslac, Osmund, Osa, Offa.—Flor. Histor.
Ft1715 This Edwin was the first of the Northumberland kings which was converted: he was christened by Paulinus bishop of London.
Ft1716 These two are put out of the race of kings, because they revolted from the Christian faith. and were both slain miserably by Cedwalla a Briton, who then reigned in Northumberland and in Mercia. This Oswald, called St. Oswald, fought with Cedwalla and Penda with a small army, and by strength of prayer vanquished them in the field.
He sent for Aidan out of Scotland to preach in his country, and as he preached in Scottish, the king expounded in English. He was a great giver of alms to the poor. Of his other acts more appeareth hereafter.
Ft1718 This Oswy, fighting against Penda, vowed to make his daughter Elfred a nun, giving with her twelve lordships to build twelve monasteries; six in Bernicia, six in Deira. The same Oswy, in the beginning of his reign, took one Oswin the son of Edwin to be his partner over the country of Deira. Afterward, causing him to be killed, took to him another called Edelwald, the son of Oswald.
Ft1719 Of this Oswin more followeth hereafter to be declared.
Ft1720 This Egfrid married Etbeldrida, who, being twelve years married to him, could after by no means be allured to lie with him; but, obtaining of him license, was made nun, and then abbess of Ely. She made but one meal a day. and never wore linen. At last the same Egfrid, fighting against the Scots, was slain in the field by a train of the Scots feigning themselves to fly.
Ft1721 Of this Alfred Bede in his history testifieth, that he was exactly and perfectly seen in the holy Scriptures, and recovered much that his predecessors had lost before. Some say, he reigned not eighteen years.
Ft1722 Osred began his reign being but eight years old, and reigned the space of ten years.
Ft1723 Some affirm that Osric reigned but eleven years.
Ft1724 This Celulf, after he had reigned eight years, was made a monk. To him Bede wrote his history. “Gloriosissimo Regi Ceolvvlpho Beda famulus Christi et Presbyter.” See the Dedication to Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of Britain. — ED.
Ft1725 Mollo by the subtle train of Alcred was made away, which Alcred also himself, after he had reigned ten years, was expulsed by his own people.
Ft1726 In some chronicles this Alcred reigned but eight years.
Ft1727 Penda slew in battle Edwin and Oswald kings of Northumberland.
Also Sigebert, Edrick, and Anna, kings of the East Angles.
Ft1728 Under Peda and Ulferus Christ’s faith was received in those parts, they being converted by Finian, bishop. The same Peda reigned in a part of Mercia, with his brother Ulfer, who were beth the sons of Penda.
Ft1729 This Ulfer by his wife Ermeburg, had three daughters; Milburg, Mildrith, and Mildgith, holy virgins. Also he drove out Kenwalkius, king Of the West Saxons. See p. 348.
Ft1730 This Adelred, or Ethelred, was monk of Bardney, whose sisters were Kinedrid and Kinswith, holy virgins.
Ft1731 In the time of this Ceolred was Guthlake, otherwise called St.
Guthlake, the popish hermit of Crowland. Under Ethelbald died Bede. Ethelbald gave, that all churches, should be free from all exactions and public charges. This Bernred, for his pride and stoutness toward his people, was by them deposed; and the same year, by the Just judgment of God, burned. — Histor. Cariens. Offa, causing or consenting to the death of good Ethelbert, king of the East Angles, peaceably coming to marry his daughter, for repentance caused the Peter-pence first to be given to Rome, and there did his penance. This Kenelm, being seven years of age, was wickedly slain, after he had reigned six months. This Ludecane after the second year of his reign, was slain of Egbert, king of the West Saxons. by whom the rest of the Saxons were also subdued. This Sebert, nephew to Ethelbert king of Kent, among these kings was first christened by Mellitus: he also made the church of Paul’s. Sexred, Seward and Sigebert expelled Mellitus the bishop, because he would not minister to them the sacramental bread, they being not baptized. They were slain of Kinegils and Quicheline his brother, by the just judgment of God, for they revolted again from their faith, and expelled Mellitus bishop of London. This Sigebert the Good, or Sibert, much resorting to Oswy king of Northumberland, by his persuasion was brought to christian baptism, baptized of Finian, bishop, to whom also was sent Cedde with other ministers to preach and to baptize in his country. At last he was slain of his men about him, using too much to spare his enemies, and to forgive their injuries that repented. · — Flor. Hist. This Sigherius and Sebbi first fell to idolatry; then, through the means of Ulfer or Wolfer king of Mercia, were reduced, and at last Sebbi became a monk. Offa, after he bad reigned a while, became a monk at Rome. Malmesb. de Vitis Pont. Malmesbury’s words are, “propemodum nihil efficere visas est.” — ED. Of this Uffa, the people of Norfolk were then called Uskins [or” Uffings.” Higden. — ED.] Redwald first was converted in Kent. Afterward through the wicked persuasions of his wife and others, he joined idolatry with Christianity. Notwithstanding his son Erpwald through the means of Edwin king of Northumberland, was brought to the perfect faith of Christ, and therein faithfully did continue. This Sigebert made himself a monk, and afterward brought out to fight against Penda with a white stick in his hand, was slain in the field. The daughters of Anna were Sexburga, Ethelberta, and St. Etheldreda. This Ethelbert for his holiness and godly virtues is counted for a saint; he, innocently coming to Offa king of Mercia, to marry with Althrid his daughter, by the sinister suspicion of Offa, and wicked counsel of Kineswina his wife, was cruelly put to death in the house of Offa. For the which cause Offa. afterward repenting, went to Rome, where he made himself a monk. This Dunwich lieth upon the sea side, in Suffolk. North Elmham, in Norfolk. — ED. So says Hardyrig in his Chronicle: Hector Boethius says, “cure numerosa classe navium :” but M.Westm. and Fordun say, “cum tribus millibus armatorum sibi sociatis.” — ED. “Upon the playne of Ambrii, now called Salesbury.” Fabian, pp. 66, edit. 1811. — ED. Matthew Westmonast. p. 84, edit. Francof. 1601. — ED. Armories, called Little Britain and Bretagne from the settlement there of the British refugees. — ED. At the battle of Aylesford, A.D. 455. — ED. York, according to some chronicles. — ED. Ex Herin. Huntingtonensi, Galfrido, et Chronico quodam Cariensi. [Math. Westmonast. p. 92, edit. Francof. 1601. — ED.] Bed. Ecc. Hist. lib. 1:cap. 16. — ED. Ex Historia Cariana. [See Usher, Antiq. p. 241. — ED.] Foxe here reads Octa; but as he means the same person whom he calls Osca, at p. 314, that reading is here introduced. — ED. Flor. Hist. [M. Westmonast. pp. 96, 97, edit. 1601. — ED.] M. Westin. ad ann. 586. — ED. See supra, p. 312. — Era Nobiliores totius regni praedictos duces sequti fuerunt, et ignobiles remanebant, qui cum vicem nobilium obtinere coepissent, extulerunt se ultra quod dignitas expetebat. Et ob affluen-tism divitiarum superbi coeperunt tali et tantae fornicationi indulgere, qualis neo inter gentes audita est. Et, ut Gildas historicus [sect. 21] testatur, non solum hoc vitium, sed omnia quae humanae naturae accidere solent, et praecipue quod totins boni evertit statum, odium veritatis, amor men-dacii, susceptio mall pro bono, veneratio nequitiae pro benignitate, exceptatio Sathanae pro angelo lucis: ungebantur reges, non propter Dominum (“Dominium” is Foxe’s reading, “Deum” Geoffrey’s), sed qui caeteris crudeliores essent. Si quis nero eorum mitlor, et veritati aliquatenus proprior videretur, in hunc quasi Britanniae subversorem omnia odia telaque torquebantur. Omnia quae Deo placebant et displicebant aequali lance inter eos pendebantur. Et non solum hoc seculares viri, sed et ipse grex Domini, ejusque pastores, sine discretione faciebant.
Non igitur admirandum est degeneres tales patriam illam amittere, quam praedicto modo maculabant. Ex Historia quadam Cariensi. [Biblioth.
Patrum (Paris, 1576), tom. in. col. 585. Gildas, p. 2?, edit. Lond. 1818; also Gulfrid. Monumet. lib. 12:cap. 6. — ED.] This Berda, or Bertha, being a Christian, was married unto Ethelbert upon the condition that she should be suffered to enjoy her religion. [He was the first’ Christian ‘ king in Kent.’ — ED.] Page 162, edit. 1601. “Matthaeus, Florilegus dictus, Westmonasteriensis Monachus ord. Bened., claruic a. 1371. Scripsit ‘ Historiarum Flores,’ sen Annales ab orbe condito ad ann. 1307, ex Matthaeo Paris. quoad partem priorem fere descriptos.” Cave. — ED. This is the famous Danish sea-king Ragnar Lodbrog, whose true history Mr. Sharon Turner says was better understood by the Frankish than by the British chroniclers. He in reality perished at the hands of Ella, king of Northumberland, whose dominions he had invaded, between 862 and 867. This story is repeated infra, vol. 2:page 14. This falconer’s name was Bern. — ED. See Usher’s “Antiq. Eecles. Brit.” pp. 79, 80, edit. 1687. — ED. This name is altogether omitted in some accounts, which differ much as to his age and country; some assigning him a large kingdom in Ireland, etc. See Usher “Ecclesiastes Brit. Antiq.” pp. 296, 297. — ED. This Gormund, as some stories record, leaving his kingdom at home to his brother, said, he would possess no kingdom but which he should win with his sword. Foxe, at pp, 320, 323, 327, 328, assigns the dates A.D. 510, 568, 550, 580, for this event; the last (being that adopted by M. Westin.) is in each case adopted in the text. — ED. Foxe says 589 in the text, and 595 in the margin; probably the should have occupied the place of the 550, and 595 that of the 589 The year A. D. 595 was the year of Augustine’s first commission, and the alarm felt by him and his companions confirms the idea that Christianity was then under persecution in Britain. — ED. [These are Fabian’s expressions.wED.] King Lucius died 395 years before the coming of Augustine [i.e. if he died A.D. 201, as stated supra p. 311.] It is not easy to make out more than ten, consistently with Foxe’s own computations. It has been found necessary to alter some of his numbers in the remainder of this paragraph, they were so plainly incorrect.wED. Beda. Polychron. lib. 1:cap. 8. Malmesburiens. de Regib. [p. 17, edit.
Francof. 1601.] Henr. Hunt. lib. in. [p. 320]. Fabian, p. 5, cap. 119, liber Bibliothecae Jornalensis. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 1:sect. 90. — ED. Given by Bede, lib. 1:cap. 24. — Era Bede, lib. 1:cap. 23. — ED. Gregorius servus servorum Dei, servis Domini nostri. Quia melius fuerat bona non incipere, quam ab iis quae coepta sunt cogitatione retrorsum redire, etc. Ex Henr. Hunting. lib. in. Bede places Maurice’s accession A.D. 582. See Art. Gregory I.
Milner’s Hist. — ED. Daughter of Cherebert, king of Paris. Mezerai dates this marriage A.D. 470. — ED. Deprecamur to, Domine, in omni misericordia tua, ut auferatur furor tuus et ira tua civitate ista et de domo sancta tua, quoniam peccavimus; Allelujah !” Bede, lib. 1:cap. 26. — ED Bede, lib. 1:cap. 25. — ED. His name was Virilius. See Mr. Stevenson’s note on Bede, lib. 1:cap. 24. — ED. Ex decreto Gregorii primi; lib. concil, tom. 2:[Bede, “Eecles. Hist.” lib. 1:cap. 27, whence the following translation has been in a few places improved. — ED.] Foxe’s second question and answer appear in the printed copies of Bede as a portion of the first; his second question, moreover, is rather an explanation of the original, which reads thus in the printed copies — “ and how the bishop is to act in the church.” Foxe’s third, however, is quoted as” the third” by Parker in his” Antiqu. Brit.” His sixth and seventh appear as the fifth in the printed copies; and after his seventh question and answer, the following appear as the sixth in the printed copies : — Augustine’s Sixth Question. “Whether a bishop may be ordained without other bishops being present, in case there be so great a distance between them that they cannot easily come together.”
Gregory answers, — “ As for the church of England, in which you are as yet the only bishop, you can no otherwise ordain a bishop than in the absence of other bishops; for when do any bishops ever come from France, that they may be present as witnesses to you in ordaining a bishop? But we would have you, my brother, to ordain bishops in such a manner, that the said bishops may not be far asunder, to the end that, when a new bishop is to be ordained, there be no difficulty, but that the other bishops whose presence is necessary, may easily come together. Thus when, by the help of God, bishops shall be so constituted in places every where near to one another, no ordination of a bishop is to be performed without assembling three or four bishops.
For even in spiritual affairs, we may take example by the temporal, that they may be wisely and discreetly conducted. It is certain, that when marriages are celebrated in the world, some married persons are assembled, that those who went before in the way of matrimony, may also partake in the joy of the succeeding couple. Why then, at this spiritual ordination, wherein by means of the sacred ministry man is joined to God, should not such persons be assembled, as may either rejoice in the advancement of the new bishop, or jointly pour forth their prayers to Almighty God for his preservation ?” — ED. The gloss upon the [Decreti 2 pars; causal 12; quaest.i.; [cap. 8]; parag, 1:”Si qui,” saith, that this now holdeth not:; and allegeth the Extra. “de cler. conjug.” [See Decret. Gregor. 9:lib. in. tit. & cap. 1, “Si qui ;” et cap. 7, “Johannes.” — ED.] Whereby note how the pope’s decrees be repugnant to themselves. By this rule the marriage of king Henry with queen Katherine dowager was unlawful. [Decreti pars 2; causa.] 25; quaest. 2; cap. 3, “in Galliarum.” The following is the commencement of the ninth answer in the printed copies : — “ I do not doubt but that these questions have been put to you, my brother, and I think I have already answered you therein. But I believe you would wish the opinion which you yourself might give to be confirmed by mine also.” — ED. The following words are here added in the printed copies : — “ For it is very foolish to imagine that a gift of grace opposes that mystery in which all sin is blotted out.” — ED. He speaketh here after the custom of the time. “In the Decretals collected, or at least published by the appointment of Gregory IX. in the beginning of the twelfth century, the world is abundantly furnished with accounts of the nature, virtue, necessity of the pall, and of the time, manner, and circumstances of using it; where it is decreed, that an archbishop, till he had received his pall from the bishop of Rome, could not call a council, bless the chrism, consecrate churches, ordain a clerk, or consecrate a bishop; and that before any archbishop received his pall, he should swear fidelity to the bishop of Rome. (Decretal, lib. 1:tit. 6, cap. 4 and tit. 8.) “And whilst it was required, that on the translation of an archbishop, he should not carry his pale away with him, but demand a new one, by another canon it was determined that his successor should make no use of the pall he left behind; and by another, that every archbishop should be buried in his pall. :By these ways the church of Rome did, in time, raise a mighty revenue.” — Inett’s History of the English Church, vol. 1:p. 165. Fuller has some characteristic remarks upon this customary adjunct to Rome’s empty baubles — nugas dabit, accipit aurum.
Fuller’s Church History, cent. 7, sect. 38; Rivet, Jesuits Vapulans, cap. 10:sect. 2. — -:ED ] “Reverendissimo et sanctissimo fratri Augustino coepiscopo, Gregorius servus servorum Del. Cum certum sit, pro omnipotente Deo laborantibus ineffabilia aeterni regis praemia reservari, nobis tamen els necesse est honorum beneficia tribuere, ut in spiritualis operis studio ex remuneratione valeant multiplicius insudare,” &:c. An entire Latin copy of the epistle may be found in Foxe’s edition of 1563, p. 17. See also Bede’s Eceles. Hist. lib. 1:cap. 29, whence the above is revised. — ED. Bede’s Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 1:cap. 30. — ED. Id. cap. 31. — ED. Lib. 3, [p. 323. Edit. Francof. 1601; and in Bede, “Hist. Eccles.”lib. 1:cap. 32. — ED.] Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 9. Fabian. part 5, cap. 119. Lib. 2:cap. 2. — ED. The following notices of these English chroniclers (much quoted by Foxe) are taken from Cave’s Historia Literaria. Ranulphus Higdenus, Anglus, monachus Cestriensis ord. Benedict., claruit anno 1357. Historiam universalem ex aliorum chronicis contexuit, quam a creatione mundi exorsus ad sua tem- pora deduxit, eamque Polychronicon appellavit. Henricus Huntindoniensis, Anglus, Nicolai presbyteri conjugati filius, Albini Andegavii canonici Lincolniensis discipulus, ipsc etiam canonicus Lincolniensis, ac demum ab Alexandro episcopo Lincolniensi, quem Romam usque comitatus fuerat, archidisconus Huntindoniensis factus; claruit an. 1150. Scripsit ad Alexandrum Lincolniensem, “Historia Anglorum ab ipsis gentis pri- mordiis usque ad Stephani regis mortem, ann. 1154,” quam libris duodecim absolvit.
Johannes Brompton, Anglus, monachus Cisterciensis, deinde caenobii Jornallensis (rectius Jorvallensis) in agro Eboracensi abbas; claruisse videtem circa annum 1198. Extat sub illius nomine chronicon ab anno 588 ad annum 1198. — ED. Ex libro Jornalensi, Fabiano, et aliis. Bede’s words are, — “ to the city of Legions, which by the English is called Legacester, but by the Britons more rightly Carlegion;” it was the station of the second Auguetan legion. It was called “Carlegion ar Usk,” to distinguish it from “Carlegion ar Dour-dwy” (hod. Chester)’: it was often called “Chester,” as here, and infra vol. 2:p. 5, 25, 37; sometimes” Chester in South Wales,” as infra vol. 2:p. 28. To avoid confusion, “Caerleon” has been appropriated to the one, “Chester” to the other city. See Usher, Brit. Eccl. Ant. cap. 5. — ED. Galfridus Monumeten.; Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 10. Liber Bibliothecae Jornalensis. Gull. Malmesburiensis, lib. [i. de Reg. p. 18] Fabian, p. 5, cap. 119, 120. [Bede, lib. 2:cap 2. — ED.] [Hen. Hunting. p. 325, edit. 1601; Bede, lib’. 2:c. 2. — ED.] Bede names this abbot” Dinooth.” — ED. Nennius, the British historian, was one of these fifty. — ED. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 12. Polychron. The date 610 refers to the slaughter of the monks. — ED. This more probably took place in Kent. “When we find in Camden that the Medway, failing into the Thames, is divided by the isle of Sheppey into two great branches, of which one is called East Swale, and the other West Swale, I see no reason why we should look elsewhere for that river Swale.” Heylin, quoted in Fuller’s” Appeal to Injured Innocence,” p. 394 (edit. Lond. 1840) who himself assents to the conjecture. — ED. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 4. — ED. St. David in Wales, otherwise called Dewie. As this author, Geoffrey, archdeacon of Monmouth, is often mentioned by Foxe, we may remark that the opinions as to his fidelity very much vary, and that the fables which abound in his work: are not of his own fabrication, but were adopted from Walter, archdeacon of Oxford. “Scripsit de origine et rebus gestis regum Britanniae, 12:libros, qui una cum allis Heidelbergse, 1587, prodierunt.” Vid. Vossius “de hist. Lat.” p. 419, edit. 1651; and “Supplementa ad Vos.” (Hamb. 1709) p. 711. Arehb. Usher has made great use of him. See also Godwin “de Praesu-libus,” p. 633. edit. Cantabr. 1743. — ED. Polychron. lib. 5:c. 10. He was surnamed “Eleemosynarius,” “the Almoner.” — ED. This John was so bountiful in giving, that he essayed to strive in a manner with the Lord; whether the Lord should give more, or he should distribute more of that which was given. Supra, p. 40: where, however, Foxe promises to give the said correspondence in this place. — ED. Baronins relates from Sigebert, that Gregory appeared to Sabinian “per visum” three times, and chode him “pro culpa tenaciae et hujus derogationis ;” and at his fourth appearance “horri-biliter increpans, et comminane in capite percussit: quo ille dolore vexatus, non multo post mortem obiit” — -a story, which Pagi says Baronins should not have credited. It appears however to be just as worthy of reception as numbers of others proposed and urged upon the belief of the Roman catholic laity. Baron. “Annul.” an. 605, sect. 8. — ED. Fabian, part 5:cap. 120. Malmesburiensis lib. de Pontific. [lib. 2:p. 235]. H. Hunting. lib. in. [p. 324, edit. 1601. — ED.] Bede, lib. 2:cap. 3. — ED. This Edward was the third of that name before the conquest. Sylvester Giraldus, flourished in the court of Henry II. — ED. W. Malmesburiensis, lib. de reg. [p. 18. — ED.] This queen was Ethelburga, daughter to king Ethelbert, the christened king of Kent. Sometimes called Quichelm or Cwichelm. — ED. Sometimes called Cynigils. — ED. Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 12. Henr. Hunt. lib. in. So says Fabian; but Bede calls it “Doruvention, the regal city,” which Camden says was on the site of a village called “Auldby,” (i. e. old habitation), six miles from York. — ED. Fabian. pt. 5:[cap. 130; Bede, lib. 2:cap. 9. — ED.] Bede, lib. 2:cap. 9. — ED. Ibid. cap. 10,11. — ED. Bede, lib. il. cap. 12. — ED. He was baptized in St. Peter’s church at York, which he first caused to be made of wood; which after, by St. Oswald, was builded of stone. “Coifi” was the title of the chief of the Druids. See Palgrave’s “Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth,” vol. i.p. 155. — ED. Bede, lib. 2:cap. In Fabian it is “Gwevy,” p. 112; in H. Hunting. p. 328, “Gleni,” sometimes “Glen.” — ED. Note, Paulinus christened in rivers. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 14, 16. — ED. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 9,16,18. — ED. Bede (lib. 2:cap. 16) says, “with a new-born babe.” — ED. Bede, lib. 2:cap. 20. H. Hunting. p. 329; Matthew West. p. 114, edit.
Francof. 1601. — ED Ex Flor. Hist. Bede, lib. ii cap. 20; lib. in. cap. 14. [Matthew West. p. 114. — ED.] Bede. Ibid. Hunting. lib. 2:[p. 336.] Bede, lib. 2:cap. 15. — ED. Supposed by some to be Devilston, or Dilston, in Cumberland. — ED. From the prayers offered before the action, as Bede says. — ED. Galfridus [lib. 12:cap. 14], Malmesburiensis, Polychron., Historia Jornalensis, Fabian. .Foxe’s text has been corrected from Fabian in this last sentence. M. West. and Fabian make Cadwalla to be succeeded by his son Cadwallus or Cadwalinus, and him (after a reign of 48 years) by Cadwallader, A.D. 683. See infra, p. 357. — ED. Historia Jornalensis; Polychronicon. lib. 5:cap. 12. Now a village, nine miles S.E. of Oxford, whence the see was moved to Lincoln by Remigius, A.D 1078. — ED. “Guido de Columns, Siculus, Edvardi I. a sacra expeditione reducis in regnum comes, auctor Chronici libb. 36; item Historiae de Regibus Angliae, A.D. 1257.” Hoffman. Fabian often quotes him; in this case, however, he refers to “the auctor of the floure of hystories.” See Appendix. — ED. Bede, lib. in. cap. 7; Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 13; Fabian, part 5:cap. 133, 134. All the English chroniclers represent Kinegils, and not Quiceline, as the person who founded and endowed the two bishoprics, and as Kenwalcus’s father; so does Foxe himself at pp. 344, 380. See Appendix. — ED. Willelmus, Anglus, Somersetensis, coenobii Malmsburiensis monachus, ordinis Benedict., bbliothecarius, et praecntor, claruit circa ann. l130; obiit anno 1143. De eo haec nobilias. Savilius,.quo nemo melius judiicare. poterat. ., “Inter vetustissimos· . rerum nostrarum, autores, et narrationis fide et judicii matuntate principem locum tenet Guilelmus Malmsburiensis, homo, ut erant ilia tempora, literate doctus, qui septingentorum plus minus annorum res tanta fide et dili-gentia; pertexult, ut e nostris prope solus historici munus explevisse videtux.”
Cave, Hist. Lit. Malmesburiens. lib. de Pontif. Angl.; Cestrensis, lib. 5:;; Hist.
Jornalensis. Hunting. lib. in. Supposed to be Oswestry. — ED. Fabian, part 5:chap. 134. Weds is more correctly called Peda by Foxe, pp. 317, 383; Peada by Mat. Westmon. p. 120; and also in the Saxon Chronicle, by Ingram. (Lond. 1823.) A.D. 655. — ED. This and the preceding sentence contain a confused mixture of three different pieces of history: see Appendix. See also infra, p. 354, for the correct statement of the matter. — ED. Note the worthy liberality in the king; and no less in the bishop. Bedae Hist. Ecclesiastes Anglor. lib. in. cap. 14. — ED. Rather, “Alfrid.” — ED. Fabian, part 5:chap. 184. St. Chad. — ED. Beda, lib. 4:cap. 5; Polychron.; Jornalensis; Fabian. Rather, “Alfrid.” — ED. A word which Bede states, means “The Bay of the Lighthouse;” now Whitby in York* shire. Fuller’s Church History; cent. 7:book 2, sect. 90; Ingram’s Sax. Chron. p. 443. — ED. Ex Beda, lib. in. cap. 25; 4:23. — ED. This and the following speeches have been corrected in some places from the original. — ED. Agilbert; was a Frenchman. — ED. In the council of Nice no such matter appeareth. Yea, air, “Suffragia ecclesiae non numeranda sunt, sed ponderanda.” — Aug. Bede, lib. in. cap. 25. Malmesburien. [pp. 263, 266 ]; Hunting. [p. 336, edit. Franc. 1601,] Fab. cap. 135, [p. 121, edit. 1811.] Agatho was pope, A.D. 679 — 682. L’Art de V. des Dates. — ED. See above, p. 348. — ED. Brompton mentions Birinus as having officiated on this occasion. — ED, There is no authority for this: Wolfer became “patrinus” to Ethelwold, but no more: possibly our author was thinking of the baptism of Kinigils, supra pp. 347, 348. — ED. H. Hunting. lib. in. p. 334. — ED. Bede, lib. 4:13; whence several words wanting in the text are supplied, to make the sense clear. — ED. Called “Cedema” in Fabian, p 122.. “Lindeseia apud Sideneiam ;” Sidnacester apud Lin-colnlenses olim celebrem. (Wilkins, Conell.
Magnae Brit. tom. 1:p. 51.) “About this time (678) Ecgfride founded another bishopric at Sydnacester in Lincolnshire, near the Humber.” — Inett’s History of the English Church, vol. i.p. 90. — ED. Mahomet himself died A.D. 632. — ED. Ex Polychron.; Giraldo Cambriensi; Stephano Cantuariensi. “Quid autem acciderit, ut Theodorus sanctise, archiepiscopus (me superstite in sede, quam licet indignus dispensabam) absque consensu cujuslibet episcopi ex sua authorirate (mea humiii-tate non acquiescente) ordinaverit tres episeopos: omittere magis quam urgere, pro ejusdem viri reverentia, condecet. Quem quidem, pro eo quod ab hac apostolicae sedis summitate directus est, accusare non audeo,” etc.
Gull Malmesburiensis, lib. 1:de gestis pontif. Angierum. [p. 196, edit. 1601. — ED.] The cause of an archb, of York’s death, according to the metrical relation In that rare volume, the “Missale ad usum Ecclesiastes Eboracensis,” (Parisiis, 1533) is remarkable on several accounts. We give it as prosaically printed, but without the contractions, and without being answerable for some offenses against grammar, intelligibility, etc. — “Eboracum praesul redit, pontis casus nullum laedit de tot turbae millibus. In octavia Penthe-coates quidam malignantur hostes in eum pacifice. Et ut ipsum privent vita celebrantes achonita propinant in calice Toxicatura prophanis ille potus ille panis, per quem perit toxicum. Ambo praesul amplexerat ut per unum moriatur et vivat per reliquum. Vivit moriturque quidem; sod non agunt circa idem fermentum et azima. Corpus obit prae fermento, azimorum alimento vege-tatur anima. Virus bibit nocuum, risumque perpetuum brevi mercans lachryma. Mortem subit optimum dum sacrando victimam, fit et ipse victima. O Wilhelme, martyr Christi, per eundem quem bibisti salutaris calicem, fer solamen mundo tristi, et quem tibi placuisti nobis placa judicem.” As the volume, from which this extract is made, is so rare that Sir H. Nicholas (p. 94) doubts whether any perfect copy exists, but in the library of St. John’s Colossians Cambridge, its introduction may be excused. The 8th of June is the day dedicated to the archbishop’s memory, and his troubles seem to have had much in common with those of Wilfrid. — ED. Bede, lib. 5:c. 20. “Ubi videri et doleri potest humana miseria, quod videlicet quantumlibet quis sanctitate polleat, non ad plenum pervicaces mores exuat,” etc. Gull Malines. de gestis pontif. Anglorum lib.; Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 19. “Hertford,” according to Bede, ‘who has “Herudford.” The exact words in the first canon, as given by Bede, and Mat. West. (p. 122, edit. 1601) are, “dominica post decimam quartam lunam primi mensis.”
Both these writers give “Herudford” or” Hertford,” anno 673, as the seat of this council; though Thetford is very briefly mentioned by Hen.
Hunting. p. 318. Mr. Soames, “Hist. of the Anglo-Saxon Church,” thinks Hertford was decidedly the place. — ED. Bede, lib. 4:cap. 5. i.e. on the Sunday after the fourteenth moon of the first month. — ED. “Bishops and clergymen, when travelling.” Bede. — ED. Altered to once a year, on the calends of August, at Clovesho. — ED. This canon was thrown out. — ED. Rather, in the year following the council of Hatfield; see p. 354. — ED Some think this a mistake, arising from the circumstance of two different councils having been held much about the same time; namely, this at Constantinople, and another at Hedtfeld (see Bede, lib. 4:c. 17) under the presidency of Theodore of Canterbury, and upon the same subject — the heresy of Eutyches. There were several Asiatic bishops of the name of Theodorus present at the Constantinopolitan council, and some deputies from England, among whom, in 681, this Theodore might have been present. (See Dupin’s Rec. Ecclesiastes Hist. vol. 6:p. 66.) Malmesbury states of pope Agatho, that he assembled a council of fifty bishops, etc. “in basilica Salvatoris, quae appellatur Constantiana,” p. 263, edit. 1;’rancor. 1601. According to Labbe, Concill. (tom. 6:c. 579 a council was held at Rome in the Basilica Constantiniana in 680, under Agatho, having reference to disputes with England. For the subsequent remark about the permission of marriage, the 13th canon of the Quinisext council (A.D. 691) is probably alluded to. “Labbe. Concill.” tom. 6:col. 1147. — ED. The English historians distinguish between Cadwallader, the last king of the Britons, and Ceadwalla, king of the West-Saxons, whom they state to have been a lineal descendant of Cerdic. See supra, p. 346, note. — ED. Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 21. Repton in Derbyshire. — ED. Ingulphi Hist. p. 872, edit. Franc. 1601; and Matthew West p. 135. — ED. What strange sights this Brithwald or Drithelme did see after his death, read the ninth book of Henry Huntingdon. [Huntingdon’s History was written in twelve books. “Quatuor posteriores in duobus codicibus MSS. Bibliothecae Lambethanae asservantur. Nempe Nouns agit ‘ de Sanctis Angliae eorumque miraculis,’ ad verbum fete ex Bedae historia translatus.” Cave. — ED.] Guli. Malmesb. lib. 5:de Pontif. [Foxe must have obtained this from MSS. as the fifth hook does not appear in the later edition of this writer. It will be found in Gale’s collection, tom. in. and a strong eulogium upon Aldhelm in the secular part of Malmesbury’s history, p. 13. See also Fabian, pt. 6:p. 159. — ED.] “Declare” obsolete for” to clear, to free from obscurity,” Johnson: it seems to be used here sensu forensi; for “declarator” (according to Jacob’s Law Dict.) is an action, whereby we pray something to be declared in our favor. Malmesbury says — “Infantem allatum, vix dum novem a matte dierum, baptismi lavacro prius innovavit [Adelinus], sciscitatus est deinde publice, utrum vulgi opinio conveniret veritati de patre. Pusiolus in vocem absohtissimam conatus, nodum du-bietatis abrupit, sanctum et immaculatum esse Sergium, nunquam illum mulieri communicasse.” Fabian says, “the childe answered unto certain questions and clered the bishop of Rome of that crime.” — ED. Bede says A. D. 721, lib. 5:cap. 2 — 6. Ex Historia Jornalensi” de Regibus Northumb.” Fabian, part 6:c. 141, has “Wykcies,” but Palgrave has “Huiccas.” See “Hist. Angio-Sax.’ p. 83. — ED. Ranulphus in Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 23 [citing Malmesbury, p. 284. — ED.] Bede, lib. 5:cap. 21, de Gestis Angl.; Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 22. This rule of Easter seemeth to be taken out of the book of Numbers.
And they going out of Ramisse the fifteenth day of the first month, the next day after held their Easter, etc. See supra, p. 1, note. — ED. Ingram’s Sax. Chron. A.D. 716. — ED Maims. p. 22. — ED. Bede de Gest. lib. 5:cap. 21. — ED. The following translation has been revised from the original. — ED, How proveth he that the apostles Job and Joseph were shaven ? See how these shavelings would father their shaving upon Peter, which is neither found in Scripture, nor any approved story, but only in painted clothes. How doth the sight of the cross defend churches from evil spirits, when it cannot keep them from evil priests ? If shaving of the crown doth teach men patience in suffering, how cometh it that we see none more waspish and ireful than these shorn generations of monkish vipers ! There is but one Mediator between God and man, Christ Jesus. Icombkill or Iona. — ED. If Peter shall let the elect of God into heaven, Christ then serveth in little stead. Bede, ibid. — ED Fabian, part 5:cap. 141; Gull. Malmesb. de Reg. p. 15. — ED. Matthew West. pp. 131, 149; the Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 1095. — ED. See infra, vol. 2:p. 89. — ED. Maims. p. 21, edit. 1601. Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of England is addressed “Glorio-sissimo Regi Ceolwulpho.” — ED. These were in reality two monasteries, the former at the place now called Monks-Wearmouth, on the river Wear, opposite Sunderland; the latter a little below Gateshead, on the river Tyne, at a place afterward called Jarrow. They were both of the Benedictine order, which produced such harmony between them, that they were called one monastery. This led W. Malmesbury into the error of saying that they were opposite to each other, on the banks of the Wire. The above information is taken from Dr. Giles’s Life of Bede, prefixed to his translation of Bede. — ED. The venerable Bede was born near Durham, in a village now called Jarrow, near the mouth of the Tyne. “About a mile to the west of Jarrow there is a well called Bede’s well, to which, as late as the year 1740, it was a prevailing custom to bring children troubled with any disease or infirmity; a crooked pin was put in, and the well laved dry between each dipping. My informant has seen twenty children brought together on a Sunday to be dipped in this well; at which, also, on Midsummer-eve, there was a great resort of neighboring people” Brand’s Pop. Antiq. Lond 1813, vol. 2:p. 270, quoted in Dr. Giles’s Life of Bede. — ED. Supra, p, 349. This Benedict, master to Bede, was the first that brought in the use of glass windows into England. Also, the said Benedict brought from Rome with him John, the arch-chanter, who first taught in England to sing in the choir after the manner of Rome. “An Beda Romam profectus sit, ut Sergius Papa per literas petiit, quas refert Malmesburi-ensis in lib. 1:de Reg. Angl. cap. 3, Ceolfrido Abbati scriptas, et ex eo Baronius, recte arbitratur Card. Doctiss.
Bedam illuc se non contulisse: cure in fine suae Epitome cunctum ab infantia tern-pus vitro suae in sui monasterii habitatione peractum a se affirmet. Mabillonius (saeculo III. Benedict. parte 1, in elogio historico Bedre) ait nonnihil suspicionis esse in ea epistola, quod vix Beda presbyter ordinatus sit ante morrem Sergii, et quia libris scribendis vacare coepit a tempore suscepti presbyteratus, quibus factum est, ut fama ipsius ad posteros spargeretur. Henschenius vero ad diem mensis Mail in vita venerabilis Bedae dieit, totam illam epistolam supposititiam apparere. Existimo tamen eam ab aliquo Sergii Papae successore datams qui cum paulo post demortuus fuerit, Ceolfridus Bedam Romam mittendum esse non existimavit.” Pagii Crit. in Baron. an. 701, sect. 2. Mr. Stevenson, in his Introduction to the recent edition of Bede (Lond. 1838), supposes that Bede’s name has been introduced into the letter by Malmesbury (whereas, the request of Sergius was general, that some one, “quendam,” might be sent), and that hence arose the story of Bede’s invitation and actual journey to Rome. — ED. G. Maims. p. 22. — ED. The year before, according to M. Westmon. p. 139; and the Saxon Chron. A.D. 734. — ED. This is hardly correct, Farne being the largest of the group of islands, now denominated from it the Farne Islands, upon the coast of Northumberland, and at no great distance from Lindisfarne. Raine’s “St. Cuthbert. with an account of the state in which his remains were found,” etc. (Durham, 1828), p. 21. Bede represents it in the same way; Hist. Ecclesiastes 4:27. Hegge, in allusion to the dietary change which Ceolwolf introduced, remarks, “A welcome man you may be sure to that monastery !” “Legend of St. Cuthbert,” by Robert Hegg.
See also Hoveden, “Annall.” p. 418, edit. 1601. — ED. “Clovesho” is supposed by some to be Cliff, near Gravesend, in Kent. Fuller’s Church History, cent. alii. b. 2, sect. 21; Wilkins, Concil Mag. Brit. tom. 1:pp. 94 — 100. But Johnson think3 that this must have been “Abbyndon in Berks, of old written Sheafs-ham, perhaps for Cleofs-ham” (See “Ind. Nora. Loc.” at the end of “Chron. Sax.”); and not Cliffe in Kent, on account of the insalubrity of the climate, etc. “Collection of Ecclesiastes Laws Canons,” etc. vol. 1:an. 673, sect. 7.
Bishop Gibson is of the same opinion, and argues from the book of Abbington, which says, that it was anciently written “Shovesham,” probably a corrupt reading for” Clovesham ;” and adds, “Hic sedes regia: hic, cum de regni praecipuis et arduis tractaretur negotiis, concursus fiebat populi.” An annual synod was appointed to be held at this place on the Calends of August by the seventh canon of the council of Thetford, supra p. 356. It is no doubt of importance to remark, that Foxe has represented the decrees to be in number thirtyone, whereas, in Wilkins and in Labbe, tom. 6:col. 1573-85. the thirtieth finishes the list. Gull. Malmesb. has numbered them in the same way as Foxe, p. 197, edit. 1601. — ED. Ex Malmesb. lib. “De Gestis Pontif. Anglo.” The rogation-days had not then that superstition in them which they had afterward. At Crediton, in Devonshire, about A.D. 680. He was archbishop of Mentz A.D. 745 — 755. L’Art de Ver. des Dates. — ED. Hoveden, “Annales,” p. 408; Matth. West. p. 140; Sax. Chron. by Ingram, p. 67, Lond. 1823. — ED. Malmesbury, p. 28; and in Wilkins’ Concil. tom. 1:pp. 87-90, more at length. — ED. In Maimes. “Winedi ;” in Wilkins “et apud Persas.” — ED. Boniface was first patronized and sent forth by Gregory II.; again by Gregory III., who made him a titular bishop, gave him the metropolitan’s pall, and appointed him legate of the holy see: he was made archbishop of Mentz by pope Zachary. L’Art de Ver. des Dates. — ED. A.D. 744.. Centuriatores Magdeb. cent. 8:cap. 10. coil. 448 and 485, edit. Basil, 1624. — ED. Baronius, as quoted by Labbe, (Concil. GED. tom. 6:col. 1493) will fully support this state-merit, and the passage would be worth citing for its lively style, had we room. See” Mariani Scoti Chronicon,” col 395, edit. 1559; and Bellarmin. “de Romans Pont.” lib. 2:cap. 17. — ED. In 727 Leo the Isaurian, surnamed Iconomachus, began to oppose the worship of images in the church: and a rupture commenced between this Greek emperor and the see of Rome, under pope Gregory II., which laid a foundation for the temporal power of the Roman prelate, which in a few years was effectually established. — ED. Rather Gregory the second. “De Dialogis dubitatum est an Gregorii primi legitimus foetus essent; et sane Chemnitius animadvertit Italicis prodigiis plenos esse, nec in orationis genere, nec in rebus ipsis cum Gregorii reliqnis scriptis congruere: et fortasse sunt Gregorii illins qui a Graecis “Dialogus” est cognominatus, quod cognomen (air Cedrenus ad an. Leonis 10) ob suas lucubra-tiones adeptus est; quas lucubrationes, dialogos istos fuisse verosimilie est. Is autem fuit Gregorius secundus, qui vivebat an. 726. Baronius et F. Ducaeus, qui ejus epistolas de imaginibus Graece et Latine ediderunt, annal, tom. 9:contendunt, Graecos, qui” Dialogi” nomen huic secundo tribue-runt, utrumque Gregorium 1 et 2 confudisse, et in eo fuisse deceptos; quod tamen nullo argumento vel levissimo probant. Fuisse opinionem quorundum virorum doctorum, autorem” Dialogorum” esse Gregorium 2, Possevinus etiam fatetur; quod firmatum videtur auctoritate Photii in biblioth. (cod. 252), qui “Zachariam Pontif. Romans Gregorii dia>docon ait curasse, ut in linguam Graecam con-verterentur. At Zacharias fuit Greg. 2, immediatus dia>docov .” Rivet. “Crit. Sac.” lib. 4, cap. 29. [Zachary, however, was the immediate successor of Gregory the third]. — ED. The Dialogues attributed to Gregory I. seem to be his genuine production: vide Cudin, “Comment. de Scripp. Eccles.” tom. 1:col. 1506; and “Alex. Natalis Hist. Eccles.” vol. 10:p. 93, edit. 1787. See Clarke’s “Succession of Sacred Literature,” vol. 2:p. 360. — ED. [Autorem citat Baronius Anastasium Bibliothecarium. (p. 93, edit.
Mogunt. 1602.) Hoc primum est exemplum hujus submissionis, nondum injunctae, sed sponte delatae, ab illo Impera-tore, quem oeternum opprobrium domus suoe agnoscunt ipsi, qui hoc ejus factum laudant historici.” Riveti “Jesuita vapulans,” cap. 28, sect. 31. — ED.] Roger Hoveden, p. 408, edit. 1601; and the Saxon Chron. A.D. 755. — ED. “Cynewulf was desirous of expelling a prince called Cyneard, who was the brother of Sebright.” Saxon Chron.; Fabian, p. 139 — ED. The archbishop had invited Charlemagne to invade Britain, and withstand Offa. A slight transposition has been made in this sentence. — ED. Called to this day “Offa’s Dyke.” — Palgrave’s History of the Anglo-Saxons, p. 84. — ED. This Alcuin is commended for his learning next to Aldelm and Bede above all Saxons [He died at Tours, A.D. 804. Cave. — ED.] Ex Hist. Jornalensi et Malmesburiensi. Foxe here confounds Offa, king of Mercia, with Offs, king of Essex, who nearly a century before turned monk and went to Rome (see supra, p. 318, note (10)), with Kenred, king of Mercia (see sup. p. 317, and infr. p. 376. 384). — ED. Foxe has not inserted him in the list in p. 384. — ED. “Non arbitror quod nobillissimus juvenis Egfertus propter peccata sua mortuus sit: sed quia pater suns, pro confirmatione regni ejus, multum sanguinem effudit,” etc. Alcuinus Osberto patricio; [in G.
Malines. p. 33. — ED.] Part 6:chap. 151. — ED. P. 33. Mat. Westmon. p. 150, and the Saxon Chronicle, A. D. 794, call the released king “Eadbert.” — ED. Anastasii de vitis Romans Pontiff. p. 126, edit. Mogunt. 1602; Labbe, tom. 6:coil. 1628. — ED. Ex Polyc. lib. 5:cap. 25. Anastasius de vit. Pontif. p. 131. — ED. In a council held at Rome, April 12th, A. D. 769. — ED. The council here referred to was held A. D. 754, under the auspices of Constantine Coprony-mus: it was attended by 338 bishops, who passed a strong sentence against image-worship: it was considered and called by the orthodox party the “Seventh General Council ;” but the Romish church rejects its claims to be so considered, and sets up instead the second Nicene Council, held in ,A.D. 787 in favor of imageworship, as the true “Seventh.” See Binii Not. in Labb. Cone, Genesis tom. vi col. 1661. — ED. In “Epist. ad Car. M. pro Synodo Nic. II.” apud Labbe, tom. 7:col 960. This device is, however, much older than the times of Adrian, or even Augustine. See “Eusebii Praep. Evang.” lib. in. cap. 7. — ED. Vide Martini Poloni Chron. col. 138, Basil, 1559; and the Lect. Vat. on p. 128, prefixed to “Anastasii Hist. de vitis Romans Pontiff,” edit.
Mogunt. 1602. — ED. Supra, p. 341. — ED. Ex Durando [rationale Divin. Offic. lib. 5:cap. 2, sect. 5. — ED.] Nauclero [Chron. vol. 2:gen. 28, p. 705, edit. Colon. 1579. — ED.] Jacob de Voragine, in vita Greg. Atqui tamen ipsis commentum placet. Terent. [Andr. I, 3, 20.] See “Bel and the Dragon,” in the Apocrypha. — ED. Austriae Civitas, or Cividad di Friuli, an ancient town of Italy, in the Venetian territory. — ED. In G. Malmesb. p. 32. — ED. This assertion seems incorrect ; but this portion of the history is rather perplexed. According to the statement of Anastasius, Desiderius, king of the Lombards, made the application to Adrian, “ut ipsos antefati Carolomanni filios reges ungeret ;” etc. (in Baron. Annul. an. 772, sect. 9) and the wife of Caroloman was Gilberga, not Bertha. (Pagii Crit. an. 770, sect. 7.) The mistake arose, apparently, from Bertha, the mother of Caroloman and Charlemagne, having traveled into Italy, her meeting Caroloman at Saluzzo, and effecting a reconciliation between the two brothers; but this occurred under the previous pontificate of Stephen III. The general statement of Pagi is: “Gravissimum fuit hoc anno Hadriano pupae cure Desiderio Longobardorum rege dissidium; hic enim, nt de Carolo Francorum rege, qui divortium cum filia ejus Desiderata fecerat, ultionem sumeret, Gilbergam Carolomanni regis conjugem, ejusque filios in fidem suscepit, eosque adversus Carolum regem per novum pontificem consecrari reges tentavit,” etc. Crit. ad an. 772, sect. 2 and 770, sect. 3. — ED. Conrad duke of Franconia was chosen emperor A.D. 911, Otho duke of Saxony having declined the honor on account of his great age:
Conrad’s authority, however, was not recognised in Italy. Conrad was succeeded in 919, by Henry I., son of Otho, just mentioned; and he was succeeded by his son Otho I., A.D. 936, who was crowned emperor at Rome by John XII. A.D. 962. Otho I. was evidently ‘nepos,’ i.e. grandson (not “nephew”) to Otho, duke of Saxony, (not “Conrad.”) See infra, vol. 2:pp. 43, 71. “Nephew,” however, is often used for “grandson.” See supra, p. 89, note (2.) — ED. “Anno 792 Carolus Rex Francorum misit synodalem librum ad Britanniam, sibi a Constan- tinopoli directum. In quo libro (heu proh dolor), multa inconvenientia et vers fidei contratia reperiuntur, maxime quod pene omniurn orientalium doctorum non minus quam 300 vel eo amplius episcoporum unanimi assertione confirmatum sit, imagines adorari debere: quod omnino ecclesia Dei execratur. Contra quod scripsit Albinus epistolam ex authoritate divinarum scripturarum mirabiliter affirmatam, illamque cum eodem libro ex persona episeoporum ac principum nostrorum, regi Francorum attulit.”
Hoveden. [Page 405, edit. Francof. 1601. — ED.] This Albinus was Alcuin above mentioned. ft1970- Winchester. — ED. Roger Hoveden, lib. contin, post Bedam. [“ Rogerus de Hoveden, Eboracensist Henrici II. domesticus, postea primarius theol, prof. in Acad. Oxon.; claruit a. 1198. Scripsit “Annalium Anglicanorum libros 2,” ab a. 731 (quo deslit Beda) usque ad a. 1202.” Cave. — ED.] Ethelred, in the Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 774; which agrees better with what follows in the Latin quotations from William of Malmesbury. — ED. G. Malmesb., p. 26, according to the edit. 1601, says, “post discessum Sancti Paulini ;” which is the correct reading in both respects, Paulinus having left York, and died in Kent. Bede, “Hist.
Ecclesiastes Angl.” 2:20; Hi. 14. — ED. “Quid significat pluvia sanguinis, quam quadragesimali tempore in Eboraco civitate, quae caput est totius regni, in ecclesia beati principis apostolorum vidimus, de borealibus partibus domus sereno aere) de summitate minanter cadere? Nonne potest putari, a borealibus partibus venire sanguinem super terrain ?” Ex Historia Malmesburiensi. The text of Foxe differs slightly From the edition of Malmesbury (p. 258) which we have before us; and he must indeed have consulted a MS. copy; the first printed edition not having appeared till 1590, some years after Foxo’s death. — ED. Bertrio or Beortric. — ED. The first arrival of the Danes was in Wessex, A.D. 787, the third year of Brightric, and to this Foxo’s account chiefly refers: the second was seven years after, in Northumberland, in the tenth year of Brighttic, A.D. 794. See Polychronicon (referred to by Fabian) and Chronicon Sax.; also infra, vol. 2:p. 5, margin. The words inserted in brackets make the text more correct. — ED. “Sceius plane exsercandum,” observes Baronins (ad an. 790, sect. 8) “nisi (qnod multi excusant) justitiae eam zelus ad id faciendum excitasset, quo nomine eadem post haec meruit commendari.” — ED. See Saxon Chronicle by Ingram, p. 86, and note 3. — ED. G. Malines. p. 88; and Fabian, p. 147. — ED. “Lightly,” i.e. commonly. Todd’s Johnson. — ED. Bede, 2:3; Saxon Chron. A.D 604. — ED. Heofonfeld. Bede, in. 2. — ED. Polychron. lib. 5:cap. 12. an, 635. Guliel. Maims. lib. De Gestis Pont. Ang. [lib. 2:p. 241, edit. 1601. “Tandem rex, qui Saxonum linguam tantum noverat, peraesus barbarae 1oquelae subintroduxit in provinciam alium suae linguae episeopum, vocabulo Wini, et ipsum in Gallia ordinatum.” Bede Hist. Ecclesiastes Angl. lib. in. cap. 7. See supra, pp. 347, 348. — ED.] See supra, p, 345. — ED. Bede. [Fabian, part 5:chap. 120. — ED.] Bede Hist. Ecclesiastes in. 19. “Suffolciensium Burg-castell illud est.”
Usher. “Brit. eccles. Antiq.” p. 501, edit. Lond. 1687. It is at this day called Burgh-ca*tell in Suffolk, where the rivers Garien and Waveney mingle waters. “Cressy’s Church-history of Brittany,” book 15:chap. 6, sect. 1 I. — ED. Higden calls him “Subregulus Merciorum :” he was nephew to Ethelred, king of Mercia, and his viceroy in those parts: probably he had much to do with superintending the building. See Tanner’s “Not.
Mon.” Higden states that Kineburga was Osric’s sister, and was by him made the first abbess: Foxe himself follows this statement in page 384. — ED. G. Malta. p. 27, edit. 1601. — ED. Bede, lib. 4:cap. [23, and note. According to Capgrave, Begs, vulgarly S. Bees, was the nun’s name. Cressy’s “Church-history of Brittany,” book 15:ch. 21, sect. 1. At Hartlepoole. Tanner. — ED.] Fabian, p. 119. — ED. Lastingham, near Whitby. Tanner. Bede, in. 23. — ED. This Hilda was first converted to the faith by Paulina, a godly and learned woman [Bede says by Paulinus, the bishop: lib. in. cap. 23. — ED.]: out of her monastery came five bishops. Hackness, a place in Whitby-Strand, thirteen miles from Whitby (according to Bede), and three from Scarborough. See Tanner’s “Not.
Mon.” — ED. Fabian, p. 120, edit. 181 50:— ED. Or “Icanhoe.” See “Saxon Chronicle,” A.D. 654. Supposed by some writers to be Boston, i.e. Botulph’s town: Cressy’s “Church-history of Brittany,” book 15:ch. 22, sect. 7. — ED. Polych. lib. 5:cap. 16. Foxe says” Ethelbald,” erroneously, as his own date shows: see Tanner. — ED. M. Westmon, an. 720. — ED. Matthew Westmon. p. 176, edit. 1601. — ]ED. See supra, p. 381, note (12). — ED. Ex chronicis Guliel. Malmesb. lib. 1:p. 29. Where the document slightly differs from that which Foxe here gives: some trifling emendations have therefore been made from Malmesbury.-Ed.] Several inaccuracies have been corrected in the following list. — ED. G. Malms. p. 89 Saxon Chron. p. 49. — ED. Bede (lib. in. cap. 21, 24) calls these two daughters of Oswy respectively “Eanfleda” and “Alhfieda.” — -ED. Malmsb. and Higden; who also describe Merowald as brother to Wolfer and Ethelred. Hence Foxe is mistaken p. 317, note (10). — ED. Rather “aunt.” See above, p. 381, note— ED. Bede, Hist. Ecclesiastes Angl. lib. 4:cap. h. — ED. The dates of the accession of the archbishops are taken from Richardson’s Godwin “De Praesulibus, etc.” — ED. In his time the monastery of St. Martin was builded in Dorobernia, by Witred, and his brother, kings of Kent. This Cuthbert after his death forbade all funeral exequies or lamentation for him to be made; William of Maim. de Vitis [Pontiff.
Angl. p. 198. — ED.] [He is named in Florence of Worcester “ Iainbertus” (p. 574), and “ Eanbert” in the Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 763. — ED.] In his time king Offa translated the metropolitan see from Canterbury to Lichfield by the grant of pope Adrian, being overcome with apostolical argument, as saith Flor. Historiar.; that is, with money. [The words in this historian are: “nam verisimilibus apost. sedem argumentis tam diu fatigaverat, sicut pro variis occupationibus de facili Romans Pontifices trahuntur ad consensum, obtinuit quod petebat,” etc. p. 143, edit. Francof. 1601.
William of Malmsbury speaks more plainly, p. 198; and the account in Wilkins (Concill. Mag. Brit. tom. 1:p. l52) will fully support the interpretation of Foxe. — ED.] This Ethelard by his epistles to pope Leo III., obtained the metropolitan see [to be restored] again to Canterbury. [Ethelard also went in person to Rome. — ED.] Flor. Wigornien. p. 681. — ED. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - LIFE OF FOXE INDEX & SEARCH
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